ALTPLAN Microcomputer Software for Developing and Evaluating Accelerated Life Test Plans Karen L. Jensenf Department 0 Statistics Iowa State University November 1985 References. CONTENTS Introduction. General overview of accelerated life testing. PurposeofALTPLAN Getting started. Preparation of input values. Hardwarerequirements Starting the program Programorganjzation' ' Diagrams of the structure of the program. Brief description of MAIN menu options. Description of program options. Quit-donewithALTPLAN Input (or change) specifications of testing situation. Develop accelerated life test plans. Evaluate accelerated life test plans. Sample session with ALTPLAN Getting started. Enteringinputvalues Developingplans Evaluatingtheplans Exiting from the program. Remarks about the sample session. 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 l7 9 11 11 ..12 16 19 22 22 22 28 36 38 39 Appendix A. DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF ACCELERATEDLIFE TESTS 41 B. INITIAL 43 c. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM LIMITATIONS D. AREAS FOR POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT E. STATISTICAL REFERENCESAND COMPUTATIONALFORMULAS. INSTALLATION OF ALTPLAN 44 47 Computational formulas. 47 i distribution. 1. INTRODUCTION General overview An accelerated tion life about the For example, percentile test time stress to which signed to operate of time that to failure or is is It is exposed for have a long lifetime ditions, it may be impossible at these In order the length of the experiment lating is at higher called type of extrapolation mean that intends stress design and fewer by the end of the level test. If level when operated make these test can be stress conditions. de- any other to the length of product is or design stress during about the time without accelerated" cona test to fail- increasing by running is then This is As in tI Inference failure product material inferences to a some type of enough failures to make inferences to or under product to estimate of a limit the or the time of stress. is often informa- the made by extrapo- type of extrapolation in stress. extrapolation few failures bution material levels. in time. to estimate the a life extrapolation Another is test, back to the and that to observe conditions obtain test assumed that the a life to life to there to of some material related situation, available is a particular expected performed performed may run an accelerated under experimental testing distribution product it life an experiment distribution. material type is a researcher of this of the of accelerated the than test, that The limit are may be necessary on available observed at lOOPth percentile lOOP% of the one would units low stress 1 life for the testing test may If one conditions. of the time at a certain need to the estimate. time in extrapolate to failure stress in distrilevel time to fail make With a fixed in stress is length that required is are necessarily of time required inversely increased. dangerous, it is designing a test low the researcher the amount of related -if important to of balance these balance test amount of extrapolation extrapolation one is each type Various to testing, and the Since plan. for plans the risks in decreased, extrapolation types of time the is other is potentially extrapolation have been developed1 for that a particular in that testing alsitu- ation. In developing these test plans, some simplifying assumptions are made: .there is a single .there is accelerating a linear relationship and an appropriate .the time to the Weibull To specify for the transformation failure log of the stress distribution a particular follows testing of time an appropriate 2 the design stress the linear relationship variable, a particular situation, transformation value stress may still the percentile of the the number of units 1 See, for failure and form such one must provide for the stress as values and the highest between log time variable, stress to value failure example, Meeker for which and trans- hold, time to failure distribution that estimated, 4. to variables: 1. 3. between the or the Lognormal. following formed stress available (1984) for the test, and Meeker and Hahn (1985) 2 - is to be 1. 