Kinetics of Potassium Exchange in a Paleudult from the Coastal Plain of Virginia1 D. L. SPARKS, L. W. ZELA/NY, AND D. C. MARTENSZ Kinetic reactions are thought to exist between the various phases of K. The reaction between the soilsolution and exchangeable phases of K is generally proposed to be almost instantaneous (Way, 1850; Wood and DeTurk, 1940; Malcom and Kennedy, 1969). Barium-potassium exchange on pure montmorillonite, "illite", and kaolinite was found to be rapid, with 75% of the total exchange occurring within 3 sec. However, the rate of Ba-K exchange on vermiculitic materials was slower with 50 and 97% of the exchange reached after 10 and 720 sec, respectively (Malcom and Kennedy, 1969). This slower rate of exchange in vermiculite was attributed to slow diffusion into interlayers. Barshad (1954) reported that diffusion-controlled exchange is characterized by a linear relationship between percent exchange and (time)172 for sand and gravel-sized mica and for vermiculite. Malcom and Kennedy (1970) observed that >75% exchange was completed within 3 sec and 100% in 5 to 10 min in the fine and coarse clay and fine silt fractions of stream sediments. Complete exchange required 20 sec to 1 hour in the fine- and medium-sand fractions, while 1 to 2 days were required for complete exchange in the coarse-sand fractions. Similar results were reported by others for sand fractions (Joffe and Kunin, 1943; McAloose and Mitchell, 1958). Selim et al. (1976) proposed that a kinetic type reaction existed between soil solution and exchangeable K with an adsorption rate coefficient (ka) governing the forward reaction and a resorption rate coefficient (kd) governing the reverse reaction. They proposed that the adsorption reaction (ka) was the nth order while the desorption reaction (kd) was first order. The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetics of reactions occurring between the solution and exchangeable phases of K in two Dothan soils from Virginia. Potassium adsorption reactions were conducted with concentration held constant and adsorption rate coefficients determined using a modified Freundlich equation. ABSTRACT The kinetics of K adsorption from solution to exchangeable phases were investigated on the Ap, A2, B21t, and B22t horizons of Dothan soil (Plinthic Paleudult) from two locations in Virginia. These soils are loamy sands in the upper horizons with clay content increasing with depth, are slightly acidic in the surface with pH decreasing with depth, have CEC's ranging from 3.4 to 8.6 meq/100 g in the four horizons and contain considerable quantities of chloritized vernuculite and kaolinite in all horizons. Potassium adsorption with time was evaluated on Al- and Ca-saturated samples from each horizon using 5, 25, and 100 /ig/ml K solutions equilibrated for 0, 1, 2, 24, 96, and 192 hours. Equilibrium in K exchange was reached hi 2 hours with the 5 and 25 /tg/ml solutions and in about 24 hours with the 100 /tg/ml solution. This slow rate of K exchange was attributed to diffusion-controlled exchange, which reflects the relatively high amount of vermiculitic material in these soils. Adsorption rate coefficients (/£„) were calculated from reaction time vs. quantity of K sorbed using a modified form of the Freundlich equation. The magnitude of the h, values decreased with increasing ionic strength, which conforms to Bronsted's activity rate theory. The similar magnitude of the k, values from horizon to horizon suggests that similar exchange reactions were taking place in all horizons. Additional Index Words: chemistry. ion exchange, ion adsorption, K Sparks, D. L., L. W. Zelazny, and D. C. Martens. 1980. Kinetics of potassium exchange in a Paleudult from the Coastal Plain of Virginia. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44:37-40. VOLUMINOUS AMOUNT OF RESEARCH has been perA formed on various aspects of ionic exchange with K, but a meager amount has appeared in the literature on the rate of K exchange or the kinetics of K adsorption in soil. While research has been conducted on the kinetics in pure clay systems, little has been conducted on soil systems where complex mixtures of clay minerals and organic matter are present. Furthermore, the kinetics of ion-exchange reactions are not understood in either system (Thomas, 1977). A further understanding .of K chemistry requires research on the rate of K exchange in soil systems. Most researchers concur that soil K exists in soilsolution, exchangeable, nonexchangeable, and mineral phases. The soil-solution and exchangeable phases are regarded as readily