Visualizing the Topic Space of the United States Supreme Court Peter A. Hook, J.D., M.S.L.I.S. Electronic Services Librarian Indiana University School of Law—Bloomington Doctoral Student, School of Library and Information Science June 25, 2007, ISSI 2007 Madrid, Spain SLIS Impact of the Legal Information Infrastructure Frank Shepard’s Legal Citators Gene Garfield’s Citators Inspired Page and Brin’s PageRank Relevance Algorithm which powers Google Illinois Citations, (1875) (1950’s) (1996) 1 2 Relational Infrastructure of the Law (Topic Assignments) Research Question • Question: What are the topical adjacencies of subjects addressed by the United States Supreme Court based on the co-occurrence of top level topics assigned by West Publishing? Goal: To create a rigorous substrate map on which to layer 60 years worth of data. • Techniques: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) 3 About the Dataset • Co-occurrence counts of topics assigned by West Publishing to United States Supreme Court cases • October 1944 - July 2005 • 7,948 unique cases • 19,789 topic assignments • 405 top level topics in the West taxonomy • 290 appear in Supreme Court cases during this time period. • 289 co-occur with other topics (all but U.S. v. Kozminski, 487 U.S. 931 (U.S. Mich., 1988). 356 Slaves 356 k24 k. Abolition of Slavery; Peonage. Record contained sufficient evidence of physical or legal coercion to support conviction for holding mentally retarded men on farm in involuntary servitude and conspiring to interfere with their Thirteenth Amendment right to be free from involuntary servitude. 91 Conspiracy 91II Criminal Responsibility 91II(A) Offenses 91k29.5 Conspiracy Against Exercise of Civil Rights 91k29.5(2) k. Rights or Privileges Involved. (Formerly 91k29.6) Reference) • 3743 unique topic pairings (out of a possible 83,521 (289 * 289)) Statute prohibiting conspiracy to interfere with right secured by Constitution or laws of United States incorporates prohibition of involuntary servitude contained in Thirteenth Amendment. • Sparse matrix 361 Statutes 110 Criminal Law 4 Top 40 Topics (Number of Cases they appear in out of 7,948 total) 3032 2294 1231 785 564 526 510 488 447 432 420 398 378 370 262 261 239 200 192 184 Federal Courts Constitutional Law Criminal Law Statutes Labor Relations States Commerce Courts Federal Civil Procedure United States Civil Rights Internal Revenue Habeas Corpus Administrative Law and Procedure Monopolies Sentencing and Punishment Searches and Seizures Witnesses Taxation Judgment 169 164 153 144 140 135 134 131 131 122 120 119 113 110 106 101 100 90 90 85 Jury Injunction Elections Armed Services Aliens Bankruptcy Schools Arrest Double Jeopardy Eminent Domain Municipal Corporations Indians Declaratory Judgment Action Social Security and Public Welfare Evidence War and National Emergency Trade Regulation Environmental Law Telecommunications Bottom 40 Topics (Number of Cases they appear in out of 7,948 total) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chemical Dependents Accord and Satisfaction Account Account, Action on Assumpsit, Action of Asylums Bigamy Bonds Boundaries Cancellation of Instruments Cemeteries Champerty and Maintenance Clubs Deposits in Court Dower and Curtesy Easements Explosives False Pretenses Forgery Good Will 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Homestead Innkeepers Joint Tenancy Motions Notaries Parliamentary Law Parties Penalties Reference Sequestration Slaves Tenancy in Common Trover and Conversion United States Marshals Vendor and Purchaser Weights and Measures Wharves Wills Woods and Forests Urban Railroads 5 Previous Work (2004) – Pajek Rendering of the Dataset Color Code: 1. Persons 2. Property 3. Contracts 4. Torts 5. Crimes 6. Remedies 7. Government Node Size ~ Number of times topic appears in the dataset Node Color ~ West Category This is an enlargement of the area around the Criminal Law node. Interestingly, the node closely clusters with a number of procedural topics (in green). While grouped in different West categories (blue = Crimes, green = Remedies), it appears that Criminal Law more closely relates to some Remedies topics than Crimes topics. 