5 the assumed form of the time 6 guesses stress 7 values guess value 8 for the of time is these values, specified the particular Since types life test variance ified 3. plans of test test plans stress plans design time (the and highest to failure censoring dis- time). may be developed. at which units units are to these may be developed, The following affects the experiment if which the occur at certain Robustness idea of of are criteria the size tests of these are estimate of the at a desired number that of in the the of experimental The expected specifications for test levels variance accuracy The basic at the for A test tested and levels comparisons comparing must accel- plans: The resulting 2 possible allocation several of failure spread parameter available by_the be made between plans. erated the and length distribution, (Pn and PH' respectively), tt'ibution, Given plan of the probabilities to failure level failures of the percentile: sample necessary at each based may be inaccurate to departures of planning the testing to obtain spec- of confidence level numbers are too small, stress this the of stress in assumptions and failures the upon may not levels from the assumed input an accelerated situation may be compared in various -3 test and use these ways - life values is to to take develop the test Purpose of ALTPLAN ALTPLAN is evaluation a computer program of accelerated life of several paring will these possible plans generate the and Hahn (1985) alternative 2. types of and will is test plans according that useful plans plans also the means of criteria development by Meeker the user to the evaluating mentioned presented allow the ALTPLAN allows and provides to in developand com- above. (1984) and ALTPLAN and Meeker modify plans or above) are given specify plans GETTING STARTED 2.1 Preparation The values to of of the input following ALTPLAN (default The type values of variables values (described are given transformation as in- in parentheses): to applied original stress values (Linear). 2. The design stress value assumed life-stress (Standardized 3. 0.000, of the time to failure 4. The total number of units 5. The assumed form of the time to 6. Guess values 7. The value 8. the of the stress time for the which spread parameter (1.000) - test to the hold is to be (1000). distribution probabilities, -4 be expected distribution failure (1.000) The censoring at which (0.10). available failure value 1.000) at the but ion design stress can still estimated for highest relationship values: The percentile and the in the (NONE). PD and PH (NONE). time to failure distri- 1. key. Hardware requirements ALTPLAN may be run on an IBM PC, AT or and a minimum of 256K RAM. XT with ALTPLAN requires and an 8087 Math Coprocessor at least DOS 2.1 An 8D-column printer one disk (or later drive version) is recommended, but not necessary. Starting the program Before procedure for Place starting is off, If the computer is turn already reset from menus program The user will <CONTROL><ALT> <DEL> simul- running ALTPLAN by typing: the 1 will the appear directions a menu-driven operation given program, by making may make a selection most cases, follow press begin to the 2 <ENTER> may be known to guide instructions. it on. in figure ALTPLAN is number corresponding In an installatiop, ALTPLAN screen controls B for time, the machine. Use ALTPLAN by following user first A. on, When the A> prompt appears, each screen this in drive the computer and the title the See appendix If to for the program A> 4 program ALTPLAN diskette taneously 3. the must be completed. Instructions 2 runni~g the option and then a terminology 5 bottom meaning series pressing as <RETURN>. used in the by typing menu has a default some users at The of the choices the the (D) that of single <ENTER>2 option terminology IBM documentation. which in AlTPlAN "icrocolputer SoftNare for Developing and EvaluatirlY Accelerated Life Test Plans Version 1.0 -Novelber 1985 Press ENTERto continue Figure 1: may be selected a program ways option 5 If the by simply Title pressing segment and move back number 1. a printer is up in is the on paper command. To obtain time, press begin everything to default may be obtained a copy of <CONTROL><PRTSC> simultaneously. appears To stop <CO~7ROL><PRTSC> again - on the this leave is al- option. the <SHIFT> <PRTSC> simultaneously. that -6 The option the menu structure output at a particular printing <ENTER>. In many cases it available, IBM PC print-screen screen screen, printing, using screen To press press 3. 3.1 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION Diagrams Figure of the structure 2: Diagram of the Figure 3: of the program structure Diagram of the 7 of the entire Input Module program Figure 4: Figure 5: Diagram of the Plan Development Module Diagram of the Plan Evaluation 8 - Module 3.2 Brief description of MAIN menu options The MAIN menu (shown in figure 6) is the routines on the main user Each option may choose menu options specific central menu has activities. Brief starting point a submenu with descriptions for all which of the follow ALTPLAN I1AIN I1ENU 1. 