AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Jing Wu for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics and Computer Science presented on June 27, 2003. Title: A Comparison of Box-Cox and Additive Exponential Models to Estimate the Depreciation of Farm Machinery Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Abstract approved: ory M. Perry I Toshimi Minoura Farm machinery continues to increase in its importance to the agricultural sector. Depreciation, the decline in value of a durable asset over time, represents one of the largest costs of agricultural production. The general objectives of this study were to update and expand the number of Remaining Value (RV) functions for farm machinery; estimate and compare the depreciation patterns for Box-Cox (B-C) and AdditiveExponential (A-E) functional forms; and compare the predictive abilities of the two models. Data used in estimation were obtained from 15 years of machinery auction sales. Based on the hedonic approach, the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential models were formulated to include variables for age, usage per year, condition, manufacturer, auction type and macroeconomic variables. Models were tested for potential correlation and heteroscedasticity problems. A Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) method was used to compare the predictive abilities. Depreciation functions were estimated for 17 types of machinery in four major categories: tractors, harvesting equipments, planting and tillage equipment and other equipment. A series of comparisons were conducted to examine the difference in depreciation patterns within and between major categories. B-C and A-E functions were estimated and compared for each data set. The comparison results showed that B-C always generated higher Log-likelihood values, but was relatively weak in predictive ability. The predictive ability of the Exponential model was also examined and the MAPE results showed that the Exponential model generaliy exhibited an overall best predictive ability. ©Copyright by Jing Wu June 27, 2003 All Rights Reserved A COMPARISON OF BOX-COX AND ADDITIVE EXPONENTIAL MODELS TO ESTIMATE THE DEPRECIATION OF FARM MACHINERY By Jing Wu A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented June 27, 2003 Commencement June 2004 Master of Science thesis of Jing Wu presented on June 27, 2003 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Co-Major P? sor, Representing Agricultural and Resource Economics Redacted for privacy Co-Major Professor, Representing Computer Science Redacted for privacy (J Head of Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Redacted for privacy Director of School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Redacted for privacy Dean of diiãte School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of the Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Jing W Author ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my major professor, Dr. Gregory Perry, to whom I owe the most overwhelming debt of gratitude. Without his continued encouragement, patience and advice, this thesis camiot be integrated as it is. Unforgettable is his careful modification on each page of this thesis, never failing support and guidance whenever needed and selfless concern for his students. His contribution and helpful suggestion have been too numerous to mention. I also owe Dr. M. Gopinath a special thank for his generous insights, helpful suggestions and being available at any time to assist me with the econometric analysis. I am very thankful for my committee members for their participation and contribution to my committee. Special thanks go to Dr. Ed Schmisseur for his sincere help during my graduate studies and also go to Dr. Bart Eleveld for sharing his time and knowledge with me. Thanks also go to other faculty, staff and graduate students in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics for sharing enjoyable moments in and out of the department. Finally, I want to thank my parents, who will come to visit America in the next month. Their endless love and care to me deserve more than a 'thank you'. I also want to thank all my friends. I enjoy the time of being with them and appreciate their constant help, encouragement and moral support in my life and studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem Statement 1 1.2 Objectives and Organization 7 LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Literature Review 2.1.1 Accounting Approaches 2.1.2 Hedonic Approach 2.2 Theoretical Development 2.2.1 Theoretical Development in Box-Cox model 2.2.2 Theoretical Development in Exponential model DATA, MODEL AND COMPARISON 8 8 8 9 10 14 16 20 3.1 Data Description 20 3.2 Specification of Models 21 3.2.1 Variables Identification Age Usage Care Manufacture Loader Auction Type Macroeconomic Variables Remaining Value 3.2.2 Specification of Models Box-Cox Model Additive-Exponential Model 3.2.3 Model Testing Correlation Heteroscedascity 3.3 Comparison Method 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 26 26 26 27 30 30 31 34 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONTINUED) CHAPTER PAGE 4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS 36 4.1 Tractors 4.1.1 Tractors with less than 80 HP Data Description Models Estimation 4.1 .1.3 Comparison Between Models 4.1.2 Tractors with 80-120 HP Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.1.3 Tractors with 120+ HP with four-wheel drive Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.1.4 Tractors with 120-145 HP, without four-wheel drive Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.1.5 Tractors with 145+ HP, without four-wheel drive Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2 Harvesting Equipment 4.2.1 Combines Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.2 Corn Headers Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.3 Cotton Harvesters Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.4 Swathers Data Description Models Estimation 36 37 37 38 40 41 41 42 45 46 46 46 49 50 50 50 53 54 54 54 57 58 58 58 59 61 62 62 62 65 66 66 66 69 70 70 70 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONTiNUED) CHAPTER PAGE Comparison Between Models 4.2.5 Balers Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.6 Forage Harvesters Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.7 Mower Conditioners Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.2.8 Mower Cufters Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.3 Planting and Tillage Equipment 4.3.1 Planters Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.3.2 Disks Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.3.3 Plows Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.3.4 Drills Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.4 Other machinery 4.4.1 Grinder Mixers 4.4.1 .1 Data Description Models Estimation 73 74 74 74 77 78 78 78 81 82 82 82 85 86 86 86 89 90 90 90 90 92 93 93 94 95 97 97 98 99 100 100 101 102 104 104 104 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS, (CONTINUED) PAGE CHAPTER Comparison Between Models 106 4.4.2 Manure Spreaders Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 4.4.3 Skid Steer Loaders Data Description Models Estimation Comparison Between Models 107 107 108 110 110 110 112 4.4.4Trucks Data Description Models Estimation 114 114 Comparison Between Models 5. CONCLUSIONS AND LIMITITIONS 5.1 Summaries and Comparisons 5.1.1 Summary of the Data Distribution 5.1.2 Summary of the Significant Variables in the B-C and A-E models 5.1.3 Comparison of Depreciation Patterns in Each Category of Farm Equipment 5.1.4 Comparison of the B-C and A-E models 5.1.5 Comparison With Previous Studies 5.2 Limitations and Future Thoughts BIBLIOGRAPHY 113 115 116 118 118 118 122 125 133 135 137 139 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 4.1 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP 41 4.2 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for 80-120 HP tractors 45 4.3 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 49 4.4 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for 120-145 HP tractors 53 4.5 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for 145+ HP tractors 57 4.6 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Combines 61 4.7 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Corn Headers 65 4.8 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Cotton Harvesters 69 4.9 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Swathers 73 4.10 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Balers 77 4.11 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Forage Harvesters 81 4.12 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Mower Conditioners 85 4.13 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Mower Cutters 89 4.14 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Planters 93 LIST OF FIGURES, (CONTINUED) FIGURE PAGE 4.15 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Disks 97 4.16 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Plows 100 4.17 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Drills 103 4.18 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Grinder Mixers 107 4.19 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Manure Spreaders 110 4.20 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Skid Steer Loaders 113 4.21 Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Trucks 117 5.1 Average Discount Values for condition variables 123 5.2 Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for tractors 127 5.3 Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for tractors 127 5.4 Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for harvesting equipment 128 5.5 Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for harvesting equipment 128 5.6 Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for planting and tillage equipment 129 5.7 Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for planting and tillage equipment 129 5.8 Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for other equipment 130 5.9 Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for other equipment 130 5.10 Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for 120-145 HP 131 LIST OF FIGURES, (CONTINUED) FIGURE PAGE tractors, Mower-Conditioners, Plows and Trucks 5.11 Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for 120-145 HP tractors, Mower-Conditioners, Plows and Trucks 131 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1.1 Farm assets: Comparative balance sheet of the farming sector, excluding operator households, United States, 196 1-1997 2 1.2 United States: Farm production expenses in income indicators, 1992-1996 3 1.3 Previous research in estimating the depreciation costs in all functions for all types of farm machinery. 6 2.1 Previous research in estimating depreciation of agricultural machinery and equipment 11 2.2 Box-Cox power transformations associated with selected functional forms 15 3.1 Condition evaluations of farm machinery (Hot Line, Inc.) 22 3.2 Manufactures and their abbreviations used in this study 23 3.3 Net Farm Income and Real Interest Rate for farm sector, 1984-1999 25 3.4 GNP Implicit Prices Deflator (based on 1996 dollars), 1970-1999 25 3.5 Log-Likelihood values for Box-Cox and alternative functional forms for farm equipment remaining value models 29 3.6 Statistic results of testing correlation and Heteroscedasticity 32 4.1 Summary statistics for tractors with less than 80 HP 38 4.2 Frequency statistics for tractors with less than 80 HP 38 4.3 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for tractors with less than 80 HP 39 4.4 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP 40 4.5 Comparison of estimated functional forms of the B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP 41 LIST OF TABLES, (CONTiNUED) TABLE PAGE 4.6 Summary statistics for 80-120 HP tractors 43 4.7 Frequency statistics for 80-120 HP tractors 43 4.8 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 80-120 HP tractors 44 4.9 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 80-120 HP tractors 45 4.10 Summary statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 47 4.11 Frequency statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 47 4.12 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 48 4.13 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 49 4.14 Summary statistics for 120-145 HP tractors 51 4.15 Frequency statistics for 120-145 HP tractors 51 4.16 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 120-145 HP tractors 52 4.17 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 120-145 HP tractors 53 4.18 Summary statistics for 145+ HP tractors 55 4.19 Frequency statistics for 145+ HP tractors 55 4.20 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 145+ HP tractors 56 4.21 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 145+ HP tractors 57 4.22 Summary statistics for Combines 59 4.23 Frequency statistics for Combines 59 4.24 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Combines 60 4.25 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Combines 61 LIST OF TABLES, (CONTINUED) TABLE PAGE 4.26 Summary statistics for Corn Headers 63 4.27 Frequency statistics for Corn Headers 63 4.28 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Corn Headers 64 4.29 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Corn Headers 65 4.30 Summary statistics for Cotton Harvesters 67 4.31 Frequency statistics for Cotton Harvesters 67 4.32 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Cotton Harvesters 68 4.33 Summary statistics for Swathers 71 4.34 Frequency statistics for Swathers 71 4.35 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Swathers 72 4.36 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Swathers 73 4.37 Summary statistics for Balers 75 4.38 Frequency statistics for Balers 75 4.39 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Balers 76 4.40 Comparison of B-C and A-E models Balers 77 4.41 Summary statistics for Forage Harvesters 79 4.42 Frequency statistics for Forage Harvesters 79 4.43 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Forage Harvesters 80 4.44 Summary statistics for Mower Conditioners 83 4.45 Frequency statistics for Mower Conditioners 83 4.46 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Mower Conditioners 84 LIST OF TABLES, (CONTINUED) TABLE PAGE 4.47 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Mower Conditioners 85 4.48 Summary statistics for Mower Cutters 87 4.49 Frequency statistics for Mower Cutters 87 4.50 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Mower Cutters 88 4.51 Summary statistics for Planters 91 4.52 Frequency statistics for Planters 91 4.53 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Planters 92 4.54 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Planters 93 4.55 Summary statistics for Disks 94 4.56 Frequency statistics for Disks 95 4.57 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Disks 96 4.58 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Disks 96 4.59 Summary statistics for Plows 98 4.60 Frequency statistics for Plows 98 4.61 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Plows 99 4.62 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Plows 100 4.63 Summary statistics for Drills 101 4.64 Frequency statistics for Drills 101 4.65 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Drills 102 4.66 Summary statistics for Grinder Mixers 105 4.67 Frequency statistics for Grinder Mixers 105 LIST OF TABLES, (CONTINUED) TABLE PAGE 4.68 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Grinder Mixers 106 4.69 Summary statistics for Manure Spreaders 108 4.70 Frequency statistics for Manure Spreaders 108 4.71 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Manure Spreaders 109 4.72 Summary statistics for Skid Steer Loaders 111 4.73 Frequency statistics for Skid Steer Loaders 111 4.74 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Skid Steer Loaders 112 4.75 Summary statistics for Trucks 114 4.76 Frequency statistics for Trucks 115 4.77 Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Trucks 116 4.78 Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Trucks 117 5.1 Summary of Data Distribution -- Average Data and Largest Frequency Data 119 5.2 Comparison of the Significant Variables in the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential Models 120 5.3 Comparison of the MAPE, R2 and Log-Likelihood Value of the Box-Cox, Additive-Exponential, and Exponential Models 132 5.4 Comparison of previous studies with this thesis 136 A COMPARISON OF BOX-COX AND ADDITIVE EXPONENTIAL MODELS TO ESTIMATE THE DEPRECIATION OF FARM MACHINERY CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PROBLEM STATEMENT Great changes occurred in agricultural practices in the last century. Even in the last decade, it is shown that agriculture output per unit of input increased by 20 percent (USDA, 1997). One of the main technological changes in the 2O century was the mechanization of agricultural activities. Farming evolved from an individual, laborintensive process into a capital-intensive process. Farm equipment continues to increase in its importance to the farm sector. For example, farm machinery assets as a percentage of total farm assets increased from 8 percent in 1980 to 10 percent in 1992 (USDA, 1994). Table 1.1 shows the distribution of total farm assets from 1961 to 1996. The fact that machinery and motor vehicles was the largest portion in non-real estate demonstrates the importance of farm machinery in the agricultural sector. It is also worthy to note that the value of machinery and motor vehicles rose from 22.0 billion dollars in 1961 to 107.8 billion dollars in 1981, then declined to 84.4 billion dollars in 1986 and then remained at about this level in the following 15 years. Several reasons for this phenomenon could be hypothesized: because technology changes in agricultural machinery have slowed since the 1970's, and farm income declined in the early 1980's, after farm equipment sales reached a high in 1973, farmers bought less machinery and continued to use the old machinery; also, the gradual shift from traditional tillage to reduced tillage required fewer passes over the field and prolonged machinery life. Table 1.1 * 2 Farm assets: Comparative balance sheet of the farming sector, excluding operator households, United States, 1961-1997 (in billion dollars). Item 1961 Physical Assets: Real estate 131.9 Non-real-estate: Livestock 15.6 Machinery and motor vehicles 22.0 Crops stored on and off farms 8.0 Household furnishings and equipment 8.9 Financial assets: Deposits and currency 8.7 United States savings bonds 4.6 Investments in cooperatives 4.7 Total 204.4 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 182.5 223.2 416.9 851.7 551.1 625.5 642.8 17.5 23.7 29.5 53.5 47.6 68.1 71.0 27.1 34.4 65.0 107.8 84.4 85.9 85.4 9.7 10.7 21.3 29.1 19.1 22.2 24.2 8.6 10.0 14.2 20.8 30.5 Purchased Purchased 10.0 12.4 15.6 16.7 24.8 4.1 3.6 4.4 3.6 4.5 6.5 8.0 13.3 255.9 326 580.2 20.4 25.1 1103.7 787.1 Inputs Inputs 2.6 4.4 11.9 28.6 844.9 17.8 31.3 1033.9 Source: Economic Research Service 1961 - 1997 Because of the great contribution of equipment and machinery to the farm sector, the cost of owning and operating farm machinery becomes an important issue in the decision-making process for farmers. For some crops, machinery operating and ownership costs accounts for more than half of the crop production costs (Kastens 1997). Total machinery costs include repairs, maintenance, fuel, lube, insurance, interest, and depreciation. Of course, simply examining total investment in farms is not a totally accurate way to express machinery capital costs, because these assets can provide many years of service. Depreciation, the decline in value of an asset over time, is a more appropriate expression of farm equipment costs. Depreciation results from wear, obsolescence, natural deterioration and changes of the market supply and demands. In Table 1.2, capital 3 consumption is defined as depreciation and accidental damage. Depreciation was measured on a replacement value basis rather than purchase price in order to reflect decreases in current market value of the capital stock. Capital consumption represented a large portion of farm production expenses. We also notice that this portion kept a fairly stable decrease as an important component of the farm production expenses, from 10.8% in 1992 to 9.2% in 1996. As pointed out before, farmers continued maintaining and repairing machinery and equipment and keeping items in service longer since the early 1980's. It is known a priori that the percent consumption of capital is usually highest in its early years, but keeps declining at a constant rate in its late years. Table 1.2 United States: Farm production expenses in income indicators, 1992-1996 (in $1000). ITEM Farm production expenses Nonfactor payments Intermediate Product expenses Capital Consumption Property taxes Contract Labor Factor payments Interest Hired labor compensation Net rent to nonoperator landlords 162,980,647 1995 169,348,115 1996 176,064,087 121,773,299 126,419,705 130,713,995 133,769,246 91,315,202 98,332,019 102,565,703 106,551,408 109,476,374 16,102,700 16,164,380 16,321,303 16,311,971 16,186,890 5,489,945 5,505,944 5,727,259 5,881,562 5,977,147 1,717,422 1,770,956 1,805,440 1,969,054 2,128,835 34,246,322 34,717,155 36,560,941 38,634,120 42,294,842 10,472,751 12,282,246 11,337,880 13,235,320 10,776,576 13,503,184 12,303,373 14,346,758 12,782,673 15,219,042 11,187,500 11,009,084 11,719,877 11,983,988 14,293,127 1992 148,871,592 1993 156,490,454 1994 114,625,269 Source: Economics Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1992-1996. 4 Models for estimating the depreciation of farm machinery are useful in at least three aspects: first, they have a number of farm management applications, such as crop enterprise selection, machinery services management, financial and tax planning, and analysis of herbicide/tillage tradeoffs (Dumbler, Burton and Kastens, 2000); second, they are important for machinery replacement, purchase, lease and custom-hire decisions; and third, they are essential to the study of production, income, tax policy, and investment behavior. Further, an accurate estimate requires a complex model that reflects various factors influencing the value of used equipment. Depreciation defined in farm machinery context is more than tax depreciation, because the methods applied in tax depreciation neither reflect year-to-year change in the "market value" of used farm machinery, nor account for the effects of usage and care on depreciation costs (Bayaner, 1989). Therefore, a method to estimate economic depreciation is typically used to explore the model for calculating the depreciation costs of farm machinery. A number of studies have examined the issue of farm equipment and most have included estimates of a depreciation function (see Table 2.1, p11). However, some problems have not been adequately addressed. First, although a wide variety of functional forms have been considered to estimate depreciation, problems and limitations exist in almost every approach. For example, the most common method, geometric function was provided in American Society of Agricultural Engineers Standards (ASAE, 1965) and developed by other researchers (Peacock and Brake 1970; McNeill 1979), but it imposes a constant depreciation rate on the data (Perry et al., 1990); other pre-imposed functional forms such as the Cobb-Douglas (Leatham and Baker 1981; Reid and Bradford 1983), and the linear functional forms also impose similar restrictions; a Box-Cox function was proposed because of its flexibility (Hulen and Wykoff 1981; Perry et al 1990; and Cross and Perry 1995). Although flexibility allows the data greater freedom to determine the appropriate form, this method has potential problems related to heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and data scaling (Zarembka 1974; Savin and White 1978; Seaks and Layson 1983; Spitzer 1982, 1984). 