Hot-carrier effects in type II heterostructures Louise C. Hirst1, Michael K. Yakes1, Christopher G. Bailey2, Joseph G. Tischler1, Vincent R. Whiteside3, Ian R. Sellers3, Matthew P. Lumb1,4, David V. Forbes5, Robert J. Walters1 1 U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW., Washington DC, 20375 2 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529 3 The University of Oklahoma, 440 W. Brooks St., Norman, OK 73019 4 The George Washington University, 2121 I Street NW, Washington DC 20037 5 NanoPower Research Labs, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Abstract — Hot-carrier solar cells have high theoretical limiting efficiency however, absorber materials with slow carrier thermalization remain a development barrier for these devices. In previous studies, charge separation in core-shell colloidal quantum dots has been shown to result in slow carrier relaxation. Charge separation also occurs in III-V heterostructures with type-II band alignments. We characterize hot-carrier effects in InAlAs/InP and InAlAs/InGaAsP quantum well structures, with type-II and quasi-type-II band alignments respectively. InGaAsP is identified as a promising hot-carrier absorber candidate, with thermalization coefficient 1.77±0.12, corresponding to limiting solar conversion efficiency >42%, under 2000X. Index Terms — Hot-carrier solar cell, type II band alignment, InP, InGaAsP. I. INTRODUCTION A hot carrier solar cell (HCSC) is a device in which energetic photo-excited carriers are extracted before they have time to dissipate their heat energy and equilibrate with the surrounding lattice. In a traditional single-junction thermalequilibrium solar cell, thermalization and transmission losses account for >50% of incident solar energy [1]. These dominant intrinsic loss mechanisms are targeted in HCSCs, allowing for substantial enhancement in limiting efficiency [2, 3]. There are two key challenges associated with HCSC development: energy selective contacts and absorbers in which the rate of carrier thermalization is restricted. Nanostructured materials, such as resonant tunneling quantum dots [4] and quantum wells [5], make promising candidates for energy selective extraction. Primitive HCSC functionality has been demonstrated in devices which integrate these contacts with HC absorbers [6-8]. Nanostructured materials have also been proposed as hotcarrier absorber candidates. Slow carrier cooling in GaAs quantum well structures, relative to bulk material, at high carrier density, has been experimentally demonstrated [9]. Recent studies [10, 11] have characterized this HC effect in terms of thermalization coefficient (Q) [12]. A value of Q = 2.5 W.K-1cm-2 was characterized in an InAlAs/InGaAs QW structure grown lattice matched to InP. This corresponds to a limiting efficiency enhancement >5%, over a single-junction thermal equilibrium equivalent device [13]. The core-shell (CdSe-ZnSe) colloidal quantum dot (QD) has also been proposed as a nanostructured hot-carrier Fig.1 Simulations of single QW structures (well width 20 nm): InAlAs/InP and InAlAs/InGaAsP. absorber. Intraband relaxation rates >1 ns have been characterized by pump probe spectroscopy [14]. This slow rate of cooling has been attributed to the band-alignment between core and shell layers leading to charge separation which prevents rapid excitonic cooling. The rapid transfer of hot-electrons to an electron-acceptor has since been demonstrated [15, 16] however, integrating the colloidal QD absorber with an energy selective contact remains a significant challenge. As with colloidal QDs, III-V heterostructures can also be fabricated with band-alignments which induce charge separation. In this study, hot-carrier effects in InAlAs/InP and InAlAs/InGaAsP single quantum well structures are characterized by photoluminescence. These structures have type II and quasi-type II band alignments, which cause electrons and holes to delocalize. Structures with type II band alignments are not usually considered desirable as photovoltaic absorbers because the alignment results in a voltage drop relative to the absorption edge, however in a HCSC such a voltage drop would be compensated for by above bandgap carrier extraction. These structures also exhibit extended radiative lifetime and hence higher steady-state carrier densities, as well as reduced Auger scattering, both of which could result in slowed electron cooling. II. SAMPLES AND GROWTH In this study, photoluminescence from two single quantum well structures with different well materials were compared: InP and InGaAsP. The structures were simulated using NRL Q = 1.77 ± 0.12 Fig.3 Pabs / exp(−ELO /k.Teh ) (W · cm−2 ) as a function of ΔT, for the InGaAsP QW sample, the gradient of which provides thermalization coefficient. Fig. 2 Power dependent photoluminescence spectra (295K) for InP and InGaAsP samples, with corresponding absolute carrier distribution temperature (Teh) as a function of incident power density. Fit ranges: InP QW (1.18-1.24 eV) and InGaAsP QW (1.10-1.14 eV). multi-bands software [17], which solves the time-independent Schrödinger equation for a finite square well using material parameters from Vurgaftman et al. [18] (Fig. 1). The InAlAs/InP structure has a type II band-alignment, while the InAlAs/InGaAsP structure has a fully flat valence band (quasi-type II). Samples were grown on Fe-semi insulating InP substrates by MOCVD (background doping, n-type ~3x1015 cm-3), with a thick InGaAs