Rounding CCS 3.NO.1 Approximate Duration of Study: Entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Rounding to Rounding to the Is estimation more the nearest nearest 10 appropriate than finding an exact answer? 10 Assessments Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments Round About worksheet(5) When should you use mental computation? When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites for teaching skills: (various games to teach rounding & flashcards) Rounding Numbers (6) Round Up Websites for additional practice sheets: rounding_numbers.jsp Saxon Lessons: 18, 19, 31,52, 62, 72, 130-2 Number lines to 100 Rounding to the nearest 100 Rounding to the nearest 100 Vocabulary: sum, difference, product, rounding, Addition/Subtraction CCS 3.NO.2 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Adding How can using Adding 2 and 3 number relationships within 1000 digit numbers help me solve without carrying addition and subtraction problems for two digit and three-digit numbers? Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers with carrying Assessments Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments Turtle Tank wkst ( addition without regrouping) 2- and 3-Digit Addition with No Regrouping wkst.(21) When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites for teaching skills: (Site provides a visual for carrying using place value. Click on Base Blocks Addition. Websites for additional practice sheets: ( Site will allow you to build fact sheets for problems that involve carrying and borrowing) Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments Runaway Bunny wkst (addition with regrouping) Addition with Regrouping wkst. (24) Subtracting within 1000 Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers without regrouping Subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments Funny Fish wkst (subtraction without borrowing) (Site provides a visual for carrying using place value. Click on Base Blocks Addition. 2- and 3-digit subtraction with No Regrouping wkst. (22) ( Site will allow you to build fact pages.) Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments Saxon Lessons: 31,33,35-2,38, 52, 53,62, 67,69,72, 76, 82, Subtraction with Regrouping (25) Subtraction Snake wkst (subtracting with borrowing) Vocabulary: sum, difference, addend, borrowing, carrying, regrouping Websites for additional practice sheets: 86,89,91,92, 93, 106, 120-1 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year CCS 3.NO.1 Essential Question Concept How can I use fractions in real life? Reading fractions Skills Understand a fraction 1/b How can models be used to compute fractions with like and unlike denominators? Fractions Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources CUSD Monthly Assessments Online powerpoint: Saxon Assessments Shady Shapes (30) Fraction Frogs (31) Pets in Nests (32) How do I explain the meaning of a fraction and its numerator and denominator, and use my understanding to represent and compare fractions? When to Study: throughout the year Fraction Fun (35) Fractions Website for teaching: Website for additional practice: pattern blocks (Saxon has had students have squares divided into ¼, 1/3, ½, and 1/8 already. These can be cut up to be individual pattern block.) Fractions! Tropical Fruit Fractions Third Grade Math Kit for fractions (Excellence in Ed.) Saxon Lessons: 17, 21, 24, 25-2, 37,74, 93, 94, 98,99, 111,119 3.NO.2 Fractions on number lines Represent a fraction on a number line Fractions on a number line Websites for teaching: Saxon Lessons: 17, 21, 24, 25-2, 37,74, 93, 94, 98,99, 111,119 3.NO.3 Expressing whole numbers as fractions Improper Fractions Write the Fraction Website for teaching: Comparing two fractions Fish Fractions (34) Website for additional practice: Equivalent Hamster Halftime (33) fractions Vocabulary: fractions, equivalent, greater than, less than, is equal to t.htm Saxon Lessons: 17, 21, 24, 25-2, 37,74, 93, 94, 98,99, 111,119 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year CCS 3.MD.1 Essential Question How can I tell time to the nearest minute? Concept Solve problems using the measurement of time. Skills Time to the minute Time When to Study: throughout the year Assessments Helpful Strategies and Resources CUSD #1 Monthly Assessments Saxon Assessments Telling Time (several elapsed time sites) _2004.html (can generate time worksheets for extra practice) Individual clocks How do I make an estimate for the length of time of a determined event and know if the estimate is reasonable? Elapsed time Vocabulary: digital clock, analog clock, elapsed time CUSD #1 Monthly Assessments Saxon Assessments Daily Pet Plans (24) Feeding Time (25) Saxon Lessons: 1, 4, 39, 65-2, 71 Multiplication by 10 CCS 3.NO.3 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Multiply Multiply one-digit How does my one-digit whole numbers by knowledge about whole multiples of 10 multiplication facts numbers by help me to solve multiples of 10 problems? Assessments Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites for teaching skills: (Practice for multiplying x10 in computer flash cards) Puppy Surprise Worksheet Saxon Lessons: 45-1, 103 Vocabulary: product, factors Liquid Volume and Masses CCS 3.MD.2 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Measuring How can I measure Measure Liquid Liquid length, mass and Volume Volumes capacity by using non-standard units? Estimating Liquid Volume Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Classroom set of containers using cups, pint, quarts, half gallons, gallons, and liter Saxon Math Assessments (Measuring Matter video) /quiz2109.html (game to practice appropriate capacity) Worksheets to practice: Pints and Cups Quarts, Pints, and Cups Fill It Up GallonBot Related pages to Gallonbot: Gallon Quart Pint Cup Head of Gallonbot Saxon Lessons: 45-2, 55-2, 60-2, 65-2 How do you use weight and measurement in your life? Measuring Measure masses Masses in Grams CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Balance scale and weights in grams (Measuring Matter video) Estimating Masses in Grams Saxon Math Assessments Worksheet for practice: Grams and Kilograms How do you decide which unit of measurement to use? Saxon Lesson: 95-2 Vocabulary: grams, kilograms, liters, cups, pints, quarts, half gallons, gallons, liters, mass, capacity, volume Graphing CCS 3.DM.3 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Draw and read bar How can you collect, Draw a graphs. organize, and display scaled bar graph to data? represent data. Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Math Assessments Reading a Bar Graph Answer questions based on the graph. Powerpoint at this website: Blank Bar Graph Saxon Lesson: 2, 30-2, 40-2, 55-2,70-2,80-2,105-2 What kinds of questions can be answered using different data displays? Draw a scaled pictograph to represent data. Draw and read pictographs CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Math Assessments Using a Pictograph Answer questions based on the graph. How do you interpret the data you have collected? Saxon Lesson: 2, 30-2, 40-2, 55-2,70-2,80-2,105-2 Vocabulary: bar graph, pictograph, data, graph key Measuring Lengths CCS 3.MD.4 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Generate How do I estimate Measuring Measurem lengths to the and measure? ent data by inch, ½ inch, and measuring ¼ inch lengths Assessments CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Math Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources s&A3=1&A4=0&A7=0&A8=math st (Use 1 grade games to target measurement to the nearest inch, ½ inch, and ¼ inch) Worksheets for practice: How Many Inches? Measuring to the Nearest Half Inch Measuring with a ruler How do you use measurement in your life? Saxon Lessons: 6, 32, 54, 85-2, 114 Vocabulary: ruler, length, width, inch Area CCS 3.MD.5 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Students will Students will be If you could be able to redecorate your able to understand house, how much determine the concepts of flooring would you area of a given area. need to buy? shape. What is area and how is it measured? Assessments CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Math Assessments ISAT practice problem Worksheets: “Area & Perimeter” When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites to teach: (Go to “Area.” One inch square color tiles 1” or 1 cm graph paper “Area and Perimeter of Rectangles” Find the area Area Practice ISAT Wkst. Website to print out additional practice or assessment: 3.MD.6 Students will be able to relate area to addition. Students will be able to count square units or use repeated addition to figure the area of a given space. eets/Area/index.html 3.MD.7 Students will be able to relate area to multiplication. Students will be able to calculate an area by using the formula of length X width. Students will be able to calculate the area of an “L” shaped area. Saxon Lessons: 10-2, 15-2, 63, 81, 88 Vocabulary: area, length, width, square units, multiply Perimeter CCS 3.MD.8 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills Geometric What is perimeter Students will be measurement: and how is it able to recognize perimeter as measured? determine the an attribute of perimeter of a plane figures. given area. Assessments CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites for practice: Saxon Math Assessments Worksheets: “Area & Perimeter” “Area and Perimeter of Rectangles” One inch square color tiles 1” or 1 cm graph paper Websites for additional practice pages: rea___Perimeter/index.shtml rimeter/index.htm Saxon Lessons: 49, 50-2, 88 Vocabulary: perimeter, length, width 2D Shapes CCS 3.G.1 Approximate Duration of Study: entire year Essential Question Concept Skills How can I identify Reason Recognize and describe solid with different 2D figures by describing shapes shapes the faces, edges, and and their sides? attributes. Assessments CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Math Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Helpful websites to teach: “Polygons” tangrams How can objects be represented and compared using geometric attributes? Recognize that some 2D shapes share similar attributes. Website for written practice: Worksheets: 1 2 3 3.G.2 Divide shapes into equal areas. CUSD #1 Common Monthly Common Assessments Saxon Lessons: 7, 10-2, 20-2, 50-2, 100-2 Saxon Math Assessments Vocabulary: 2D shapes, quadrilaterals, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, polygons Problem Solving CCS 3.OA.8 Approximate Duration of Study: Essential Question Concept Skills Problem How do we recognize Solve word problems solving with what strategy to use for a using addition and addition, specific problem? subtraction subtraction, multiplication, and division. Assessments CUSD Monthly Assessments Saxon Assessments When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites to use with students: Problems and Solutions (55) Word Problems with Money (56) Websites for example problems: Saxon Lessons: 11, 15, 22, 56, 57,73,74, 76, 93, 128, 133 Solve word problems using multiplication and division CUSD Monthly Assessments Saxon Assessments “Identifying the correct problem-solving strategy(41) “Solving word problems with multiplication and division (42) Solving word problems with multiplication and division (43) Vocabulary: sum, difference, product, quotient, labels, some some more, some some went away Multiplication/Division CCS 3.OA.1 3.OA.2 3.OA.3 3.0A.4 3.OA.5 3.OA.6 3.0A.7 Approximate Duration of Study: Essential Question Concept Skills Multiplication What are the Interprets products within 100 mathematical properties of whole number that govern addition and Division multiplication? How Interprets quotients within 100 would we use them? of whole numbers How can we use what we know about repeated subtraction, equal sharing, and forming equal groups to solve division problems? Properties of operations Solves word problems Determine unknown numbers in equations relating the three whole numbers Applies properties of operations Assessments Monthly CUSD Assessments Saxon Assessments One minute time tests for Sundae Math 100 facts for Multiplication 100 facts for Division When to Study: throughout the year Helpful Strategies and Resources Websites for student practice: (movies on commutative, associative properties) Websites for additional practice sheets: Team Jerseys (64) Multiply and divide fluently Model multiplication and division problems as pictures Saxon Lessons: 45-1, 56, 57, 70, 71,87, 116, 118, 121,126 Counters for arrays & equal groups Carl Sandburg Sundae Math Solves multiplication problems as repeated addition Solves division problems as repeated subtraction Identifies the concepts of the commutative and associative properties Vocabulary: repeated addition, arrays, repeated subtraction, equal groups, commutative property, associated property