5 Second, most researches focused on a specific type of equipment, such as tractors. However, because age, care, usage and technical change can have different effects on the value of various farm machinery types, one could not expect a priori that all types of farm equipments exhibit the exactly same depreciation pattern as tractors. In fact, even for tractors, depending on the size (measured by horse power) and the availability of four-wheel drive (FWD) and rate of technical change, tractors may vary in the expression of depreciation patterns. However, the previous research, with the recognition of developing a unique model for each type, is surprisingly limited, except the ASAE functions, the research of Cross and Perry in 1995, a case study of 60-horsepower tractors by Hansen and Lee in 1990, and a specific model for Case tractor (James and Glen 1996), as shown in Table 1.3. Third, little work has been done to identify relative predictive abilities of the various models. A conclusive comparison of this ability will be helpful for researchers using the models to predict economic depreciation. To date, the only studies evaluating predictive accuracy include a comparison between the depreciation method to U.S and Canadian tax method for 60 horsepower tractors (Hansen and Lee, 1990), and a comprehensive comparison of seven alternative depreciation methods' (Dumler, Burton, Kastens 1998, 2000). This study will expand on previous work by examining a new functional form Additive Exponential - to see how it compares to the previous models; develop a specific model for each type of farm machinery, listed in Table 1.3; and compare predictive abilities of the Box-Cox and Additive Exponential models for each data set. The focus of this thesis is to develop more accurate models for estimating depreciation in agricultural machinery and equipment and hopefully, provide end users with better estimates of remaining values. 1 In their paper 'Implication of Alternative Farm Tractor Depreciation Methods' in 1998, seven depreciation methods were compared, including American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE, 1996); Cross and Perry (CP, 1995); North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA, Wallace and Maloney 1997); Kansas Management, Analysis, and Research (KMAR, 1997); U.S. Bureau of Economics Analysis (1997); plus two U.S. income tax methods (U.S. department of Treasury, 1 997a). In this paper, 'Use of Alternative Depreciation Methods to estimate Farm Tractor Values' in 2000, U.S. Bureau of Economics Analysis method was omitted. 6 Table 1.3 Previous research in estimating the depreciation costs in all functions for all types of farm machinery. Type of Farm Machinery Tractors Previous Work Horse Power less than 80 Cross and Perry (1995, 1991); and Hansen and Lee (1990)2. Cross and Perry (1995, 1991); and James and Glen (1996). (See Table 2.1 for other estimates for tractors). Horse Power between 80 and 120 Horse Power more than 120 with FWD Horse Power between 120 and 145 without FWD Horse Power more than 145 without FWD Harvesting Equipment Combine Corn Header Cotton Harvester Swather Baler Forage_harvester Mower_Conditioner Leatham and Baker (1981); Cross and Perry (1995); and James and Glen (1996). N/A N/A Cross and Perry (1995) Cross and Perry (1995) N/A Cross and Perry (1995)6 Mower Cutter Planting and Tillage Equipment Planters Disks Plows Drills Other machinery Grinder Mixer *N 2 Manure_Spreader Skid_Steer_Loader Truck Cross and Perry (1995) Cross and Perry (1995) Cross and Perry (1995) N/A N/A Cross and Perry (1995) Cross and Perry (1995) N/A They focused on a case study of Tractors with HP 60. In their studies in 1995, they split Tractor type into three categories (<80 hp, 80-150 hp, and >150 hp). In their studies in 1991, they split Tractor type into 80-120 HP, 120-140 HP and 140+ HP. FWD was not considered in either study. Their model focused on Case Tractor. Their model focused on J.D. Combine and N.H. Combine. 6 they did not specify Conditioner and Cutter in the Mower type. 7 1.2 OBJECTIVES AND ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES: To identify variables that will explain changes in Remaining Value for agricultural machinery; To explore the relationships among the remaining value of used tractors and the identified variables, and construct Box-Cox and Additive Exponential models to express this relationship respectively; To apply the Box-Cox and Additive Exponential models to 17 types of agricultural machinery and compare them by observing the accuracy in predicting the Remaining Values in new data sets; and To update the depreciation functions for farm equipment that have been analyzed before, and estimate functions for those that have not been analyzed. ORGANIZATION: The remaining parts of this thesis are organized as follows: After a discussion of the previous research involving estimates of depreciation functions for farm machinery, Chapter two develops the fundamental theory of Box-Cox and Exponential models. Chapter three focuses on describing the characteristics of the data; identifying the independent variables; constructing the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential models; testing models for correlation and heteroscedasticity; and describing the predictive ability test - Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) method. Chapter four provides the empirical results of the Box-Cox and Additive Exponential models for four major categories of farm equipment, including the analysis of the estimated coefficients and comparisons of the two models. Chapter five summarizes the research findings, conducts further comparisons, and suggests limitations and promises for future study. 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT The earliest reference about estimating depreciation of agricultural machinery and equipment can be traced back to the early 1900s (Debnam, 1928; Main, et al. 1928; Woodruff, 1929). But the real progress in estimating functions to calculate depreciation has occurred since the 1 960s. In this chapter, after a brief review of the accounting and hedonic approaches, previous research in Box-Cox and Exponential methods will be reviewed. 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 .1 Accounting Approaches Using a simple predetermined equation may be the most common method to calculate depreciation. Typical equations include straight-line, declining balance, double- declining balance and sum-of-the-year's digits. These approaches are easy to understand, convenient to use and account for depreciation in a consistently predictable manner The disadvantages of a predetermined equation are: First, it requires several assumptions to use each formula. For example, a linear depreciation pattern is assumed when using the straight-line depreciation method, and a geometric pattern is imposed when using the declining balance method. Also, one must determine the asset's life, purchase price and salvage value; Third, predetermined equations ignore the impacts of actual use and macroeconomic conditions on values and manufactures. In Peacock and Brake's study in 1970, they compared the estimated results when using this approach 9 with the market value provided by Official Tractor Farm Equipment Guide, and found that the difference was often as much as 25% to 80%. 2.1.2 Hedonic Approach Another approach to calculate depreciation is to utilize actual equipment sales data to estimate a hedonic function. Hedonic pricing is based on the economic theory of input demand (Ladd and Martin, 1976), reflecting the idea that inputs are actually collections of characteristics of assets. The production function can be expressed as Equation (2.2): Q=F(A1,A2,...A) (2.2) Q is the quantity of output and A1, A2, ... A are the total input characteristic used in this production. The hedonic pricing models or the modified hedonic models were explored in the studies by Griliches and Rosen to estimate quality-adjusted prices (Griliches, 1971 a, and 1971 b; Rosen 1974) and then extended to agricultural commodities (Ethridge and Davis, 1982; Brorsen, et al., 1984, 1988; Wilson, 1984). The concept of Remaining Value (RV) was first proposed by Fenton and Fairbanks, that is, to divide current market price by initial purchase price and then average these values across several different kinds of equipment. The first attempt in using a hedonic approach for used machinery was by Fettig (1963). He used twelve years of cross section data from eight manufacturers to develop a hedonic model for tractors. His model, by regressing on the horsepower and engine type, achieved good statistical results by using the linear and semi-log functional forms. The function estimated by Fettig can be summarized as: RV= f(horse power, engine, type) (2.3) 10 Later research further developed hedonic model in estimating depreciation costs, including the comprehensive set of models by American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE, 1965) that provided market value of functions comprising four broad categories of farm equipments l; Peacock and Brake (1970) demonstrated that tax depreciation 'write-offs' did not adequately reflect economic depreciation of farm machines. A depreciation function estimated by McNeill (1979) was used to in estimate remaining value of tractors in British Columbia. A similar model estimated by Leatham and Baker (1981) was used in an optimal replacement model. Reid and Bradford estimated a Cobb-Douglas function accounted for changes in tractor supply and demand and technological obsolescence. Hansen and Lee (1990) used Hall's (1968) approach to examine technology change. More recent studies included the Box-Cox models estimated by Cross and Perry in 1995, a Cobb-Douglas model using combine and tractor prices by James and Glen (1996), a geometric model by taking a simpler approach of Box-Cox by Stephen (1996), and so on (See Table 2.1). By reviewing this previous research, it is not difficult to find that, although no agreement exists as to the maimer in which economic depreciation is calculated, those models turn out to be within two categories: Flexible and Fixed. The flexible category includes the Box-Cox model (Hulen and Wykoff, Perry, Bayaner and Nixon, Cross and Perry); and the fixed category contains all other functional forms, such as the Simple Linear model (Fettig, Peacock and Brake), the Cobb-Douglas model (Hall, Leatham and Baker, Reid and Bradford) and the Exponential (Geometric) model (ASAE, Peacock and Brake, McNeill), shown as Table 2.1. 2.2 THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT This section will elaborate the fundamental theory and previous research of BoxCox and Exponential models in each category. The four categories are: (a) tractors; (b) combines, cotton pickers, and swathers; (c) balers, forage harvesters, blowers, and self-propelled sprayers; and (d) all other field machinery Table 2.1 - Previous research in estimating depreciation of agricultural machinery and equipment. Functional Form Authors (Year of Publication) General Model Formulation Data Source Contributions and Conclusions Fettig (1963) RV= f (hp, engine, type) Geometric American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE, 1965) RV = 68 (0.92) Age 12 years of cross-section data from 8 manufactures of tractor. Prices from the late 1 960s, provided by Official Tractor and Farm Equipment Guide (NFPEDA) 1. Hedonic model was first successfully used; 2. Both linear and semilog models obtained fairly good statistical results. RV estimates for four types of farm machinery: tractors; combines; cotton pickers and swathers; balers, forage harvesters, blowers, and selfpropelled sprayers; and all other machinery. CobbDouglas Linear and Geometric Hall (1968, 1971) PDBV' Peacock and Brake (1970) Y a + bX2 Y abX Geometric McNeil (1979) RV= f (age, condition)3 Linear Depreciation is influenced by asset wear, embodied and disembodied technology quality. 'Official Guide' data during 1. Age, make and inflation were explanatory the periods 1954-1963 and variables; 1959-1963. 2. The first year's decline in market value was usually greater than even the largest commonly used depreciation function. 32 used tractors with hp 35- 1. Age was the primary variable; 70, in the southern interior 2. An exponential form provides a reasonably of British Columbia in 1977 good explanation; 3. Prices fell by around 30% in the first year and thereafter declined at constant rate; 4. Depreciation schedules for US and British Columbia were compared; and 5. First use of auction sale data. Where is the observed price of the used asset, P is affected by disembodied technology changes; D measures the pure age effect of economic depreciation and B recognizes quality differences. 2 Y is the market value, and X is the variable affecting used machinery values. An exponential function was postulated: RV = eI3iA5e +Condition Table 2.1, (Continued) Functional Form Box-Cox Authors (Year of Publication) Hulen and Wykoff (1980) Models qj*= cx + l3s + yt + i = 1,2,. . .N where q s and t1 are j.t. B-C transformed. CobbDouglas Ct = f (At, It, C0)4 Leatham & Baker (1981) Data Source Contributions and Conclusions A sample collected by the U.S Treasury's office of Industrial Economics in 1972, of 8066 observations on 22 types of buildings. 16 years of data for 4 manufactures of tractors and combines. 1. Depreciation patterns were accelerated by straight-line or geometric form; and 2. The estimated depreciation rate was around 1.5% to 3.4% per year. CobbDouglas Reid & Bradford (1983) RV= F (Age, hp, make, Technology change, Net farm income per farm)5 Data in the period of 19531977 tractors. Box-Cox Bayaner (1988) and Perry et. al. (1990) RV= F(Usage, Care, Age, Size, Region, Auction Type, Manufacture)6 Auction sale prices on 7 major domestic tractors, provided by Farm Equipment Guide (Hot Line, Inc.) from 1985 to 1987 tractors. 1. Salvage value declined at a diminishing rate with machine age; and 2. Depreciation rates varied by manufacture and horsepower, and large horsepower tractors had greater initial declines in value. Real tractor depreciation was most closely approximated by a combination of geometric and sum-of-the-year's digits depreciation patterns. "Ci is the value of a machine that is A years old, and it has an original list price of C0. It is the index of the price increase in machines. The functional form is expressed as: C= 3AICe6 Their estimated model is: RV= 3oAge where NF is the Net farm income per farm, MX and MY are dummy variables for different tractor makes, Ti and 12 are technology change time-index dummy variables. 6 The proposed model is RV=f31 + (2+f33Cj)Age* + 434C+ E35R + I3sUse* + f37Condition + 438Ak + 9HWP; where RV*, Age* and Use* are Box-Cox transformed variables; Ci, Rj, and Ak are dummy variables for manufactures, regions and Auction Types, respectively; and HWP is PTO horsepower. Table 2.1, (Continued) Functional Form CobbDouglas Authors (Year of Publication) Hensen & Lee (1991) Models Box-Cox Cross & Perry (1995, 1996) RV= F (Usage, Care, Age, Manufacture, Auction Type, Region, Macroeconomics Variables)8 CobbDouglas James and Glen (1996) ln(Pt,g,v) = Pt,g,v 11pT HDgG * UIBVV ln(Pt*)Tt+ Bn(Dg,v)G g,v + E1n(B)V + Geometric Stephen (1996) P P (A, t, z)'° where A is the age of a used asset, t is the date of sale and Z is a vector of the asset's characteristics, Data Source Contributions and Conclusions A single 60 hp class of tractors, provided by NFPEDA Auction sale prices on 12 types of farm machinery provided by Farm Equipment Guide (Hot Line, Inc.) from 1984 to Tractors depreciated at a linear rate of 8.3% annually, lower than previous estimates. 1 .A double square root function was the overall best form to model depreciation over time; and 2. Estimated depreciation pattern varied by manufacture type. 1993. Combine and Tractor prices from spring 1972 to spring 1992, provided by Official Guide. Transactions prices for 32 models of metalcutting and metal forming machine tools drawn from the sale records of dealers belonging to the Machinery Dealers National Association. 1. Combines and tractors generally exhibit constant geometric economic depreciation on a year-to-year basis; and 2. Significant seasonal differences exist in machinery depreciation rates. 1. Depreciation rate increases with age; and 2. Transaction prices yielded a slow rate of economic depreciation for these machines about 3.5 per year of aging, with little variation over the life of the asset. Where T, G, V are dummy variables representing the observation year, age and vintage, respectively; and P8 , P, D5, B use the same notation as note 2. They estimated functions for equipment types: Combines, Swathers, Balers, 30-79 HP Tractors, 80-149 Tractors, 150+ HP Tractors, Planters, Plows, Disks, Manure spreaders, and Skid steer loaders. This equation uses the same notation as Note 1 and Note 7. 10 The proposed model is: lnP= a+ 41A + yA*t + Ewjtj+ B'z. 8 14 2.2.1 Theoretical Development in Box-Cox model The Box-Cox functional form was proposed by Box and Cox (1964), who suggested the following transformation on variables in case that there are no a priori reasons to specify a functional form: yAl 2 Y2 (2.4) mY 2=0 The transformation imposed on variables in Equation (2.4) allows for a flexible form. Later research extended the transformation on dependent variables to independent variables (Zarembka, 1974; Spitzer 1982). Unlike the standard regression model, the Box-Cox model permits the estimation algorithm to determine the transformation on each regressor. Letting Y1 represent the market transaction price of an asset, we apply the BoxCox model to predict the value of the used asset in the following way: j*= io + + 132X2t + ... +X + ... +X + p i 1,2,.. .N, (2.5) where = (Y? - 1 )/X; X = (X18 - 1)10 The unknown parameters (A', Oi, 02,..., O) determine the functional form within the Box-Cox power family, while the unknown parameters (Po, P1,..., 13fl) decide the intercept and slope(s) of the transformed form. Table 2.2 lists the functional forms subsumed within the Box-Cox function. Thus, the Box-Cox power transformation is highly flexible, because it contains most of the functional forms used in estimating depreciation patterns. The Box-Cox function allows the data to determine the most appropriate functional form (Judge, et. al. 1985) or "let the data speak" with a minimum of apriori restrictions. 15 The Box-Cox model has been utilized in many studies to estimate depreciation of used assets. Hulen and Wykoff (1980) used vintage prices in conjunction with Box-Cox transformations to estimate depreciation patterns over time. Their findings showed that depreciation patterns were accelerated vis-â-vis straight line, and perhaps also vis-à-vis the geometric form. Table 2.2 Box-Cox power transformations associated with selected functional forms. Functional Form Power Transformation for Power Transformation for Dependent Variables Independent Variables Linear 1.0 1.0 Cobb-Douglas 0.0 0.0 Geometric 0.0 1.0 Logarithmic 1.0 0.0 Double Square Root 0.5 0.5 Square Root 1.0 0.5 SumofYearDigits 0.5 1.0 Revised from: Bayaner, Ahmet "An Econometric Analysis of Used Tractor Prices." Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, 1988, p. 19. Following this approach, Bayaner (1988) and Perry et al. (1990) estimated a BoxCox RV model for tractors utilizing data from monthly reports of auction and advertised prices for farm equipment sold across the U.S. They concluded that real depreciation of a tractor most closely mimicked a combination of geometric and sum-of-the-year's digits depreciation patterns, as opposed to the linear, log and Cobb-Douglas pattern used in many previous studies. A more extensive application of the Box-Cox functional form was conducted in the research of Cross and Perry (1995, 1996). Their Box-Cox regression results demonstrated that a double square root functional form was generally the best form to model the changes in prices of equipment. They also found that: (a) the remaining value was 16 influenced by machinery condition, use, manufacture, and age; (b) macroeconomic variables were also significant for most types of machinery; and (c) the estimated depreciation patterns varied by manufacture type. There are some potential problems with estimating the Box-Cox model. These problems include limited dependent variable (Poirer, 1978) and the impact of transformations on the validity of statistical tests (Wong and Doksum, 1983). Other researchers have expressed the concern about biases in the Box-Cox caused by heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and data scaling (Zarembka 1974; Savin and White 1978; Seaks and Layson 1983; Spitzer 1982, 1984). Although the research mentioned above achieved fairly good statistical results, none of studies on farm machinery addressed these concerns (James and Glen, 1996). As a highly flexible functional form, however, Box-Cox is still regarded as preferred for analyzing depreciation (Hulten and Wykoff). This thesis will utilize Box- Cox as one of the alternatives to estimate depreciation in different types of agricultural machinery. This study builds on the earlier Box-Cox estimates of Cross and Perry in two ways. First, an additional 6 years of auction data (1994-1999) were added to the data sets used by Cross and Perry. These additional observations not only provide for more robustness in the estimates, but they better capture the impact of several variables. Second, the auction data provided information on many types of farm equipment, but the number of sales was often not sufficient to estimate a depreciation function. With the additional years of auction data, some of this equipment did have enough observations to be examined for the first time. 2.2.2 Theoretical Development in Exponential Model Depreciation is a function of a number of underlying exogenous variables. For example, the exponential hedonic model postulated by McNeill is a+Ae +Condjtjon RV (2.6) where RV is the remaining value as a percentage of the new replacement prices. 