Frictionless Brains: Evolution and Analysis of Brain-Body-Environment Systems Randall D. Beer Cognitive Science Program Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Informatics Indiana University How can we understand the neural mechanisms underlying animal behavior? How can we design artificial systems with the flexibility and robustness of animals? Beer/Keck/2004 The Artificial Insect Beer (1989) Research Overview Biology Robotics Theoretical Challenges Theoretical Challenges Nervous systems are complex networks of heterogeneous nonlinear elements Nervous systems co-evolved with the bodies and environments in which they are embedded Environment Body Nervous System Nervous systems were evolved, not designed A Perspective on Behavioral Systems Situatedness Embodiment Dynamics Environment Body Nervous System Behavior is a property of the entire brain-body-environment system, not of any individual component It can only be understood properly in this broader context Evolutionary Robotics ... Environment Dynamical Analysis Body Nervous System 0.17 0.001 0.21 0.09 0.12 Selection Copy Mutation ... Crossover ... CTRNN Dynamics Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks 1 N # 1 ẏi = −yi + wji σ (yj + θj ) + Ii τi j=1 0.8 σ (x) = 1 1 + e−x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -10 -5 0 • Simplest nonlinear continuous-time dynamical neural model • Biological interpretations • • • • ➪ Mean firing rate model ➪ Model of nonspiking neuron with input nonlinearities Computationally and analytically tractable (Continuous) Hopfield networks, but ➪ Connections need not be symmetric ➪ Self-connections allowed Universal approximator of smooth dynamics Model neurons or convenient basis dynamics? 5 10 CTRNN Dynamics Phase Portraits 3.5 y2 10 7.5 5 3 y2 2.5 2.5 2 0 2 10 7.5 y3 5 y3 1 2.5 0 0 0 0 2.5 5 y1 2 7.5 y1 10 2 0 6 4 8 6 10 10 y2 4 2 8 6 y2 0 -2.6 4 6 -2.55 -2.5 Θ2 2 4 2 -2.45 0 -2.4 y1 0 2 3 4 5 w 6 Parameter Charts Bifurcation Diagrams y1 4 6 7 Beer (1995) CTRNN Parameter Space Structure BS FS BS BS FS FT FT FT 8 Parameters 15 Parameters ... INT INT1 3 Parameters FS 24 Parameters INT2 35 Parameters What is the structure of the (N 2+2N)-dimensional space CCTRNN (N ) ? CTRNN Parameter Space Structure Varying a self-weight Varying a cross-weight -1 -1.5 -2 Θ2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 Θ1 -2.5 -2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -8 -6 Θ2 -6 -4 -4 -2 -2 00 Beer (2006) Θ1 Θ3 CTRNN Design & aVLSI Implementation 2.2 mm Current [!A] Neuron 1 output 4 2 0 Current [!A] Neuron 2 output 4 2 0 Current [!A] Neuron 3 output 4 2 0 R. Kier and R. Harrison University of Utah Current [!A] Neuron 4 output 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 with Kier, Ames and Harrison (2006) 12 Time [s] 14 16 18 20 22 Walking Legged Locomotion AS BS FS FT BS FS BS BS FS FT FT FT INT INT1 15 Free Parameters FS 24 Free Parameters with Gallagher (1992) INT2 35 Free Parameters Multiple Instantiability * BS FS + * BS + * FS FT + FT + * BS + * FS - * BS + FS + * FT * FS - * BS + FT + * FS - BS + FT - Differ by less than 2% in performance with Chiel and Gallagher (1999) * FS + * BS FT + FT + * FS * BS + * FS + * BS + * FT + * FT BS + FS + FT + Failure of Averaging !FT !BS !FS 10 20 wFS 0 10 wBS -10 0 wFT -10 -20 -20 20 Best CPG FT BS FS 0 "FT 10 "BS wFT#FS wBS#FT wBS#FS wFS#FT wFS#BS 30 40 Average CPG "FS wFT#BS 20 time FT BS FS 0 10 with Chiel and Gallagher (1999) 20 time 30 40 50 Sensitivity and Robustness * BS 129-467% coordinated change in 3 parameters