Asset Management Using Failure Forecasting and Statistical Assessment of Diagnostic Testing Miroslav M. Begovic School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology Fourth Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry FUTURE ENERGY SYSTEMS: EFFICIENCY, SECURITY, CONTROL Pittsburgh, March 10-11, 2008 1 Background/Problem Statement Most utilities have incomplete failure data on various components, such as cables, switchgear, etc. Framework: a software-based algorithm to estimate future failures based on data obtained from incomplete failure information. The optimal replacement rate needed to maintain failures at a specified failure rate is sought. Optimal failure rate estimation will yield the lowest replacement and maintenance budget required to meet the desired failure performance 2 Effect of Replacements on Failure Rates FAILURES FAILURE REDUCTION INSTALLATION TIME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT TIME 3 Estimation and Control of Failures in Composite Populations ESTIMATED FAILURES UPPER BOUND (CONFIDENCE RANGE) LOWER BOUND INSTALLATION EVENTS TIME PARTIAL REPLACEMENT EVENTS PROPOSE TO DEVELOP SCHEDULE FOR REPLACEMENT EVENTS 4 Preliminaries If p(t) is the pdf of the time to failure t of a single component, the probability of that component failing before time t is given by P (t ) = ∫ t 0 p (u ) du Assuming Weibull distribution for p(t) and population of N identical components, the pdf of a component of that population failing before time t is given by −β p0 (t ) = N βα t β −1 − ( t / α ) N β e , t ≥ 0. 5 Preliminaries (cont.) The expected value of T (the time to failure of a single component) is ⎛1 ⎞ E (T ) = αΓ ⎜ + 1 ⎟ ⎝β ⎠ The expected value of T (the time to failure of a single component) in a population of N identical components is E (T0 ) = α N 1/ β ⎛1 ⎞ Γ ⎜ + 1⎟ ⎝β ⎠ 6 Failure Rates The overall failure rate will be f 0 (t ) = p0 (t ) 1 − P0 (t ) t≥0 , In terms of the original α and N f N (t ) = N βα t −β β −1 t≥0 , Which will produce linear growth compared to the aging of a single component β −β p (t ) = Wei (α , β ) = βα t f (t ) = βα t −β β −1 β −1 , ( ) e , − t α t≥0 t≥0 7 Formulation of the Failure Model f (t ) = X ⋅ K ⋅ (t − g ) b Parameters K,b,g represent the description (model) of the failures for population X (or N, if we deal with the discrete components) When there are multiple populations Xi installed in years i = 0, 1, 2, …, k, the cumulative failure model F(t,g,b,K) becomes a sum: k F (t , g , b, K ) = ∑ X i ⋅ K ⋅ (t − g − i ) b i =0 8 Methodology for Identification of Statistical Coefficients 160 140 140 120 120 number of failures number of failures Actual Failures and Curve Fit Actual Failures 160 100 80 60 100 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 year 1985 1990 1995 IDENTIFICATION OF {g,b,K} STATISTICAL PARAMETERS ESTIMATED FAILURES CURVE 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 year CALCULATION OF ESTIMATED FAILURES USING {g,b,K} 9 Failure Estimation FAILURES PAST PRESENT FUTURE PROBABILITY OF FAILURE ESTIMATE … t-1 t t+1 YEAR 10 Test Data Set: New Installation and Replacement New Miles Installed and Replaced 600 installed replaced 500 miles 400 300 200 100 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 year 1985 1990 1995 2000 11 Distribution of Estimated Failures Year 1 Projection of Frequency versus Number of Failures 25 Frequency 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Number of Failures 250 300 350 400 300 350 400 300 350 400 Year 2 Projection of Frequency versus Number of Failures 25 Frequency 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Number of Failures 250 Year 3 Projection of Frequency versus Number of Failures 25 Frequency 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Number of Failures 250 Three year projection histograms for 1000 simulations. 