17 The property of this function is that the remaining value of used equipment at any age greater than one year is a constant portion of the remaining value of the same equipment one year younger, as the following relationship holds: RV/RV1 =e1, t>1 (2.7) where t refers to the age of the equipment. The concept of a declining balance on remaining value over time was supported by the finding that RV/RV1 was constant for all ages except new and one year old equipment where a lower ratio was observed (Griliches). If Equation (2.6) is transformed logarithmically, it can be estimated by Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS): Ln (RV) = a+3iAge +32Condition (2.8) McNeil! further suggested a related functional form: RV = 1/ [1+ c1+3 Age +f3 Condition1 (2.9) and its logit transformation form: Log(RV/1 - RV) = a+iAge +32Condition (2.10) Equation (2.9) is a logistic function that has an inflection point allowing for both a convex and concave region of the curve. And the advantage in Equation (2.10) is that the dependent variable, log (RV/1-RV) has an unrestricted range as compared to Equation (2.9) where the dependent variable is restricted to be between 0 and 1. A conceptual theory for the exponential model was first postulated by McNeill, with supporting evidence from an empirical analysis of 32 tractors sold in the southern interior of British Columbia in 1977. However, the exponential, or geometric form had already been used in several previous studies (ASAE; Peacock and Brake). The American Society of Agricultural Engineering (ASAE) used National Farm and 18 Power Equipment Dealer Association (NFPEDA) data to estimate depreciation of used agricultural machinery. For example, the equation for tractors was RV = 68 (0.92) Age (2.11) Equation (2.11) was used for many years as the ASAE standard when estimating tractor depreciation cost. In the last decade, several problems have been identified with this equation, including the reliability of the data used and the assumption of a geometric depreciation pattern for all equipment (Perry et al., 1990). Peacock and Brake also estimated a semilog model, similar to Equation (2.11): RV = 66.6 (0.935) Age (2.12) They also found that age, make and inflation were the most influential variables in their model. Later research focused on the Cobb-Douglas model (See Leatham & Baker, Reid & Bradford, Hansen & Lee, James and Glen; See Table 2.1). The most recent research utilizing the exponential form was conducted by Stephen in 1996. Although he derived his model utilizing a simpler approach based on the Box-Cox model, it was also an exponential function: lnP= c+ 43A' + yA*t + O)f+ O'Z (2.13) where A is the age of a used asset, t is the date of sale and Z is a vector of the asset's characteristics. A geometric rate of 9.5 percent for manufacturing equipment was estimated in the Stephen's studies, only somewhat lower than 12.25 percent estimate obtained by Hulten and Wykoff after restricting Box-Cox to take the geometric form. This indicated that the two estimation techniques were not different in any meaningful sense, owning to uncertainty about proper retirement distribution with which to adjust the observed prices. 19 This thesis will propose a modified exponential model - Additive Exponential - for use in estimating depreciation cost. This new method, combining advantages of both linear and exponential forms, will be explained in the remaining chapters. 20 CHAPTER 3 DATA, MODEL AND COMPARISON This chapter focuses on describing the data collected for statistical analysis and developing the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential regression models for estimating depreciation cost. The method utilized to test the fitness of the two models --MAPE method -- will be introduced in the end of the chapter. 3.1 DATA DESCRIPTION Most previous studies of tractor depreciation relied on equipment dealers average resale prices, as reported semiannually by the National Farm and Power Equipment Dealer Association (NFPEDA) (See Table 2.1). In Bayner's study, some concerns were raised about the inadequateness of these data in estimating various depreciation patterns: First, the prices are averages instead of actual transaction prices; second, they probably do not fully represent 'arms length' transactions, i.e. transactions between dealers and farmers may involve warranties and other special conditions; and finally, a geometric depreciation rate was imposed in calculating prices for the same model of tractor manufactured in different years. An alternative to the price data reported by NFPEDA is to use auction data. Following Bayner (1988), Perry, et al. (1990) and Cross and Perry (1995), models in this thesis are based on the auction prices for farm equipments throughout U.S. provided in monthly reports published by Hot Line, Inc. Each publication contains information about price, manufacturer, condition, model, year manufactured and year sold, hours of use, auction location and date, and other descriptive information, which forms the basis of econometric analysis in this thesis. The data sets include sales that occurred from types of agricultural machinery (See Table 1.3). 1984 to 1999, representing most 21, 3.2 SPECIFICATION OF MODELS Variables Identification 3.2.1 The variables used in this study are consistent with the previous studies. Age Since age is closely related with wear and obsolescence, it was expected to be one of the most obvious variables affecting used farm machinery values. Age alone is capable of explaining a large percentage of the change in market value. Peacock and Brake (1970) claimed in their studies that age explained 57% of RV variation for 1953 tractors and 89% for 1953 forage harvesters.' Hence, age was considered as an explanatory variable in both Box-Cox and Additive Exponential models. It was calculated as the difference between the year of sale and year of manufacture. Usage As Keynes noted, the usage level "constitutes one of the links between the present and future. For in deciding his scale of production an entrepreneur has to exercise a choice between using up his equipment now and preserving it to be used later on" (pp. 69-70). Presumably, higher usage levels will shorten the life of farm machinery, thereby reducing the stream of future returns and the asset's current market value (Perry, et al. 1990). 1 These percentages are the R2 statistics for simple linear regression equation of the type Y=a+bX, where Y is the market value of machine as a percentage of its original cost and X is the age of the machine in years. 22 Usage was considered in the models and represented as annual hours per year (total hours divided by age). It was included for Tractors, Combines, Skid Steer Loaders and Trucks. Care Care can moderate the effect of usage. Care includes both the maintenance and repairs regularly performed by the asset owner, and the manner in which the asset is treated (Perry, et al. 1990). Higher levels of care will prolong the useful life of equipment, thereby decreasing the rate of depreciation. Care was represented as a binary variable in the models. Conditions of farm machinery are defined in the following table: Table 3.1 Condition evaluations of farm machinery (Hot Line, Inc.) Conditions Excellent Good Fair Poor Overall Implement has seen little or no use in the field Engine Twe In perfect Have 80%condition with 100% tread 0 to 600 hours remaining, and of use no breaks or cracks In good Have about running 70% tread condition remaining Replacemen In fair running Have about t of parts condition 60% tread would remaining with enhance possibly some performance scars visible. Rebuilding Needs a major Have 50% or is necessary. overhaul to less tread restore power. remaining with possible cracks or sears. Paints Parts Original and bright in appearance Little or no wear. Original or has a good paint job May be weathered and show some signs of rust Rough and rust is quite evident, Bearing are showing little wear Becoming worn. Bearings need replacement. 23 Manufacture Although each manufacturer of farm equipment usually offers a wide variety of options, one may still expect enough differences between makes for farmers to prefer one over others. These preferences are undoubtedly developed over time on the basis of the farmers' own experiences and information from neighbors, dealers and advertising. In addition, reliability, frequency of repairs and difficulty in getting repair parts can all contribute to overall used equipment value. A study of Peacock and Brake in 1970 showed that more-preferred farm equipment makes generally depreciated more slowly than the less-preferred ones. In the research of Leatham and Baker in 1981, they further proved this by rejecting the hypothesis that all makes depreciated at the same rate, both for tractors and for combines. Therefore, manufacturer is another variable worthy of consideration in our models. Again, a binary variable was included in the models. The manufacturers and the abbreviations used to represent them in this study are as follows: Table 3.2 Manufacturers and their abbreviations used in this study. Manufacturer Allis-Chalmers Bush Hog Case Case-International Chevrolet Ford Gehi Haybuster Hesston New Holland Loaders Abbreviation AC BH CASE CASEIH CHEV FD GEHL HAYBU HT NH Manufacturer International Harvester John-Deere Krause Kewanee Massey-Ferguston Meirose Owatonna Manufacturing Company White Versatile Abbreviation IH JD KRAUS KEWAN MF MR OMC WHITE VS 24 Because many small tractors2 in the data set had loaders, a dummy variable was used to account for the presence of a loader. Auction Type Equipment sales occurred at four types of auctions: a) farmer retirement, b) bankruptcy, c) consignment, and d) dealer closeout. The term, "farm retirement" means the farmer was either retiring or had passed away (estate sale), while dealer closeouts refer to sales of equipment the dealer had taken on trade and wanted to liquidate at an auction. Dummy variables were assigned to each auction type. Macroeconomic Variables Macroeconomic variables were needed because the agricultural economy has a direct impact on the market for equipment. When agriculture is expanding, demand for farm equipment increases, thereby driving up prices. When contraction is occurring, prices for equipment decline. To address this issue, Real Net Farm Income was used as a proxy for the general health of the agricultural economy. In addition, economic theory suggests that the cost of borrowing money (Real Interest Rate) also influences equipment costs. These two variables were calculated as RNFI NNFJ . RIR= l+FCJR 1+ (CPI - U) where RNFI is the Real Net Farm Income, given in Table 3.3; 2 In our models, small tractors are tractors with horsepower below 120. (3.1) 25 NNFI is the Normal Net Farm Income, given in Table 3.3; PPI is the GNP implicit price deflator, given in Table 3.4; RIR is the Real Interest Rate, given in Table 3.3; FCIR is the Farm Credit Interest Rate, given in Table 3.3; and (CPI-U) is CPI-Urban, given in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Net Farm Income and Real Interest Rate for farm sector, 1984-1999 Year NNFI 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 26.1 28.8 31.1 38.0 37.5 45.0 44.8 38.4 47.9 42.1 49.2 37.2 54.9 48.6 44.1 48.1 RNFI 18.7320 21.3278 23.5290 29.5678 30.165 37.953 38.8909 34.4678 43.9291 39.6414 47.2960 36.5267 54.9000 49.4162 45.3657 50.2212 FCIR'(CPI-U) % RIR 12.47 12.40 11.23 10.10 10.56 11.68 11.16 10.10 8.20 8.09 8.23 8.89 8.55 8.92 8.59 8.41 1.0783 1.0849 1.0916 1.0627 1.0621 1.0656 1.0546 1.0566 1.0505 1.0494 1.0549 1.0592 1.0539 1.0647 1.0688 1.0608 4.3 3.6 1.9 3.6 4.1 4.8 5.4 4.2 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.8 3.0 2.3 1.6 2.2 Table 3.4 GNP Implicit Prices Deflator (based on 1996 dollars), 1970-1999 1971 MPI 29.26 30.8 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 32.15 33.98 36.92 40.34 42.75 45.55 48.71 52.66 Year 1970 MPI 1980 57.35 1981 62.68 1982 66.49 1983 69.21 1984 71.77 1985 74.02 1986 75.63 1987 77.81 1988 80.44 1989 83.54 Year Year MPI 1990 86.81 89.76 91.71 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 94.16 96.13 98.19 1996 1100 1997 1998 1999 101.67 102.87 104.41 26 Remaining Value The concept of remaining value (RV) was discussed in the Chapter 2 (See pp. 9). RV was used as the dependent variable in estimating equipment value. This approach allows the prices for different types of agricultural machinery and attributes to be grouped together in a common data set, thereby providing sufficient degrees of freedom for the estimation approach (Perry et al. 1990). List price in the data was used as a proxy for new equipment price, and both list price and auction sale price were adjusted to 1996 dollars. Therefore, the RV calculation can be expressed as follows: RV= ASP. ' MPI. LP.MPI1 (3.2) Where ASPi is the Auction Sales Price in sale year i; MPI1 is Manufactured Price Index for year of sale (Given in Table 3.4); MPIJ is Manufactured Price Index for year of manufacture of models; and LP is the List Price in manufacturing yearj. 3.2.2 (i, = 1970... 1999) Specification of Models The resulting hedonic model can be written in general terms as RV = F (Age, Usage, Care, Manufacturer, Loader, Auction Type, Macroeconomic Variables) (3.3) The next section will present two ways to express Equation (3.3): Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential. Box-Cox Model 27 To apply the Box-Cox transformation technique specified in Equation (2.5) to this hedonic model required use of the generalized Box-Cox model: RV=[fi02+2flXil+2fl1Z1+l Ii i j (3.4) ] Where RV is the remaining value of farm equipment, 2 is the transformation on RV, 'y are transformations on independent variables X, and Z are all other independent variables not transformed. To be specific, X1 included the variables Age and HPY (Hours per year, if available), and Z1 represented all other variables. The form of the estimated model is R V2 1 2 1 = A0 + A, Ii CManufacturer + I HPYY2 A2 - + A3 RNFI + A4 RIR + B1Condition + 12 - DManufacturer1 I Ti + Ek AuctionTypek (3.5) k where A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C, D, and Ek are estimated parameters; and ?, Ii, and 12 are Box-Cox transformations. The model was estimated using the SHAZAM econometrics package. SAS was also used when the Box-Cox transformations were less than 3 to verify the SHAZAM results. Additive-Exponential Model The idea behind the hedonic model is that it divides the value of an asset into its component parts. For example, a tractor's value is primarily determined by its age, hours of use, and manufacturer. These can be treated as the additive components of the tractor's value. Other secondary variables that influence all these primary components can be 28 treated as exponential variables. An example is auction type. If the sale occurred because a farmer was retiring, this fact should vary depending on age, use and manufacturer. A parsimonious way to capture this would be to multiply the additive component by an exponential function reflecting a farmer retirement auction. Cross and Perry examined the Box-Cox and several alternative functional forms (See Table 3.5). The unrestricted Box-Cox form generated the largest log-likelihood value. After comparing the log-likelihood value of other functional forms with that of Box-Cox, they concluded that the double-square root form was consistently closest to the Box-Cox function. By comparison, the Geometric (Exponential) model was significantly different from the Box-Cox in 9 out of 12 equipment types, and the Linear model produced results significantly different from the Box-Cox in 11 out of 12. Even for the three equipment types where Geometric was not significantly different from the BoxCox, the Double-square root form generally had a higher log-likelihood value. For the only type of model where the linear form was close to the Box-Cox, the Double-square form still generated a higher likelihood function. Therefore, both the Linear and Exponential forms were not ideal to estimate the depreciation pattern alone. The combined model -- Additive Exponential functional form - was therefore evaluated in this thesis to see if it might be an improvement over other functional forms. This form can be expressed in a general way as RV=[/30+/31X1 ].J]IefizJ (3.6) where RV, X, and Z are corresponding to the RV, X1, and Z in equation (3.4). For estimation purposes, the Additive Exponential model was formulated as: RV = (4 + j C1Manufacture1 + eTuh1 [J k j D1Age Manufactured). eARl%' e'11'1 (3.7) where RV, Age, HPY, RNFI, RIR, Condition1 (I = 1, 2, 3, 4), Manufacturer (j = 1, 2, 3...) Table 3.5 Log-Likelihood values for Box-Cox and alternative functional forms for farm equipment remaining value models Functional Forms Box-Cox Geometric Linear Square root Doublesquare root SYD CobbDouglas Inverted Tractors Mowers Balers Combines Swathers Plows Disks Planters Manure Spreaders Skid_Steer Loader 671.48 620.90* 572.64* 66.87 65.42 57.88* 118.54 112.59* 99.38* 1095.25 1020.89* 976.04* 112.49 111.52 100.09* 5775* 61.01 58.16 78.69 63.52* 70.82* 77.35 55.691* 71.82* 24.01 19.20* 13.091* 63.07 59.31 52.62* 1042.23* 596.52* 58.48* 101.70* 1007.95* 100.05* 58.13 7304* 72.34* 17.07* 55.61* 321.97 1440.71* 665.79* 65.81 117.49 1090.98* 110.66 60.97 76.96 76.26 22.61 60.33 316.95* 1430.61* 650.41* 65.43 116.90 1086.50* 110.78 61.01 75.04* 7595* 19.46* 58.80* 287.38 1438.22* 624.31* 65.58 107.32* 948.71* 110.39 57.63* 65.72* 54.13* 22.35 60.55 256.14* 97475* 551.54* 60.26* 97.01* 829.92* 9453* 58.13 74.46 65.96* 15.43* 56.38* 0.34 0.76 0.47 0.67 0.83 0.21 0.90 0.5 1.21 0.61 -0.32 0.64 0.63 0.36 0.29 - - - 0.36 -0.4 1.26 1026 107 94 116 55 63 Small Large <8Ohp Medium 80-149hp 323.52 296.60* 288.43* 1480.74 1445.36* 1032.86* 296.94* 150+hp Box-Cox Transformations for RV Age Use Sample Size 0.45 0.76 0.24 0.5 -0.03 0.43 0.15 0.90 0.29 -0.12 433 1946 866 77 0.24 181 185 * Significantly different from the Box-Cox Model at the 95% confidence level. Source: T,L. Cross, and G.M. Perry: "Remaining Value Functions for farm Equipment", Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol.12 (5): 547-553 30 AuctionTypek (k = 1, 2, 3, 4), A0, A3 A4, B, C1, D, and Ek are defined as in Equation (3.5). However, A1 and A2 are omitted. The model given above was estimated by using both SHAZAM and SAS econometrics packages. Chapter 4 will provide the statistical results and analysis for each type of farm machinery. 3.2.3 Model Testing Since the data used in study combined cross section3 data and time series4 data, the data sets are characterized as panel data sets. The typical problems with panel data sets, as Greene (1997) suggested, are correlation and heteroscedasticity. The proposed models were examined for the presence of these problems. Correlation The process for examining the problem of correlation was conducted in two steps. First, simple correlation coefficients were calculated for all variables, using the formula: Cor() = Cov(V,V) Var()Var() (3.8) Correlation measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. A correlation of 0 means that there is no linear association between two variables. A correlation of 1 (-1) means that there is an exact positive (negative) linear association between the two variables. A cross section is a sample of a number of observational units all drawn at the same point in time. A time series is a set of observations drawn on the same observational unit at a number of (usually evenly spaced) points in time. 31 The first colunm in Table 3.6 lists the correlated variables5 in each model. It is evident that the positive correlation between the age-manufacturer cross product variables and manufacturer variables existed in every model and the positive correlation between age-manufactured cross product and age occurred in 5 models. Because all manufacturer variables were set as dummy variables, some negative correlations among manufacturers can also be readily explained, such as International Harvester and John Deere, and Case and Ford. Similarly, there were negative correlations among the auction type dummy variables, such as Bankrupt and Farmer retirement, and negative correlations among the condition variables, such as good and fair, fair and poor, and poor and good. The macroeconomic variables RNFI and RIR were negatively correlated with each other in 13 samples, which was consistent with the economic phenomena that a prosperous economy was characterized by low interest rate. Auxiliary regressions test was conducted to further examine the correlation among variables. Each individual independent variable was regressed on a constant and all the other independent variables. If the overall R2 in the original regression, or the regression with the original dependent variable as the regressand, is less than any of the R2 in the individual auxiliary regressions, correlation is detected (Greene, 1997). The auxiliary regressions statistic results were listed in Table 3.6. Consistent with the simple correlation tests, the macroeconomic variables were correlated with other variables in 9 of 21 models, the variables age and HPY were also found correlated with other variables in a couple of models. The method most frequently used to deal with correlation problem is to drop variables suspected of causing the problem. However, this could cause biased estimation of the model if the variable dropped is a relevant one. Actually, as subsequent results (Table 4.88 and conclusions in 4.5.3 V, VI and VII) suggest, RIR, RNFI, HPY and Age were significant variables in most models. Hence, all variables were kept in the models. Heteroscedasticity Based on absolute correlation value greater than 0.5 level. Table 3.6 - Statistic results of testing Correlation and Heteroscedasticity Type of Farm Machinery Less than 80 HP 80l20 HP 120+HPw/fwd 120'-l45wlofwd 145+ HP w/o fwd Combine Corn-Header Cotton-Harvester Swather Baler Forage-Harvester Mower-Conditioner Mower-Cutter Planters Disks Plows Drills Grinder-Mixer Manure-Spreader Skid-Steer-Loader Truck * Correlation Method Correlated Variables Correlation Auxiliary Regressions Method R2 when dependent variable is Source RV AGEIHpyIRNFIIIUR MA/M, -RI/RN MAIM, -F/G, -RI/RN 0.49 0.17 0.15 0.35 0.07 0.18 0.39 0.44 0.41 0.31 MAIM, -F/G 0.69 0.42 0.25 - - 0.36 0.20 0.13 0.17 0.47 0.34 0.29 0.28 0.39 0.17 0.40 0.53 0.60 RNFI 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.46 0.23 0.02 0.004 0.04 0.008 0.08 0.19 0.48 0.23 0.20 0.31 0.66 0.47 0.27 0.28 0.37 0.17 0.42 0.56 0.73 0.11 0.61 0.73 0.17 0.10 0.10 - 0.45 - 0.41 0.14 0.29 0.03 MAIM,-F/G,-RJIRN MAIM, -F/G, -l/D, DG/A MAIM, -lID, -F/G MAIM, -B/FM, -D/FM, DG/A MAIM, -P/F, -P/G, -RI/RN, RN/A MAIM, -FIG, -RI/RN, -B/FM MAIM, -B/FM, -RIIRN MA/M, F/A, -B/FM, -RI/RN MA/M, -B/FM, -RI/RN MAIM, -B/FM MA/M, MAIM, -lID, -B/FM, -RI/RN MAIM, -lID, -RI/RN, DG/A MAIM, IG/A, -RI/RN MAIM, GG/A, -B/FM, -RI/RN MAIM, NG/A, -B/FM, -RI/RN MA/M, -C/FD, -F/G,-B/FM,-R1/RN MAIM, -B/FM 0.40 0.55 0.37 0.34 0.44 0.41 0.36 0.31 0.13 0.42 0.19 0.03 0.01 0.10 0.28 0.11 - - 0.44 0.49 0.35 0.42 0.44 0.08 0.48 - Heteroscedasticity White Source Statistics 21.56 4.07 - 38.06 16.60 44.98 25.70 8.10 12.88 8.58 AGE IIPY 7.41 11.51 3.55 - - RNFI, RIR RNFI, RIR AGE, RNFI, RIR 2.59 9.47 13.90 10.62 - - 6.50 - 6.81 - RNFI, RIR 22.17 7.79 12.67 AGE, HPY RNFI, RIR - - - RNFI RNFI - - RNFI, RIR - - HPY HPY - Unknown - 1. The correlation matrices were based on the untransformed variables and correlated variables; A negative sign denotes a negative correlation between variables, otherwise, the correlations are positive; and The abbreviations are: M-Manufacturers; A-Age; MA-cross product of manufacturer and age variables; I-IH; D-John-Deere; C-Case; FD-Ford; IG, DG, GG, NG-Cross product of IH, Deere, GE, NH and Age; F-Fair; G-Good; B-BANKRUPT; FM-MARMERET; RN-RNFI; and RI-RJR. 33 Heteroscedasticity is the effect of different processes applying to different crosssectional units (Greene). It occurs when the variance of the errors is not constant across values of one or more regressors. Mathematically, heteroscedasticity can be expressed as a = a * w, (i = 1,.. .n), where a, is the disturbance variance pairwise correlated with some unknown factors. There are several alternatives to test the presence of heteroscedasticity, such as Glesjer's tests, Goldfeld-Quandt test, Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test and White test. In this thesis, the Glesjer test and White test were used to investigate the presence of heteroscedasticity. In the Glesjer test, e12, or the squared error, is taken as w1, and a preliminary regression 2 e. =13; is computed with the assumption that (3.9) ; is a vector of variables causing the disturbance variance. A joint test of the null hypothesis that the slopes, or /3, are all zeros is performed by encompassing the Lagrange multiplier test, where a Wald statistic is computed to carry out the test. The Wald statistics is W = b'{Var[b]}' b, where b is the vector of the estimated slopes, and Var[b] is the asymptotic covariance matrix for the slope parameters. Under the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity, the Wald statistic is asymptotically distributed as chi-squared with P degrees of freedom, where P is the number of variables in z, excluding the intercept term. The Glesjer test facilitates identifying the heteroscedasticity form, by assuming the 2 is one of three forms: 60+Z1a, (6o+Za)2 and exp(5o+Za). However, this assumption can be a weakness because it fails to identify other forms of heteroscedasticity, if the heteroscedasticity does not follow any of the three patterns. Another problem with using this method is that to perform Glesjer test for 21 models and assuming each form of heteroscedasticity, leads to a lot of econometric work. Consequently, a White test Was conducted before the Glesjer to test the presence of heteroscedasticity. 