MSI Confirmation of Candidature Requirements Confirmation of Candidature is a requirement to progress your studies to completion of your doctorate. This process helps convince the Review Panel of the merits of your proposed research. It is also intended to be a valuable and useful process for you; to receive guidance and gain confidence that you are on the right track. Discuss with your supervisor how to ensure confirmation is a valuable process for you. This document contains the information and links you need to complete your confirmation successfully. You will find links to various MIGR policies and guidelines. They are updated from time-to-time so always check for the latest versions on-line. For more information about milestones/progress reviews please see: Please also refer to the email you received from MIGR with your notification of milestone due date, for more information and links. Please note: There are different provisions for student who commenced up to 31 Dec 2014 and for those who commenced from 1 Jan 2015 onward. Please check these differences carefully to determine which provisions apply to you. Membership of the Review Panel is at the discretion of MSI. No research may be undertaken without Monash University Ethics approval if required. All milestones/progress reviews are now hurdles1 The PhD Handbook has information you should read at: Should you have any concerns/queries regarding the confirmation process, please contact me (Belinda) at Any concerns/queries regarding academic matters relating to confirmation of candidature should be discussed initially with your supervisors and then with the MSI Graduate Research Coordinator. TIMELINES You will have been notified by MIGR at nine months equivalent of full-time candidature when your confirmation is due. It is best to aim for confirmation about at about 11 months or sooner. If you need to confirm after 12 months FTE you will need to complete a Milestone Extension Form ( Once proposed dates have been decided, you need to provide your supervisor with a working title and a short abstract with methodology (4-5 lines max). These details will be sent to prospective Review Panel members to ensure they will be able to contribute to the discussion of your research proposal. I will contact your main supervisor and regarding recommendations for membership of the Review Panel. At least four weeks before presentation forward me a title and abstract so that your presentation can be advertised to your colleagues. At not less than two full weeks to your confirmation presentation, you must: 1 Hurdle requirement: In relation to a milestone, means that the student must satisfactorily achieve the requirements of the milestone in order to remain enrolled. A failure to meet the requirements of a milestone means that the student is deemed to be making unsatisfactory progress. The following milestones are defined as hurdle requirements: Confirmation, the Mid-Candidature Review / Progress Review, and the Pre-Submission Seminar / Final Review. ( 1 • • Email me and your supervisor a copy of your completed research proposal. This allows the Review Panel members time to read and reflect on your proposal. It gives you the best possibility of receiving good feedback. Complete and return to me Section 1 of the MIGR Confirmation of Candidature form ( Although your supervisor is responsible for completing Section 2 of the MIGR Confirmation of Candidature form, you must ensure it is completed and returned to me before your presentation. Both Sections must be available to the Review Panel when deciding whether to recommend Confirmation of Candidature. Once the date of the confirmation has been set, ask me or your supervisor to book a room for your presentation. MSI has a conference room. RESEARCH PROPOSAL GUIDELINES CONTENT The content in your research proposal will be a decision guided by your supervisors but must contain the minimum requirements* for MIGR to consider Confirmation of Candidature. In summary: • Title of research report/thesis • Statement of the research problem(s): (i) introduction; (ii) research question or hypothesis; (iii) subsidiary questions; and (iv) review of relevant research and theory • The Procedure: (i) theoretical and conceptual framework (ii) analytical techniques and research design • Timetable for completing research report/thesis and a detailed statement of progress to date • Brief bibliography • List of publications produced during probationary candidature (if applicable) • A progress report should be a minimum of 1000 words. (MSI has a minimum requirement of 5000 words.) *These requirements are noted in the Doctoral Handbook, Chapter 3.10 Confirmation of Candidature LAYOUT The layout of your research proposal is to include: ● ● ● ● A front cover with your name, student ID, degree description, department name, Monash University, date of presentation, name of supervisors, title of the project A table of contents Chapters normally include ○ Introduction ○ Literature Review ○ Conceptual Framework ○ Methodology – include scales in an Appendix if necessary. Review Panel members do not require a discussion of the definition of the research methodology but need to know why this methodology is preferred and what alternatives have been considered but not chosen ○ Outcomes expected from your research (relate to hypothesis) ○ Contribution of your research to filling the gap in the current academic marketing knowledge ○ Implications for academics and/or industry MIGR requirements include ○ Statement of progress-to-date (coursework, research training, attendance at seminars etc) 2 ○ ○ ○ Proposed timeline for completing research (e.g. March-June completion of Ethics application, JulyDecember data collection, Jan-June data analysis, June Mid- Candidature Review, July-May write up, May Pre-Submission Seminar, May-Aug finalisation of thesis, Sept Thesis submission) List of publications produced during probationary candidature (if applicable) References which