6 Principal Components Analysis 0.6 0.4 Dimension 1 0.8 1.0 Social Security/Public Welfare Abortion/Birth Control ElectionsSchools Libel/Slander Costs Telecommunications Food Colleges/Universities Banks/Banking Attorney/Client Declaratory Judgment Trespass Health Mental Health Judges Citizens Prisons Armed Services Cemeteries War/National Emergency Municipal Corporations Intoxicating Liquors Sunday Officers/Public Employees Census Labor of Relations Militia Obscenity Removal Cases Agriculture Evidence Estoppel Mandamus Pardon/Parole Appeal/Error Environmental Law Unlawful Assembly Civil RightsAttorney General Extortion/ThreatsClerks Aliens Breach of the Peace Corporations of Courts Associations Indians Territories Charities Action District of Columbia Customs Duties Wills Aviation Internal Revenue Records Trade Regulation Children Out-Of-Wedlock Injunction International Law Postal Prostitution Service Mines/Minerals Taxation Infants Fraud Judgment Workers Automobiles Hawkers/Peddlers Limitation of Compensation Actions Gas ContemptJury Witnesses Commodity FuturesCourts Trading Regulation Habeas Corpus United States Magistrates Escheat Theaters/Shows Insurance Patents Insurrection/Sedition Vagrancy Conspiracy Certiorari Eminent Domain Religious Societies Highways Bankruptcy Zoning/Planning Electricity SecuritiesMonopolies Regulation Railroads Building/Loan Associations Equity United StatesFish Waters/Water Courses Sentencing/Punishment Civil Procedure ObstructingKidnapping Justice Public Lands Federal Amicus Sodomy Extradition/Detainers Champerty/Maintenance Newspapers Executors/Administrators Counties Carriers Clubs Curiae Double Jeopardy Grand Jury Licenses Stipulations Controlled Weapons Substances Convicts Homicide Bonds Disorderly Conduct Administrative Law/Procedure Gaming Commerce Indictment/Information Damages Death Public Utilities States Treaties Master/Servant Child Assault/Battery Support Pleading Arrest Searches/Seizures Navigable Waters Forfeitures Employers Liability Statutes Adoption Nuisance Torts District/Prosecuting Attorneys Interpleader Property Principal/Agent Divorce Interest Pensions Larceny Abatement/Revival Seamen Admiralty Copyrights/IntellectualMarriage Property Shipping Rape Negligence Attachment Bail Process Garnishment Trusts Bribery Debtor/Creditor Perjury Contracts Trial Law Public Contracts Criminal Bills/Notes RICO ExecutionRelease Pilots Compromise/Settlement Child Custody Fines Towns Husband/Wife Collision Arbitration Landlord/Tenant Sequestration Animals Covenants Domicile Robbery Adverse Possession Fires Accountants ContributionFederal Courts Exemptions Pretrial Procedure Arson Notaries Malicious Prosecution False Imprisonment Payment Constitutional Law Factors Warehousemen Game Forcible Entry/Detainer Consumer Credit Parties Quieting Title Oath Receiving Stolen Goods Consumer Protection United States Marshals Time Liens Vendor/Purchaser Suicide Descent/Distribution Implied/Constructive Contracts Parent/Child Common Law Woods/Forests Trover/Conversion Guardian/Ward False Pretenses Sales Prohibition Assignments Parliamentary Law Partnership Embezzlement New Trial Innkeepers Products Liability Specific Performance Asylums Annuities Bigamy Military Justice MortgagesVenue Customs/Usages Secured Transactions Indemnity Sheriffs/Constables Treason Election of Remedies Deposits in Court Boundaries Escape Replevin Canals Notice Wharves Levees/Flood Control Exchanges Towage Receivers Urban Railroads Estates in Property Accord/Satisfaction Set-off/Counterclaim Assumpsit, Action of Slaves SubrogationExplosives Easements Homestead Forgery Mechanics Liens Weights/Measures Lotteries Chemical Depende Gifts 0.2 Principal/Surety Penalties Account Tenancy in Common Joint Tenancy Good Will Inspection 0.0 Dower/Curtesy Account, Action on Motions Cancellation of Instruments -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dimension 2 Principal Components Analysis 0.6 0.4 Weights/Measures Abortion/Birth Control Lotteries Chemical Depende Gifts 0.2 Principal/Surety Penalties Account Tenancy in Common Joint Tenancy Good Will Dower/Curtesy Account, Action on 0.0 Dimension 1 0.8 1.0 Social Security/Public Welfare ElectionsSchools Libel/Slander Costs Telecommunications Food Colleges/Universities Banks/Banking Attorney/Client Declaratory Judgment Trespass Health Mental Health Judges Citizens Prisons Armed Services Cemeteries War/National Emergency Municipal Corporations Intoxicating Liquors Sunday Officers/Public Employees Census Labor of Relations Militia Obscenity Removal Cases Agriculture Evidence Estoppel Mandamus Pardon/Parole Appeal/Error Environmental Law Unlawful Assembly Civil RightsAttorney General Extortion/ThreatsClerks Aliens Breach of the Peace Corporations of Courts Indians Associations Action Charities DistrictCustoms of Columbia Duties Aviation Wills Internal Revenue Records Trade Regulation Children Out-Of-Wedlock Injunction International Law Territories Postal Prostitution Service Mines/Minerals Taxation Infants Fraud Judgment Workers Automobiles Hawkers/Peddlers Limitation of Compensation Actions Gas Witnesses Contempt Courts Commodity Futures Trading Regulation Jury Habeas Corpus United States Magistrates Escheat Theaters/Shows