Engineering Technology 356 Prime Movers and Power Transfer

Western Illinois University
College of Business and Technology
Engineering Technology Department
Engineering Technology 356
Prime Movers and Power Transfer
3 Credit Hours
Course Instructor: William R. Cupples,
E-mail Addresses: or
Office: 338 Knoblauch Hall
Office Telephone: (309) 298-2386
Home Telephone: (309) 837-5182
Course Title:
Engineering Technology 356, Prime Movers and Power Transfer
Catalog Description:
A study of electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, and pneumatic power systems.
Emphasis upon structural and behavioral characteristics of components used in
the generation transmission, and control of power systems used in contemporary
Automated manufacturing depends upon the applications of mechanical,
electrical, and fluid power systems to produce high quality consumer and durable
products that are purchased and used by individuals and industry. This course
will provide the student with the necessary knowledge to design, install, and
maintain individual electrical, mechanical, and fluid power components that are
needed to run and control modern manufacturing systems
Course Objectives:
Engineering 356 is designed to meet the following course objectives:
1. To provide an understanding of the nature of mechanical, electrical, and fluid
materials and devices.
2. To provide an understanding of how mechanical, electrical, and fluid power is
used to control work cells.
3. To provide an understanding of the symbols used in diagrams.
4. To provide an understanding of mechanical, electrical, and fluid terms as they
are used in industry.
5. To provide an understanding basic mechanical, electrical, and fluid circuits as
they apply to industrial applications.
Behavioral Objectives:
To successfully complete Engineering Technology 356, the student must
complete the following:
1. Complete all labs as assigned in the required format and time.
2. Construct circuits as assigned, and analyze their behaviors.
3. Identify components and properly use each in assigned circuits.
4. Complete all homework assignments and submit them on time.
5. Complete all exams and quizzes according to the grading standards outlined
in this syllabus.
6. Calibrate and correctly use all measuring instruments.
7. Use common safety rules when constructing circuits for class labs.
A distributed calendar contains a listing of assignments, activities, labs, lectures,
as well as quiz and test dates. Each activity is designed to aid the student in
learning the knowledge base of the course. Each activity will have an assigned
point value. Students will receive a point-value assignment on each assignment,
etc. based on the quality of the work submitted for evaluation. Each student will
be able to determine his/her letter grade equivalent on each assignment, or for
the course, by dividing the number of points earned by the total points possible.
The decimal answer calculated can be converted to a percentage. The
percentage is then converted to a letter grade equivalent by using the following
96%-100% = A
86%-95% = B
76%-85% = C
66%-75% = D
Extra credit assignments generally are not permitted. The assigned work is
designed to teach mastery of a basic required knowledge of electricity/electronics
that is prerequisite to further study in the area. Therefore, students are urged to
submit quality work in a timely manner.
Assignments are to be submitted for evaluation on the due date. Students who
submit assignments one class period late will receive a maximum of 75% of the
assignment’s total points. Assignments submitted two class periods late will
receive a maximum of 50% of the assignment’s total points. Assignments
submitted three or later class periods after the due date will receive a zero.
Attendance Policy:
Full attendance is expected. Attendance may be taken at each scheduled
lecture and lab activity. If a student is absent for a legitimate reason, (see
student handbook) he/she will be permitted to make-up any work without penalty.
Students will not be permitted to make-up work for an unexcused absence.
Office Hours and:
My office hours for the semester are as follows:
Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Other times by appointment.
Scott, Thomas. Power Transmission: Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electrical, Latest
Equipment costs:
Lab materials will be supplied by the instructor. A materials fee of $10.00 will be
collected from each student. The fee is designed to cover the replacement of
components due to wear and loss.