th. UNIVERSITY BE]PORTER VOL. IV ATHENS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOB ER14, 1883 NO. 1 took the;/ respective positions near the yard, made the blackm of MISPTES OF DKJBOSTHESIAN SOCIETY v* 1 the organ. Eight here the impress- night yield to the light of day. ivcness oi' the occasion began to be The yard was also plentifully proThe Society convened in its hall at I'l III.ISIIbD EVEHY SATURDAY KVKXIKG, noticed. The tones of the organ vided with rustic benches, f." ings, ten o clock, and was called to order became : , ; \vcr and lower, when there chairs, etc., where friends migli;. TERMS: find by President Pound. entered . >tn the opposite doors with a congenial meeting place, and .*vers, After a permanent organization One Dollar per Annum, basket i u flowers in their hands, a lovely retreat. had been effected, the Society recurMisses Katie Rutherford and Blanche Inrarlably in Adrante. The parlors of the house were red to the head of "Election of New Lipscom *Sf who took their places on thrown open for the accommo lotion Memberr," under which the names ,". .''--.'. ' .it U,c, Athens Chronicle Otfie thc'righi and left of the principal of the guests, in one of whici'.. Mr. of forty applicants were added to arch, ma,.lo with much artistic taste and Mrs. Hutcliins recicved tl',.-jo_y-s the roll. of the rarest and most fragrant flow- ous congratulations of their .Many Advertisements will bo inserted at very Immediately after, the question ers and i'.tTulded with lighted waxen friends. as to how long the present corps of caudles. The attendants came in The bridal presents were nun vrons officers were to serve. Tne Presi TVT« CKS1S STAMI'S. TUX and arra 1 ' >ed themselves in two col- and handsome in the extreme,Com- dent insisted that they were eletccd, umns 011 <-;>posite sides of the stage, prising gold and silverware of .nany last year, to prevent disorder in orJ. and per;, ndicular to its front. kinds, as well as china V'c e-'.ni", nc'.v I w<> cent stamp, of the most ganizing this; and, as many offices They were Mr. H, C. Glenn, Atlanta, delicate cut, and rarest beauty.! We've bri'ii waiting for you sonu-lime were vacant which could only be filland Miss; essie Rutherford,Athens; r now wi;e,an U:j- five stamps, The supper room was in the.'tarly ed by election, an election was orV .. !lii' whole !i*»ionnt of une <!;me. Mr. Hoki .omith, Atlanta, and Miss part of the evening thrown ijpen, dered. Birdie C\v>o, Athens; Mr. Andrew that all may have access, as ',t was Mr. John Phinizy was chosen PresLipscom].! . nd Miss Julia Cobb, Ath- impossible for all to partake collie b-jy's change i; scarce toj.-j.ther. ident, and Mr. H. F. Dunwody Vice utFuril often, to l>uy u stamp ; ene; Mr. . G. Woodtin, Jr., Athens, The table consisted of four vviu:s at President. in! i : '.vns lucky y.;u came along, Messrs. Hull and Berckand Miss .innie Lucas, Athens; Mr. right angles to each other, besides mans So as to keep tliciii out of a cramp, were elected Censors. The Clifton J ,j,es, Atlanta, and Miss numerous small tables arous: tiie President, after his installation, III, Bessie C. •'. itherford, Athens; Mr. j room. In the center of I lie m ' 3fcw*R''$%®'\&-*:*p>'^'*-~':- "-''•• :" we don t intend to cry, appointed Messrs. Cary, .Woolen George L- v is, Athens, and Miss Lu-' table was a lofty pyramid, ; iieomse tin1 three ccn' st-amo is (U'li and Pottle*, respectively, Secrctarv, ..r:'rvt,a r--t.'- 1J'" ' ' of. I'ru.^ riv . n, and M\ ieix flowers of all i. the mils 1 in .-uciui % ujen jrave notice to linn, Athens; Jir. i. c. \Vnitncr, to tantalize the eager appi IV. Atlanta, and Miss Sallie C. Johnson, the flowers to charm the i...i..,.',u Phi- K;ippa Society of its desire: to Two cents now brings the cheeks, Atlanta; Mr. J. B. L. Cobb, Athens, eye. On the table were to be seen hold a joint session. This resulted Just as well as the good old tbree; and Miss Mary A. Whitner, Atlanta; cakes of all designs, iced with Avon in the receipt of an invition from the Two cents brings the letter, Phi-Kappas to use their hall, which and Mr. J. C. Cooper, Florida, and derful care and perfect success. From the girl we cannot see. BeMiss Mary Jackson, Atlanta. sides these were meats of all kinds, was accepted. IV. On our return, the resolutions So to 3'ou, new stamp, I wish After the attendants had taken sandwiches, wafers, salads, jellies, Along, happy continued cateer, their proper positions, the happy nuts, raisins, creams, sherbets and looking to the re-establishment of May you bring joy to many a heart, couple entered, and walked with firm endless profusion of every tempting the