34 The White test is extremely general. To carry it out, we need not to make any specific assumptions about the nature of heteroscedasticity. The rule of thumb to perform is obtaining the white statistics nR2 in the regression of e2 on a constant and all unique variables in XX. The statistic is asymptotically distributed as Chi-square with P-i degrees of freedom, where P is the number of regressors in the regression, not including the constant. Table 3.6 also lists the White statistics that were obtained by performing the White test in each model. Heteroscedasticity was found in 4 of 21 models. To identify the source of heteroscedasticity, t values from the regression of e12 on a constant and all unique variables in XcøX were examined If the origin of heteroscedasticity was from one variable, such as in combines and tractors with 145+ HP, a weighted least square (WLS) regression was conducted, by taking the known heteroscedasticity variable as the weight; if the heteroscedasticity was caused by more than one variable, such as tractors with 120+ HP; or if the heteroscedasticity was temporarily unknown (because t values did not indicate which variable was the source), the Glesjer test was performed to identify the possible heteroscedasticity form, and the corresponding weights were calculated to perform the WLS regression to adjust for the heteroscedasticity problem. Statistic results showed that the adjusted models did not generate coefficients markedly different from the standard regression technique. This result suggests heteroscedasticity was not particularly serious in our models. As Greene (1997) suggested: the White test may reveal heteroscedasticity, but it may instead simply identify some other specification error (such as the omission of X2 from a simple regression). Considering heteroscedasticity existed in only four models out of 21, heteroscedasticity was overall not considered a serious problem. 3.3 COMPARISON METHOD 35 The analytical procedure utilized to evaluate the accuracy of remaining value forecasts of Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential depreciation methods was MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) method: APE= R Ves/ifliated - R Vactuai MAPE = R Vactual APE1 (3.10) where N is the number of observations. A smaller MAPE value represents less error in prediction and a better fit of the model to the data. In our 21 data sets representing 17 types of agricultural machinery, the MAPE method was used to explore the prediction accuracy of both models when more than 100 sales were in the data set. To carry out the test, 90% observations were used to estimate both models, and the remaining 10% of all observations were used to calculate the MAPE values. Data were randomly chosen for each data set. The MAPE values in each data set will be presented in Chapter 4 and the fitness of both models will be compared. 36 CHAPTER 4 EMPIRICAL RESULTS The preceding chapters provide the theoretical basis for this study, as well as a literature review of related work. In this chapter, the statistical results of each depreciation model will be presented. This includes (1) the discussion of data characteristics, (2) the explanation and analysis 'of regression results, and (3) a comparison of B-C (Box-Cox) and A-E (Additive-Exponential). Farm equipment will be placed in one of the following four categories for this analysis: (a) Tractors, (b) Harvest equipment (combines, cotton pickers, swathers, mowers and conditioners), (c) Tillage and planting equipment (Planters, disks, plows and drills) and (d) Other equipment (Spreaders, skid steer loaders, mixers and trucks). The statistical analysis will be developed based on this division. 4.1 TRACTORS Tractors are widely used in a variety of agricultural operations, such as heavy and light tillage, planting, spraying, and harvesting operations. Tractors also play a supporting role on farms such as moving heavy objects or operating stationary pto-driven equipment. In essence, they serve as a portable source of power in carrying out most mechanized farming operations. Tractors, depending on their sizes, are usually assigned different operation jobs. For example, very small tractors, with 10 to 30 HP (horsepower), are usually used to perform spraying in a smaller row spacing; while large tractors, with more than 300 HP, are used for faster performance in very heavy ripping and tillage operations. Four-wheel drive is another factor that differentiates tractors. Two-wheel drive tractors have been the industry standard, but four-wheel drive is common for very large tractors and as an option on many smaller tractors. 37 Each tractor reported in the Hot Line booklet was included in the data set, provided (a) the tractor had more than 30 HP, (b) it had been manufactured since 1971, and (c) the sale listed the number of hours the tractor had been used. The resulting data set, containing 7363 sales, was then divided into five categories: (a) Less than 80 HP, (b) 80 to 120 HP, (c) greater than 120 HP, with FWD (four-wheel drive), (d) 120 to 145 HP, without FWD and (e) greater than 145 HP without FWD. 4.1.1 Tractors With Less Than 80 Horsepower Data Description The data set for tractors with less than 80 Horsepower (HP) contained 730 observations, of which 657 observations were used in the estimation process and 73 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.1 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.2 lists the distribution of dummy John Deere Four Wheel Drive Tractors-MFWD 5320 55 HP variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Manufacturers John Deere (30.41%) and Ford (22.47%) accounted for over half of tractors in this type. Two major auction types were represented: Farmer Retirement and Consignment (40.27% and 39.59%). The majority of tractors were in either Good (56.7 1%) or Excellent (27.53%) condition, and 68.50% of tractors had front loaders, a common accessory on small tractor. 38 Table 4.1 - Summary statistics for tractors with less than 80 HP (Sample size: 730) Variables HPY RIR RNFI RV AGE Mean 233.0433 1.060424 39.97748 0.372825 12.37534 Standard Deviation 191.1931 0.01025 9.477037 0.186023 6.620328 Minimum 4.222222 1.0494 18.732 0.019163 Maximum 2075.2 1.0916 54.9 1.313416 0 27 Table 4.2 - Frequency statistics for tractors with less than 80 HP (Sample size: 730) Frequency MANUFACTURERS CASE 41 CASEIH 26 FORD 164 DEERE 222 IH 137 MF 54 WHITE 20 OTHER 107 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 201 GOOD 414 FAIR 100 POOR 15 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 294 BANKRUPT 37 CONSIGN 289 DEALER 30 UNKNOWN 80 OTHERS W/LDR W/OLDR Models Estimation 500 230 Percent (%) 5.61 3.56 22.47 30.41 18.77 7.40 2.74 14.66 27.53 56.71 13.70 2.05 40.27 5.07 39.59 4.11 10.96 68.50 31.50 Table 4.3 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for tractors with less than 80 39 HP VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASEIH 0.32 103 CASE -0.17068 FORD 0.062715 DEERE 0.195 15 MF 0.18403 WHITE -0.034606 IH -0.0083966 MANUFACTURER *AGE CAGE (CASE*AGE) 0.023255 FAGE(FORD*AGE) 0.022891 DAGE(DEERE*AGE) 0.024563 IAGE(IH*AGE) 0.0243 05 MAGE(MF*AGE) -0.0026475 CIAGE(CASEIH*AGE) -0.053148 WAGE(WHTTE* AGE) 0.016006 CONDITION GOOD -0.056156 FAIR -0.12027 POOR -0.2524 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.050333 BANKRUPT 0.011856 DEALER 0.019376 OTHERS RNFI 0.010402 RIR 2.1039 LDR 0.15794 HPY -0.036317 CONSTANT -2.8228 AGE -0.095653 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE HPY B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 2.117** -1.227 0.7056 2.188** 1.753* -0.2299 -0.07951 0.27473 -0.52622 -0.12645 0.095703 -0.32138 0.055225 -0.4157 -1.2244 -0.44338 0.34418 -1.1007 0.19809 -0.83067 0.7895 0.5 165 0.040355 0.032884 0.031185 0.039029 0.018892 -0.03551 0.03857 1.0554 1.0523 0.9415 1.2196 0.61398 -0.53678 0.88626 2.809** ..4333*** ..4595*** -0.15756 -0.20528 -0.47342 _5.9761*** 4.7808*** 3.6276*** 2.959*** 0.052704 0.055915 0.053999 1.9955** 1.1905 0.96572 0.01525 1 -1.35 14 10.636* * * 0.9 185 0.9846 0.9335 -0.0997 1 -1.102 0 .3 24 6 0.4848 9393*** 2.167*** 5Ø4*** 7.946*** 2.666*** 3.917*** 0.4 0.6 0.19 0.6653 0.6520 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 0.28123 -0.00025 1.5457 -0.07083 0.543 84 6.299*** 6.5349*** -4.1018 * * * 3.2068*** 1.9259* 40 The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.3. FARMRET was the only significant auction type variable in both estimations, as were all condition variables and variables RNFI, RIR, LDR, HPY, AGE and CONSTANT. The Age-Manufacturer cross product variables were insignificant in both models. Manufacturer type variables CASEIH, DEERE and MF were only significant in the B-C estimation, but insignificant in the A-B. The B-C transformations estimated for RV, AGE and HPY were 0.60, 0.19 and 0.4, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for tractors with HP less than 80 might approximate the Sum-of-the-year's digits functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C model indicate a good fit for the data set. Comparison Between Models Table 4.4 compares the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. Both models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.28 for B-C and 0.29 for A-E). Table 4.4 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C A-E 657 595.378 657 548.0432 73 73 0.2859425 0.2908550 A simplified version of the B-C and A-E equations is provided in Table 4.5, and these equations are shown graphically in Figure 4.1. To simplify these equations, it was assumed that the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition, without loader, and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two equations exhibited similar depreciation patterns after the first few years. Before this, the remaining value estimated by the B-C model was higher than that of the A-E estimation. 41 Table 4.5 - Comparison of estimated functional forms of the B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP B-C RV=-0.l 18517*(AGE**O.6)O.2154 A-E RV=0.61200.01476*AGE Figure 4.1 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for tractors with less than 80 HP 4.1.2 Tractors With 80-120 Horsepower Data Description The data set for tractors with 80-120 HP contained 1578 observations, of which 1420 observations were used in the estimation process and 158 were used to test predictive I ability. Table 4.6 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY, RIR, RNFI, RV and Age. Table 4.7 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in John Deere Two Wheel Drive Tractor-MFW 7405 105 HP 42 both B-C and A-E models. Manufacturer John Deere accounted for nearly half (48.29%) of the 80 to 120 HP tractor sales recorded. Two major auction types were represented: Farmer Retirement and Consignment (44.93% and 32.38%). More than half of the tractors were in Good condition (61.22%). In this data set, only 0.3 percent of these tractors were equipped with loaders, so this attribute was not included in either model. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-B (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.8. All condition variables were significant; FARMRET was the only significant variable for both models, as were RNFI and HPY. All the manufacturer and the Age-Manufacturer cross product variables were insignificant in both models. Auction type variable BANKRUPT and RIR were also significant in the AE estimation, while DEALER and AGE were only significant in the B-C regression. The B-C transformations estimated for RV, AGE and HPY were 0.11, 0.13 and - 0.2, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for tractors with 80-120 HP might approximate the Cobb-Douglas functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C model indicate a fairly good fit for the data set. Table 4.6 - Summary statistics for 80-120 HP tractors (Sample size: 1578) Variables RV AGE HPY Mean 0.314382 14.77376 283.4131 MR 1.059811 RNFI 40.60289 Standard Deviation 0.175091 5.900691 155.2437 0.009652 9.082187 Minimum 0.01879 Maximum 3.52279 0 28 13.636 1.0494 18.732 2344 1.0916 54.9 43 Table 4.7 - Frequency statistics for 80-120 HP tractors (Sample size: 1578) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 78 CASE 165 CASEIH 32 FORD 96 DEERE 762 IH 293 MF 67 WHTTE 79 OTHER 6 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 326 GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER UNKNOWN OTHERS W/LDR W/OLDR 966 262 24 709 78 511 117 163 5 1573 Percent (%) 4.94 10.46 2.03 6.08 48.29 18.57 4.25 5.01 0.38 20.66 61.22 16.60 1.52 44.93 4.94 32.38 7.41 10.33 0.32 99.68 44 Table 4.8 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 80-120 HP tractors VARIABLES B-C T-RATIO COEFFICENTS MANUFACTURER AC 0.013521 CASEIH 0.43 179 CASE 0.44555 FORD 0.3275 1 DEERE 0.23307 MF -0.28256 WHITE 0.12102 III -0.11424 MANUFACTURER *AGE AAGE(AC*AGE) -0.020441 CAGE (CASE*AGE) -0.11263 FAGE(FORD*AGE) -0.022208 DAGE(DEERE*AGE) 0.10742 IAGE(IH*AGE) 0.069026 MAGE(MF*AGE) 0.10728 CIAGE(CASEIH*AGE) -0.067 WAGE(WHITE*AGE) -0.010962 CONDITION GOOD -0.065822 FAIR -0.17292 POOR -0.37457 AUCTION TYPE FARMIRET 0.089588 BANKRUPT 0.0066858 DEALER 0.05 1446 OTHERS RNFI 0.0090745 MR 0.44064 LDR 0.20644 HPY -0.55065 AGE -0.3 8673 CONSTANT 0.74273 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.11 AGE 0.14 HPY -0.2 B-C R-SQUARE 0.6293 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.6221 A-E COEFFICIENTS 1-RATIO 0.02986 0.8839 1.042 0.7738 0.5739 -0.6 0.2707 -0.273 -0.1467 0.74434 -0.2 1703 0.9384 1 0.022 122 0.26743 0.46752 -0.24295 -0.03363 -0.13019 0.030394 0.45197 0.7289 -0.36403 -0.05101 -0.19112 -0. 1482 0.003492 -0.00151 -0.00885 -0.00374 0.008766 0.014766 -0.06995 0.003471 0.1105 -0.04275 -0.3362 -0.12509 0.26418 0.44925 -1.1382 0.10875 _2.5395** _6.825*** 6.823*** -0.06778 -0.18727 -0.47462 6.061*** 0.2123 1.952* 0.10861 0.10415 0.048214 4.4915*** 2.21 57*** 1.1263 9.274*** 0.5063 9.2923*** ..77443*** ..9759*** 0.0 11322 -1.2753 0. 16894 -0.000 18 _3.153*** 0.724 -0.02924 1.0182 -0.8693 -0.1713 0.8699 0. 5442 0.7522 -0.3707 -0.08112 3 .369" 1.433 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 4.730l*** -3.7605 * * * 1.2 102 2.9499*** -0.9963 1.595 45 Comparison Between Models Table 4.9 compares the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The A-E model exhibited less error in its predictive ability (0.32 for B-C and 0.25 for A-E). Figure 4.2 illustrates the depreciation patterns for those two models. The graph represents the tractor that was manufactured by Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. Remaining Values for both models were essentially the same after year 7. Before this, the remaining value estimated by the B-C model was much higher than that of the A-B model. Table 4.9 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 80-120 HP tractors SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 1420 A-E 1420 1661.99 1018.196 158 158 0.3191844 0.2474764 Figure 4.2 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for 80120 HP tractors 0.8 0.6 A-E 0.4 -3E- B-C 0.2 0 1 I I 4 7 F 10 13 16 AGE { I f I I 1 19 22 25 46 4.1.3 120+ HP Tractors With FWD Data Description The data set for 120+ HP contained 870 observations, of which 783 observations were used in the estimation process and 87 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.10 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.12. The condition variables FAIR and POOR, the auction type variables FARMRET and DEALER, and RNFI, RIR, HPY, AGE and CONSTANT were significant in both models. Manufacturer variables CASE, FORD, and DEERE were significant in the A-E model, while MF and IH were significant in the B-C regression. The corresponding Age-Manufacturer cross product variables CAGE, FAGE, and DAGE were significant in the A-E model, while MAGE was only significant in the B-C model. GOOD and BANKRRUPT were other dummy variables significantly affecting the RV in the A-E estimation. 47 Table 4.10 - Summary statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD (Sample size: 870) Variables RV AGE HPY RIR RNFI Mean 0.231199 12.93678 342.5924 1.059892 42.86469 Standard Deviation 0.164619 5.866321 181.3562 0.008734 7.979999 Minimum 0.01291 Maximum 0.96427 28 1715 0 15.95 1.0494 18.732 1.0916 54.9 Table 4.11 - Frequency statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD (Sample size: 870) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 13 CASE 140 CASEIH 62 FORD 7 DEERE 387 IH 132 MF WHITE 26 19 OTHER 84 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 137 GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER UNKNOWN OTHERS W/LDR W/OLDR Percent (%) 1.49 16.09 7.13 0.80 44.48 15.17 2.99 2.18 9.66 15.75 510 209 58.62 24.02 14 1.61 285 56 285 32.76 6.44 32.76 151 17.36 10.69 93 0 870 0 100 The B-C transformations estimated for RV, AGE and HPY were 0.4, 0.51 and 0.7, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 48 might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C model indicate a good fit for the data set. Table 4.12 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 120+ HP tractors with FWD VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASEIH CASE FORD DEERE MF WHITE 0.016816 -0.14692 0.1075 0.11034 -0.58624 -0.1791 In -0.24446 MANUFACTURER *AGE CIAGE (CASEIH*AGE) -0.0032629 CAGE (CASE*AGE) 0.00 10927 FAGE (FORD*AGE) -0.023689 DAGE (DEERE*AGE) -0.0 10963 MAGE (MF*AGE) 0.06 1595 WAGE (W}HTE*AGE) -0.0003 7243 IAGE (IH*AGE) 0.00772 17 A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO -0.0062445 0.25141 0.27587 0.25955 -0.11687 0.017216 -0.010974 -0.06914 2.7367*** 2.2273** 3.3561*** -0.73408 0.12844 -0.13061 -0.55671 2.9161*** -0.6 196 1.882* -0.0036143 -0.025971 -0.016603 -0.015031 0.0034051 -0.0 1247 -0.003 744 0.3926 -0.0035872 0. 1916 -0.12188 -0.30058 -0.52856 0.143 -1.048 0.7302 1.023 -2.738 * * * -0.9903 2.066* * -0. 1322 0.04378 -0.7924 l.8289* 0.38282 -0.48639 -0.6646 CONDITION GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT DEALER -0.0032207 -0.089398 -0.17127 0.10551 0.027432 0.043936 4.246*** -3.08 * * * 7.946*** 1.144 5.9366*** 1.9226* 2.716* * * 0.15854 0.11553 0.13594 6.1484*** 2.2629** 4.0062*** 9.524*** 0.0 10765 6.73 3 * * * -0.46888 -0.00011781 -0.011501 0.38882 7.16 15*** _3.0454*** 2.0322** _2.2185** 3.9432*** OTHERS RNFI 0.0081578 RIR 5.0488 HPY -0.0014557 AGE -0.14298 CONSTANT -6.0192 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE HPY B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 6.698*** 8.233*** 0.4 0.51 0.7 0.8214 0.8157 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and 49 * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Table 4.13 compares the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The two models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.54 for B-C and 0.52 for A-E), but A-E has less predictive error in the MAPE test. Figure 4.3 provides a graphical summary of the two RV models. The values in the graphs were calculated assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, maintained in Good condition, and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. The two models generated somewhat different depreciation patterns, particularly before year 4 and after year 18. Despite these different patterns, both models generated nearly the same MAPE values. Table 4.13 - Comparison of B-C and A-B models for 120+ HP tractors with FWD A-E 783 B-C 783 1130.03 87 SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE 879.7261 87 0.5209504 0.5364960 Figure 4.3 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for 120+ HP tractors with FWD 1 0.8 -A E -*- BC 0.2 0 I 1 5 9 If] 13 AGE 17 21 50 4.1.4 120-145 HP Tractors Without FWD Data Description The data set for 120-145 HP tractors without FWD contained 2124 observations, of which 1912 observations were used in the estimation process and 212 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.14 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age for these tractors. Table 4.15 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere Two Wheel Drive Tractor - MFWD 7710 135HP John Deere was dominant in this data set, with nearly 60 percent of all observations. Farmer Retirements represented almost half of all auction sales (45% and 31.17%). Most tractors in this type were in Good condition (60.40%). Few tractors were equipped with loaders, so this attribute was omitted in both models. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.16. All condition variables and auction type variables FARMRET and DEALER were significant in both models, as were RNFI, AGE, HPY and CONSTANT. RIR and manufacturer variables FORD and DEERE were significant in the B-C estimation, while Ill and MF were significant in the A-E regression. 51 The B-C transformations estimated for RV, HPY and AGE were 0.61, 0.52 and 0.49, respectively, very close to a Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C model indicate a fairly good fit for the data set. Table 4.14 - Summary statistics for 120-145 HP tractors (Sample size: 2124) Variables RV HPY Mean 0.318692 325.3804 MR 1.06055 RNFI AGE 40.17029 13.86535 Standard Deviation 0.151373 174.3881 0.009957 9.162109 5.514572 Minimum 0.03027 1.25 1.0494 18.732 Maximum 0.89136 3100 1.0916 54.9 0 27 Table 4.15 - Frequency statistics for 120-145 HP tractors (Sample size: 2124) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 84 CASE 98 CASEIH 33 FORD 68 DEERE 1218 IH 495 MF 85 WHITE 35 OTHER 8 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 432 GOOD 1283 FAIR 366 POOR 43 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 956 BANKRUPT 106 CONSIGN 662 DEALER 171 UNKNOWN 229 OTHERS W/LDR W/OLDR 6 2118 Percent (%) 3.95 4.61 1.55 3.20 57.34 23.31 4.00 1.65 0.38 20.34 60.40 17.23 2.02 45.01 4.99 31.17 8.05 10.78 0.28 99.72 52 Table 4.16 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 120-145 HP tractors VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASEI}i 0.49296 FORD 0.18044 DEERE 0.2 1653 IH -0.05295 MF 0.0057898 WHITE -0.045901 MANUFACTURER *AGE CIAGE (CASEIH*AGE) -0.08457 1 FAGE (FORD*AGE) -0.022986 DAGE (DEERE*AGE) 0.011295 IAGE (IEI*AGE) MAGE (MF*AGE) 0.0 10902 -0.013803 WAGE (WHITE*AGE) 0.0030092 CONDITION GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARIvIRET BANKRUPT DEALER -0.047785 -0.09632 -0.17593 0.7034 1.757* 2.357** -0.56 1 0.053 11 -0.3542 -0.5043 -1.131 0.6238 0.5906 -0.664 0. 