12 Failure Estimation and Confidence Intervals 95% Confidence Interval 50% Confidence Interval 250 180 160 200 140 No. of Failures No. of Failures 120 100 80 150 100 60 40 50 20 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 Year 25% Confidence Interval. 1990 1995 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 Year 95% confidence interval . 13 Bottom Line: 1-Year Replacement Upper Bound Future Year 1 Replacement Confidence 600 replacement (miles) 550 500 450 400 350 300 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 confidence (%) 85 90 95 100 14 Asset Management Objectives Objectives Follow-Up Follow-Up Maintenance Maintenance Scheduling Scheduling Planning Planning Asset Asset Management Management Analysis Analysis Budgeting Budgeting Data DataLogging Logging Source: Joshua Perkel, NEETRAC 15 Cost Analysis LOAD VOLTAGE Refurbishment Repair Preventive Replacement Diagnostic Testing Replacement on Failure Cost of Outage DURATION OF OUTAGE OCCURRENCE OF OUTAGE TIME COST OF OUTAGE COST OF ENERGY NOT SERVED INITIAL COST OF OUTAGE Hard to Assess the Cost of Reliability for Utilities 16 Motivation Diagnostic tests look for symptoms of degradation, not failures. Symptoms are difficult to relate to future failures unless they are in the extremes. Probability “Good” ? “Bad” No Failure Failure Diagnostic Measurement 17 Diagnostics – where to look FRACTION OF CABLE FRACTION OF CABLE POPULATION TESTED POPULATION TESTED POSITIVE FOR POSITIVE FOR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT TESTED CABLE TESTED CABLE POPULATION POPULATION TOTAL CABLE TOTAL CABLE POPULATION POPULATION 18 Passive Approach – do nothing Cost Parameters: A = Failure rates [failures/miles/year] B = Average length of segment [ft] C = Average cost of replacement cable [$/ft] D = Average cost of repair [$/ft] E = Length of population [miles] F = Average Momentary Cost of Outage [$/failure] G = Average Cost of Energy Not Served [$/min/failure] TF = Average Duration of Outage [min] Cost = A ⋅ E ⋅ [ (C + D ) ⋅ B + F + G ⋅ TF ] [$ / yr ] 19 Passive Cost AVOIDABLE COST Cost = A ⋅ E ⋅ [ (C + D) ⋅ B + F + G ⋅ TF ] [$ / yr ] AVERAGE COST OF ENERGY NOT SERVED PER FAILURE TOTAL NUMBER OF FAILURES PER YEAR COST OF REPLACEMENT (CABLE + WORK) AVERAGE COST OF MOMENTARY INTERRUPTION 20 SoE1 Failure Management Avoidable cost can be reduced by replacing suspect cable segments in an efficient way before they fail Need to know how many failures are anticipated – failure forecasting Need to know which segments to replace how accurate the identification 21 Slide 21 SoE1 Figure Hard to read School of ECE, 1/29/2007 Failure Management Cost Parameters: B = Average length of segment [ft] C = Average cost of replacement [$/ft] D = Average cost of repair [$/ft] I = Total number of tested segments [ ] J = Cost of diagnostic test per day [$/day] K = Number of segments tested per day [day-1] ξ = Fraction of the tested segments to be replaced – ratio red to green areas Cost = (C + D) ⋅ B ⋅ ξ ⋅ I + I ⋅ J / K [$ / yr ] 22 Cost of Failure Management Cost = (C + D) ⋅ B ⋅ ξ ⋅ I + I ⋅ J / K [$ / yr ] COST OF CABLE (REPLACEMENT AND WORK) PER SEGMENT NUMBER OF SEGMENTS NEEDING REPLACEMENT COST OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST PER SEGMENT TOTAL NUMBER OF TESTED SEGMENTS 23 Observations Savings are achieved from small ξ values (only segments correctly diagnosed as bad are replaced) Diagnostic tests add to the cost It is not practical to test every segment every year (cost would be too high) How to determine which segments to test? 24 Diagnostics: Issues UNEXPECTED FAILURES FRACTION OF CABLE FRACTION OF CABLE POPULATION TESTED POPULATION TESTED POSITIVE FOR POSITIVE FOR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT TESTED CABLE TESTED CABLE POPULATION POPULATION TOTAL CABLE TOTAL CABLE POPULATION POPULATION If number of replaced segments is smaller than failure forecast, unexpected failures will likely occur Even if the number of replaced segments is equal to the failure forecast, there may (and probably will) be unexpected failures in the untested population 25 Diagnostics: Issues (2) UNEXPECTED FAILURES FRACTION OF CABLE FRACTION OF CABLE POPULATION TESTED POPULATION TESTED POSITIVE FOR POSITIVE FOR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT TESTED CABLE TESTED CABLE POPULATION POPULATION TOTAL CABLE TOTAL CABLE POPULATION POPULATION If population to be tested is poorly chosen, the benefits of the diagnostic test are lost 26 Diagnostic Accuracy UNEXPECTED FAILURES FRACTION OF CABLE FRACTION OF CABLE POPULATION TESTED POPULATION TESTED POSITIVE FOR POSITIVE FOR REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT TESTED CABLE TESTED CABLE POPULATION POPULATION TOTAL CABLE TOTAL CABLE POPULATION POPULATION P (T < 0 G ) = 1 − ε P (T > 0 G ) = ε P (T > 0 B ) = 1 − ε P (T < 0 B ) = ε 27 Diagnostic Accuracy (2) P(G T < 0) = P(T < 0 G ) P(G ) P(T < 0 G ) P(G ) + P(T < 0 B) P( B) = 1⋅ P(G ) P(G ) = = =1 1 ⋅ P(G ) + 0 ⋅ P( B) P(G ) If diagnostic accuracy is perfect, testing will identify all the good (G) and bad (B) tested components 28 Diagnostic Accuracy (3) P(T < 0 G ) P(G ) = P(G T < 0) = P(T < 0 G ) P(G ) + P(T < 0 B ) P ( B) 0.5 ⋅ P(G ) 0.5 ⋅ P(G ) = = = P(G ) 0.5 ⋅ P(G ) + 0.5 ⋅ P( B) 0.5 If diagnostic accuracy is bad, testing will identify all the good (G) and bad (B) tested components only as their proportions in the tested population 29 Replacement Cost Population: 100 miles Diagnostic Cost: $6k/mile Cycle: 6 years Cost per annum: $100k/yr Failure rate: 30 failures/100 mi/yr Replacement on failure: uniformly distributed [$5k, $10k] Replacement on failure: uniformly distributed [$5k, $10k] Cable cost: uniformly distributed between [$27,$33] Diagnostic accuracy: uniformly distributed in [80%,100%] Forecast: Total Cost {$/yr] 100,000 Trials Frequency Chart 100,000 Displayed .072 7192 .054 .036 .018 Mean =493,884.48 .000 100,000.00 375,000.00 650,000.00 $/yr 0 925,000.00 1,200,000.00 30 Replacement Cost DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTIONOF OFTOTAL TOTALCOST COST 1.2E+06 1.2E+06 1.0E+06 1.0E+06 $/YEAR $/YEAR 8.0E+05 8.0E+05 6.0E+05 6.0E+05 4.0E+05 4.0E+05 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 [80% [80%,100% ,100%] ] 0% 0% [90% [95% [90%,100% ,100%] ] [95%,100% ,100%] ] DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTICACCURACY ACCURACYDISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION 10% 10% 25% 25% 50% 50% 75% 75% 90% 90% [100% [100%,100% ,100%] ] 100% 100% 31 Cost Benefit of Diagnostics Cost [$] BENEFIT Consequence LOSS Alternate Program 1 Maintenance Alternate Program 2 Diagnostic Selection Source: Joshua Perkel, NEETRAC 32 Conclusions Failure Forecasting algorithm provides some guidance under the assumption that oldest population of equipment is the most prone to failures Diagnostic testing may provide better targeting of the candidates for replacement, but at a cost (both due to the procedure and its limited accuracy) Analysis of different scenarios of desired failure performance assist in formulating optimal strategies Circumstances may significantly influence the cost of diagnostic testing 33