Insurance Patents Conspiracy Insurrection/SeditionVagrancy Certiorari Eminent Domain Religious Societies Highways Bankruptcy Zoning/Planning Electricity Securities Regulation Railroads Building/Loan Associations Equity United StatesFish Waters/Water Courses Monopolies Kidnapping Sentencing/Punishment Federal Civil Procedure Obstructing Justice Public Lands Amicus Curiae Sodomy Champerty/Maintenance Newspapers Clubs Executors/Administrators Counties Carriers Double Jeopardy Grand Jury Extradition/Detainers Licenses Stipulations Controlled Weapons Substances Convicts Homicide Bonds Disorderly Conduct Gaming Administrative Law/Procedure Commerce Indictment/Information Damages Death Public Utilities States Treaties Master/Servant Child Assault/Battery Support Pleading Arrest Searches/Seizures Navigable Waters Forfeitures Employers Liability Adoption Nuisance Statutes Property Torts District/Prosecuting Attorneys Interpleader Principal/Agent Divorce Interest Pensions Larceny Abatement/Revival Seamen Admiralty Copyrights/IntellectualMarriage Property Shipping Rape Negligence Attachment Bail Process Garnishment Trusts Bribery Debtor/Creditor Perjury Contracts Trial Law Public Contracts Criminal Bills/Notes RICO ExecutionRelease Pilots Compromise/Settlement Child Custody Fines Towns Husband/Wife Collision Arbitration Landlord/Tenant Sequestration Animals Covenants Domicile Robbery Adverse Possession Fires Accountants ContributionFederal Courts Exemptions Pretrial Procedure Arson Notaries Malicious Prosecution False Imprisonment Payment Constitutional Law Factors Warehousemen Game Forcible Entry/Detainer Consumer Credit Parties Quieting Title Oath Receiving Stolen Goods Consumer Protection United States Marshals Time Liens Vendor/Purchaser Suicide Descent/Distribution Implied/Constructive Contracts Parent/Child Common Law Woods/Forests Trover/Conversion Guardian/Ward False Pretenses Sales Prohibition Assignments Parliamentary Law Partnership Embezzlement New Trial Innkeepers Products Liability Specific Performance Asylums Annuities Bigamy Military Justice MortgagesVenue Customs/Usages Secured Transactions Indemnity Sheriffs/Constables Treason Election of Remedies Deposits in Court Boundaries Escape Replevin Canals Notice Wharves Levees/Flood Control Exchanges Towage Receivers Urban Railroads Estates in Property Accord/Satisfaction Set-off/Counterclaim Assumpsit, Action of Slaves SubrogationExplosives Easements Homestead Forgery Mechanics Liens Inspection Motions Cancellation of Instruments -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dimension 2 Business Matters (Property) Criminal Matters (Life & Limb) 7 Bigamy = Crime 55 Bigamy Person domiciled in one state should not be allowed to suffer penalties of bigamy for living outside state with only one which state of his domicile recognizes as his lawful wife, and children born of only marriage which is lawful in state of his domicile should not carry stigma of bastardy when they move elsewhere. Estin v. Estin, 334 U.S. 541 (1948). Abortion/Birth Control Annuities Bigamy Mortgages Venue Indemnity Election of Remedies Sheriffs/Constables Boundaries Deposits in Court Canals Wharves Levees/Flood Control Exchanges Towage Receivers Estates in Property Accord/Satisfaction Set-off/Counterclaim Assumpsit, Action of SubrogationExplosives Easements Homestead Mechanics Liens Weights/Measures Customs/Usages Secured Transactions Military Justice Asylums Treason Escape Weights/Measures Notice Urban Railroads Replevin Slaves Forgery Lotteries Gifts Principal/Surety Penalties Account Tenancy in Common Joint Tenancy Good Will Dower/Curtesy Account, Action on Inspection Motions Cancellation of Instruments -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Chemical Depende Criminal Matters (Life & Limb) ElectionsSchools Libel/Slander Costs Telecommunications Food Colleges/Universities Banks/Banking Attorney/Client Declaratory Judgment Trespass Health Judges Mental Health Citizens Prisons Cemeteries Armed Services War/National Emergency Municipal Corporations Intoxicating Liquors Sunday Officers/Public Employees Census Labor of Relations Militia Obscenity Removal Cases Agriculture Evidence Estoppel Mandamus Pardon/Parole Appeal/Error Environmental Law Unlawful Assembly Extortion/ThreatsClerks Civil RightsAttorney General Aliens Breach of the Peace Corporations of Courts Indians Associations Territories DistrictCustoms of Columbia Action Charities Duties Wills Internal Revenue Aviation Trade Regulation Children Out-Of-Wedlock Records Gas Injunction International Law Fraud Infants Taxation Judgment Postal Prostitution Service Mines/Minerals Workers Compensation Automobiles Hawkers/Peddlers Limitation of Actions ContemptJury