Shear-induced migration and clustering mechanisms of kaolinite clay particles under the oscillating face seal by Jinchul Hong Submitted to the Department of Mechanical engieneering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sep 2000 © Jinchul Hong, MM. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. MASSACHU)SETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 2 0 2000 LIBRARIES Author ......... Department of Mechanical engieneering Aug 4, 2000 Certified by..... L.Mahadevan Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by .......... ......... ............. Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students BARKER Shear-induced migration and clustering mechanisms of kaolinite clay particles under the oscillating face seal by Jinchul Hong Submitted to the Department of Mechanical engieneering on Aug 4, 2000, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract The migration and clustering mechanisms of clay particles under the contact band of an oscillating face seal are investigated. There are two seperate stages in the wear, which are called the break-in period and the aggressive wear period. First small particles in the slurry penetrate through a short distance under the seal lip, where a thin oil film is present and there is no sign of significant wear. This period is called breakin period. However, after a number of cycles, the particles aggregate and start to form clusters. These clusters grow and the seal wears rapidly. Thus cluster formation plays a critical role in the whole wear process. As a first step, we have compared the possible forces which drive particles inwards. These include the effects of Van der Waals interactions, hydrodynamic shear, Brownian diffusion, etc. In the initial stages of the process, when the particle concentration is not high, prior experiments are consistent with shear-induced migration as the primary mechanism. Particles migrate inwards due to gradients in concentration, shear rate, viscosity and the effects of curved-streamline. Van der Waals force are likely to be dominant when the concentration is high enough so that the distance between the particles is small. In order to confirm these mechanisms, a new experiment using steel seals was carried out and corroborates earlier studies. Finally, some clustering and dispersion mechanisms such as the effects of dissolved ions (leading to aggregation) and thermal expansion of the seal lip (leading to dispersion) were also studied. Thesis Supervisor: L.Mahadevan Title: Associate Professor 2 Acknowledgments I would like to show my appreciation to Professor L. Mahadevan for his advice and efforts on this work. I could learn the significance of physical meaning and importance of logical way of thinking from him. I wish to thank Professor D. P. Hart, who provides me nice environments for research as well as his advice. I was fortunate to work with Dr. Mart Tamre. I respect his attitude of balancing the experiment and theory. Essential part of this work was collaboration with other people, especially in our project group and CAT people. Especially I wish to thank George Costa, Kristy Johnson, Mark J Kiesel and Keith Beckman for their sincere help. Without them, this work would be impossible. I also was blessed to have many people who made my life enjoyable at MIT (Seonghwan hyung, Hyunjong nuna, Junmo, Seongmoo and other Korean students). I am grateful with my office mates (Steve, Brian, Prakash, Hang, Heather, Tom, Ting, Chengsu, Jeremy, Mats and Jin) for sharing times. I thank many friends in First Korean Church in Cambridge for their prayer and love. I want to thank Taekyun and Joosung hyung for being my spiritual role model. I thanks for all fellowships, especially with 76's. Thanks to my friends in Korea. The memories with them always cheer me up. Many thanks to Jinduk hyung, Jungmin, other IVF hoobaes and friends in KAIST for their concerns. Most of all, I wish to express my deepest appreciation to my father, mother and brother. I hope to thank my fiancee, Heeyoung for always being there for me. Their love and support have been the origin of my strength through my efforts. 3 Contents 1 2 3 Introduction 12 1.1 O bjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Analysis of prior experiments 16 2.1 Description of track seal assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 Experimental Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3 Results from prior experiments 20 2.4 Aggregation and dispersion mechanisms of clay particles . . . . . . . 21 2.5 Com paring forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.5.1 Electrostatic forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.5.2 Comparsion of shear force with buoyancy force . . . . . . . . . 26 2.5.3 Comparison of shear force with Van der Waals force . . . . . . 29 2.5.4 Comparison of shear force with Brownian motion . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evidence for shear-induced migration 31 3.1 31 Mechanisms of shear-induced migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Shear induced migration by concentration gradient and shear rate gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.2 Shear induced migration by viscosity gradient . . . . . . . . . 33 3.1.3 Shear-induced migration by curved-streamline effects . . . . . 34 3.1.4 Comparison of various contributions to the particle flux . . . . 35 3.1.5 Role of particle shape and structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4 3.2 4 4.2 6 38 3.2.1 Shear induced migration in different geometries . . . . . . . 38 3.2.2 Particle front movement during break-in period . . . . . . . 39 3.2.3 Particle migration after penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.2.4 Outward migration of particles after the breakup of clusters 43 Steel seal experiment 4.1 5 Experimental evidence of shear induced migration . . . . . . . . . . 45 Experimental procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.1.1 Method for alignment and control of the gap thickness . . . . 46 4.1.2 Considerations in oil leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.1.3 Waviness measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Experimental results Particle aggregation and dispersion mechanisms 56 5.1 Water-Clay system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5.2 Additional aggregation and dispersion mechanisms. . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.2.1 Aggregation mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.2.2 Dispersion mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Conclusion 66 6.1 Summary of particle interactions through whole wear process . . . . . 66 6.2 Future w ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 A Clay mineralogy 70 B Notation and Physico-chemical values 73 5 List of Figures 1-1 Face seal and shaft seal. [3] 1-2 The configuration of contact between the seal and a glass plate. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 area over which the seal and the glass bushing make contact is called the contact band. Outer diameter(OD) and inner diameter(ID) was shown......... 1-3 13 .................................... The wear process with the number of oscillating cycles( 1 cycles/second). Up to 2,700 cycles, the particles are ingested but do not form the clusters. Clusters can be seen from 3,000 cycles. When the size of clusters are large enough to fill the contact gap, cluster shearing starts (3,600 cycles). The image size is 0.57 mmx0.51mm ??. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 15 The configuration of the proceeding links around the drive sprocket of the undercarriage. A tractor in the field (Right) has tracks that are shown in a magnified view (Left). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 The elastomeric seal assembly which is made of a polyurethane lip, a polycarbonate stiffener ring, and a nitrile rubber load ring. 2-3 2-4 16 [3] . . . . 17 Real pin-joint arragement with face seal. Both end caps are bolted to freely moving pin lubricated by oil inside the seal.[3] . . . . . . . . . . 18 Experimental setup with mudbox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 2-5 The penetration of particles into the contact band as a function of oscillation cycles. Seal wear is measured as the percentage of the seal lip that the abrasive slurry has penetrated. Clusters start to form around the transition from break-oin period to aggressive wear period, about 7,000 cycles. [12] 2-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clustering mechanism due to bridging of particles by a second immiscible liquid com ponent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 20 22 Entropic repulsive force between two particles due to adsorbed organic m olecules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2-8 Distribution of ions adjacent to a clay surface in double layer. [28] . . 25 2-9 Double layer due to the imperfections of the crystal, constant charge double layer(Left). Double layer due to the adsorption of specific ions, constant potential double layer(Right). [28] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 The configuration of particles 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 27 The oil film shape of unfilled smooth seal using LIF. The top and lower solid lines represent the maximum and minimum lubrication measure. The center dashed line represents the average [3]. OD is indicated in F igure 1-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Rotation of doublet without viscosity gradient(a) and with viscosity gradient(b). [25] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 32 33 The collision between two hard spheres approach along curved streamline. The repulsive force acts along a line connecting the centers of particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 3-4 Various curved geometries. The inverted cone and plate geometry has the severest shear rate gradient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 38 Shape of oil film thickness for 2+2 filled seal(Top), simplified geometry of the oil film (Middle) and particle front movement under the seal lip(Bottom). The contact band regions are divided into three regions as show n. [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 40 3-6 Particle migration after penetration occurs (Left) and side view of cross section (Right) 3-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Configurations of real track seal joint. The space between steel bushing and seal lip surface shows inverted cone and plate geometry . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3-8 Cluster shearing (a) and cluster disappearance(b) 3-9 Glass bushing profiles of 2+2 filled seal when small clusters appeared(a) and outward migration occured(b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 4-1 The geometries of two different steel seals. All dimensions are inches. 46 4-2 Configuration of steel plate. All dimensions are inches. . . . . . . . . 46 4-3 Glass plate with very thin silver coating 1000A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4-4 Setup of steel seal experiment for alignment and control of the gap between the glass plate and the steel seal . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 . . . . 48 Cross section of the steel seal and the glass plate. The distance between the steel seal and the silver coating and the thickness of the silver coating is exaggerated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 48 (a) The non-coincidence of the volatage V, V2 and V3 at the three locations on the glass shows that the gap is not constant, i.e the gap between the seal surface and glass plate is not aligned. (b) Voltage is checked after alignment. The coincidence of V1, V2 and V3 shows that the steel seal and glass plate are aligned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Typical steel seal experiment. Slurry is provided from top or side with a rate of 5ml/min. The observed part is indicated . