r cID E UHC Focus Student Life "Major" Decisions Art & Poetry College. Honors OSU the or University State Oregon of policies or views the reflect officially not may hut staff, Chronicle the on writers vidual indi- the of views reflect Articles students. OSU and UHC by term every published is magazine Chronicle Turner Heather Arora Monika Wirz Jackie Bousch Samuel Writers: Staff Ivancovich Kimberly Photographer: Ko Bryan students UHC various by Photographs and Poems POETRY & ART Yau Kai-Huei Freedom Apreotesi Mario Truth the to Ride My DECISIONS "MAJOR" Wirz Jackie Artist: Graphic Silver Alissa Dronger Kristina Badcleley Bob Face the in Red Wirz Jackie Speed any at Unsafe Design & Layout Tilgner Beth Break Spring up Spice Phillips Abby Editor: Associate Turner Heather Right Eating Tilgner Elizabeth Chief: Editor-In Bousch Samuel Staff Chronicle Seminar Suicide LIFE STUDENT Arora Monika Rachael About All Phillips Abby Involved Getting Tilgner Beth Diversity for Push Bousch Samuel Forum UHC FOCUS UIIC Contents Chronicle ollege C onors JET niversi1y U Chronicle The 2 Winter Edition 3 Letters from the Ed ito rs Elizabeth Tilgner Editor-in-Chief Abby Phillips Associate Editor pring term is almost here and the academic is well underway. Now is the time S year when many students begin to reevaluate their majors and start thinking about their S tress and anxiety; I'm sure all of you can relate to these feelings. Even though I have yet to complete two terms of college, I can selves at some point and college is a good place to do it. already tell I'm a full-blown nerd. I have admittedly twice groveled to my regular academic advisor, not for the purpose of establishing a course schedule, but simply because I was going ballistic from uncertainty as to where my life was going. I remember when I was twelve I like my life meticulously planned years old and I decided to be a doctor. My out, sometimes inter- high school years made it clear that I jected with spontane- wasn't good and didn't like math or sci- ity, but most the time ence, but it wasn't until I became a mother I like it to follow a linear path. I have futures and careers. My words for all, even you seniors out there, are Don 't Panic. Everyone second guesses them- that I started to doubt my career choice. When it came time to declare a major on my college and scholarship applications 1 come to the real- ization that it's thought hard about what I was good at and okay to feel uncer- what I enjoyed. 1 decided to be an English major. About one year into my studies I realized that I loved my Spanish classes and wanted to pursue an International Degree. In order to fulfill all that I wanted to accomplish I changed my major to Liberal Studies and worked with an advisor to find a plan of study that was right for me. Despite all this, I am still not ready to decide what to do when I grow up. Here at OSU there are a number tain as to what I want to become of resources to save your sanity. Most pro- fessors are ecstatic if a student wants to discuss options for his/her future. Departmental advisors can help point you in the right direction, but schedule an appointment between advising rushes. The Career Services Center also has plenty on information about the current job market and career possibilities (737-4085). No matter where you are in your studies, the most important thing to do is look at what you love and find a way to work it into your future. when I am older. As a Liberal Arts major, I have to approachOSU inadifferent way than say, an Engineering ma- jor. Engineering ma- jors must follow a set track of rigorous courses, and they know what they are going to be upon graduation. As an English major, I have a much wider range of possibilities, and, consequently, more apprehension when asked what it is I want to do with my life. I just want to let other non-vocational majors know that it is sometimes okay to have this same doubt. Some of the most important discoveries have been by accident, and this holds true to deciding a major. I'm trying to give some self-assurance, and some assurance to all others who question their future. department. separate a become will there." be I'll this, does Risser President time next "The Education of School current the Economics, Home of College the in Located Education. Sands. Joey freshman UHC commented years," of couple next the in transpire could of that is expand to looking is OSU that gram pro- Another director. Journalism of School that issues policy on me informed "It a for looking is Administration Campus projects. provement im- to parking from everything about swers that stating programs, new of importance an- got the forth brought also Risser President staff and Students satisfied. seemed 20,000." at stop or grow, to continue should involved everyone questions, of out run had audience the when end, the In OSU if decide to need "we Risser, explained years," three to two next the "In Tinkle. Aaron student, UHC said classes. of number the and body student of size of treatment," one-on-one the for College Honors OSU implications the was first The were felt he that many to came people think important. success student 'Measuring topics introduced President I and here, came "I stadium football new a 'Getting most. as size class the questions, took he Education Before up. show to asm about concerned as were and Journalism of Colleges 'New enthusi- the having for audience, the of most projects improvement scale 'Large up audience the and event, made who dents, College Honors the of future 'The stu- College Honors the hosting for College fund-raising of ethics 'The Honors the thanking by classes." nationally students fop Attracting size learn opened Risser different in Parking to how learning "is on, students." our from hear Harassment On-Campus to helpful it find I dent, went Risser perience," funding state ex- learning a of "Part presi- the as that, is ond schools' Pharmacy and Vet 'The sec- The institution. the this. do to necessary are sizes class smallest the of questions ask to dents Risser President stu- for opportunities has having and technology date to Brought Issues 10 up-to- most university good a that is first the using that see not does Risser educators, "The forum. the during Risser most state. President said reasons," of couple Unlike the throughout a for good it's that think "I learning expanding as well as important, is category every in tier top ing have. might they that cern con- any voice or inquiry any make to present be- that believes