Cross-Program Consolidated Monitoring Pre-Visit Documentation LEA/Charter School: Due Date: In preparation for the upcoming Cross-program Consolidated Monitoring visit, please submit evidence of compliance for each of the following strands. Evidence may be submitted through any electronic or web-based format (e.g., PDF, website links, etc.). In order to review a sample of school-level data, evidence must be submitted for the following schools: School Code School Name NOTE: The sample size is 10% of all Title I schools or 4 schools when 10% would be less. I. Stakeholder Involvement. Parents, staff, students, and community members participate in developing, implementing, and evaluating programs at both LEA and school levels. LEA-Level Stakeholder planning meeting agendas, and minutes Schedule of activities and/or distribution of information by the district School-Level School planning meeting rosters, agendas, sign-in sheets, and minutes for sample schools Templates of parent-school compacts for sample schools (no signatures) Schedule of parent-teacher conferences sample schools Annual Title I meeting agenda, sample presentations, and invitations II. Governance, Administration and Funding. Applications, plans, administration of programs, allocation and use of funds meet statutory requirements. LEA-Level Equity plan for highly-qualified teachers Notifications to private school officials to discuss equitable services with federal funds School-Level Funding sources, list of services provided to homeless students, and schools attended by the students III. Program Quality. Programs are implemented using research-based strategies and services, highly- qualified staff, and high quality professional development, all aligned to a comprehensive needs assessment. LEA-Level Professional development plan with timeline and communication to staff School-Level School Improvement Plan that includes 10 schoolwide components for sample schools Principals attestation statements for sample schools Processes/procedures to identify at-risk students for sample schools Eligibility criteria for targeted assistance programs including preschool programs as applicable IV. Accountability and Reporting. Programs use state and other assessments to measure the achievement of intended outcomes of programs. LEA and schools publicly report and widely disseminate all required program and student accountability results. LEA-Level Schedule of district-wide assessments administered Process for monitoring Focus school intervention plans (if applicable) Evidence of dissemination of district report card (e.g., cover letter, notice in newspaper, handbook, email, school newsletters, etc.) School-Level Focus school intervention plans (if applicable) Evidence of dissemination of school report cards for sample schools Parents right-to-know staff qualifications and notification of teachers not highly qualified Pre-Visit Documentation 2014-15