Sample Solution to Assignment 2 Your solution to the random assignment will be different. 1. Convenience Assignment It is easiest to plant one variety on 18 plots on one side of the field and the other variety on the 18 plots on the other side. Below is a picture of such and assignment and the yields, in bushels per acre, for each plot. The yields and a summary of those yields are given below. A 130 A 149 A 141 A 150 A 139 A 155 a) Variety n A 18 B 18 sp mean 144.9 141.8 A 149 A 133 A 156 A 142 A 155 A 138 A 139 A 152 A 137 A 155 A 139 A 150 B 155 B 131 B 146 B 136 B 147 B 137 B 137 B 147 B 132 B 152 B 137 B 145 B 145 B 136 B 148 B 133 B 153 B 136 std. dev 8.29 7.65 nA 1s 2A nB 1sB2 nA nB 2 std. error of difference s p 178.292 177.652 63.6233 7.976 34 1 1 1 1 7.976 2.659 n A nB 18 18 Using a two-sample t-test, the value of the test statistic is t 144.9 141.8 1.17 2.659 with a two-sided P-value of 0.2499. Because the P-value is not small (> 0.05), this indicates that although variety A has a slightly higher sample mean yield than variety B, the two varieties are not statistically different. The population means could be the same. b) This is probably not a fair comparison. One side of the field may be more fertile than the other or get more water than the other. There could be many lurking variables that could be affecting the yields besides that variety. 1 2. Systematic Assignment (Alternating) Many people think that an alternating sequence is a random, or at least an unbiased, sequence. Below is a picture of an alternating pattern, like a checkerboard, and the yields, in bushels per acre, for each plot. The yields and a summary of those yields are given below. A 130 B 137 A 141 B 138 A 139 B 143 a) Variety n A 18 B 18 sp mean 142.3 144.5 B 137 A 133 B 144 A 142 B 143 A 138 A 139 B 140 A 137 B 143 A 139 B 138 B 155 A 143 B 146 A 148 B 147 A 149 A 149 B 147 A 144 B 152 A 149 B 145 B 145 A 148 B 148 A 145 B 153 A 148 std. dev 5.75 5.37 nA 1s 2A nB 1sB2 nA nB 2 std. error of difference s p 175.752 175.37 2 30.9497 5.563 34 1 1 1 1 5.563 1.854 n A nB 18 18 Using a two-sample t-test, the value of the test statistic is t 142.3 144.5 1.19 1.854 with a two-sided P-value of 0.2390. Because the P-value is not small (> 0.05), this indicates that although variety B has a slightly higher sample mean yield than variety A, the two varieties are not statistically different. The population means could be the same. 2 3. Random Assignment a) Below is one possible random assignment of varieties to plots. This randomization was accomplished using a six-sided die. Rolling the die once gives a row number, rolling the die again gives column number thus identifying a unique plot. For example if the two rolls were 3, 6, then row 3, column 6 would be planted with A. This was done until 18 unique plots were assigned variety A. The remaining plots were assigned variety B. Below are the yields and a summary of those yields. b) and c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 d) Variety n A 18 B 18 sp 1 A 130 A 149 A 141 A 150 B 127 B 143 mean 150.4 136.3 2 A 149 B 121 A 156 B 130 A 155 B 126 3 A 139 B 140 A 137 B 143 B 127 B 138 4 A 167 B 131 A 158 B 148 A 159 A 149 5 B 137 A 159 A 144 B 152 A 149 B 145 6 A 157 B 136 A 160 B 133 B 153 B 136 std. dev 9.49 8.74 nA 1s 2A nB 1sB2 nA nB 2 std. error of difference s p 179.492 178.742 83.22385 9.123 34 1 1 1 1 9.123 3.041 n A nB 18 18 Using a two-sample t-test, the value of the test statistic is t 150.4 136.3 4.64 3.041 A two-sample t-test on these data has a test statistic of 4.64 with a P-value less than 0.0001. Because the P-value is so small (< 0.05), there is a statistically significant difference between the sample mean yields for the two varieties. With this randomization variety A is about 14 bushels per acre better than variety B, on average. e) Closer examination of the “Truth” reveals that in each plot variety A is 12 bushels higher than variety B. 3 JMP Output 1. Yield using Convenience Assignment 170 Convenience 160 150 140 130 120 A B Variety t Test B-A Assuming equal variances –3.1111 2.6577 2.2901 –8.5123 0.95 Difference Std Err Dif Upper CL Dif Lower CL Dif Confidence -10 -5 0 5 t Ratio DF Prob > |t| Prob > t Prob < t –1.17059 34 0.2499 0.8750 0.1250 10 Means and Std Deviations Level A B Number 18 18 Mean 144.944 141.833 Std Dev 8.28515 7.64853 Std Err Mean 1.9528 1.8028 4 2. Yield using Systematic Assignment 170 Systematic 160 150 140 130 120 A B Variety t Test B-A Assuming equal variances Difference Std Err Dif Upper CL Dif Lower CL Dif Confidence 2.2222 1.8543 5.9905 –1.5461 0.95 t Ratio DF Prob > |t| Prob > t Prob < t 1.198443 34 0.2390 0.1195 0.8805 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Means and Std Deviations Level A B Number 18 18 Mean 142.278 144.500 Std Dev 5.74769 5.37149 Std Err Mean 1.3547 1.2661 5 3. Yield using Random Assignment 170 Random 160 150 140 130 120 A B Variety t Test B-A Assuming equal variances –14.111 3.042 –7.928 –20.294 0.95 Difference Std Err Dif Upper CL Dif Lower CL Dif Confidence -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 t Ratio DF Prob > |t| Prob > t Prob < t –4.63811 34 <.0001 1.0000 <.0001 15 Means and Std Deviations Level A B Number 18 18 Mean 150.444 136.333 Std Dev 9.49441 8.74475 Std Err Mean 2.2379 2.0612 6