2. 3. 4. Quit -done with ALTPLAN Input (or change)specifications of testing situatiorl Developacceleratedlife test plans Evaluateacceleratedlife test plans Enter numberof selection \. ; Figure 6: 1. QUIT -DONE With this Main menu WITH ALTPLAN option the iting, the user will values and test plans user may exit be given -9 from the a chance to - program save the Before current exinput 3. ly. tion. 2 INPUT (OR CHANGE) SPECIFICATIONS OF THE TESTING SITUATION With this define option the them in ously the testing through these saved in a disk may enter situation. the by ALTPLAN. of plans, user Values keyboard If plans there If of the by reading a file are any plans currently they variables may be entered or and their file. values that by typing created corresponding input are not saved, they in previthe values list may be are discarded. DEVELOP ACCELERATEDLIFE TEST PLANS In this section of the of plans. Ten types test The user or There ticular 4 may modify completely plan program the user plans is of any plan specify also plans this generated includes section display sensitivity of automatical- has been previously stress in types values this devel- and allocations section to of delete par- from consideration. are each plan. the several may be generated that an option EVALUATE ACCELERATED LIFE As plans plans may develop TEST PLANS in the variance More information of the program: the the DEVELOP section, of the estimate for evaluation a sample characteristics of each type size of plans, of plan 10 - to the a display of of the percentile the for may be generated calculation, and an analysis assumed failure in detailed of distribu- the 4 DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM OPTIONS 4.1 Quit -done The screen with in figure ALTPLAN 7 will be displayed when this option is chosen QUIT -DONE WITHALTPLAN Decide Nhat to do with current inputs and plans 1. 2. Before exiting, save specifications and test plans Do nDt save specifications and test plans ID) Enter number of selection or <ENTER> for default ID) ,/ Figure 7: .Selection of the (but 1 will testing not deleted) asked for a file Selection 2 will allow the user situation with to save the and all this name under allow Quit menu plans testing which the user gram 11 - current that have situation. specifications been developed The user will be to save the data. to immediately exit from the pro- specifications. Input (or change) Specifications developed of the or specifications testing situation evaluated. Most of need not be changed before plans the to time have default of testing failure distribution values, so they situation must be entered the inputs have default can be developed. and the plans are values that The assumed form of failure must be entered before probabilities do not any plans may be de- before veloped Whenever situation, any changes the plans be directly are made in developed compared to under the plans The user has of the testing in a disk before the list may be read back into the program There file are two MAIN menu is plans, chosen. as is the in figure possible are plans method of input inputs gives user could of testing situation saving the cannot under the new plans and the they were developed is cleared. If this saved, data time. when the no plans program the under which appear are testing be developed at another menu that similar to to first, in the as above, and must to enter type the user the could currently and plans. Selecting the of plans there will option situation case when the main menu is there If which of INPUT option currently has just in on the the been started, list of the menu 8 appears The second the menus that specifications the former the specifications the the in Thus, input values option list appear but adds another of plans, also for the of changing -12 (from variables all the user choose whether the menu in figure by keyboard when INPUT is chosen question. on If must choose the to save the cur- 9 is presented. either menu) will allow The menu in figure the values or just 10 some of the quence. INPUT (OR CHANGE) SPECIFICATIONSOF TESTINGSITUATION "ethDd Df input? 1. 2. Enter input by keyboard (D! Enter input from file Enter numberof selection or <ENTER;for default ID) > Figure 8: values user Option 1 (ALL) will Option 2 Selecting a file to The user will ALTPLAN, that sible enter containing file take (SOME) leads to choose particular Initial the user to variables input input be asked input the menu in from a file the the entire figure 11, input se- allowing the to enter specifications for through There names. -13 allow and test name of is to be retrieved. ~1ill - the the user plans file, is no facility to retrieve from diskette. previously for saved listing by pos- INPUT (DR CHANGE)SPECIFICATIONSOF TESTIN6SITUATION "ethod of input? I Save current plans? (if any) 1. Enter input by keyboard -first, save current plans 2. Enter input by keyboard -do not save plans ID) 3. Enter input from file -first,save currerlt plans 4. Enter input fro. file -do not save plans Ente! nulber of selection or <ENTER>for ) Figure 9: Input 14 menu default ID) ENTERI NPUTBY ~:EYBOARD 1. 