also The President all asked who President, the with issues Risser. clarified box," relevant discussing hour an than more spent the outside think to made are they if students Students Lounge. MU the in conversation for complete is environment "The 17111 January his during again him questioning of liberty the students gave Chats," "Fireside his for known well Risser, President Universitys State students. all for experience learning complete a college make to is ambition first His fold. three- are OSU for goals his that clear made Risser President institution. this of goals the to legislature state the about remarks from widely varied which questions, dience au- to up opened then was forum The Qregon Writer Staff Bousch Samuel spot hot the on President the puts Forum UHC concerns addresses Risser President Chronicle The 4 H U Winter Edition 5 Does it add up? Debate over diversity at OSU Despite numerous resources, sch olarships, programs, and recruiting, diversity on campus is low and universities across the nation have sought to diversify their campus populations for years, and Oregon State Colleges University is no exception. Recent intro- are asked to demonstrate their own experiences with racial and ethnic diversity through essays and through previous activities and student involvement. The question is: are all these strategies paying off? According to the 1999/2000 statistics (based on duction of recruitment strategies such as the Kaleidoscope program and classes fo- HRIS Data Warehouse) from the office of Affirmative Action, progress is cused on ethslow. Enrollment of nic and culminority students has tural diversity increased by .7 perhave been a Enrollment of minority students has cent (from 12.3 perlarge part of increased by .7% (12.3% to 13%) cent to 1 3 percent) OSU's efforts. The cultural since fall of 1994 and diversity centers on among OSU faculty has remained at dent groups since fall of 1994 and diversity among OSU faculty has remained at 8 percent non-Caucasian. The UHC has also numbers that look a campus a ii d various stuhave 8% non-Caucasian. worked to promote a broader view of our world and share aspects of different cultures. Even the University Honors College (UHC) is careful to take student diversity into account when it comes to admissions procedures. Applying students little bit more promising, with 22 percent of students admitted in fall 2000 being underrepresented minorities. Obviously the numbers are low and a lot more work needs to be done before OSU can claim to be a truly racially and ethnically diverse campus. The steps are being taken, but do the strategies need to change? Now it is up to the OSU community to do the rest. Bureaucratic plans and strategies cannot do it all, but with open minds, we can. The solution to the problem starts with altering the mindset of students and faculty towards racial issues. Unfortunately, such a solution is not easily obtained. Not doing anything to improve the diversity at OSU, as well as the Honors College, makes the issue even bigger. Students can promote Photo by KJnI)erIy IVJflCOViCh Four students in Anthropology 210 Honors discuss amongst themselves during class. The UHC has maintained a higher level of diversity than OSU; minority students account for nearly a quarter of all UHC members. this attitude by attending the cultural dinners and events put on by various clubs and checking out a cultural center to learn something new. Becoming more aware of the importance of diversity and engaging in cultural activities are the first steps to diversifying our campus. year, senior their of beginning the by @orst.edu). (Rachel.Hochman more out class Thesis 403 HC the for register find to Hochman Rachel to talk or events, students that requires UHC the ideas, sis term some out spring the of check the- considering start to late too never is homework, your from away yourself it Although requirement. College Honors this of overview basic a give Carter Ruth wrench to time some have you If tivities. ac- of range wide a in participate or ence and Derbyshire, Cameron Buccafurni. experi- to students allows it ganization, Diana students and Hochman, Rachel ora Siebler, Jane Hendricks, Joe members small is UHC the Although 1. rent/monday.htm faculty hear to Hall Stag to came students 20 About Thesis. Senior the on sentation http://osu.orst.edu/dept/honors/cur- at pre- UHC's the was 31st January curred available is it email, your in it get don't you ocevent If that informative niore A thoroughly. Message Monday so request). upon available are sons the read to important is it place, take they before days or weeks few a only up (les- breakdancing funky his everyone spring events term, last like Just show and floor the on get to shell his of come. to couraged out broke Baddeley Bob Even time. good ena have was there from do to had they is Everyone Lounge. MU the in 7p.m.-9p.m. 18th, April held be will all and food, of can a bringing by dance the into got Students success. major forum The abortion. of viewpoints Dance a was event unprecedented This sic. both between ground unifying find mu- ballroom and club of combination to look rather but belief, particular UHC the at move a bust Baddeley Bob and a was a present to not vocates. which dance, ever first its soring be will It Derbyshire Cameron spon- by books record the set UHC the ad- pro-choice and pro-life both of goals common the satisfy would 10th. February Saturday, On a create to event. the for rented houses the of that policy is forum this of goal The approaching. soon each at tub hot the in relaxing and Bend, is that activity another yet is year in malls the shopping skating, skiing, this Forum Spring The dinner. night Sunday a enjoyed dents stu- $40, For future. the in weekend MLK with coincide trip this have to plan not does UHC the However, day. Jr. King Luther Martin as weekend same the was case this in which break, winter of weekend first the held normally is trip annual This 15th. 2th- Jan from Sunriver to trip a taking by term ter win- their commence to got UHC the from students 100 Roughly experiences. superior." "intellectually is school which determine to Ducks the out battle to 10th March on Portland to travel will student non-UHC one and students UHC Six Challenge. Five High the to thanks students, Oregon's of University the with head-to-head go to opportunity another yet has State egon Or- exciting. as just he will term spring then events, enthralling with filled was it like looks term winter If sis. The- Senior a