Witnesses Commodity FuturesCourts Trading Regulation Habeas Corpus Escheat United States Magistrates Theaters/Shows Insurance Patents Insurrection/Sedition Vagrancy Conspiracy Eminent Domain Certiorari Highways Religious Societies Bankruptcy Zoning/Planning Electricity SecuritiesMonopolies Regulation Building/Loan Associations Railroads Equity United StatesFish Waters/Water Courses Kidnapping Civil Procedure Sentencing/Punishment Obstructing Justice Public Lands Federal Amicus Curiae Sodomy Champerty/Maintenance Newspapers Executors/Administrators Counties Carriers Double Jeopardy Clubs Extradition/Detainers Grand Jury Licenses Stipulations Controlled Weapons Substances Convicts Homicide Bonds Disorderly Conduct Gaming Administrative Law/Procedure Commerce Indictment/Information Damages Death Public Utilities States Treaties Master/Servant Child Assault/Battery Support Searches/Seizures Pleading Arrest Navigable Waters Forfeitures Employers Liability Adoption Torts Nuisance Statutes Property District/Prosecuting Attorneys Interpleader Principal/Agent Divorce Interest Pensions Larceny Abatement/Revival Seamen Admiralty Copyrights/IntellectualMarriage Property Shipping Negligence Bail Attachment Garnishment Process Trusts Debtor/Creditor Bribery Contracts Perjury Rape Trial Criminal Law Public Contracts Bills/Notes RICO ExecutionRelease Pilots Compromise/Settlement Fines Child Custody Towns Husband/Wife Collision Arbitration Landlord/Tenant Sequestration Animals Covenants Domicile Robbery Adverse Possession Fires ContributionFederal Courts Exemptions Pretrial Procedure Arson Accountants Notaries Malicious Prosecution False Imprisonment Payment Constitutional Law Factors Warehousemen Game Forcible Entry/Detainer Consumer Credit Parties Quieting Title Oath Receiving Stolen Goods Consumer Protection United States Marshals Time Liens Descent/Distribution Vendor/Purchaser Suicide Implied/Constructive Contracts Common Law Parent/Child Woods/Forests Trover/Conversion Guardian/Ward False Pretenses Sales Prohibition Assignments Parliamentary Law Embezzlement Partnership New Trial Innkeepers Products Liability Specific Performance Business Matters (Property) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Dimension 1 0.8 1.0 Social Security/Public Welfare Master/Servant g States Pleading Navigable Waters Employers Liability Statutes Interpleader Torts Nuisance Property Principal/Agent Interest Pensions Divorce Abatement/Revival Seamen Admiralty Copyrights/IntellectualMarriage Property Shipping egligence Attachment Process Debtor/Creditor Trusts Contracts Release Bills/Notes Execution RICO Pilots Compromise/Settlement Towns Husband/Wife Collision rbitration Landlord/Tenant Sequestration Animals Covenants Domicile Adverse Possession ContributionFederal Courts Exemptions Pre Constitutional Law Factors Payment Ware Game Consumer C Title Consumer Protection Time Liens Descent/Distributi ser Constructive Contracts Woods/Forests Sales Assignments Prohibition Parliamentary Law Partne iability Specific Performance Annuities Bigamy Custo Mortgages Venue Indemnity Sheriffs/Constables Election of Remedies Boundaries Deposits in Court Canals Levees/Flood Control Wharves Exchanges owage Receivers Estates in Property Accord/Satisfaction Set-off/Counterclaim Assumpsit, Action of SubrogationExplosives Easements Homestead Forg Mechanics Liens Lotteries But, arises in a divorce case in which alimony, a property interest, is contested. Dimension 2 2004 Supreme Court Term West Topic Space (Procedural Topics Removed) 8 2004 Supreme Court Term West Topic Space Criminal Matters (Life & Limb) (Procedural Topics Removed) Business Matters (Property) 1.5 Doctrinal (red) Liens Good Will Mortgages Husband/Wife Customs/Usages 1.0 Homestead Partnership Bills/Notes Vendor/Purchaser Replevin Trusts Wills Subrogation Exemptions Descent/Distribution Debtor/Creditor Bigamy Weights/Measures Estates Property AdverseinPossession Marriage Gifts Divorce Payment Taxation Bonds Waters/Water Courses Joint Tenancy Tenancy in Common District/Prosecuting Statutes Searches/Seizures Attorneys Secured Transactions Game Double Jeopardy Controlled Substances Boundaries Parent/Child Interest Federal Courts Witnesses Criminal Law Attorney General Principal/Surety Account, Action on Constitutional Law Licenses Militia Execution Woods/Forests IndiansInsuranceBankruptcy Municipal Corporations Products Liability Notice Indictment/Information Navigable Waters Internal Revenue Towns Mines/Minerals Habeas Corpus Sentencing/Punishment Highways Fraud Escheat Quieting Title Homicide Chemical Dependents Judgment Prostitution Officers/Public Employees Courts Dower/Curtesy Armed Services Penalties Receivers Motions