buffer, to prevent photoexcitation in the substrate, and a thin (10 nm) InP cap. II. PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy was performed using a Princeton Instruments Acton 2500 and cooled Ge detector. Fig. 2 shows 295K PL spectra with steady-state excitation from a focused 532 nm laser (FWHM ~10 µm). Peaks in the PL spectra, from the InGaAsP QW, are consistent with the simulated confined energy levels for this structure (within 20 meV of the absolute values and with matching energy separation between energy levels). The PL spectra from the InP QW however, is not consistent with simulation. The observed lowest energy transition is 95 meV lower than the simulated value and the second confined energy level (present in simulation) is not observed. Relative to the InGaAsP sample, PL emission from the InP QW has a less pronounced exciton peak and significantly reduced emission intensity. These trends are consistent with recombination at a type II interface in the InP sample however, it is clear that material composition at this interface is more complex than is represented by the simulations. This is a known issue with MOCVD growth of InAlAs/InP QWs [19]. At the front QW interface (InAlAs/InP), As still present in the line can be incorporated into the InP, producing a thin graded InAsP layer. This traps electrons at the interface preventing diffusion through the relatively thick (20 nm) QW. Broadening of the high energy tail of the PL spectra, with increasing power density, is characteristic of an increase in carrier distribution temperature (Teh). This was quantified by fitting a Plank-like distribution (Eqn. 1) to the high energy tail of the PL spectrum (Ipl(E)). In each case, a calibration factor was derived from a low power PL measurement to extract energy dependent emissivity (ε(E)) and any other energy dependent experimental features, such as detector sensitivity and optics transmission, from the experimental data. E I pl ( E ) ( E ) exp kTeh (1) The InGaAsP QW sample exhibited significant carrier heating over the given incident power density range (ΔT>100K for incident power density < Conversely, no carrier heating was observed in the InP QW sample. The absence of HC effects in this sample can be attributed to the unintentional presence of a thin InAsP layer at the InAlAs/InP interface. Previous studies have shown enhanced HC effects in thick QWs [13], similarly colloidal QD studies showed long carrier relaxation times only occurred in samples with a thick shell layer (hole trap). Further studies of InAlAs/InP structures, fabricated with different growth conditions, would be required to determine the efficacy of this material system as an HC absorber. III. SIMULATED HCSC EFFICIENCY In order to make quantitative comparison with previous studies, the HC effect in the InGaAsP QW sample was evaluated in terms of thermalization coefficient. PL Fig. 4 Contour map of simulated HCSC efficiency (%), as a function of Q and Eg, under 2000X. Color map shows corresponding carrier distribution temperature. Characterized structures are marked: AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb QW [12], GaAsP/InGaAs [13], InAlAs/InGaAs [15] and InAlAs/InGaAsP [this study]. spectroscopy was performed using a 1064 nm excitation laser. This wavelength is not absorbed in the InAlAs barrier region of the sample and thus the density of photo-excited carriers can be accurately determined. The rate at which heat energy is thermalized to the lattice (Pth) is related to the LO phonon energy (ELO), the temperature gradient between the carrier population and the lattice (ΔT) and the thermalization coefficient (Q) via Eqn. 2 [12]. E Pth Q T exp LO kTeh (2) The rate of absorbed power (Pabs) is high, relative to the rate of emitted power and the approximation Pabs = Pth can be made. Q is thus determined from the gradient of Pabs/exp(Elo.kTeh) versus ΔT as 1.77±0.12 (Fig. 3). Fig. 4 shows a contour plot of simulated HCSC efficiency under 2000X solar concentration, as a function of Q and bandgap. Efficiency is calculated using a detailed balance, energy and particle conservation model, with a partially thermalizing absorber and idealized energy selective contacts. Previously characterized structures are compared with the values of the InGaAsP QW sample in this study. The low Q value, along with Eg ~1eV, makes the InGaAsP QW structure particularly favorable for HCSC device development, with projected limiting efficiency >42%. REFERENCES [1] L. C. Hirst and N. J. Ekins-Daukes, “Fundamental losses in solar cells,” Prog. Photovoltaics, vol. 19, pp. 286–293, 2011. [2] R. T. Ross and A. J. Nozik, “Efficiency of hot-carrier solar energy converters,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 53, pp. 3813–3818, 1982. [3] P. Würfel, “Solar energy conversion with hot electrons from impact ionisation,” Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C., vol. 46, pp. 43–52, Apr. 1997. [4] G. Conibeer, C. W. Jiang, D. König, S. Shrestha, T. Walsh, and M. A. Green, “Selective energy contacts for hot carrier solar cells,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 516, pp. 6968–6973, 2008. [5] S. Yagi and Y. Okada, “Fabrication of resonant tunneling structures for selective energy contact of hot carrier solar cell based on IIIV semiconductors,” in Proc. 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Spec. Conf., 2010, pp. 1213–1216. [6] J. A. R. 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