Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati-413 133 e-Newsletter JULY 2015 FOREWORD INSIDE THIS It is our pleasure to publish our quarterly activities up to 30 June 2015 before ISSUE: FOREWORD 1 SEMINARS/CONFERENCES ORGANIZED AND ATTENDED 2-4 5 The notable events have been the participation of the faculties in different IIT QIPS, FDPS ATTENDED AND RESEARCH PAPERS students have shown their interest in the higher learning as well as research field. GUEST LECTURES AND TRAINING PROGRAMS you. In our e-Newsletter we mostly focus on the events in which our faculty and 6 IN SEMINARS AND campuses for Summer Research Fellowships and Faculty Development Pro- CONFERENCES INDUSTRIAL VISITS grammes. This participation brings a value-added confidence and motivates oth- ORGANIZED 7 ACTIVITIES OF SCHOOL OF 8 ers to be part of such events. Exposure is the key of quality development and pro- STUDETNS’ ACTIVITIES 9 gress. With this purpose in mind, many of our faculty members visited different LIBRARY AND 10 IITs for attending Quality Improvement Programmes (QIPs) and Short Term ARCHITECTURE PLACEMENT DETAILS Courses. Industrial visits were also arranged by most of our faculty and it makes them aware about the requirements and challenges in the outside world and thus enlighten students about it. To keep updated with new technology the workshops for students were organized and to be in pace with syllabus of the University, faculties attended the Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs). Some of our faculty members arranged WorkE D I T O R A N D D E S I G N E R A N I L P A T I L shops and courses like Auto-cad which are really useful to show students the experiments which help them to face the challenges in the outside world. Foreword By Dr. Nirmal Sahuji Head (Gen. Sci. and Engg.) Chairperson of e-Newsletter SEMINARS/CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED Prof. Digambar Padulkar He coordinated a One-Week ISTE workshop on Introduction to Design of Algorithms which was organized by IIT Kharagpur. This workshop was part of remote workshops organized by IIT Mumbai and IIT Kharagpur at Vidya JULY 2015 Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati in association with National Mission on Education of MHRD (Govt. of India). It was conducted during 25 May to 30 May 2015 and 16 participants attended this Workshop. Prof. Partha Chakrabarti, Prof. Das, Prof. Pallab Dasgupta delivered the lectures. Prof. G. J. Chhajed, Prof. Dinesh Hanchate, Prof. Sushma Nandgaonkar, Prof. M. D. Shelar, Prof. M. B. Rangdal, Prof. Ms. P. V. Madane, Prof. Kshitija Upadhyay, Prof. Bhushan Mahajan, Prof. Mrunili Katkar and Prof. Suraj Dhanve attended this Workshop. SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, SRFPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED Dr. Nirmal Sahuji He attended a One-Week Training Program on Computer Interfaced Science Experiments during 27 April to 2 May 2015 at Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. This Program was conducted by Dr. Ajith Kumar BP, Scientist H of IUAC in New Delhi. The training was imparted on EXPEYE project. It is a hardware and software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects. Design of EXPEYES combines the real-time measurement capability of micro-controllers with the ease and flexibility of Python programming language for data analysis and visualization. It also functions as test equipment for engineering students. SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, SRFPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED Prof. Dinesh Zende He attended a Two-Month Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP2015 at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi during May-June 2015. His faculty mentor at IIT Delhi was Dr. Jaya Srivastava. He worked on Financial JULY 2015 Fraud Detection using Data Mining Techniques under her guidance. Mr. Sahil Shah He attended a Two-Month Summer Research Fellowship Program (SRFP)-2015 of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. He was selected by the academy to work at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He successfully completed the work under this fellowship program during 18 May to 6 July 2015. Dr. Panigrahi B. K. of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi mentored him. During this period, he worked in the field of Web Mining. Address by Dr. Dipankar Chatterjee, IISc Bangalore during his meet with all IASc Research Fellows Prof. Anil Disale He attended a One-Day Acquaintance Programme [Awareness about facilities and research opportunities at Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) New Delhi] on 1 May 2015 at the Department of Physics, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. Prof. Sandeep Bavkar He attended a State Level Workshop organized by IETE on Embedded Linux Development on ARM9 and MicroEmbedded Technology Sinhagad Institute of Technology Lonavala, Pune during 17 June to 19 June 2015. SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, SRFPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED Prof. Keshav Jadhav He attended a Summer Faculty