CountiesGrand Perjury Jury Conspiracy United States Elections Agriculture Mental HealthMechanicsPensions Attachment Territories Weapons Embezzlement Fines Liens Election of Remedies Forfeitures ObstructingCitizens Justice International Law Indemnity Schools Consumer Protection States Law/Procedure ContemptJury Administrative War/National Emergency Amicus Curiae Arrest Religious Societies Treason Judges Insurrection/Sedition Eminent DomainCorporations Charities Associations Injunction Intoxicating Liquors Common Public Law Lands United StatesBuilding/Loan MagistratesSales Rape Pardon/Parole SocialNewspapers Security/Public Welfare Federal Civil ProcedureCivil Rights Gaming Inspection Explosives Postal Service Property Aliens Public Contracts Executors/Administrators Sodomy Evidence Malicious Prisons Commerce Breach of the Peace Extradition/Detainers DistrictProsecution of Columbia Notaries Accountants Children Out-Of-Wedlock Declaratory Judgment Interpleader Electricity Costs Adoption Limitation of Actions Asylums Suicide Colleges/Universities Records Infants Banks/Banking Contracts False Pretenses Customs Duties Larceny Aviation Sheriffs/Constables Automobiles United States Marshals Receiving StolenAnnuities Goods Bribery Death Innkeepers Animals Obscenity Environmental Law Assignments Estoppel Child Gas Fires Telecommunications Disorderly Conduct Child Support False Imprisonment Nuisance BailCustody Libel/Slander Clerks of Courts Domicile Fish Guardian/Ward Appeal/Error Attorney/Client Time Health Robbery Garnishment Cancellation of Instruments Levees/Flood Control Vagrancy Action Urban Railroads Zoning/Planning Trover/Conversion Oath Railroads Assault/Battery Compromise/Settlement Abatement/Revival Process Exchanges Landlord/Tenant Pilots Removal of Cases Principal/Agent Master/Servant Theaters/Shows Carriers Unlawful Assembly Arbitration Trespass Slaves Forcible Entry/Detainer Account Pleading Trial Food Easements Equity Kidnapping PatentsHawkers/Peddlers Escape LaborWarehousemen Relations ClubsPublicLaw Extortion/Threats Venue Accord/Satisfaction Parliamentary StipulationsNew Trial Utilities Covenants Implied/Constructive Contracts Damages Admiralty Cemeteries Consumer Credit Convicts Workers Compensation Trade Regulation Seamen Torts Negligence Collision Abortion/Birth Control Mandamus RICO Deposits in Court Monopolies Towage Canals Securities Regulation Prohibition Certiorari Wharves Sequestration Sunday Employers Liability Assumpsit,Arson Action of Pretrial Procedure Associations Shipping Lotteries Set-off/Counterclaim Release Census Champerty/Maintenance Copyrights/Intellectual Property Contribution Forgery Specific Performance -0.5 0.0 Dimension 6 0.5 Parties Military Justice Treaties -1.0 Factors Commodity Futures Trading Regulation -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dimension 5 Procedural (blue) 9 Family Obligations Bigamy 1.0 Divorce Homestead Marriage Estates in Property Husband/Wife Descent/Distribution Accord/Satisfaction 0.0 -0.5 Dimension 8 0.5 Tenancy in Common Joint Tenancy Escheat Time Parent/Child Process Prohibition Pensions Removal of Cases Compromise/Settlement Parties Exemptions Child Custody Annuities Release Stipulations Mandamus Double Jeopardy Malicious Dower/Curtesy Prosecution Customs/Usages Amicus Property Curiae Account Copyrights/Intellectual Infants RICO Equity Children Out-Of-Wedlock Sentencing/Punishment Sheriffs/Constables Child Support Monopolies Executors/Administrators Woods/Forests Forgery Domicile Charities Habeas Corpus Exchanges Interpleader Fraud Judgment Employers Property Liability Boundaries Contempt Indictment/Information Certiorari Patents Trusts Conspiracy Insurance ConstitutionalInsurrection/Sedition Law Weapons Injunction Criminal Law Pretrial Procedure United States Magistrates Jury Trial Damages Extradition/Detainers Attorney/Client Venue Death Bonds Master/Servant Courts Pleading Specific Commodity Futures TradingCosts Regulation Schools Deposits inPerformance Court Securities Assumpsit, ActionClerks ofBail of Courts Parliamentary New Trial Garnishment Civil RightsRegulation Law Sequestration Banks/Banking Champerty/Maintenance Abortion/Birth Control Grand Jury Civil Procedure Larceny Homicide Secured Transactions Limitation ofFederal Actions Mental Health Census Debtor/Creditor Gifts Corporations Judges Declaratory Judgment Embezzlement Militia Federal Courts Workers Compensation Bankruptcy Labor Relations Pardon/Parole Convicts Set-off/Counterclaim Sodomy Appeal/Error AliensEasements Admiralty Seamen Motions Arbitration Slaves Counties Escape Action Nuisance Consumer Protection Social Security/Public Welfare Kidnapping Religious United States Health Fines Armed Services