Weekly Message + State Superintendent June Atkinson Feb. 8, 2016

Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
2/9/16 8:47 AM
Weekly Message + State Superintendent June Atkinson
North Carolina Public Schools <NCPublicSchools@public.govdelivery.com>
Mon 2/8/2016 3:27 PM
To: Lynda
Fuller <Lynda.Fuller@dpi.nc.gov>;
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Feb. 8, 2016
Thank you for participating in this afternoon’s follow-up webinar to
the State Board of Education meeting. This type of follow up will
give you additional opportunities to give feedback on some of the
most important education policy issues under consideration.
Last week at NCDPI, we cut 20.5 positions from the Department
totaling $2.2 million (with benefits included in the figure) and
approximately $300,000 from our operational budget. These cuts
were taken from vacancies across our department. As a result of
these cuts, as well as others that we have absorbed in the past, we
will focus on the most essential functions that are required by state
and federal legislation.
I know that many of you have faced similar circumstances in recent
years, and it is never easy, but we remain committed to doing our best within our means to provide
services to your districts and you.
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
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Student Survey Update
During the December Superintendents' Quarterly meeting, State
Superintendent Atkinson encouraged superintendents to use the student
survey instrument that were made available to you. She also indicated
that the use of the surveys was totally voluntary.
At the request of the State Board, the use of student surveys was added to the February Board agenda
for discussion. Even though it was on the Board's agenda for discussion, its use remains voluntary.
State Board of Education Meeting Highlights
At last week’s State Board of Education meeting, members approved
policies governing services for children with disabilities, recommendations for
charter schools expiring in 2016, and a report to the Joint Legislative
Education Oversight Committee on a multi-year survey of driver education.
They also discussed policy recommendations for the teacher licensure and evaluation process,
proposed student perception surveys, reform for continually low-performing schools, and their 2016-17
Supplemental Budget recommendations.
To view the complete list of this month’s Board actions, please visit the Board’s website.
Multi-Tiered System of Support:
Data Evaluation
Implementation data, paired with student data, are essential in a MultiTiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS implementation challenges
districts and schools to analyze both in order to determine the
effectiveness of implementation, which is driving the outcomes.
The following are recommendations for creating and sustaining a comprehensive, balanced assessment
* District MTSS team determines which district-level support personnel and school-based staff
members should understand and have access to this comprehensive, balanced assessment system.
* School staff understand and have access to data sources that address the purposes of assessment.
* Clear procedures and protocols are created to administer assessments, use data and allow teams to
problem-solve around student data.
* In addition to student data, district and school leadership collects data on fidelity of MTSS
implementation to examine the current academic and behavioral practices and improve MTSS
Teams representing 10 districts/charters attended last week's first Data-Evaluation Session. In the
coming weeks, an additional 175 participants will attend this session focused on data accessibility,
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2/9/16 8:47 AM
outcome data, and student data needed to implement an MTSS. Additionally, registration for teams is
now available for "Problem-Solving in a MTSS Framework" taking place in March.
If you have additional questions, please contact Amy Jablonski.
Spring 2016 Principal READY Launches
in March
Spring 2016 Ready sessions will begin in March and extend through April
across the state.
Fall Principal READY session participants requested more session choices,
more time to discuss information with colleagues from across the region, and
more actionable resources to take back to schools. NCDPI Educator Human Capital Policy and
Research Director Tom Tomberlin and his team will be back to discuss 2014-15 educator effectiveness
data results and State Board of Education student growth updates for the 2016-17 school year.
Please visit the Educator Effectiveness NCEES Wiki to reserve your seat today.
NC Teacher Working Conditions
Survey Launches March 1
North Carolina educators are just a month away
from making history with the NC Teacher Working
Condition Survey (NC TWCS): 100 percent response rate from every school in the state! The window for
this anonymous, online survey will run from March 1-25.
For the past 12 years, the survey has been a platform used to amplify educator’s voices concerning
working conditions in their schools and districts. It also is used to inform state level policy decisions.
Please visit the NC TWCS website or talk to your school’s NC TWCS representative if you have
questions about the survey process. If your school does not have a representative, please contact your
Regional Educator Facilitator for assistance
USDA Community Eligibility Provision
Webinar Series:
Messaging and Outreach in Your
Congress established The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in
2010 as part of the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Programs.
Today, CEP is reaching over eight million children nationwide, but
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Weekly Message - State Superintendent June Atkinson - Lynda Fuller
2/9/16 8:47 AM
many eligible schools and districts that stand to benefit are not participating.
This webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10, from 1-2:15 p.m., will help local districts launch an
effective and well-rounded effort to promote CEP and address common barriers to implementation.
Streaming audio is available through your computer or you can call in to listen to the audio via your
phone: 303.248.0285 Access Code: 7201000. For technical support, call 800.843.9166.
NC Schools Will “Love the Bus”
Feb. 8-12
All across North Carolina this week school bus drivers will
be “feeling the love” as schools and districts celebrate national Love the Bus week Feb. 8-12.
To find out how districts and schools are honoring their bus drivers, please visit the NC Bus Safety
website and select "2016 Love the Bus Events."
Upcoming Meetings
NC Charter Schools Advisory Board Meets Feb. 8-9
The North Carolina Charter Schools Advisory Board met today and will meet again tomorrow in the 7th
Floor Board Room, Education Building, Raleigh.
At today’s meeting, Board members discussed Performance and Policy Committee discussions,
received a charter application update and interviewed representatives from Emereau.
Tomorrow, the Board will receive charter school compliance updates and hold charter application
interviews with representatives from Johnston Charter Academy, Robert J. Brown Leadership Academy
and Russell Lee Jones Charter School.
The meeting is audio streamed for those who cannot attend.
State Advisory Council on Indian Education Meets Feb. 11
The State Advisory Council on Indian Education will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 11,
from 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., in Room 504 of the Education Building, Raleigh.
Agenda items include Cultural Outreach Ambassadors, Every Student Succeeds Act, 2016 Annual
Report to the State Board of Education, Strategic Plan Development, and Designing Online Professional
Development Modules.
NC Textbook Commission Meets Feb. 12
The North Carolina Textbook Commission will meet Friday, Feb. 12, from 1–4 p.m., in the 7th Floor
Board Room, Education Building, Raleigh.
Commission members will review the process and procedures for textbook evaluation and adoption.
The draft 2016 Invitation proposed for health and social studies is currently scheduled for presentation
at the State Board of Education’s March meeting.
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The meeting will be audio streamed (click on the live audio stream link) for those who cannot attend.
Latest Messages Online
Feb. 4, 2016 Principals’ Biweekly Message
Feb. 5, 2015 Finance Officers’ Newsletter
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This email was sent to lynda.fuller@dpi.nc.gov using GovDelivery, on behalf of: North Carolina Public Schools · 301 N. Wilmington
St. · Raleigh, NC 27601
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