into develop to potential the have may or appealing are that topics about onset the from aware be to is key The tor. men- and committee a establishing in step preliminary the is class This research. and thesis their on work to time them give to year sophomore the during it take to encouraged are students but campus on Events I learning their enhance and themselves enjoy to college honors the in students for ways many are There for? ask College Honors an could more what High to dances From challenges Five Editor Associate Phillips Abby UHC Involved Getting Chronicle The 6 Winter Edition 7 All about Rachel Behind Rachel Hochman, the stylish new advisor in the UHC Monika Arora Staff Writer New faces have popped up in the UHC this year, and Rachel Hochman is one of them. This new advisor is commonly mistaken to be a student, and she has worked hard to get recommendations for appropriate management of the land. Her next pursuit was a Masters Degree, which she received from the University of California - Davis. Her focus was Ecology and Land Conservation, through which she was able to combine her passion for nature with her education. Upon receiving her Master's degree in 1995, she began studying the biochemical changes in salmon as they mature and migrate to the ocean. In addition to her to know everyone. Now it's our turn to research, Rachel taught Cell & Molecular Biology at Saclearn a little bit about her. ramento City Community College and was conducting Influential Beginnings On the 23 day research on the effect of salinity on rice. Talk about a of January, Rachel Hochman began her handful! Rachel thanks her dad for her drive and motilife in Hartford, Connecticut as the daugh- ter of Elaine and Ben Hochman, and the younger sister of Lawrence Hochman. She spent her childhood in Doylestown, a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania. As a young girl, Rachel spent much vation, which have been key factors in her successes. In 1997, she became an Environmental Consultant, but missed working with students and decided to go to the University of North Carolina (UNC) - Chapel Hill where she began working on her PhD in Biology, studying the effects of darns on riparian trees and altered hy- of her time in the outdoors camping, drology. kayaking, and exploring. As a child, she Her love for people and her compassion toward established a friendship with Carolyn others, which were traits bequeathed to her by her mom, Jarin, the director of Peace Valley Nature Center in her hometown, who imbedded, in Rachel, a love for nature which has become the root of all that she does today. Schooling and Work Her love for nature surfaced when Fun Facts about Rachel Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Article of Clothing: Grandfather's wool cap Favorite Music: Jazz she decided to major in Biology at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. In addition to her degree, she also pursued inde- lead her to apply for and take on a full-time advisor position at the UNC. She was advising approximately 1300 students in 10 science majors. She loved her position as an advisor and loved working with her students; however, she longed to live in a small town with bike lanes that was close to the coast and mountains so she could spend her free time skiing, kayaking, backpacking, and hiking. Corvallis fit her requirements, which is why she applied for a position at Oregon State University and is now the new advisor for the University Honors College. Wedding Bells Engaged since May 2000. Rachel plans on tying the knot on commencement day this year. Her wedding pendent studies in will be held on June 1 7h in Pennsylvania, where she grew Geology, Philosophy & Religious Studies. up. The groom will be Mark Knott, who she met at UNC through an advisor during a lab meeting. They got a Rachel graduated chance to get to know each other by attending a yoga with honors from Bucknell with an class together. Honor's Thesis that was presented to the Thoughts Pennsylvania Academy of Science and In ten years, Rachel sees herself as a Director of published. Her thesis described and a Centralized Advising System at a university on the west mapped vegetation of a wetland that was coast, happily married with children, and with a degree slated for gravel mining, and she made Continued on page 17 women. than successful more times four are cide sui- attempt who men groups, age all 'In males. than often more times three suicide attempt 'Women suicide. Suicide About Facts Signs Warning them- kill to wanted they that clues gave suicide commit who people 10 of out 8 again. themself kill to try will suicide attempted has who someone that chance 80% an is There depression longed pro- after cheerful becoming 'Suddenly away things throwing possessions, favorite away giving - order in affairs 'Putting longer." much you for problem a be won't "I hints: 'Verbal attempts 'Suicidal despair of expressions or 'Thoughts abuse alcohol or 'Drug rebellious or 'Violent concentrating 'Difficulty grades Falling habits sleeping or eating in Changes activities regular and friends, family, from 'Withdrawal changes personality Radical pain." the end to wanted just she think "I said, he it," with do to wanted she what knew she think don't "I away. stay to him for sobbing and knife a clutching fight, a after day one kitchen the in her found Hower suicide. with struggle her and sister old year twelve his about story wrenching heart- a telling by off started Hower Ginnie. by simply going woman a and Hower, Jason President, Hall McNary RHA speakers, Two ahead. still was sentation pre- the of soul the but end, the near was It cerned." con- be to need you that signs] [warning the of bunch a having start friends when "it's Epstein, cautioned grades" about upset get all "We counselor. a with meet and come to cidal sui- be might friend a or they that fear who dents stu- encouraged also Epstein talk. to just or sons, rea- personal any for go can one that and clinic, the to visits free five has student each that dience au- the reminded He members. staff Services cal Psychologi- OSU's of one Epstein, Bert chologist attempt (25-30%) youth lesbian and gay of percentage high a that show 'Studies people. other by killed are than suicide of tims vic- are people more States, United the 'In year. every themselves kill to try 25 to 15 aged youth '500,000 selves. Psy- was program the of guests the Among help." for ask and someone to out "Reach mother. Michael's of quoted Shafer Dale surer, Trea- secretary