2. ChangeALL of the input values ID} ChangeSO"Eof the input values Enter numberof selection or <ENTER) for default IDJ ":' Figure 10: An input -15 - submenu CHOOSE THE VALUESYOUWISH TO "ODIFY 1. Modifyno lore values (D) 2. Life/stress relationship 3. Stress values andtheir input/output forlls) 4. Percentile to be estimated 5. Salple size 6. Distribution of ti.e-to-failure 7. _Failure probabilities B. Value of spreadparaaeter9. Censoringtile Enter number of selection ) Figure 4.3 Develop When the user accelerated selects 11: life this or (ENTER;.for An input test default (DJ submenu plans option on the MAIN menu, the menu in figure 12 appears. .Selection 1 simply tines and back to the Selection 2 leads generate various to 3 allows developed allows in and modify the user to the user out of the plan figure 13, development rou- MAIN menu the types menu are described .Selection takes menu in of plans. The types an appendix the user it. modify to take In the the -16 to this first stress allowing of plans the user listed to in this guide. a plan that step, the values has already menu in in various figure ways been 14 Once DEVELOP ACCELERATED LIFE TESTPLANS 1. Exit -returrl 2. 3. 4. 5. 6enerateplans autolatically Kodify a plan Specify a plan Delete plants) to the "AIN lenu (DJ Enter number of selection or <ENTER>for default (DJ ) Figure 12: all necessary the user is modifications given the the modifications the list another have option of are completed, of plans The user is menu been made to modifying stress the allocations. the plan then the is given evaluated the option levels, After and added to of modifying plan .Selection 4 allows and allocation first Plan development (Step 1), the user completely specify the stress values the stress values of a plan. The user must specify and then the allocation (Step Selection 5 allows The user is the presented choose the plans to user to with a to delete. -17 delete list of 2). some of all the current current plans plans and may GENERATE PLANSAUTOKATICALLY 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. Exit -return to DEVELOP lenu !D) Generate aJJ plans, then return to plan menu StatisticaJJy Optilum pJan4. 3 leveJ Best Standard plan Best Co.promise plans6. Equal ExpectedNumberFailing pJan 4:2:1 Allocatiorl plans Enter numberof selection or ':ENTER). for default !D) ,I Figure 13: Menu for automatic 18 - generation of plans MODIFYA PLAN Step 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. Modify stress values "ake no changesto stress levels (D) Add a stress level Delete a stress level Changea stress value Enter numberof selection or (ENTER}for default ID) ) Figure 4.4 Evaluate When option 14 accelerated 4 on the life 1 simply .Selection 2 leads plan. the sample size at user mula. to plan, the option After test returns a specified the particular level modification the user to necessary to have a specified of calculates, confidence. then the menu in shown that gives necessary the option of performing this changes a particular amount of accufirst 16 appears, chooses giving used in the sample are completed, sample size. calculation 19 15 appears. for The user figure the values any necessary figure the main menu which of changing the the menu in a routine level menu plans MAIN menu is chosen, .Selection racy Stress The user for another size a display is then plan. the for- is given EVALUATEACCELERATED LIFE TESTPLANS 1. 2. 3. 4. Exit -return to "AIN lenu !D) Calculate necessarysalple size Seedetailed display of test plans Perforl sensitivity analyses Enter numberof selection or (ENTER)for default ID) ) Figure 15: Selection 3 allows teristics of particular hIes the 2 and 10 in following for the user the stress ii) proportional iii) number of units iv) failure v) expected erated value see detailed plans. paper The display of Meeker menu displays follows of the the and Hahn (1985) charac- form of taand includes level: in original and standardized units, allocation, allocated, probability, and number failing. 4 allows plans to each stress i) Selection Plan evaluation to the the user to analyze the guesses made about the 20 sensitivity time to of failure the gen- distri- plans. CALCULATENECESSARY SAKPLESIZE Makedesired changesin current default values 1. 