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 50 51 Waviness measurement for flat steel seal. A curve 1 is for the outmost circle. The larger number of curve corresponds to the inner measurem ent circle. 4-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Waviness measurement for concave steel seal. A curve 1 is for outmost circle. The larger number of curve corresponds to the inner measurem ent circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 53 4-10 Part of each seal after 3,500 cycles. The particles can migrate only small part of the contact band for flat seal(Left) while they migrate whole contact band except bottom part of seal for concave seal(Right). 54 4-11 Close view of particle front near the interface. The particle front penetrates immediately after slurry supply and stays at certain distance from the outer edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4-12 Particle front movement for concave seal. The particle front moves gradually with time, then stops near the inside diameter of the concave seal. The data was fitted to third order polynomial. . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 55 FTIR Spectrum results and metallic ions by I. C. P. Spectro. (a) The strong and medium intensity bands of the spectrum are consistent with an aliphatic hydrocarbon, the base oil. Based on the presence of boron in the oil, the oil is likely to contain potassium borate additives. (b) The band at ~ 1165cm 1 is likely due to the existence of sulfonate, used usually as a rust inhibitor. Based on the presence of sulfonate, the oil is likely to contain calcium sulfonate 5-2 59 Interface area captured by CCD camera. Clusters starts to form from the interface. 5-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 The above images show a seal operating with a dry mixture of clay and sand added to its periphery and surfactant added to the oil with number of cycles. No clusters were observed even after 40,000 cycles. However, surfactant does not prevent clustering formation for a slurry mixture based on water [3]. 5-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 The location of thermocouples at three different parts, top, middle and bottom. The right image shows the enlarged cross section where the thermocouple is fitted to the hole. After inserting the thermocouple, polyurethane sealant is spread on the seal lip surface for smoothing surface and preventing particle concentration around the thermocouple. 62 9 5-5 Temperature at three different loacation is measured in 'C (a-c). Clusters disappear when temperature exceeds approximately 60 'C. Two measurements at every two minutes were done to check the spatial variation of temperature. Observe that outward migration occurs at the same time when normal force(d) reaches a local peak. . . . . . . . 5-6 64 Average normal force is shown with temperature in three different parts. Note that the normal force shows a sudden increment when the temperature increases rapidly. Outward migration occurred when the normal force reached local peaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 65 Summary of abrasive wear process due to particle ingestion and cluster formation. Related forces and effects are written for each stage. . . . 67 A-i Silicon tetrahedron and silica tetrahedra arranged in a hexageonal netw ork.[19] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 A-2 Octahderal unit and sheet structure of octahedral units.[19] . . . . . . 71 10 List of Tables 2.1 Summary of clustering and dispersion mechanisms for clay suspension 23 5.1 Anions in Water investigated by ion chromatography. ASTM D4327 . 57 A.1 Physical properties and dimensions of common clay minerals . . . . . 72 11 Chapter 1 Introduction Mechanical parts which have relative motion during contact are subject to wear and failure. The traditional solution to delaying the wear process of mechanical parts is the use of seals containing liquid lubricants. Seals are classified according to their design configuration as shaft seals and face seals [3, 30]. The main difference between the shaft seal and the face seal is the manner in which they contact their running surface. A shaft seal contacts its running surface on the perimeter of a shaft, while a face seal contacts its running surface on the end face as shown in Figure 1-1. Typical applications of shaft seals involve situations associated with high sliding speeds and low contact pressure area. On the other hand, the face seal can sustain a much wider range of contact pressures. 1.1 Objectives It is essential to prolong seal life to reduce the cost and time for maintenance of joints. Improvement in seal design is aimed at delaying the wear process and eventually leading to less frequent replacements of the seal. The price of a seal itself represents only a small fraction of the maintenance cost, but frequent replacement means a loss in productivity due to down time and the cost of labor. To achieve long working life for seals, we need to understand the onset and evolution of the wear process. 12 Air side Air sidS Side SI Shaft Seal Face Seal Figure 1-1: Face seal and shaft seal. [3] Stiff ner Ring Oil OD Contact Band ID Glass Bushing Figure 1-2: The configuration of contact between the seal and a glass plate. The area over which the seal and the glass bushing make contact is called the contact band. Outer diameter(OD) and inner diameter(ID) was shown. 13 Earlier work [3, 30, 22] shows that the wear process consists of three stages as shown in Figure 1-3. The first stage is the particle ingestion process when small particles in the mud mixture move into the contact band where a seal surface contacts with a glass bushing plate. The second stage includes the formation of clusters as the particles aggregate. The size of the clusters grows as more particles penetrate into the contact band. During the third stage clusters start rolling between the seal lip and the running glass plate. Cluster shearing seems to push the debris further into the contact band. It is evident that cluster formation plays a critical role in the wear process. To prevent or delay cluster formation, we need to understand particle interactions in the oil film in the contact zone. This thesis deals with the behavior of clay particles in a sheared suspension. Two main subjects of our research are particle migration and cluster formation mechanisms in the oil film under contact band. The primary goals of this work are as follows. First, we analyze prior experimental data on the onset and evolution of face seal wear and show that they are consistent with our hypothesis that shear-induced migration is the dominant mechanism by which particles are ingested into the seal. Secondly, we will present new experimental results in a simplified geometry to consolidate our hypothesis of shear induced migration. Finally, we will present some particle clustering mechanisms that are validated by experiment. 1.2 Thesis outline The organization of the thesis is as follows. In Chapter 2, we will analyze prior experimental work by comparing various forces. By characterizing and non-dimensionalizing forces, we show that the dominant migration mechanism in the contact zone is associated with shear induced migration. Chapter 3 deals with shear induced migration and evidence of supporting experimental results. To confirm shear induced migration theory, we have devised a new steel seal experiment with simplified surface profiles and discribe these experiments in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 will deal with some mechanisms for particle clustering in the face seal and present experimental evidence for 14 the same. The last chapter includes a brief summary, conclusions with suggestions for future work. 1,200 2,100 1,500 2,400 1,800 2,700 Particle Front Cluster Shearing Cluster Starts 3,000 3,300 3,600 Figure 1-3: The wear process with the number of oscillating cycles( 1 cycles/second). Up to 2,700 cycles, the particles are ingested but do not form the clusters. Clusters can be seen from 3,000 cycles. When the size of clusters are large enough to fill the contact gap, cluster shearing starts (3,600 cycles). The image size is 0.57 mmx0.51mm ??. 15 Chapter 2 Analysis of prior experiments 2.1 Description of track seal assembly The oscillating face seal is used in the pin-jointed tracks of various type of machines at Caterpillar, Inc. The pin joint can rotate freely within the bushing when the link proceeds around the drive sprocket of the undercarriage (Figure 2-1). Link Joint Figure 2-1: The configuration of the proceeding links around the drive sprocket of the undercarriage. A tractor in the field (Right) has tracks that are shown in a magnified view (Left). Each pin joint fits into a steel bushing which contacts the seal lip surface (Figure 23). After the seals are pressed into the end caps, the seal assembly (seal and end caps) is bolted to the both ends of the pin. Finally, the seal surface contacts the steel bushing with a high normal pressure, which maintains the lubricant between 16 the pin and bushing and is supposed to prevent contamination of the lubricant from the environment of mud, soil etc. 84 mm Stif ner ring load ring Figure 2-2: The elastomeric seal assembly which is made of a polyurethane lip, a polycarbonate stiffener ring, and a nitrile rubber load ring. [3] The seal itself consists of three separate components (Figure 2-2). They are the load ring, the stiffener ring and seal lip. The load ring is made of nitrile rubber and pressed onto the end cap to maintain high contact pressure between the seal and bushing surface. The stiffener ring is made of a glass fiber filled polycarbonate and is much harder than seal lip material (E, = 0.45MPa), polyurethane. The stiffener ring fits into the load ring to transfer the force from the load ring to the seal lip. The seal lip (E = 3.45MPa) is softer compared to the stiffener ring and directly contacts the steel bushing surface and contains the lubricant. The motion of the seal is oscillatory as the links move around the wheel (Figure 2-1). The frequency of oscillations is as low as the speed of link movement. In our experiment, the typical frequency is 1 cycle/sec. The tractors are subject to various operating condition, usually submerged in clay or sand particles. Such particles are responsible for the abrasive wear of the seal. 17 end cap- bushing 10 cm Figure 2-3: Real pin-joint arragement with face seal. Both end caps are bolted to freely moving pin lubricated by oil inside the seal.