RHA this" do ever "Don't hiiiiself. killed and shot Emme Michael old. year 7 them about care who those to does suicide harm the on teenagers educate to designed was campaign this Emme, Michael of parents the by Conceived project. ribbon yellow the presenting students and bers mem- staff RHA with started program The it." handle can't you bad so hurts that Pain pain. about "it's video, introduction the explained death," about not is "Suicide life. her or his taking considering was who friend a help could they how out find to and speakers to listen to suicide youth against fight campus-run this attended students 60 than More 23rd. January of evening the Lounge McNary in place took program Prevention Suicide the sored, spon- (RHA) Association Hall Residence 1 Writer Staff Bousch Samuel afflicted the for available is assistance affirm Advisors students for solutions suggests seminar Suicide Chronicle The 8 Winter Edition Ginnie followed with a story of her own. Every eye was upon her as she told her own battle with suicide, attempted suicide, and how ev- ery night she turns out the 9 Ginnie was not alone in the room for "Don't ever do this. Reach out to someone and ask for help." lights, and in the dark, wishes she was dead. Staring back at a room full of strangers she explained, "The reason why I . I)ale Shafer RHA Secretary those who had thought about suicide. An anonymous survey taken at the beginning revealed that amongst the au- dience, 70% knew someone who had killed him or herself, 6% had at- don't kill myself is 'cause I know how much it would tempted suicide, and 38% had considered suicide. Ginnie hurt my friends." was not the only person crying by the end. Preparing a potable plan pertinent to prosperity Why proper nutrition should be more than just an afterthought Heather Turner Staff Writer of the day provides chance for about three more meals. I like to eat at about I lam, 4pm and 8pm, but I'm kind of odd, so eat whenever you want. The rest of the meals oday I have eaten yogurt, an English muffin, orange should try to encompass the ideals of the great food tri- juice and even a garden burger. I'm also majoring angle. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially the in Nutrition Science. That should qualify me to write colorful ones, drink some milk and make sure to get an article on nutrition right? (We just won't mention that plenty of breads and cereals, the best choices being whole I can consume more cookies in one sitting than practi- grains. Carrying a bottle of water around works well too. cally anyone I know.) There are many choices that the Make sure to get one that doesn't leak however, because average college student needs to make when deciding if your books get all wet this will discourage further how to manage their dietary intake and a variety of emo- water-drinking (not that I know this by experience). Many tional, nutritional and time needs that come into play when making these decisions. First, everyone has to decide whether or not they will eat break- fast. Often times this means getting up earlier and sacrificing those precious morning min- utes to pour a bowl of Cheerios or grab a yo- college occasions do Li /7! not fall into this idealized food pattern. There are lots of disasters, emergencies and events that require special planning and decisionmaking. Let us look at the typical Sunday night food emergency. You have several hours of homework left and gurt and juice. I say that have not eaten anything it is well worth the time since lunch. You can eiand effort because then ther chose to dine on a you can get through your coffee and Cheetos, or Bryan Ko ten o'clock class without take the complete your neighbor hearing those loud rumbling noises in your plunge and just get a can of creamy chocolate frosting stomach. You will also feel better and not return home and a spoon. In this case, I'd recommend the frosting, to eat an entire cheesecake by yourself. because at this point, what have you got to lose? Once you get past the breakfast hurdle. the rest Continued on page 17 "kick." timate ul- the be would that automobile; an design and construct to wish I someday however, in; settle will I engineering of discipline what tell will time Only "things." designing love: new a found possibly have may and class design and graphics a taking am I rently, Cur- discipline. this in stay will I that sure not am I information, new this With construct. than rather design gineers en- mechanical that confirmed all they and sites, web other several checked disbelief! In screen. computer my at awe in stared I life." everyday to essential so are that systems and products machines, the of designers the are engineers "Mechanical truth: bitter the read I page engineering mechanical Maine's of University the on there and search, internet my from result first the opened I essay. this for research some doing from about came beliefs my of demise The time. month's a in down crumbling come would reality present my that unaware "things," structed con- engineers mechanical that believing still home traveled I Break. Christmas for left and final, our took project, our in turned We vehicle. assigned the constructed group our scratch, from Starting source. power the as motor RC a using vehicle small relatively a build to students the required which project, a assigned professor the term, the of end the Towards Engineering. Mechanical to duction Intro- 101: ME in enrolled I Engineers, cal Mechani- first-year other most Like systems. and products, machines, construct they that pretenses the under Engineering Mechanical upon deciding Engineering Civil or chanical Me- to down choice my narrowed soon I . Catalog. General OSU the in degrees ising prom- various about descriptions short the read I major, suitable a find to Determined products. to systems, to machines, from anything being things "things," constructing to pertained that field a into go to wanted I- in. major to what know not did I lege, col- for applications my out Filling life. from "kicks" my get 19 how is productthis finished a to tent) non-exis-1 or broken, (damaged, state rior infe- an from object any taking for love my to over spills cars on working in feel I joy and satisfaction The manager. to man" body "little the from and automobiles to cars tic plas- from progressed slowly I as shop dad's my in passed were hours Countless uncles. and dad my of actions the childmimic the watched customers father's my hood, child- my throughOut times Many it. repairing begins