University Reporter, which were Anil drive away many a tear. and unfaltering step to the center of delicacy, as can be vouched for by all offered in joint session, were agreed ————————y- o • ——————— the stage and stopped. Dr. A. A, those who were fortunate enough to to. An election for Business ManaHYUES'S CALL. Lipscomb, of this city, the minister participate in the sumptuous repast. ger and Editors was then held, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Hull, officiating, then approached them and The guests began to leave about 12 On Tuesday evening last at the with his imposing manner and as Business Manager, and Messrs. im- o'clock; but still it was not until the chapel of the Lucy Cobb Institute pressive voice, slowly and distinctly hour of two that all had gone all Hutchison and Pound, \iy acclamathere occurred one of the most bril- repeated the marriage ceremony, agreeing that the ceremony was the tion, as Editors. liant marriages ever recorded in our amid the very No other business appearing, the low but melodious most impressive they had ever seen; citj'. The contracting parties were sound of the organ. Society adjourned. The silence the reception the most elegant they Mr. Joshua C. Hutchins and Miss during the ceremony was JOHN PHINIZY, Pres. almost ter- had ever attended. Laura W. Rutherford, the accom- rible, and was only A. H. GARY, Sec. broken by the The bride groom and left the nest plished and beautiful daughter of answers of the bride and groom day for an extended trip North. Prof. Williams Rutherford. As early which were rendered in a very admiThe Reporter again offers congratas seven o'clock the crowd ,began to rable and significant manner. After It is HStnnisliing liow much one, even ulations to the happy pair and pre- without assemble and at half-past eight the the ceremony was money, can give! A ki'iii word, a complete, the mardicts for them a long life of happi- helping hanj the warm sympathy witli chapel was well-nigh full. At fifteen ried couple, the attendants, the two those who weep and are afflicted ! No man ness and prosperity. minutes before nine Prof. Muller, of fair young damsels, and the is so poor, no woman is so poor, as not to ushers he able to contribute largely to the liappi-, the Lucy Cobb Institute, appeared on all retired as they came. nessot Ihose about them. Skiff, the jeweler, the stage and began to play upon the will try to make every one happy iiboul WATEB WORKS. The invited guests then repaired to costly organ, given them by G. 1. him, and speuk a kind word about jewelry and the celluloid spectacles something Seney. While the tones of the or- the residence of Prof. Rutherford, Athens is soon to have what she entirely new. where an elegant reception had been gan \vcre yet being heard to break ias long needed. The force on the the otherwise still silence around, the prepared for the newly married works are large; working For fine fruit, cull on JestiT, IB.-as Reg-. near two couple. ushers, by pairs, Messrs. J. D. Mell mndred hands. The pond is to be tauranlor and Fruit Dealer. and G, C. Hamilton, H. R. Wilcox The yard was brilliantly illumina- L6 feet deep and cover 5 acres. Those Don't forget Brooks & iBush, wben you want Fancy Candies, Fruits and Confecand W. 31. Cobb entered by opposite ted by a great profusion of Chinese students taking the B. E. course tioneries. dcoi-s, walked out into the middle of lanterns which, with two immense re might get some practical idea;- bv You should go and sc-e Barlow,, Wilson. the stage, passed each other, and Sectors, situated in opposite sides of visiting the works. Cu's Mammoth Minsinls. do not mean to say that this fact argues ill of either of these instituAll College papers that receive this tions. Their reputation for efficiency issue of the Universisy Reporter, has already been established upon a Bn«Iness Managers. will consider it an offer to exchange. firm basis. But we do say that it Demoithenian. Phi Kuppa: We wo\ild be glad to welcome to our speaks well for the University of A. HULL. A. S. BLAIN, table a |1 onr old exchanges, as well Georgia. We hope, and we are firmEditorial Staff. as manly new ones. ly persuaded that it is an evidence Demostiienian. Phi Kappa. that the college founded by the State J. M. POUND. TO frHOJl EVER IT MAY COHCERBf. THOS. J. KIPLEY, and fostered by her care is taking an K. HARVEY JOHNSON. J. B. HUTCHESoN. onward step; and that she is now <are very sorry to learn that We5 (are about to occupy the station for which 'Communications, literary contribu- there is a disposition among the was intended. She was intended she tions, etc , from past students