2. 3. "ake no (lore) changes ID) Value of the spread paraleter Percent error in estilate of percentile4. Probability of staying within percent error Enter nulber of selection or <ENTER> for default (DI > Figure 16: bution. to Version the If lated of assumed distribution is automatically the distribution distribution under calculated is analogously. the if guess values generated variance to the variance of the available 21 variances is in the of R(WLfLL) of failure of the list is a plan calcu- generated under of a plan distribution assumed distribution The analysis sensitivity of and evaluated Lognormal the plan is Weibull, assumption the of A ratio of the assumption R(LW/WW) is to ratio formula an analysis the distribution. the evaluated plans ALTPLAN offers each a Weibull defined used in the sample size for R(WLfLL) normal and 1.0 assumed form of calculated under Values a Log- generated assumption. is Lognormal sensitivity probabilities of is not and input. (e.g. 5. SAMPLE SESSION WITH ALTPLAN 5.1 Getting Consider the Hahn pared, started adhesive-bonded (1985) the power Following values of the the element list variables of example input that discussed values specify that the by Meeker must be pre- testiag situation are as follows: Model of life/stress relationship Highest stress valueDesign stress value Percentile to be estimated Sample size Assumed form of time to failure distribution Failure probabilities: PD Arrhenius 120 degrees 50 degrees .10 300 units Weibull .001 .900 Value of spread parameter PH Censoring time The program is 2 is testing started chosen Figures input 17 through specifying failure not in menu to instructions given enter the input routine above and op- specifications of the of censoring either values their for of adhesive-bonded power shown are those for probabilities, The routines entry main to the 21 show examples the Screens tion, 183 days situation. Entering ues 1.000 according on the C C original entry problem The val- are of sample size, given as distribu- and spread parameter. entry time element screens. of the require desired explanation. units stress Stress temperature) 22 value form(s) and for values may be given or standardized in The current (default) lodel for life/stress relationst:ip is LINEAR CHOOSE MODELFORLIFE/STRESSRELATIONSHIP 1. Linear: 2. -Inverse power law: 3. Arrhenius: X= T X = login X = -1 ! (T + 2731 Enter numberof selectiori or <ENTER} for defaul t !D) ) 3 Figure 17: units, est where standardized stress sively input tailed is with of stress to values, values displays. design (see formula standardized standardized lead 1.000 Entering and/or Since units in the all three options for stress values. Figure 18 choice when entering in the program until input it is life/stress stress is 0.000 in appendix). or see user and standardized The user stress will form(s) values always original possibilities for input changed in the holds routine. in for in de- values in mentioned The user choice input units and detailed options. and the units be shown stress the shows these 23 in high- may work exclu- may choose to use original displays, values model above output of makes this all routines The current (default) choice of fortis) value input and output is: INPUT: std OUTPUT:std for stress CHOOSE STRESSVALUEFOR" FOR INPUT ANDDETAILEDOUTPUT !std=standardized units, Driginal=Driginal 1. -INPUT:std 2. INPUT:std 3. INPUT:original unitsj OUTPUT:std OUTPUT:original and std OUTPUT:original and std Enter numberof selection or ':ENTER> for default ID) > 2 Figure 18: If 0.000 option 1 is and the highest or 3 is chosen, valt'es the way of failure testing the test. tionship the is second step time the is (1984). choice of whether for is stress stress automatically changed, to is set enter of changing probabilities censoring After the user automatically effects The failure Meeker design stress probabilities between foTm(s) values automatically to 1.000. design set If to option 2 and highest stress the option of hav- units When censoring ing chosen, the in original Entering the time adjusted. the length are adjusted and the adjustments to use the is given adjusted values. -24 This of time according failure probabilities are made, the user values or return is a simple available to the for rela- given is given by the to the unadjusted Current stress values design stress: highest stress: 0.0000 1.0000 Type in new value or press ENTERto keep current value desiQ"stress: 50 highest stress: 120 Figure 19: Figure 22 shows the display Entering of the 25 stress input 'values values. The current percentile to be estilated is 0.10000 