Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 20, 2015

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 20, 2015
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at the Administration Office – 410 West Polk
Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30pm, President Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Charles Jarrell, Vice President
Susan Daniels, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Ron Miller
Kevin Oakley
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 68 and 1 Member of the Press
The Board of Education received an addendum to their board packets which included:
Revised Board Agenda
VII. Employments:
Correction to Health Care Professionals work hours for 2015-16 school year.
New Business
X. C. Removed recommendation to employ Speech/Language Consultant for CHS & Jefferson
Elementary School during a leave of absence, 2015-16 school year.
Under Focus on Students and Good News Reports, Mr. Littleford recognized the following individuals:
Jefferson & Ashmore Elementary School Students
The Character Education students chosen by their teachers representing the trait of “Be Your Best’.
Teachers choose students who exemplify this trait and they will be honored at Jefferson and Ashmore
Schools during the Awards Ceremony. Roxanne Cornebise, Counselor is in charge of the program. Be
Your Best - being your best means being responsible, respectful, and kind as well as the personal
goal of self-improvement and the ability to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
4th GradeIla Richter
Jacob Morrisey
Megan Heise
Lindsay Day
Adriana Gonzalez
Emma Beurskens
Tessa Ashley
Taylor Ratliff (Ashmore)
5th GradeMolly Weber
Mason Peterson
Kyler Sweeney
Peyton Cox
Lucas Casper Edgar
Dylan Rasler
Aftyn Oliver
Amelia Kuznicki
Ellie Long
6th GradeJessi Vanetta
Grace Britton
Nichole Fulk
Leanna Hunter
Graciana Kenney
Lexi Stewart
Rueger Walters
Students who have earned more than 1,000 points in the Reading Counts Program
Reading Counts is a computer based program where students take quizzes based on their books read and
receive points for successful completion of the assessment.
Carl Sandburg Elementary School
Jefferson Elementary School
Austin Fehrenbacher – 3rd grade (1854 pts 271 books) Noel Chi – 5th grade (1128 pts, 58 books)
Haylee Lassak – 3rd grade (1334 pts 600 books)
Kevin Caltry – 6th grade (1013 pts, 59 books)
Ryan Wang – 6th grade (1000 pts, 49 books)
CHS Student that participated in the Special Olympics Competition at Eastern IL University and
are all eligible to attend the state competition this June.
Austin Herrington – 1st place winner – 100 meter dash and standing long jump
Jesse Jenkins – 1st place winner – 100 meter dash
Jimmy Peterlich – 1st place winner – softball throw
Mackenzie Rardin – 1st place winner – standing long jump
A special recognition to their teachers, Amy Jackson and Angel Warman for the time and effort they have
given to sponsor the Special Olympics program.
CHS Student Richard Whitaker for advancing to the state WYSE (World Wide Youth in Science and
Engineering) finals held in Champaign, IL this past school year. Richard was a finalist in both Math and
Chemistry. Greg Juriga is the teacher that sponsors the WYSE club this year at CHS. The CHS WYSE
team won the regional and advanced to the sectional with Richard making it to the state finals.
Under Public, Staff Comments or Questions, Written Communications, President Coe asked if there
were any requests or written communications to the Board of Education. There were no requests
Mr. Littleford reported that no requests were received for the Board of Education. The district did receive
two (2) Freedom of Information Act requests. The first request was from Mr. James Bachman, Illinois
Retired Teachers Association, for the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the CUSD #1 retiring
school personnel, received by fax May 7, 2015. Mr. Littleford indicated that this FOIA request was
denied by the district due to an exemption to privacy of individuals and based upon the Freedom of
Information Act 5 ILCS 140/3.5(a).
The second request was from Ms. Angelica Wawrzynek of Tapella & Eberspacher Law Firm for a copy
of the 2012-13 amended school calendar for Charleston CUSD #1. The FOIA request was honored by the
President Coe asked the Board of Education if there were any requests to remove consent agenda items or
addendum items for discussion. There were no requests from the Board of Education.
Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.
Consent Agenda: Standard Items
 Approve the minutes of the following meeting: Special/Organizational Meeting of 5/5/15.
 Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of 4/2015.
 Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending 4/2015.