and friends, students not to^subscribe for the Reforemost among our institube to gratefully rece ved. porter. Each student ought to have learning; and if our old of tions his name on our roll. How do you University continues time-honored Athens, Georgia. expect to support a college paper if under its present management, long you don't contribute to the cause? Saturday. Oct. 13 we believe it will become pre-emiDo yon think it can run without nently so. money"? I will venture to assert that SALUTATORY. We trust that the young gentlemen there is not a student in the Univerhave entered college this year who the Reporter, The University Reporter made its sity wno does not read that not only does their consider will help to first appearance about three years and still, you don't want reputation aTul their private own your to go will you but it; ago, and, notwithstanding many pre- support character depend upon their exeron spunge" " and room friend's dictions to the contrary, it still expaper. Now, let tions, but also the college. If every ists; and, once again, after a short him, atid read his the paper. Pa- one accepts this as a correct view of suspension of three months, makes its every istudent take own journal and by so this matter, we believe that the colappearance to its many eager readers. troniz£ your to bring it up to the lege will not only prosper during this We deem it proper, however, to set doing,' help of college journals. year, but will be benefit ted for years forth a tew of our views as to how we highes} standard ,, to come. intend to conduct our college journal THE ^KOSPECTS OF TUB UNIVERSITY. which we fact other one is There so as to bring it up to that standard all of Nearly notice. to like would which our illustrious old University Prolably at no time within the appHbeen have students new the so justly merits; and we promise to past li years has the University openfor admission into the Fresh^ lose no pains in trying to make it ed un er more favorable auspices, cants Sophomore classes. This, and rank among the first journals of the or wiih more flattering prospects man no insignificant, fact. is itself, in than a, the beginning of the present kind. the higher classes enter who Those We shall endeavor to use onr pens sessioiL Already, within one week n^J^H^Csllege themselves neither do uf tlreTOptu'ni^ 01 Mic ICiTli, tVkC irtig . ^- j,l.~b.«>t., \i oxtCll V» Jj-aiet*:»\»., IruT They are good. of amount great a have reader, students kind 175 that understand, shows So ister readers. They next. the out and year one in that it is for you we are writing, and subscribed their mimes to the college the which by records leave rarely not for our own gratification. We roll, asd by so doing have pledged mo or profit, may Fresh and Sophs shall try to give such news about themsolves to the advancement of the University may incollege, Athens, and in general, as their own private interests, as well uey by which for aiding tlhose who means its crease at college the we deem proper, to appear in our as the interests of Now, we do not improve. to wish weekly issues. We intend to indulge large. as depremisunderstood be to wish Not only is the large number of in no objectionable personalities, in course short a of idea the cating jokes, "cuts," etc., as are calculated new students gratifying to those who ap-we contrary, the On college. have an interest in the wellfare of to offend. it in all cases where a two We trust and know that our rela- our old institution, but also the prove of j'ears course would be a three or recommengood tions with the two fomale institutes bright faces and the of money. We expendation will be none other than that of the dations furnished by most of the needless who conhowever, those, all think most friendly and pleasant disposi- new boys speak well for her immedo should college, entering template diate future. There is but little tion. to prepared are they as soon as so Then judge not too severely our doubt in the minds of those persons SophoThe classes. lower the enter efforts, we may fail others have fail- who have studied the bright and deare the hope ed and more are coming who will termined faces of those who now mores and the Freshmen aie glad to we and i'ail. We do not promise you great daily gather around the old chapel at of any school, our lower all that fact the chronicle things, but we do promise you our the ringing of the morning bell, that material. good of full so are classes the average marks will be much earnest and strenuous endeavors. profitable and pleasant a predict We To our Literary Societies: We higher this year than for several