Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering, Baramati-413 133 e-Newsletter OCTOBER 2015 FOREWORD INSIDE THIS We are really pleased to publish before you our quarterly activities up to 30 Sep- ISSUE: FOREWORD 1 CONFERENCES/ WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED OR COORDINATED 2 3-4 During these three months the noticeable events have been the Departmental ac- GUEST LECTURES AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED ulty and students have shown their keen interest such as research activities, activities of higher learning and self-improvement. SEMINARS/FDPS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED tember 2015. In our e-Newsletter we mostly focus on the events in which our fac- 4-5 RESEARCH PAPERS/PROJECTS tivities and most of our faculty members participated in various learning sources in different IIT campuses for Summer Research Fellowships and Faculty Develop- PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES 5 DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES 5-6 ment Programmes. This active participation of our faculty really proved in devel- 6-8 oping confidence and it also motivates others to be part of such events. Exposure AND EVENTS ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL VISITS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED is the key of quality development and progress. Most of our faculty members also SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 8-9 AND STUDENTS’ ACHIEVE- arranged Industrial visits and it really proved beneficial for the faculty as well as MENTS TRAINING AND PLACEMENT CELL 10 students and also made them aware about the requirements and challenges in the outside world. Some of our faculty members conducted and organized workshops for students to keep students updated with the recent advancements in the areas information and technology. EDITOR AND DESIGNER ANIL PATIL Foreword By Dr. Nirmal Sahuji Head (Gen. Sci. and Engg.) Chairperson of e-Newsletter CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED AND COORDINATED Dr. Nirmal Sahuji He conducted a Workshop on Mind Mapping for students of Std IX and X on 4th August 2015 at Janhit Pratishthan’s High School in Baramati. This Workshop really proved beneficial for students to improve their concentration power and memory strength. OCTOBER 2015 Dr. Nirmal Sahuji guiding the students. Dr. Anil Hiwarekar He coordianted a One-Day Workshop Making Mathematics Meaningful for school students of 8th and 9th grades. The Workshop was conducted by Prof. I. K. Rana from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on 1st August 2015. Sixty three students and seven teachers from eight different schools of Baramati, Bhigwan and Indapur participated in the workshop. It was conducted in a very interactive way. This workshop really proved useful to students and teachers for making abstract mathematical concepts meaningful. Teachers and participants in the Workshop Prof. Nagesh Kulkarni and Prof. Bhavika Shah They Conducted a Workshop on Embedded Systems: PIC Microcontroller for Third Year students. 21 students participated in this Workshop. This workshop was conducted during 13 July to 16 September 2015. Students benefited so much from this Workshop. SEMINARS/ CONFERENCES/ FDPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED Prof. Prashant Raut He attended a One-Day Workshop on LaTeX on 29 August 2015. This workshop was organized by IIT Bombay. Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, IIT Bombay motivated the audience for using open source software. He also explained the intent behind Spoken Tutorial Project. Contents covered in workshop were OCTOBER Source Compilation, Report Writing, Letter Writing, Mathematics Equation, References and Beamer. 2015 Mr. Sandeep Jadhav, Mr. S. Shelgae, Mr. R. Ambole, Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Mr. P Raut and Mr. A Vaidya Prof. S. S. Kare He attended Technical Communication Coordinators’ Workshop during 24 to 28th August 2015 at Victor Menezes Convention Center (VMCC), IIT Mumbai. The main theme of the workshop was the importance of technical communication and how to apply the scientific methods of technical communication in science and engineering. Prof. P. Sunthar and Prof. Virendra Sethi from IIT Bombay coordinated the workshop. Mr. S. S. Kare, Prof. P. Sunthar, Dr. D. B. Phatak, IIT Bombay Prof. Santosh Shinde He attended a Faculty Development Program on Smart System and Design which was organized by JSPM Technical Campus on 17 July 2015 in Pune. Experts Dr. Parag Kulkarni, EkLaT Research, Dr. Balwant Sonkambale, PICT, Dr. Prachi Joshi, MITCOE, Pun and Dr. Sarang Joshi in Pune guided during this Faculty Development Program. Prof. Rajaram Ambole and Prof. Suraj Dhanve They attended a Faculty Development Program on Computer Laboratory-I which was organized by