WORDLY WISE Lesson 4.5.6 KEY - Oak Park Unified School District

4A Finding Meanings
1. (c-d) A renovation is something made like new again.
2. (b-c) To antagonize someone is to make that person angry.
3. (d-a) To inherit property is to receive it after another person's death.
4. (c-b) To comprise several buildings is to consist of them.
5. (c-a) Latitude is distance from the equator.
6. (c-d) To be dilapidated is to be in a poor state of repair.
7. (d-a) An incident is something that takes place.
8. (a-b) Correspondence is letters exchanged between people.
9. (d-a) A reprimand is a severe scolding.10. (b-d) To maintain a positive attitude is to
continue to have it.
4B Just the Right Word
1. I was told that I would inherit the property.
2. In what year did the museum acquire this painting?
3. I was having such a good time that I was loath to leave.
4. The child is too young to play outside without supervision.
5. A pen and paper comprise this writer's basic equipment.
6. We feel it is important to correspond now that we live so far apart.
7. The store owner never doubted the manager's competence.
8. Maya Angelou is one of America's more illustrious poets.
9. Students in that school are given plenty of latitude but are expected to act responsibly.
10. A crew of sixty workers is needed to maintain the town's parks during the summer.
4C Applying Meanings
1. Which might be inherited?
a. brown eyes, c. money
2. Which can be maintained?
a. point of view, b. denial, c. a building, d. a custom
3. Which might be supervised?
a. a work crew, b. a play group, c. the building of a house
4. Which might result in a reprimand?
a. behaving selfishly, b. telling a lie
5. Which could be renovated?
a. a house
6. Which could be an acquisition?
a. intelligence, c. a painting
7. The word latitude could be applied to which?
a. 45 degrees south
8. Which could be dilapidated?
a. a building, b. a truck, c. a haircut
4D Word Relationships
1. correspondence 2. renovation3. admonishment 4. scavenger
5. acquisition 6. precision 7. wrath 8. competence 9. devastation 10. authenticity
4E Narrative
1. The meaning of latitude is "freedom."
2. While George Washington was away, Lund supervised.
3. No, Washington was loath to leave in 1789.
4. Washington was the illustrious first president of the United States.
5. Washington was satisfied because his cousin was competent.
6. No, Washington was not there during the incident.
7. No, He reprimanded his cousin for helping the British.
8. Comprised means "consisted of."
9. He corresponded with his cousin while he was gone.
10. Lund did not want to antagonize the British.
11. Inherited means "received from another person after death."
No, it was dilapidated.
Mount Vernon needed a renovation in 1858.
Washington acquired the property in 1761.
Maintained means "kept in good condition."
5A: Finding Meanings
(c-a) To toil is to work long and hard.
(b-c) A strenuous response is one that is expressed with force.
(a-c) Illiteracy is the inability to read or write.
(c-d) A hovel is a small and dilapidated house.
(c-b) To be indifferent is to be neither very good nor very bad.
(d-c) To capitulate is to surrender.
(d-b) An urgent problem is one that requires attention right away.
(b-c) To administer a program is to be responsible for running it.
(b-c) A citrus is a lemon or similar fruit.
(c-a) If someone is agitated, that person is disturbed or upset.
5B: Just the Right Word
Although entry-level jobs may seem menial, young people can still take pride in them
and do them to the best of their ability.
Political protesters agitated the crowd with their loud, emotional language.
A two-room apartment is adequate for one person.
The work of a logger is strenuous.
The man who was disruptive during the performance was asked to be quiet.
I’m afraid that this ink stain is permanent.
Although I asked him for help repeatedly, he was indifferent to my requests.
We worked in the garden all afternoon without a respite.
What an unpleasant task it was to toil through 500 pages of small print.
This medicine must be administered by a nurse or doctor.
5C: Applying Meanings
1. Which of the following would be a matter of urgency?
a. A bomb threat, b. a sudden epidemic, c. a hurricane warning
2. Which of the following can become agitated?
a. Water, b. a crowd, d. a child
3. Which of the following is a citrus fruit?
a. A grapefruit, c. a kumquat
4. Which of the following might an illiterate person do?
a. Play checkers
5. Which of the following can capitulate?
a. An army, b. a country, c. a person
6. Which of the following is a strenuous activity?
a. Shoveling snow, b. swimming
7. Which of the following can be disrupted?
a. A speech, b. a meeting, c. one’s education, d. one’s vacation
8. Which of the following is an accurate grade?
a. A-,b.C+,c.B
5D: Word Study
1. (d) expand : contract
2. (a) immortal : die
3. (d) gain : acquire
4. (d) tired : exhausted
5. (c) accept : reject
6. (d) poverty : wealth
7. (b) wheat : grain
8. (a) devour : full
9. (d) insult : flatter
(d) industrious : lazy
5E: Narrative
1. Strenuous means needing much effort or using a lot of energy in the passage.
2. Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are all citrus fruits.