and car his derneath un- crawls child the hand, in Tools cabinet. tool a from wrench and screwdriver a trieves re- and ground the on back sandpaper the throws He child. the observe to continue you curious, and Amused car. his sand to ceeds pro- and sandpaper of piece old an up picks child the Next car. stroll Kay-Bee his elevate to engines) lift to used jack (a pick cherry a using child young a is there shop, the of dust and noise the Amidst peculiar. very something see you shop, the into further Walking welder. the of feet the at dancing light of sparks blue bright and jacks, by air mid in suspended truck pick-up a cord, Ac- Honda 1983 blue sky a down sanding men young several car, a of end front the der un- sprawled mechanic a normal: seems everything glance, first at shop; pair re- automotive an into walking Imagine me HC199 from Writer Guest Apreotesi Mario Truth the to Ride My Engineering: Mechanical 3 major? your choose you did Why Yourself: Explain Chronicle The 10 H U Winter Edition 11 While in Carole Ann Crateau's Honors Writing c/ass, students write a one page essay on why they chose the major they did. Freedom Kai-Huei Yau Guest Writer from HG 199 h. . . so what are you going to do with that?" This is the most common reaction I get when I tell somebody that I am majoring in Art. If I'm with somebody else, they'll probably turn to my friend and proceed to have an interesting discussion about science, engineering, and other "worthwhile" topics. I also have a few relatives, including my dad (a metallurgist and corrosion engineer), who are none too happy with my choice. And not to toot my own horn, but I've always done well in math and science. Compound that with my choice of art and people are doubly disappointed. If there is little respect and money involved, why choose art? Well, first of all, I'm not some per- ists. Artists design ads, cars, clothing, buildings, landscapes, statues, book covers, web sites, and yes, even Nativity scenes. Granted, I didn't think I'd end up pursuing a career in art. No, like almost every other kid, I wanted to either be a doctor, firefighter, acupuncturist, or astronaut. As time passed, however, the lure of taking the math or science path down life waned to a speck. The only fun things I can do now with math and science are to find other dirty words to punch in upside-down on my calculator and to blow up things. There's no money in the calculator thing, and being a pyrotechnics expert is much too controlled and technical for me. Like everybody, I'd like to think that my area of interest is the most important of all the other disciplines in the world. I am, however, enlightened enough to see that no field is more impor- tant than any other one. While math and physics atvert who's an art major just so he tempt to decrypt the universe Kai-Huei Yau can draw naked women. Second, I As rescue crews enter their second hour, the and science seeks to make don't plan on becoming a profes- victim count is climbing steadily in this one-car life easier (more hectic), art sional "staving artist." I plan on accident. gives people a way to vent teaching - another field of work that isn't always appre- anger, express love, or to have something to do when ciated. Third, the field of art is immensely broad, and it the TV is out. is a part of everyday life. With science and math, one is limited by reality, What most people don't realize is that we are but in art, one's limitless imagination is the only barrier. constantly surrounded by form and color. Everyone is Besides this creative openness, there's nothing like makan art critic. We all judge things based aesthetic value, ing somethingseeing the physical form of something be it manmade or natural. There's an artist in each of us. that started as an ideaespecially if other people like it. If people were as artistically challenged as they claim Teaching is even more fulfilling. Watching young people they are, there would be a lot more Pontiac Aztecs on learn and seeing them progress evokes a feeling of fulthe Road; more people would dress like Carrot Top; fillment. Taking part in the development of a person's Kansas would have a booming tourism sector and beer life is second only to parenting. So from now on, when would not be a prerequisite for marriage. I'm hit with the obvious ignorance and that ever-ineviOn top of all of these reasons, I've always liked table question, I'll just smile and say, "everything" as I art from the time I was just a little guy. There are so turn around and have an interesting conversation with many aspects of our environment that are created by art- someone else. then. Needless car. still-running her in keys her locked back even humanity of good better the of thought foolishly I phone, car Amanda's UHC-er future she since appropriate is think I which nun, a on Newport from friend a calling After coast. becoming of thinking is she heart, her Bless me. the on friends with vacation small a having whilst from away manual her kept carefully license, later occurred car a with experience bad first My on. moved and permit her got she when sister, My later. days disappear mysteriously to only presents, as me Life options. carpool of selection wider a got I to them gave Friends manuals. driver's hiding cars. got Friends either. birthday sixteenth my on systematically by temptation driving any removing permit my get shouldn't I figured and over, them in assisted mother my when vehicle-able being turned I when work didn't hands my with "L" little against decide to me for easy was It year). junior the making that discovered I licenses. to permits my ran my my one, twice mailboxes the into I since bike, from graduated friends by One so. (including wheel any behind be shouldn't I that realized finally mother my Incidentally, by. slipped years two Another agreed. ably prob- parent's friend's my and hassle, the worth wasn't driving that decided I point this At out. car the towed ther fa- A who's friend friend. a of house the to came we till walked and walked, think don't I parts? moving and metal of ton a of wheel the behind Me, fingers. my with "L" little the making and stopping without right my from left my remember couldn't I frequently. objects inanimate into ran I ground. flat on ing walk- trouble had I ha my in air vented with and control, in wheel, the behind am I that realized I ality, re- In Mom). about complain can't we and walked, I so laundry my miserably, failing did she uniform, a After mud. thick of out vehicle a pushing alone), wear