What is the NCVPS?

What is the NCVPS?
NCVPS is committed to raising achievement and closing learning gaps through 21st century innovation by
providing world class learning opportunities and access for all North Carolina students. Simply put, we
provide the vehicle for school districts to accomplish the State Board's goals of producing 21st century
learners, professionals, leaders, and systems to deliver anytime, anywhere learning experiences for our
VWDWH¶VPRVWYDOXDEOHUHVRXUFH²kids. Our mission is to provide the skills, student support, and opportunities
tomorrow's leaders by offering over 72 courses including advanced placement, world languages, and credit
recovery courses to students across the state of North Carolina. The courses utilize industry standard
course management software and innovative collaboration tools to maximize the interactivity of each class.
Our courses are taught by highly qualified teachers who integrate video, interactive whiteboards, wikis, and
online discussion tools to engage the 21st century learner. NCVPS continues to provide students with
expanded academic options such as:
Advanced Placement courses
Honors courses
World language courses
Credit recovery (teacher-led, mastery based)
Occupational Course of Study
STEM courses*
By virtue of our online course delivery, students from all areas of our state will now have access to courses
and highly qualified teachers in subjects that they may not have available at their local school.
How are we doing?
The North Carolina Virtual Public School has served over 167,000 middle and high school students since its
initial launch in the summer of 2007. NCVPS has proven to be a results-oriented organization and the
results speak for themselves.
2 largest state virtual school in the nation
82.5% passing rate
Teacher-led credit recovery ± national model with over 50% mastery achieved
Successful blended learning OCS model in partnership with NCDPI
State & national student winners in world language competitions
2012 National Online Teacher of the Year ± Leslie Fetzer, NCVPS OCS Biology Teacher
NCVPS Update March 2012
NCVPS is currently working to move to a new learning management system, Moodle in order to
enhance the learning experience.
NCVPS courses are being aligned to the Common Core and Essential Standards.
NCVPS is working with districts, state officials and legislators to implement a more effective funding
formula. New projections for 2012-13 will be published in early Spring.
NCVPS will be opening registration for the full 2012-13 school year soon.
NCVPS continues to recruit Highly Qualified teachers in high needs areas.
NCVPS is piloting 3 STEM courses with 4 school districts in Fall 2012 (Integrated Math 1, Earth
and Environmental Science, and Forensics.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Each course must pass a rigorous review process that assures alignment with NC State Board of
Education standards, Southern Regional Education Board standards and sound instructional
design principles.
Each district will assure that materials, textbooks and End of Course testing is delivered as
Each district must assign a E-Learning Advisor (ELA), both at the district and the school level to
serve as the main contact for students.
NCVPS provides access to curriculum and instruction for students enrolled in NCVPS courses.
NCVPS teachers, North Carolina certified and working within their areas of concentration, interact
continually with students and provide progress reports for your review
Each district should provide students access to computers with Internet capability when students
are taking NCVPS courses on the school campus. Informs students taking NCVPS courses off the
school campus about appropriate hardware, software, and Internet requirements.
Each district will accept course grade as determined by NCVPS and enter credit for successful
student completion of NCVPS courses as interpreted by the district or local school.
educational objectives are being met, but this experience is enhancing my PC and technology knowledge. I have learned that students must be open minded and willing to work in any learning environment. It has also increased my time management skills and my ability to work on my own. I have a committed and caring teacher that dedicates time to answer my ƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐŽƌĐŽŶĐĞƌŶƐŝŶĂƚŝŵĞůLJŵĂŶŶĞƌ͘/͛ŵǀĞƌLJŐůĂĚ/ŚĂĚƚŚĞ
ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJƚŽďĞĂEsW^ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚ͘͟ -­‐ Joseph P., Principles of Business Student *
The NCVPS STEM Blended Instructional Model is an integration of STEM principles, project based learning (PBL) instructional
methodology, and engineering grand challenges. STEM principles emphasize a cross-curricular approach to learning that integrates the
fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Using this approach students develop a more holistic understanding of how these
fields cross paths in the world of work.