available forms of K (Reitemeier, 1951). The nonexchangeable form of K is generally considered as a slowly available form of K occurring in "illitic" clay and other 2:1 types of intergrade minerals (Wood and DeTurk, 1940; Reitemeier, 1951; Rich, 1968). The mineral phase of K is relatively unavailable and is a constituent of primary minerals such as micas and feldspars (Reitemeier, 1951; Rich, 1968). MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies were conducted on two Dothan soils (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Plinthic Paleudults) located in Greensville and Nottoway Counties, Virginia. The Greensville County soil had been cultivated for over a century, whereas the Nottoway County soil had been under forest for 3 decades prior to this study. Bulk samples were selected from the Ap, A2, B2H, and B22t horizons at the two locations. The samples were air-dried and crushed to pass a 2-mm sieve. Particle size analyses, were determined by the pipette method (Kilmer and Alexander, 1949). Mineralogical analyses, consisting of X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, were performed on the <2jum clay fraction of the soils. Prior to soil mineral particlesize fractionation, subsamples were treated with 30% H2O2 to remove organic matter (Kunze, 1965) and with Na-dithionitecitrate to remove Fe oxides (Mehra and Jackson, 1960). Sand was separated from silt and clay by wet sieving and clay was separated from silt by centrifugation and decantation. X-ray diffractograms were obtained with a Diano XRD 8300 AD instrument employing a CuKa radiation source and a graphite monochromator from oriented clay slides prepared according to the procedures of Rich and Barnhisel (1977), and differential thermograms with a DuPont 990 differential scanning calorimeter. 1 Contribution from the Dep. of Agronomy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Presented to Div. S-2, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 7 Dec. 1978, in Chicago, 111.2 Received 11 Jan. 1979. Approved 27 Sept. 1979. Former Graduate Research Assistant, Associate Professor, and Professor of Agronomy, respectively. The senior author is presently Assistant Professor of Soil Chem., Dep. of Plant Sci., Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711. 37 38 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 44, Organic matter was determined by the Walkley-Black (1934) method and cation exchange capacity by a MgCl2 saturation with subsequent displacement by CaCl3 (Okazaki et al., 1963; Rich, 1962). Exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and Na were extracted with IN NH 4 OAc (Jackson, 1958) and determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The pH measurements were obtained from a 1:1 soil/water mixture. Prior to initiation of the kinetic sorption studies subsamples from each soil horizon from the two locations were Al- or Casaturated, using either IN A1C13 or IN CaCL. The soil was subsequently washed with deionized water, followed by a 50% acetone-H2O mixture until a negative test for Cl" was obtained with AgNO3. The saturated samples were air-dried and crushed to pass a 2-mm sieve. Soil pH was measured on the Al- and Ca-saturated samples from each horizon using a 1:1 soil/water mixture. Cation exchange capacity of the Al-saturated samples from each horizon was determined by displacement with IN KC1. The quantity of Al in the leachate was analyzed by titrating with standardized base. The CEC of the Ca-saturated samples was ascertained by displacement with IN MgCl2. The quantity of Ca in solution was measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. K Sorption Vs. Time One-gram aliquots of the Al- or Ca-saturated samples from each horizon were weighed into 100-ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes. Fifty milliliters of KC1 containing 5, 25, or 100 /ig K/ml were added to three samples. The samples were shaken at 25 °C on a reciprocating shaker for 0, 1, 2, 24, 48, 96, or 192 hours, centrifuged, and K in the supernatant measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Concentration differences before and after shaking were assumed to represent the amount of K that had sorbed on soil material surfaces. The sorption values (/ig K/g) for each soil treatment were plotted against reaction time (hours) on a logarithmic scale. Adsorption rate coefficients (&„) were calculated from a modification of the Freundlich equation as proposed by Kuo and Lotse (1974): Greensville and Nottoway Counties are given in Table 1. The CEC of the soil was relatively low and was highest