3. Administers means to manage or direct in the passage.
4. Many migrant farm workers live in inadequate hovels.
5. The farm workers’ call for unions was ignored, so they started many strikes and boycotts.
6. Yes, the need to improve the conditions of migrant workers is urgent.
7. In the passage, disrupted means to break up the orderly course of.
8. Some consider the work menial because it is hard labor with low wages.
9. Farm workers became represented by a union in 1966.
Toil means to work long and hard in the passage.
11. They would have an easier and better life without having to move.
The twenty-minute break is a respite for the workers.
Indifferent means not caring in the passage.
There is adequate produce available to us because of the migrant workers.
Educational programs could lower illiteracy among migrant workers.
6A: Finding Meanings
1. (d-c) To stint is to limit or restrict.
2. (b-c) Intimidation is the act of threating a person.
3. (c-a) An addiction is a habit that is hard to break.
4. (b-c) To debut is to make a first public appearance.
5. (b-a) To confront someone is to face that person boldly.
6. (b-d) A blatant lie is one that is obvious to everyone.
7. (b-c) Impunity is freedom from the fear of punishment.
8. (a-d) An addict is an enthusiastic fan.
9. (d-a) A candid person is one who does not hold back the truth.
(b-c) A retort is a quick and clever reply.
6B: Just the Right Word
1. A stint in the kitchen was part of each camper’s routine.
2. It’s best to confront your problems rather than hope they’ll go away.
3. The band made its debut precisely one year ago.
4. The smell from the fish plant was obnoxious, so the authorities closed the building down.
5. The weather report said the heat will intensify as the day wears on.
6. Many comedians who work in clubs have strong aspirations to appear on national television.
7. Some people ask you to be candid and then get upset when you are.
8. Those with an addiction to illegal drugs need treatment rather than punishment.
9. My New Year’s resolution is to enroll in the community center’s yoga class.
Your bias prevents you from considering both sides of the question.
6C: Applying Meanings
1. Which of the following cannot be done with impunity?
b. Neglecting to pay bills, d. skipping classes
2. In which of the following might one enroll?
a. A painting class, c. the Peace Corps, d. summer camp
3. To which of the following might one aspire?
a. The presidency, c. a career in the theatre
4. Which of the following can be intensified?
a. One’s efforts, b. criticism, c. a search
5. Which of the following might intimidate a person?
b. A parent’s anger, c. fear of a reprimand, d. speaking before a large group
6. Which of the following can be blatant?
a. A refusal, b. an error, c. a denial
7. Which of the following might fluster a speaker?
a. Getting one’s notes mixed up, b. taunts from the audience, c. going on past the
time allowed, d. forgetting the chairperson’s name
8. To which of the following can a person be addicted?
a. Soap operas, b. alcohol, c. horror movies, d. cigarettes
6D: Word Study
1. biased; impartial (A)
2. pleasant; obnoxious (A)
3. reply; retort (S)
4. intimidate; scare (S)
5. candid; devious (A)
6. decrease; intensify (A)
7. habit-forming; addictive (S)
8. register; enroll (S)
9. stint; limit (S)
10. fluster; confuse (S)
6E: Passage
1. She made her major league debut in the spring of 1988.
2. No, she was never an umpire in the major league regular season.
3. She kicked managers out of the game.
4. Postema said that umpires are often addicted to arguing.
5. It was important because she would be judged as a bad umpire since she was a woman.
6. Postema threw the fans out of the ballpark.
7. Most minor-league umpires have a 5-year stint and then are let go.
8. He was very candid with her about the future.
9. No, others had enrolled but did not graduate.
The pitcher said that God never intended women to be in the major- leagues.
11. No, his remark was very blatant.
She thought the sexist remarks were obnoxious.
Postema retorted that she was pretty sure God didn’t care about baseball.
She said managers often had confrontations with her to test their manhood.
She intensified her efforts to achieve her goal.