Type in new value or press ENTERto keep current vilue Percentile to be estilated: Figure 20: Entering the percentile 26 to be estimated The current cerlsoring tile is 1.0000 Type in new value or press ENTERto keep current va]ue Censoring tile: 183 Figure 21: Entering the 27 - censoring time After I 5F'ECIFICATION5 OF THE TESTIN6SITUATION Life/stress relatiorlship: : Distribution of tile to failure: ARRHENIUS: WElBULL I I Stress values : Design: Highest: Failure probabilities 50.0000: 120.0000: Percentile to be At design stress: At highest stress: : : 0.10000 0.00100 0.90000 Valueof spreadparaleter: 1.0000 I I Sallple size : 300 Censoringtille 183.0000 Press ENTERto continue Figure 5.3 Developing input Taking It to the veloped. of it "generate plans at the V(P) for tistically The have been entered, to variance interest ratio of causes plans input values of the the set gives stress. particular possible of plans in the value maximum likelihood design is automatically" the The column headed "V(P)" ymptotic of values all Display plans option generate 22: to develop plans. and then the option figure of n/o2 estimator to the value times of the The column headed plan 23 to be de- of t'Ratio" the as- percentile gives V(P) for the the sta- optimum plan Of specJ. the process 1 yap " an of entering option stress is now chosen. values 28 Figure Figures 24 and 26 shows a display 25 show of the requested. ACCELERATED LIFE TESTPLANSASSU~IN6A WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION P=().10000 PD=O.OO100 PH=O, 90000 Plan i Type: Nulber: Code: 1 2 or ,) 4 5 b 1 B 9 10 Stress levels: low "iddle High: 20PT 0.682 38S 0.571 38C10 0.b63 3BC20 0.b38 3BEE 0.b73 3FT100 0.609 3FT90 0.548 3FT80 0.487 3FT70 0.42b 3FTbO 0~365 0.706 0.333 0.621 0.531 0.651 0.571 0.571 0.571 0.571 0.571 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.786 0.831 0.819 0.837 0.804 0.774 0.744 0.713 0.699' Allocation: "iddle High: low Precision VIP) Ratio 0.294 120. 0.333 138. 0.279 125. 0.269 130. 0.121 154. 0.143 146. 0.143 150. 0.143 159. 0.143 172. 0.143 186. 0.333 0.100 0.200 0.228 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.28b 0.286 1.000 1.148 1.043 1.08b 1.283 1.216 1.248 1.324 1.431 1.554 Press ENTER to continue Figure 23: plan with tering the stress the allocation The display It in of the 3FTI00 plan specified 3, 4, plan plans 27 shows the process completely when the "delete specified plans of enplan. option generated plans, (plan plan code M3FTI00) , and the 11 with 12 with plan type by typing 30 shows the new list 29 type code USER) those numbers of plans a modified is automatically accomplished Figure current 28 shows the 29 appears above (plan and 5 is the question. figure of Figure entered. and figure shows the sian 2, values Display Deleting in ver- plans response to SPECIFYA PLAN Step 1: Specify stress values Enter the nulber of levels of stress you wish to have in this test plan or press ENTER to have 3 levels Nulber of levels: Figure 24: 4 Entering the number of stress 30 levels ENTERTHE STRESSVALUES Enter 4 stress values in standardized fori: (You lay enter these values in any order Stress values: .8.Q Figure 25: .7 Specifying 31 stress values ABBRcVIATEDDISPLAYOF PLANNU"BER12 ASSUMED WEIBULLDISTRIBUTION, P=O.10000 PD=Q.OO100 PH=O.90000 Press ENTERto contirlue Figure 26: Display of the plan 32 - being spec.ified SPECIFYA F'LAN Step 2: Specify the allocation Enter the allocations you wish to have at each stress level in response to the prompts below. For each level you Nill be shownthe stress value and the initial allocation of zero. Type in the allocatiori as a nulber betweerlzero and one. If you just type ENTER the allocation of zero will stay. Stress level 1 Standardized stress value = 0.700 Allocation = 0.000 Stress level 2 Standardized stress value = 0.800 Newallocation: .2 Allocatiorl = 0.000 NewallDcatiDn: Figure .5 27: Entering 33 - the allocation ABBREVIATED DISPLAYOF PLANNU"BER12 ASSUMED WEIBULLDISTRIBUTION, P=O.lOOOOPD=O.OOIOO PH=O.90000 Stress: level: nulber : -50.0000 1 2 3 4 Stress in : : Proportion original: Standardized:of test ur,its units: stress: allocated 96.0087 103.6736 111.6636 120.0000 0.000 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.10 The plan has nowbeen spe~ified. It will be evaluated and addedto the set of plans already gerlerated. Press ENTER to continue Figure 28: The completed 34 plan ACCELERATED LIFE TESTPLANSASSU"IN6A NEIBULLDISTRIBUTION P=O.10000 PD=O.OOlOO PH=O.90000 Plan: Type: Nulber: Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Stress levels: low "iddle High: 20PT 0.682 3BS 0.571 0.786 3BC10 0.663 0.831 3BC20 0.638 0.819 3BEE 0.673 0.837 3FTI00 0.609 0.804 3FT90 0.548 0.774 3FT80 0.487 0.744 3FT70 0~426 0.713 3FT60 0.365 0.699 "3FT1000.500 0.804 USER 0.700 12 lore) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 low Allocation: Precision "iddle High: VIP) Ratio 0.706 0.333 0.333 0.621 0.100 0.531 0.200 0.651 0.228 0.571 0.286 0.571 0.286 0.571 0.286 0.571 0.286 0.571 0.286 0.571 0.286 0.500 12 lore) 0.294 0.333 0.279 0.269 0.121 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.143 0.100 Enter the nulbers of the plans you Nish to delete! separated by spaces: 234 5 Figure 29: Before 35 plans are deleted 120. 