Nominal 6% change in 1 parameter * BS FS + * BS + FS + * FT - * FT - * FT - FT BS FS 0 10 20 time FS + 30 with Chiel and Gallagher (1999) 40 Walking: Neuromechanical Analysis Biomechanical Analysis D* ≈ 0.627 V* = * T π/6 -π/6 DC TSwing 0 T* ⎩ ⎜ ⎜ TStance 0 Foot Down ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ TC Swing ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ TP Foot Up ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ Stance Coast ⎧⎧ ⎧ ⎜⎜ ⎨ ⎜ ⎩ ⎜⎜ ⎨ ⎜⎜ ⎧ ⎜⎜ ⎨ ⎜⎩ ⎩ Stance Power ⎨ π/6 D* -π/6 ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ DP 20 with Chiel and Gallagher (1999) Explaining Motor Pattern Variability FT BS FS INT 1 INT 2 0 10 20 30 Time with Chiel and Gallagher (1999) 40 Walking: Fitness Space Structure CPG Fitness Space Structure 15 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 -10 15 10 0 10 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10 -10 -10 -10 0 10 20 -10 0 10 Beer (2002) 20 -10 0 10 20 -10 0 10 20 RPG Fitness Space Structure w = 16 10 8 6 τ 4 2 -9 -8 -7 -5 -6 θ τ = 0.5 -4 -3 τ=5 8 τ = 10 6 4 2 0 θ θ -2 -4 -6 w w Beer (2002) θ -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 w 0 Walking: The Impact of Circuit Architecture The Impact of Circuit Architecture BS FS BS BS FS FT FT FT INT INT1 64 Architectures (x 300 exps) FS 4,096 Architectures (x 200 exps) INT2 528,384 Architectures (~1% sample x 100 exps) ~2.2 million experiments! with Psujek and Ames (2006) Fitness Classes FT 3-Neuron 0.6 Class 1 BS Best Fitness 0.5 FS FT Class 2 0.4 BS FS 0.3 0.2 FT 0.1 Class 3 0 4-Neuron BS 5-Neuron 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 with Psujek and Ames (2006) FS Evolvability High Evolvability Subgroup Average Fitness 0.4 0.3 Class 1 Class 2 0.2 Class 3 0.1 Low Evolvability Subgroup 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Best Fitness 0.5 0.6 Log Frequency -1 -2 High Evolvability -3 Low Evolvability -4 -5 -6 Frequency x 10-5 0 8 6 4 2 -7 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Fitness with Psujek and Ames (2006) 3 Neuron 4 Neuron 5 Neuron Learning Associative Learning 4 Environment A Smell Action Before Training Reinforcement An E Circuit Architecture Action After Training Mouth – + Re N1 + – N2 N3 Environment B Smell Action Before Training Reinforcement Action After Training N4 + – N5 Reinforcement Smell – + Evolution with Phattanasri and Chiel (2002) 0.8 0.6 Circuit Behavior Environment A Environment B Environment A 1 R 0 -1 1 S 0 -1 (N1) M N2 N3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 time with Phattanasri and Chiel (2002) 600 700 The Dynamics of a Trial 1 5 9 P! P! P! 2 6 10 P0 P0 P0 3 7 11 P+ P" P+ 4 8 12 P0 P0 P0 Circuit Dynamics y2 -10 10 y2 0 B4 B2 A4 25 y3 B3 0 B1 -25 A3 A1 -50 -40 0 -10 A2 50 10 50 y3 0 -50 -50 -25 -20 0 0 y1 20 y1 40 – A3 + 25 50 – ! B3 ! ! ! A4 A1 B4 B1 " + + " A2 " Environment A " – – B2 + Environment B Minimally-Cognitive Behavior Visually-Guided Behavior Catching Objects Short-Term Memory Perception of Body-Scaled Affordances Selective Attention An Object Discrimination Task x o9 150 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 25 -50 -25 0 150 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 A 25 150 -50 -25 0 150 y 100 100 50 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 175 7 175 150 150 + + 8 8 9 9 10 10 + + 11 11 12 12 125 125 100 100 75 75 50 50 13 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 14 -60 -40 -20 Beer (1996) 0 20 40 60 Evolution of Genetic Regulatory Networks Model: Genomes and Proteins