[3] 2.2 Experimental Procedure Our experimental setup is shown in Figure 2-4. The main difference between the experimental setup and the real track joint is the bushing surface. In our experimental setup, a glass plate was used instead of a steel bushing to enable the recording of the whole wear process via CCD camera. Although the surface characteristics of two surface should be different, it is believed that the abrasion patterns and whole wear process are the same by Ayala [4]. The camera is connected to a frame grabber and send a video signal to a 8-bit gray scale picture 512 by 460 pixels in size. When we change the microscope, we calibrate the image size by using a micro-ruler. Before the experiment, the glass plate is cleaned with alcohol to remove any dirt on the surface. The glass plate is glued to the steel plate using epoxy and cured for two hours. The steel plate is held in place by tightening three bolts at the ends of three long rods. Once we observe first contact of seal lip surface with the glass plate, we place three displacement sensors on the steel plate as shown in Figure 2-4. Each bolt is adjusted manually to ensure the alignment of the contact surface between the glass plate and the seal assembly. The seal assembly is pushed with a typical 18 Turning Arm Steel rod Bolt Mud box V? CCD Camera Displacement sensor Seal Sens r Adhesive sealant Glass plate Figure 2-4: Experimental setup with mudbox. normal load 1700N and monitored by a sensor which also can measure the torque and normal force in real-time. The sensor was calibrated with prior experiment data for 0 the displacement and normal load, and showed good agreement. After imposing the load, a mud box is inserted to contain the mud mixture outside edge of the seal. Oil of viscosity 0.32 Pa s is filled into the inside of the seal assembly through a cavity in the rig. After the sealant is cured, we pour slurry into the mud box. By weight, the slurry is made of approximately 30 % of kaolinite clay, 40 % bank sand and 30 % water with very small amount of Cabosyl and salt. The mud box environment is believed to provide realistic field conditions. The seal assembly and seal mount oscillate with an amplitude of 30 0 at a frequency of 1Hz (1 cycle/sec). With typical loading conditions, the mean velocity of the seal is 22 mm/sec and the 19 maximum shear velocity is 70mm/sec. The amplitude can be controlled by adjusting the length of the turning arm. The frequency of oscillation can be controlled by changing the speed of electric motor which is connected to the arm. 2.3 Results from prior experiments The wear process can be divided into two periods according to the wear rate as shown in Figure 2-5. During the particle ingestion stage, there is no significant wear. On cluster formation, penetration of particles into the contact band proceeds rapidly. The clusters of particles press against the seal lip locally reducing the contact pressure between the seal lip and bushing plate allowing larger particles to penetrate under the contact band [12]. These two distinct wear periods are called the break-in period and the aggressive wear period [10]. 1 30% : 25% Break-i 20% - per _d we r peri peri v wrtaggr pggres.ive C 10% ----------- Cluster formation (D I C % 1% Break-in 0 2,000 ------ period- 4,000 _ 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Number of oscillation Figure 2-5: The penetration of particles into the contact band as a function of oscillation cycles. Seal wear is measured as the percentage of the seal lip that the abrasive slurry has penetrated. Clusters start to form around the transition from break-oin period to aggressive wear period, about 7,000 cycles. [12] Ayala also investigated the chemical composition of clusters by using an electron microscope and a x-ray analyzer [3]. He extracted clusters carefully after the ex- 20 periment with normal loading conditions and removed oil in clusters by rinsing with acetone. Comparing the spectrum for each sample, he found that clusters were made of mainly clay particles with small amount of sand. From the experimental results, we can focus on the clay particles since we are interested in ingestion mechansisms and cluster formation. 2.4 Aggregation and dispersion mechanisms of clay particles The clay particles experience various types of interactions between the particles and the suspending medium. The interactions can be categorized into the favorable and unfavorable mechanisms for particle aggregation. The various factors can be summarized as the followings. Van der Waals attraction force exists between dispersed particles. The magnitude of this force depends on various factors, such as the size and shape of particles and the nature of the suspending medium. For instance, the potential energy due to Van der Waals attraction between induced dipoles is U - while U ~ 1 between parallel plates [23]. Kaolinite particle can have positive charges at the edges depending on the dispersion medium. On the other hand, the flat face of kaolinite particle is negatively charged due to the isomorphous substitution (See Appendix A for details). When the particles are dispersed in a liquid medium which has ions, they carry double layers of opposite charge and attract one another electrostatically. Such type of clustering mechanisms due to screened electrostatics can occur in both hydrous medium and organic media if additives which form ions are present [28]. Another important mechanism for particle aggregation in our system is the bridging of particles by a second immiscible liquid component [28]. If the dispersed particles are wetted by polar liquid such as water, the liquid is believed to envelop the particles with very thin film. When two particles come together in the immisci- 21 Oil Oil Particle Particle Particle Particle Water Film Junction Figure 2-6: Clustering mechanism due to bridging of particles by a second immiscible liquid component. ble liquid medium such as oil, their water films tend to combine together to reduce interfacial area. As our clay particle first contacts water then penetrates the oil film under the contact band, this mechanism can be important. Electric double layer repulsion is regarded as the most important repulsive force in common clay systems. When two particles carrying same kind of electric double layer approach each other in the suspension, the interference leads to a repulsive force between the particles. Electric repulsive forces are not restricted to hydrous system, but can also exist in organic dispersions with enough ions as well. When long chain of molecules or polymers are adsorbed on the clay surface especially in organic compounds, entropic repulsion can lead to dispersion of particles as shown in Figure 2-7. If the particles with adsorbed molecules approach each other to within a distance (d) which is shorter than twice the length of adsorbed molecules (L), the molecules begin to interfere. The adsorbed molecules can move freely before interference, which means the system has less entropy after interference. Since the system changes in the direction of increased entropy, the particles will tend to separate again [19, 28]. Such entropy effects are manifested as the repulsive force between the particles. This repulsive force can occurs for small particles at moderately large distance to overcome strong van der Waals force. Entropic repulsion force is expected 22 Adsorbed organic compounds Clay particle L VVVV~ d Figure 2-7: Entropic repulsive force between two particles due to adsorbed organic molecules. to contribute to repulsive forces in oil film under the contact band due to adsorption of organic compounds. Brownian motion due to the thermal motion of the liquid molecules surrounding the particles can be contributed to disperse the particles when the particle size is small and shear rate is low [24]. Clustering mechanism Dispersion mechanism Van der Waals force Screened electrostatics Inter-surfacial tension Electric double layer repulsion Entropic repulsive force Brownian motion Table 2.1: Summary of clustering and dispersion mechanisms for clay suspension 23 2.5 Comparing forces Next we compare the order of magnitude of the various forces associated with aggregation and dispersion. 2.5.1 Electrostatic forces The origin of the electric attraction and repulsive force comes from diffusive double layer. The double layer consists of the particle charge and an equivalent amount of ionic charge which is accumulated in the liquid near the particle surface [28]. There are two kinds of electric double layers, namely constant-charge layers and constantpotential double layers. The constant-charge double layer is formed as follows. Clay has a net negative charge as a result of isomorphous substitution. Such a net negative charge is compensated by cat-ions which are located on the layer surfaces. If the particles dissolve in liquid with the cat-ions, these compensating cat-ions tend to concentrate near the particle surface due to electrostatic attraction. At the same time, due to the concentration gradient, the cat-ions surrounding the particle surface tend to diffuse away from the particles. These two opposing trends result in the creation of an atmospheric distribution of the compensating cat-ions in a diffuse double layer on the exterior layer surface of a clay particle. The distribution of ions adjacent to a clay surface which represents the concept of the diffuse double layer is shown in Figure 2-8. The electric double layer on the layer surface has a constant charge which is determined by the type and degree of isomorphous substitution. As a result, the layer-surface charge does not depend on the presence of electrolytes in the suspension. The constant-potential double layer is created by the preferential adsorption of certain specific ions on the particle surfaces. Adsorbed ions are called potential determining ions. These ions consist of the inner coating of the electric double layer and result in equivalent amount of counter ions accumulation near the charged surface. The charging process requires the presence of a sufficient amount of an electrolyte containing the kind of ions which are adsorbed on the particle surface. Therefore, 24 1 0E 0 0 (D0- G0 0G_ s (D_ _ Distance Figure 2-8: Distribution of ions adjacent to a clay surface in double layer. [28] this electric double layer depends on the presence of electrolytes in the suspension. These two different kinds of double layer are shown in Figure 2-9. For our clay, kaolinite, the flat layer surfaces has net negative charge by isomorphous substitution. However, at the edges of the plates, the tetrahedral silica sheets and the octahedral alumina sheets are disrupted and have broken bonds. At such a broken edge, it is known that an electric double layer can be created by the adsorption of potential-determining ions under certain conditions [20]. Such conditions are determined by pH of the solvent and amount of specific ions available in the suspension. It can be concluded that the clay particle has the complicated structure with two different signs of particle surfaces carrying different types of electric double layer under certain conditions. When two particles approach each other in suspension due to shear motion or Brownian motion, their electric double layer begins to overlap. Such interference results in the change of the ion distribution in the double layer of both particles, which involves an increase in the free energy of the system. It means work must be done to bring the particles together and a repulsive force exists during the process. Such repulsive forces will decrease with increasing electrolyte concentration due to the compression of the double layer thickness [19]. The Debye screening length 1/r's, the distance from the surface to the center of gravity of the double layer, is taken as 25 its thickness [19]. PARTICLE / SOLUTION PARTICLE / SOLUTION Figure 2-9: Double layer due to the imperfections of the crystal, constant charge double layer(Left). Double layer due to the adsorption of specific ions, constant potential double layer(Right). [28] In addition to the repulsive force, we can expect there exists electrostatic attraction forces due to opposite sign of electric double layer adjacent to particle surface. These particles will attract each other electro-statically. Such electrostatic attractive forces would occur due to the different signs of double layer at the edge and on the flat surface of clay particles. 