Consent Agenda: New Business
 Adopt the School Behavior Pamphlet and elementary, middle and high school handbooks, for the
2015-16 school year as presented.
Authorize testing to complete evaluations of preschool age students during the summer of 2015.
Enter into a contract with School Psychologist Rachel Schaub, Social Worker Kristin McDevitt,
and Speech/Language Pathologist Jana Sweeney to complete the evaluations.
Assign Cathy Senior as the Library Services Director Designee for the 2015-16 school year.
Grant 358.5 (three hundred fifty-eight & one half) gifted sick leave days to Tina Swim, Science
teacher at Charleston High School.
Grant 306 (three hundred six) gifted sick leave days to Jeff Miller, Driver’s Education teacher at
Charleston High School.
Consent Agenda: Employment
 Accept a letter of retirement from Joelyn Akers, Guidance Counselor at Charleston High
School, effective at the end of the 2018-19 school year.
 Accept a letter of retirement from Tina Swim, Science teacher at Charleston High School,
effective at the end of the 2018-19 school year.
 Accept a letter of retirement from Jeff Miller, Driver’s Education teacher at Charleston
High School, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year.
 Accept a letter of retirement from Debbie Gillespie, a Title 1 Paraprofessional at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School, effective August 7, 2015.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Teresa Beck as a Speech/Language Pathologist at
CMS and Jefferson Elementary School, effective end 2014-15 school year.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Tiffany Triemstra as a 4th grade teacher at Jefferson
Elementary School, effective end 2014-15 school year.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Jana Gately as a 1:1 Paraprofessional for student
#13856 at Charleston High School, effective end 2014-15 school year.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Derek Williams as a paraprofessional in the ED
Classroom at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2014-15 school year.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Ernest Williams as the JV Boys’ Basketball Coach at
Charleston High School, effective immediately.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Tim Hogan as an Assistant Football Coach at
Charleston High School, effective immediately.
 Grant a Maternity/Family Medical Leave to Katie Niemerg, not to exceed 12 weeks.
 Grant a Family Medical Leave to Melissa Lahr, a paraprofessional at Jefferson
Elementary School, not to exceed 12 weeks.
 Grant an unpaid leave of absence to Julie Beabout, a program paraprofessional at
Jefferson Elementary School beginning August 17 – December 11, 2015.
 Grant a Family Medical Leave to Tricia Lampley, a paraprofessional at Mark Twain
Elementary School, not to exceed 12 weeks.
 Approve the revised teaching assignments for the 2015 Summer School session:
Donna Williams – APEX Teacher (1st Semester)
Angel Warman – APEX Teacher (2nd Semester)
 Approve the list of CUSD #1 substitutes/volunteers as of March 30 – May 8, 2015.
 Approve the transfer of Brock Paul into a second grade teaching position at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School, beginning with the 2015-16 school year.
 Approve the assignments of the District School Health Care Professionals for the
2015-16 school year:
Halona Michels
Jefferson Elementary School (all day)
Rhonda Pedigo
Charleston Middle School (after 9:00am daily)
Mark Twain Elementary School (7:00-9:00am daily)
Bretta Reed
Mark Twain Elementary School (9:00-11:45am daily)
Charleston High School (after 11:45am daily)
Karla Yocum
Carl Sandburg Elementary School (all days except
Tuesday mornings) at Ashmore Elementary School
Approve the employment of Sarah Pfleging as a full time Speech Pathologist at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School, beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Employment
contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.
Approve the assignment of John McInerney to serve as a volunteer Cross Country Coach
at Charleston Middle School during the 2015-16 school year, contingent upon the receipt
of all required paperwork.
President Coe recommended that the Board of Education approve items under III through VII inclusive
and addendum items on the Consent Agenda. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: K. Miller (Gifted Sick Days and Retirement of Jeff Miller)
Motion carried
Under the Superintendent’s Report: CUSD #1 On-Line Registration (Skyward) Update
Mr. Littleford announced that after planning to implement an online school registration system for over
two years, the components for success are now in place. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo
presented to the Board of Education, general information to include a timeframe to get notification to
CUSD #1 staff members and the community. He indicated that a more formal presentation will be
presented at the June 17 board meeting.