1213 6.342*** 9.469*** 8.221*** A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0.11965 0.036243 0.081346 -0.12621 -0.1292 -0.11876 0.33991 0.57519 1.332 2.1625** l.8487* -1.5163 -0.010548 -0.0012733 -0.2851 0.003 1938 0.0078634 0.0062194 0.0067357 0.76213 1.8609* 1.2305 1.1211 -0.10599 -0.20852 -0.56208 8.2726*** 10.502*** 6.5564*** -0.2613 1 0.035071 -0.0028 176 0.028527 6.005*** -0.2287 2.789*** 0.049177 -0.046725 0.054211 4.1336*** -1.6427 RNFI 0.0073983 RIR 0.75197 HPY -0.003 8097 AGE -0.098748 CONSTANT -1.4105 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE HPY B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 18.44*** 2.287** 12.73*** 5.486*** 0.012375 -0.14114 -0.0002521 -0.017019 0.43509 19.636*** -1.3357 8.2799*** 2.71 14*** OTHERS -3.851 * * * 0.61 0.49 0.53 0.7597 0.7569 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. .37957*** 59994*** 53 Comparison Between Models Table 4.17 compares the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. In this case, the B-C model exhibited less predictive error by using the MAPE test. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.4, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two models estimated very similar depreciation patterns throughout the useful lives of tractors, especially from the fifth year to the 22nd year. Table 4.17 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 120-145 HP tractors SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 1912 A-E 1912 2354.15 212 2213.867 212 0.3775409 0.299073 1 Figure 4.4 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for 120-145 HP tractors without FWD A-E 06 -*- B-C 0.2 I 1 I T I I TI I I I T I r 1 T I I I F I F I I U 1 t 4 710131619222528 AGE 4.1.5 54 Tractors With 145+ HP Data Description The data set for tractors with tractors with 145+ HP contained 2050 observations, of which 1845 observations were used in the estimation process and 205 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.18 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RJR (real John Deere Four Wheel Drive Tractor- MFWD 7810 15OHP interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.19 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere represented half (52.63%) of all sales. Farmer Retirement and Consignment each represented about one-third of sales (34.78% and 33.80%). Most tractors were in either Good (59.27%) or Excellent (20.29%) condition. Few tractors were equipped with loaders, so this attribute was omitted in both models. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.20. All condition and auction type variables were significant in both models, as were while variables RNFI, RIR and HPY. All the Age-Manufacturer cross product variables were insignificant in both estimations. CASEIH, DEERE and FORD were significant manufacturer dummy variables in the A-E estimation, while AGE and CONSTANT were only significant in the B-C model. 55 Table 4.18 - Summary statistics for 145+ HP tractors (Sample size: 2050) Variables RV HPY RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.317644 384.9655 1.05981 42.23705 11.96195 Standard Deviation 0.196172 283.0771 0.009466 8.369522 5.749405 Minimum 0.01485 2.333 1.0494 18.732 0 Maximum 0.982 4864 1.0916 54.9 26 Table 4.19 - Frequency statistics for 145+ HP tractors (Sample size: 2050) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 110 CASE 229 CASEIH 157 FORD 23 DEERE 1079 III 395 MF WHITE OTHER 36 15 6 Percent (%) 5.37 11.17 7.66 1.12 52.63 19.27 0.73 1.76 0.29 EQUIPMENT CONDITI416ON EX GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER UNKNOWN OTHERS W/LDR W/OLDR 416 1215 20.29 59.27 364 55 17.76 713 108 693 34.78 5.27 33.80 12.98 13.17 266 270 6 2044 2.68 0.29 99.71 The B-C transformations estimated for RV, HPY and AGE were 0.59, 0.42 and 0.42, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for tractors in this type might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R and adjusted R2 values were the highest among the five tractor models estimated. 56 Table 4.20 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for 145+ HP tractors VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASE1}1 0.03111 CASE -0.31832 FORD 0.13838 DEERE 0.14478 MF -0.11654 WHITE -0.12289 IH -0.19612 MANUFACTURER *AGE CIAGE (CASEIH*AGE) 0.04058 CAGE (CASE*AGE) 0.057353 FAGE (FORD*AGE) -0.009288 DAGE (DEERE*AGE) 0.033702 MAGE (MF*AGE) 0.002247 WAGE (WHITE*AGE) 0.03 3228 IAGE(IH*AGE) 0.049737 0.114 -1.153 0.4983 0.5328 -0.3988 -0.4345 -0.719 0.975 -0.03009 0.98992 1.1241 0.50027 0.35813 0.17993 1.744* -0.05273 1.7332* 2.015** 0.86379 0.56522 0.31826 0.6962 0.9807 -0.1554 0.5866 0.03632 0.5574 0.8624 -0.06049 -0.00398 -0.06174 -0.04274 -0.04033 -1.6409 -0.10491 -1.5942 -1.1946 -1.0667 -0.49064 -0.28217 3.132*** 6.273*** 8.282*** -0.08273 -0.20636 -0.54821 -0.0 197 -0.01012 CONDITION GOOD -0.027464 FAIR -0.070581 POOR -0.1743 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.065183 BANKRUPT 0.036868 DEALER 0.069344 OTHERS RNFI 0.0071854 RIR 2.2848 HPY -0.0068361 AGE -0.17052 CONSTANT -2.8823 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE HPY B-CR-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 5.8821*** 8.6847*** 54997*** 9.096*** 2.62*** 73Ø7*** 0.10375 0.059699 0.13582 7.3724*** 2.0452** 8.177*** 15.72*** 5.919*** 13.61*** 2.97*** 5.889*** 0.012054 -1.4517 -0.00015 -0.03076 0.94157 15.82*** 15.295*** 6.7772*** -0.85801 1.6413 0.59 0.42 0.42 0.8248 0.8225 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 57 Comparison Between Models Table 4.21 compares the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The B-C model exhibited a slightly lower predictive value. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.5, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two models estimated similar depreciation patterns from the fifth to the 19th year. Table 4.21 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for 145+ HP tractors B-C SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE 1845 2149.65 205 0.3009953 A-E 1845 1820.745 205 0.3201986 Figure 4.5 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for 145+ HP tractors 58 4.2 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT Machinery and equipment in this category are more specialized than tractors, since they are manufactured for harvest purposes, and often are limited to a small number of crops. Depreciation models for eight types of harvest equipment are reported in this section: Combines, Corn Headers, Cotton Harvesters, Swathers, Balers, Forage Harvesters, Mower Conditioners and Mower Cutters. This is the first attempt to estimate models for Corn Headers and Cotton Harvesters. Mower Conditioners and Mower Cutters were combined by Cross and Perry (1995), prior to being used to estimate an RV equation. 4.2.1 Combines Data Description The data set for Combines contained 2522 observations, of which 2270 were used in the estimation process and 249 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.22 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.23 lists the distribution of 2300 Series AXIAL-FLOW® Combine dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere dominated this data set, with nearly 65 percent of all observations. Farmer Retirement and Consignment were most common (36.12% and 32.00%). Most Combines were in Good condition (61.38%). 59 Table 4.22 - Summary statistics for Combines (Sample size: 2522) Variables RV AGE HPY RIR RNFI Mean 0.214838 12.97145 198.842 1.060865 42.7806 Standard Deviation 0.166196 5.888086 130.8556 0.008635 8.028032 Minimum 0.00727 Maximum 0.91027 0 28 8.824 1.0494 21.3178 2636.45 1.0916 54.9 Table 4.23 - Frequency statistics for Combines (Sample size: 2522) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 179 CASEIH 108 DEERE 1637 IH 333 MF 164 WHITE 18 NH 75 OTHER 8 EQUIPMENT CONDITI398ON EX 398 GOOD 1548 FAIR 516 POOR 60 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 911 BANKRUPT 147 CONSIGN 807 DEALER 654 UNKNOWN 3 Percent (%) 7.10 4.28 64.91 13.20 6.50 0.71 2.97 0.32 15.78 61.38 20.46 2.38 36.12 5.83 32.00 25.93 0.12 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.24. All condition variables and auction type variables FARMERET and DEALER were significant, as were RIR, RNFI, HPY and CONSTANT. All the Age-Manufacturer cross product variables and most manufacturer variables were insignificant in both models. WHITE and AGE were only significant in the B-C estimation. 60 The B-C transformations estimated for RV, HPY and AGE were 0.51, 0.15 and 0.7, respectively. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a very good fit for the data set. Table 4.24 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Combines VARIABLES MANUFACTURER AC CASEIH DEERE MF WHITE B-C COEFFICENTS -0.20183 0.00031166 -0.028831 -0.37576 -0.5084 III -0.11168 NH -0.090015 MANUFACTURER *AGE AAGE(AC*AGE) 0.053516 CJAGE (CASEIH*AGE) 0.04632 DAGE(DEERE*AQE) 0.048982 MAGE(MF*AGE) 0.064746 WAGE(W}iITE*AGE) 0.082674 IAGE(1}I*AGE) NAGE(NH*AGE) 0.049706 0.026963 T-RATIO A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO -0.7872 0.00121 -0.1132 -1.455 l.835* -0.4357 -0.3463 -0.010113 0.021026 0.0097725 -0.036001 -0.039265 -0.0069368 -0.0058579 -0.29288 0.60612 0.28481 -1.0511 -1.0526 -0.20144 -0.1691 0.9611 0.8236 0.882 1.16 1.438 0.8928 0.481 0.0021409 -0.00014378 0.0014042 0.003527 0.0037938 0.002082 0.0014225 0.48932 -0.032553 0.32218 0.81184 0.84076 0.479 0.32496 6.785*** 7.966*** -0.16129 -0.33018 -0.6756 11.928*** 11.088*** 6.7941*** CONDITION GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRFT BANKRUPT DEALER -0.061823 -0.095863 -0.1954 0.061082 4.5618E-06 0.026389 7454*** 7.736*** 0.0003353 3.216*** 0.067188 -0.0011026 0.073026 3.8344*** -0.035797 4.6566*** 14.78*** 5.649*** 5.223*** 2.853*** 12.98*** 0.010387 12.586*** 11.116*** 2.5208*** -1.3432 8.0051*** OTHERS RNFI 0.0070628 RIR 2.2244 CONSTANT -2.5888 AGE -0.15843 HPY -0.043644 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV HPY AGE B-CR-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.51 0.15 0.7 0.8199 0.8 179 1.358 0.089499 -0.0058849 -0.00028596 61 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Table 4.25 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The B-C model had a much lower predictive error (0.44 for B-C and 1.42 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.6, assuming the combine equipment was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RJR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that both models presented very similar depreciation patterns, although the RV estimated by the A-E model was slightly higher than that of the B-C estimation before the sixth year of the useful lives of Combines. Table 4.25 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Combines B-C 2270 3158.25 249 0.4374688 SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE A-E 2270 2652.520 249 1.417796 Figure 4.6 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Combine 1 0.8 0.6 -*---A E 0.4 -*- B C 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 AGE 62 4.2.2 Corn Headers Data Description The data set for Corn Headers contained 196 observations, of which 176 were used in the estimation process and 20 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.26 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.27 Case IH 2212 Corn Header and Combine lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere dominated this data set, with nearly 66.32% of all observations. Farmer Retirement represented the most common auction type (57.65%). Most Corn Headers sold were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.28. FARMRET, CASE, FAIR and RNFI were significant variable in both models, while all the Age-Manufacturer cross product variables were insignificant in both estimations. AGE was only significant in the B-C model, while RIR was only significant in the A-E estimation. The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.26 and 0.99, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Corn Headers might approximate the Geometric functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a fairly good fit for the data set. 63 Table 4.26 - Summary statistics for Corn Headers (Sample size: 196) Variables RV AGE RIR RNFI Mean 0.331729 8.219388 1.061755 39.94594 Standard Deviation 0.141418 4.381527 0.009296 8.624975 Minimum 0.01572 Maximum 0.81813 1 18 1.0494 21.3178 1.0916 54.9 Table 4.27 - Frequency statistics for Corn Headers (Sample size: 196) Frequency MANUFACTURERS AC 11 CASE 19 DEERE 131 IH 23 MF 7 OTHER 5 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 60 GOOD 118 FAIR 17 POOR 1 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 113 BANKRUPT 34 CONSIGN 8 DEALER 41 Percent (%) 5.61 9.69 66.33 11.73 3.57 2.55 30.61 59.69 8.67 0.51 57.65 17.35 4.08 20.92 64 Table 4.28 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Corn Headers VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER AC 0.13158 CASE 0.2231 DEERE 0.15623 IH 0.097986 MF 0.064938 MANUFACTURER *AGE AAGE (AC*AGE) -0.026295 CAGE(CASE*AGE) -0.002794 DAGE(DEERE*AGE) 0.010249 IAGE(IH*AGE) -0.005596 MAGE(MF*AGE) 0.003676 CONDITION GOOD -0.030351 FAIR -0.0652 1 POOR -0.10214 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.063643 BANKRUPT 0.036238 DEALER 0.051126 OTHERS RNFI 0.002524 RIR -0.90531 CONSTANT 0.25489 AGE -0.096059 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE Note: 0.740045 1.9 1174* 1.4560 11 0.688 104 0.328967 -0.374786 -0.0485 17 0. 19683 1 -0.092063 0.049033 A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO -0.14838 0.87714 0.40091 -0.01717 -0.41071 0.057631 0.008187 0.062646 0.054629 0.088427 -0.89337 1.6647* 1.6035 -0.14703 -1.2851 1.4851 0.37933 1.476 1.388 1.5233 -1.46907 1 -2.214261 ** -0.995517 -0.07829 -0.20454 -0.523 13 -1.4309 2.3531** -0.84167 1.65 1778* 0.876372 1.245457 0.20252 0.10051 0.16998 1.7997* 0.82281 1.4194 1.972188** -0.805436 0.209441 1.88684* 0.005584 -1.6758 1.7639 -0.13801 1.852* 0.26 0.99 0.5976 0.5486 Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 2.813*** 1.6396 -1.6121 65 Comparison Between Models Table 4.29 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The two models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.26 for B-C and 0.27 for A-E) Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.7, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two models estimated very similar depreciation patterns, although before the fourth year of the useful lives of tractors, the B-C model estimated higher the remaining values than the A-E model did. Table 4.29 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Corn Headers SAMPLE SIZE (9 0%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 176 A-E 176 171.689 20 0.2598430 168.1836 20 0.266928 Figure 4.7 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Corn Headers 66 4.2.3 Cotton Harvesters Data Description The data set for Cotton Harvesters contained 75 observations, which are summarized in Tables 4.30 and 4.31. Table 4.30 shows the average, standard deviation, 4 minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.31 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John 2555 EXPRESS® Cotton Pickers Deere dominated this data set, with nearly 61.33% of all observations. Three main auction types were represented: Farmer Retirement, Bankrupt and Consignment (37.33%, 29.33% and 29.33%). Most Cotton Harvesters were in Good condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.28. GOOD and POOR were significant condition variables, RNFI was also significant in both models. Manufacturer variables AC and DEERE, Age- Manufacturer cross product variables AAGE and CAGE, and AGE and constant were other significant variables in the B-C model, while auction type variables BANKRUPT and DEALER were only significant in the A-E estimation. The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 1.85 and 0.41, respectively. The R2 and adjusted R2 in the B-C indicate a very good fit for the data set. 67 Table 4.30 - Summary statistics for Cotton Harvesters (Sample size: 75) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.129709 1.063507 47.02217 16.65333 Standard Deviation 0.108386 0.00677 6.733099 5.617283 Minimum 0.00715 1.0539 23.529 Maximum 0.48802 1.0916 54.9 3 25 Table 4.31 - Frequency statistics for Cotton Harvesters (Sample size: 75) Frequency MANUFACTURERS Percent (%) AC ii CASE 7 DEERE 46 IH 11 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 3 GOOD 49 FAIR 10 POOR 13 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 28 BANKRUPT 22 CONSIGN 22 DEALER 3 14.67 9.33 61.33 14.67 4.00 65.33 13.33 17.33 37.33 29.33 29.33 4.00 68 Table 4.32 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Cotton Harvesters VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER AC l.921448* -0.50707 CASE 0.69437 1.4 10748 1.77924* DEERE 0.27169 MANUFACTURER *AGE 1.864201* AAGE(AC*AGE) 0.003604 CAGE (CASE*AGE) -0.032124 1.779723* DAGE(DEERE*AGE) -0.000923 -0.819432 CONDITION GOOD -0.33 14 -2.07644 1 ** FAIR -0.14002 -0.798745 POOR 3.028746*** -0.5 1943 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET -0.008676 -0. 140406 BANKRUPT 0.048527 0.743823 DEALER 0.09909 1 0.57278 OTHERS RNFI 0.018917 2. 593 857*** RIR 9.026 1.468359 1.663904* CONSTANT -11.243 4.394366*** AGE -0.00468 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 1.85 AGE 0.41 B-C R-SQUARE 0.8059 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.7566 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VAL UES SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 75 Log-likelihood Value 224.885 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; * * Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO -0.86695 0.23025 0.7983 -0. 18884 0.053527 0. 10052 0.0094143 -0.015387 -0.0033585 0.79623 -0.49984 -0.35681 0.022995 -1.0068 2.7788*** 0.17736 -0.635 15 3 .4824*** 0.13567 0.30997 2.965*** 0.4 1604 2.102* * 0.023532 -0.73731 0.28979 -0.011985 4.564*** -0.96407 1.1896 -1.1428 1.2301 75 205.4697 69 Comparison Between Models Because the cotton harvester data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.8, assuming the Cotton Harvester was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows somewhat different depreciation pattern with other type of farm equipments. The Box-Cox function generated a slight backward "S" relationship that was generally lower than the A-E results. Nevertheless, RV estimates were similar for both models. Figure 4.8 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Cotton Harvesters 70 4.2.4 Swathers Data Description The data set for Swathers contained 187 observations, of which 168 were used in the estimation process and 19 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.33 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.34 lists the Self-Propelled Swather distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Versatile and Deere dominated the Swather data set, but great diversity existed in this category. FARMRET represented the most common auction type (66.84%). Most Swathers were in either Good or fair condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.35. The condition dummy variables GOOD and FAIR were significant in both models. In the B-C estimation, all manufacturer variables, except CASE; the age-manufacturer cross product variables DAGE, FAGE and VAGE; all condition variables and RNFI were significant. RIR and RNFI were also significant in the A-E estimation. Table 4.33 - Summary statistics for Swathers (Sample size: 187) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.213453 1.061477 38.92 13.29947 Standard Deviation 0.1459 0.011034 9.332707 5.504265 Minimum 0.01747 1.0494 21.3178 2 71 Maximum 0.76922 1.0916 54.9 24 Table 4.34 - Frequency statistics for Swathers (Sample size: 187) Frequency MANUFACTURERS CASE 6 DEERE 45 IH 26 MF 11 NH 14 HT 25 VS 53 OTHER 7 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 24 GOOD 113 FAIR 49 POOR 1 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 125 BANKRUPT 32 CONSIGN 15 DEALER 10 UNKNOWN 5 Percent (%) 3.21 24.06 13.90 5.88 7.49 13.37 28.34 3.74 12.83 60.43 26.20 0.53 66.84 17.11 8.02 5.35 2.67 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.18 and 1.22, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Swathers might approximate the Geometric functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 in the B-C suggest a reasonably good fit. 72 Table 4.35 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Swathers B-C VARIABLES COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASE 0.68147 DEERE 1.3131 IH 1.1186 MF 0.98553 NH 1.3877 HT 1.257 VS 1.4653 MANUFACTURER *AGE CAGE(CASEE*AGE) 0.011254 DAGE(DEERE*AGE) -0.062351 A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0.9206 2.88*** 2.267** 1.904* 2.805*** 2.673*** 2.933*** 2.7918 2.6477 2.1867 3.3092 2.7626 2.8707 1.4609 1.4818 1.5237 0.1133 2.301** -1.276 -1.475 -1.924 2.099** 2.227** -0.051988 -0.17334 -0.13072 -0.1396 -0.18167 -0.16917 -0.16397 -1.0092 -1.4547 -1.3757 -1.3714 -1.3844 -1.4184 -1.4559 4.7254*** 5.1231*** 0.87767 1.7551 1.5381 1.518 1.481 1.4481 IAGE (I}j*AGE) MAGE(MF*AGE) NAGE(NH*AGE) HAGE(HT*AGE) VAGE(VS*AGE) CONDITION -0.037225 -0.046554 -0.056173 -0.057867 -0.062046 GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT DEALER -0.24291 -0.54305 -0.82535 2.314** 1.951* -0.40537 -0.79489 -1.2057 0.059619 -0.064259 0.063707 0.5386 -0.4879 0.3374 0.12399 0.15328 -0.079485 0.77199 0.8429 0.30686 2.258** -0.1653 -0.3946 0.9489 0.016124 -2.1444 -0.041483 0.070492 3.685*** 3.2211*** 0.20135 1.3359 4544*** OTHERS RNFI 0.011788 RIR -0.65293 CONSTANT -1.687 AGE 0.02535 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE Note: 0.18 1.22 0.5453 0.4727 Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 73 Comparison Between Models Table 4.36 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The two models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.42 for B-C and 0.44 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.9, assuming the swather was manufactured by Versatile, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model from the fifth to the eighteenth year of the useful lives of Swathers. Beyond, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-B model did. Table 4.36 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Swathers SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 168 A-E 168 177.656 144.9859 19 19 0. 