are cited in the main body must be included. LENGTH There is no upper word limit on your proposal (minimum 5000 words). However, as a guide 50 pages is good for the reviewer not to be overwhelmed when first sighting your proposal. References are excluded from the page count. Addendums/appendices are to be avoided. Tables and figures should be inserted as they are discussed. FORMAT The aim is to provide your reviewer with an easy to read document with spacing to allow for comments but not so much space that the document becomes large and overwhelming. ● ● ● ● Pages are to be numbered with first page of the main text being number 1 PDF is preferred Appendices should only be added for background information. For example to describe the proposed industry or for tables of information referred to in the main body Front cover to state your name, your student ID, your degree description, department name, Monash University, date of presentation, name of supervisors, title of the project DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL An electronic copy is required to me not less than two full weeks prior to the scheduled date of presentation by 12 noon. This will be emailed to Review Panel Members and your supervisors. You should also attach it to the MIGR Documentation. PRESENTATION TIMING SUMMARY (indicative only) ● ● ● ● 20 minute presentation 15 minute Questions and Answers from audience and Review Panel. More/less time dependent on Q&A. 20 minute Review Panel discussion without candidate; the Review Panel may call you back in to ask questions and seek clarification if necessary Panel Chair will provide a summary of feedback to supervisor/student. CONTENT The purpose of the presentation is to convince the Review Panel of the merits of your proposed research and that you are able to conduct the research proposed. You will be presenting not just to Review Panel members but (potentially) to an audience who has not read your confirmation document. Content must therefore provide the general audience with a clear idea of your research. HDR Candidates are expected to ONLY present their written research proposal. Review Panel members will have spent some time reading through your research proposal, making constructive comments, identifying areas of concern that are invaluable to your research and progress. 3 STYLE GUIDELINES Please use PowerPoint or similar. All slides are to be numbered clearly to allow the Review Panel members to reference their questions or comments. On the day of the presentation provide printed copies of your slides for the Review Panel members and your supervisory team (ideally, three (3) slides per page, double sided and stapled). You are responsible for bringing your presentation loaded onto a memory stick and for making sure it will load before you present. PRESENTATION TIPS Candidates are reminded that good presentations have some of the following features: ● ● ● ● use no more than one slide per minute; have a font size that is easy to read (from the back of the room); each slide shows a point for you to discuss. It should not be a word-by-word description that the audience reads faster than you speak; do not include detailed tables. Tables are usually meaningless to the wider audience so avoid. If they are important to the Review Panel you will have included them in your research proposal. If you do need to present the Table, then either only show that part of the Table that is relevant or circle/highlight the relevant part of the Table. PRACTICE Candidates have a maximum of 20 minutes. This can be achieved by practising a presentation beforehand of no more than 15 minutes and therefore 15 slides. Usually candidates find that they use more time than in their practice sessions. Discuss with your supervisors what you must have in your presentation so you only speak about the relevant ideas as written in your research proposal. If it isn’t relevant, leave it out. AFTER THE PRESENTATION QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Following your presentation, the audience will be expected to have some questions. The Review Panel members may also ask questions relating to your presentation to both seek clarification and to also foster further discussion. The Chair will draw Q&A to a close when appropriate and ask the audience to leave. THE REVIEW PANEL After the audience has been asked to leave, you will be asked to take a seat outside while the Review Panel discusses your Confirmation. When you return to the room the Review Panel Chair and members will offer their comments on your research proposal and presentation. Their job is to give you feedback on how to improve both your written document and oral presentation. They will also have questions which you are expected to answer i.e. be able to discuss and explain so the Review Panel is sure you understand what you are wanting to do and that you have the knowledge to do so. Your supervisors will be present to assist. By the time you are asked to leave, you will have a good understanding of what you may need to address. If you are unsure, ask. It is your thesis. You may not be given a decision regarding confirmation at this point. The Review Panel may ask you to do revisions and defer the decision to confirm till later. 4 During the final discussions, the Chair will have made notes of each member’s opinions. The Chair will advise you of their decision and an outline of the course of action but not the details. The Chair will need to complete the report and circulate it to the Review Panel members for their opinion. All members of the Review Panel do not have to agree with the final decision and dissenting members are encouraged to document their concerns. DOCUMENTATION The Chair aims to complete the form within a week of the presentation. The Chair is guided by guidelines found here: Detailed information on the Confirmation process can be found in the Progress Management Procedures Unsatisfactory progress details can be found here: 5