STAT 301 Data Sheet • Name: ______________________________ • Year in school:________________________ • Major(s):_____________________________ • List the Statistics courses you have taken. Course Number • • When Taken? Where Taken? Below are topics or terms that you may have seen in your previous Statistics courses. Circle all items that you are familiar with, i.e. you have not only seen and heard the term but actually have experience working with the concept or technique. sample mean sample variance multiple regression sample median sample range quartile interquartile range box plot t-distribution confidence interval test of hypotheses scatter plot simple linear regression correlation coefficient contingency table χ 2 statistic random sampling normal distribution paired data analysis F-distribution observational studies multiple comparisons sample standard deviation independent samples analysis histogram designed experiment influence backward elimination analysis of variance residual plot leverage stepwise selection stem (and leaf) plot outliers forward selection R2 What data analysis computing software do you use/have you used? CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY AND PUT A * NEXT TO THE ONE YOU PREFER TO USE. Excel Minitab SPSS JMP SAS Other (Specify)