preall our boys think of thank yon for the honor conferred vious ones. In fact, it seems that year; and if they are bearing, resposibilities what been have in selecting us for yonr corps of edi- the branch colleges which will be a year present the tors, and will guard to the best of our established throughout the State are we know and improvemorality unexampled of just beginning to perform one of the ability the trusts. Boys, think boys, the among ment Again wishing each and every functions for whi«h they were instiand your exertions your Upon it. of reader a happy perusal of our journ- tuted. The function in question is own yonr only not depends conduct al, we make our best bow, and enter that thej' are to act as feeders, so to the of that but reputations, private They speak, of the University. upon the discharge of our duties. believe not do We itself. college have sent to us, this year, many; and Most respectfully, of you so there are among that number some that there is a single one THOS. J. RIPLEY, to have as feeling manly all to lost R. HARVEY JOHNSON, who will yet distinguish themselves have you college the for love no JFJIRY M. POUND, as possessors of bright intellects. I D. S. it. for work it, love you As chosen. J. B. HUTCHISON, There too, we we welcome among its bring certainly sevjeral students from Emory col The future will Barlow, Wilson & Co. will entertain an us collegp and Mercer University. We reward. TATE NOTICE. AUieus audience on \Yednesxlay, 17th. For tbe University Reporter. LUCY COBB DOTS. I. " Pasticcio" lias departed, And tbe "Phoenix" has flown, Their loss, I know well, By the Reporter'11 be shown. For who with the ease Of Pasticcio can write? Who will have, like the Phoeuix, Thoughts witty and bright? Let me tell the Reporter, And remember 1 say, "Between you, I and the gate-post," This secret must stay. 'Twill not, O Reporter, Twill not be she Whom you have chosen Your writer to be. And now to the task; but Like that ancient couple Of the olden time, I shall have to pause In the midst of my rhyme, And ask, "What shall it be, What »7iall it be," What, O, Reporter, Shall I tell to thee? }" The Lucy Gobi) opened With a full, round number, On that most delightful (?) of days, The 12th of September. "Quid agis,duleUsime rerum ?" Is asked all around, And the air with kisses Is heard to resound. But oh, more than a miracle, And of wonders a wonder, All previous relations By the Sophs cut asunder. And in the light of the world, Full fledged Juniors they slau«3, -Yo.vupp_u,£dJjr,_I think, Find a happier banl. They giggle and smile, And they laugh all the time, They smile "without reason," And they laugh "without rhyme." But listen, I pray you, To the song that they sing, "We have passad ,n<me were left" And they make the air ring. III. Tbe "event of the season" We have reached at last, Which like all "events" that have come, Is a "thing of the past." 'Twas the marriage of one Whom you all know full well, No doubt you know moie Than to you I can tell. There is one thing, however, Which I am sure you don't know, And that I will forthwith Endeavor to show. 'Tis a thing, should yon know it, Would make your heart ache, The girls are all dreaming, On wedding cake! To their dreaming we will leave them And go our way, And tell more of their doings, At some future day. Last Thursday night the alarm of fire was heard, and the ever-efficient Fire Department of Athens was soon on the spot; but, unfortunately, the distance was so great, that the flames were under headway before the house could be reached. As it was only an old stable, very much dilapidated, the loss was very small, except the loss of a carriage belonging to Maj, Stanley. ABOUT THE BOYS. SAM JONES. Some little "Fresh.'' registered, a made Augusta, of Jones, E. C. hotel." Summary the at Stopping The Rev. Mr. Sam Jones has been The tower of the water-works is to telling speech last Saturday, in the on a protracted meeting at carrying S. K. P. ATHENS, GA., OCT. 13, 1883. e located where the Confederate Methodist Church, during First Gahliher, the and Estill Minor, Frey, monument now stands. It will be week. The meetings are last the year. this return not will wenty feet in diameter, and one huuBase Ball. connected and we believe he now is attended, largely Berkmans Bob Ired feet high. Is now all the go. with the firm of R. C. Berkmans & will continue the services during the The Demosthenian Society has Father, in the fruit tree business. The boys should organize their coming week, and will preach a been so successful as to secure fortyCarey says he is agent for the read- special sermon to the boys and men ; nines." seven new members this session. The ing room at present. only, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Editors are highly in favor of 30_ys are laboring to retrieve the connected now is His sermons are practical, forcible Howell Clarke ten " to comes it when but ball; I base lonors so often born off by the Phi with the New York Times. and interesting, and in a style pe| cents," we are just out. Kappa Society. Davis Freeman is studying law in culiar to himself. We hope all the The Freshman and Sophomores students will attend this afternoon. Savannah. the on warm getting are Politics [should, by all means, take an active m m m the meet to wishing strangers All dignified four that hear We edges. |part in their Literary Societies. LIBRABIES. SOCIETY Seniors aspire for P. K. Anniversa- Prof, of "Math," apply to Daniel Everything is natural again. The rian. We think it advisable to hold Grant, No. il, Summey House. It is now a question whether it is Iboj's make their usual strolls by Albert Ilowell is attending the a primary if that be the case. In the not better for the two Literary Socie|Lucv Cobb Institute. D. S. only two arc on the hustings. Virginia Military Institute. ties to turn over their Libraries to ;he Sophomore Class is the largest Others to hear from. Tom Scott is catching "gators University or not. One thing is cer|class in college, numbering 75 mem—————— • • •—————• iu Florida. tain, if different arrangements are not bers. There seems to be a current of colPERSOXALS. by which to compel the boys to Let every student read over oui lege politics underlying the placid made the books which they take return advertisements, and patronize those Dr. Mell is out of the city, attend- surface of college life. It will show Society Libraries, there will the from rho encourage our journal. ing the Baptist association at its power before long. Library to turn over to the no be even Blaine, who once had aspiration* Several colleg4 boys came neai Autioch. Last year there were University. * *. to be a Senator, has compromised on [having a runaway scrape Thnrsdaj volumes taken seventy-five about Miss Bessie Budd, has returned to the championship of the Press afternoon in front of the Commerciu which, through Society, each trom Hotel. A mule ran into their don- her home in Fla., much to the regret Association. never carelessness, and negligence We wonder if any of our enter' of her many friends. key cart. be not it would Now, returned. were * * prising boys will attempt to revive * Barlow & Wilson next Wednesday have these University the let to better Mr. J. E. Hunnicutt, of Atlanta, the defunct Campus. night. The best minstrel show cvei We could get them just as ns a short visit last week. Come paid Dr. Mell has given the boys some books? been to Athens. the University Library as from well very salutary hits about loafing ii) The Heading Room is beyond re again Pat. and then they will Society, the from * * ot the hotel corriders and drinking * surrection. All that last year flutte: lost. Let each not and returned, be Mrs. Roberts, of Baltimore, is visit- its waters which never grow cold. for nothing. Societies conLibrary the of member Mr. B. J. Conyers is the onlying her sistei-in law, Mrs. II. C. The Law Class is rather " weezly,' matter. the sider student in college taking A. M., and White. —————:———— • • • ————————— ..there,being only one member at pres imcorihOC'iAon whh that,.he is ta The class tree of '82 is almost" ent. We hope, however, soon to se Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lampkin, law, If the Theological Seminary dead. Come back, boys, and set out its number increase to ten or twelvo who have been making a short visit was any where in eight or ten mile? another tree. The donation for the repairing o in the city, left last Wednesday, foi of Athens, he would take D. D. also, ^ the college buildings cannot be mad their home in Columbia county^ We MINUTES OF P1II-KAPP1 SOCIETY. W. B. Binns of the junior class of I use of until the next meeting of th hope to have the pleasure of seeing '80, has re-entered college and will i trustees. PHI-KAPPA HALL, ) graduate with the present senior them up quite often. Oct. 6, 1883.J * * class There are fewer girls in Athen to order bycalled was Society The conis '83, of class 01 Edwards, case R. T. bad a has Willie Woolen, than in any other city to its size in called. was Roll Mell. President Jonesboro, howat C. hope, G. We M. with jaundice. nected yellow the t venture will we But, the Union. The following officers were then Ga., where he fills the chair of assert that what is lost in quantity