2.5.2 Comparsion of shear force with buoyancy force We compare the hydrodynamic shear force with the buoyancy force. In order to simplify the model, we assume kaolinite particle is a circular plate. In that case, the buoyancy force acting on the particle is calculated [2], Fb ~ $(pp - pf)g2tR 2 (2.1) where pp is a density of a particle, pj is a density of suspending fluid, q is the concentration of particles, R is a radius of particle and t is a thickness of particle. The next step is to assume the configuration of particles. For simplicity, we assume a uniform distribution of particles and regular lattice structure(See Figure 26 Useal Contact Gap Glass plate R U(ho) + dU Z- t H U(ho) zi - U(ho) - dU R H t w Figure 2-10: The configuration of particles 2-10). The important assumption for this model is the ratio of gap between the particles in horizontal direction(w) to in vertical direction(H) is same as the ratio of horizontal dimension of particle(radius, R) to vertical dimension of particle(thickness t). This assumption corresponds to the uniform concentration of particles. Then the horizontal gap between the particles is RH t (2.2) With our model, concentration of particles in suspension can be defined in equation (2.3) 27 2wrR 2 t 2$ (2R + HR/t)2 (2t + H) =t (2.3) From the equation for characteristic shear force, we define the dimensionless number as the ratio of characteristic shear force to buoyancy force as dUR 2 (2.4) H phgt N so-Fb where 1 (2.5) $(p - Pf )gt /H is the shear rate assuming linear velocity = Usea/Contact Gap = dU profile. On the other hand, there is another repulsive hydrodynamic force due to the squeezing of oil between the particles. From mass conservation, the order of the squeezing velocity and hydrodynamic repulsive force can be characterized as, (2.6) UseaH Usq R (27 R 33 fpUseai 2 Fs (2.8) s= =H FsPuseaIR N 2 $(pp - pf)gtH Fb where Nq is the ratio of characteristic squeezing force to buoyancy force. To get the order of dimensionless number Nsb and Nsq, we only need the value of H as the range of size, thickness of particle and other properties are already known. For H, we need to solve equation (2.3). Typical values for each parameter are listed in Appendix B. For kaolinite clay particle, Nsh 106 - 10' and Nsq - 106 - 10. It shows that the hydrodynamic forces, shear force and squeezing force dominate the buoyancy force over the entire range of concentration. 28 2.5.3 Comparison of shear force with Van der Waals force The attractive energy per unit area between two infinite parallel plates yields the following equation [5]. A Va 1 A 48w d2 + 1 (d + 6)2 2 2 (d + 6/2)2 (2.9) where d is a half distance between plates, 6 is the thickness of the plate and A is a Hamaker's constant ~~0(10-20). In our case, kaolinite, the theoretical values of Hamaker constant is 3.1 x 10- 20 j [21]. Equation (2.9) is not exact due to the frequency dependence of Van der Waals force, but is a good approximation at sufficiently high concentrations. Using (2.9), the attractive force per unit area is F = Dan Va ~~ d3 Od (2.10) The dimensionless number which characterizes the ratio of the shear force to Van der Waals force is F Area NV p h Fvan (2.11) pyd3 A (2.12) Using the same model for particle configuration in Figure 2-10, H=2d(Figure 210). The results show that hydrodynamic shear force dominates the Van der Waals force for the lower concentrations and large particles, since Nv ~ O(103) - O(105). However, as the concentration increases and the size decreases, Van der Waals force can become dominant. Ayala's experiment [3] shows that particles immediately penetrate under the seal lip and the concentration of particles started to increase as time goes by. After a certain number of cycles, it starts to form clusters when the concentration of particles increases. In addition, the size of the ingested particles 29 before cluster formation seems to be small enough to be in the region where Van der Waals force dominates. It is consistent with the prediction. 2.5.4 Comparison of shear force with Brownian motion Clay particles in suspensions experience random motion as a result of the thermal motion of the liquid molecules surrounding them. The stability of clay suspensions is controlled by Brownian motion at low shear rates. In order to compare the effects of shear force with Brownian motion, we use the Peclet number defined as the ratio of the Brownian time scale to the time scale characterized by the reciprocal of the mean shear rates [24]. k3 Pe- (2.13) where p is the viscosity of the suspending medium, R the characteristic particle size, - the shear rate, k the Boltzmann constant(= 1.380 x 10- 2 3 J/K -molecule), and T is the absolute temperature by Kelvin. As the change of viscosity with temperature is not known in our oil, we decided to compare only the lower limit of Peclet number. The viscosity of our oil at 100 0 C is approximately 0.032 Pa - s. The minimum of Peclet number can be obtained at high temperature and small particles. The order of Peclet number is O(107). Therefore the effects of Brownian motion are negligible compared to the shear force. 30 Chapter 3 Evidence for shear-induced migration In this chapter, we will review some of the basic mechanisms of shear-induced migration with the goal of understanding how they relate to the problem of particle ingestion and cluster formation. In our geometry (Figure 3-1) , the shape of oil film thickness can be approximated to parallel plate geometry. There are three mechanisms of shear-induced migration for parallel plate geometry. We will review about shear induced micro-structures to get insight into their role in shear induced migration. Then we will present several pieces of evidence of shear induced migration in our system. 3.1 3.1.1 Mechanisms of shear-induced migration Shear induced migration by concentration gradient and shear rate gradient To explain shear-induced migration of particles in concentrated suspensions in a Couette device, Leighton and Acrivos [17] suggested a migration mechanism due to the effects of a spatially varying inter-particle interaction frequency. The interaction frequency is related with concentration of particles(o) and shear rate() 31 as the former 0.8 086 E 0,7 03 0,2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 distance from OD [mrn 0.8 1 Figure 3-1: The oil film shape of unfilled smooth seal using LIF. The top and lower solid lines represent the maximum and minimum lubrication measure. The center dashed line represents the average [3]. OD is indicated in Figure 1-2. represents the number of particles and the latter characterizes the frequency of collisions. With the assumption [25] that the particles in a sheared concentrated suspension move affinely, on average, the number of collisions per unit time per unit volume is 0. Then the variation in the collision frequency over the characteristic length 4 which is the particle radius, a, is aV(#). If we assume again the particle migration velocity is linearly proportional to this variation of the interaction frequency and the displacement per collision is of the order of a, we obtain an expression for the particle flux. Jc = -Kca 2 (0 2Vy + #$,7#) (3.1) The first term in (3.1) represents the migration due to shear-rate gradients while the second term expresses the effects due to concentration gradients. 32 3.1.2 Shear induced migration by viscosity gradient The viscosity of a suspension shows a strong dependence on the concentration. This results in the migration of particles due to viscosity gradients as shown in Figure 3-2. When two particles come into contact in a shear flow, they rotate until they are separated. The center of rotation of the doublet is the midpoint of the line connecting the sphere centers in the absence of a viscosity gradient. A viscosity gradients leads to a differential resistance to rotation, so that the center of rotation moves the direction of higher viscosity. This results in a net displacement from the higher viscosity region to the lower viscosity region, as shown in Figure 3-2(b). o O Low Viscosity ~High Viscosity (a)no viscosity gradient (b)viscosity gradient exists Figure 3-2: Rotation of doublet without viscosity gradient(a) and with viscosity gradient(b). [25] With the assumption [25] that the migration velocity is proportional to the change in viscosity over the characteristic length scale(a), and the assumption that the displacement per interaction scales as the particle size, the resulting migration velocity is ('#)(a2 /77)V71. Multiplying the migration velocity with the concentration # which represents the number of particles per volume, the particle flux due to the viscosity gradient is J=K -2a 2} (3.2) 1 If we use a phenomenological equation for the viscosity [16] as a function of concen- 33 tration, (3.3) 77 qO(1 - o/m)-1.82 where rhO is the viscosity of the suspending medium and #m is the maximum packing fraction, which is about 0.68 for spheres. Using (3.3), (3.2) we can write Vo J7 3.1.3 V 2ad2 ,q do = -K (3.4) Shear-induced migration by curved-streamline effects For a parallel plate geometry of uniform gap with uniform initial concentration, the previous two shear induced migration mechanisms will induce radially inward particle migration. However, the experimental observations of Champman [6] and Chow [1] with parallel plate geometry showed uniform concentration profiles for monodisperse suspension suggesting that there is no net migration from high shear regions to lower shear regions after a short initial transition. It was suggested by Krishnan et al [9] that particles interacting in a shear flow with curved streamlines of non-uniform curvature, would migrate towards regions of lower streamline curvature, i. e. radially outward in the parallel plate geometry. Figure 3-3 shows the interaction between two particles along a curved streamline. When two equal-sized particles come to close, the repulsive force due to the presence of surface roughness on the particles [18] and hydrodynamic squeezing forces keeps two particles apart. The repulsive force acts along a line connecting the centers of two particles and can be divided into two components. The direction of one component is tangent to the streamline and the other is normal to it. These repulsive forces result in a net radially outward displacement in a curved-streamline shear flow. The migration velocity, Us, scales as a2 /R and follows from the geometry of the situation. Therefore, the flux due to curved streamline effects is Jcse =Kcse ya2 02 R (3.5) in a radially outward direction. When the total flux, Jc + J,, + Jcse = 0, we get a 34 Repulsive Force Un a Ut Streamline R: Curvature of Streamline Figure 3-3: The collision between two hard spheres approach along curved streamline. The repulsive force acts along a line connecting the centers of particles steady radial distribution of particles in a parallel plate geometry. 3.1.4 Comparison of various contributions to the particle flux We compared the effects of shear induced migration mechanism due to concentration gradient with viscosity gradient. The appropriate dimensionless number, which is the ratio of flux due to concentration gradients to the flux due to viscosity gradients is - J, $ do (3.6) 0 dr In order to estimate the order of Nc,,, we use the effective viscosity equation (3.3) which leads to Nc m -- c _ O NiJ, # - 1 1) 1 1.82 (3.7) If a different effective viscosity equation [27] is used, this leads to S= rO 1 - 1.3510 4 )2.493 1 - 0.349# 35 (3.8) NcL N - Jc itJ, _ __-248(3.9) (1 - 1.351#)(1 - 0.349#) 1 2.498 # Now N, is solely a function of concentration. Both of the fluxes have comparable effects over a range of concentrations. As the direction of flux due to concentration gradient and viscosity gradient is same, they enforce the migration of particles from high concentration region to low concentration region. We will treat them as one flux due to concentration gradient afterwards. The dimensionless number, which is the ratio of flux due to concentration gradient to curved streamline effects is Ns = -- RV Jcse (3.10) 0 Near the outer edge, there is a high concentration gradient initially until particle penetrate resulting in Nc, >> 1. The dimensionless number, which is the ratio of flux due to shear rate gradient to curved stremaline effects is Ns = -s- Jcse RV ' (3.11) For the flat plate, the shear rate at a radius r is wr/h where w is the angular velocity and h is the contact gap height. Then, Ns = RV 0(1) (3.12) We will use above results to explain particle front movement in Section 3.3.2. 