AN EVALUATION OF TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS by DAVID DANIEL URBANI B.S. Drexel University (1969) Carnegie Mellon University (1971) M.S. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1973 Signature of Author.. Alfred Certified by. P. Sloan School o . .......... Management, .. May 11, 1973 ............. a'. Thesis Supervisor . . . . Accepted by...... Chairman, Department 1iCVmittee on Graduate Students J1UN 28 1973 ) "I n an e An Evaluation of Text Processing Systems David Urbani Submitted to the Alfred P.Sloan 11, 1973 in partial fulfillment degree of Master of Science. School of Management on May of the requirements for the ABSTRACT used almost computers have been Until recently, exclusively for data processing functions. The payoffs for automating accounting procedures and scientific calculational procedures was large enough to justify the relatively expensive early computer systems. However, as economies of scale and new technology lower the effective cost of computer systems, new and more imaginative applications are being developed. Text processing is one of these applications, and it is to this subject that this thesis is directed. computer is the application of Text processing technology to the production of textual information. There is a wide range of systems and capabilities available today which can be divided into three groups: automatic typewriters, mini-computer supported terminals, and multi-purpose computer supported terminals. Several systems of each type were evaluated and compared. Also, several common, and some not so common, uses of text processing were explored. Since each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, the matching of application requirements to system capabilities is the best method of system selection. To determine the productivity increase made possible by the text processing systems, three sources were evaluated: and a production of this thesis, various industry reports, test conducted on ten subjects. The productivity increase realized all cases were significant, and ranged from 50 to 1000 per cent. overall, text processing has been shown to be a viable the and cost effective method of producing documents in business environment. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Stuart A. Madnick Assistant Professor of Management ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude, first of all, to my thesis supervisor, Professor Stuart A. Madnick, who gave me much of his time and many sources of information, especially in the early stages of this thesis. I would also like to thank all of the individuals who provided me with much of the information contained in this Red Dan Diamond at Index Systems, particularly: thesis, Chellis at Camp, Dresser & Mckee, Jim Jackson at Engineering IBM, Cambridge Ed Mosher at Computers International, Nat Scientific Center, Don Nordbeck at Stone & Webster, and Andries Rochester at IBM, Cambridge Scientific Center, van Dam and associates at Brown University. I would also like to thank all of those people who volunteered 45 minutes of their time to participate in the test. Lastly, I would like to thank Miss Ann Radinovic for her help in reading and keying, correcting, and editing this thesis with the TSO-NSCRIPT system. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1. INTRODUCTION 2. TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS 2.1 Automatic Typewriters MT/ST 2.1.1 2.1.2 Redactor Wang 1200 2.1.3 2.2 Minicomputers Documate 2.2.1 2.3 Multipurpose Computers ATS 2.3.1 2.3.2 SPECS 2.3.3 SCRIPT FRESS 2.3.4 2.4 Comparison 3. APPLICATIONS OF TEXT PROCESSING 3.1 Uses Correspondence 3.1.1 3.1.2 Contracts 3. 1.3 Reports 3.1.4 Listings 3.1.5 Directories 3.1.6 Proposals 3.1.7 Manuals 3. 1.8 Specifications Publications 3.1.9 3.1.10 other uses 3.2 Users 3.2. 1 Stone & Webster Camp, Dresser & Mckee 3.2.2 IBM, Cambridge Scientific Center 3.2.3 4. INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS 4.1 Examples of Int. Text Processing Syatems 4.2 Uses for Int. Text Processing Systems 16 16 17 19 21 22 23 28 29 31 35 37 39 5 Page Chapter 84 84 87 89 90 92 93 97 5. PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE 5.1 Thesis Production 5.2 Industry Reports 5.3 Experiment 5.3.1 The System 5.3.2 Subjects 5.3.3 The Test 5.3.4 The Results 6. CONCLUSIONS 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY 111 APPENDIX 1 - AUTOMATIC TYPEWRITERS 113 APPENDIX 2 - 116 MINICOMPUTERS LIST OF TABLES Page Table OF THE SYSTEMS 41 2.1 COMPARISON 2.2 COMPARISON OF THE SYSTEM'S EDITING FEATURES 42 2.3 COMPARISON OF THE SYSTEM'S FORMATTING FEATURES 42 3.1 APPLICATIONS 5.1 DESCRIPTION 5.2 RESULTS INPUT REQUIREMENTS OF SUBJECTS 44 94 OF TIMED TEST FOR TYPING AND TERMINAL 98 SUMMARY OF TIMED TEST 5.3 STATISTICAL 5.4 RESULTS OF EDITING 5.5 STATISTICAL SUMMARY TEST OF EDITING TEST 98 102 102 7 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 SAMPLE TERMINAL SESSION 15 2.1 SCHEMATIC OF COMPUTER BASED TEST PROCESSING SYSTEM 24 TWO METHODS OF ORIGINATING STONE & WEBSTER 62 3.1 A DOCUMENT AT 3.2 PRODUCTION OF FINAL COPY AT STONE & WEBSTER 63 4.1 MODULARITY IN AN INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEM 75 HYPERTEXT DISPLAYED ON 79 4.2 A CRT CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION describing the is a term collectively Text processing hardware and software systems used to aid in the handling of Word information. textual these activities, some of describe is processing used also usually is but, to more The Word Processing Institute defines word narrow in scope. processing as "the application of modern computer technology systems and communications (12)." million industry and the driving One of reducing these costs. costs by: such that a rate it (5). 1980 text used of the increased forces to administrative costs are one of processing is the fact that the fastest rising at and $8 billion by $2 billion by 1975 should top is currently an $800 Text processing is growing typewriter to techniques management help in Text processing systems 1) enabling typists to work more productively, 2) enabling professionals to be more efficient in creating that the documents, and no bulky reducing hard copy administrative need costs, 3) simplifying In addition be filed. there are advantages in using text processing systems. typing, cycles of writing, but with text processing systems the document is Only the updates need many to other Normal editing and proofreading, involves many updated. storage, in must only be to be proofread since there no possibility of an error occurring in other portions of 9 with retyping. the document as there is the ease of corrections, and it to be better written due to tends be better to The document tends for looking reason. the same advantages of text processing will More be discussed in chapters 3 and 4. these systems currently is The largest disadvantage of the relatively high cost. However, of the the components of systems there are more users should stop. The of large computer systems i-nception (Grosch's law), and opposite end of the these costs going down, come down. reason why terminals, especially are also coming down. have shown "power" of with the relationship on the there is no cost of CRT (cathode ray tube) terminals cost down. at a fairly steady rate advances in technology, and the trend going these costs should Storage costs have been coming down due to are are rather expensive today, Communication devices and lines but as the costs of almost all the The root a square system since their minicomputers otfer low costs With "power" spectrum. and the cost of all of labor, including professionals, going up, it is not hard to see that there is a potential for a large market in text processing. Functionally, a into three text processing system may main categories: input, input phase is edit, and concerned with transforming a the conceptualizations of an author the particular system. be divided output. The document from onto the medium used by There may be intermediate steps such 10 as a longhand draft, a pasting previous dictaphone recording, documents, entered by an operator of end it is usually a typewriter keyboard based input advantage One immediate device. in the but or cutting and the text of processing system over normal typing is that errors may be corrected as they are spotted in input the phase. character," character such preceeding as it an a which (see figure possible to shift into the editing to correct mistakes which have is usually mistake or by typing a accomplished by backspacing over the "kill This will 1.1). delete It is the also mode from the input mode been noticed some time later after their occurrence. Once pasting a system is can be ongoing, accomplished much by of the the cutting system simply and by transfering documents, or parts of documents, from medium to medium. The predominant media used cards, magnetic tape (cassettes, magnetic disks. be considered into a a medium computer. able to change of the and the pages, the character and enter input phase the does however. parts of editor in (optical OCR Usually Once the text is stored in function cartridges, or reels), since can read involve keying of some sort, to be paper tape, In some systems, typed pages themselves can recognition) equipment material today are the system, it is desirable the document. a text This is the processing system. editing command can be broken into three categories. An First, 11 the location of the desired change must be made known to the This is commonly done on either a line number basis system. or a context basis. a linear This Usually the line number is a measure of displacement of method of a line locating from the the text is top of awkward a file. from the standpoint that the most up-to-date previous version must be referred to when making changes, and the line numbers change as new text is added. quite acceptable lines are program, The when working structurally but are line number oriented editors are meaningful, is more between the it. natural The Sometimes more effort is is computer editors when no artificial and the method string the user wishes link of locating to locate may usually be overcome very simply words. not be is a character string which would occur many times in most documents. from bordering a needed with this system since unique, for instance, "and the" two as the context method of locating since there text to be located the character such in which inferior to context oriented applied to other documents. text with document This drawback can by including a character or Probably the best method of locating text is accomplished when a television screen--like CRT (cathode ray tube) is used for the terminal. With this system, a large block of text is displayed on the screen and the location of the change to it with an electronic is identified by merely pointing device. Whatever the method, locating is the first function to be done by an editor. 12 editing move, or insert, delete, text. the desired display type of substitute, These include done. be function to of the the specification step is The second With the delete, move, or display functions, no other information be must supplied other than the locating information. However, with the substitute and insert functions, the third step, textual input, must also be provided. accomplished command including by but separated from the in text other the editing information by the usually referred separating character, particular systems' to as a delimiter. the new This is usually With the use of one of these operations, the text which is stored in the system is changed. is for responsible document once responsible for the process, and is the last step in The output phase the formatting in its it final and form. arranging the document form from its input form. printing The of the formatter is hard copy into its This is usually accomplished by a set of formatting commands which can be included in the text itself or reside in a separate file. With these commands, a user may specify the line lengths, margins, centering, etc., at any time during the production them when necessary of a document, and change with little extra work. Better typing efficiency is realized during the input phase because little thought has to be given to formatting by the operator. Once the produced by a format is decided, the variety of output devices. document With may be most of the 13 systems, the output can typewriter. be printed for desirable printer copies. to composition typewriter-like the mechanical speed which is or on the output considerably be printed to (usually magnetic This is devices. industry requiring a high quality product. on special perforated approach Another publishing the a output can The to provide input to photo on of the systems, paper for drafts final production is tape) a line typewriter. normal computer paper With a few on than a faster typed speed is limited by terminal, but the of the can be or output or paper especially firms other If the output of the text processing system is for information only, i.e. no hard copy is required, a the CRT can be used for method, the neater and output from this display. system is the Whatever likely to a document typed more mistake-free than be in the conventional manner. It is the purpose of this different approaches thesis to: taken in (1) explore the designing these systems and of each, (2) discuss the provide a framework for comparison common uses and user applications (3) and discuss some advanced and (4) determine of these systems to date, future uses of these systems, the productivity processing systems. a comprehensive list The systems increase are not of all that is limited by text discussed do not represent available, but rather, they represent an attempt to cover the range. applications due to the Likewise, the ones discussed; the imaginative user could probably find dozens more. FIGURE 1.1 SAMPLE TERMINAL SESSION READY edit sample nonum new text INPUT (single-space) .ss (center) .ce INTRODUCTION (space) .sp Although computers have been used to grae@@eat advantage in mnay areas of the business community for a number of years, until recintly the field of text processing has been overlooked. The method of turning out textual infrdormation such as reports, contracts, and manuals, has remained the same while new techniques were being applied to accounting, management science, and engineering applications. EDIT up 111 TOP OF DATA SET verify down 5 advantage in mnay areas of the business community change /mna/man/ advantage in many areas of the business community down for a number of years, until recintly the field change /recin/recen/ for a number of years, until recently the field down 3 out textual information change /ation/ation,/ out textual information, save SAVED end READY 15 FIGURE 1.1 (cont.) The output would be: READY nscript sample LOAD PAPER; HIT RETURN INTRODUCTION Although computers have been used to qreat advantage in many areas of the business comunity for a number of years, until recently the field of text processing has been overlooked. The method of turning out textual information, such as reports, contracts, and manuals, has remained the same while new techniques were being applied to accounting, management science, and engineering applications. CHAPTER 2 TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS approaches and many different There are exhibited in the design of text processing systems that are the market today. available on philosophies is a large There range of capabilities and, of course, a large range in price--the two directly related. usually being The systems (1) stand alone typewriter be grouped into three categories: (2) dedicated terminals, processing only), minicomputers for (used text and (3) software programs implemented on a multipurpose computer. The latter may computer or a can logically time-shared computer. refer to a user's own A discussion of these three categories and selected members follows. 2.1 AUTOMATIC TYPEWRITERS These editing systems are designed as "stand alone" and thus do not require a centralized computer, although in some Typically cases, communications with computers is possible. the prices are capabilities. not easily relatively For done, so any document that with Their primary selling point the more so then routine and/or time are the changes are instance, extensive editing fifteen per cent editing changes, (5). but low, of more than retyping may be necessary is a method of automating consuming jobs of the normal 17 The typing speed of all office typing load. the order of mechanical limitation which systems all characters per fifteen of the are second, selectric based. systems is on due to typewriter, Appendix 1 the upon contains a complete listing of most of the automatic typewriters on the market of which three are discussed below. 