ever, he will soon recover. *** Ancient Languages; and where he elected and inaugurated, viz: Presij is made up in quality. dent, John D. Mell; 1st Assistant, It is a conceded fact that the has made considerable reputation. A serenading party gave last night The present Soph, class is said to W. S. Upshaw; 2nd Assistant, E. M. " 'Tain't gwine td rain no more," in ' fairer half" of the M. F. are the two Athens. in contain seventy-four members. We Mitchell; Secretary, A. F. Bishop; prettiest girls all its new versions. * * wonder if this is not enough to 1st Censor, T. J. Ripley, 2nd Censor, * Several boys got into a hornet' the been crowd many of them through the George Lamar; Clavinger, A. C. has who Murrell, Miss nest at the fire, Thursday night. guest of Mr. Henry Russell, left foi windows of Prof. Rutherford's reci- Blaine. The Campus, we are sorry to say Twenty new members were added tation rooms, when the Prof's back her home in Atlanta, last week. is dead; and there arc no hopes of i * * the roll. to is turned. . - * being revived soon. the passed has class Senior The Messrs. Turner, Johnson and Gr. Oxford, Miss Susie Bounell, of How about the mustache club? is the guest of Miss Maggie Morton third quarter post and its members Walker were appointed to draft suitCan't the old members revive it? I * * are now on the home-stretch. Who able resolutions on the death of Bro. * would be so nice to take in some o We are glad to see Prof. Morris, will pass under the wire first, is a W. A. Reid. these little " Fresh." and " Sophs.' out again. He has been quite sick question that is being discussed. On motion, Messrs. Ripley, Upand train their mustache up in th for the past few days. The University has received four shaw and Blaine were appointed to way in which it should go. * * students from Mercer University. confer with Demosthenians as re* One thousand volumes have beer Mr. Jno. T. Lofton, class of 1883 They are Messrs. Ilinton, Garrard, gards the University Reporter. received by the University Librarian is in the city. He leaves next week Neill and Osborne. We are glad to The Societies met iu joint session. since October, 1882. Four hundre for Fort Worth, Texas, where he have these young gentlemen among and fifty volumes of official docu will locate. "Cup," you have our us, as they all appear to be fine MINUTES OP JOINT SESSION. fellows. ments were received last week frorr best wishes. The joint session for purpose of * * the University Reporter was the United States Government. * Jester has the Boss Saloon and Rastau- reviving order by J. H. Phinizy. to called Greensboro the Kuowlesof Brother Both of the boarding houses 01 rant. Call and get oysters. Gary, Hutcheson and Messrs. the campus are full there being Home Journal, wa? in the city last W. A. Jester has first class cigars. to meet with appointed were Pound 45 at the Summey house and 25 a week. Make us a call next time you in Brooks &, Bush keep tbe finest cigars the Phi-Kappa committe, consisting the city. come. the Kichardson house. Mrcrsitg Reporter. J. W&K W. BURKE, of Messr.j. Riptey, Blaine and Bishop,1 Dog Law," was decided affirmatively. and to draft resolutions to that end.' On motion the President appointed The following is a copy of the reso- a committee of five, cons'stingot'Jiin. SCRATCH ROOKS, lutions offered by committee: B. Hutchisoii, J. M. Pound, John B LECTURE BOOKS, Whereas, the University opens un- Gordon, Jr., A. H. Gary and R. L. RECORDS. dermost favorable circumstances and Moye, to look iiito the matter of im- Gold as it appears to be the general desire pairing our building. PENCILS. that we should have some good literThe following resolutions were KNIVES ary journal. Therefore, be it placed before the house by Mr. FULL LINE OP Resolved, 1st. That the Phi-Kappa Pound, viz: and Demosthenian Societies revive WHEREAS, The laws governing the University Reporter. debate in our Society are very impc- Secondly. That the said Reporter feet, be it resolved, is to be the organ of the two Socie1st, That the President shall he ties in which the minutes of each empowered to appoint three men en Society are to be published. COLLEGE AVENUE. each side of a question to act as Third. That there be elected from leading disputants. These members 1 have just put in a new oven, and each Society two Editors, whose shall be appointed at the meeting am now 'prepared to furnish the term is to be two months and whose previous to the one at which they are public with NECK WE AH AXD HOSIERY, duties are to furnish reading matter expected to speak. for the snid Reporter. 