didn't she (although chauffeur good perfectly bar the is that (yes, press bench the on pounds a had I claiming exam, the taking against cided 50 whopping a lift to ability the with glasses), de- I DMV. the of mile a within getting without now came big with bones and skin went, imagine (just do I and birthday fifteenth My than less pounds 20 weighing Me, here: picture tal else... men- a develop let's so push, help to had I ditch. everybody for case the was that Well, inside. was a into went car the after stars the at look to time knew you old year sixteen big-shot the were you long a had I because know, I perfect. just was like almost was it right, your to nervously sitting weather the and out were stars the night: beautiful a figure authority parental the ignore and enough, was It Corvallis. northeast towards headed we and hard eyes your squeeze could you If ambrosia. of drive, a for out go to decided I and Dow student. taste first a like was home drive the hand, in mit UHC future another with coincidentally, curred, Per- closer. step one were independence of sions oc- car a with experience bad second My vi- around, rolled birthdays fifteenth our When them. with cables jumper and keys spare the point. the besides is that but acne, and license, no bringing Corvallis, from out drive to away meters car, no permit, no common: in thing one had us 800 phone pay a via parents Amanda's call to of all but snickering!), (stop exaggeration had eventually we when exponentially grew tion an is that maybe OK, area. the in girl or mortifica- My all. at near wasn't locksmith est boy other every like was I fifteen, was I near- the and from call to house beach the at phone a not was there since especially mortified, was Writer Staff experience. the enjoy didn't battery the say, to Wirz Until I Jackie non-driving in adventures Jackie's speed: any at Unsafe Cliromcle The 12 H U Winter Edition At college, everybody could drive but not everybody had cars, which made me feel slightly less freakish (although the fact that I like honors chemistry made me pretty damn weird). I was forced to enter the DMV as a freshman, since I needed an Oregon ID card. While waiting for the ohso-lovely picture to develop, I bit the bullet and tried the permit exam. And failed, miserably. How was I sup- 13 the evenings, and for the first four months the only times I drove a vehicle was when it was dark and raining. By this time, of course, I had friends who were of legal age to sit in the truly hot-seat, but everybody loved their trans- mission too much to subject it to the ravages of an uncoordinated beginner. Sadly, I am just as uncoordinated today as I was four years ago. Although, instead of running into the temporary posed to know that I needed to get out of the car and scan for walls at CVHS, I am now privi- small children? By the time I would have gotten back into the car, children could have popped out again, right? The only question I got right was the alcohol-content question. Go figure. considerably harder marble and brick edifices as OSU. And now I am able to run leged enough to run into the into inanimate objects with considerably more force, behind the wheel of a green 1993 Saturn. I Two more permit exams later, I was finally was lucky enough to pass the driver's exam on my first equipped with the permit itself somewhere in the middle go, and although I nearly killed my boyfriend and I a of my twentieth year. My mother's blood pressure im- scant few hours later, I am behind the wheel, in control, mediately rose to the danger level, so she was off the list of eligible chaperones. My father would take me out in Continued on page 17 Goodbye sunny dreams, hello spring break Realistic alternatives to the idealistic spring break parties Beth Tilgner Editor-I n-Chief Advertisements litter campus bul- letin boards and newspapers. The sun tempts short sleeves and begs you to leave Vacation the umbrella at home. Finals are a joke when your brain is already on the beach. Yes, It's Spring Break again, but let's not fool ourselves. Very few students actually make it to Cancun for their vacation adventures; in fact, many don't get out of Corvallis. Instead of crossing your fingers for nice weather or taking out an emergency loan to find free parties and sun, consider a week of enlightenment that keeps the pennies in your pocket. Rent a beach house. That's right; find a place that sleeps six or eight people and then cram fifteen of your buddies in there. When you divide all the expenses it works out pretty well and nothing says fun like sharing a bathroom with everyone. Just one thing: don't forget the film. If you are stuck working nine to five for the entirety of the break, don't give up on a good time. Although admittedly a strange activity, a photo-scavenger hunt might be the perfect way to make a memory. The rules are simple: each team gets a list of objects and a disposable camera, then they take pictures of a group member with each object. Everyone meets back at an appointed time at a one-hour-photo and the team with the best/most pictures is treated to dinner or dessert. Don't have any friends? Looking for something a bit more rewarding? A little volunteer work can go a long way, and it doesn't hurt your résumé either. Help a house-bound senior citizen plant a flower box or offer to help with yardwork. If gardening doesn't pique your interest, what about entertaining a child for the day? A trip to the beach or even the park can give you a whole new perspective on the world in which we live. No matter how you spend Spring Break, have fun and remember what we are really celebrating: NO HOMEWORK. 