G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology at Wagholi during 2 to 3 July 2015. The key idea to conduct this faculty development programs was to discuss the changes in the syllabus of Computer Lab-I and implementation of the same. Experts such as Dr. Sarang Joshi, Mr. Ankaleshwar, Dr. Manasi Patwardhan guided the participants. SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, FDPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED OCTOBER 2015 Prof. Ambole and Prof. Dhanve along with other participants Prof. Mahesh G B He participated in a Four-Day Workshop on Free and Open Source Geospatial Technologies for Urban Environmental Applications (mapping, inventorying and monitoring) at IISc Bangalore. The workshop aimed at studying the open source softwares like Grass, QGIS, R, Open Jump etc. and their applications in Urban Environment. The efforts of Dr. T. Ramachandra to make this workshop successful were highly appreciated. The software has application in modeling the urban environment and preparing the integrated maps for various locations with different meteorological data. GUEST LECTURES/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED Electronics Engineering Students Association (EESA) and IETE organized an Expert Talk on Network Security and Project Management by Mr. Sunil Pawar, Head, IT Infrastructure, Piaggio Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. on 18th September 2015. Lecture Delivering by Mr. Sunil Pawar Guest Students and Faculty Members Prof. Govind Devasuth He arranged a Guest Lecture on Power Quality on 21st September 2015 at VPCOE, Baramati. It was conducted by Dr. M.M. Waware, Professor in Electrical Engineering Walchand College of Engineering in Sangli. This Guest Lecture really proved informative and enlightening and was quite beneficial to students. GUEST LECTURES/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED Mechanical Engineering Department invited eminent personalities Dr. Anuradha Ganesh, Director, Product Engineering from Cummins Ltd. And her team to visit the Department on 24 August 2015. She explained all the possibilities of collaboration between R and D of Cummins and Mechanical Engineering Department in the areas of Research, Projects and OCTOBER also about various possibilities of employment in Cummins. 2015 Dr. Avinash Kolekar and the Guests in the Department RESEARCH PAPERS AND PROJECTS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES Faculty Members of Computer Engineering Department namely Prof. Sushma Nandgaon- kar, Prof. Santosh Shinde, Prof. Digambar Padulkar, Prof. Rajaram Ambole, Prof. Manoj Shelar and Prof. Rajkumar Panchal presented their BCUD Research Proposal Work at Innovation-2015 which was organized by BCUD of Savitribai Phule Pune University and DYPIET, Akurdi on 6 July 2015. Prof. C. B. Nayak He participated and presented his research paper entitled Vibration Control of civil structures using piezometric smart materials in the Research Conference “Innovation 2015” for Savitribai Phule University College Teachers which was held at D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research, Akurdi on 6th July 2015. DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS ORGANIZED Department of Civil Engineering celebrated an Engineering Day event on 14th and 15th September 2015. Various competitions were also organized. These competition were as follows. 1) Model Making 2) Poster Presentation 3) Debate Competition DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS ORGANIZED The Event was presided by the chief guest Mr. Adesh A. Shah (Vadujkar) along with Principal Prof. V. U. Deshmukh. This event was also guided by Mr. Shamrao Raut, Secretary, BAI, Mr. Manoj Potekar, Ex-Chairman, BAI. Dr. G N Narule coordinated the program. Toppers of all branches of F.E, S.E, T.E, and B.E. were felicitated during Prize Distribution Ceremony. OCTOBER 2015 The Guest and Heads of Departments in the Inaugural Function Electronics Engineering Students Association (EESA) organized Department level Event Electro-Fest on 29-09-2015. Following Competitions were organized by the EESA Team. LED Exhibition Aptitude Competition PIC Programming Competitions C++ Programming LED Exhibition and the student participants INDUSTRIAL VISITS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED Department of Civil Engineering organized a Visit to Construction site of Medical College (Baramati) and Hydroelectric Power Plant of Koyana Dam (Satara) on 4 July 2015. Total 77 Third Year students participated to study various aspects of Infrastructure Engineering. Prof. Dilip Patil, Prof. Snehal Walke and Prof. Umesh Jagdale planned the Visit with the help of Engineers at the construction site. Faculty and the students at the Construction Site INDUSTRIAL VISITS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED OCTOBER 2015 Faculty and the students at the Construction