Operations Report April 2001 Collaboration Meeting E.I. Rosenberg April 23, 2001

Operations Report
April 2001 Collaboration Meeting
E.I. Rosenberg
April 23, 2001
Operations Crew Changes
Run Coordinators:
Feb. 15 Mike Sokoloff → Eli Rosenberg
Apr. 13 Bill Wisniewski → Francois LeDiberder
Deputy Run Coordinator:
April 2 Sasha Telnov → James Swain
Liaison Training, etc.:
April 2 Sasha Telnov → Dick Kofler
DAQ Operations:
March 1 Shahram Rahatlou → Steve Sekula
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Run 2 Overview
• Run 2 Start Date: Feb. 1
• Injection into PEP: Feb 4
• First Collisions: Feb 12
(Energy Scan: Feb 12-13)
• Phase One (New PEPII
Tune) <March 12
• Phase Two (Return to
October 2000) >March 12
• Off-peak running: Apr. 1-3
• 2 Shifters in IR-2: Apr. 2
• 4 Shift ROD: Apr. 4-5
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
4.11 fb-1
Energy Scan Feb 12 - 13
Chris Roat
Fixed Width Fit
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Hadron Ratios
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Run 2 Integrated Luminosity
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Luminosity Determined
Using L3 and OPR
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Comparison of Run 1 & 2
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
BaBar and KEK Total L
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
BaBar Efficiency
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Low Points
• DCH Trips
• SVT abort diode drifts
• EMC chillers
• Hot Towers - UPC timing problems
• IFR PS Trips
• DAQ internal communication; server reboots
• CEN-BIP drop outs
• Water – rain on VESDA, AC leak on Master Crate,
condensation leak on shifters, flow to compressors for
Solenoid, rain on EMC chillers
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Rapid Response to Problems
Need to have shifters able to do
more under direction of experts:
Digital Picture Gallery of crates
in data taking mode –
“reference plots”
Requested laptops for system
experts to have remote access to
EPICS panels when not on site
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
True BABAR Efficiency may be
masked by PEP Efficiency
Sat. day – Sun. owl
we collected 73.9 pb-1
Swing shift: change from
3 to 4 RF stations in HER
Owl shift: 00:15 EMC
bias shorted we did not
recover until 1:50
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
PEP Efficiency
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
PEP Efficiency Loses
• Loss of efficiency due to other programs
20% ESA; 10% FFTB
• PEP RF Aborts
( some running with with 3 RF stations out
of 4 ; 5th station’s PS arrived last week)
• Site infrastructure problems
~ 15 hours – PPS/MPS computer
~ 12 hours – water to solenoid
~ 16 hours – electron gun
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
ROD April 4-5
• All 4 doors were opened
• DRC phototubes; HV; water sensor; Pb
• EMC ADB boards; fiber repair
• DCH gas sensor
• EMT cables
• SVT chiller GMB, abort diode studies,
chiller filters
• IFR HV Cables, HV box and connector
• DAQ/Computing repairs, upgrades
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Operational Issues
SVT abort diodes
DCH trip points
EMC electronics
(ADBs, UPCs)
DAQ robustness
AFS Dependencies
→ Sunday morning loss
of 72 EMC channels
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
was at 20 µA/channel until mid-March
Open Issues
• Solaris 7 in IR-2
• Removing dependencies on SCS (AFS, YP)
• If RF (or other) aborts continue, need to
revisit topoff strategy
• DCH new HV boards (needs 2 Days of
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg
Shifters Needed Thru
June 2002
• Shift sign-up through the end of this year available the
end of this week or early next week
• As of June, OPR will no longer be “shift” based
• Revised institute quotas later this week
• Guidelines: 14 shifts within 2 month
New pilots start with day shifts
7 Navigator shifts then move to pilot
Liaison shifters: “IR-2 experience”
• “Gentle Introduction to Shift Taking” – tomorrow at
12:30 in Auditorium
April 23, 2001
E. I. Rosenberg