Model Model Bind x y z x Start codon ! Coding region codons are transcribed/translated Promotor into ! Environment amino acids to form a protein ! ! ! Cell Enhancer Genomes Repressor Proteins Domain Function Data Segment with Drennan (2004, 2006) The Repressilator Evolution task: Repressilator Elowitz and Leibler (2000) with Drennan (2004, 2006) Fitness = 34 Evolving a Repressilator Results: An Interesting Example esults: An Interesting Results: Example An Interesting Example Fitness = 0 Fitness = 0 Fitness = esults: An Interesting Results: Example An Interesting Example Results: An Interesting Example ! Crossover forms a 3-cycle ! Crossover destroys several genes mber of initial population ! Other crossed-over genes form a fourth ! Deletion of extra regulatory node ntained 3 regulatory nodes regulatory node Fitness = 12 Fitness = 30 Fitness = with Drennan (2004, 2006) sover destroys yet!more ! Crossover removes last excitatory Moregenes genes culled over 32 generations connection to reveal the 3-cycle moval of self-inhibiting !gene causes 3-cycle almost completely unencumbered nzero fitness to be achieved Interplay of Development Bias and Evolution Figure 33 Figure Model Gene aa Model gene gene Model Regulatory section section Regulatory Coding section section Coding CCAAA CCCAC CCCAC AAACA AAACA CAACA CAACA AAAAAACAACCACACACAACACACA AAAAAACAACCACACACAACACACA CCAAA Repression11 Repression22 Repression Repression Activation11 Activation 22 Activation Activation bb Codingsection section sequences sequences Coding Threshold Threshold Protein types types Protein CACCA CACCA AAAAAAC AAAAAAC Type Type Modifier Modifier Protein Protein Protein shapes shapes Protein i)i) CCxxx CCxxx xx xx Intra-cellularsignal/TF signal/TF (Int) (Int) Intra-cellular ... ii) ii) CAxxx CAxxx xx xx Extra-cellularsignal/TF signal/TF (Ext) (Ext) Extra-cellular ... iii) iii) ACxxx ACxxx xx xx Pre-synapticmarker marker (Pre) (Pre) Pre-synaptic ... iv) iv) AAxxx AAxxx xx xx Post-synaptic marker marker (Post) (Post) Post-synaptic ... with Psujekto(2006) Fig. 3. 3. Model Model gene gene and and sequences sequences corresponding corresponding protein types. types. A. A. Genes Genes are are divided divided into into aa regulatory regulatory Fig. to protein and aa coding coding section. section. The The regulatory regulatory section section is is further further subdivided subdivided into into regions regions that that determine determine ifif aa gene gene is is and activated or or repressed. repressed. The The coding coding section section isis divided divided into into two two regions regions that that determine determine aa protein’s protein’s function function activated and its binding region. Two bases, ‘A’ and ‘C’, are used to generate genes. B. The four protein types in the Cell 1 S. Psujek and R. D.1 Beer Fig. 1. A radially-represented uniform distribution of genotypes leading to a non-uniform distribution of phenotypes through a developmental process. Each of these rays represents a unique genotype or Figure 5 aphenotype. Under phenotypes, the length of each ray indicates the number of genotypes resulting in that Cell process. 