Academic Appeal Procedure

Academic Appeal Procedure
A student wishing to appeal a course grade is strongly encouraged to communicate with
the course instructor (either face-to-face or by electronic communication) in an attempt to
resolve the situation. If the student-instructor communication does not resolve the
situation, the student must meet with the dean of the academic department where the
course resides. If the student-dean meeting does not resolve the situation, the student may
file this Academic Appeal form with the Chair of the Academic Policies and Procedures
Committee. The student must respond to all three sections of this form. If the student
wishes to attach additional information, or expand beyond the space provided, he or she
should follow this format and attach additional documentation. This completed appeal
form must be filed with the Chair of the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee
within 100 calendar days following the completion of the semester in which the appealed
grade was awarded in EagleNet.
Within 30 days of the receipt of this completed form the Chairperson of the Academic
Policies and Procedures Committee will contact all parties involved and inform them of
the scheduled appeal hearing. The Instructor may appear in person or choose to submit
additional written documentation in support of his/her position. The student may appear
in person or by telephone or internet videophone (if available). Details of appeal hearing
format and logistics will be communicated to all parties prior to the appeal hearing
The decision of the Academic Policies and Procedures committee will be communicated
to all interested parties in writing no later than ten working days after the hearing. The
decision of the committee is final and no other appeal opportunity exists.
Revised 06-­‐01-­‐2014 ACADEMIC APPEAL FORM
This form should be used by a student who wishes to appeal a grade received in a course.
Please contact Mike McLaughlin at 319-398-4947 or if
you are requesting an Appeal of Graduation Requirements.
Student Name ________________________
K Number ____________
Student Address _________________________________________________________
Student Phone Number(s) _________________________________________________
Student E-Mail*
Course Name ___________________________________________________________
Term ________________________ Instructor Name __________________________
*- all e-mail communication will be to Kirkwood e-mail address
1. Briefly describe the facts.
2. Please indicate what action you are requesting (select one):
a. Change grade from ________ to ________
d. Other ________________________________________
3. State why you feel the above action(s) should be taken. (Attach supporting
documentation if necessary)
Revised 06-­‐01-­‐2014 