3.1.5 Role of particle shape and structure Disk-like anisotropic particles have not been understood well in spite of their significance to industrial applications. Recent experimental results for concentrated kaolinite suspension using the x-ray scattering technique [14] and suspension conductivity [13] provided evidence of particle alignment increments with increasing shear rate. The physical reason for particle alignment is the restriction of particle motion 36 due to particle interactions such as geometrical restriction, electrostatic repulsion, etc [15]. For anisotropic particles with a large length/thickness ratio, the excluded volume of particles is much larger than the actual volume. Thus, particle motion would be geometrically restricted at a much lower volume fraction than the maximum packing fraction. With 0* defined as the concentration at which the particles begin to interfere, 1/Kas the Debye screening length, d as the particle diameter and h as its thickness, the particle has an effective diameter of d + 2/K and an effective thickness h + 2/K. Particle interactions occur when the excluded volume fraction 0e is equal to the maximum packing fraction of a sphere, 0.64: e = 4jr N d + 2K ) ( 3 V 2 (3.13) 0.64 =2K- The actual volume fraction is given as, lrNhd) V2= ( )2 (3.14) Using equations (3.13) and (3.14), 0* can be approximated by 0* = 0.96 When # > (3.15) (1 d (I + 2/dK) 3 #*, the particle might not rotate freely, and its motion is restricted by other particles. In addition to geometric restriction and electrostatic repulsion, there are other factors for ordering such as long range interactions and hydrodynamic forces. If the clay particles are aligned parallel to each other, their collision of will be more similar to that of spheres. This implies that the theory of shear-induced migration applies qualitatively to the anisotropic clay suspension. When the orientation of individual particles is random, their collision of particles would be very complicated and difficult to analyze. The aligned structure of particles corresponds to our simplified model for comparison of forces in Figure 2-10. Particle alignment also implies that particle interactions 37 would be dominated by electrostatic repulsive forces and van der Waals forces between the basal planes which have negative charges [13]. 3.2 Experimental evidence of shear induced migration The previous section on the mechanisms of shear-induced migration leads us to consider the evidence for such phenomena in seals. The mechanisms are valid for noncolloidal monodisperse hard spheres in micro-hydrodynamics, i.e. Re < 1, and exclude the effects of inertia and anisotropic structures. However, our clay suspension consists of kaolinite minerals which are small and anisotropic in addition to being polydisperse. Furthermore, the clay particles are unevenly charged. We present several supporting experimental results of shear induced migration in our clay suspensions in this section. 3.2.1 Shear induced migration in different geometries Shear induced migration in curved streamline geometries with parallel plate, cone and plate and inverted cone and plate devices have been examined previously[6]. Measurement of the torque for each geometry supports the theory of shear induced migration, although the results were not conclusive. Figure 3-4 shows the configurations of various curved geometries. _I Flat _ I Cone and plate Inverted cone and plate Figure 3-4: Various curved geometries. The inverted cone and plate geometry has the severest shear rate gradient. 38 For the inverted cone and plate geometry, the velocity is increases linearly with radius, while the gap is decreases linearly. Thus, this is the most favorable geometry for radially inward particle migration due to severe shear rate gradients. On the other hand, the cone and plate geometry has no shear rate gradient. Outward migration might occur due to curved streamline effects with an initially uniform distribution of particles. However, for seals immersed in mud, there is a concentration gradient directed radially inward, leading to inward migration. 3.2.2 Particle front movement during break-in period Prior experiments[3] show particle front movement during the break-in period. The results in Figure 3-5(Top) show that the particle front stops at a certain distance from the edge. Shear induced migration theory can explain why the particle front stops. To understand this, consider the contact band region which is divided into three regions according to oil film shape. In the region I, the profile of the oil film is a cone and plate geometry leading to radially outward migration if the suspension has a uniform concentration. However, the seal environment has a high particle concentration outside the contact band, leading to some inward migration. We showed that the flux due to concentration can dominate near the outer edge. In region II, the profile of the oil film is an inverted cone and plate. The effect of particle concentration gradients is smaller in this region than region I as the concentration is very small inside the contact band initially. However, shear rate gradients cause particles to move further with the effect of concentration gradients. Curved streamline effects will induce a radially outward flux, but it is smaller than the combining flux due to the concentration gradient and the shear rate gradient. In region III, the profile becomes that of a flat plate geometry, and the effect of the shear rate gradient is still favorable to that of radially inward migration. However, the effect of the shear rate gradient is smaller compared to region II(inverted cone and plate geometry). We showed that the fluxes due to shear rate gradient and curved streamline effects are comparable. In addition, the effect of the concentration gradient is negligible as the 39 concentration is lower than in regions I and II. We can conclude that the decreased effects of the concentration gradient and the shear rate gradient are canceled by the curved streamline effect near the boundary between regions' II and III. 0R g 0. Region 1I1 Region 11 Region III ----- Cone and Plate I Ilnverted ned Cone - Flat Plate Oil Film -I - -P a rticl e Front Stop Region II Region I LLa II 0 I Figure 3-5: Shape of oil film thickness for 2+2 filled seal(Top), simplified geometry of the oil film (Middle) and particle front movement under the seal lip(Bottom). The contact band regions are divided into three regions as shown. [3] 40 3.2.3 Particle migration after penetration The cross section after particle penetration through the contact band is shown in Figure 3-6. Particles can penetrate over the whole seal surface, but stop at some radial location. From that location, particles migrate in the tangential direction as shown in Figure 3-6. Seal Load Ring Figure 3-6: Particle migration after penetration occurs (Left) and side view of cross section (Right) From the figure, we can recognize the shape of oil film changes from inverted cone and plate geometry to flat plate geometry at the end of seal surface. The shape of seal surface (inverted cone and plate) is favorable for radially inward migration. On the other hand, radially inward migration can be canceled in the flat plate geometry with the same argument as in the previous section. As time goes by, the concentration of particles inside the seal increases and particles migrate further inward. However, at a certain point, the particles migrate in the tangential direction. This point is the equilibrium point where the flux due to the concentration gradient, shear rate gradient and curved streamline effect cancel one another. Figure 3-7 shows the configuration of the real track joint seal and bushing. The 41 Steel Bushing Inverted Cone and Plate Steel Bushing / geometry goer Pin Joint Seal Load Ring Figure 3-7: Configurations of real track seal joint. The space between steel bushing and seal lip surface shows inverted cone and plate geometry seal surface against flat steel bushing has inverted cone and plate geometry. After the particles penetrate the contact band, this geometry drives particles inward and causes severe damage. Our experimental results show that the oil does not leak significantly even after particles penetrate through the contact band. If we can control the particle migration after penetration through the contact band, we may reduce the damage on the joint part by delaying the migration of particles. Therefore, the shape of the seal surface and bushing profile should be modified to reduce the inward migration of particles. 42 3.2.4 Outward migration of particles after the breakup of clusters Earlier experiments by Ayala [3] were performed under normal load of approximate 900N. However, the typical normal load in actual situations is in the range of 16001800 N. Under these loads, an additional mechanism leads to cluster breakup followed by outward migration. The two figures show the initial cluster patterns after (a) 1,800 cycles which eventually disappear after (b) 7,000 cycles. After outward migration has occurred, the wear of the seal is solely due to friction between the seal and glass bushing. (a)After 1,800 cycles (b)After 7,000 cycles Figure 3-8: Cluster shearing (a) and cluster disappearance(b) We investigated the profile of the seal and glass bushing for a filled seal when small clusters exist and outward migration occurs. The results are shown in Figure 3-9. When small clusters appear, some particles stick to the surface in Figure 3-9(a). This is probably due to electrostatic attraction between the particles and the broken glass surface. The clay particles have a net negative charge, and the broken glass surface typically has positive charges due to broken silicate bonds. Under high normal pressure, the electrostatic attraction force could result in strong bonds between the particles and the glass plate. After a while, wear process leads to the profile of glass bushing which is similar to a cone and plate geometry. The seal lip will be flattened under high normal forces 43 so that the glass profile shape decides the direction of migration. When outward migration occured after disappearance of the clusters, the glass bushing plate has cone-plate geometry (Figure 3-9(b)). As discussed in Section 3.3.1, the cone-plate geometry favors outward migration, since shear rate gradients and curved-streamline effects will drive particles radially outwards. Ayala [3] did not observe cluster breakup and outward migration of particles. The reason for different results with prior experiments is the higher normal loads that we operate with. This leads to wider contact bands get and the frictional torque increases. Particles take longer to penetrate into the seal giving to wear the glass bushing. lMoao Imjde Moss:Outside Outside 4000A ........ ......... 2000A ... .. .. 1? h ...... /V ........ AMA .... .... IO ...... .. .... ... A ......... ...... ...... 10s00 720 910 1001 12?3 1405 163? 1$10 M0 SomLoo~0 ftM) (a)Small clusters appeared M1 124 122 154 Is"4 Loanlo4n) M 2404 M27 310 (b)Outward migration occured Figure 3-9: Glass bushing profiles of 2+2 filled seal when small clusters appeared(a) and outward migration occured(b). 44 Chapter 4 Steel seal experiment In the previous chapter, we showed that ealier experiments are consistent with our hypothesis. To study this further, we devised new experiments using a polished steel seal with different geometries; flat plate and inverted-cone-plate geometry. We will call them as flat seal and concave seal for each. This chapter discusses the results using steel seals. As we will see, our studies gave further support for shear induced migration in our system. 