1 phenotype through the developmental In the figure, some phenotypes are produced by multiple 1 genotypes; whereas, other phenotypes are not generated at all. CCCCC 1 CCCCC Developmental Model 1 P re CCCCC CCCCC 2 CCCCC 1 Pos t CCCAC CCCCA CCCCC 3 CCCCC CCCCC 1 CCCCC 1 1 P re 2 CCCCC 2 CCCCC 2 1 Pos t CCCAC CCCCA CCCCC a 3 CCCCC 21 1 Ext b CCCCA Cell 1 3 Cell 2 1 b 1 P re 4 CCCCA CCCCC Cell 2 1 Pos t CCCAC Cell 3 12 CCCCA 4 CCCCA 13 P re 5 CCCCA 14 Pos t CCCCC 5 CCCCA 1) Cell 12 placement CCCCA CCCAC 2 4 CCCCA 3 Figure 2 13 P re CCCCA 15 15 b 6 CCCCA 21 15 13 Ext CCCCA CCCAC 1 4 CCCCA c 13 P re CCCCA 15 5 CCCCA 1 12 15 2 Cell 1 t 14 Pos CCCCA 15 6 CCCCA 13 Ext CCCAC CCCAC CCCAC 15 3 7 CCCAC 20 P re CCCAC 15 5 CCCCA 13 Ext 1 CCCCA CCCAC 6 CCCCA 13 P re Cell 1 1 15 12 14 Pos t CCCCC 12 13 Ext CCCAC CCCCA 7 CCCAC 12 31 13 Ext CCCAC 31 20 P re 20 P re CCCAC CCCAC 7 CCCAC 20 Pos t CCCCA 8 CCCAC CCCAC 15 12 6 CCCCA 1 Cell 3 CCCAC 15 CCCCA 5 CCCCACell 14 3 Pos t CCCCC CCCAC CCCAC CCCCA 3) Target identification CCCAC 12 4 CCCCA 7 CCCAC 13 Ext CCCCA 13 P re 3 2) Differentiation 12 c CCCAC CCCAC 2 CCCCA CCCCA 6 CCCCA CCCCA CCCCC 14 Pos t CCCCC 12 14 Pos t CCCCC CCCCA CCCCA 4 CCCCA CCCCA 15 6 CCCCA Cell 3 CCCCA 15 CCCCA CCCCA 12 Cell 2 3 15 1 Ext 12 15 CCCCA CCCCA 3 CCCCC 5 CCCCA CCCCA CCCCC CCCCA 15 3 2 CCCCC 13 P re CCCCA 15 CCCCC 1 Cell 3 CCCCA 15 CCCCC 1 CCCCC CCCCA 3 S. Psujek and R. D. Beer CCCCC Figure 5 1 Ext 2 8 CCCAC CCCAC 31 20 P re CCCAC 31 20 Pos t CCCCA 3 CCCAC 31 Fig. 5. The differentiation steps as generated by the genome in Figure 4. Only the relevant genes are shown at each time step. Note that expressed surface proteins are bound in the cell’s membrane and do not degrade c over the growth period. However, signaling proteins act for only one time step before being degraded. This Cell 1 Cell 3 compresses the time for the developmental sequence to play out. Instead of incorporating the time to set up 21 3 a chemical gradient, we chose an exponential decay function that calculates concentration based on distance. This generates a gradient with a sharp decay that allows gene thresholds to match the distances in 15 of our two-dimensional growth surface. Concentration in this model is therefore a function of distance and 31 CCCAC 15 Fig. 5. The differentiation steps as generated by the genome in Figure 4. CCCAC Only the relevant not genes are shown of both distance and time. 7 CCCAC 20 P re CCCAC 7 CCCAC 20 P re CCCAC at each time step. Note that expressed surface proteins are bound in the cell’s membrane and do not degrade over the growth period. However, signaling proteins act for only one time step before being degraded. This CCCAC 15 CCCAC 31 compresses the time for the developmental sequence to play out. Instead of incorporating the time to set up 8 CCCAC 20 Pos t CCCCA 8 CCCAC 20 Pos t CCCCA 1 unit a chemical gradient, we 31 chose an exponential decay function that calculates concentration based on 18 distance. a gradient with a sharp that allows genein thresholds to match the distances Fig. This 2. generates The three stages of decay development the formation of ainthree-neuron circuit with three synaptic of our two-dimensional 2 3growth surface. Concentration in this model is therefore a function of distance and connections. not of both distance andIn time.stage 1 cells are placed at fixed distances in a planar environment. In stage 2, cells 31 2 8 CCCAC 3 20 Pos t CCCCA 8 CCCAC 20 Pos t CCCCA 2 3 with Psujek (2006) 2 3 Developmental Bias Global Bias Local Bias * with Psujek (2006) Summary • • • • • Research Program: Dynamics of brain-body-environment systems Methodology: Evolution and analysis of model agents Results ➪ Dynamics of neural circuits ➪ Evolution and analysis of sensorimotor control ➪ Evolution and analysis of learning ➪ Evolution and analysis of minimally cognitive behavior “Frictionless Brains” (and Bodies and Environments) Theoretical/Computational Biology