138. 125. 130. 154. 146. 150. 159. 172. 186. 163. 178. 1.000 1.148 1.043 1.086 1.283 1.218 1.248 1.324 1.431 1.554 1.361 1.482 ACCELERATED LIFE TESTPLANSASSU"IN6 A WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION P=O.10000 PD=O.OOlOO PH=O.90000 Press ENTERto continue After Figure 30: 5.4 Evaluating The plans the pIa:\' generated and figure are deleted the plans developed " evaluate plans plans" in the previous option when the section may be evaluated on the main menu sample 32 shows the detailed size calculation display 36 of plan Figure is 6 by choosing 31 shows the requested for dis- plan 6 SA"PLESIZE DETER"INATION Percentile to be estilated Value of the spread paraleter Percent error in estilate of percentile Probability of staying within percent error Distribution of tile to failure PD=O.OOlOO Test plan used: REQUIRED TOTALSA"PLESIZE: 0.10000 1.0000 100.00 0.9500 WEIBULL PH=0.90000 1169 Press ENTERto continue Figure 31: Sample size 37 determination DETAILEDDISPLAYOF PLANNUKBERb ASSU"EDWEIBULLDISTRIBUTION, P=O.10000PD=O.OO100 PH=O.90000 Stress: in original: units: : Proportion: Nulber of : : Expected Standardized: of : test units: Probability: numberof stress: test units: illocated : of failure :test units : : allocated: 50.0000 89.2952 104.0235 120.0000 0.000 0.609 0.804 1.000 : --0.00100 0.57 171 0.29 85 0.14 42 : failing 18 33 37 0.11 0.40 0.90 Press ENTERto continue Figure Exiting user wil] Detailed display of a plan from the program may request saved before 32: exiting be asked for that the from the plans program a filename 38 developed during As shown in this figure session 33, be the user Figure 5.6 Remarks about the sample This sample session ious options tion have not the Saving 33: program is a short concerning data been shown. by making the the plans and input values session example of how ALTPLAN may be used. entry, plan These options appropriate 39 development, and plan may be explored menu selections. while Varevaluarunning ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Program by Dr. code William for generation Q. Meeker. and express my appreciation he provided to me during and evaluation I would for this like to of acknowledge the technical project 40 - test support plans this was provided contribution and encouragement Appendix A DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF ACCELERATEDLIFE TESTS The ~ ~ statistically ance of the estimate .The 1 ~ ~ levels with lowest stress optimum plan the of the percentile standard equal (20PT) minimizes plan (3BS) has 3 equally allocations. value is Subject to chosen to minimize this spaced stress restriction, the variance the of the esti- mate of the percentile .The ~ compromise plans tion of the test units which is (3BC1O and 3BC20) put a specified (.10 stress level, stress levels Subject stress levels are chosen and .20, respectively) chosen as halfway to these at between the to minimize the variance the middle low and high the restrictions, propor- low and high of the estimate of the percentile The ~ equal compromise expected plan each stress except level, the number that failing the plan allocations (3BEE) is are like chosen expected number of units a best so that failing at is the middle and same. .The els high optimized with ~:~:1 a 4:2:1 stress allocation plan allocation levels, of test respectively. to minimize the variance tile, the stress middle units to the of the as close 41 estimate as possible stress low, The low and middle are chosen with (3FTIOO) has three test stresses of the percen- to halfway be- justed tween the low and high probability of percentile that .The adjusted are obtained failure ~:~:.! from the to 0.90, stress value in .The .The the 0.80, modified values plans as possible (i.e., type have plan 42 be at least 4:2:1 plan 0.60 times 3FT80, the twice the by 3FT70, reducing stress to between halfway restrictj.on code beginning described low of the low level is ad- that with above. code USER. 3FT60) the the value The middle type that PM ~ 2~~P). (3FT90, one of the plans plans stress again to the (any plan by modifying user-specified 0.70, optimum plan. subject to the restriction plans optimized be as close stress obtained at the middle allocation value high subject is to be estimated stress to stresses the low and PM ?: 2"'"P. M) are those 3. 