Site Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering organized a Visit to Auto- mation 2015 at Goregaon in Mumbai for BE Students on 27 August 2015. Total 48 students participated in this visit along with two faculty members. The Visit was aimed to enhance students’ knowledge about automation and provide them exposure to current technologies and advancements in this field. The faculty and the Students at the Exhibition Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Visit for BE Mechanical students with three Faculty members to AUTOMATION 2015-10th International Exhibition and Conference. In this Visit they learnt about various industries, its products, various components, processes and students got the opportunity to meet professionals in industry. Faculty members and students at the Exhibition INDUSTRIAL VISITS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ORGANIZED CSI Student Branch organized a One-Day Awareness Program on Audio-Visual (AV) Workforce De- velopment offered by Infocomm International University in association with CSI Mumbai Chapter on 11 July 2015. Mr. Uttam Mane, Vice Chairman, CSI Mumbai Chapter, Mr. Gauvab Majumdar, Country Manager, InfoComm International, Mr. Ratnesh Javeri, Managing Director, Innovative Systems and OCTOBER 2015 Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Narendra Naidu, Managing Director, Rhino Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Ahemedabad , Mr. Subhar Palkar, CSI Mumbai Chapter, Mr. Suresh Shah, CSI Mumbai Chapter, Mr. T.S. Gopal Krushnan were the Chief Guests for the Program. Dr. S B Deosarkar felicitated the Chief Guests Teacher and student participants in the Program VIDYA PRATISHTHAN’S SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOPS AND EXHIBITION ATTENDED Prof. Pranita Bhagat She attended a Workshop on Advance Training Program on IBGC Green Building Rating System on 27 August 2015. The Training Program was arranged by IGBC Pune, CII Confederation of Indian Industry and was conducted by Mr. Anand and Mr. Saurabh. The Program focused on areas such as Introduc tion to green building, sustainable design and architecture, site selection and planning, water conser vation, energy efficiency green material and resource and indoor environmental quality. Prof. Pranita Bhagat and other participants in the Training Program Faculty Members of School of Architecture attended ET Acetech which is Asia’s largest Exhibition on Architecture, Construction and Design. It was held in Mumbai on 1 st October 2015. Prof. Harshad Raisoni, Prof. Pranita Bhagat, Prof Hrishikesh Deshmukh, Prof. Rakhi Begampure, Prof. Prajakta Pawar, Prof Akshada Khataukar and Prof. Madhura Pujari attended the Exhibition. This unique forum offered opportunities not to just exhibit but also to create a long-lasting impression on the decision makers of the architecture, construction and design industry. WORKSHOPS AND EXHIBITION ATTENDED OCTOBER 2015 Faculty members and students at the Exhibition STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS Vikrant Dupade He completed his ME in Mechanical-Energy Engineering from Mechanical Engineering Department. He got selected for his Ph. D. at Mechanical Engineering Department in Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai. Alisha Sonawane Alisha Sonawane is a Third Year Mechanical Engineering student. She presented Poster on Zonal Level Research Project Competition in AVISHKAR 2015 under BCUD of Savitribai Phule Pune University on 23rd September 2015 which was held at MESCOE in Pune. Narendra Vangate He is a Third Year IT student. He participated in the Inter-Collegiate Boxing Competition and he got Third Prize in the Competition. This Competition was organized by Savitribai Phule Pune University in Pune. Narayan Deshmukh and Amarja Ghopare They are BE students in the Department of Information Technology. They participated in the First Round of AVISHKAR 2015 Project Competition which was organized by Savitribai Phule Pune University in Pune. Shital Phadtare and Ambika Laturkar Shital Phadtare and Ambika Laturkar are BE students in the Department of Information Technology. They participated in the PaperFest. They got First Prize in the PaperFest at OLYMPUS 2K 15 which was organized by College of Engineering in Pandharpur. TRAINING AND PLACEMENT CELL Placement Details during July to September 2015 Following BE Students from Mechanical Engineering Department got selected in Bharat Forge. OCOTBER 2015 Sr. No. 1 Student's Name Class Mr. Rishikesh BE (Mech. Engg.) Markande 2 3 4 Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering Baramati Phone: 91-2112-239500, 503, 504 Fax: 91-2112-239514. E-mail: Mr. Sanand Biradar Mr. Nikhil Bhapkar Mr. Prasad Kale BE (Mech. Engg.) BE (Mech. Engg.) BE (Mech. Engg.) Name of Company Bharat Forge Bharat Forge Bharat Forge Bharat Forge Selection Selected Selected Selected Selected