in the B22t horizon which had the highest clay content. With the exception of the Ap horizon, the exchangeable K was higher in the Greensville County soil. This may reflect K fertilization during the prolonged period of cultivation. Considerable quantities of chloritized vermiculite, - kaolinite, and gibbsite were present throughout the profiles of the two Dothan soils. The mineral suite in the two soils at both locations was similar, with chloritized vermiculite being the most abundant mineral in the Ap, A2, and B21t horizons; and kaolinite in the B22t horizon. The A2 horizon from the Nottoway County location contained some vermiculite and mica. These minerals were absent from the A2 horizon of the Greensville County location. Soil pH of the presaturated samples was slightly acidic and was lower in the Al-saturated soils in all horizons for both soils than in the Ca-saturated soils (Table 2). The pH of the Al-saturated and Ca-saturated systems in the Greensville County soil tended to decrease with increasing depth. This conformed with Table 2—Soil pH and cation exchange capacity of the Al- and Ca-saturated samples used in kinetics studies from Greensville and Nottoway Counties. Saturation treatment Horizon = = = = = 1 adsorption rate coefficient in hours' , amount of K adsorbed in /tg/g> initial K concentration in ppm, reaction time in hours, and constant. 5.0 5.3 5.2 5.6 5.2 5.4 4.6 5.0 Ca Al Ca Al B2H Ca B22t The parameter 1/m was calculated from the slope of the linear portion of the plots. CEC, meq/100 g Greensville County A2 where pH Al Ap /£„ = X/C,tV< £„ x c0 t 1/m 1980 Al Ca Nottoway County Al 4.5 Ca 6.1 Al 4.6 Ca 5.9 Al 5.0 Ca 6.7 Al 4.6 Ca 4.9 Ap A2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION B21t Soil Characteristics B22t Selected physical and chemical properties, and mineralogy of the clay fraction, of the Dothan soils from 2.3 2.5 2.1 2.3 4.2 4.3 4.7 5.1 3.2 3.6 2.0 2.3 3.8 4.1 4.9 5.1 Table 1—Selected physical and cnemical properties and mineralogy of the < 2-/un clay fraction of Dothan soils from Greensville and Nottoway Counties. Particle size analysis Horizon Depth Sand Silt Clay pH — % — cm 23.8 17.3 9.0 7.0 10.3 28.1 6.1 5.8 4.8 4.4 15.0 20.1 19.1 15.6 3.4 9.1 11.9 17.5 5.8 5.2 4.7 4.6 Ap A2 B21t B22t 0-20 20-31 31-41 41-76 66.6 77.0 65.9 54.6 24.4 16.0 Ap A2 B21t B22t 0-15 15-33 33-58 58-84 81.6 70.8 69.1 66.9 Organic matter Exchangeable bases CEC % Greensville County 4.2 0.5 0.3 4.0 4.8 0.3 7.2 0.2 Nottoway County 1.2 5.8 3.4 0.2 0.2 4.0 0.2 8.6 Ca Mg Na K clay fraction! 0.74 1.03 0.85 1.08 0.12 0.21 0.27 0.22 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.19 0.19 0.22 1.72 0.24 0.26 0.52 0.85 0.13 0.16 0.48 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.11 VC,,KK,,QZ,,GI4 0.06 VC,,VR,,KK,,MI4 ,QZ S ,GI. 0.08 VC,, KK,, GIS, QZ4 0.16 KK,,VC,,GI,,QZ4 VC1 t,GII ,QZ,,KK4 VC,, KK,, QZS, GI4, MM, VC,,KK,,GI,,MI 4 ,QZ, KK,, VC,, GI,, QZ. t VC = chloritized vermiculite; KK = kaolinite; QZ = quartz; GI = gibbsite; VR = vermiculite; MI = mica; MM = montmorillonite. i Subscript 1 = most abundant, 6 = least abundant. SPARKS ET AL.: KINETICS OF K EXCHANGE IN A PALEUDULT FROM THE COASTAL PLAIN OF VIRGINIA the pH trend of the soil in its natural state (Table 1). The pH of the Al- and Ca-saturated soils was lower in the Nottoway County soil than in the Greensville County soil and generally decreased with depth. The CEC of the Al-saturated soils was somewhat lower than the Ca-saturated soils and tended to increase with increasing clay content (Table 1) in both soils. The lower CEC of the Al-saturated systems is partly due to a valency effect. The A13+ should be harder to displace from the exchange phase than would Ca2+ (Helfferich, 1962). Nye et al. (1961) noted that it is difficult to displace all of the exchangeable Al which would result in a lower CEC. The slightly lower Al CEC could also be due to decomposition of some exchange sites during Al saturation (Frink, 1964). The greatest differences in CEC between the Al- and Ca-saturated systems occurred where the pH differences were greatest. This would suggest some decomposition of exchange sites when Al-saturated (Table 2). K Sorption Vs. Time Potassium sorption was noninstantaneous for the Al- and Ca-saturated samples from the Ap and B22t horizons of the Greensville County location (Fig. 1-4). Although not shown, a similar trend occurred in the other horizons from this location and in all hori1000 39 zons from the Nottoway County location. The noninstantaneous sorption differs from findings of others (Way, 1850; Malcom and Kennedy, 1969) with