2.1.1 MT/ST The Magnetic consists of Tape Selectric a single Typewriter Selectric typewriter (1),(9),(19) connected to control/memory unit which can include either a cartridge, cartridge, (MC/ST). a dual tape or a a single tape magnetic card The purchase price can vary from $3,200 to $11,000 depending on the options (read only, read write, number of cassettes, etc.). The editing capability in single card the or tape systems is very limited being restricted to the substitution of equal length character strings. not equal in length, but nearly the line With may be the dual available, string for but to make a a smaller substitution is so, the relevant portion of retyped and hence tape system, If the the insertion a little is made. more flexibility is substitution of a larger character one, the copied on to the other tape. to 14.8 cps since the process entire document has to This transfer speed is be limited of transferring text from one 18 the by accomplished but usually makes retyping can be one of them programmed to form letter stopping manually operator this complicated changes, special the procedure the easier option. stop at is Paragraph sequences can be typewriter during the printing. rearranged (moved) substitution the of location The system. the typed by the text is being another only occurs as tape to The system preselected points characters, or to allow page endings. It is also possible to store standard paragraphs on one tape and retrieve them as required are made by Error corrections to "boiler plate" backspacing and a letter. typing over mistakes. Formatting (but features include right and not justification) variable margin adjustment line lengths. system will drop unnecessary hyphens when retyping different length, line but does not add The using a any new hyphenations. per tape and have the The magnetic cartridges cost $15 capacity for 24,000 characters, or pages. for roughly ten single typed If the documents are to be saved on these cartridges this represents permanent storage, a relatively high cost of $650 per million characters. to Communication telephone lines communication conversion to with can be computer other a is MT/ST's telephone accomplished compatible data possible tape Computer set. either via via through a a Digidata 19 Convertor or directly into the computer via an IBM 2495 tape reader. but is Digidata costs $4,600, The not completely satisfactory in that some trouble can occur if editing codes are left on MT/ST tape. the 2495 costs about quite a bit it is more reliable, it also $22,000 and while With both of these devices the transmission more expensive. of text IBM The can only occur from computer not the MT/ST to the vice versa. In summary the MT/ST is a very is a quite cost effective in rudimentary system but some applications such as form letters and short business letters. 2.1.2 Redactor (12) can be obtained The Redactor editing typewriters with single or dual magnetic tape cassettes, or incorporated in the control dual magnetic cards single or unit along Prices range from $6,700 with the Selectric I/O typewriter. for the single cassette or single card version to $8,000 and $8,200 for the respectively. dual These cards measure inches and are made of solid enough capacity like the ones for one page dual or cassette mylar. about 3.5 used in most commercially more single spaced pages. version inches by 6 They usually only have of text. tape recorders, and usually have card The cassettes look available cassette the capacity for twenty or 20 There are when main a of advantages cards requiring no First, cassettes. recopied three of document cards pages assembled, whereas the whole tape must be. is being Second, training since the concept ot one is generally faster not be changes need several over page per card is easier to understand than one cassette for many pages and possibly fractions of pages. text are on searched one Third, cassette, the correct the correct document for, but immediately with cards since they However, these cards do not the cassettes have the that the transfer rate document assembly the card/tape prevent the typist from features automatic are much width alignment for is and the tab the document by is indicated variations, columnar work, standard additional feature MT/ST's per is also an where wasting keystrokes. like is a little There feature One of copying 700 characters fetched from one tape to instruction codes. end of capacity that by the same method 15 cps for the MT/ST. paragraphs may be programmed retrieved can be filed by document. to another, but this system second compared to automatic may be be (5). from one card/tape in that document must have the memory Editing is accomplished better if several elements of but by a is tone to The formatting also include automatic decimal automatic control for single and double spacing, and automatic underlining. The cassettes have a storage capacity of 60,000 21 cost $9. characters, and These storage little more reasonable at $150 cards have a capacity line and cost of $100 per that a of 160 be a The characters per This yields a theoretical cost million characters it every line contained 160 characters. The more there would per million characters. for 64 lines $1 per card. costs would likely situation, be one page of more realistic however, is typed output per estimate would that card implying be $200 per million characters. There are, devices for present, at linking with no communications other systems, but they control will be available in the future. The Redactor system offers costs and jobs a few more features easier. The types of significantly lower storage than the MT/ST to application, make some however, are basically the same. 2.1.3 Wang 1200 The Wang System 1200 Cassette Typewriter is available in the dual or single cassette version with a communications oriented package optional. single version. is cassette model When and available, Prices start at $7,000 $7,400 for the the communication dual for the cassette control device priced at $2,400. In most respects this system is similar to the Redactor 22 system. The editing features are about equal and speeds are system include those of the The formatting features of this systems Redactor type of cassette. both systems use the same the same since also but automatic include heading centering, right margin justification, and page numbering. One of the strong points of the system is its potential and a central computer. to communicate with other terminals This still under feature is operational it will allow manner, documents of part a data of base be typed at the computer can the computer). become in the information in the and used computer and is duplex cassettes can stored on the when it a full and from documents, of larger preparation communication in is possible to mode (transmission In this development, but line printer console in case quality is not sufficient. 2.2 MINICOMPUTERS These systems are designed for who need users more capability than available with automatic typewriters, but do not have their own computer or one that is suitable for text Actually, these processing. toward which the time relative advantages differentiation. processing systems shared and disadvantages As with systems, form users any of productivity market the same are of each aimed. provide the the computer-aided of typists The is text greatly 23 increased when compared to line from advantages of the minis medium to that, are and system resides chief disadvantage is in the users no generally, more readily control are Among another. the system, required to operate experience is convenience, one features and waiting for text to be eliminate a lot of repeat typing transferred and high speed the editing Second, printer independently. input the produced by a the output can be editing modes; with only concerned is usually the terminal First for this. two basic reasons There are operator manual or automatic typewriters. the computer and security, available since The own establishment. large investment may the fact that a be required if the system is purchased, implying that a user had better purchasing. needs the 2.1 is a schematic is organized. Appendix 2 Figure based system text minicomputer capabilities he that he be sure processing and is a computer of how lists many formatting of the systems available today. 2.2.1 Documate Documate (3), (4), (24) is a system consisting of from three to fifteen modified IBM Selectric typewriter terminals connected either directly or through telephone lines processor which contains the logic and storage devices. storage is divided into active and inactive, to a The and capacity 24 FIGURE SCHEMATIC OF COMPUTER BASED 2.1 TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEM 25 may be added in increments. Also included in the system is from $82,000 to $200,000 Prices vary printing. and lower of upper printer capable speed line high a case with third party leasing and lease-purchasing available. system This has a fairly The editor is basically a line oriented system, capability. but it will recognize character In editing comprehensive addition, rather strings that overlap lines. than dynamically renumber the system adds lines as a changes are made, lines as subset of the previous line, i.e. the lines following line 52 become 52.1, Thus, the 52.2, etc., while deleted line numbers disappear. to the most recent copy line numbers will always correspond document for of the renumber the desired. ease in locating lines in move integer sequence One function of the line position where editing the available. pointer up text. or down With Documate may be numbers is is to occur, and any A command to given when to locate the commands that will number of lines the editing position can are also be found by specifying context which will uniquely identify the Ellipses ( may be desired location. lessen the when specifying longer character The searching may be specified to occur in several strings. ranges typing burden used to of the document: within several or all lines preceeding the current position, within several or all lines following, between entire document. two specified lines, or throughout the 26 to Modifications moving any However, when moving large blocks of data, it may This capability desired location. be more imbed the file the block as a file and convenient to label in the character string. desired length changing, and erasing, replacing, include text is provided by Documate. columnar work can be such that aligned formatting controls are specified to override text and must be interspersed in the justified or left or right All points. on decimal and also possible to set tabs is It conditional page skipping. footings, headings, control, margins page page justification, the left, center, or full numbering, right, four are automatic included formatting features The It is also possible to any default formatting instructions. keep the formatting instructions in a separate file which is when the format is variable. to characters devices storage is also depending provided by 2315's, with capacity, and slightly slower characters of characters characters cartridges removable have The transfer million on More capacity can be added when it is needed. requirements. The offline from 1.5 million which range in capacity 10 is provided in the Documate system The active storage by magnetic disks for cases printing the document the text when merged with rate of per the cartridges to second so that it 2.5 million access speeds. the disk is but these not is 5,000 terribly 27 inconvenient to transfer The cost of one cartridge computer. per inactive documents back on characters million this is to the is $155 so that at $62 inexpensive reasonably archival storage. With so much available storage, fairly extensive file manager system complete list of files on there should be a which Documate has. A disk and cartridge is maintained, and it is possible to retrieve, delete, rename, and transfer media, of any file terminal. In cognizance of a under an it addition, file operator's cognizance is possible operator from one to at the transfer to another. It should be noted that unless an operator supplies the correct name and password it is impossible to access any file in this system. Output may be typed out on line printer depending appearance of 240 time. in the time. of on the volume the document. The line printer lines per operators minute and background mode respect to the with the desired operates at so that the processor's This permits operators to use the system continuously input and edit mode and receive output at the same If typed quality is needed, it is possible to use one rate of still finer either in a have priority the terminals slower terminals or the high speed which would fifteen characters quality is required magnetic print at tape or paper per the considerably second. it is possible tape input Also, if to provide to a photo composition system. 2.3 MULTI-PURPOSE COMPUTER SYSTEMS Many based computer processing text systems are available for the users own computer or from computer service. The end product is the same but there are many advantages and in-house output version provides when desired, greater security drawbacks are more disadvantages of to disks, receiving Among correct printer, paper, the transmission special printers. coordination with the computer center and necessary for core memory, and The greater control the large capital requirements as of services. time shared units, terminals, that the either method. convenience in addition than equipment such control the a time shared Special staff must be made so and ribbon are used when producing text output. With a advantage is user. The stocks, Hence, commercial time that there are shared even photo offset the user the have a variety be available. can primarily concentrate on the input and With service bureaus no and each subscriber computer knowledge is required, service benefits from advances in technology since to be of paper equipment may edit phase of document preparation. has chief minimal investments made by the service bureaus usually and service, implemented on one system. to the it only Among the 29 disadvantages are the higher operational costs, and the lack of convenience, aided text security, etc. processing businesses and is This approach especially firms using to computer suited text processing to smaller for the first time. Four of these multipurpose computer based systems are discussed below. 2.3.1 ATS Administrative is a Terminal System program provided as a 360 or 370 ATS will standard package by IBM series computers. run in a (1),(2),(16),(18),(19) Written to on the operate under OS, multiprogram environment. Typically it resides in 64K of memory and uses about five per cent of the system CPU time even with many were to implement this depend Usually on the the his computer extra memory, the of the chains for provides be necessary system file to a user he be load on must extra the printers, and all of which implemented. management to provide If 2741's), addition to the CPU time, scope system programming may on and lower case upper programming time in users. core storage, extra printer(s), system of the terminals (usually consider the cost disk terminals in use. but control over some the Security and accounting data are provided for by the use of account names, account numbers, and operator numbers. 30 primitive but is rather systems go, ATS's As editing considering that it was one of the original systems, this is surprising. not too line number, and editing proceeds. hard consistantly command the line from locate the is a up to be Lines may be easily forms. and deletions of one or more lines is to editing insertions deletions and being degenerate able The basic desired line. substitution, with as work from the previous bottom the strictly by done change dynamically numbers Usually operators and edit copy text is Location of moved around relatively easy, but to insert new lines in the middle of the document, the lines must be typed at the end of the document and moved to the desired location. Text may be mode in the ATS input in the "formatted" or "unformatted" Typing the unformatted system. input in mode results in output exactly as it is typed in. other nonconcatenated text. for tables or is used This mode Use of the formatted mode treats the text as one continuous stream, which will be printout. and left and right The formatting commands are include line numbering and a centering, using this right margin of headings printing. feature in at the time of stored with the text and footings, stop output command where typed in at the time of when justified page variables may be Care should be exercised the formatted mode since the line may not be justified is larger than the space provided for it. the if the input 31 Output may be typed out at the terminal or printed on a high speed the document. medium such which can the desired printer depending on It can also be transmitted to another output as paper tape, punched card, or be used as input magnetic tape to other systems such a cost of roughly $1 magnetic tape can also be used At composition. characters, appearance of as photo per as million a very inexpensive archival storage medium. 