SSB 2015-33 A Bill for: Student Coalition Builders Sponsored by:

SSB 2015-33
A Bill for:
Sponsored by:
Student Coalition Builders
Organization and Finance Committee
First Reading:
October 15 2014
Presidential Action: ____________________________________________________________
Kevin Gartman – President
WHEREAS: The Student Coalition Builders (SCB) are requesting registration; and
WHEREAS: They estimate around 15 members, and are open to everyone; and
WHEREAS: This group is affiliated with the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), of
which there is a chapter run through the Vice President’s and Provost’s Office that puts on
diversity workshops; and
WHEREAS: This group hopes to go through a train-the-trainer session and be able to facilitate
mini-workshops in various venues, whether it be classrooms or student organization meetings ;
WHEREAS: They also hope to help with getting the word out about NCBI workshops and be a
bridge between the administration involved and the students; and
RECOGNIZING: They are dedicated to growing our campus community through diversity and
promoting inclusivity and proper strategies for handling prejudice; and
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED :That the Student Coalition Builders are granted registration
by the Northern Iowa Student Government.