2nd, That no one shall be apASD d Fourth. That there also be elected pointed twice in succession; and in ALSO, from eac'; Societ3r one Business Man- case any of the leading disputants CENTS Furnishisrg Finn Fancy Candies, ' ager, whose term is to be for two fail to respond, without a good months and whose duties are to at- excuse, he shall be fined the sum of Also, 11 full line of tend to the finance and business aft. one dollar. fairs of the journal. 3rd, That one-half of the roll A SPECIALTY. Boots and Fifth. That it is the duties of the shall be required to debate alteri'e ask a call. Editors to look over the reading nately, under penalty of a fine of 25 Respectfully, Cor. Clay ton St. and College Avenue. matter of each issue, and see what is edits. M. MYERS & CO. Gsuitable to be published; and that a 4th, That any member of the Oct 13 majority can prevent the publication other half of roll shall have the of any articles which they deem im- privilege of debating, in case he proper to appear in print. desires to do so. Sixth, That anything can be pub5th, That all laws conflicting COLLEGE AVENUE, lished in the said Reporter, which ei- with these are hereby annulled. IN GREAT VAIUKRY. ONL DOORS SOUTH OF MYEK STERN. ther Society wishes to have publish (A. H. GARY, AH will find it to their advantage Signed < JOF.N B. GORDON, JK., ed, by order of said Society. to give us a. call. -Kfrftmploy none Lamps, Chimneys,(,?. M. POUND. """Seventh. That the said Reporter -^ but first class workmen, who are poZECIEIELO SEIsriE, On motion, the Society adjourned. lite and willing to wait on custo shall be scat for three weeks to each JOHN PHINIZY, Pros't. Cutlery, Tin Sets, Matches. mers at all times. member of the two Societies, and, if A. H. GARY, Sec'y. Uniformly low prices aud fincbt goods. at the expiration of that time, their University Jeweler. subscription is unpaid, their paper Pin KAPPA HALL, Oct. 13th, 1883. shall be stopped until paid. Society called to order by Pres. Eighth. That the paper shall ap OPPOSITE CAMPUS Mell. Minutes read and adopted. pear October 13th. One door below Longif, Drug Store. The question, Resolved that the T. J. RIPI-ET, H.AJLTSEIt, A. F. BISHOP, !- P. K. S. negro should receive higher educaI35~Makes a specialty of Repairing Fine A. C. BLAIN, tion, was debated on the affirmative Watches, Pn s and Badges, at lowest prices. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN J. M. POUND, by Messrs. W. S. Upshaw, W. E. CALL AND SEE HIM. A. H. CAREY, j- D. S. Rambo. And on the negative by J. B. HOTCHESON, McQUEEN & DURHAM'S Fine Messrs. Young, Willcoxon, Riplc}-, Walker, Rowland, Mitchell, Kitch- NEW BARBER SHOP, The resolutions of the joint sesAMD ens, Jones, Holliday, Fain, Conyers Over Mandeville's Jewelry Store, sion were ratified. and Bishop. Decision in favor of Will be glad to have you give us a trial, A committee on query was then and we know you will be satisfied. appointed and the question for Sat- negative. BE SURE TO COME. The Resolutions on the death of AT LOWEST TRICES, urday, October 20, is, Resolved, That Bro. W. A. Reid were then adopted. the Crusade were Beneficial to the The question for Saturday Oct. 27, A. NOTICE, was Resolved, that the branch colCivilization of Europe. THE FINE leges of the University should be Society adjourned. abolished. Boot and Shoe Makers. J. D. MELL, Pres. J. D. MELL, Pres, A. F. BISHOP, Sec. A. F. BISHOP, Sec. Books and Stationery. M. Myers & Co. New Bakery! Cothing, Hats, Bread and Cakes. OOOJ3S. Brydie & Tonsorial Artists, CMS. ASCUDDER. Wedding cakes Room Requisites, C. D. Flanigen, CIGARETTES; PIPES, Smokers' articles, Jackson & Brydie, DEMOSTHENIAN HALL, October 13, 1883. The Society was called to order by the President. The roll was called. The minutes were read and adopted. The following gentlemen were then elected as new members: Paul Cheney, J. M. Fletcher, C. II. Tutt, H. K. Milner, W. A. Kennon and M. H. V. Jones. The question for debate: ""Resolved, That it would be expedient for the Georgia Legislature to pass a NV.HAUDRUP&SON, OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, Oct. 17. ONE Davis & Harris, Cleaning and Repairing. COLLEGE AVENUE. MOST COURTEOUS SHOP IN TOWN. Be sure and give us a call, and we know that you will BE PLEASED WITH OUR WORK. No. 53 CLAYTON STREET. City Barber Shop, BARLOW, WILSON & CO.'S J//1.OT/077/ MINSTRELS TAILOB1XG DEPABTSEiU, Slices neatly made and repaired. Half We will cut and make suits cheaper soles put on substantially. than any house in the city. College boys will do we!l to call. COLLEGE AVENUE. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO J35°" Give us a call. s ic EL o is s G AND STATIONERS.