2.3.2 SPECS Specification writing was one of the early natural uses few engineering program and architechtural firms DATA TEXT. satisfactory, was implemented text processing, and of computerized so a This was group adequate, named using the but not by a IBM entirely Automated Procedures for Engineering Consultants, APEC, engaged a consulting company, Engineering Computer International Inc., to create a program especially member for specification firms specified include program. of APEC to be the IBM to run able the logical cost In of Since most of the 1130's, this program was on this structure of SPECS(6),(13),(17) purpose program. fee, had writing. was a system specification in the resulting addition to the $1000 the program and was ranges to the special APEC membership from $1000 for implementation on an 1130 to $3000 for a IBM system/360 with OS. At extra and lower obtained with upper cost, the program may be case printing a 16K but capability, core is required on the 1130 as opposed to the standard 8K. on the system since There are many limitations imposed it was primarily designed drawback is mode the tact that the which does However, many not allow of the The largest program executes in a batch for for very interactive features included the mechanical editing is done on preparation a context of is the structure, as the location identifier. change, delete, lowest element and insert system are the document. uses the basis and number, which are in the editing. writers task, rather than aimed at easing the specification aiding 8K 1130. an but The article in the specification The basic commands any character string referenced must be completely typed out. A specification is basically an organized series articles, usually arranged in outline form. typical structure may appear like: article no. 1 level 1 2 3 2 3 2. text 4 3 a) heading text B) heading 1. text II heading 5 4 6 7 8 2 3 1 I heading text A) heading 1. text of For instance, a 33 A block of text would be any logically connected subset of articles such as everything under the A) heading or A) 2. category. Some of or exclusion of special specification writers are inclusion notes, edition changes, and relational are of The phrase text, but copy. final the through the on the global to compared changes global permit options when production of eliminated are automatically and specifications, The special notes options. writer during to the great use of blocks, dating multiple choice phrase options, to special interest features of the editing change capability in other text editors, suffers from the fact that all candidates for selection one of text. By choosing a from automatically specify option, an the provides for options several of which will specification blocks choice The multiple conception. specified during global changes must be the writer master additional several links blocks of information such that the inclusion (exclusion) of one block from (exclusion) these the master of other editing block(s). features cause the file will depend on the of the benefits of Most inclusion preparation of a comprehensive master specification. The master specification is the all project masters will be derived. include the and data base For instance, it would specifications for copper wire, steel wire among other things. from which If aluminum wire, copper wire were 34 then all reference to selected exclusively for one project, the copper the author chooses types would not appear it the other two options wire for specification In only. finishing another painting. requirements for staining and include Upon choosing one, would be nonsensical be eliminated since it the other will might woodwork the case, to specify both. The formatting capabilities include contained in the standard computer is unique in that the formatting changing article in a Also unique is the automatic per cent of changes which those commands reside structure generation which is available. approximately 85 of based systems, but SPECS formatting different file than the text. most It was noted that changes to master were usually 15.211 to 15.21a of files were the variety or XV.211. of SPECS is So organized in four generalized levels which are automatically insertions or deletions occur renumbered when the specified scheme in The original the formatting file. document is written such level of the article need be identified. the method of labeling these levels is and suffixes. the prefix incremented described in possible For instance, 15. or according to the XV., by integers level or a similar manner when specifying that only In the format file specified by prefixes 1 might be identified suffix letters. ")" or by and ".", Each level so that complete the format. the can be freedom is These features are 35 included because it to be dealing with is not unusual for a dozen an engineering firm different architects, or more each of whom has different format standards. be considered a general While the SPECS program cannot possible for smaller processing, firms writing, one specification some value. program it is of text processing and yet to have of have valuable largest uses the the a It convenience of makes it aid of in text in-house processing on a modest computer budget. 2.3.3 SCRIPT SCRIPT(14),(15) is another Like ATS, it environment, but has more more CPU time. purchase in a multiprogram also operates Since it it possesses many improvements. slightly more core features, it uses and perhaps This program is available through basis and also is used by IBM, 360 with CP/CMS and Cambridge Scientific Center, for system 370 with VM. produced by program a few time IBM on a sharing service bureaus in various forms. SCRIPT can be used with a variety of editors, but usually it is CMS EDIT, which is basically a context editor. The text which is to be changed may be located by specifying a unique character string or string rather than a line not recognize a a column number. dependent character However, the system does character string that happens to reside on 36 different lines. two This implies considered a structural element of pointer following the provision to move but this insert may groups of lines character strings, lines, or be applied to position. There from one location text task can present imaginary the by as change, delete, and pointer, operations such another following the located place is the Once position. still Also the system a file. that occurs for text only searches line is that a no is be accomplished in explicit to a file by creating a temporary file and copying it in the desired location. The formatting justification, page include features numbering, right headings, footing, margin controls, tab setting and line controls. is a provision frequently for including controls are included in four Also, there instructions controls. of format used sets macro margin The the text as it is keyed for formatting in but do not appear on the output. The output may be printed on or at the terminal as with printer may be rough draft other systems. translated into printer efficiency is copies. a high speed line printer desired. all This uppercase if greater mode would be used for Output compatible with media is also possible. Output on a line other printing 2.3.4 FRESS and contains a number program developed at Brown University of information the retrieval features for of advanced and formatting. well as the usual editing from earlier work on Hypertext available commericially a is FRESS(19),(20),(21) as It was developed Editing System(19) which was an experimental system for studying text handling techniques as well as studying hypertext as a new is available It 360. University may or an IBM system core memory under CP/CMS on requires 256K of be of the system from Brown sharing basis on a time the on installed customer's own The features The price is subject to negotiation. machine. The system medium. working in an are more useful for the author interactive mode than for the secretary producing documents. A system basic more retrieval extensive the without characteristics, STRESS, will soon be available. in FRESS editor The more features contains is than the editor but by SCRIPT. The a context also one used FRESS editor has the capability for the use of ellipses(...) in specifying the desired makes the not only mistakes since the character string. typing easier but Unlike SCRIPT, lines may a eliminates a character string for which searches must be typed in exactly as it which is by FRESS. This is lot of the computer appears in character string be recognized This feature the file. typed on two because FRESS 38 considers a line to be only a subsection of a greater stream of text, Also, the system can search precedes the is the fact that each line Another is "saved" operation. return or With other operating procedure is to file a fifteen minutes to protect against a time. text that convenient feature when the A revert command is also accidental carriage previous characters at backwards to locate current position. return is used. any of 500 usually consisting carriage provided to undo faulty editing on systems the the standard block of text every ten or losing everything it the computer goes down during input. An advanced ability to feature direct access a "labels", which are of contents. Also, the returned by assigned to features have the text by the use of like a table possible, and keyword, appropriate segments of A given keyword the document, and be assigned to a given place. "memories" such that after integrated is text by the the document. text may be more than All of these traveling through these methods, it is possible an FRESS keywords is the system. to the original place in as use of several places in one keyword may FRESS portion of in input by the user and act upon referencing a certain text are incorporated to easily return These features rank processor which will be discussed in Chapter 4. The much the formatting features same as SCRIPT. and output capabilities However, FRESS also are supports an ~m - 39 IBM 2260 CRT convenient which editing can be since a used large for faster and more block of text can That depends on be displayed at one time. 2.4 COMPARISON Which system the is best? application for which it is to of the most that probably is system of and of in each judgement The cost effective of First all, the broad trouble with those requirements. they meet must characteristics. be made For categories; that is for and implicit value non-readily who be to rank input, edit, that an instance, the known, and then compare all of the systems would One attempt to output. not the most application. compared on how the systems to generate form application have to be requirements of the them Clearly FRESS, one powerful systems, may be used letters, but match be used. the can quantifiable say that a formatting system that provides for footnotes, but, does not have the capability to allow either Roman or Arabic numerals for page worse than a numbering, is better or provides the converse. This decision system that is best made by the user who knows his requirements more explicitly. Another method of comparison would (+) to a system in each category zero (0) where it is in about average, be to assign a plus which it is superior, a a minus (-) where it is 40 some involves also system this While nonexistent. is feature the where (NA) available not or inferior, subjectivity, the segregation into three ranks is easier and less a arbitrary than ranking scheme, strict would and provide about as much information. The next step is to provide a framework for comparison, Rather useful and comprehensible. which is both than have one table with every feature on one margin, and every system The levels. deals comparison level of first on two approach the problem it was decided to on another, with the overall system characteristics which seem important, and the comparison of overall Table 2.1 is the in greater detail. permanent storage, includes working storage, features, and modularity, which is a and formatting, editing, formatting systems with the editing and second level deals 2.2 is a comparison compatibility with other devices. Table is comparison of capabilities and Table 2.3 of the editing measure of the formatting capabilities. accomplishes is to provide a with the table of for a given What question still comparison this requirements, determine which would be Such application. applications requirements, question, framework, which, when coupled applications systematic evaluation to system answer the since this application. the on depends best?," the system is "Which does not comparison still This Table 3.1, is a allows a the best table of given in Chapter 3. TA BLE 2.1 COMPARISON OF THE SYSTEMS WORK STORAGE SYSTEM PERM'T STORAGE FORMATTING MTST REDACTOR WANG DOCUMATE ATS SPECS SCRIPT FRESS (Note that EDITING MODULARITY 0 0 + + the interchanged -from rows those and in columns Tables in 2.2 Table and 2.1 2.3 consistant with Table 3.1 to aid in this evaluation.) to are be 42 TABLE 2.2 COMPARISON OF THE SYSTEM'S FUNCTION EDITING FEATURES MTST REDAC WANG DOCUMATE ATS SPECS SCRIPT FRESS LOCATE-LINE -CONTEXT MOVE INSERT DELETE CHANGE COPY FILE MANIP'N NA 0 0 0 0 NA + 0 0 0 TABLE o NA - 0 0 - + 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 0 0 - + 0 0 + 0 2.3 COMPARISON OF THE SYSTEM'S FORMATTING FEATURES FUNCTION LINE CONTROL " MARGIN HEADINGS FOOTINGS STRUCTURE FOOTNOTES COLUMNS FIGURES JUSTIFICATION NUMBERING TABLE OF CONT MTST REDAC WANG DOCUMATE ATS SPECS SCRIPT 0 NA NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA + + + + 0 0 + + + NA - + + + + NA NA + + + + NA NA - - + NA + 0 NA 0 0 +0 +' - NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA + - + 0 + + + O NA 0 NA +- 0 FRESS 43 CHAPTER 3 APPLICATIONS OF TEXT PROCESSING processing in and many are There varied the business world. of applications Basically, text any document which undergoes constant revision and modification, or whose bulk is good is a often, repeated calculation, or operation, repetitive a text processing is an iterative The analogy in data processing. for candidate which of both However, it provided early impetus to computer development. has not been until recently that text processing in any bulk has been considered seriously. 3.1 USES The various applications can requirements of the features discussed in Chapter 2, mentioned of summary several exhaustive cover the table, several of while which, the categories could conceivably not In this cover a For instance, a Sears & Roebuck different cababilities than small manufacturing firm producing A Table 3.1 is spectrum of uses adequately. catalog would certainly require products. modularity. applications, wide range of requirements. one from a framework in the working storage, permanent namely: storage, editing, formatting, and a be characterized by their brief discussion of the less than 20 nature of all these TABLE 3. 1 APPLICATIONS REQUIREMENTS PERM'T WORK STORAGE STORAGE FORMATTING EDITING MODULARITY APPLICATION CORRESPONDENCE CONTRACTS REPORTS LISTINGS DIRECTORIES PROPOSALS MANUALS SPECIFICATIONS PUBLICATIONS 0 - 0 + 0 0 + 0 + - 0 - + - 0 0 0 + + + + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 + 0 + -+ -+ + 0 0 documents follows. 3.1.1 Correspondence context, In this correspondence is no more than 4 letters of the storage requirements are minimal, perhaps on for extensive editing capabilities be correcting typing changes. lot of A of short of length, Because or 5 pages. of ten to twenty thousand characters. would merely comprised the order There is also no need since most of the editing other minor errors, and short correspondence consists of form letters, and if this is the case, then retrieval of standard paragraphs feature. for The "boiler plating" would number of formatting features be a necessary required would also be relatively few since the standard letter is not very complicated in nature. Depending on the filing system used, 45 the archival of cost is output Compatibility cartridge. tape or and acceptable, most are letters with other since typed not very important output devices is input or important user intends to store very many of the consideration if the documents on an be could storage relatively independent of other documents. 3.1.2 Contracts generally, any medium length document plating," would fall in this category. requirements are would be editing slightly The to be can more quite intricate. composition equipment The editing demanding since global of text large blocks are formatting requirements are likely more than minimal since get of the documents, used as support. necessary and likely to be moved. such as "boiler Storage requirements not only for the length various input files but for or (7 to 20 pages) which shares common characteristics of a contract, would be larger, contracts insurance or medical, legal, Any might be the structure of Compatibility an important the appearance of the contract is important. a contract with photo feature since 3.1.3 Reports many internal There are which processing. on current topics is A report example. well suited example since one another especially up-to date contain more it can time. in preparation to the decrease information due authors is by several report prepared A text computer aided of good applications would be reports as external as well The existence of different reports on tape can also constitute a data base for proposals, if much larger documents, such as of the same information is presented in each. The storage requirements for reports, of course, vary with the length. Typically, it would require on the order of one hundred The excessive. deletes, thousand editing inserts, moves, requirements etc., but include should not is which characters too usual the also have the several files. When reports ability to merge and manipulate are prepared by several authors, or are pieced together from several other documents, this feature formatting needs would include footings, and page control. page numbering is important. column alignments, headings, in addition to the Permanent storage requirements would excessive since reports superceded in time. The tend to be current standard not be and are usually There is no great need for output other than the usual typewritten appearance but compatibility with other computers may be desirable. 47 3.1.4 Listings Listings typically such good as parts, applications frequent complete or storage requirements inventories, of partial would text price processing updating probably or are due to that occurs. not exceed The twenty thousand characters, but that would depend on the size. editing features required would rarely The be more than insert, delete, or change so that an exotic editing system would not Formatting features would include be needed. columnar footnotes alignment, among the great need for headings, page requirements. tab setting, numbering and There permanent storage of every would perhaps not be revision in a this application. 