442 092 6 0.4249221 Figure 4.9 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Swathers I 0.8 >0.6 A-E 0.4 B-C 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 AGE 74 4.2.5 Balers CASE IH Round Balers CASE IH 8500 Series Square Balers Data Description The data set for Balers contained 330 observations, of which 297 were used in the estimation process and 33 were used to test predictive ability. Two major manufacturers were represented in the data set: DEERE (John-Deere, 3 9.7%) and NH (New Holland, 26.67%). More than half of Balers were sold at Farmer Retirement auctions (60.30%). Most Balers were in either Good (52.42%) or Excellent (32.73%) condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.39. DEERE was the only significant manufacturer variable in both models; FARMRET was the only significant variable among the various auction types; Condition variables GOOD and FAIR were also significant; The Age- Manufacturer cross product variables DAGE and HAGE were significant in both model, as were the RNFI and CONSTANT variables. The manufacturer dummy variables 75 CASE, HT, III and NET, condition variable POOR, and the Age-Manufacturer cross product variable IAGE were also significant in the B-C estimation. Table 4.37 - Summary statistics for Balers (Sample size: 330) Variables RV AGE RIR RNFI Mean 0.355978 7.49697 1.061683 38.57529 Standard Deviation 0.181153 4.884843 0.010673 8.921517 Minimum 0.01041 1 1.0494 21.3178 Maximum 0.97454 28 1.0916 54.9 Table 4.38 - Frequency statistics for Balers (Sample size: 330) Frequency MANUFACTURERS CASE 22 DEERE 131 IH 13 MF 17 NH 88 HT 36 OTHER 23 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 108 GOOD 173 PAW 41 POOR 6 UNKNOWN 2 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 199 BANKRUPT 75 CONSIGN 40 DEALER 6 UNKNOWN 10 Percent (%) 6.67 39.70 3.94 5.15 26.67 10.91 6.97 32.73 52.42 12.42 1.82 0.006 60.30 22.73 12.12 1.82 3.03 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.173 and 0.7, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Baler might approximate the Geometric or Double Square Root functional forms. The R2 and adjusted R2 in the B-C indicate a fairly good fit for the data set. 76 Table 4.39 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Balers VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASE 0.24217 DEERE 0.40691 MF 0.10667 HT 0.36301 IH 0.64555 NH 0.25708 MANUFACTURER *AGE CAGE (CASE*AGE) -0.032469 DAGE(DEERE*AGE) -0.079904 MAGE(MF*AGE) 0.0 1499 HAGE(HT*AGE) -0.13891 IAGE(IH*AGE) -0.25007 NAGE(NH*AGE) -0.059158 CONDITION GOOD -0.098975 FAIR -0.084744 POOR -0.22034 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.086767 BANKRUPT 0.0 10756 DEALER -0.022957 OTHERS RNFI 0.004521 RIR 1.9548 CONSTANT -3.0247 AGE -0.053669 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE Note: 2.1 68039** 4.53 0283 *** 0.5 17063 3.517539*** 2.01 1059** A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0. 13452 1.264 1669 0.20492 0.04963 2.699853*** 0.11284 1.8322604* 0.3106729 1.495277 0.7540283 1.2747402 -0.542234 -0.0 18443 -1.119726 -1 .969049** 0. 178729 -0.020485 -0.00889 -0.027511 -0.029029 -0.016465 -2.068795 * * 2.939272*** _2.189755** -1.4 19338 -4.25 1503 -2.499823 ** _1.825518* 3.082309*** 0.329534 -0.3 10776 3.11 1493*** 1.642689 2.335676** -1.4568 13 0.173 0.7 0.5689 0.536 Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 0. 153 55 0. 13945 -0. 19765 -0.15493 -0.46095 0. 193 14 0.075227 0.05726 0.006745 -0.22625 0.3387 -0.0 1069 -0.52 1274 1.984348** -1.468 187 1.866124* _4.525576*** 2.355383** -1.150706 3.4280542*** 1.0841031 0.343450 1 3.3138449*** -0.543178 2.0916445** -1.175294 77 Comparison Between Models Table 4.40 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The A-E model exhibited less error in its predictive ability (1.05 for B-C and 0.77 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.10, assuming the baler was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the RV estimated by the A-B model was slightly higher than that of the B-C estimation from the fourth year to the eleventh year of the useful lives of Balers. Beyond this, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Table 4.40 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Balers SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C A-B 297 224.885 297 205.4697 33 1.0537 33 0.7721 Figure 4.10 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Baler 78 4.2.6 Forage Harvesters Data Description The data set for Forage Harvesters contained 76 observations and is I if i summarized in Tables 4.41 and 4.42. Table 4.43 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real New Holland Forage Harvester interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.44 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Two main manufacturers, DEERE and NH, accounted for three-fourths of all sales. The most common auction type (68.42%) was Farmer Retirement and most Forage Harvesters were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.43. FARMRET was the significant auction type variable; all the Age-Manufacturer cross product variables were insignificant in both models; and RNFI, RIR and constant also affected the remaining value significantly. DEERE was a significant variable in the A-E model and FAIR was significant in the B-C estimation. AGE was also significant in the B-C estimation. Table 4.41 - Summary statistics for Forage Harvesters (Sample size: 76) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.27888 1.063057 36.31089 9.236842 Standard Deviation 0.205161 0.012412 9.13515 5.281082 Minimum 0.03853 1.0494 21.3178 Maximum 0.92692 1.0916 54.9 0 21 79 Table 4.42 - Frequency statistics for Forage Harvesters (Sample size: 76) Frequency Percent (%) MANUFACTUpRS DEERE NH OTHER 32 24 20 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 21 GOOD FAIR POOR UNKNOWN AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER UNKNOWN 44 9 1 1 42.12 31.58 26.32 27.63 57.89 11.84 1.32 1.32 6 2 68.42 19.74 7.89 2.63 1 1.32 52 15 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.09 and 1.42, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Forage-Harvester equipment might approximate the Geometric functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 in the B-C indicate a fairly good fit for the Forage Harvester data set. Table 4.43 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Forage Harvesters VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER DEERE 0.1946 0.9628 NH -0.095217 -0.444 MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE(DEERE*AGE) 0.011077 1.074 NAGE (NH*AGE) 0.0083777 0.7711 CONDITION GOOD -0.11456 -1 FAIR l.875* -0.30989 POOR -0.2405 -0.5289 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 3.221*** 0.51126 BANKRUPT 2.414** 0.45967 DEALER 0.52388 1.55 OTHERS RNFI 2.383** 0.015869 RIR 2.958*** -14.227 CONSTANT 2.541** 13.348 AGE 5.234*** -0.044048 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.09 AGE 1.42 B-C R-SQUARE 0.7437 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0 .6900 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VAL UES SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 76 Log-likelihood Value 80.4162 Note: Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 80 A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATJO 2.1048 0.43243 1.7455* 1.4585 -0.051827 0.00698 -1.4017 -0.059004 -0.093483 0.42128 -0.5404 -0.46017 0.22711 0.56758 0.52743 0.51155 1.8531* 1.6379 1.4014 0.017277 -3.4653 5.4462 -0.28433 3.8645*** 5.6605*** 1.7855* -1.5456 0.29 153 76 50.59121 81 Comparison Between Models Because the Forage Harvester data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.5, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.5, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model did until the 1 sixth year of the useful lives of Forage Harvesters. After that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Figure 4.11 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Forage Harvesters 1 0.8 >0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 AGE 13 15 17 19 82 4.2.7 Mower Conditioners Data Description The data set for Mower Conditioners contained 217 observations, of which 195 were used in the estimation process and 22 were used to test predictive ability. Two main manufacturers, New Holland and John Deere, accounted for most of data for Mower Conditioners. The most common auction type was Farmer Retirement (64.52%) and most Mower SC414 Deluxe Case IH Mower Conditioner Conditioners were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.46. All auction type variables and all condition variables were significant in both models, as was RNFI. Manufacturer variable HT and its corresponding age-manufacturer cross product variable were also significant in the B-C estimation. AGE was significant in the B-C estimation. 83 Table 4.44 - Summary statistics for Mower Conditioners (Sample size: 217) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.321531 1.063794 35.74111 7.880184 Standard Deviation 0.17283 0.011841 9.098077 4.772066 Minimum 0.02633 1.0494 21.3178 Maximum 0.82686 1.0916 54.9 1 23 Table 4.45 - Frequency statistics for Mower Conditioners (Sample size: 217) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 58 IH 18 NH 88 HT 30 OTHER 23 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 57 GOOD 118 FAIR 30 POOR 10 UNKNOWN 2 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 140 BANKRUPT 46 CONSIGN 29 UNKNOWN 2 Percent (%) 26.73 8.29 40.55 13.82 10.60 26.27 54.38 13.82 4.61 0.92 64.52 21.20 13.36 0.92 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.5 and 0.24, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Mower Conditioners might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 in the B-C indicate a good fit for the data set. Table 4.46 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Mower Conditioners VARIABLES MANUFACTURER DEERE IH NH HT MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE (DEERE *AGE) IAGE (IH*AGE) NAGE (NH*AGE) HAGE (HT*AGE) CONDITION GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT OTHERS RNFI B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO -0.14299 0.30292 -0.087021 -0.45549 -1.067 A-E COEFFICIENTS 1-RATIO -0.0 12073 0.0017 194 -0.83227 0.075707 -0.7335 2.721*** -0.0011518 -0. 10032 -0.03 563 5 -1.1142 0.0526 1.023 -0. 10875 -1.223 1.592 3.053*** 0.0011202 -0.0005303 0.001067 0.0043274 0.62091 -0.23779 0.56449 1.1675 -0.13613 -0.3988 -0.67287 2.6098*** 0.074846 0.19143 1.123 -0.2 1435 -1 944* 3 .764*** -0.32432 345*** -0.079546 0. 1296 2.685 * * * 0.097925 1.751 * 0.0052997 -1.2274 0.64054 -0.20077 2.29** -0.6504 CONSTANT AGE B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUA RE 0.3 105 0.5 0.24 0.5766 0.53 85 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; * * Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. 84 34733*** 2.4667*** 0.32456 0.20589 3.2658*** 1.8274* 0.013 024 4.6205*** 0.93102 0.098744 -0.0045234 1.4963 1.4314 -1.3144 85 Comparison Between Models Table 4.47 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The A-E model exhibited less error in its predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.12, assuming the tractor was manufactured by New Holland, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model did until the eleventh year of the useful lives of Mower Conditioners. After that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Table 4.47 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Mower Conditioners SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 195 A-E 195 157.002 22 0.5237233 140.3572 22 0.3840946 Figure 4.12 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Mower Conditioners 1 0.8 >0.6 A-E 0.4 --- B-C 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 1921 23 AGE 86 4.2.8 Mower Cutters Data Description The data set for Mower Cutters contained 54 observations and is summarized in Tables 4.48 and 4.49. Table 4.48 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 449 CAT NOVA 310 front Mower Cutter lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Manufacturer John Deere dominated this data set, with nearly 55.56% of the all observations. Farmer Retirement represented the most common auction type (83.33%). Most Mower Cutters were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.50. A-E model suggests that FAIR was the only significant condition variable. FARMRET was the only significant manufacturer type variable and AGE affected the remaining value significantly in the B-C estimation. 87 Table 4.48 - Summary statistics for Mower Cutters (Sample size: 54) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.430409 1.061326 39.02359 7.462963 Standard Deviation 0.177183 0.009043 8.372586 5.060811 Minimum 0.12634 1.0494 21.3178 Maximum 0.89842 1.0916 54.9 1 21 Table 4.49 - Frequency statistics for Mower Cutters (Sample size: 54) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 30 IH 5 NH 6 BH 6 OTHER 7 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 15 GOOD 32 FAIR 7 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 45 BANKRUPT 4 CONSIGN 4 UNKNOWN 5 Percent (%) 55.56 9.26 11.11 11.11 12.96 27.78 59.26 12.96 83.33 7.41 7.41 9.26 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.55 and 0.12, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Mower Cutters might approximate the Logarithmic functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 vales in the B-C indicate a fair fit for the data set. 88 Table 4.50 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Mower Cutters VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER DEERE -0.2963 2 -0.76 IH -0.26175 -0.549 NH -0.31366 -0.671 BH -0.5381 -1.213 MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE (DEERE*AGE) 0.28613 0.8202 IAGE (IH*AGE) 0.22243 0.574 NAGE (NH*AGE) 0.3465 0.9294 BAGE(BH*AGE) 1.213 0.46956 CONDITION GOOD 0.01 14 0.1675 FAIR -0.6598 -0.069361 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET -0.048637 -0.4828 1.989* BANKRUPT -0.2889 OTHERS RNFI -0.0038951 -0.9651 RIR -2.503 -0.6005 CONSTANT 2.987 1 0.6688 1.812* AGE -0.61942 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.55 AGE -0.12 B-CR-SQUARE 0.6151 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.463 1 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VAL UES SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 54 Log-likelihood Value Note: 45.1300 Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. A-E T-RATIO COEFFICIENTS -0.15397 -0. 13201 -0. 15593 -0.6556 1 -0.6 112 -0.09997 -0.62302 -0.55403 0.043778 0.037777 0.046259 0.038632 0.66086 0.62969 0.6635 0.64036 -0.054021 -0.65331 2.7969*** -0.3815 1 0.048421 -0. 15476 0.32907 -0.0082261 1.3506 0.35374 -1.6406 1.1358 0.74514 -0.68646 -0.05 1395 -0.73 5 19 54 39.25167 89 Comparison Between Models Because the Mower Cutter data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.13, assuming the tractor was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model did from the second year to the eleventh year. Beyond that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Figure 4.13 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Mower Cutters I 0.8 >0.6 A-E 0.4 B-C 0.2 ii 0 1 I 3 r 1 5 Ti' I 7 9 I 1 I Ii 11 13 15 17 19 21 AGE 90 4.3 PLANTING AND TILLAGE EQUIPMENT The major types of machinery included in the planting and tillage equipment are planters, disks, plows and drills. This is the first attempt to estimate models for drills. 4.3.1 Planters Data Description The data set for planters contained 266 observations, of which 239 were used in the estimation process and 27 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.51 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.52 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Manufacturer John Deere dominated this data set, with nearly 75.56% of all observations. Farmer Retirements represented the most comnion auction type (71.43%). Most planters were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are sunmiarized in Table 4.53. The condition dummy variables GOOD and FAIR and the 91 auction type variable BANKRUPT were significant in both estimations, as was variable RINFI. DEERE was significant in the B-C model, while RIR was only significant in the A-E estimation. Table 4.51 - Summary statistics for Planters (Sample size: 266) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.428266 1.063736 36.64519 8.161654 Standard Deviation 0.200442 0.011845 8.699051 4.436576 Minimum 0.03422 1.0494 21.3178 Maximum 0.99079 1.0916 54.9 0 23 Table 4.52 - Frequency statistics for Planters (Sample size: 266) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 201 III 50 OTHER 15 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 84 GOOD 146 FAIR 31 POOR 1 UNKNOWN 4 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 190 BANKRUPT 16 CONSIGN 27 DEALER 16 UNKNOWN 17 Percent (%) 75.56 18.80 5.64 31.58 54.89 11.65 0.38 1.50 71.43 6.02 10.15 6.02 6.39 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.49 and 0.75, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for planters might approximate the Sum of Year Digits functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 value in the B-C indicate a fair fit for the data set. 92 Table 4.53 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Planters VARIABLES MANUFACTURER DEERE IH MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE (DEERE*AGE) IAGE (IH*AGE) CONDITION GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT DEALER OTHERS RNFI B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO 0.3677 0.3212 1.632 0.018853 0.015879 1.1584 1.0459 -0.064867 -0.089925 -1.108 -1.509 -0.0019737 -0.0025134 -0.7772 -0.08578 -0.20935 0.00087078 _2.281** -0.13865 -0.32231 0.024638 2.977*** _3.7193*** 0.14266 0.0052075 -0.131 -0.02286 0. 1203 0.012558 -0.21038 -0.02488 1 0.20475 1.7658* -0.23442 0.0059792 0.81395 2.3** 0.4602 -0.8968 -0.04667 0.0078187 2.1644 0.035486 -0.00010339 3.1866*** 4.6611*** 1.4838 -0.043146 CONSTANT -1.73 82 AGE -0.0027315 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE Note: l.975** A-E T-RATIO COEFFICIENTS 3.704*** 0.003631 1.663* -0.3054 -0 .98866 0.49 0.75 0.5 117 0.4835 Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Table 4.54 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The two models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.31 for B-C and 0.34 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.14, assuming the planter was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. 93 Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows very similar deprecation patterns estimated by both models. Table 4.54 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Planters B-C SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE 239 132.544 27 0.3090279 A-E 239 117.2576 27 0.3389036 Figure 4.14 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Planters 4.3.2 Disks Data Description The contained data 139 set for disks observations, of which 125 were used in the estimation process and 14 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.55 shOws the average, 1444 4-Section Flexible Tandem Discs 29' - 40' 94 standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.56 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere and International Harvester accounted for more than 80 percent of the total disk sales (43.17% and 38.12%). Farmer Retirement represented the most common auction type (57.55%). Most disks were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.60. POOR was the significant condition dummy variable in both models. Condition variable EX and Age were only significant in the B-C estimation, while FARJvIRET was significant manufacturer variable only in the A-E regression. Table 4.55 - Summary statistics for Disks (Sample size: 139) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.271066 1.065774 34.37417 9.302158 Standard Deviation 0.148178 0.01311 8.112854 4.605691 Minimum 0.02467 1.0494 21.3178 2 Maximum 0.70972 1.0916 54.9 24 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.21 and 0.5, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for disks might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a fair fit for the data set. 95 Table 4.56 - Frequency statistics for Disks (Sample size: 139) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 60 IH 53 KE 5 OTHER 21 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 41 GOOD 60 FAIR 17 POOR 13 UNKNOWN 8 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 80 BANKRUPT 38 CONSIGN 19 DEALER 2 Percent (%) 43.17 38.13 3.60 15.11 29.50 43.17 12.23 9.35 5.76 57.55 27.34 13.67 1.44 Comparison Between Models Table 4.61 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. The A-E exhibited less error in its predictive ability (1.6 for B-C and 1.35 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.15, assuming the disk was manufactured by John Deere, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two models estimated similar depreciation patterns from the fifth year to the eleventh year of the useful lives of disks. Beyond this, remaining value estimated by the B-C model was higher that that of the A-E model, especially in the early and late years. 96 Table 4.57 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Disks VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER DEERE IH -0.053577 -0.065179 KB 0.62642 MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE(DEERE*AGE) 0.0041997 IAGE (IH*AGE) 0.06574 KAGE(KE*AGE) -0.207 19 CONDITION EX 0.11892 GOOD 0.0 10467 POOR -0 .2605 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.041743 BANKRUPT -0.03019 OTHERS RNFI 0.0023887 RIR -1.4985 CONSTANT 1.079 AGE -0.23851 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO -0.254281 -0.3 14116 0.994791 0.031739 0.094321 0.29899 0.2936349 0.8092056 0.741175 0.05 1791 -0.009365 0.010349 -0.025503 -0.558344 0.486348 -0.695948 1.89062* 0.180466 2.614937*** 0. 18462 -0.00 18 1.63 16394 -0.016 137 -0.62333 2.350769** 0.681518 0.24765 0.067395 1.9566248* 0.453228 0.008241 -1.3526 1.1121 -0.05 1372 1.5500404 -0.980785 0.6526791 -0.654963 0.846728 -0.972723 -0.4 1948 0.604734 -0.674089 0.439332 3 .44369w 0.21 0.5 0.4649 0.4021 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; * * Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Table 4.58 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Disks SAMPLE SIZE (100%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 125 109.5 19 102.6703 14 14 1.60889 1.350507 A-B 125 97 Figure 4.15 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Disks I 0.8 0.6 -*---A-E 0.4 -*-- BC 0.2 0 ( 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 AGE 4.3.3 Plows Data Description The data set for plows contained 108 observations, of which 97 were used in the estimation process and 11 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.59 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.60 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. John Deere 700 and 800 Trailing Mold Board Plow (42.59%) and International Harvester (57.4 1%) dominated the data set in this sample. Farmer Retirement represented the most common auction type (75%). Most plows were in Good condition (70.37%). 98 Table 4.59 - Summary statistics for Plows (Sample size: 108) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.272295 1.067548 33.18449 10.52778 Standard Deviation 0.126664 0.014938 8.490812 4.163613 Minimum 0.06995 1.0494 23.529 Maximum 0.54527 1.0916 54.9 2 23 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.61. Neither model fit very well, a result that likely arises out of the abuse that this equipment receivers. No variables in the A-E estimation were significant, while only Dealer was significant in the B-C model. The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.52 and 0.25, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for plows might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a poor fit for the data set. Table 4.60 - Frequency statistics for Plows (Sample size: 108) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 46 IH 62 OTHER 2 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 12 GOOD 76 FAIR 16 POOR 2 UNKNOWN 2 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 81 BANKRUPT 5 CONSIGN 15 DEALER 1 UNKNOWN 6 Percent (%) 42.59 57.41 1.85 11.11 70.37 14.81 1.85 1.85 75.00 4.63 13.89 0.93 5.56 99 Table 4.61 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Plows VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER DEERE 0.31665 MANUFACTURER *AGE DAGE (DEERE*AGE) -0.067719 CONDITION GOOD 0.097253 FAIR 0.069605 POOR 0.17304 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.041775 BANKRUPT 0.14421 DEALER -0.4 1845 OTHERS RNFI 0.000323 15 MR 0.79326 CONSTANT -1.7724 AGE -0.073735 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 1.537 0.019462 0.20478 -1.032 -0.0009625 -0.20032 1.176 0.6812 0.9376 0.04557 -0.018668 0.38224 -0.10589 0.38334 0.6171 1.179 0.088047 0.2496 -1.0769 -1.73 * 0. 