The Board of Education discussed the process and asked questions to include payment of fee’s, electronic
fee’s and charges, turning in mandated forms, medical records, etc. Mr. Oakley asked if board members
would be able to go through the process prior to opening it up to the public, so they can respond to public
questions. Mr. Vilardo said that would be a good idea and he would arrange a time.
Annual Review/CMS Golf Program
At the regular board meeting held on February 19, 2014, the Board of Education approved a proposal to
implement a Golf Club/Team at Charleston Middle School beginning with the 2014-15 school year, at
no cost to the District. In addition, the Board of Education will review the CMS Golf Club/Team and
participation in the IESA State Tournament annually. As a part of the review Coach Stan Adkins
provided a report outlining the first year. CMS Athletic Director Brad Oakley was in attendance and
reported on the status of operations. He reported everything ran smooth and commended Coach Adkins
and his secretaries, Mary Isbell and Myra Foster, for working together and ensuring a successful first
year. He said that five (5) boys and three (3) girls made the golf team. Coach Adkins is already meeting
with students for next year’s team.
ISBE/FY2015 Annual Recognition of Schools
Mr. Littleford reported that Charleston CUSD #1 received certification from the Illinois State Board of
Education that all sites are in compliance pursuant to the standards for public schools set forth in the
School Code and State Board of Education Rules and Regulations. The Illinois State Board of Education
is no longer providing Certificates of Recognition, but sent notification that Charleston CUSD #1 is fully
Establish Board of Education/Administrative Retreat
The Board of Education established Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 6:00pm for a Board of
Education/Administrative Retreat. During the retreat the Board of Education and CUSD #1
Administrative Team will focus upon district goals
Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the
Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under Old Business: Adoption/Board Policy Exhibit 6:280, Promotion/Retention Rubric
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt revised Board Policy
Exhibits 6:280, Promotion/Retention Rubric, for grades Kindergarten – Grade 8 as presented. The
exhibits have been on file for the required layover period. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Action New Business: Award Contract Renewal/Food Service Management Provider
Financial Consultant, David Kuetemeyer has been working with representatives from ARAMARK Food
Services to prepare a one-year extension of the food service contract with the school district with a 3%
increase for the 2015-16 school year. The percentage of increase is determined by a rate set by the
Federal Government and the State of Illinois based upon restaurant CPI Index. Dr. Clarke moved and
Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: R. Miller
Motion carried
Renewal/Contract Agreement Bushue Human Resources, July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Agreement with
Bushue Human Resources, Inc., for Human Resource, Safety, and Insurance Consulting services,
effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Miller reported on several phone calls that he had regarding concerns of the
District’s Health Insurance Program and that entering into a 3-year contract renewal with Bushue Human
Resources could limit options for the Health Insurance Committee.
Mr. Littleford pointed out that Bushue Human Resources consults the District in many other areas besides
Health Insurance. For example, the contract includes such services as inservice programs on safety,
development of safety programs, inspection of facilities, inservice workshops on worker’s compensation
insurance, family and medical leave, liability insurance, overtime regulations, etc. Steve Bushue meets
on a monthly basis with the Superintendent and Business Manager with insurance updates. Meetings
have also been held to inform all employees about the 125 Cafeteria Plan for Medical and Dependent
Care Costs. In addition, Bushue Human Resources complete all of the background checks, help with
legal employment issues, and defining the ‘Affordable Care Act.’
Mr. Littleford stated that an ‘opt out’ clause was available in the contract with Bushue Human Resources.
Mr. Miller said that the Health Insurance Committee could have the option of a fully funded coverage
health insurance program. It is up to the committee to let Mr. Bushue know what options they would like
to have with a plan.
Mr. Kuetemeyer stated that Bushue Human Resources is paid an annual fee and there are no additional
benefits to him or his company to steer the district one way or another in their decision making process.
He is a consultant and it is his job to advise the district.
The Board of Education discussed the health reserve funds and going out for bid for coverage.
Mr. Miller stressed the need for Mr. Bushue to explain the options so every committee member
Upon closer review of the contract, Mr. Oakley noticed that the ‘opt out’ clause was not in the contract.