3.1.5 Directories Directories are good candidates for text processing for the same reason as listings, document. The storage frequent updating of one basic requirements greater, however, with lengthier formatting, and permanent storage same as those for listings. directories. be The editing, requirements are much the However, there be little need for compatibility devices. potentially could would probably with other input or output 48 3.1.6 Proposals particularly are Proposals Revisions processing for several reasons. are conceived they feature This typing. than just rather can be made when final to the prior the of management enhances also text to suited well document since its status, or any portion of it, can be made known to the manager simply by requesting The a printout. lower total preparation time also means that more up-to date those documents which are of information can be included in benefits of such as Of course, the formatted attractively free, mistake a much of the other documents proposals. previous reports or internal usual be retrieved from of something In addition, the customer. progress report to information can representing nature, pre-proposal the documents are also important for many proposals. The storage quite extensive. requirements for About one to of storage would be needed for supporting documents. should also The two million characters worth the document itself and the power of revisions before the final product should have the formatting requirements to the go through is approved. capability to manipulate files would be need to merge structural function the editing since proposals be extensive would be most proposals The system since there information from several files. would probably be nature of proposals many The considerable due and due to the 49 would be kept for any length of time, great. must be final copy since only the extensive but requirements Permanent storage of appearance. importance these requirements are not too Compatibility with photo composition printing may be desirable but probably is not necessary. 3.1.7 Manuals in the total elapsed time is reduction of the via text processing Following this, the felt in the field substantially sooner. author's editing to edit required Along these modified for another, product, so that the also in completely not be other using written be may be the differences need new manual document. one customer consistent with may Manuals rewritten. the entire not a manual for same lines, only be since he would time is conserved the revisions can be impact of update Thus, the revision cycle. manuals of producing greatest advantage Probably the documents such as internal reports or specifications to ease the process considerably. The storage requirements most for would manuals probably be quite large depending on both the manual length, and the used. number of The comprehensive editing features because of changing of text. the needed amount Formatting would editions or previous support documents would be fairly of manipulating and also be quite important 50 since, often, the layout of a Communication to of use. also be necessary if manual can determine its ease equipment may photo composition the manuals are for customer use. 3.1.8 Specifications Engineering and architectural specifications are one of the best, date, and to processing. one of the reasons that specification the fact for its widespread writing is structured a well personnel. The chief benefit derived from the production of the consuming one use is yet a via time text procedure, specifications very of used applications most computer is the involving freeing of key the specification writer for other more professional activities. Also of meet importance are the deadlines and requirements. the master bulk of the a reduction Linked implementation of decrease in production strongly specification. Once a to successful is the concept of master is one to two million characters Ideally the editing requirements should be specification concept, to include production period. various versions during the master supplying a few specification writing are masters and the available the (Chapter 2). The storage requirements for of personnel the produced upon specification is order of stenographic specification writing key variables to the system on the in time to minimal because but practically, 51 extensive editing requirements are formatting level generation automatic extensive include and should in addition numbering and The jobs. of individual and the customizing master files maintenance of for the is required both is a Since a contract specification other usual features. to legal document, the permanent storage requirements are large and are photo for Capability serious consideration. a composition, again, may be desirable, but not necessary. 3.1.9 Publications Publications newspapers, used at conceptualization addition In processing, article can be kept feature can be his thought to normal the a enough. is large subject, development of an error in his work. the text to an all revisions made if the system particular of benefits used by an author to trace on for tape a production of complete record of a the author's of production, from the to magazines, books, Text processing can be or any other periodical. almost any phase printer. either refer to can This the evolution of or trace the It can also be used to provide important evolutionary information if an article is legally challenged (22). The editing capabilities, formatting capabilities, and storage requirements would all be quite large if-this system were fully implemented. Output compatibility with a photo 52 composition system would also be important. 3.1.10 Other Uses These hardcopy typical of some examples been have Given a oriented applications which have been used to date. certain volume of justified However, there are other applications of text economically. which methods of doing traditional in documents lines. communication of the form This procedure is such concept One tasks. new than rather concepts new involve processing sending readily can be these work, over text files can replace two service and of communication, mail telephone conversations. Of course, not all phone calls or traditional be eliminated by mail will several methods of examples each there are text processing, but it where can be both more productive and convenient. to mailing With respect rather than documents by text processing there are two predominant the postal service, advantages, speed and document, even reliability. if special delivery The delivery time is specified, can take several days in even the most efficient postal services. an alternative, formatting a text file specifications communication lines in a matter containing a document can be of a transmitted As and its over (usually telephone) to its destination The cost of this service of minutes or hours. 53 expensive than be more would cost of the documents, would delays some but for mail service, orders be many of magnitude greater than the difference. The document sent by system also is more reliable than postal a text processing service since there is a finite chance for a document to get the of the difficulty, verification important of a or complete for both the by the lack of transmission. receiver and processing equipment, in full benefits, but service organizations were sensitive as they would also language be beneficial (Chapter to the if a It sender necessary text long can merely be This loss can be signaled by the receiver if retransmitted. aware lost, it otherwise is transmission or he is the document gets jumbled in However, if lost in the mail. a system would to have order to used as necessary speed. 4) existed to insure the reap the could be universal text be It description compatibility among different systems. can also Text processing whose speed is calls. replace some the spectrum, telephone on the other end of most interactive form of The telephone provides the in communication correspondence does many instances, the to be a question will be period of research, and finally a repeated in sometimes the that interactive. In business world, not need either direction but asked followed by a long reply. many times needlessly tieing up the line for communications hours. This cycle can be during the call, What is needed is 54 a method of correspondence that falls somewhere between mail processing, With text interactive capability. and the telephone in its this correspondence can take place in almost the form of a send his questions in the initiator would simply When the file which would print on the receiver's terminal. the answers can be necessary information has heen gathered, sent whichever is file by phone or by The it utilizes less resources. same total elapsed time but more expedient. Another implication of this form of communication is that it allows the person being questioned to decide which matter he first. should attend to see what questions own his use the one he can the alternative method, With him first. who calls a person is his attention to less constrained to give more or can With telephone calls, have to be answered as they more has item which to judgement as come in and priority. There be accomplished besides the destribution functions that can discussed. intracompany ones Xerox copies, completely dubious it deluged value interest to him to is by documents apply to every worker and parts of may be to be are of of general important enough to information. A of worker manager to different the report. the age contents whose The subject like detailed he would a for and parts of it may be him that different instance in For not uncommon him. information intercompany many also are This would extents on customized report for 55 for different groups would be every one or several versions two solutions to this problem. would clearly be The first too much work, and the second would involve some compromises since there are bound to be cases when a member of one group more information than would want Text processing can aid in this situation on several group. It dimensions. can greatly of versions the version of a report contain same versions sent other sections. details of customizing the possible with concept of a text processing group. The level of further, would also recommended distribution list for more or less detailed information a department 1 There systems. that the report. one step each individual report for to might contain given to Going be could be a the various the option of obtaining Each receiver would have versions. interest 2 a department 1 of other sections of to department the For instance, sent to the detailed information summary of and files. to be by simply information of department, and summaries Likewise, document which is detailed different facilitate creating of different inclusion/exclusion would to his has been allotted than other members of his detail need not be restricted to an on/off option, but may consist of several levels to add more flexibility. managers who would This could of be especially receive summaries especially details only involve adopting different important writing useful of busy everything and This may items. styles to than are used be would information, providing writing reports, intent of the real today, but accomplished. better new These concepts in office communication could radically improve the information flow to enhance the total operation the of company. 3.2 USERS How business? much is computer aided Not nearly as much as text in it could be, but more than The reasons that it most people are aware of. more are many: ignorance of the full resisting doing things processing used is not used benefits, inertia in differently if it is not absolutely necessary, and misconceptions of the scope of reorganization necessary to sucessfully implement a text processing system. Following are a few examples of text processing users in the Boston area, including how their systems evolved, the system description, and what applications are included. 3.2.1 Stone & Webster Stone engages in & Webster the design is a large engineering and construction firm of large which electric generating plants for public utilities as well as processing plants for other industries. the growth of Its growth is closely tied to the electric utility companies, which in the 57 The growth years. in and paperwork. in personnel is the growth in paperwork Compounding this been course, has of the company, a large growth accompanied by ten capacities every generating their have doubled past Atomic Energy Commission's requirements for documentation of safety before nuclear licensing documentation impossible to find It was effects. of environmental for requirements Agency's Protection Environmental the recently, more and plants, enough typists to produce becoming the necessary documentation. typing load, Stone & Webster To help keep up with this using Data began service bureau in first from a Services were October, 1 968. printed output to be typed at obtained in addition. in New York was obtained was a capability service bureaus, th ere a D.C. and later, bureau located i n Washington, service from one with most ATS, through forerunner of Text, the the terminals As for the in Boston, but the number of pages required by Stone & Webster necessitated the use of Consequently the the However, this service was problems, when ATS at printers. line the to Stone bureau and Webster. & less than completely satisfactory experienced due weather conditions, Service 1970 were often plane or by bus overnight speed was printed output shipped since delays high bureaus' bureaus usage was installed to transportation etc. was discontinued in on the November, company's IBM 360/65 58 the volume of work which Office Management department. With the was done at that time, controlled by centrally was This service computer. implementation on their own computer was the least costly option. during this period not only The use of text processing stenographic department growth rate of the for keeping the also was responsible to be completed, but allowed the work less than that of the total administrative personnel. The using ATS department, Twelve buildings. near future. are to more terminals four in in the be added The memory capacity is (soon to be upgraded to three million) of which With this set up, all a 210K partition is dedicated to ATS. 43 terminals can be in "thrashing" operators These terminals are connected to the company's IBM 370/165 operating under OS/MVT. 1,500K bytes of 43 located are which terminals 2741 IBM today, consists of (periods it is important since operation simultaneously without any waiting). the objective This is of the to felt be department to keep all terminals in operation as much as possible. In addition direct access permanent storage disks each having 100 million there is "working storage" to the 210K provided by two IBM locations available. This is roughly equivalent to 60,000 single spaced typed pages. documents which are not currently being worked also magnetic tape available for problems at the present time storage. occur 3330 For on there is The only storage because users are 59 tape when appropriate. many documents causing storage access direct transfer automatically to written being This results in too To deal with this problem, a program occasional saturation. is transferred to on residing needlessly in can be that they documents so priority of decrease of the center ATS inform the to reluctant non-current documents from disk to tape as more storage is needed. printer, which strictly use. this Normally line speed but is device prints 1100 upper and lower case chain it lines per minute but with the operates at about 650 lines 1403 high computer center, in the is located for ATS IBM an printed on is Output per minute. Working copies are final copies, which require produced throughout the day and a higher quality ribbon and special font, are produced twice a day. Although the majority ATS of in terminals are constantly, the demand on the computer is quite small. use With the 360 the CPU was involved with ATS operation about 12 per cent of the time, is used by ATS but with the 370, the CPU less than 5 per cent of the time. The charging scheme used by Stone & Webster attempts to completely cover all that result from control equipment, costs are allocated permanent storage, costs incurred by the ATS including terminals, printing, storage and CPU to the archive computer center department by storage, transmission usage. These connect time, printing, and tape 60 differentiation of The transfer. A program keeps track of all an indication of annual costs report not only identifies This weekly customers wish to see the To give ATS usage and a weekly billing trail in case billed, but serves as an audit who should be - for archive use of tapes where appropriate. storage is to encourage the report is produced. and permanent details of their "computer bill". of the ATS the scope - are hardware alone usage, the on the order of $500,000. The greatest single use of ATS is in the preparation of specifications. well because most of the there are text, and likely to be made. writing document is composed many review has resulted levels where of standard changes are to a decreased typing load, In addition of engineers' reduction lends itself particularly This application time and from ATS effort in use. Of specification course, the most important benefit is the reduction of total elapsed calendar time in producing the specifications. For a period of time, short correspondence was also produced via ATS, but since no significant benefits could be identified, it was discontinued. is now typed with