Weekly Message + State Superintendent June Atkinson April 4, 2016

Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
4/5/16 10:23 AM
Weekly Message + State Superintendent June Atkinson
North Carolina Public Schools <NCPublicSchools@public.govdelivery.com>
Mon 4/4/2016 3:22 PM
To: Lynda
Fuller <Lynda.Fuller@dpi.nc.gov>;
Weekly message to local superintendents from State Superintendent June Atkinson
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April 4, 2016
The first round of regional public comment sessions regarding the
Every Student Succeeds Act and North Carolina’s plan that is under
development will begin on April 13 in Wilmington right after your
quarterly meeting.
That first session will be at Ashley High School, 555 Halyburton
Memorial Parkway from 4-6 p.m. People who wish to speak during
the session are asked to sign in by 4:15 p.m. Each speaker will have
up to three minutes to provide comments, and written copies of
comments also are welcomed. Other dates and locations are April
21, Green Hope High School/Wake; April 26, Mallard Creek High
School/Charlotte-Mecklenburg; April 27, North Pitt High
School/Pitt; May 17, East Forsyth High School/WinstonSalem/Forsyth; and May 18, Charles D. Owen High School/
Individuals interested in speaking may want to consider the following questions when formulating their
- What do you expect from our schools?
- What school characteristics are most important?
- How should we measure school success?
- How do we ensure that all schools are successful?
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
4/5/16 10:23 AM
- How should we celebrate school success?
As we develop our state’s plan, it is important to hear from educators, parents, business people,
students and other community members. Please feel free to distribute the news release with more
information in your community. I want to say a special thank you to the high schools and school
districts that are hosting these for us.
State Board of Education to Hold Planning
and Work Session/Monthly Meeting
this Week
The State Board of Education will hold its planning and work
session and April monthly meeting this week, April 5-7, at the
Watson College of Education, UNC-Wilmington.
On Tuesday, Board members will discuss their strategic plan
implementation progress and challenges, the Every Student Succeeds Act, and standards review and
Wednesday’s planning and work session includes a presentation on the state assessment system, a
panel discussion with UNC Wilmington College of Education faculty members and Southeast Education
District superintendents, criminal background checks and the Board’s legislative agenda for the General
Assembly’s short session.
In addition to a number of consent agenda items, action items on Thursday’s April Board meeting
agenda include policies on general licensure requirements, beginning teacher support program,
standards and criteria for evaluation of professional school employees and the teacher performance
appraisal process; applications from reform models; technical changes to the recurring low-performing
schools’ policy; and an equipment assistance grant for school nutrition.
Board discussion items include recommendations on charter application process, timeline and content;
recommended amendments to charter agreement; Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee
Dropout Prevention Pilot Report; Annual Measurable Objectives/Annual Measurable Achievement
Objectives policy revisions; middle school athletics manual updates; and an update on the teacher
licensure system.
The complete agenda as well as supporting executive summaries are available online by clicking on the
Meetings tab. Thursday’s meeting is audio streamed for those who cannot attend. To listen, please visit
the above link and click on the live audio stream link to the right.
Registrations for April Superintendents’ Quarterly Meeting
Due Today
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
4/5/16 10:23 AM
Today (April 4) is the deadline to submit your registration form indicating whether you will be able to
attend the April 13 Superintendents’ Quarterly meeting. This meeting is being held in conjunction with
the 2016 NCASA Conference on Educational Leadership in Wilmington.
Standards Review Progress Update:
English/Language Arts & Mathematics
The standards revision process is continuing as timelines are developed and data is analyzed. High
school mathematics is currently further along in the data review and revision process.
A stakeholder team of math teachers, district math leaders, professors and business representatives
from across the state convened in Raleigh to conduct a thorough analysis of all feedback that was
collected from surveys, focus groups, and the Academic Standards Review Commission for high school
math. Details of this process were shared with your curriculum leaders at the March 21 meeting during
the CCSA conference in Greensboro. A presentation also will be given at the Superintendents’ Quarterly
meeting in Wilmington on April 13.
It is anticipated that a draft of revised standards could be ready for public comment April 18-26.
Superintendents and/or curriculum leader designees will receive specific guidance on feedback delivery.
We will continue to update you as this process moves forward.
If you have any questions, please contact NCDPI K-12 Curriculum and Instruction Director Tiffany
Home Base Usage for 2016-17
NCDPI staff announced last week the opening of the period for
school districts and charter schools to indicate its planned usage of the full suite of Home Base tools for
the 2016-17 school year at a rate of $1/ADM.
DPI staff became aware of an issue with the web tool that collects responses for Home Base usage for
the 2016-17 school year. The vendor resolved the issue on March 28. If you started to use the tool
between March 24 – 28, your response may not have been received by DPI. However, if you received a
confirmation email from DPI, you do not need to resubmit a response.
To access the web tool and indicate planned usage of the full suite of Home Base for next school year,
please visit http://bit.ly/1LaDy2b. As a reminder, responses must be submitted by June 15.
Digital Learning & Media Inventory
The new NC Digital Learning & Media Inventory (NC DLMI) goes live on April 11. The NC DLMI collects
data for state and national reporting, to inform state and local budgets, and to assist in planning state
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
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and local digital learning efforts. Inventory questions are streamlined and align to the NC Digital
Learning Progress Rubric. This inventory replaces the Annual Media & Technology Report. Modernizing
this tool is a critical component of moving NC’s Digital Learning Plan forward. To read more, please visit
the NC DLMI website.
Multi-Tiered System of Support:
MTSS Readiness Instrument 2.0
Thank you to the 94 district and charter school teams that completed
and submitted the MTSS Readiness Instrument 2.0 since the release
date in January. Any district or charter not currently assigned to a
cohort was invited to submit this tool. Completion of the instrument allowed team members to identify
what structures are in place to support the implementation of an MTSS.
Results will be returned to those districts and charter schools that submitted this instrument, and will
include recommended next steps for teams to address to best prepare for installation of MTSS.
Additionally, DPI staff will use the results to develop customized technical assistance, as well as
determine upcoming professional development cohort selection and groupings. Once the data is
analyzed, Cohorts 3 and 4 will be invited to participate in an MTSS Cohort. Click here for an infographic
on the professional development configuration.
If you have additional questions, please contact Amy Jablonski.
Professional Development Series for
School Leaders Continues
As a reminder, on April 20, NCDPI District and School
Transformation in partnership with NCSU Northeast Leadership Academy (NELA) continues the
Professional Development for School Leaders Series: The Connected Educator. The featured speaker,
Principal Baruti Kafele, will guide participants through best practices for engaging the community and
building meaningful partnerships to improve student learning. Kafele is the author of The Principal 50:
Critical Leadership Questions for Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence, Closing the Attitude Gap: How to Fire
Up Your Students to Strive for Success and Motivating Black Males to Achieve in School & in Life.
Please join us for this exciting opportunity to connect with practitioners from across the state.
Registration is open and can be accessed here. The April event will be held at the Hilton North Raleigh
from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (on-site registration begins at 8:30 a.m.).
There is a 200 participant limit so register early. There is no registration fee for this event. A block of
rooms has been reserved at a discounted rate at the Hilton North Raleigh. For more information, please
contact Amelia McLeod.
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
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March 24, 2016 Home Base Biweekly Update
April 1, 2016 Finance Officers’ Newsletter
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