17 page on Continued man. attractive otherwise an on hair back covering dis- than Worse bad. Very bad. is acetaldehyde simplify: lets complicated, too get I Before acetate. to friends!) your impress and memorize - syllables (eight nase dehydroge- aldehyde called enzyme another via converted is acetaldehyde here, From etaldehyde. ac- into ethanol converts enzyme an liver, the In circulation. in remains service immediately cannot it whatever try), don't so up, that speed won't fee cof- and hour an drink (one time a at alcohol of amount limited a handle only can liver the Since systems. our from alcohol eliminate to strenuously works which liver, the through circulated gets eventually alcohol containing Blood party.) frat last that at expelled you gallons the of fraction tiny a only is alcohol and water, expel to body your causes it properties diuretic alcohol's - by caused is drinking while urge bathroom the belief, popular to (Contrary MIP. a many of may dis- the to much works test breathalyzer the why is which breath, and urine our in excreted is and catabolism of grip the escapes alcohol of amount small A bloodstreams. our into stomach the from passes it alcohol, consume we When material. of chunks amusing, less although into'maller, down broken is alcohol which by process the is catabolism Alcohol fornia. Cali- to sold promptly ap4 useful, be then would it Duracell-batteries, into ackaged and harnessed be could it If happens?). that when it hate you (don't yow'toaster out blow can and energy much too has itself olt the lightning of bolt a to gous analo- is It y. f?y?ur uni,ts grease smaller into them eaking and breadsticks of chunk lump large a taking es ol in couch SLUG the in found you seventy-five bu the with lunch for scrounge could you whatever of catabolism mal Nor- pieces. smaller,user-friendly into down ken bro- are molecules which by processes with deals that metabolism of part any is Catabolism catabolism. ethanol their in enzyme slower-than-normal a have - heritage rean Ko- and Japanese, Chinese, strong with people of half than more reality, In quickly). red turn who those than fewer far hut are. people (some bodies their in ethanol having to allergic are they that or alcohol, handle can't just Asians that assume myths urban Many drinks. two or one after even pronounced extremely is effect the - up light we before Daniels Jack of bottle whole a consume to have Asians, afflicted other any or I, like not is it And bubbly. the o bit tiniest the to sensitivity high experience that Asians of 50% the of one am I it, have ould geneti and late, As descent. Asian of those in present peculiarly is it but cohol. al- of amounts excessive consume who people of lots to common is response "red-face" The alcohol. sniffof merest the at quire ac- I that red-face watt 10,000 the with parison com- in ember dying a like look nose Ruldolph's make I face. my of flushing instant the to ferring re- am I dancing. had gly embarrass in sulting re- logic higher of nhibition the or seconds, ten every urinate to having mean don't I biological, By alcohol. to response biological my to due it dislike I liquor? free of amounts copious for me qualifies skirts wear to me for acceptable socially is it that fact very the since Especially drinking? dislike female, collegiate old year twenty-one mostly-normal otherwise an I, do Why alcohol. like don't I fact: simple one of because immediately list the off it axed I but mind, my cross (lid thought the admit, I OK, midterm. biophysics my after plastered getting about thinking not I'm least at but school, the canvassed diligently they when intended Advocates Health Peer the what is this sure not I'm beverages. intoxicating contemplate I ogy, sociol- during out zone I as that wonder no is It classes. two first my between walking while signs these of six count I Personally, week." a drinks 4 than less consume OSU at students of "74% fact: same the proclaim which of all Advocates, Health Peer the by posted signs encountering without campus through walk to difficult is It Writer Staff Wirz Jackie consumption alcohol Asian of Peculiarities Face: the in Red Chronicle The 14 U Winter Edition 15 Win Free Stuff! We of the Chronicle staff are working hard to serve our readers, but to do that better we need to hear from you. Simply fill out the survey, clip it out, and put it in the box labeled Chronicle Survey in the SLUG (STAG 030). Surveys will be drawn at random and awarded gift certificates to area merchants. Name: Email: Maj or: Are you in the University Honors College? YES NO Do you enjoy the articles in the Chronicle? YES NO SOME What types of articles do you like to read? (circle as many as you want) UHC News OSU News Entertainment Student Activities Art & Poetry What types of articles would you like to see in the future? Is the layout appealing and easy to follow? YES NO Do you have any suggestions for changes to the layout or ideas for articles you'd like to see? Have you ever written for the Chronicle? YES NO Have you ever done any other type of work for the Chronicle? If YES, what type of work? YES Did you know you can get UHC credit to work with the Chronicle? Would you like to be involved with the Chronicle in the future? What you would like to do: Any other comments, complaints, concerns, or congratulations: NO YES YES NO NO Editorials deefree1ujwio.00m E-MAIL (511-754-4911) FREEMAN DEE P.M. 4.00 TO AM. lthOO SAT. P.M 6:00 TO A.M. 1000 FRI. THRU TUF OPEN MON. AND SUN. CLOSED 100. TO 1 FROM SMALL TO ORDER NO ALL V SHOP sr E 9733 OR. (IWALLIS SL. N.W.91h Z206 TRANSFER PHOTO & TRANSFERS. HEAT EMBROIDERY, B SUITE AVENUE MONPOE W. N. 1425 (7482) 738-PrrA Call: [Delivery 5AC0 for t75 PSALD ExA SE ExA PEE5 oc CC'J' VoAAVO O.T.As pico.ES A2AL 5oc-vs \0 30 AV'O TZAILC -ko 5ECE 5AJCES 5EA00O 525 3,50 3,50 3:75 4.25 5055 4.00 4.00 4.00 4:75 CE00 EV 400 425 0 4,50 CLUS 495 4.00 on 5or 4:75 \E5En 4:75 3,00 4,00 4,00 £ATIIJG SUN AM, 2 - PM 12 SAT TO THURS AM, 4 - AM 11 WED TO MON AM, 3 - AM 11 I4A[TUY TUINKIPJG 1pu tunovere Style ch 1aked resb j)euerte ----... - - Pit Pita The 737-8626 call Pizza a Order To COMMONS MU THE IN DAILY OPEN - eadsticks B Salads Built Custom music) live for extended he may hours Sat & (Fri pm 5:00 - am 10:00 Sun & Sat - am 7:30 pm 10:00 Mon-Fri Week. a Days 7 Open Ori.inall 100% are SMOOTHIES our nd Slice the by Pizza 9WOODSTOCKS daily. PASTRIES own our bake We I own our roast e Alternative." Coffee "Smooth the are truly We coffees. our of quality and freshness the taste will you guarantee we Coffees, Fine Piazza At Ph - 541-752-0484 97330 OR Corvallis, Monroe NW 2047 COFFEES FINE PIAZZA 752-3164 97330 Orcon Corvallis, 9th NW. 1121 FAMILY HEARING THE Specialties Sauteed Rib, Prime Seafood, Fresh GABLES THE P,\ZA p.m. 5:00 from Dinnci Serving Chronicle The 16 H U Winter Edition Red in the Face: Continued from 14 17 Nutrition: Continued from 9 A second disaster is when you realized Many Asians have a slower than average aldehyde that you haven't gone grocery shopping for dehydrogenase to get rid of acetaldehyde. It's as if I was work- awhile and all you have left is the number to Pizza ing at a factory where I had to package 24 crayons in a box. Since I count slowly (don't ask), it would take me longer get a box ready than Rosie the Riveter at the assembly line to my right, and I would have a bunch of crayons piling up in front of me. In alcohol catabolism, the slow