Redactor twin card or better results. defining This short correspondence long or Seven to ten tape machines with pages is the usual breakpoint short documents, but some judgement is exercised by management in determining whether a document is produced by manual, card, or tape driven typewriters, or 61 ATS. layout, then it might extensive column later key it first, and document requires if a relatively long For instance, made. been arranged and first revision type it columns have ATS after the in to the labor intensive portion be best to This would transfer of production (organization and layout) from a capital intensive machine (the ATS terminal). would where the be one and levels expected revisions would probably the document such that review are document of a first draft typing the example of Another of require complete retyping. as shown a document basic methods of originating There are two method takes The first 3.2. in Figures 3.1 and advantage of master documents such as standard specification proposals of job lists, which have been created in the past. After retrieval, the master is job and resulting the same procedure. to the here, both and original an then keyed methods follow originator. originator marks the keyed in, printed, and continued until no final copy which is stored into the The printed document is proofread by an ATS and returned required, the is submit to is method From printed. storage and document working ATS department to the document checker second The printed. customized to the particular further changes is printed. from disk to tape. returned to The If changes original which him. are This is then process is required and document should then are the be moved Jobs are handled on a first-in-first-out 62 FIGURE 3.1 TWO METHODS DOCUMENTS AT OF ORIGINATING STONE & WEBSTER 63 FIGURE 3.2 I: JLJ U'- I -. %. I U I Ll A1li E EO" FIWL PRODUCTION DOCUMENTS AT STONE & WEBSTER 64 basis, and the typical turnaround, on the order of three days. it is this considerably better necessary, in delay is due to than the other departments. efficient Faster service can be centralized nature However, it is of the given to purposes centralization that ATS in the form of control for felt Some of the service reflected in operation, traditional emergency situations. the would be -job updated copy, is department, since one department's activity, ATS demands, time a While this is not instantaneous typing methods would ever accomplish. arranged, it the until he receives an leaves an originator response, from and is necessary. With computer has no trouble & Webster typing delays. they could not even begin to produce the business operation documents necessary for their simply because Stone processing, meeting deadlines because of Without the system, number of aided text there are not enough typists in the Boston area available to perform these tasks. 3.2.2 Camp, Camp, sized Dresser, Dresser and McKee, Inc. consulting engineering specification Inc. and McKee, contracts firm who and Environmental Protection Agency. require the facilities is a of an ITB also, It is small to medium also produces many for the documents not large enough to 370 or even a 360. They 65 are a member APEC and like most 1130. They typically regular eight members they do have an IBM only operate the computer to five work day, so that some during the surplus time could be made available for text processing. Up until the summer of 1971, MT/ST's automatic typewriters were the only of the more sharing repetitive chores services had turnaround of line been system.' of the program was for civil printer service in not As a second terminal, is the in mind, since it disk devices, tape each is on disk or operate on the 1130 does card input, efficient having 512K words of on their cards. The SPECS was designed rather under storage is provided by drive implemented day other the and would so that most one addition to generation computer, circumstances. Secondary storage this engineering specifications support multiprogramming, than no of but the Time less desirable than an purchased and installed the 1130. typing load. investigated With all 1200 devices used to do some considerations made this alternative in-house and Wang the three 2315 storage. system so 2315's have There is that all removable cartridges costing between $40 and $90, depending on whether they are purchased new or used. firm, ten are comprised of word contains dedicated 16 bits to Of the seventy owned by the SPECS and may be two characters. characters worth of storage will use. Each compacted such This means word is that each that a million cost between $40 and $90 66 about $1 for 800 compared to an inexpensive punched cards which is other alternative is A tape drive is method of storage, but not very convenient. available for When month. such that this system The only bpi magnetic tape. and leases the requirements the acquistion of a for about $1000 per storage become for archival wil become tape drive drive more economical, it will be added to the system. produced on an Output is upper and lower case chain turn limited by is accesses. the theoretical speed is reduced which in computer processing speed, a function of the However, the actual printing speed to 270 lines per minute. is more but with per minute, 660 lines operates at normally printer which IBM 1403 line slow of relatively number the disk 50 lines per minute with Practically, a speed of the normal number of modifications is more realistic. CDM, the At which are expenses computer costs are the various allocated to The specifications department does computer time since only about departments. not charge customers for 35 per cent of specification no fair Under these circumstances done by SPECS. work is overhead treated as charging scheme could be easily implemented. The amount of computer time available to SPECS is a result of negotiations at budgeting hours a week, emergencies. concept, time, and only is presently with Since SPECS jobs additional between eight time operates under for which to ten available for the master file a suitable master exists or 67 limitation up-to-date second A master specifications. maintain write and to concentrated effort being SPECS is run by jobs number of to the by a improved This current are produced with SPECS. can be constructed, the shift on computer is planned for in the future as more of the work is shifted to SPECS. using job typical The a project master file of the master file, thereby producing He then makes gets a printout. which he the turnaround is the originator to the This routine is average jobs are only but special paper repeated as through the required levels of The printed. when day, less than a days due specified needed. deck, submits, and returns She then prepares the output to additions and/or to a SPECS trained keypunch corrections and submits the job operator. a options from the various who chooses specification writer by initiated is SPECS run on chain and print the document passes accepted. review until it is The updated project master should be saved for legal reasons until the project is A primary manager of the completed. benefit of SPECS, Specification as Writing by the Department, is the identified amount of time it saves the writers themselves rather than a reduction in the typing load. throughput, this savings keep up-to-date in the In addition to of time is used by increasing the writers to latest specification requirements by the various regulatory agencies. Another benefit mentioned 68 processing is not a Computer aided text organization, Not felt to be of great value. but is under CP-67/CMS. 360/67 operating programmers, managers, it. reason to use benefit in that frequency of This broad range of access there is an improvement in programmers documentation. for their dislike and inability to write. in part occurs by has one side the quality and no small This is notorious programmers are engineers and IBM has any anyone who secretaries, or better documentation is used The system improvement since of on their processors, implemented in-house text among SCRIPT program, uses the processing division, of the Center, part Cambridge Scientific The text of user large a is IBM surprisingly, processing. other necessity for this Cambridge Scientific Center 3.2.3 IBM, data which result. better quality, error-free documents was the This phenomenon because it is a system with which the programmers can more readily identify, ie. programming Also, the and computers rather than revisions and ease with which made encourages improvements pen and paper. modifications are to the point that a precision in writing results which is usually not attainable The SCRIPT program is used as a design tool by at least one programming design of manager at a programming IBM. In the evolution system, English, of the rather than any 69 and how it is supposed to system; what it is supposed to do system the into scattered the of many Since the use of the contributing system updated by description is system the of edition current the are introduced improved methods ideas and As new do it. SCRIPT program. are designers SCRIPT geographic locations, throughout various the completely describe used to language, is programming facilitates and generally improves the communications, since designer has each system description via the computer. confusion, the designer can that there own contributions keep his is an In the intervening periods orderly succession of editions. each To prevent unwarranted scheduled so updates are the edition of current to the access in his own files. Typically describing a descriptions. very are in data, the form of since program language is a the capabilities of maintaining an of and transmitted tend to contain more up-to-date forecast task languages in used Quarterly reports are also prepared system the SCRIPT telephone line to the suited well up-to-date description. using and again evolutionary process, SCRIPT also is system SCRIPT The the reduced. The use of the phone a SCRIPT file. to New York by The reports information and, thus, less document preparation time is lines instead of the mail for sending the document also adds to this time savings. 70 These examples also variety a wide respect to point is have shown a of "right" method should be clear What type of is no "best" of organization. custom fitting the system to from the full It with at this application, or is simply a matter of the particular business which, range of systems available, to be too difficult a task. uses and organizational philosophies text processing. that there wide variety of should not prove CHAPTER 4 INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEMS editing In addition to systems. should system for handling management all stored information, and 2) modular by itself. added incrementally processing a data 1) any part of the system can design such that the these basic characteristics, there the system: in be included most text of features and formatting well as as retrieval incorporates information which advanced concept processing (7) is an Integrated text function or be last characteristics These are not really text processing functions, but are aspects of the effectiveness of if included, add to the system which, the system. The many reports, proposals, specifications, contracts, etc. of information needed by processing The systems. manipulate these data management files are system. This computer, or stored there as of the many text that organize and one produced by is it document as base of operation. a firm for everyday information can be read into a a constitute a data a business, in essence, programs collectively referred For most larger to as a computer systems, these systems are readily available, and are usually part of a computer's operating system. document assigned a may be broken file name up Each into or number to block of text (a large several blocks) identify it. can be The data 72 stored information. access any of the processing system to text the for possible make it would system management Most of the computer based text processing systems have this capability. data detailed information. identifiers These additional to more would author, subject, information such as include bibliographic able supplying identifiers additional by retrieve must be system processing the text time, long base. kept for a or is to be data base is large However, if the data the in the documents of track keeping for be adequate to each file may The identifiers assigned or title, and index information such as keywords supplied by the The author. some supplying bibliographic then user information. the If or general more restrictive desired number of relevant documents be made instance, if a list reading combination. documents or the Once is retrieved, they may a variety of user in available to the of or small, the user would identified as sources is too large use a number by and keywords of combination logical information retrieves bibliography For ways. is being from the system would be merely be a listing of document titles, authors, and dates. If the user assembled, the output is "cutting entire text. and pasting", In both he may of these hardcopy, a visual display on a data base. Only a few wish a cases, the printout of output may the be CRT, or another file in the text processing systems have these features incorporated in them currently. system editing The text integrated an in used processing system should be a context editor as opposed to a to provide for numbers may also be used Line line editor. locating of information, but the supplemental there should be no restrictions in manipulating text contained on several lines. making facilitates only editor not context The corrections because it is a more natural way of working, but it permits limited information retrieval since it can locate Most occurs. of the making feature when or making corrections wherever global revisions, subject matter a useful This is character strings. a certain based newer computer text processing systems use context editors. formatting The part of a should be a processing system formatting commands interspersed in desired structure information which the generalized text of the text and are usually These only the particular system. appearance text integrated Most of the existing systems have the description language. unique to an of commands the document appearance structure refers nothing and of to convey. attempts to such describe the things as the The headings, emphasis, footnotes, captions, or any other predefined type. With this description language, the text would be identified with tags which would specify the structural relationship of the rest of the that particular part with tags would then be translated by a user document. The defined code which 74 to produce the output device be interpreted by would then For instance, if a document. the desired appearance of the word is to be emphasized, the output code for a line printer a line printer the output code for a a footnote might specify specify placement at the bottom for a printing system might The structure may also help of the page and a smaller type. in data retrieval for the output code the bottom of a page, and merely typing at code output specify boldface type. If printing system might is used, the and underlining, specify might since a user may all of want to look at the headings in a document, for instance, to search for some The SPECS program does use particular piece of information. a structure definition to specify scope. text description no universal present there is At format, but is limited in language. In a text processing which performs a single function. modularity should processing system. the user perforated character for each tape, reader, Figure 4.1 shows how this implemented in be The input modules of his automatic etc. modular, self-contained unit smallest possible is the each program is fully system which normal integrated an written by would be text typewriter The translated text entry devices, tape, optical code would then reside in the data base and be identified as a unique entity by its tile name. Information contained in other files is available for this file by the retrieval system, and can be 75 v SOURCE TEXT COYIPG SITION 4 FILE RETRIEVAL US ER OUTPUT CODE 6 DEVICE ORIENTED OUTPUT MOD UL E DEVICE ORIENTED OUTPUT MODULE rT 77 n" itr'~ MODULARITY IN AN INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEM DEVICE ORIENTED OUTPUT MODULE 76 in included composition. or immediately file new the editor can be used The context later during to operate on the document in any phase of its production; during input or The system would refer to just prior to final composition. user defined output codes, output devices. At this point, would translate the code into produce output for a codes generalized would include which and then files variety of user written output modules device dependent coding for final production. Modularity text permits systems processing to be customized for the individual users, and tailored to conform implementation constraints to any systems, operating or modularity permits an easy conversion system processing since features Also, systems. management data hardware, of particular to an integrated text be can introduced incrementally as they are needed. 