13385 0.3 197 0.0046201 1.5168 -0.6485 -1.426 0.049 133 -0.00 1116 0.06731 0.75788 1.2 187 -1. 1603 0.49781 0.35441 0.20968 -0.21324 0.52 0.25 0.2186 0.1175 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Table 4.62 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. Both models exhibited very similar predictive abilities (0.43 6 for B-C and 0.43 7 for A-E). Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.16, assuming the plow was manufactured by International Harvester, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph 100 shows that the A-B model estimated higher remaining value than the A-E model did 14th from the fourth to the year in the useful life of plows. Table 4.62 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Plows SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE B-C 97 A-E 97 78.2884 74.95526 11 11 0.4360396 0.4366988 Figure 4.16 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-B models for Plows I 0.8 RB-C 0.2 0' 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 AGE 4.3.4 Drills Data Description The data set for drills contained 75 observations and is summarized in Tables 4.63 and 4.64. Table 4.63 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), 107 All Purpose Drill 101 RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.64 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-B models. John Deere and International Harvester (48.61% and 50%) contained almost all the observations. Farmer Retirement was the most common auction type (75%) and most drills were in Good condition. Table 4.63 - Summary statistics for Drills (Sample size: 72) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.39478 1.059931 37.7988 10.65278 Standard Deviation 0.210771 0.009173 7.860633 4.37393 Minimum 0.03397 1.0494 23.529 Maximum 0.94286 1.0916 54.9 3 22 Table 4.64 - Frequency statistics for Drills (Sample size: 72) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 35 IH 36 OTHER 1 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 12 GOOD 49 FAIR 10 UNKNOWN 1 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 54 BANKRUPT 4 CONSIGN 10 UNKNOWN 4 Percent (%) 48.61 50.00 1.39 16.67 68.06 13.89 1.39 75.00 5.56 13.89 5.56 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.65. Although the R2 values were reasonably good, virtually all variables were insignificant. Only Age in the B-C model was significant. 102 The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.61 and 0.26, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Drills might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. Table 4.65 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Drills VARIABLES B-C T-RATIO COEFFICENTS MANUFACTURER IH 0.28373 1.248 MANUFACTURER *AGE IAGE (IH*AGE) -0.063775 -0.921 CONDITION GOOD 1.018 0.081276 FAIR -0.2572 -0.028153 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 0.057449 0.8283 BANKRUPT -0.3 11 -0.041224 OTHERS RNFI 0.5294 0.0025 197 RIR 1.019 3.7676 CONSTANT -4.1084 -1.027 6.068*** AGE -0.26995 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.61 AGE 0.26 B-C R-SQUARE 0.6065 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.5494 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VAL UES SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 72 42.7578 Log-likelihood Value Note: A-E T-RATIO COEFFICIENTS 0.18019 0.64701 -0.0090612 -0.50178 0.058108 -0.29327 0.65779 -1.4161 0.13388 -0.039435 1.0777 -0.19815 -0.00365 -0.28006 0.91892 -0.039222 -0.60284 -0.23795 0.75931 -0.75273 72 39.50035 Significant in 99% confidence level; * * Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Because the drill data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. 103 Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.17, assuming the drill was manufactured by International Harvester, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-B model estimated a slightly higher remaining value than the B-C estimation did in the middle years. Figure 4.17 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Drills 0.8' 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 AGE 13 15 17 19 104 4.4 OTHER MACHINERY Miscellaneous machinery, including Grinder Mixers, Manure Spreaders, Skid Steer Loaders and Trucks are examined in this section. This is the first attempt to estimate models for Grinder Mixers and Trucks. 4.4.1 Grinder Mixers 4.4.1 .1 Data Description The data set for Grinder Mixers contained 41 observations and is summarized in Tables 4.66 and 4.67. Table 4.66 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.67 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Gehi and New Holland contained more than 60 percent of all observations (31.7% and 34.14%). Farmer Retirement was the most common auction type (80.49%) and most New Holland 355 Grinder Mixer Grinder Mixers were in either Good or Excellent condition. Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.68. Although the B-C model generated a higher R2, the number of variables relative to total sample size apparently contributed to problem of 105 variable significance. No variables in the A-B estimation were significant, while only Age was significant in the B-C model. The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.07 and 0.38, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for Grinder Mixers might approximate the Geometric functional form. Table 4.66 - Summary statistics for Grinder Mixers (Sample size: 41) Variables RV Mean 0.359532 MR 1.0593 RNFI AGE 39.27008 8.878049 Standard Deviation Minimum 0.21601 0.05002 0.008238 1.0494 9.045413 21.3178 5.710495 1 Maximum 0.86599 1.0916 54.9 25 Table 4.67 - Frequency statistics for Grinder Mixers (Sample size: 41) Frequency MANUFACTURERS GE 13 NH 14 OTHER 14 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 11 GOOD 23 FAIR 6 POOR 1 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 33 BANKRUPT 6 CONSIGN 1 DEALER 1 Percent (%) 31.71 34.15 34.15 26.83 56.10 14.63 2.44 80.49 14.63 2.44 2.44 106 Table 4.68 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Grinder Mixers VARIABLES MANUFACTURER GE B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0.12418 0.303 1 -0.00200 17 -0.03 8947 NH MANUFACTURER *AGE GAGE (GE*AGE) NAGE (NH*AGE) CONDITION -0.147 15 -0.3653 -0.026504 -0.24559 -0.11956 0.012626 -1.121 0. 1029 -0.0011142 -0.00034523 -0.17009 -0.062908 GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT DEALER 0.062178 -0.45145 -1.5511 0.3738 -1.644 -3.41 0.087267 -0.47726 -1.7533 0.77606 -1.3207 -0.76935 0.090368 -0.6637 0.30647 0.2 156 0.33055 1.03 14 -1.429 0.5442 -0.4267 1 0.26567 -0.99565 0.66827 0.57 0.8442 -0.885 -0.0022189 0.68121 0.24082 -0.0087656 -0.37391 0.20523 0.27927 -0.27684 OTHERS RNFI 0.0053479 RIR 8.5 173 CONSTANT -9.6805 AGE -0. 16434 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.07 AGE 0.38 B-C R-SQUARE 0.783 7 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.6796 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VALUE SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 41 Log-likelihood Value l.7l7* 37.8209 41 25.91851 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Because the Grinder Mixer data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.18, assuming the grinder mixer was manufactured by New Holland, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer 107 Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model did until the ninth year of the useful lives of Grinder Mixers. After that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Figure 4.18 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Grinder Mixers 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 -'*-- B-C 0.2 0 I 1 r I I 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 AGE 4.4.2 Manure Spreaders Data Description The data set for Manure Spreaders contained 81 observations fr and is summarized in Tables 4.69 and 4.70. Table 4.69 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real Gehi Scavenger Manure Spreader 108 net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.70 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. New Holland and John Deere contained more than half of all observations (38.27%, 22.22% and 14.81%). Farmer Retirement was still the most common auction type (62.96%) and most manure spreaders were in either Good or Excellent condition. Table 4.69 - Summary statistics for Manure Spreaders (Sample size: 81) Variables RV RIR RNFI AGE Mean 0.441573 1.059315 38.44304 6.012346 Standard Deviation 0.241694 0.011172 7.792691 4.553828 Minimum 0.02064 23.529 Maximum 0.99058 1.0916 54.9 0 17 1.0494 Table 4.70 - Frequency statistics for Manure Spreaders (Sample size: 81) Frequency MANUFACTURERS DEERE 18 NH 31 OTHER 32 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 31 GOOD 38 FAIR 10 POOR 2 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET 51 BANKRUPT 13 CONSIGN 13 DEALER 1 UNKNOWN 3 Percent (%) 22.22 38.27 39.50 38.27 46.91 12.35 2.47 62.96 16.05 16.05 1.23 3.70 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-B (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.71. FARMRET was the significant auction type variable, as 109 were the manufacturer variable DEERE and its Age-Manufacturer cross product variables DAGE. The condition dummy variables POOR and AGE were only significant in the B-C model, while the condition variable FAIR and auction type variable CONSIGN were only significant in the A-E estimation. The B-C transformations estimated for RV and AGE were 0.49 and 0.39, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for the manure spreaders might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a fair fit for the data set. Table 4.71 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Manure Spreaders VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER 2.703*** DEERE 0.40306 NH -0.021359 -0.183 MANUFACTURER *AGE 2.507** DAGE (DEERE*AGE) -0.1345 NAGE (NH*AGE) -0.037773 -0.8766 CONDITION GOOD 0.0973 96 1.20 1 FAIR -0.11562 -0.9205 -2.731 * * * POOR -0.60338 AUCTION TYPE l.93** FARMRET 0.29643 BANKRUPT 0.18655 1.094 CONSIGN 0.20708 1.197 OTHERS RNFI 0.0081995 1.444 RIR 3.2399 0.8 105 CONSTANT -4.5117 -1.03 AGE -0.098985 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.49 AGE 0.39 B-CR-SQUARE 0.5944 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.5 157 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VALUE SAMPLE SIZE (100%) Log-likelihood Value A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0. 16488 0.5 15 15 0.032873 0.34691 -0.025276 -0.5116 -0.46629 -0.0106 13 0.089097 -0.43294 -1.8822 1. 1325 2.0459** -1.0 166 0.55638 0.4897 0.63937 1.7 147* 0.0086001 -0.58022 1.4437 -0.34161 1.4494 1.836* 0.4 14 1 0.553 11 -0.0097211 -0.53566 81 81 39.0702 30.00273 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; 110 ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Because the Forage Harvester data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.19, assuming the manure spreader was manufactured by New Holland, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI and RIR were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the two models estimated similar depreciation patterns until the ninth year. After that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Figure 4.19 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Manure Spreaders 1 0.8 A-E *B C 0.2 0l 1 234567891011121314 AGE 4.4.3 Skid Steer Loaders Data Description The data set for Skid Steer Loaders contained 94 observations and is summarized in Tables 4.72 and 4.73. Table 4.72 shows the average, standard deviation, minimum and 111 maximum value of HPY (hours per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.73 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Case, Meirose and Gehi contained more than 80 percent of the all observations (37.23%, 25.53% and 19.15%). Farmer Retirement and New Holland Superboom skid steers Bankruptcy were the most common auction types (45.74% and 32.98%). Most skid steer loaders were in either Good or Excellent condition. Table 4.72 - Summary statistics for Skid Steer Loaders (Sample size: 94) Variables RV MR RNFI HPY AGE Mean 0.420553 1.060326 43.08308 1322.553 5.531915 Standard Deviation Minimum 0.148173 0.10199 0.006202 1.0494 6.874663 29.5678 969.0891 41 3.884632 1 Maximum 0.81299 1.0688 54.9 5000 21 Table 4.73 - Frequency statistics for Skid Steer Loaders (Sample size: 94) Frequency MANUFACTURERS CASE 35 GE 18 MELROSE 24 OTHER 17 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 27 GOOD 53 FAIR 12 UNKNOWN 2 AUCTION TYPE FARMIRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER UNKNOWN 43 31 12 4 4 Percent (%) 37.23 19.15 26.53 18.09 28.72 56.38 12.77 2.13 45.74 32.98 12.77 4.26 4.26 112 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.74. FARMRET was a significant auction type variable for both models, as were variables RNFI, HPY and AGE. CONSTANT was also significant in the A-B estimation. Table 4.74 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Skid Steer Loaders VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER CASE 0.022431 0.2379 GE -0.098627 -1.034 MELROSE 0.0061292 0.06987 MANUFACTURER *AGE CAGE (CASE*AGE) 0.0027344 0.06069 GAGE (GE*AGE) 0.026073 0.5 176 MAGE (MELROSE*AGE) 0.026268 0.5932 CONDITION GOOD -0.024984 -0.626 1 FAIR -0.023827 -0.4348 AUCTION TYPE 3.729*** FARMRET 0. 14716 BANKRUPT 0.05258 1.097 DEALER 0.07082 0.9095 OTHERS 373*** RNFI 0.0082626 RIR 1. 1267 0.4279 CONSTANT -1.9704 -0.7083 4.482*** AGE -0.13995 2.691*** HPY -0.00033866 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV 0.7 AGE 0.15 HPY 0.73 B-C R-SQUARE 0.6565 B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE 0.5905 COMPARISON OF LOG-LIKELIHOOD VALUE SAMPLE SIZE (100%) 94 Log-likelihood Value 98.1156 A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 0.0043723 -0.010185 0.0029206 0.36494 -0.66903 0.24287 -0.0011216 -0.00051439 0.000074707 -0.72083 -0.22476 0.052588 -0.070817 -0.12945 -1.2 124 -1.5 197 0.2845 0.11237 0.20662 3 .6347*** 0.0 17448 0.85 185 47574*** 1.3 502 1.713 1 1.6 155 -0.00322 15 1.809* 1.6799* -0.000092274 2.9624*** 0.098968 94 94.21853 113 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. The B-C transformations estimated for RV, HPY and AGE were 0.7, 0.73 and 0.15, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for skid steer loaders might approximate the Double Square Root functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the B-C indicate a good fit for the data set. Comparison Between Models Because the skid steer loader data set contained fewer than 100 observations, no attempt was made to reserve observations for a MAPE test of predictive ability. Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.20, assuming the skid steer loader was manufactured by Case, in Good condition and sold at a Farmer Retirement auction. Variables RNFI, RIR and HPY were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the A-E model estimated higher remaining values than the B-C model did until the seventh year of the useful lives of skid steer loaders. After that, the B-C model estimated higher remaining values than the A-E model did. Figure 4.20 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Skid Steer Loaders 11 0.8 A-E -*- B-C 0.2 0 - 1 I 3 5 7 F 9 F I 11 AGE I F 13 15 17 19 114 4.4.4 Trucks Data Description Although the Hot Line data set contained many observations for heavyduty trucks, list prices were only available for lighter duty pickup trucks. The data set for trucks contained 123 observations, of which 111 were used in the estimation process and 12 were used to test predictive ability. Table 4.75 shows the average, 2001 F-iSO SuperCrew 4x4 Ford Truck standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of MPY (miles per year), RIR (real interest rate), RNFI (real net farm interest), RV (remaining value) and Age. Table 4.76 lists the distribution of dummy variables included in both B-C and A-E models. Ford and Chevrolet contained more than 90 percent of all observations (54.47% and 38.21%). Farmer Retirement and Bankrupt were the most common auction type (3 9.02% and 57.72%). Most trucks were in either Good or Fair conditions (40.65% and 30.08%). Table 4.75 - Summary statistics for Trucks (Sample size: 123) Variables RV MR RNFI MPY AGE Mean 0.317241 1.062806 34.84145 9799.864 9.308943 Standard Deviation 0.245056 0.009601 6.997774 6533.111 4.345961 Minimum Maximum 0.03304 0.98112 1.0494 1.0916 21.3178 54.9 476.62 41666.67 1 22 115 Table 4.76 - Frequency statistics for Trucks (Sample size: 123) Frequency MANUFACTURERS FORD 67 DODGE 8 CHEV 47 OTHER 1 EQUIPMENT CONDITION EX 18 GOOD FAIR POOR AUCTION TYPE FARMRET BANKRUPT CONSIGN DEALER Percent (%) 54.47 6.50 38.21 0.81 14.63 50 37 40.65 30.08 18 14.63 48 3 39.02 57.72 2.44 1 0.81 71 Models Estimation The regression results for the B-C (Equation 3.5) and A-E (Equation 3.7) models are summarized in Table 4.77. Notice that MPY in this sample is actually miles per year, instead of hours per year as was the case for tractors, Combines and Skid Steer Loaders (See Table 5.1). All condition variables and AGE were significant for both models, while all auction type variables were insignificant. All manufacturer type variables and their corresponding cross product variables were only significant in the A-E estimation, as were RIR and CONSTANT, while RNFI and MPY were only significant in the B-C regression. RNFI also had the wrong sign, because the market for these trucks extends well beyond the farm sector. RNFI was not the best variable to reflect the economy. The B-C transformations estimated for RV, MPY and AGE were 0.31, 0.04 and 0.21, respectively. This indicates that the depreciation pattern for trucks might approximate the Cobb-Douglas functional form. The R2 and adjusted R2 values in the BC indicate a fairly good fit for the data set. 116 Table 4.77 - Regression coefficients and t-statistics for Trucks VARIABLES B-C COEFFICENTS T-RATIO MANUFACTURER FORD 0.3539 CHEV 0.060568 MANUFACTURER *AGE FAGE (FORD*AGE) -0.054429 CAGE (CHEV*AGE) 0.10932 CONDITION GOOD -0.18937 FAIR -0.5271 POOR -0.68158 AUCTION TYPE FARMRET -0.0044376 BANKRUPT -0.19254 OTHERS RNFI -0.011799 RIR -4.6721 CONSTANT 6.7394 MPY -0.10838 AGE -0.46317 B-C TRANSFORMATION RV AGE MPY B-C R-SQUARE B-C ADJUSTED R-SQUARE A-E COEFFICIENTS T-RATIO 1.144 0.1941 16.634 16.34 3.4675*** 2.7467*** -0.4698 0.9399 -1.1236 -0.90255 3.6503*** 2.2465*** 2.064** 4.697*** _5.138*** -0.24144 -0.87668 -1.2134 2.4993*** 4.9787*** 3.3867*** -0.02329 -1.002 -0.13985 -0.40495 -0.35178 -1.0102 2.011** -1.094 0.0055334 -2.9433 5.7133 -5.6163E-06 13.578 1.177 1.42 2.964*** 4.468*** 6.670l*** 1.9228* -0.89949 1.9269* 0.31 0.12 0.04 0.7408 0.7060 Note: *** Significant in 99% confidence level; ** Significant in 95% confidence level; and * Significant in 90% confidence level. Comparison Between Models Table 4.85 provides a comparison of the log-likelihood values, as well as the predictive abilities (MAPE) of both models. Nevertheless, the A-E model exhibited lower error in predictive value (MAPE was 0.40 for B-C and 0.30 for A-E) Both models are summarized graphically in Figure 4.21, assuming the truck was manufactured by Ford, in Good condition and sold at a bankrupt auction. Variables 117 RNFI, RIR and MPY were set at their average levels. This graph shows that the difference between the two models was more obvious compared with other models. Table 4.78 - Comparison of B-C and A-E models for Trucks SAMPLE SIZE (10%) MAPE SAMPLE SIZE (90%) Log-likelihood Value B-C 12 A-E 0.4021756 0.3022057 111 111 91.2347 56.16311 12 Figure 4.21 - Comparison of depreciation patterns of the B-C and A-E models for Trucks I 0.8 -IE-B-C 0:2 o L 1 3 5 7 9 AGE 11 13 15 17 118 CHAPTER 5 5.1 CONCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS SUMMARIES AND COMPARISONS The primary objectives of this study were to (1) update depreciation functions for farm equipment; (2) estimate functions for several types of equipment not previously analyzed and (3) compare the predictive abilities of several alternative functional forms, particularly the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential. Attention will now be focused on an overview of the result and the implication they suggest. 