pure systems. The sorption process was virtually complete in the 5 and 25 ppm K-treated Al- and Ca-saturated Ap horizons of the Greensville County site in 2 hours (Fig. 1 and 2). The 100 ppm K-treated soils sorbed more K than either the 5 or 25 ppm K-treated soils, which is expected from a concentration standpoint (Kelley, 1948), and resulted in a relatively linear relationship when plotted logarithmically. However, equilibrium was not reached until approximately 24 hours of equilibration time. The Ca-saturated Ap horizon of the Greensville County soil sorbed considerably more K than the Al-saturated soil (Fig. 2), which can be expected on the basis of easier displacement of divalent Ca than trivalent Al by K (Helfferich, 1962). Although not reported, both the A2 and B21t horizons were similar to the Ap horizon for sorption vs. time plots (Fig. 1 and 2), which would be expected since similar mineralogy and clay contents were present (Table 1). Aluminum- and Ca-saturated soils from the B22t horizon sorbed considerably more K than did those from other horizons (Fig. 3 and 4). The higher clay content of this horizon afforded more exchange sites for sorption of K in the Al- or Ca-saturated samples. 1000 100 200 0.1 2 10 100 200 REACTION TIME (hrs) REACTION TIME (hrs) Fig. 1—Potassium adsorption by Greensville County Ap soil horizon (Al-saturated) as a function of time plotted on a logarithmic scale at 25 °C. 1000 Fig. 3—Potassium adsorption by Greensville County B22t soil horizon (Al-saturated) as a function of time plotted on a logarithmic scale at 25°C. 1000 0 LJ CD 100 - 2 10 100 200 REACTION TIME (hrs) fig- 2—Potassium adsorption by Greensville County Ap soil horizon (Ca-saturated) as a function of time plotted on a logarithmic scale at 25°C. 2 10 100 2OO REACTION TIME (hrs) Fig. 4—Potassium adsorption by Greensville County B22t soil horizon (Ca-saturated) as a function of time plotted on a logarithmic scale at 25°C. 40 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 44, 1980 Table 3—Adsorption rate coefficients for Dothan soil from Greensville and Nottoway Counties. Horizon Treatment —<j»—————————— K C, ppm Ap Al-saturated Ap Ca-saturated A2 Al-saturated 5 25 100 5 25 100 5 25 100 A2 Ca-saturated B21t Al-saturated B2H Ca-saturated 5 25 100 5 25 100 B22t Al-saturated B22t Ca-saturated 5 25 100 5 25 100 5 25 100 *a Greensville ——— hour 10.23 3.13 1.08 14.23 3.75 1.84 12.79 2.85 1.60 11.74 4.54 2.20 13.22 3.47 1.92 15.75 4.65 2.46 12.26 3.64 2.02 20.01 4.53 3.84 *a Nottoway 12.07 3.26 0.95 12.93 4.36 2.07 10.00 2.30 0.75 11.12 3.92 2.19 10.85 3.93 1.55 14.26 4.31 2.30 14.38 4.64 2.17 21.91 8.45 5.67 The 5- and 25-ppm K-treated soils reached equilibrium in approximately 1 hour while equilibrium was not reached in the 100-ppm K-treated soils until about 24 hours. Similar to the other horizons, the Ca-saturated soil sorbed much more K than did the Al-saturated soil. These data showing noninstaneous ion exchange for K by Al- and Ca-saturated soils suggest diffusion controlled exchange. These soils contained vermiculitic clay minerals and mica (Table 1), which others have shown to exhibit slow diffusion-related exchange (Barshad, 1955; Malcom and Kennedy, 1970). A practical aspect of this slow rate of sorption is that K could remain in the soil-solution phase for longer times where it might be either leached or taken up by plants. Adsorption Rate Coefficients Reaction rates are directly proportional to ka values (Selim et al., 1976). Measured ka values decreased with increasing ionic strength (Table 3), which confirms a faster exchange rate for the lower concentrations of added K as indicated by Bronsted's activity rate theory (Moore, 1972). A trend for a faster rate of exchange in the Ca-saturated system than in the Al-saturated system was also indicated by these ka values. The ka values o£ the same horizons were similar at both locations, which suggests that similar exchange reactions were taking place as would be expected because of similar mineralogy. Apparently, the past cropping history had no major influence on kinetics. The ka values of these soils ranged from about 1 to 20 hour"1, which suggest slow rates of reaction (Fig. 1-4) as compared with values of 81 to 216 hour"1 calculated for Florida soils (Selim et al., 1976). This can be explained on the basis of the predominance of kaolinite in the Florida soils as compared with vermiculitic minerals in the Virginia soils. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors appreciate the partial support for this research from the Virginia Agricultural Foundation.