enzyme results in a buildup of acetaldehyde which in turns makes some Asians radiate that warm, fuzzy glow of alcohol-induced joy. Before everybody who turns red gets alarmed, acetaldehyde is toxic, but the amounts in the body after consuming a couple of drinks is still low. The effects are generally limited to flushed face and nausea. As can be demonstrated by looking at the demographics of almost any party, Asians can consume alcohol just fine. In fact, many Asians who suffer from the slow enzyme are also blessed with a fast metabolism, which lowers the time alcohol affects the body. Genes are funny like that... So, the next time you notice a bright red face beaming like a beacon across the room, you can saunter up to them and open with the line, "Say, is your acetaldehyde dehydrogenase slow? Cause I've got enough for two.. ." Who knows, you may hit on a biochemistry student, and they'd be very impressed. Pipeline and a few packages of Ramen noodles. All About Rachel: Continued from 7 in counseling. Retirement is what Rachel pictures when she imagines life 25-30 years down the road. Instead of work, she wants to spend her time kayaking, bicycling, and skiing. She wants to return to nature, where she spent a lot of her time as a child, revisiting the environment she loves the most and has spent most of her life studying. Advice As an honors graduate herself, who has written three theses throughout her educational career, Rachel has some advice for all those preparing to write an Honors Thesis: Make sure to carefully catalog and file all your references while writing the thesis. If you're suffering from anxiety, writer's block, abstract goals & timeline, or an unknown thesis topic, make sure to use your resources and talk to Jane, Rachel, or your mentor. Rachel looks forward to meeting the rest of the UHC students, so sign up to advise with her soon. GO TO THE STORE! Both of the previous choices are unacceptable. If you are going to eat empty calories please hit up New Morning Bak- ery and ask for some of their finest, Nanaimo bars. Eating lots of food that is bad for you that doesn't actually taste good isn't going to make you feel any better. You will feel nasty and gross after eating greasy pizza or noodles shaped like a square. However the "healing" qualities of chocolate will boost your mood and also feel very good going down. The third food emergency is when you are suffering from complete boredom. You know this is happening when you visit either the local K-mart or the cow barn for fun. Basically the only remedy for this is sharing a tub of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream with a close friend. You will only need to try it once to be an addict for life and never be bored again. If you eat a basically healthy diet for most of the time and occasionally go to the gym, you can be happy and feel good even when you practice the last several emergency food procedures (in moderation of course). Happy eating! Jackie's Adventures: Continued from 13 and with vented air in my hair. And a few short months after that momentous event, I turned twenty-one. How exciting is my life - I get to drink and drive legally in the same year! In conclusion, this article is a public service announcement. Like Ralph Nader's pivotal book Unsafe at Any Speed, this essay is about increasing public awareness of the danger of motor vehicles. Unlike Nader's work, I'm talking about something more specific than GM. I'm talking about GMAWYSSJBT: General Motors and Why You Should be Scared when Jackie is Behind Them. Take this warning to heart, remember to be safe, and buckle up. KinbertyIvancovich beat on stay And music The poetry the hear to Trying dance my is Lij' levels deafrning To crescendos it times Other it hear 't c/on I soft is it Sometimes niusic my is poetry Mv love mimake shoes Our us below While down filling from keel) To other each to cling we And reeling couple another sends That bump clumsy a as Ends turn graceful a cit attempt An clo'i'ns circus like about trip we As another one Suffocating on insist feet our Yet aching Toes cough a in laughter her hide to tries she And amusement expresses look instructor's The quick-quick" Slow, "Slow, Of chant a mumble lips Our beat the out searching Desperately floor dance the across Stumbling speakers cheap from tin like sounds niusic step two The tranquility. timeless the in drown to easy is it sea golden the In grasshopper a rustling occasional the or breeze slight the of by disturbed only is silence peaceful The iize. around blades brassy tallest the upon glistens and clouds the through breaks sun The grass. golden of sea a in hills misty the from away valley ci rest I trees. green vibrant the in covered landscape, the from out stands liii! closest the But haze. wispy the b' gray left are thcit hills by enveloped is landscape The clouds. oft/ic cover the under and away far lurks it today but there, out is ocean the know I Morrison David By Sea Golden The Anonymous Dancing Chronicle The 18 H U Winter Edition 19 Tattered Dreams Anonynious Tattered dreams Floating like burnt paper Ashes in [lie wind Black and gray inequities Stripping away the virginity Qf the untouched snow Fir and Maple By Beth Wolf Two trees once encompassed an open meadow Lonely they stood as species, together as friends. In the fall, Maple would turn brilliantly beauti,bil colors, Fir stayed green. When winter caine, Maple lost all those leaves and was naked. Fir stayed green. Branches of densely massed needles, Protected small animals frommi heavy snowfall. Both were a little jealous of each other But each had traits that were special. After several winters together Maple didn 't sprout new growths. All summer Maple was naked. In the ear/v fall the mighty winds came and pushed her down. As Maple lay at Fir's roots Bryan 1(0 She was no longer jealous of him, nor luimim of her Fir mourned Maple, but realized that He was growing from her loss. The nutrients that his roots obtained Were froni the break down and decay of Maple. True friendship: being able to accept loss far gain. Nlagaiine Student COLLEGE HONORS UNIVERSITY University State Oregon Offidr1 Th uhc_chronicle@hotmail.com contact involved, get can you how out find To there. stop doesn't it But entertainment local and education issues, current opinions, student life, OSU covers that term each published magazine student College Honors University a iS CHRONICLE CHRONICLE UHC THE OF STAFF THE JOIN BEAR. AVERAGE THE THAN SMARTER Edition Winter Chronicle The H U