4.1 Experimental procedures Two different kinds of steel seals which have flat and concave surface geometries were used. The configurations of the seals are shown in Figure 4-1. The concave seal has an inverted cone-plate geometry in contact with the glass bushing plate. As shown, the concave seal has an angle of 2 'with the horizontal. Each seal is attached to the steel plate using epoxy, which is then bolted to a torque sensor. The steel plate has a circular extruded part which fits to the inner diameter of the steel seal as shown in Figure 4-2. There are four major issues that are critical in designing the experiments. First, we need to align the steel seal and the glass plate. Secondly, we need to control the gap thickness to equalize the condition for the ingestion of particles with different geometries. Thirdly, we will consider the effects of oil leakage for observation. In 45 addition, we need to show the effect of shear induced migration in circumferential direction is negligible compared to that in radial direction. We measured the waviness of the seal surface to prove it. StI 0 6 Figure 4-1: The geometries of two different steel seals. All dimensions are inches. 0 0 3/ 1.49 0.96 0.42 0.29 Rear View Front View Side View Figure 4-2: Configuration of steel plate. All dimensions are inches. 4.1.1 Method for alignment and control of the gap thickness Our solution for the alignment and control of the gap thickness as follows. Three parts on the glass plate are coated with very thin silver film(1000A) using a co-evaporator, 46 as shown in Figure 4-3. Silver Coating 1 000 A Covered Area with Steel Plate V1 Contact Area with Steel Seal it V3 V Glass Plate Figure 4-3: Glass plate with very thin silver coating 1000A. The steel seal is connected to an AC signal generator and each coated part on the glass plate is wired to switches. Each switch is connected with a capacitor whose value is known. The capacitor is also connected to an AC signal generator. The complete scheme of our circuit is shown in Figure 4-4. We measure the voltage between the ends of the capacitor (Vap) to check the contact between the steel seal and the coated parts on the glass. For alignment and control of the gap, we implement an additional steel plate combined with three micrometers. The micrometers contact the plate to which the glass plate is attached. Two plates are connected with strong springs to hold them tightly. The plate with micrometers is fixed so that the gap between the glass plate and steel seal can be controlled by adjusting the micrometers. V 47 Spring Glass plate Steel seal Cseal AC Vseal Micrometer AC Switch Ccap Vcap Vcap (b)Simplified electric circuit (a)Steel seal experiment setup Figure 4-4: Setup of steel seal experiment for alignment and control of the gap between the glass plate and the steel seal To measure the first contact accurately, we need to estimate the capacitance between the steel seal and the coated part on the glass. The capacitance of the seal (Cseai) should be comparable with that of a capacitor (Ccap) in Figure 4-4 for a high sensitivity. The cross section of space between the steel seal and the glass plate is shown in Figure 4-5. Steel plate I Steel seal - I -L/ Silver coating d2 di Glass plate Figure 4-5: Cross section of the steel seal and the glass plate. The distance between the steel seal and the silver coating and the thickness of the silver coating is exaggerated. We have two parallel capacitances. One is due to the space between the steel seal and the coated parts on the glass plate, and the other is due to the space between 48 the steel plate and the coated parts. Neglecting fringe effects around the edges, each capacitance can be calculated where Cplate = edi, 10mm, Cseal = ed2 Aseai 1 Apiate 3 x 12.74mm x 3 x 12.74mm x 5.5mm. d, is the distance between the steel plate and the glass plate, E is the permittivity of oil (=2.3 x 8.85 x 10- 1 2 F/m, [8]) and d2 is the distance between the steel seal and the coated parts. Since d, = 1.94cm is much larger than d2 order of Cseai is Cseai e 10pm as shown in Figure 4-5, Cpiate can be neglected. The 0(10-10). Thus we used 100 pF as the capacitance - where the voltage is measured in Figure 4-4. Our process for alignment is to find the first contact of the steel seal with three different regions of the glass plate. Once they are located, we can regard the gap between the seal surface and glass plate as zero neglecting the thin thickness of the silver coating. When there is a finite gap between the coated parts and the steel seal, the capacitance between the steel seal and glass plate can be calculated by using v Cseai Vcap = Celx Ctotai Cseai Vtotal = Cseai + Ccap x~a 1 Votal, (4.1) when we neglect the resistance of the contact and of the electric wires. When the first contact occurs, Cseai becomes oc, so that Vcap=Vtot leading to a sudden change in Vcap- We adjust each micrometer to detect the first contact at each three coated parts. The results in Figure Figure 4-6(a) show that the first contact occurs at different distances. After finding the first contact at three regions, we adjust all of the micrometers with the same distance, maintaining the alignment. The results in Figure Figure 4-6(b) show that the contact surface is aligned. We want to make inlet condition for particle ingestion equal for two different seals. The gap at the outer edge between the steel seal and glass bushing plate is fixed to 30 pm by adjusting micrometers after alignment, which is the minimum gap for the concave seal. 49 5.5 *' 0' 0 4.5 F *:v1 +:V2 o:V3 First contact 3.5 2.5 * * + * 1.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 + + 140 160 0 120 180 distance(pm) (a)Before alignment 0 4.5 *:Vi +:V2 o:V3 cc 3.5 8 0- 2.5 0 1.51 0 20 a 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 distance(gm) (b)After alignment Figure 4-6: (a) The non-coincidence of the volatage V, V2 and 3 at the three locations on the glass shows that the gap is not constant, i.e the gap between the seal surface and glass plate is not aligned. (b) Voltage is checked after alignment. The coincidence of V1 , V2 and V3 shows that the steel seal and glass plate are aligned. 50 4.1.2 Considerations in oil leakage The development of oil flow due to gravity is observed during the experiment(See Figure 4-7). The speed of oil film flow from the boundary between oil and air tends to increase from the upper part to the lower part. Such flow can effect on the migration process of particles where the speed is significant. We observed the contact region near the boundary of oil and air to minimize the oil flow effect. Air Slurry Observed Area oil Oil Leakage Figure 4-7: Typical steel seal experiment. Slurry is provided from top or side with a rate of 5ml/min. The observed part is indicated 4.1.3 Waviness measurement Alignment of the two surfaces is only a crude measure of the oil film thckness. It is necessary to check the profiles of the steel seals to find out that detailed shape of the oil film between the glass plate and seal surface. When there is a considerable difference of thickness along the circumference, the shear induced migration occurs in that direction. To compare the effects of shear induced migration in radial direction only, we need to prove the effects of waviness is negligible. 51 We used point probe method to measure waviness profiles. The measurements are done along four concentric circles with 1 mm radial spacing at Caterpillar, Inc. The outermost circle was within 0.1 mm of the outer diameter of the steel seal surface. The measurement points are 4 degrees apart and 90 measurements are done for each circle. Finally, total numbers of measurements are 360 points for each kind of steel seal. Waviness measurements of the flat seal and are shown in Figure 4-8. The maximum gap difference(amax) in the circumferential direction does not exceed 10pum. Note that the gap difference in radial direction is very small except near the outer edge. Thus the flat seal surface can be assumed flat compared to concave seal. Flat Steel Seal 0.03 0.025 S0.02- amax S0.015 0.01- g 2 0. 005. 50 100 150 200 Degreees COW 250 300 350 400 Figure 4-8: Waviness measurement for flat steel seal. A curve 1 is for the outmost circle. The larger number of curve corresponds to the inner measurement circle. Waviness measurement of concave seal is also shown in Figure 4-9. amax does not exceed 20[tm. The height difference in radial direction between measurement 1 and 4(arad) is shown. To compare the gradient of height, we define following dimensionless number, Nrc = arad/D amax/A 0.1 x 10-3/0.4 x 10-3 20 x 10 6 /(7r/2)42 x 10-3- 0(102) (4.2) where D is the radial distance between measurement 1 and 4. Eqn. (4.7) shows 52 that the height difference in circumferential direction is negligible. Concave Steel Seal 0.12 ' E 0 0.08 -- arad- E=0.06 - 10.04- :3 3 4*4 0.02 -- 0 50 100 150 200 Degreees 250 300 350 400 CCW Figure 4-9: Waviness measurement for concave steel seal. A curve 1 is for outmost circle. The larger number of curve corresponds to the inner measurement circle. 4.2 Experimental results In Figure 4-10, we show that the penetration of particles with two seal geometries after the same number of cycles. For the flat seal, we can observe that particles have penetrated partially from outside. For the concave seal, the particles have penetrated the whole contact band except near the bottom. This is because of oil leakage which prevents particle migration(See Section 4.1.3). We also observed small area near the interface of oil and air. In case of the flat seal, the particles move inward immediately, and stay as shown in Figure 4-11. The particle front does not penetrate in the radial direction further. The usual penetration length is approximately 0.5 mm. For the concave seal, the particle front moves radially inward until it passes whole contact band. One of the results is shown in Figure 4-12. The penetration length was fitted to third order polynomial by least square, then to the square function of time. When we consider the penetration as diffusion, the diffusion coefficient(D) is 0.362 from 9 =atDa.r 2 53 (a)Flat Seal (b)Concave seal Figure 4-10: Part of each seal after 3,500 cycles. The particles can migrate only small part of the contact band for flat seal(Left) while they migrate whole contact band except bottom part of seal for concave seal(Right). It is very likely that our experimental results support shear induced migration theory in our geometry although it is still complicated to analyze. We simplified surface profile using steel seal, but there are still other factors. We need to consider the effect of gravity on the particles in addition to shear induced migration. The effect of oil flow on the migration of particles in circumferential direction can be significant as the speed increases. In spite of complications, the dramatic difference between flat seal and concave seal clearly supports our hypothesis. With the experimental evidence in chapter 3, we can insist that shear induced migration of clay particles is responsible for migration of particles under the contact band. 54 Figure 4-11: Close view of particle front near the interface. The particle front penetrates immediately after slurry supply and stays at certain distance from the outer edge. 5 4 3 0 (D 2 - 50 100 - 150 - 0.602 sqrt(t) 4.3 200 250 300 Time(sec) Figure 4-12: Particle front movement for concave seal. The particle front moves gradually with time, then stops near the inside diameter of the concave seal. The data was fitted to third order polynomial. 