Sunday Colleges/Universities Abatement/Revival CovenantsSocieties Zoning/Planning Public Utilities Trade Regulation Execution Factors Contribution Witnesses Prisons Lotteries Clubs Attachment Robbery Sales Control Replevin Levees/Flood Vagrancy Consumer Credit Statutes Guardian/Ward Evidence Associations Oath Elections ReceivingConduct Stolen Goods Forcible Entry/Detainer Libel/Slander Obscenity Hawkers/Peddlers Administrative Law/Procedure Disorderly Interest States Extortion/Threats United States Marshals Bills/Notes Estoppel Trover/Conversion Cemeteries Perjury Attorney General Obstructing Commerce Trespass Treason Gas Justice Canals Adoption Internal Revenue Newspapers Wharves District of Columbia Shipping Searches/Seizures Gaming War/National Emergency Unlawful Assembly False Imprisonment Postal Service Breach of the Peace Arrest International Law Controlled Substances District/Prosecuting Attorneys Quieting Title Municipal Corporations Records Fish Contracts Treaties Courses Adverse Possession False Pretenses Cancellation Torts Officers/Public Employees Agriculture Waters/Water Asylumsof Instruments Innkeepers Negligence Prostitution Public Contracts Railroads Chemical Dependents Suicide Telecommunications Arson Rape Pilots Products Liability Forfeitures Carriers Accountants Notaries Mines/Minerals Taxation Inspection Public Penalties Theaters/Shows Lands Navigable Waters Environmental Law Principal/Agent Aviation Territories Citizens Electricity Indemnity Indians Highways Eminent Domain Towns Building/Loan Associations Customs Duties LicensesAutomobiles Assault/Battery Intoxicating Liquors Common Law Warehousemen Landlord/Tenant Implied/Constructive Collision Contracts Urban Railroads Bribery Account, Action on Food Election of Remedies Animals Liens Military Justice Mortgages Wills Vendor/Purchaser Notice Fires Game Good Will Partnership Explosives Towage Receivers -1.0 Weights/Measure Assignments Payment Subrogation Mechanics Liens Principal/Surety -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Dimension 7 Business Obligations Principal Components Analysis – Just Doctrinal (Aggregated to Law School Topics) PUBLIC LAND LAW MARITIME LAW WATER LAW ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SECURITIES REGULATION 0.5 CONSUMER PROTECTION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY BANKING LAW TAXATION OIL AND GAS LAW PRODUCTS LIABIL LAND USE LAW WORKERS' COMPENSATION TORTS ANTITRUST LAW LABOR LAW PROPERTY LAW NATIVE PEOPLES LAW 0.0 CONTRACTS COMMUNICATIONS LAW HEALTH LAW CREDITORS AND DEBTORS' RIGHTS SECURED TRANSACTIONS INSURANCE LAW BUSINSS ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONAL LAW EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LAW MILITARY LAW INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS COMMERCIAL LAW ELECTION LAW -0.5 FAMILY LAW NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WILLS AND TRUSTS IMMIGRATION LAW JUVENILE JUSTICE CIVIL RIGHTS LAW ESTATE PLANNING EDUCATION LAW CRIMINAL LAW CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW -1.0 Dimension 4 ENTERTAINMENT LAW CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Dimension 3 10 PUBLIC LAND LAW MARITIME LAW Family Law Professors: WATER LAW ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SECURITIES REGULATION CONSUMER PROTECTION BANKING LAW TAXATION OIL AND GAS LAW LAND USE LAW PROPERTY LAW Professor Stephen A. Conrad B.A., Haverford College; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University; J.D., Yale University. Attorney, Ropes & Gray, Boston, Massachusetts. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Before becoming a lawyer, Professor Conrad became an historian. He still publishes as much in history journals as in law reviews. At Harvard, his history dissertation was PRODUCTS LIABIL about a school of eighteenth-century philosophy that greatly influenced the American Founding, especially the framing of our federal Constitution and early Supreme Court WORKERS' COMPENSATION jurisprudence. As a student at the Yale Law School, Conrad pursued the connections TORTS LABOR LAW ANTITRUST LAW between his history background and legal scholarship. NATIVE PEOPLES LAW ENTERTAINMENT LAW Professor Julia Lamber COMMUNICATIONS LAW HEALTH LAW CONTRACTS LAW BA 1969, DePauw University; JD 1972, Indiana University. Note Editor, IndianaINSURANCE Law BUSINSS ASSOCIATIONS CREDITORS AND DEBTORS' RIGHTS Journal. Attorney, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1972-75. SECURED TRANSACTIONS Faculty and Assistant Dean, University of Nebraska College of Law, 1977-79. INTERNATIONAL LAW Member, Order of the Coif. The former IU dean for women's affairs and a leading EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LAW scholar in employment discrimination law, Professor Lamber brings a wealth of administrative experience and scholarship to the classroom. She has taught MILITARY LAW INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS COMMERCIAL LAW Administrative Law, Civil Rights Statutes, Employment Discrimination, Family Law, ELECTION LAW FAMILY LAW Women and the Law, and the Federal Courts Clinic. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WILLS AND TRUSTS IMMIGRATION LAW JUVENILE JUSTICE CIVIL RIGHTS LAW ESTATE PLANNING EDUCATION LAW CRIMINAL LAW Professor Aviva A. Orenstein AB 1981, Cornell University; JD 1986, Cornell Law School. Articles Editor, Cornell Law Review. Law Clerk, Hon. Edward R. Becker, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, 1987-88. Faculty, Rutgers Law School, 1989-92. Member, Order of the Coif. Professor Orenstein writes and teaches in the area of evidence. Her current work examines special evidence rules that allow prosecutors to introduce evidence of a CRIMINAL PROCEDURE defendant's prior sexual offenses in rape and child molestation cases. Professor Orenstein also teaches Civil Procedure, Legal Profession, and Children and the Law. In 2000-2001, she directed the Child AdvocacyADMINISTRATIVE Clinic, supervising law students who LAW serve as guardians ad litem for children in contested custody cases. She has also served as a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Harvard Law Review Supreme Court Statistics July 2, 2005 New York Times 11 Ideological Landscape of the Justices (1994 – 2003) Appointed by a Democrat Appointed by a Republican Voting frequencies represented as the edge weight between nodes and presented visually as a graph. (Rendered with Pajek using a stochastic, spring force algorithm.) Voting Together > 50% (Non-Unanimous Cases 1994 -2003 Supreme Court Terms) Voting Together > 49% (Non-Unanimous Cases 1994 -2003 Supreme Court Terms) 12 20 1994-2003 Non-Unanimous Cases (MDS using R) ohn Paul Stevens Clarence Thomas 0 Ruth Bader Ginsburg David Hacktt Souter Anthony M. Kennedy -10 William H. Rehnquist Stephen G. Breyer Sandra Day O'Connor -20 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,2] 10 Antonin Scalia -40 -20 0 20 40 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,1] Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) © 2007 Peter A. Hook – Spatial distribution based on the percentage of co-voting in Supreme Court opinions. Source: Harvard Law Review (O Data). Rendered with Pajek. Blue border color = appointed by a Democrat. Red border color = appointed by a Republican. 13 Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) 10 Highest Cumulative Voting Percentages (1956 – 2005 Terms) # Cases Together Justice 1 Justice 2 % O’Connor Roberts 91 23 Warren Marshall 88 178 Reed Clark 85 40 Fortas Marshall 85 132 Warren Brennan 82 1406 Scalia Roberts 82 78 Roberts Alito 82 39 Warren Fortas 80 391 Kennedy Roberts 79 78 Brennan Fortas 79 394 91% Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) 88% 10 Highest Cumulative Voting Percentages (1956 – 2005 Terms) # Cases Together Justice 1 Justice 2 % O’Connor Roberts 91 23 Warren Marshall 88 178 Reed Clark 85 40 Fortas Marshall 85 132 Warren Brennan 82 1406 Scalia Roberts 82 78 Roberts Alito 82 39 Warren Fortas 80 391 Kennedy Roberts 79 78 Brennan Fortas 79 394 14 Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) 28% 12 Lowest Cumulative Voting Percentages (1956 – 2005 Terms) Justice 1 Justice 2 % # Cases Douglas Rehnquist 28 513 Douglas Burger 35 792 Douglas Blackmun 36 695 Douglas Powell 37 495 Frankfurter Douglas 38 588 Douglas Harlan II 39 1633 Marshall Rehnquist 41 2819 Douglas Burton 41 231 Black Harlan II 41 1628 Blackmun Thomas 42 284 Brennan Rehnquist 42 2706 Douglas Whittaker 42 523 Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) 12 Lowest Cumulative Voting Percentages (1956 – 2005 Terms) 8 of the 12 Lowest CoVoting Percentages are with Douglas! Justice 1 Justice 2 % # Cases Douglas Rehnquist 28 513 Douglas Burger 35 792 Douglas Blackmun 36 695 Douglas Powell 37 495 Frankfurter Douglas 38 588 Douglas Harlan II 39 1633 Marshall Rehnquist 41 2819 Douglas Burton 41 231 Black Harlan II 41 1628 Blackmun Thomas 42 284 Brennan Rehnquist 42 2706 Douglas Whittaker 42 523 15 Justices of the United States Supreme Court (1956 – 2005 Terms) Rehnquist Court 6 Significant Cases Rehnquist Court 6: (Aug. 3, 1994 to Sept. 28, 2005) • U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton – no state term limits for Congresspersons (6th different composition of nine Justices during the tenure of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist.) • Clinton v. Jones – President can be