4.1 EXAMPLES OF INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSORS While no system possesses all of the features described in the previous section, there are a few who incorporate a significant number of them to be classified as an integrated text processor. together a feasibility The system of such Textual Information Cambridge Scientific from existing a system. programs The Center has put prove the to system, INteractive Management Experiment (INTIME) (7), is 77 operational on their IBM System/360-67, but for IBM internal File management is provided by CMS. use only. Creation and modification of text is done interactively for generality the text description lacks language The commands from the program This documents. the in imbedded data fields. the formatting program provides SCRIPT a keyword dictionary from stores bibliographic and also is Processing Document System/360 The system creates System (DPS). the text IBM the by accomplished retrieval and storage document The position. relative number and line lines by address can also and context editor a editor is This program CMS EDIT. by the the discussed earlier, but is suitable for line printer output. The INTIME system is used by the IBM publications staff of publication. prepare to development group program a manuals for be revised periodically to These manuals must When such changes are reflect changes made to the programs. the retrieval routines are used to locate the relevant made, of parts context editor. a by mode which the manuals, are with then revised the The final copies are then produced in batch special user program and a general purpose composition processor. FRESS can processing system It is described also be since it contains briefly an considered in many of Chapter retrieval system is not as powerful integrated 2, text the features. and while the as DPS, the editing and 78 INTIME is no There uses. it incorporates all interesting feature of FRESS Probably the most operation using a CRT as a terminal. on a CRT but would be These and a the continue such a document footnoted sentence in screen 1, and the editor pointed were a to digress to or to were a a footnote, which if there was displayed to the asterisk pointer connected to the footnote would appear on screen 2. the asterisk as example, For main text. lightpen (an electrical in the to the footnote branch at the end where to is made as to is optional it link where detailed information further several points cross references would be of branch where a choice two types: a proven one. references which have been placed text there would be cross proceed, At displayed. by the original author. is a three seperate viewing areas The CRT would have essentially where text Hypertext predecessor, the its is its FRESS is not currently that the concept is, so Editing System, of the File management is also provided by CMS. systems described. implemented that the method modularity in be implemented since FRESS can the ones better than are comparable or formatting systems on with the CRT),, the A visual line would link across the screen. of the footnote, If there indicating that further information were available from several sources, the source indicated by the user's on screen 3, again with a lightpen would then be shown visable line information to the branch "menu". connecting the FRESS will always be able -14 - ots FIGURE 4.2 HYPERTEXT DISPLAYED ON A CRT to trace the browsing backwards such that the editor will never get lost. This nonlinear travelling through a document is meant by iaLLth-emaLical sense of multidiinensioiality. is what aimed primarily for the the term creation papers by university personnel, Hypertext; hyper This of theses, in the sys te is books, and but could have potential for application in the business world. Another example National Information of integrated text processing Center, an information utility is the on the 80 University and is implemented on organizes system structure, a contain a but an arbitrary number level third all subsections to aid him in There are also elaborate of a sections, or any first line of all other particular combination in the text by means of substatements A user may request to see can be included for completeness. particular section, the approach of statement is supposed to complete thought, search. tree less than Each only, hierarchial a statement of each node containing section This to the continuous string 3,000 characters. one computer. a PDP-10 information in the as opposed FRESS, with developed at Stanford on the NLS (19) system This is based here. handled is information dissemination and storage, the networks' documentation, archival All of ARPA network. his information methods of jumping around of pattern searches, cross references, statement outline structure, and keyword retrieval. 4.2 USES FOR INTEGRATED TEXT PROCESSORS There are limited scope integrated text today. One Honeywell is the ability for information on example of the even the processing systems that are novel use available seek actual uses of many potential and job which employees to openings at confidentially at Honeywell. lack of information flow is the situation where one is implemented A good in an organization department or division is laying happy the lack of situations but damper these on to alleviate these confidentiality tends to put a Most firms job. with his try ways to One requirements. daily list placed on bulletin boards way would be to have a company, but people throughout the few a are There attempts. information on personnel distribute the less than that he is letting it be known ramifications of a various the of because company own his than where companies for a change dissatisfied employee looks to other rather situation the is category this into falling Also, hiring. another is time same at the people off would soon catch on if one person was spending an inordinate amount of time reading bulletin boards, and hence, the security criteria Another method would be violated. would be to circulate the list to or week, but each employee every day costly if the company were very large. this would be quite What Honeywell did was to input the personnel requirement list as a file on the computer that so who has anyone access a to computer terminal could see the list completely confidentially. can be used by managers who realize that they forced to lay off people Of course, at to easily implement is substantial the system. so with respect people having access that it However, have few terminals, this system would bulletin board will soon be as well as dissatisfied employees. Honeywell the number of a terminal This is possible at other to firms who be no better than the to confidentiality. As firms 82 use more terminals, systems like this become feasible. Another use of integrated text processing within a firm which makes use of many terminals, is the concept of on-line be may manuals These manuals. computer for programs, engineering procedures, legal requirements, or any standards refer employees which in to the characteristic of these documents is infrequent a very users need understanding while the frequent one typical method that new detailed One workday. normal employees or for presentation users need only summaries. to provide both of dealing with this is to each employee or group of employees, or only the detailed version. It is usually not possible to provide only the summary since none, except possibly the author is thoroughly familiar with storage the contents. is space The result is unnecessarily used and/or that a users lot of spend unnecessary time leafing through many pages before they find what they want. With integrated text processing, the manual would be stored in the computer and the them in several ways. If he individual can use typically only uses certain sections, he can have these printed as he needs them and has the option to di scard or keep them according to his expected future use. use, In addition the manual could be to, or instead be input in of, this type of several levels of detail which wou ld provide complete flexibility for the full range of users. The display of the manual could be by means of a CRT, printed on paper, or some combination of the two. 83 for the first or first For instance, it might be convenient two of detail levels printed form The next levels of user. reference by the in be to displayed on a CRT since that detail could be type of detail will be needed manual is on line and The fact that the only infrequently. quick for there is only one copy (with backups) means that the process nightmare a manual, a updating of normal under circumstances, can be accomplished quite easily. One other possible use of an integrated text processing system in businesses is to Many function. retrieval date, and as situations couple of author the where In of limited to addition to wild was goose rather chases for in his sloppy It may also be desirable to include of detail levels in abstract for the even In time, this type of retrieval system greater flexibility. be implemented could keywords. a few prevent to well, assignment of keywords. a some form have may be desirable to be able to access an this information it abstract firms today system, but is usually computer aided retrieval title, author, provide a more complete document in the company library as well to faciitate the information gathering. applications are in the Some of these companies, but the fact remains accomplish them is available today. in the future commonplace. before these that the It types future for most capability to will not be too far of activities are CHAPTER 5 PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE this claims many been have there thesis how productivity much the relating this thesis, production of made by experience first hand existing users resulting benefits professional time and by by the author. increasing from studies business community, presenting results of tests conducted and decreasing total the in obtained results of by quoting in the the in expected This will be accomplished production stage of the document. by be increase can It is of just give an indication of this chapter to the purpose increased of of documents. productivity in typing and preparation and literature processing equipment text Throughout Other amount the of document production time are probably more important, but are harder to measure. It would be up to individual businesses to take advantage of these as they see amount or evaluation. justified on a fit, but it is difficult to dollar However, translatable if a measure text processing merely increased put a dollar for objective system can productivity then be the other benefits would add to the total value. 5.1 THESIS PRODUCTION The production of this thesis was greatly facilitated 85 was one of The system used of text processing. by the use the ones available at MIT called NSCRIPT, which is a takeoff program SCRIPT the from possesses most editing The thesis. of the this system of as opposed this 1) were: to typing a be will system for using The motivation this chapter. discussed later in required for formatting features features and 2, Chapter in discussed to provide a first hand learning experience on how text processing works, 2) to provide a proof principle, 3) of free to provide labor. learning experience The a systems. Without first hand experience, the how impressive systems were importance of their literature presents many of the operational realities of these Also, arguments. company various the might be judged according various features and capabilities to the it in that useful comparing for framework better provided was very revealed, so that features to designed One eliminate operational problems can be appreciated more. was the fact that university of the first problems realized go down computers which can result in was not quite often a lot of work being wasted saved periodically. lost file are best learned first to take protective duplicates of measures each on tape. sessions, during terminal Also, the hand, such In organizational problems of document if the text consequences of a and quickly lead one as shorter addition, files some of with the production are manifest 86 by various literature, but been discussed in the characteristics have these of Most an in made best chaos. prevent to fashion the learned that soon revisions are and corrections orderly It is experience. first hand take on a new, and more graphic meaning through experience. The proof of principle is accomplished by producing the text processing system and thesis with a comparing it with A strictly one-off copy, with one level conventional means. of review, such as a thesis, is not the best application for but in the text processing, for time necessary valuable saving in student time was realized. economic basis, the two methods are of $.75 first per page draft and system, text processing the with this proofreading, and typing final would be copy and much not was thus a On a purely At a going rate close. the cost of a about $150. The for protessional typists, a final still be allow so students implicitly While most justified. author's opinion can computer budget used in this thesis was about $300, but some of that was chapter, and used for the much of error learning process were to $150. to be done over, One major make last test it was discussed the result of the in the early stages. the total with this trial and If the thesis costs would be benefit of text processing minute revisions later in less than is the ability little extra effort. While some students forgo these last minute changes, because of the implications of retyping, they probably would include them if they were using a text processing system. provided labor was free The who a source from is capable of typing about 40 words per minute, but is prone to would then be Her actual output make errors. Since a thesis for erasing. pages per hour after allowance about three must be free of erasures, this would mean many retyped pages in She efficiency. lower considerably would which form final the of the type a document flatly refused to her thesis' length and quality, but was receptive to the idea of using the text processing system. only have to type the basic where necessary. pages per Her output hour during increase increased to the input phase, in make revisions text once, and pages per hour in the editing significant This meant that she would more than four about ten and was phase, indicating there was a productivity on part. her if applied to the production of a first draft and a final copy, this increase in productivity amounts The fact that other she would do it with one system but some indication also gives to about 94 per cent. of the morale not the boosting properties of a text processing system. 5.2 INDUSTRY REPORTS Not everyone who has installed a text processing system can produce figures would require the documenting their savings. normal "industrial To do this engineered", 88 standard difficult are which hours, average measurement, methods-time analysis, task as things and apply to are few There most secretarial activities. effectively to such includes This standards program. work formalized, organizations that have large typing pools and while some do apply these methods not for indicate The policy. of reason that to these typing specialists, results published few increases significant others do from resulted have relatively simple systems. One which office New Jersey into a output from 95 lines per day On a who producing about three corrections words 60 or four and retypings a minute, practicalities (10). Part of of to 800. words per were done. the secretary actually was minute when all per minute, equipment and reorganizations, this twenty words increased with the old system this means that words per minute basis ostensibly types group, has processing word specialists typing organizes eight With the automatic increased to fifteen to again taking setup, referencing the increase is due to into account all the button pushing and the reduced pressure of typists, since they no longer had to fear making mistakes which necessitate retyping. This allows typing at draft speeds throughout a document with no slowing at the end when the fear of errors in the greatest. an increase of this magnitude The greatest portion of however, is probably the reproductive capability of the system. due to In another case, 89 firm reports that, a large engineering one computer supported as a rule of thumb, and a worth two terminal is half typewriters for the type of work they do. The Dartnell Institute of has placed the cost of the average business letter at $3.31 $1.17 twenty years compared to down as follows: Business Research in Chicago ago. "dictator's time (based upon 72 cents; secretarial time salary), 86 cents; cents; 99 vacations, etc.), 26 charges (overhead, office maintenance, etc.), materials costs (stationary, envelopes, mailing envelopes), costs 21 cents; (including filing sealing costs, offices where editing typewriters have of the $250 a week (base salary, $132), cents; nonproductive labor (illnesses, cents; fixed are broken The costs average typewritten and 71 cents etc.) 10 stamping (24)." In been used, the costs document have decreased thirty nine per cent using this formula. (8) 5.3 EXPERIMENT It is very per cent, 100 output by 50 good that a firm can increase percent. per cent, or even 1000 However, if the documents consist exclusively of form letters where only a name has to be inserted manually, then perhaps a little more breakdown in information is needed on how the increases in productivity were meaningful. accomplished for The capability to copy the numbers to be or modify standard text 90 is a strong benefits due to this business, so particular of a function feature will also depend that on the particular business. However, increases in typing speed for a can given time slice implications of the be productivity universally applicable. speed has little productivity, meaning for test the productivity increase Although the