Research Fellowship Programme (SFRF)-2015 under Continuing Education Program (CEP) at IIT, Delhi during 15 May to 2 July 2015. The main objective of this programme was to help to induct and JULY 2015 inculcate research culture. The faculty also got the opportunity to interact and work with the faculty and research students of the group and got exposure to the equipment and laboratory facilities associated with the faculty mentors. Prof. D D Rupanawar He attended a Short Term Course (STC) on Integrated Automation Technologies which was held at IIT Delhi during 1 to 6 June 2015. He was adjudged as the Best Learner award based on his performance in the quizzes conducted during the program. RESEARCH PAPERS PRESENTED IN SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Deepak Sonawane He attended the Sixth National Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering–2015 at MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi during 5 to 6 June 2015. He presented his research paper Honey Bees Have Geometrical Sense: A Mathematical Approach which has been published in the Proceedings of the Conference, pp.225-231, ISBN: 978-93-84648-83-1. GUEST LECTURES DELIVERED, TRAINING PROGRAMS/ WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED AND COORDINATED Prof. Ashok Jadhav He delivered a guest lecture on Biologically Inspired Computing: Introduction to GA and PSO at Department of Electrical Engineering of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological Universi- JULY 2015 ty, Lonere, on 21 May 2015. The participants for this Program were faculty and research scholars from different technical institutions in Maharashtra. The title of the programme was One week FDP on Nature Inspired Computations in Engineering (NICE). It was conducted during 18 to 22 May 2015 under TEQIP-II. Dr. Anil Hiwarekar He worked as a coordinator for Training Program on Campus to Corporate which was organized for First Year students by Grant Guru, Mumbai. This Program was organized to captivate and engage our students and apart from sessions on etiquette it also included the sessions on power point presentations, interactive discussions and pragmatic real world. He also worked as a coordinator of ISTE SRMC-2014-15 Chapter level and Zonal level examination. Our college won three prizes for Zonal level and one National level examination for teachers and students. Prof. C B Nayak He conducted a workshop on Auto-Cad during 27 March to 6 April for Second Year civil students. 35 students participated and benefited from this event. The workshop was successfully completed under the guidance of Mr. Vikram Bagade from Dexter Company. This workshop was very useful for every civil engineer to plan various structures. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ATTENDED Prof. Dilip Patil He attended the QIP Short Term Course on Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics through Experiments which was held in IIT Bombay during 11 to 15 May 2015. This course was quite useful to understand teaching methods on Fluid Mechanics. Prof. B. S. Pani from Department of JULY 2015 Civil Engineering was the Coordinator. Prof. Ajit Chaudhari and Prof. Shrikant Mahadik Prof. Ajit Chaudhari and Prof. Shrikant Mahadik attended the faculty development program on 27 June 2015. The workshop was specially designed for Faculty Advisers. The main purpose of the program was to enlighten the faculty about new developments as well as challenges so that they are fully prepared and well versed with all the possible future outcomes for BAJA SAE INDIA 2016. Dignitaries from various industries and national bodies were present for the session. Dr. K C Vora addresses the faculties AWARDS IN MATHEMATICS COMPETITIONS Dr. Gajanan Dhanorkar and Prof. Gauri Bhoite They appeared for the Srinivasa Ramanujan Mathematical Competition 2014-15 conducted by ISTE. Dr. Gajanan Dhanorkar stood in merit in this Examination at Zonal Level Competitions. He won the Second Prize at the Zonal Level for Teachers. This Award Function was held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry on 4th July 2015. Prof. Gauri Bhoite stood in merit in this Examination at National and Zonal Level Competitions. She won National Level Consolation Prize and Zonal Level Third Prize for Teachers. AWARDS IN MATHEMATICS COMPETITIONS This Award Function was held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry on 4 July 2015. All the Prize Winners were felicitated by the Hon. Chief Minister namely N. Rangaswamy of Puducherry. The Chief Guests for this function were the President of ISTE Prof. Pratapsinh Desai and SRMC Project Coordinator Prof. R. Hariharan. JULY 2015 Dr. Dhanorkar and Prof. Bhoite at the Award Function INDUSTRIAL VISITS ORGANIZED Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an Industrial Visit to Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Shardanagar. Prof. Avinash Kolekar, Prof. S. Taware, Prof. S. V. Shelge, Prof. V Bhagwat, Prof. H Borate, Prof. K Jadhav, Prof. Y. Aaher, Prof. S. Zarekar, Prof. S. Margutti, Prof. S. Mahadik, Prof. D. Rupanwar visited the place. The main objective of visit was to study the modern agricultural technologies and equipments used at Krishi Vigyan Kendra and also to study further advancement in the equipments with the knowledge of mechanical engineering. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, on the occasion of Science Day organized the Industrial Visit to Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observatory at Khodad on 28 February 2015. 105 students and 5 faculty members visited the place. Each year, Science Day is celebrated at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observatory. VIDYA PRATISHTHAN’S SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Fourth Year Architecture students organized a Farewell Party for Fifth Year on 15 April 2015 in coordination with Prof. Dipali Naik. The important thing about the event was that this was School’s first batch which was going to enter the industry. The Formal event was followed by speech by our Chief Guest Dr Milind Telang from Singhad College of Architecture, our Principal Dr. S B Deosarkar and Prof. Harshad Raisoni. The informal JULY 2015 event had all cultural events performed by students and the party ended with dinner and music. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS ORGANIZED School of Architecture organized a Workshop on Dissertation (Research Methodology) and Literature Review for Fourth Year students. It was conducted by Prof. Shilpa Sharma and Prof. Vinit Mirkar and was coordinated by Prof. Pranita Bhagat and Prof. Parag Narakhade under the guidance of in-charge Principal Prof. Harshad Raisoni. SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED Prof Fatima Kabir She successfully completed and achieved honored code certificate for Introduction to Psychology from EDX Harvard. JULY 2015 She also conducted a Workshop at IES College of Architecture Mumbai for third year students. The topic of the Workshop was Contemporary Architecture. STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS Abhay Deshmukh, Onkar Dhavale and Omkar Bachhal These three students of Electrical Engineering Department invented a Solar Agro Sprayer which is really a great invention for the benefit of farmers. They were guided by Prof. Balaji Bedre. This sprayer is one of the improved versions of petrol engine pesticide sprayer pump. It can be vastly used in the agriculture field and also for many purposes. It uses the solar power to run the motor. Therefore, it is a pollution free pump compared to petrol engine sprayer pump. Excess electricity can be stored in batteries and then it can be utilized for home appliances like glowing of CFL bulbs, mobile charging etc. Abhay Deshmukh shows the demonstration of the Solar Agro Sprayer Abhay Deshmukh, Onkar Dhavale and Omkar Bachhal with Prof. Balaji Bedre and Prof. Rohit Tarade Gaurav Ingale He appeared for Srinivasa Ramanujan Mathematical Competition 2014-15 conducted by Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE). He stood Third in this Examination at Zonal Level Competitions for students. This Award Function was held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry on 4 July 2015. All the Prize Winners were felicitated by the Hon. Chief Minister namely N. Rangaswamy. STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS JULY 2015 Hiren Patel Hiren, from the School of Architecture secured the First rank for his Dissertation as Best Dissertation in fifth year 2015. His subject for Dissertation was Effect of climate on the morphology of public building. The Dissertation is basically a report to justify the vast climatic difference in various parts of India and how that affects the building's form and shape i.e. its morphology. LIBRARY OF VPCOE AND VPSOA The details of Library of Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering are as follows. Membership 1) ARAI (The Automotive Research Association of India) 2) DELNET (Developing Library Network) 3) National Safety Council - Annual Membership Digital Library IET Digital Library The details of Library of Vidya Pratishthan’s School of Architecture are as follows. New arrivals (Books/Journals) Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Total 123 titles and 166 volumes of best Architectural and Literature books of imminent authors have been added. TRAINING AND PLACEMENT CELL Engineering Placement Details during April to June 2015 Baramati Sr. No Kore Snehal Subhash BE (Comp.) 4 Lande Swati Keru BE (Comp.) 5 Zamaan Lakhani BE (Comp.) 6 Kawathekar Pranit Prashantrao BE (IT) 7 Khalate Bharat Sudam BE (Civil) 8 Gatti Payal Satyaprem BE (Comp.) 9 10 Kelkar Shruti Sanjay Dharmarao Priyanka BE (Comp.) BE (Comp.) Metamagics, Pune Metamagics, Pune 503, 504 2 E-mail: Name of Company 3 1 Ganjare Sandesh Digamber Kulkarni Koustubh Vijay Class Extentia Information Technology, Pune Extentia Information Technology, Pune Extentia Information Technology, Pune Extentia Information Technology, Pune Extentia Information Technology, Pune Extentia Information Technology, Pune Adecco India Private Ltd. Gurgaon Metamagics, Pune Phone: 91-2112-239500, Fax: 91-2112-239514. Student's Name BE (Comp.) BE (Comp.) Selection Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected Selected