55 Chapter 5 Particle aggregation and dispersion mechanisms This chapter deals with the physical and chemical mechanisms for particle aggregation and the dispersion. As discussed in Chapter 1, after the break-in period, particles start to form clusters leading to aggressive wear period. The cluster composition was investigated by Ayala [3] by using electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. These results, he showed that clusters were mainly composed of clay particles. In our system, clay particles first contact water, then oil when they penetrate under the contact band. We will first discuss the water-clay system, then move toward wateroil interactions to explain particle aggregation. We will also consider mechanisms for disappearance of the clusters before outward migration begins under high normal loads, as discussed in Chapter 3. 5.1 Water-Clay system In a dry clay, adsorbed cat-ions due to isomorphous substitution are tightly held by the negatively charged clay particles [19]. However, when clay particles are dissolved in water, the adsorbed cat-ions tend to diffuse away and form an electric double layer as explained in Section 2.1. It is well known that the broken edge can have a positive charge under certain conditions which depend on pH [7, 11, 20, 26]. 56 Anions in water Fluoride Chloride Nitrate Phosphate Bromide Nitrate Sulfate pH Amount < 20ppm < 20ppm < 20ppm < 20ppm < 20ppm < 20ppm < 20ppm 7.0 - 7.1 Table 5.1: Anions in Water investigated by ion chromatography. ASTM D4327 At pH values lower than the point of zero charge of the edges, i. e 7, the edges have positive charge and there is no potential barrier for face-edge interaction to aggregation [7, 11]. At pH values around 7, both face-edge and edge-edge flocculation due to Van der Waals force can be expected. Where the pH > 7, the edges also have negative charges and there is a considerable potential energy barrier to all modes of flocculation. We investigated the pH values and the presence of ions using pH paper and ion chromatography. The results are summarized in Table 5.1. From the value of the pH, our clay particles can have edge-edge bonding due to Van der Waals force and some edge-face bonding due to opposite charge. However, in our system, there is a considerable amount of anions which include Phosphate, Bromide, etc. It is well known that some types of anions can be attracted to and neutralize the positive edge. Especially anions which have similar size and geometry as the silica tetrahedron, such as phosphate and borate, are very effective in neutralizing the edges of clay particles. Such mechanisms decrease the possibility of edge-face bonding due to opposite charge. Our mixture appears to be homogeneous, displaying some rigidity and elasticity. This implies that particles are connected to one another and make network structures. We can conclude that clay particles in our slurry mixture are connected by mainly edge-edge bonding and, possibly, some face-edge bonding. 57 5.2 Additional aggregation and dispersion mechanisms 5.2.1 Aggregation mechanisms In Chapter 2, some particle aggregation mechanisms were discussed and compared using estimation of order of forces. Van der Waals forces and electrostatic attractive forces due to opposite charges on the surface and edge were responsible for particle aggregation. From the comparison of forces, Van der Waals forces were shown to be dominant at moderately high particle concentrations. In addition the effects of dissolved ions at the water-oil interface and bridging of particles by a second immiscible liquid can also lead to clustering. The effects of dissolved ions at the interface was found in the experiments when we used two different kinds of oils. They are Pennzoil Gearplus 80W-90 oil and Mobil CAT Gear Oil SAE 80W-90. Ayala [31 used Pennzoil oil for his experiment, but we found that different wear mechanisms could be observed when we used different kinds of oils as lubricants. As explained in Chapter 3, we observed that clusters disappeared and particle outward migration occurred when we used higher normal load (1700N) and Mobil CAT oil. However, when we used Pennzoil oil with same normal load, we could not observe breakup of clusters. We investigated the two oils using FTIR (Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectra) and ion chromatography method. The analysis and interpretation for chemical components is given by Herguth Laboratories, Inc. The results for spectrum analysis and metallic chemical compounds are shown in Figure 5-1 (a), (b). The analysis shows that Mobil CAT oil has calcium sulfonate and Pennzoil oil has potassium borate as additives in the oil. Potassium borate is soluble in water, but calcium sulfonate is rather insoluble in water. When potassium borate dissolves in water near the interface, it will increase the concentration of electrolytes, which leads to the reduction of electrostatic repulsion due to the compressed electric double layer thickness. This helps cluster formation 58 PRIMARY SAMPLE ID 713845 [ e b als .' .inum IMARY A n P e0(XL.M 1 SAMPL A.. C ilvr Red Scan i sampie ,115.111101--1 7 . . . n; p - ..... n .. ppi ..-.... ....... Calc - m ly d n Mo um a -( . -2 ....-. 0 p a ' ppmn (a) Pennzoil Gearplus SAE 80W-90 oil. PRIMARY m s-- AM-;mttnum1 )by SAMPLE ID713844 I . C . P, c'8 ndsa HTl 1 ap 115-3- 1 ppm PpmYI ppm (A!.)- *11*ml ............ PPM Ni 0?l'N ;prm 10'm "V1 (b) Mobil CAT oil. Figure 5-1: FTIR Spectrum results and metallic ions by I. C. P. Spectro. (a) The strong and medium intensity bands of the spectrum are consistent with an aliphatic hydrocarbon, the base oil. Based on the presence of boron in the oil, the oil is likely to contain potassium borate additives. (b) The band at _ 1165cm- 1 is likely due to the existence of sulfonate, used usually as a rust inhibitor. Based on the presence of sulfonate, the oil is likely to contain calcium sulfonate 59 due to reduced repulsive force explains why Penzzoil oil, which contains potassium borate, leads to particle aggregation. On the other hand, when we use Mobil CAT oil which contains calcium sulfonate, long range electrostatic repulsion prevents cluster formation at the interface. The experimental evidence for the effects of solubility near the interface was found in Figure 5-2. The figure shows the region around the oil-water interface under oscillating steel plate. Clusters are formed around the interface between the water and the oil. On the other hand, no clusters are found at the region far from the interface. Clusters Steel Plate Inte Figure 5-2: Interface area captured by CCD camera. Clusters starts to form from the interface. 60 However, more information about the compound in oil is required to fully understand the different results. If the dispersed particles are preferentially wetted by polar liquids such as water and the added liquid is immiscible with the organic dispersion medium such as oil, the added water envelops the particles with a thin film. When two particles come together, their water films will flow together at the contact point since the arrangement results in a decrease of the total free interfacial energy of the system due to a reduction of the interfacial area. When the clay particles first contact water, they adsorb a few molecular to develop a thin film around the particle. When they penetrate into the oil film, the water layer is immiscible with the surrounding oil medium, so that the bridging of particles due to thin adsorbed water layer can be observed. These ideas explain the disparate results obtained when Pennzoil oil with 5% of surfactant which was used for dispersing dry clay in oil-based paint(See Figure 5-3) [3]. When he used dry clay, he did not observe any clusters. However, when he used clay-water mixture, he could observe clusters and wear. 398 40,854 Figure 5-3: The above images show a seal operating with a dry mixture of clay and sand added to its periphery and surfactant added to the oil with number of cycles. No clusters were observed even after 40,000 cycles. However, surfactant does not prevent clustering formation for a slurry mixture based on water [3]. Such different results can be explained with two mechanisms, effects of dissolved ions at the interface and bridging of particles by an adsorbed water film. The adsorbed water film also helps clustering due to the reduction of interfacial energy. We can insist 61 that the different results are partially due to two additional clustering mechanisms. 5.2.2 Dispersion mechanisms Experiments with flat seals reveal that the temperature on the glass surface changes significantly and correlated with an accelerated wear of the seal. The large change in temperature is due to increased friction with the wide contact band. In order to quantify the effects of temperature variations, we embed thermocouples in the seal lip surface as shown in Figure 5-4. We make three holes at the top, middle and bottom part of the seal surface. Then we fix thermocouples in the holes and fill the holes with polyurethane sealant to make the seal surface as smooth as possible. Thermocouples are connected to a data acquisition system to record the temperatures. At the same time, a CCD camera is used to record particle behavior. We use insulated fine wire thermocouples (K type, OMEGA). The diameter at the junction of the thermocouple is 0.020 inch. The space between two wires near the junction was filled with silicon sealant to prevent a contact of wires at other parts besides the junction. Polyurethane sealant Adhesive sealant Thermocouple junction Insulated wire Figure 5-4: The location of thermocouples at three different parts, top, middle and bottom. The right image shows the enlarged cross section where the thermocouple is fitted to the hole. After inserting the thermocouple, polyurethane sealant is spread on the seal lip surface for smoothing surface and preventing particle concentration around the thermocouple. 62 The temperature at each location is measured every two minutes during the experiment. 5 measurements at every minute were averaged to get an average normal force. The measurement results are shown in Figure 5-5. Once cluster formation begins, the wavelength between clusters changes until permanent cluster breakup and outward migration occurs. The trends of change in all temperatures and average normal force are plotted in Figure 5-6. The temperatures show a rapid increase in the beginning of oscillation while the normal force shows a rapid decrease in magnitude due to lubrication by the oil film. After cluster formation starts, the temperature shows a gradual increase. After a while, the temperatures at the middle and the bottom part increases rapidly and clusters disappear. Our experimental results are suggestive the existence of a threshold temperature for cluster breakup. Concomittantly, the normal force seems to increase significantly with the increase in temperature. Simultaneous increments in the normal force with temperature above a threshold, thermal expansion of seal lip material is likely to contribute to be the dominant cause for cluster breakup. The thermal expansion coefficient of seal lip material(a) is 1.62 x 10- 4 /C. The change of temperature is approximately 16 'C when a rapid increase of temperature and normal force occurs. Then the strain is c = aAT = 2.59 x 10-. Corresponding change in normal force is AN = EcAsea, , 13N where Aseai is the area of contact band. The measured increment in the normal force is as shown in 5-5d. This is consistent with our hypothesis that the thermal expansion of the seal lip material is responsible for breakup of the clusters. Outward migration of particles occurs after cluster breakup. Note that outward migration of particles occurs when the normal force reaches its maximum which results in an outward migration of particles. 