sued while in office • Boy Scouts of America v. Dale – private organization can prohibit homosexuals • Bush v. Gore – Florida recount must stop • Lawrence v. Texas – sodomy laws unconstitutional • Atkins v. Virginia – cannot execute mentally retarded criminals • Grutter v. Bollinger – narrowly tailored affirmative action is permissible • Hamdi v. Rumsfeld – enemy combatants have right to neutral decisionmaker • Kelo v. City of New London – state can take private property for commercial development 16 = Birth Control = Abortion 2006 2007 2000 1997 1992 1988 1989 1990 1986 1983 1979 1979 1980 1981 1975 1976 1977 1971 1972 1973 1965 26 “Abortion and Birth Control” Cases in the S.Ct. Timeline Layout Timeline Layout with Citation Inter-linkages 17 Relational Infrastructure of the Law (Depth of Treatment) West Depth of Treatment = Examined = Discussed = Cited = Mentioned 18 West Depth of Treatment = Examined = Discussed = Cited West Depth of Treatment = Examined = Discussed 19 West Depth of Treatment = Examined West Depth of Treatment ” = Quoting 20 Opinions that Quote from Roe v. Wade West Depth of Treatment ” = Quoting Relational Infrastructure of the Law (Case Status) 21 West Depth of Treatment = Examined = Discussed = Cited = Mentioned West Status Flags = at least one point is no longer good law = at least one point has negative treatment = case has some history = case has been cited 22 1970 Term – Blackmun / Burger First Together 10 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,2] 20 30 Black Douglas 0 Harlan Burger Blackmun Marshall -10 Brennan White Stewart -20 -10 0 10 20 30 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,1] 1985 Term – Their Last Together 10 0 White Rehnquist O'Connor Powell Burger Brennan Blackmun -10 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,2] 20 30 Stevens Marshall -20 -10 0 10 20 30 m3ds$points[, 1:2][,1] 23 ASIS&T Thesaurus – First Three Levels (no rigor in spatial layout) Path of Interest 24 Most of ISSI 2007 25 Bradford's law is a pattern first described by Samuel C. Bradford in 1934 that estimates the exponentially diminishing returns of extending a search for references in science journals. One formulation is that if we sort journals in a field by number of articles into three groups, each with about one-third of all articles, then the number of journals into each group will be proportional to 1:n:n². There are a number of related formulations of the principle. In economics this pattern is called a Pareto distribution. As a practical example, suppose that a researcher has 5 core scientific journals for their subject. Suppose that in a month there are 12 articles of interest in those journals. Suppose further that in order to find another dozen articles of interest, the researcher would have to go to 10 journals. Then that researcher's Bradford multiplier bm is 2 (ie 10/5). For each new dozen articles, that researcher will need to look in bm times as many journals. After looking in 5, 10, 20, 40, ... journals, most researchers quickly realize that there is little point in looking further. Different researchers have different numbers of core journals, and different Bradford multipliers. But the pattern holds quite well across many subjects, and may well be a general pattern for human interactions in social systems. Like Zipf's law, to which it is related, we do not have a good explanation for why it works. But knowing that it does is very useful for librarians. What it means is that for each specialty it is sufficient to identify the "core publications" for that field and only stock those. Very rarely will researchers need to go outside that set. However its impact has been far greater than that. Armed with this idea and inspired by Vannevar Bush's famous article As We May Think, Eugene Garfield at the Institute for Scientific Information in the 1960s undertook the development of a comprehensive index of how scientific thinking propagates. The creation of his Science Citation Index (SCI) had the effect of making it easy to identify exactly which scientists did science that had an impact, and which journals that science appeared in. It also caused the discovery, which some did not expect, that a few journals like Nature and Science were core for all of hard science. The same pattern does not happen with the humanities or the social science - possibly because objective truth is so much harder to establish there, or because literature use in these fields is more diffuse, with less emphasis on journals. The result of this is pressure on scientists to publish in the best journals, and pressure on universities to ensure access to that core set of journals. -- Wikipedia (June 21, 2007) 26 THE END 27