level of meaning when change in change in was given measured fairly translated typing speed productivity. to ten with the and would be this typing to overall would have With this in subjects to achievable easily, some mind, identify increases text processing a in system available at MIT. 5.3.1 The System The system used was NSCRIPT, coupled with the TSO Sharing Option) editor. NSCRIPT system were obtained, the dataset. The TSO dataset, i.e. no to the Although the actual features of the not used since no text was when Text can an NSCRIPT moving through lines by means of the UP The FIND command can also locate the desired line by specifying line. an NSCRIPT context editor similar be located by the document a specified number of n, or the DOWN n commands. it was operating on line numbers, is a uniquely identify the formatted output was input as though editor, CMS EDITOR. (Time a character string that will This command will only search 91 follows position, and current the are specified. the FIND command is Usually UP or be moved to lines command should are used DOWN commands The and it usually takes FIND uses more exclusively since it not be used computer facilities (CPU) number of when the easily determined. be can used to locate from the current position, text which is relatively distant and the the system additional FIND commands beyond the first when will not go necessary to string since occurances of the first the find will Some gymnastics are string. occurance of the find subsequent the text that of the character string in for the occurance longer for the system to respond and, in the case of the TSO editor, it is more prone to errors. The three INSERT The commands. usually a another delimiter, string may slash(/), c the DELETE, and consists or change, new string to A null the of followed old character new string. and the be used as the the old string. command CHANGE the operator, specification of delimiter, the CHANGE, basic commands are by a string, character effectivly delete The normal command would appear as such: c/old word/new word/ (carriage return) If the verify mode is used, the new version of the line will be displayed. The DELETE command is to be used to delete a whole line -r and would appear like: (carriage return) d upon which positioned will be deleted. currently is the pointer which at the line If the verify mode is used, the previous line will be displayed. text immediately is used to insert The INSERT command following the current line. typical example would look The like: (carriage return) in new text If the VERIFY mode is used, the system will not respond with anything at this point. There are involved are but will system, the manipulations in various file which commands other with not be discussed here. 5.3.2 Subjects An attempt was backgrounds experience as both typists in typing subjects. and experience Since non-typists benefits in either case, the people with include made to as well the system and as can be provide diverse computer used by significant subjects were recruited in two 93 or considered, was group first The groups. separate This characterization considered themselves, to be typists. usually referred to the capability to use both hands and not Throughout both groups there keys occassionally. range of people who very computer knowledge in IQ Table 5.1 is in intelligence. knowledge, education, were their summarizing age, and considered typists, considered non-typists. assigned after variation in and the test, since the the subjects most of subject's skill, typing sex. Numbers of the was some significant of assessment 5 were 10 indicator skill there was computer 1 through 6 through numbers were be above average a brief description The typing to not a There was people who seemed to graduate students or subjects, since exists a analyst/programmers computers before. never used broad range from to find their eyes had to use people who fairly dextrous to peck" method and the "hunt of from advocates They usually were right. considered themselves as such and ranged The nontypists in order to type. look at the keys have to their typing ability. 5.3.3 The Test The test was divided into two parts, obtain information on different aspects first part was simply a timed test where each designed to of the system. The the subjects were TABLE 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECTS SUBJECT TYPING SKILL COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE 1 2 0 0 + + 3 4 + + - 5 AGE SEX HS G 20-25 25-30 F M - HS HS 20-25 20-25 F F 0 0 G 25-30 M 6 7 0 - + 0 G 7th 20-25 10-15 M M 8 9 10 0 - G G G 25-30 25-30 25-30 M M M EDUCATION - - asked to type a paragraph, first with a typewriter, and then with a terminal which has the ability as they are made, by backspacing results as conducted on the and retyping. as possible, consistent to correct mistakes, the with the same machine, two To keep the tests were terminal in the local mode for the typewriter tests and in the communication the terminal input mode so system. To mode were in the communication time to any results could apply that the keep the basically the text processing system operating same as any keyboard based in the The characteristics of tests. mode for the text processing of the test reasonable, the non-typists were given a reasonably short paragraph to type, of about fifty words, while the typists were given a paragraph of about 150 words. The subjects were timed on the typewriter for their 95 each mistake paragraph and warned that thirty second addition to their When however. mistake, simulate erasing. the on typing text thirty second penalty would terminal, the same made a typing whenever they advised to continue They were time to in a would result processing be assessed were encouraged to backspace for mistakes, but the subjects over mistakes and correct them when they were noticed. could be attributable to thirty second penalty to have that would operations editing This the various be made, if the mistakes were to be corrected later with the text processing This is system. exaggerated a little but would be reasonable several corrections in one session, the corrections of that during the input phase, or would be corrected by the editor for for mistakes two one or mistakes later at a editing session (Chapter 1). The second part of the test was designed to obtain some information on how easy it is to learn to use the editor and how effective its use is about a ten minute operations of Each subject was given initially. lecture on the TSO editor, the three basic CHANGE, DELETE, editing and INSERT. Also included were instructions on how to locate the desired line by means commands. they could of the FIND command or the UP and DOWN The use of the VERIFY mode was encouraged so that have some confidence changes that were made. of the correctness of the After the lecture, during which the operations were explained at least twice, the subjects were 96 provided with a summary of the commands for reference during the test. The test was basically the same for each subject in the type of The characters which twenty per cent made up eighty per cent of the following line. string a deleting of consisted change first exact changes. if not the same changes to be made of line and of one The next change was for another, and the last a simple substitution of one word change was an insertion of a sentence somewhere in the text. The first change deletion, and one way, an insertion), or last could be either string, a and a two (a substitution The second change could and the accomplished by a null character (a substitution of three steps deletion). been could have only be accomplished in done in one of two ways, neither of which was any better than the other. Some prompting given during was this test if the subject was clearly baffled, or was needlessly waiting for a system response, or editing command. took to was not sure of the exact format of an The subjects were measured for the time it successfully make the changes. If mistakes were made during the editing steps they were expected to correct them using the same methods. After the first timed editing test, the basic commands were reviewed, hints on how to more easily accomplish the same changes were explained. current edition of Three were given, and mistakes similar changes were their text, and a second made to the timed test was or no prompting. this time with little given, 5.3.4 The Results The results ot the Following subject 1, timed tests reduced Since five to 23 minute after net rate is adding the penalty terminal, the gross rate was With the However, five 33 words per minute and six errors were made. of these were The test words per minute without error errors were made, the words per seconds to the time. this. the results read like on the typewriter yielded 39 corrections. Table 5.2. appear in by backspacing and corrected during the test retyping, so that the net rate was 30 words per minute. The difference in net words per minute between the two tests was cent increased with the terminal. a 30 per can be seen It that almost all of the subjects increase their net rates (58 per cent average) with the terminal, indicating that significant increases in typing productivity can result with text processing systems. One of the first phenomenon observable is the fact that of the typists almost all minute when terminal. they There are switched words per decreased their gross from the typewriter two opposing forces that the raw speed of the typists during this switch. to the would change First, the capability to fix mistakes easily would permit the typist to type more rapidly, and second, the actual time consumed in 98 TABLE 5.2 RESULTS OF TIMED TEST FOR TYPING AND TERMINAL INPUT SUBJECT TYPED ERRORS WPM 39 34 COR'D WPM 23 12 36 18 19 60 57 26 21 11 7.7 2.9 6.9 32 10 8.1 32 10 TABLE TER'L WPM 33 22 52 48 27 24 8.6 7.8 37 11.5 ERRORS (NET) COR'D WPM (1) (2) (1) (0) (4) 30 19 45 48 20 (0) (2) (0) (0) 24 7.2 7.8 (1) 10 CHANGE CWPM % 30 58 25 167 5 37 5.3 STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF TIMED TESTS SUBJECT TYPED WPM ERRORS COR'D WPM TER'L WPM 21.6 36.4 5.8 ERRORS (NET) COR'D WPM CHANGE CWPM % 8.4(1.6) 32.4 57 3.4(0.7) 7.6(1.5) 6.1 13.6 28.7 TYPISTS MEAN STD ERR VAR 43.2 6.6 14.7 4.0 9.0 13.0 t PROB 64.3 1.98 .940 > 0 NON-TYPISTS MEAN STD ERR VAR 15.8 5.2 12.6 4.7 10.6 3.8 5.0 11.3 8.4 17.8 5.6 2.8(1.6) 12.5 3.1 (1.0) 1.4(0.5) 17.6 5.8 13.0 t PROB 60.2 30.6 68.5 1.97 .939 > 0 TOTAL MEAN STD ERR VAR t PROB > 29.5 5.8 18.4 17.1 3.4 27 5.6(1.1) 25.0 2.2 5.2 1,9(0.4) 4.7 6.9 10.7 16.6 6.0(1.3) 14.8 6.5 58.0 19.7 62.4 2.95 .992 99 identifying and backspacing over a mistake would add time to The latter seems to be the stronger in this case, the test. to vary directly with the since the decrease in speed seems number of corrected mistakes. On other the increased all hand, almost fewer mistakes and hence would time additional mistakes. correct to Since keys as they typed, they these people usually looked at the tended to make non-typists the they switched. when speed their typing of not take any plausible A explanation of the increase would come from the fact that it was the second time that they had typed the relatively short paragraph and a learning phenomenon occured. The errors committed were about the same on average for the ability but the typists, correct them to was very significant since about eighty per cent of the mistakes were eliminated during correction ability per minute for most of his the This session. terminal did not spot all the typists except one who mistakes. number of mistakes net words increase in accounted for an In the case of error the non-typists, the made were about the same in both trials except for one relatively spastic seventh grader who learned something about key position by about eighty per cent of the terminal allowing his second attempt. Again, mistakes were corrected at the an increase in net words per minute for this reason, in three of the five cases. Table 5.3 is a statistical summary of the results 100 error of the mean, and the from a sample this all of variance categories the the speed measurements since different in the typewriter is on average words the the increases in "are due to chance?" increase assumed normal. normal distribution (small sample be assumes that This normally, but problems are can increase in seem not does it inferred the speeds the much are distributed of this size differs from primarily for small degrees sizes) and hence, if very with can arise when samples The t-distribution When words per minute the order of the minute, per are significantly of the average net done on confidence. variance worse for However, productivity significant, or are they one standard deviation large. quite is capabilities. is answered be would As small and diverse, the groups typing their to productivity presented for column. groups only makes the Combining the two question minute words per net increase in probably be expected the variance, for all of the columns In addition, t-statistics are in Table 5.2. the are the mean, the standard Included reported in Table 5.2. the of freedom is better suited for this application. The null hypothesis in this case is that no increase in productivity will result in the processing systems vs. normal typing. mean of the to the input in fact zero. of text This implies that the change in net words per minute other is phase The value from one system of "t" in this 101 square root of the number mean (the variance divided by the the cent chance that With the separately. groups taken climbs to 99.2 per cent. concluded that the increases in With of a added credibility greater than zero the implying is rejected, productivity will to can be these two facts, it null hypothesis individual input in the result To typing. system over text processing phase the two combination of that the mean is groups, the probability that a 94 per for the two greater than zero the mean is the From tables total. values imply that there is these of t-statistics, for d.f.) (4 1.97 for the (9 d.f.) and 2.95 non-typists, (4 d.f.) , 1.98 is typists the value of "t" for Using this procedure, in the sample). error of the mean divided by the standard situation is the increases, give subject number 1's increase of 30 per cent compares favorably to her increase in productivity hour to four from three pages per pages per hour in the production of this thesis. The results of the editing test appear in Table 5.4 and the statistics are summarized in was to this test someone use to processing system, system initially. some idea of There have of how easy get an idea the basic Table 5.5. editing and how effective The purpose of to teach it is commands of they can be a text with the Two tests were run on each subject to get how the been some learning curve proceeds initially. by firms indicating tests conducted that terminal operators reach the 50 per cent performance 102 RESULTS SUBJECT TIME 1 (SEC) TABLE 5.4 OF EDITING TESTS TIME 2 (SEC) CHANGE (S EC) CHANGE 1 2 3 4 5 378 329 379 309 215 179 220 267 265 162 199 109 112 6 7 8 9 10 118 302 471 598 392 65 53 45 * * * 270 371 213 201 227 179 44 53 42 39 46 TABLE 5.5 STATISTICAL TIME (SEC) SUMMARY OF EDITING TESTS TIME 2 (SEC) CHANGE (S EC) CHANGE TYPISTS MEAN STD ERR VAR 322 30 67 219 21 48 103 28 62 32.2 6.2 13.9 376 81 181 230 64 128 165 40 79 43.0 1.6 3.2 349 42 131 224 28 85 131 24 72 37.0 3.8 11.4 NON-TYPISTS MEAN STD ERR VAR TOTAL MEAN STD ERR VAR 103 average after service. two months They 75 per reach the cent performance averave after four months, and attain an 80 per cent figure at the end of six months This would (10). seem to indicate that some penalties must be paid during the startup period. be quite shows that a person can However, this test initially, effective his/her increase and performance by 37 per cent after the first trial. The time it took for each of the subjects to accomplish changes is recorded in the three Table 5.4. The changes in the time can by the be explained but was every change. more This not show, but the second trial was about typists and about forty per the decrease in significantly It generally took this is probably due as anything else. The to make the three changes thirty per cent for cent for the non-typists. from the the typists as time and the per cent decrease different to type, only took longer in typing speed as average decrease in time required of the subject's refusal make the changes than on Table 5.5 much to differences used the subject than the c/..../.../, with which to errors. prone non-typists longer to the means fact that can be explained by to learn any other command he made the lowest seconds, and conjunction with programming work. system editors before in The longest time second trial were similar in about 3-400 Most took columns of first trial, but were not exactly nature to the ones in the the same. the first two zero by the Both in time are t-statistics. 