5.1.1 Summary of the Data Distribution The primary data used in this analysis were obtained from auction sales prices reported monthly by Hot Line Inc. from 1984 to 1999, organized into four major groups: tractors, harvesting equipment, harvesting and tillage equipment and other equipment (See Table 5.1). By far, the largest data sets were for tractors and combines, all of which had over 650 observations. Mower Cutters and Grinder Mixers had only about 50 observations. The average remaining value by equipment category ranged from 0.12 to 0.44, and the average age varied from 5.53 to 16.65 years. The average RV value generally decreased as the average Age increased. For example, the oldest farm machinery, on average, was Cotton Harvesters, which also had the average lowest remaining value (0.12). One counter example was Skid Steer Loaders, which was the newest equipment on average, but which did not have the average highest remaining value. This last result underscores the fact that age is a primary factor affecting the RV value, but not the only one. Other variables impacting the average RV are also summarized in Table 5.1. The average value for HPY ranged from 198.84 to 1322.55, the average RNFI varied from 33.18 to 47.02, and the average RIR fluctuated between 1.059 and 1.067. Table 5.1 - Summary of Data Distribution -- Average Data and Largest Frequency Data Type of Farm Machinery Tractors Sample Size RV Average Data for HPY* AGE RNFI RIR Largest Frequency for Manufactures Auction Type Less than 80 HP 657 80120HP 1420 783 0.372825 0.314382 0.231199 12.37534 233.0433 14.77376 283.4131 12.93678 342.5924 39.97748 40.60289 42.86469 1.060424 1.059811 1.059892 DEERE DEERE DEERE 1912 1845 0.318692 0.317644 13.86535 11.96195 325.3804 40.17029 42.23705 1.06055 105981 DEERE DEERE FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET CONSIGN FARMRET FARMRET 0.214838 12.97145 0.331729 8.219388 0.129709 16.65333 0.213453 13.29947 0.355978 7.49697 0.27888 9.236842 0.321531 7.880184 0.430409 7.462963 198.842 42.7806 39.94594 47.02217 38.92 38.57529 36.31089 35.74111 1.060865 1.061755 1.063507 1.061477 1.061683 1.063057 1.063794 1.061326 DEERE DEERE DEERE DEERE DEERE DEERE NH DEERE FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET 1.063736 1.065774 1.067548 1.059931 DEERE DEERE IH IH FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET 1.0593 1.059315 NH NH CASE FORD FARMRET FARMRET FARMRET BANKRUPT 120+ HP wi FWD 120145 wlo FWD 145+ HP wlo FWD 3849655 Harvesting Equipment Combine Corn_Header Cotton Harvester Swather Baler Forage_harvester Mower Conditioner Mower Cutter 2510 176 75 168 297 76 195 54 3902359 Planting and Tillage Equipment Planters Disks Plows Drills 239 125 97 72 0.428266 8.161654 0.271066 9.302158 0.272295 10.52778 0.39478 10.65278 36.64519 34.37417 33.18449 0.359532 0.441573 0.420553 0.317241 39.27008 38.44304 43.08308 34.84145 377988 Other machinery Grmder Mixer Manure_Spreader Skid_Steer_Loader Truck * 41 81 94 163 HPY for trucks was not Hours per year, but miles per year. 8.878049 6.012346 5.531915 9.308943 1322.553 9799.864* 1.060326 1.062806 Table 5.2 - Comparison of the Significant Variables in the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential Models Type of Farm Box-Cox Additive-Exponential Machinery MANU MANU COND AUC OTHERS MANU MANU COND AUC *AGE Tractors Less than 80 HP -G,-F,-P CI, DR, MF, 80--i20 HP 120+ HP wI FWD -MF, -IH, 120-445 w/o FWD FD, DR *AGE - MG 145+ HP wlo FWD F -G,-F,-P F,D -F, -P F, D -G, -F, -P F, D -G, -F, -P F, B, D RN, RI, A -H,L, -CN RN,-H, -A RN,RI, -A -H, -CN RN,RI, -A -H, -CN RN,RI,-A -H, -CN CA, FD, DR -IH, -MF -CG, FG -DG IG CI, FD, DR -G, -F, -P F -G, -F, -P -G, -F, -P F, B F, B, D -G, -F, -P F, D -G, -F, -P F, B, D Combine WH -G, -F, -P F, D RN,RI,-A -H, -CN -G, -F, -P F, D Corn Header Cotton Harvester Swather CA -F -G, -P -G, -F, -P F RN,-A -F RN, -C,-A -G,-P F B,D RN -G, -F -G, -F, -P F RN, -CN DR -F F,B RN,-RI, DR F, B CN, -A RN, -A -G, -F, -P -B -A -F RN -G, -F -P Baler AG,-CG DR,IH,MF, NH,HT,VS CA, DR, HT,IH, NH -DG, -HG-VG -DG, -HG -IG Forage Harvester Mower Conditioner Mower Cutter -HT HG -G, -F, -P -DG,-HG -NG RN, -RI, A, -H, L, CN RN,-RI, -H RN,-RI, -A -H,CN Harvesting Equipment -AC OTHERS -G, -F RN, RI, -A -H, CN RN, -RI, -H RN, RI, -H, CN RN, -RI RN RN, -RI F RN, CN F RN,-RI, CN F, B Planting and Tillage Equipment Planters Disks Plows Drills DR -G,-F -B E, -P - -A -D -A -B F RN, RI Table 5.2 (Continued) Other Machinery Grinder Mixer Manure_Spreader Skid_Steer_Loader Truck -A DR -DG -P -G, -F, -P F -A F RN,-H, -A -RN, -H, -A -F F,C F FD, CV -FG, -CVG -G, -F, -P RN,-H, - -A, CN -RI,CN,A Notations: 1. MANU=Manufacture; MANU*AGE=Manufacture* Age; COND=Conditions; AUC=Auction Type; AC= Allis-Chalmers; CICaseIH; DR=Deere; MF= Massey-Ferguston; IH= International Harvester; CA=CASE; FD=FORD; WH=White; NH= New Holland; HT= Hesston; VS= Versatile; CV=CHEV AG=AC*AGE; CIGCI*Age; DG=DR*Age; MGMF*Age; IG=IH*Age; CAG=CA*Age; FG=FD*Age; WGWH*Age; NG=NH*Age; HG=HT*Age; VGVS*Age; CVGCHEV*Age E=Excellent; G=Good; FFair; P=Poor. (In most cases, Excellent is default.) F= Farmer retirement; C=Consignrnent; BBankrupcy; D=Dealer closeout. (In most cases, Consignment is default.) RNRNFI; RJRIR; A=Age; H=HPY; L=LDR, CN=Constant 122 Most equipment sold was in good condition. John Deere was the predominant manufacturer of tractors, combines and most harvest equipment. New Holland was important in manufacturing hay-harvesting equipment. Most equipment was sold by consignment or when a farmer was retiring. 5.1.2 Summary of the Significant Variables in the B-C and A-E models Table 5.2 provides a summary of the significant variables estimated in the Box-Cox and Additive-Exponential models. The variables significant in both B-C and A-E models at the 90% confidence level have been highlighted in bold. A negative indicates there was a negative sign for the estimated coefficient; otherwise, the estimated coefficients were positive. Some conclusions regarding these variables can be derived from Table 5.2: I. Manufacturers: The manufacturer variables were generally insignificant in tractors in both B-C and A-E estimations. They were few consistent patterns among these dummy variables for both B-C and A-E model; and John Deere variables, when significant, were always positive in sign. Only in one case (Baler) was Deere positive for both models. In general, manufacturer seemed to have little impact on the intercept for either model. II. Manufacturer 'i4 Age: Manufacturer seemed to have even less impact on the age coefficient than it did on estimated intercept coefficients; and Most manufacturer Age variables showed negative coefficients. In essence, this means a faster rate of depreciation than exists for the default equipment. Again, however, the general conclusion is that manufacturer makes little difference on the rate of depreciation. 123 III. Condition: Condition variables were generally significant in most types of farm machinery, particularly those where many transactions were used in the data set; and Condition variables Good, Fair and Poor coefficients were negative in all the models, and generally become more negative as condition became worse. The average difference between variables is shown as Figure 5.1. The intuitive knowledge suggests that the remaining value decreases with reduced care. There was little difference, on average between excellent and good condition, but moving to fair or poor condition definitely impacted value. Figure 5.1 - Average Discount Values for condition variables 0 -0.1 flA7 -0.09385 DB-C A-E -0.2 -0.3 -0.28511 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 - B-C A-E GOOD -0.04722 -0.09385 FAIR -0.1594 -0.28511 POOR -0.36103 -0.66802 IV. Auction types Auction type variables were generally significant in most types of farm machinery; and The coefficients for farmer retirement were most often significant and were always positive. Dealer closeouts were significant in about one-third of the models, and 124 were always positive. Bankruptcy coefficients were also significant with the same frequency as Dealer closeout, but the signs were mixed. V. RNFI and RIR Macroeconomic variables RNFI was generally significant in most types of farm machinery. RIR was less significant than RNFI, but it kept its significance in all the tractors; RNFI was positive in all types of machinery, consistent with the prior hypothesis. A strong agricultural economy does drive up equipment prices; and RIR was mostly negative in the A-E estimation, but positive in the B-C estimation. The hypothesis is that increasing real interest rates reflect higher borrowing costs, which in turn make equipment purchases more expensive. The inconsistent signs bring the validity of this variable into question. VI. Age In the Box-Cox estimation, the Age variable was significant for almost every type of farm machinery. In the Additive-Exponential estimation, the Age variable was only significant in tractors and some other machinery such as Skid Steer Loaders and Trucks; and The Age coefficient was negative for all B-C models except the under 80 HP tractors. It is obvious that remaining value declines when the farm equipment becomes old. The counter intuitive result for the small tractor category can possibly be attributed to secondary demand for these tractors by hobby farmers. VII. HPY HPY was only available for Tractors, Combines, Skid Steer Loaders and Trucks, but was significant in each type; and In both B-C and A-E estimations, the coefficients of HPY were negative. Since HPY measures the degree of using equipment, one may expect RV deceases when UPY increases. VIII. LDR 125 LDR only appeared in the Tractors with less than 120 HP. It was significant in the less than 80 HP tractors, but not 80-120 HP tractors. This shows that the presence of front loaders significantly increases the value of small tractors, but not that in the mid or large size tractors. 5.1.3 Comparison of depreciation patterns in each category of farm equipment To provide an intuitive understanding of the depreciation patterns presented by the two models, a graphical comparison was provided following the tabular results for each model. Figures 5.2-11 provide this comparison from another perspective - comparing the depreciation patterns for each category of farm equipment estimated by the B-C and A-E models. From Figures 5.2 and 5.3, it is not difficult to see that the depreciation pattern for 120+ HP tractors with FWD was generally distinguished from other types of tractors, which suggests that the presence of FWD does make some difference on the remaining value of tractors1. The less than 80 HP, 80-120 HP and 120-145 HP w/o FWD tractors had similar depreciation patterns. Generally, tractors with FWD and tractors with larger horsepower depreciated more rapidly than tractors without FWD and smaller HP. Several reasons could contribute to this phenomenon: There are fewer substitutes on farms for these tractors, so reliability becomes more important. Consequently, their values decline more rapidly as age and use makes them more prone to breakdowns; and the faster rates of technology change for these tractors may also speed up the depreciation rate. For harvesting equipment (See Figures 5.4 and 5.5), Swathers showed the most rapid depreciation in the early years and Forage Harvesters presented the fastest decrease in the remaining value in the late life. Mower Cutters have the slowest depreciation rate in both estimations. The lower salvage values of Swathers and Forage harvesters may be Unfortunately, little attention was paid to this in previous studies. Most research before categorized tractors according to the horsepower (See Table 5.4). 126 related with the fact that this equipment is only used for a specific period of time in forage harvesting, so reliability becomes more important. Alternatively, technology may be changing more rapidly for this equipment compared with other harvest equipment. For planting and tillage equipment (See Figures 5.6 and 5.7), disks and plows showed more rapid rates of depreciation. Drills presented the slowest depreciation rate in the early life of farm machinery, while planters had the slowest decreasing rate in the later years. Since disks and plows are used for difficult tasks that cause a lot of wear and tear, they are more likely to depreciate rapidly early on. This fact may also explain why fewer variables were found significant for tillage equipment compared with those in other depreciation functions (See Table 5.2). The results suggest a relatively flat depreciation pattern in late service life for plows and disks, since the remaining value will keep fairly stable after being heavily worn during the initial use. In the other types of equipment (See Figures 5.8 and 5.9), Skid Steer Loaders and Grinder Mixers showed surprisingly similar depreciation patterns, with the remaining values declining rapidly in their early years, but comparatively slowly in later years. This is consistent with the fact that both equipments are heavily used in the agricultural practice2. Finally, 120-145 HP tractors, Mower Conditioners, Plows and Trucks were compared to see how patterns differed between major categories (See Figure 5.10 and 5.11). Mower Conditioners and plows presented very similar depreciation patterns, with rapid decline in the remaining value in their early life, and exhibited a fairly flat depreciation pattern thereafter. This can be explained by the similar reason as above: Both receive heavy use but, with regular maintenance, can last many years. Tractors also exhibit a stable depreciation pattern, and their remaining values were higher than that of the other three types. Changes on RV of trucks were most evident, from the highest value in their early life to the lowest value in their late life. 2 Based on average HPY (Hours per year), Skid Steer Loaders are obviously more used than other types of machinery: tractors and combines (See Table 5.1). 127 Figure 5.2 - Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for tractors -- Less than 80 HP 0.6 > .--80-120 HP 120+ HP 0.4 with FWD -4'---120-145 HP wlo FWD 0.2 *-145+ HP wlo FWD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223 Age Figure 5.3 - Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for tractors 128 Figure 5.4 - Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for harvesting equipment -+- Combines aCornHeaders - - CottonHarvesters x-- Swathers "Balers ForageHarvesters MowerConditioners 1 2345678 9 1011 121314151617181920 - MowerCutters Age Figure 5.5 - Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for harvesting equipment 1 -4-- Combines 0.8 Headers -----CottonHarvesters 0.6 -*- Swathers 0.4 - -'- '- 02 ---ForageHarvesters -+--- MowerConditioners 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 Age 13 15 17 Balers 19 MowerCutters Figure 5.6 - Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for planting and tillage equipment 1 0.8 > -.-- Planters 0.6 --Disks -A--- Plows 0.4 )(-- Drills 0.2 o 1 2 34567 8 9 101112131415161718 Age Figure 5.7 - Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for planting and tillage equipment 129 130 Figure 5.8 - Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for other equipment Figure 5.9 - Comparison of the A-B depreciation pattern for other equipment 'ManureSpreaders e-- Skid-SteerLoaders Figure 5.10 - Comparison of the B-C depreciation pattern for 120-145 HP 131 tractors, Mower-Conditioners, Plows and Trucks -.--- 120-145 HP Tractors MowerConditioners ..--- Plows Figure 5.11 - Comparison of the A-E depreciation pattern for 120-145 HP tractors, Mower-Conditioners, Plows and Trucks I 0.8 -.- 120-145 HP 0.6 Tractors 0.4 -*- Mower- 0.2 --- Plows Conditioners 0 I 1 3 5 7 9 11 Age 13 -*--- Trucks I1 I 15 17 19 Table 5.3 - Comparison of the MAPE, R2 and Log-Likelihood Value of the Box-Cox, Additive-Exponential, and Exponential Models. Type of Farm Machinery Tractors Less than 80 HP 80120HP 120+HPw/FWD 120-445w/oFWD 145+HPw/oFWD Harvestin' E' u/s meid Combine Corn-Header Cotton-Harvester Swather Baler Forage-Harvester Mower-Conditioner Mower-Cutter B-C MAPE EXP A-E B-C R2 EXP Size 0.6653 0.6293 0.8214 0.7597 0.8248 0.6199 0.6110 0.7713 0.7175 0.7599 657 1420 783 1912 1845 595.38 1661.99 1130.03 2354.15 2149.65 548.04 1018.20 879.73 2213.87 1820.75 0.8199 0.5976 0.8059 0.5453 0.5689 0.7437 0.5766 0.6151 0.7552 0.4266 2273 2652.52 168.18 205.47 144.99 205.47 50.59 140.36 39.25 2510 0.5427 0.5187 0.6676 0.5664 0.5394 3158.25 171.69 224.885 178.749 224.89 80.42 157.00 45.13 0.5190 0.4373 0.2252 0.5576 239 - 0.5117 0.4649 0.2186 0.6065 132.54 109.52 78.29 42.76 0.7841 0.6074 0.6311 0.7085 41 37.82 39.07 98.12 0.267 0.7837 0.5944 0.6565 0.7408 0.286 0.319 0.536 0.299 0.301 0.291 0.247 0.521 0.378 0.320 0.266 0.227 0.514 0.281 0.276 0.437 0.260 1.418 0.267 - - 0.4249 0.442 0.722 0.433 0.219 0.4255 0.881 1.054 Size 73 158 87 212 205 249 20 19 33 - - - - 0.524 0.384 0.431 22 - - - - 0.326 0.362 0.295 27 1.609 1.351 1.301 14 0.436 0.437 0.426 11 0.75 15 176 75 168 297 76 195 54 Log-Likelihood Value B-C A-E Size Planting and Ti//age Equipment Planters Disks Plows Drills - 125 97 72 657 1420 783 1912 1845 176 75 168 Better Predicative Ability EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP - 297 EXP A-E 76 195 A-E 54 - 117.26 102.67 74.96 39.50 239 EXP EXP EXP 25.92 30.00 94.22 56.163 41 125 97 72 - - r £QU1flfllen Grinder-Mixer Manure-Spreader Skid-Steer-Loader Truck 0.402 0.302 12 81 94 ill 9 1.235 81 94 ill EXP 133 5.1.4 Comparison of the B-C and A-E models It's generally desirable for purposes of consistency to use the same functional form for all types of farm equipment. No one form dominated in the previous results, so it was beneficial to summarize all the results and determine which function was generally best. Both B-C and A-E models were estimated based on the same data set with 90% of total observations, and MAPEs predicted by both models were based on the same sample size for the remaining 10% of total observations. The comparison results showed that although B-C always generated a higher Log-likelihood value, in six cases the MAPE test favored the A-B model. In light of this evidence, it is worthwhile to examine the predictive ability of the Exponential form, another common functional form for farm equipment. Summary statistics are also provided in Table 5.3. The result suggested that the Exponential model was superior to the B-C in all but one case. Initially this seems to make no intuitive sense. If the B-C function can mimic the Exponential, why would it identify a functional relationship that does not predict RV as well as the Exponential? The answer lies in the nature of the three measurements. MAPE was used to measure the predictive ability. This method has been illustrated in Equation (3.10). Rewriting the Equation 3.10, we have MAPE R2 (5.1) measures the goodness fit for the models and is calculated as follows: y)2 R2 (yi y)2 (5.2) We can also obtain a measure of how well the regression line fits data by using: R2 SSR SST - SSE SST SST 1 SSE SST (5 3) where SST (total sum of squares) = SSR (regression sum of squares) + SSE (error sum of squares). 134 The Maximum Likelihood Estimators are attractive because of their largesample or asymptotic properties: Consistency, Asymptotic normality, Asymptotic Efficiency and Invariance (Greene, 1997). The likelihood equation is defined as a function of the unknown parameter vector, 0: f(x1 ...x,0)= fTf(x,,0) For random sampling from a normal distribution, we have: L(p., a) = I-I (2itcy2 )_1/2 e_E122)11_2 To maximize the log-likelihood value, we obtain the first derivatives from its log form: f(x) =lnL(jt,a)= _ln(2)_.lno.2 ------(x _)2 2 3lnL 3j.t _--(xt) 1 2 and 2c i 3 in L 2c 2c (5.4) i The unbiased estimators can be obtained from Equation (5.4): (x il=x and )2 n-I Consider the sample errors conform to a normal distribution, c-'N(O, 22) we maximize the log-likelihood function for c: f(c)=_ln(2t)_!lncyI2 2 Since 2 ?2), (where (5.5) 2c (2 =SSE, we found that, J(*) increases when SSE decreases. This is consistent with the fact that higher R2 indicates a lower SSE, which can be concluded from Equation (5.3). Nevertheless, the MAPE seems to be independent from these two measures. Rewrite the Equation (5.5) as follows: f(s) = _-ln(27z)_.lno?2 2cr'2 (5), -y1)2 (5.6) 135 Comparing this equation with Equations (5.1) and (5.2) suggests that, although those three seem to have some relationship, Equation (5.1) actually differs from other two by taking the absolute value of the difference between y and 5', while the other two square this difference. As the statistical results show, the Box-Cox model generally had a better measure of fitness (higher R2) than that of the Exponential model, and it also generated higher log- likelihood values than that of the Additive-Exponential form. However, the predictive abilities (measured by MAPE) of Exponential and Additive-Exponential forms were superior to that of the Box-Cox. The following table provides a general evaluation of the Box-Cox, AdditiveExponential and Exponential models: Table 5.4 - Summary of the predictive ability, goodness of fit and Log-likelihood value of the B-C, A-E and EXP models: N Functional orms Measure'N\ Box-Cox - Additive-Exponential Exponential RV*=o+X1*+Y RV* and X are B-C RVo+j31x1)ExP(f3Y) transformed variables. Predictive Abilities Goodness of Fit Loglikelihood Value 5.1.5 Comparison With Previous Studies The final comparison was between the previous studies and this research. Unfortunately, most previous research focused on estimating models for tractors. Only Table 5.5 - Comparison of previous studies with this thesis Type of Farm Machinery This thesis (2001) Transformations on RV AGE Cross's thesis (1991) Cross & Perry (1996) Data Size Transformations on 0.67 0.63 0.82 0.76 0.82 657 1420 783 1912 1845 0.35 0.44 0.61 0.98 -0.43 0.48 0.68 0.68 421 0.52 0.52 0.83 0.83 0.30 0.30 0.77 0.77 528 489 0.82 0.60 0.81 0.55 0.57 0.74 0.58 0.62 2270 0.53 0.73 R2 RV R2 AGE HPY Data Transformations on Size RV Data R2 AGE HPY Size Tractors Less than 80 HP 80120 HP 120+HPw/FWD 120-445 w/o FWD 145+HPw/oFWD 0.4 0.11 0.4 0.61 0.59 0.6 0.14 0.51 0.49 0.42 0.19 -0.2 0.7 0.53 0.42 226 0.45 0.76 0.24 - 433 0.24 0.5 -0.03 - 1946 0.43 0.15 0.90 - 866 - 1026 Harvesting Equipment Combine Corn_Header Cotton Harvester Swather Baler Forage_harvester Mower Conditioner Mower Cutter 0.51 0.26 1.85 0.18 0.17 0.09 0.5 0.55 0.70 0.99 0.15 - 0.41 1.22 - 0.7 - 1.42 - 0.24 -0.12 176 75 168 0.42 0.72 0.67 0.47 - - - - - 0.72 0.60 511 108 140 - - - - - - 0 29 -0 12 - - 77 0.63 -0.32 - - 185 116 - - - 297 76 0.31 0.33 0.50 0.74 - - 195 54 - - 97 72 0.48 0.58 0.62 0.75 -0.75 2.40 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.83 - - - - - - - 0.21 0.34 0.90 0.76 - - 107 181 Plaiztiiig and Tillage Equipment Planters Disks Plows Drills 0.49 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.26 - 0.51 239 0.21 0.52 0.61 0.46 0.22 125 0.07 0.49 0.7 0.31 0.38 0.39 0.15 0.12 - 0.78 0.59 0.66 41 0.71 111 0.61 0.58 - - 0.51 0.28 - 129 89 74 0.61 0.5 - - 0.64 1.21 - - 94 - Other machinery Grinder Mixer Manure_Spreader Skid Steer Loader Truck - 0.73 0.04 S 2. Cross, Timothy L, PhD thesis, unpublished. 94 - 81 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.29 -0.4 1.26 - - 0.36 0.36 - 55 63 - - - - - - - - 137 previous studies by Cross (1991) and Cross and Perry (1995) were of sufficient breadth to make this comparison. A comparison of these two studies with this thesis is summarized in Table 5.5. Results from this study were consistently close to those generated by Cross and Perry. In some sense, this result might be expected because the data used by Cross and Perry were also used in this study. However, the current study has a major increase in the number of observations used in the estimated process, suggesting the functional form parameters were fairly stable. 5.2 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE THOUGHTS Most of the results seemed to fit well with economic theory and practical intuition. The study also improved on work in this area from several dimensions. First, this study utilized more data in the regression estimates. The estimation of the old models, therefore, became more reliable and accurate, and some new models were created. Second, a new model, Additive-Exponential model was postulated and estimated. Third, the comparison of the predictive ability by using the MAPE test was conducted among models, which provided some new evidences: 1) Although the Box-Cox model excelled in its goodness of fit and high log-likelihood value, it could not ensure good predictive ability by MAPE measure; 2) The Exponential model had an overall better predictive ability but was weak in fitting models to the data; and 3) The Additive-Exponential model was moderately better for some types of equipment. However, some limitations also existed in this study. The first problem encountered was related with data. Although more data were available than the previous studies (Bayaner and Perry et. al. 1990, Cross and Perry, 1991, 1995), some farm machinery such as Grinder-Mixers, Mower-Cutters, and Cotton-Harvesters, still had small sample sizes, prohibiting the use of the MAPE tests. At the same time, some auction sales reported to Hotline could not provide enough details to describe a hedonic pricing model. The typical 138 missing information included auction type, condition and list price. The observations without these information were discarded from estimation. Some heavily used farm machinery such as Plows, Drills and Grinder-Mixers generated relatively poor fits to the data. This problem complicated the estimation work and thus resulted in few variables of significance. It is also worthy to notice that the estimated functional forms were mainly determined by old equipment, and therefore, cautions should be exercised in applying the estimated models to new equipment. 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