5. 6. Appendix INITIAL This version two special see the the "device" configuration Put DOS 2.1 section (or screen control. In order must be on the diskette described information, 1. extended files The procedure system. INSTALLATION OF ALTPLAN of ALTPLAN uses the program, B below will used to accomplish on "Configuration this. version) boot the For more commands, particularly manual command, in the DOS reference a later to run diskette in Drive A and boot the system. 2. Put an empty diskette in Drive Format the diskette in Drive format A> 4. C~1PY a file from the A> B. B with the command: b:/s DOS diskette with copy a:ansi.sys b: Remove the DOS diskette and place the the command: ALTPLAN diskette in Drive A Copy the ALTPLAN files onto the new diskette A> copy a:ALTPLAN.EXE b: A> copy a:config.sys The CONFIG.SYS file consists with the commands: b: of one line: DEVICE=ANSI.SYS 7. Now the boot the new ALTPLAN diskette the section system and to in this (the one in drive run ALTPLAN. guide on starting -43 - Follow B) can be used to the the program instructions in Appendix C SUMMARYOF PROGRAM LIMITATIONS ALTPLAN will levels of errors if stress up to for the user Available power allow models 50 plans each plan. attempts of to be developed The program to develop life/stress will more than with up to terminate with SO plans relationship are failure are Weibull Inverse Linear, law and Arrhenius .Available distributions of time to and Lognor- mal Limitations on input Variable values follow: default PD PH Percentile (P) minimum maximum NONE .00001 NONE .00001 < 1.000 .10 .00001 < 1.000 p 1000 1 1,000,000 spread parameter 1 > 0 1,000,000 censoring 1 > 0 1,000,000 sample size Stress 10 time values: standardized units original units Linear model Inverse power Arrhenius -10.00 -1,000,000 law > 0 > -273 10.00 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 NOTE: Errors within the may occur given limits. in plan If evaluation a message such may be the problem. -45 even when PD and PH are - as "EPLAN ERROR" or 1. 3. 6. Appendix D AREAS FOR POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT Sensitivity sensitivity analysis: to misspecified failure prob- abilities. 2. Help screens put an option on each menu for for of HELP with the other menu options Evaluate by the plans first entry 4. Add an initial 5. Develop a batch provide an option a vector percentiles -determine the plan in the vector module for version to testing of the reduce the at a single program for number of stress condition experienced users menu selections or that must be made Provide lar 7. for the output of a data ccllection sheet for plan Provide a listing of files saved 46 previously by ALTPLAN. a particu- 1. ing," Appendix E STATISTICAL REFERENCESAND COMPUTATIONALFORMULAS REFERENCES Meeker, Plans W. Q for Weioull and Lognormal Technometrics 2. Meeker, Life IIA Comparison (1984). 26, -Some Accelerated Distributions G. J. Practical for Quality Cornell (1985). How To Plan An Accelerated Guidelines. and Samuel S. Shapiro. Control. COMPUTATIONALFORMULAS 1. Transformations x = T Linear Inverse power x = log(T) law x = -1 Arrhenius where x = transformed T = stress Test and Type I Censor- Statistical ed by John A Life 157-171. W. Q. and Hahn, Test of / (T + 273) stress value 47 in original units Techniques, American editSociety 2. Standardization z = (X -X~) / -~ -X H ) D Z = standardized where 3. (X stress value x = transformed stress value XD = transformed design stress XH = transformed highest stress value value Variance ratio R = V(P) / v where V(P) = Variance of the estimate percentile v = Variance for the plan under of the estimate percentile for of the the lOOPth consideration of the lOOPth statistically optimum plan See Meeker the (1984) percentile portional to for formulae to compute be estimated, the allocation. -48 - stress V(P) as a function levels, and the of pro- 5. 4 Alternative parameterization The testing for input dardized Let situation to ALTPLAN. (log) t(z) has been tion-scale An alternate censoring = F(z;O,l) specified time, a, Then ~ -1 terms of PD and PH parameterization and the be the standardized distribution in uses a stan- standardized cdf (p) denotes of tlle the 100Pth quantile Then, PD = t(a) PH = +(a-b) determination where Z = ZCI-IX/2) a = value of the spread parameter v = Variance r = percent of the error estimate / 100 49 - b assumed loca- of the distribution. Sample size slope, of the percentile