104 when quite rapidly proceeds learning actually Therefore, learning this system initially. the text in length, 117 words break-even length decreases 60 rate, minute per words can be as accomplished these three This would imply in a per cent changes much as sixty The combined with a an simulating mistakes is 65 words, or about five lines. that there rookies. even length for correcting operator, the break than second trial, and to 79 in the experienced operator's time is if the most would be document a to the terminal operators are retyping, even if longer than processing method make corrections to efficient combined the typist group, for any document can be inferred that then it corrections is typing speeds (net) for with the average more to make average time If the document (number of corrections divided by the number lines) before retyping is the more attractive alternative once the system is fully implemented. Thus, it has been shown will occur due to the ability input, and the capability The potentially revisions of retyping. All to correct errors as they input, but not all systems ease. to correct to make ability instead document that productivity greatest occur increases mistakes during to systems part of have are spotted a the during allow editing changes with equal increases because of capability, but these features are in the productivity system's the most costly. would editing It has 105 shown that also been revisions are to be made does not the editing justify the document the length of have to be very As capabilities. the to which long to length of the document increases, the benefits of the editing capabilities increase in average user day, and These proportion. It can become quite would be has also productive within most efficient productivity increases after about can be completely justify the text processing of labor saved. been shown that the the first six months. sufficiently high to system by the amount 106 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS application the is processing Text computer of In the technology to the production of textual information. primarily for numerical work past, computers have been used exclusively, but as costs of while labor down computers and electronics come continue to costs there is rise, more incentive for the use of text processing. There are many text processing systems available and in use today. They letter generators to are the vehicles for new and At the dissemination. in information automatic capacity from in range innovative ideas the scale bottom of which have automatic typewriters form relatively small memory capacities which in turn limit the size or complexity limited in editing and their provide for only for produced easily. which can be of documents minor changes. storage permanent can be formatting They features which storage media Using their relatively are also expensive when compared to magnetic tape on large computer systems, but the cost differential would probably not justify the acquisition of computer. a With some efforts have been made to of the systems, substantial make these typewriters completely conversant with computers so that, in effect, they can serve as I/O devices for that computer in In the middle range of text processing work. capabilities are the many 107 computer services, actually and multipurpose extensive hardcopy, computer in capabilities, and thereby is which storage, formatting inexpensive means also less as saving storage space use a great variety systems can but large memories, complete tape provides an Magnetic permanent for range capabilities, editing capabilities. This middle have, or can have minimally, these systems range computers. a wide covers quite sharing time minis, including systems, based than bulky well. Most of inputs and character recognition input to outputs ranging from optical photo composition output adding to their flexibility. Integrated of range capabilities with today's current limited in their systems consist of context editor, systems are text processing technology, (3) document management retrieval, and are these Minimally, applications. (1) a data upper in the system, (2) a (4) a generalized text description language, and (5) a fully modular approach in This implementation. system type of has been only approximated by a few firms to date, but it potentially is a system which will allow many new and innovative methods of providing information in the future. Most of the present day uses of text processing systems are merely the chores of text an office. processing federal automation of more repetitive some engineering However, extensively regulatory the in agencies, their and typing firms use documentation production for of 108 parameters to a deal benefits to cutting and extensive efforts than time the blocks of of do a saved by prime the expensive work than more productive them for pasting. are also produced more is freeing one typing loads, relieve realized professionals, some key these applications While draft. the cases, program which logically combines the first text for some In merely supplying be written by specification can great contracts. and specifications Manuals, especially program manuals, by programmers on line. This results in documentation of programming conventional means. Where text and precise existed with processing terminals are plentiful, some companies have used the facilities to transmit documents to other divisions or companies for faster and more reliable service than the mail provides. provide sensitive, their situations, In other ability to processing but useful access a are systems they have been information to file with also used employees by the terminal. used for distribution on the ARPA computer network. to Text information These are just a few of the potential uses of text processing systems. The justification that the different companies give for using merely text processing justify the varies as full cost stenographic labor actually saved, incremental costs of Others view the system the system much as of the system and others by as providing the Some the uses. by the justify the labor benefits that savings. cannot 109 otherwise be morale had. booster, repetitive jobs It can also since simply as be justified it eliminates much of faced by both professionals the a dull, and clericals. The method of justification usually has something to do with the organization of the system. If it is merely saving which is being sought, then a dollar there is a motivation to centralize the facilities and tightly control the efficiency of its operation. booster, If then the the system primary is goal would used as be system's services to anyone who wished to have of these been examples and a morale to provide use them. combinations of the There these justifications in many of the examples investigated. Whatever the is that justification, one fact that text processing will anyone connected increase the with the production seems clear productivity of of a document. This increase in authors' productivity will result from less time spent proofreading, less time spent cutting and pasting, and with advanced systems, hard to put less time spent researching. a performance increase figure since it is very typists' increase situation dependent. in productivity straightforward since most typing is Several sources productivity However, from the literature ranging from these figures system, including the 50 per include the It is on this element, However, measuring is a little more more or less the same. quote cent to effects increases in 1000 per cent. of the whole benefits derived from the ability to 110 document from a previous edition copy a large amount of one This phenomenon is also situation dependent, so a test etc. was devised in increases determine to typing varying abilities, minute was 58 of to With efficiency. ten to subjects of net words per was a result Most of the increase easily correct solely due increase in the average per cent. the ability increases the and type mistakes, at "draft speed" since there was no fear of making errors. Some attempt was also made to determine how effective a person can systems, processing showed be in that average, after it would corrections to retype it. exploiting the ten be capability. This test of instruction, on faster to make three typical or greater than to 117 words the Extrapolating to a proficient terminal operator, 65 words. than this, Since most documents it significant increases in productivity systems. text minutes documents of considerably longer initially, of main benefits editing this cutoff length is about are the from the editing features would follow that can be realized, even of text processing 111 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Atomic Energy Commission, "A Study of 4 Methods of Entering Text into Computers." Oak Ridge Nuclear Laboratory report, ORNL TM 3600, Nov. 1, 1971. 2. Auerbach Time Sharing Reports. 40.180, Aug 1969. 3. "An Introduction to Documate." 1973. Index Systems Inc., 4. "Documate--An Abridged Functional Description." Systems Inc., 1973. 5. Gildenburg, Robert F. Jan. 1973. "Word Processing." Index Modern Data, 6. Gilford, Michael. "Second Generation Computer SpecifiProgressive Architecture, May 1972. cations." 7. Goldfarb, Charles J.; Mosher, Edward J.; and Peterson, Theodore I. "Integrated Text Processing for Publishing IBM Cambridge Scientific and Information Retrieval." Center Report, form number G320 2065, April 1971. 8. Kleinschood, Walter A. "The 'Gal Friday' is a Typing Administrative Management, 1971. Specialist Now." Form numbers 9. "Magnetic tape Selectric Typewriters." 543-0506-1, G543-0507-3, IBM Corp., New York. 10. Mauro, Anthony. "Get Your Secretary Away from the Office Equipment and Methods, Aug. 1971. Typewriter." 11. AP-55 rev. 1; MIT Information "NSCRIPT User's Guide." Processing Center, Dec. 14, 1972. 12. Forms RMS-7203-10RI, "Redactor Editing Typewriters." Redactron Corporation. RMS-7108-9, and RMS7112-lRI, 13. Rosen, Harold J. "Computer Specification Programs." Progressive Architecture, Sept. 1971. IBM Cambridge Scientific Center 14. "SCRIPT User's Manual." Cambridge, Mass., 1969. 2053, Report, Form No.320 15. "SCRIPT/370 Program Description/Operations Manual." Form No. sh20-1114-0, IBM Corp., New York., 1973. IBM 16. "Stone & Webster Administrative Terminal System User's Stone & Webster Inc., Boston, Mass., 1971. Manual." 112 17. Sussman, Joseph M.; Lodcher, Robert D.; and Howard C. Stotland. "SPECS--A Specification Production Computer Journal of the Structural Division ProSystem." ceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Jan. 1971. Appli18. "System 360 Administrative Terminal System." cations Description Manual GH20-0297-3; Terminals Operations Manual GH20-0589-2; Terminal Operator's Quick Reference Guide G320-0956-2., IBM Corp., New York. 19. van Dam, Andries; and Rice, David E. "On line Text Computing Surveys Vol. 3 No. 3, a Survey." Editing: Sept. 1971. 20. van Dam, Andries. for the Layman." 1972. 21. van Dam, Andries. Text Systems Inc., "Fress--Concepts and Facilities Text Systems Inc., Barrington, R.I., "Fress User's Guide--Part A & B." Barrington, R.I., 1972. 22. van Dam, Andries, Elliot, W.D., Potas, W.A. "Computer Assisted Tracing of Text Evolution." Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1971. 23. Forms 700 0493A "Wang System 1200 Cassette Typewriter." 11-72-50M; 700 0835-11-72-20M; 700 0493-6-72-50M. Wang Laboratories Inc. "Computer, Take a Letter." 24. White, Donald. Evening Globe, Feb. 14, 1973. Boston 113 APPENDIX 1 AUTOMATIC WORD PROCESSING TYPEWRITERS COMPANY/ MODEL STORAGE MEDIA EDITING & OTHER FEATURES American Automatic Typewriter player-type paper tape roll manual typing of inside address & salutation; right margin control as option; typewriter input/ output Auto-typist dual cassette CPT Corporation with 200character line buffer CPT 4200 IBM Office Products Division MC/ST MT/ST char & line erase; auto right margin adjust; tape-to tape dup; forward & reverse search; word, line, paragraph & page control; Selectric I/O magnetic card char & line erase; card track select; CPU/communications interfaces; Selectric input/ output single or dual cartridge char & line erase; auto right margin adjust; tape-to-tape dup; forward & reverse search; auto line expand; Selectric & composer I/O single casLexitron Corporation sette with 7000-chdr CRT Videotype-1 & line printer buffers intelligent CRT display terminal for input & text edit; char & line erase; auto right margin adjust; word, line, paragraph & page control typewriter or printer output ---------------------------------- player&type MetroTel Corporation paper tape roll Mate Series single casModel 801 sette roll-controlled auto type unit with converter interface for user supplied typewriter manual type of corrections & revisions after initial typing; Royal 970 typewriter input/output 114 Novar/GTE dual tape loop char & line erase; tape-to-tape cartridge with dup; CPU/communications interfaces; Selectric typewriter in line butter put/output - QuinData QuinType Model 70 QuinType Model 80 Remington Rand/Office Machines & Redactron Corporation MC100/200 MT100/200 ------- single or dual cassette char & line erase; auto margin adjust; tape-to-tape dup; CPU/ communications interfaces; Selectric I/O char & line erase; auto margin adjust; tape-to tape dup; forward/reverse search; word, line, paragraph, & page control; CPU/ communications interfaces; Selectric input/output single or dual magnetic card char & line erase; card track select; card-to-card dup; word, line, paragraph, & page control; Selectric I/O single or dual cassette char & line erase; tape-to-tape dup; word, line, paragraph, page control; Selectric typewriter input/output dual paper tape - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Ricoh of America ---- -- dual paper tape - ----- - char, word & line stop/ skip; right margin control; tab memory; Selectric typewriter input/output Model 6000 single casSavin sette Business Machines Word Master Singer Business Machines Flexowriter cassette-transport & controller with interface for user-supplied typewriters plug-board programmable control; dual paper tape with tab auto address, word, line & card reader as paragraph insert; typewriter I/O option 115 SYS Computer Editerm Terminal Equipment single or dual cassette with internal memory intelligent CRT display terminal for input & text edit; char & line erase; margin adjust; word, lineparagraph & page control; Selectric output paper tape auto margin control, line expand, edit, read, skip & tab controls; selectric typewriter input/output single or dual cassette auto locate, correct, delete & insert of char, words, lines or paragraphs; auto merge; auto margin adjust; auto message search; Selectric input/output single or dual cassette auto word-in-line, line, paragraph & page search; auto head centering; auto right margin justify; auto decimal point align; Selectric 1/0; CPU & communications interfacing 5000 character internal memory cassette auto search; auto char, word,line or paragraph select, skip or de lete; right margin adjust; Selectric 1/0 cartridge auto search on code to 500 address locations for insert/delete operations; char correct/erase; word, line or paragraph skip; Selectric 1/0 Edityper Ty-data Tnc. Series 3600 Wang Laboratories System 1200 Word Processing Inc. Scribona 100 Scribona 500 116 APPENDIX 2 MINICOMPUTER WORD PROCESSING AND FORMATTING SYSTEMS(5) COMPANY/ MODEL STORAGE MEDIA APPLICATIONS & FEATURES Inputs: Datatype Corporation document-to- document-to-6-level paper tape editing & converter system; OCR terminal Outputs: paper tape uses standard Selectric with OCR font to type input document Inputs: document-toOCR terminal Outputs: paper tape document-to-6-level paper tape editing & converter system; uses Courier-12 font typewriter to prepare input document Setype ECRM Inc. Autoreader EditEdit Systems TextEd - - - - -- Inputs: multiple typewriter terminal Outputs: hardcopy, cassette, mag & - -- - - time-shared text editing, typing & formatting system; typewritten & line printer produced hardcopy; 9-track mag & 6/8-level paper tape out put; cassette document storage paper tape Graphic Systems System 1 Hendrix Inputs: auto text-editing photocomposer systypewriter pro- tem using the Redactron word duced cassettes processing typewriter Outputs: photocomp Inputs: multi- stand-alone & time-shared text Electronics ple CRT display editing, printing & formatting Text Publishing System terminals Outputs: hardcopy, mag & paper tape systems; line printer hardcopy; OCR input option; auto hyphenation, classified ads & business packages 117 stand-alone text edit & formatInputs: CRT Imlac ting system; 6-level paper & Corporation terminal Outputs: paper 7/9-track magnetic tape output Composer 15 & magnetic tape Index Systems Documate Inputs: multiple typwriter terminal Outputs: hardcopy, mag & paper tape time-shared text editing, typing & formatting system; typuritten & line printer produced hardcopy; extensive file management capabilities; removable disk storage Information Inputs: multiple CRT & Control Selectric Systems terminals Outputs: hardAstrocomp copy MTST, mag & paper tapes time-shared text editing, typing & formatting system; typewritten & line printer produced hardcopy; 6/7/8-level paper, 9-track mag and MTST cartridge tape output; auto hyphenation/justification package Inputs: multiLCS Corporation ple CRT & Selectric terminals CompuText Outputs: hard copy time-shared text editing & typing system; Selectric typed & line printer produced hardcopy; multi-task, disk file system Inputs: CRT terminal Outputs: hardcopy text editing, typing & business processor terminal; serial "daisy" element printer produced hardcopy MGA Computer 952 ------------------------ Omnitext Inc. Omnitext Inputs: CRT terminal Outputs: paper tape text editing & formatting system; 6/8-level paper tape output 118 text editing, typing & formatting system; line printer hard SYS Inputs: CRT terminal DataVerter outputs: hard- copy; mag tape output copy & magnetic tape Tal-Star Inputs: CRT & Computer Systems document-to-OCR tem; justification & classfied ads packages; paper tape output terminal Outputs: paper tape Computer T1000 Varian Data Machines Varitext Inputs: multiple Selectric typewriters Outputs: hardcopycassette & mag tape text editing & formatting sys- time-shared text editing & typing system; Selectric typed & line printer produced hardcopy; cassette document storage; mag tape output