He also asked Mr. Littleford if the school attorney could review the contract prior to final approval from
the Board of Education.
Mr. Littleford said that he would ask Bushue Human Resources to add the ‘opt out’ clause for the renewal
contract and then, he would forward the contract to our District Attorney Chris Miller for review.
At that time, Mr. Oakley moved to amend the motion on the table to include an ‘opt out’ clause in the
Agreement with Bushue Human Resources, Inc. Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, Daniels
NAY: R. Miller, Coe
Abstain: none
Motion carried
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Agreement with
Bushue Human Resources, Inc., for Human Resource, Safety, and Insurance Consulting services, to
include an ‘opt out’ clause, effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs.
Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Contract Agreement/Speech/Language Pathologist for CHS & Jefferson Schools
Removed from Agenda.
Contract Agreements for Psychologist Services(PT), effective 2015-16 School Year
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve contractual
Agreements with Rita McCollum and Cheryl Armstrong to serve as a School Psychologists for the
2015-2016 school year, not to exceed 100 days. Mr. Jarrell moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Clarke, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Contract Agreement/Paris Union School District #95 for Psychologist Services(PT),
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve a contractual
agreement with Paris Union School District #95 for services of Alesia Grigg, during the 2015-16 school
year, not to exceed 100 days.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Donation/Recognition Signs for Newly Constructed Concession/Restroom/Storage Facility
The superintendent recommends that the Board of Education grant authorization to accept the donation of
two signs to recognize all businesses that donated to the construction of the concession/restroom/storage
facility located on the All Sports Complex. Mr. Jarrell moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Clarke, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Amendment to CUSD #1 2014-15 Budget/Establish Date & Time for Budget Hearing
When a school district has a total disbursement in a fund that is greater than the amount budgeted for any
year, the district is required to make an amendment to the budget. After review of current expenditures
for the district, adjustments are being recommended for the 2014-2015 budget. Financial Consultant,
David Kuetemeyer outlined the recommended adjustments that will need to be made at the June 17, 2015
board meeting. The page of the amended budget that is affected will be on file and available for public
inspection for the required 30 days at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. A public hearing on
the amended budget will be held at 6:15pm on June 17, 2015 with final adoption following the hearing.
Following review of the amendment to the 2014-2015 school district budget pending a public hearing on
the amended budget, the superintendent recommended that the public hearing on the 2014-15 amended be
held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 6:15pm. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Adopt Revised Workload Plan for Special Educators for 2015-16 School Year
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Workload Plan
for Special Educators with no revisions, as presented. Mr. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Approval Health Life Safety Amendment for Jefferson Elementary School
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve a Health/Life
Safety Amendment to request funding for roof replacement and repairs to the original roof on Jefferson
Elementary School with an estimated cost with contingencies of $337,200.00. Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr.
Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Establish Committee Membership – Board of Education
The Board of Education discussed committee assignments for the 2015-16 school year and made
assignments as listed.
Grievance Committee
Parent Teacher Advisory Committee
Health Insurance Committee
Memorial Committee
CEA/Administrative Committee
EIASE Governing Board
Public Relations Committee
ESP/Administrative Committee
Policy Committee
Calendar Committee
Buildings, Grounds, Equipment, Programs
Finance Committee
Charles Jarrell
Jason Coe
Scott Clarke, Ron Miller, Kelly Miller
Jason Coe
Jason Coe, Ron Miller (alternate)
Susan Daniels Remaining Board Members (alt)
Charles Jarrell
Charles Jarrell Ron Miller (alternate)
Susan Daniels
Scott Clarke, Kelly Miller
Ron Miller, Kevin Oakley
Ron Miller, Kevin Oakley
No formal action was required.
At 8:27pm, President Coe recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to
consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, and discipline of specific
employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to
determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)
Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations
concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(2)
Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.
Mr. Littleford indicated that action would follow closed session.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 8:55pm, Dr. Clarke made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the employment of
Jim Weiss as a Substitute Principal for Mark Twain Elementary School on call as needed, effective until
the end of the day on June 8, 2015.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 8:56pm, Dr. Clarke moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mr. Oakley seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: Clarke, Oakley, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Susan Daniels
Secretary, Board of Education