63 Cluster breakup Outward migration Outward migration / tb 60 CL40 30 (a) Top temperature (b) Middle temperature Cluster breakup Outward migration ILk Outward migrathi 1 / 970960 950 940 c 930 2 2 920< Ur> 0 (c) Bottom temperature (d) Averaged normal force Figure 5-5: Temperature at three different loacation is measured in 'C (a-c). Clusters disappear when temperature exceeds approximately 60 0 C. Two measurements at every two minutes were done to check the spatial variation of temperature. Observe that outward migration occurs at the same time when normal force(d) reaches a local peak. 64 980 -- Tepmerature at Top - - Temperature at Middle ..w.. Temperature at Bottom 970 Z 2960 Average Normal force Outward migra ion L950 C Cluster breakup(Middle) 940 - breakup(Bot bm) /-- ACluster 930 920 -~ I 0 50 TIme(mln) 100 Figure 5-6: Average normal force is shown with temperature in three different parts. Note that the normal force shows a sudden increment when the temperature increases rapidly. Outward migration occurred when the normal force reached local peaks. 65 Chapter 6 Conclusion The goal of our thesis is to understand the fundamental behavior of particles for the improvement of seal design. We investigate two categories of fundamental behavior of particles: migration and clustering of particles. Shear induced migration explains prior and current experiments on the migration of particles. Particle aggregation and dispersion mechanisms were also investigated and validated by experiments. We will review the interactions between particles and discuss future work. 6.1 Summary of particle interactions through whole wear process The particle interactions are summarized in Figure 6-1. Clay particles first contact with water to make a slurry mixture. With the investigation of pH and containing ions in water, we can conclude that edge-edge bonding and some edge-face bonding combine particles together and make a network structure. When particles are ingested under the contact band, the clay particles contact with the oil film. The particle front moves and stops at certain distance due to shear induced migration. Up to a certain number of cycles during break-in period, the particles are dispersed by the dominant shear force. When the concentration of particles are high enough, the van der Waals force is 66 Clay-water system Edge to edge, edge to face bonding Shear induced migration Dispersed by shear force Clay-oil system I Cluster formation Breakup of clusters { Outward migration Van der Waals force Effects of dissolved ions at interface Bridging of particles by adsorbed water molecules and compouns in oil Thermal expansion of seal surface Electrostatic repulsive force Entropic repulsion Shear induced migration Increased normal pressure Figure 6-1: Summary of abrasive wear process due to particle ingestion and cluster formation. Related forces and effects are written for each stage. dominant and particles start to aggregate. In addition to the van der Waals force, bridging of particles by adsorbed water film and organic compounds are likely to help cluster formation. Clusters start to form around the interface of water and oil, which suggests that dissolved ions at the interface help particles aggregate. When clusters are large enough to fill the gap between the bushing plate and seal surface, they start to roll due to friction. The wavelength between the clusters changes with time [3]. After a large number of cycles, the temperature of the seal surface shows a rapid increase. The normal force also shows a sudden increment, which implies thermal expansion of the seal lip surface. With other factors for dispersion of particles, thermal expansion of seal surface is very likely to help breakup of clusters. After the disappearance of clusters, the dispersed particles start to migrate outward. The investigation of the glass bushing profile shows a favorable profile for outward migration due to the shear induced migration mechanism. In addition, the 67 normal force shows a local maximum when outward migration occurs. The shape of the surface profile and increased normal pressure drive particles radially outward. 6.2 Future work Although shear induced migration is the dominant mechanism for particle migration, in order to fully understand the migration mechanism, we need a simplified system. The diversity of size, shape and the complex electrical and chemical interactions between clay particles in a complex setup geometry make analysis difficult. For quantitative analysis of shear induced migration, we need to devise experiments with particles of well-defined size and shape. The setup should be modified to exclude the effects of gravity by using a horizontal setup and neutrally buoyant suspending medium. The behavior of particles can be understood quantitatively with a change of parameters, such as amplitude, frequency of oscillation and normal force. A deep understanding of particle behavior in various geometries will give a way to control the migration of particles and finally delay the wear process. The role of the temperature change should be investigated in the future. The change of temperature leads to dramatic change of wear properties. For our seal lip material, polyurethane, 80 'C is usually considered as the top working limit under continuous dynamic conditions [291. From our measurement results, it is possible to exceeds limiting temperatures after a long running time. In order to guarantee a durable temperature range, heat transfer should be considered to dissipate heat from the surface to the outside. On the other hand, for more accurate research in the role of temperature change, the non-contact measurement method such as laser diagnostics is required. Any measurement by direct contact is not accurate enough due to complicated heat transfer process and severe environment in our system. The DELIF technique, which can measure the oil film thickness and the temperature change simultaneously using two different dyes, is one of the solutions to our problem. Besides the control of migration and clustering processes in a mechanical way such as finding the optimal shape of oil film and efficient heat transfer, there is a chemical 68 way to control the clustering formation process. The lubricant oil should be developed with considerations of interactions between particles and oil. Various techniques for dispersing the particles using interactions between clay particles and metallic, organic compounds in oil are available [28]. The information about the lubricant should be known prior to improvement. 69 Appendix A Clay mineralogy The standard for classification of clay is somewhat ambiguous. In terms of size and shape, the clay refers to constituents of a soil smaller than 0.002 mm(2 Pm) and has platy shapes(in few cases with needle or tubular shape) [19]. However, it should be kept in mind that not all clay particles are smaller than 2 Mm and not all non-clay particles are coarser than 2 pm. The principal building elements of the clay minerals are two-dimensional arrays of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra and two-dimensional arrays of aluminum or magnesium oxygen-hydroxyl octahedra. In most clay minerals, such sheets of tetrahedra and of octahedra are superimposed in different ways [281. Clay minerals are classified by the arrangement of these two element sheets. In silica tetrahedra sheet, three of the four oxygens in each tetrahedron are shared by three neighboring tetrahedra to form hexagonal network (See Figure A-1). The unit structure can repeat indefinitely and has composition (Si 4 010) 4-. Electrical neutrality can be achieved by replacement of four oxygens by hydroxyls. Octahedral sheet is composed of magnesium or aluminum coordinated octahedrally with oxygens or hydroxyls as shown in Figure A-2. In some conditions, other cations such as Fe2 +, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ti 4+ can replace A1 3+ and Mg 2 +. When the cat- ion is trivalent, such as A1 3+, then normally only two thirds of the possible cationic spaces are filled, and referred gibbsite sheet. If cation is divalent like Mg2+, then normally all possible cation sites are filled and called brucite sheet. 70 C4 0 0 Silicons Silicon tetrahedron and silica tetrahedra arranged in a hexageonal Figure A-1: network. * Oxygen [19] Hydroxyls * Aluminums, magnesiums, etc. Figure A-2: Octahderal unit and sheet structure of octahedral units.[19] In the real clay minerals, however, some of tetrahedral and octahedral spaces are filled with cations other than those in the ideal structures. Such replacement of a cation other than normally found, without change in crystal structure is called isomorphous substitution[19]. Most common examples of isomorphous substitution are replacement of Si 4 + with Al'+ in silicate tetrahedra sheet and Al'+ with Mg 2+ in octahedral sheet. Such isomorphous substitution results in net 'egative charges of clay minerals and electric double layer in clay suspension. Our clay mineral, kaolinite, is composed of alternating silica and octahedral sheets. The physical shape of well-crystallized particles of kaolinite is known as well-formed 71 six-sided plates. The lateral dimensions of plates are from about 0.1 to 4 pm, and the vertical dimensions are from about 0.05 to 2 pm. The aspect ratio of the plate is usually ~ 12 although it may vary with particle size [15]. The edges of kaolinite particles are positively charged when the surrounding medium is in a low pH condition, while negatively charged in a high pH condition [7], [19],[20],[26]. Such reversal of charge at the edges can contribute to the change of micro-structures in clay suspensions. In addition, the anisotropy and different carrying charges at faces and edges of the clay particles make the interactions complicated. Mineral Isomorphous substitusion Kaolinite Al for Si Mg for Al As Above Typical particle shape Hexagonal sheets Plate Sheets Variable Illite Al foi Si Maybe Mg, Fe for Al Mainly Al for Si Also Mg, Fe for Al As above Typical particle size diameter= 0.3 - 10 p thickness= 1 dia outer diameter=.07 p inner diamter=.04 p length=.5 p Very large Flakes Montmorillonite Mainly Mg for Al Sheets Chlorite Al for Si Fe,Mg for Al Plate diarneter=.1-2 p thickness < dia diameter=.1-1 p thickness < 1 dia Variable Halloysite Muscovite Vermiculite Hollow tubes Table A.1: Physical properties and dimensions of common clay minerals 72 Appendix B Notation and Physico-chemical values A w Useai P u- The oscillation amplitude of the seal in radians Typical value: A= 7r/6 Oscillation frequency in strokes per second Typical value: 1 stroke/second Seal shear velocity. Typical mean velocity: U.=22 mm/s Viscosity of 80W90 Penzzoil Gear oil Value at STP: 0.32 Pa - s Surface tension of oil Typical value: 38 x 10-3N/m P E Er a Average normal force Typical value: P= 1700N Stiffness of the seal lip material(3.45 MPa) Stiffness of the load ring material(0.45 MPa) Thermal expansion coefficient(from -30 'C to 110 'C) Value = 8.995 x 10- / 'F 73 Bibliography [1] S. W. Sinton A. W. Chow and J. H. Iwamiya. Shear-induced particle migration in couette and parallel-plate viscometers. Phys. Fluids, 6:2561-2576, August 1994. [2] C. Ancey and P. Coussot. Transition frictionnelle/visqueuse pour une suspension granulaire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,SerieII b, pages 515-522, 1999. [3] H. M. Ayala. The ingestion of soil debris by elastomeric seals. PhD thesis, M.I.T, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1999. [4] Hugo M. Ayala. The effects of soil abrasives on rotary seal effectiveness. Master's thesis, M.I.T, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1995. [5] H. B. C. 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