AREA CLASSIFICATION AND TYPES OF MOVERS IN THE BOSTON SMSA The Use of an Information System for the Analysis of Areas and Movers by CATHERINE DONAHER A.B. Regis College (1962) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF CITY PLANNING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1968 Signature of Author . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of City and Regional Planning Certified by. . . . ................. .Thesis Supervisor Accepted by. . . . Head, partment of City and Regional Planning Archives JUN 2 7 1968 Room 14-0551 ITL *rre M Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Some pages in the original document contain pictures, graphics, or text that is illegible. ABSTRACT AREA CLASSIFICATION AND TYPES OF MOVERS IN THE BOSTON SMSA The Use of an Information System for the Analysis of Areas and Movers by CATHERINE DONAHER Submitted to the Department of City and Regional Planning on June 7, 1968 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in City Planning. A classification of areas within the Boston SMSA was constructed using income and occupation variables from the 1960 Census tract data and Households interviewed in 1965 were classified into four types of movers by length of residence and future prospects for moving. The attitudes and attributes of the four types of households were investigated before the Census tract data was mapped onto the survey file. The individual classifications and the comparative analysis yielded the following results: 1. classification of areas by socio-economic characteristics, rather than by spatial location, yields a coherent and consistent pattern of areas. 2. the type of housing in an area is a good indicator of the type of household to be found in the area. 3. subdividing the stayer mover dichotomy by length of residence is meaningful for explaining motivation for moving. 4. attitudes toward residence are area oriented while reasons for moving are closely associated with life/career cycle. 5. The use of an information system to coordinate disparate data sources yields rich descriptive information and the shortcomings lie more with the data sources than with the system. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS+ TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 6 AREA CLASSIFICATION AND RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY Literature 9 I. II. Ecological Theories and Research Migration Theories and Research AREA CLASSIFICATION AND RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY Empirical Work III. IV. V. 9 15 20 Data Sources 20 Initial Analysis units of analysis classification initial 21 21 23 Area Classification 27 Household Classification 40 Area-to Household Mapping 53 THE USE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND THEIR CON1RIBUTION TO CITY PLANNING 63 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY 70 Notes on the ADMINS System List of Census Variables List of UCS Variables 71 78 80 APPENDICES BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS PAGE TABLES 1. Physical Variables by Area 2. Socio-Economic Variables by Area Type 34 35 Type 3. Census Tract Values and Individual Values for Types f Mtevers 59 4. Distributions of Types of Mevers Within Types of Areas 61 1. Negative Attitudes Toward Neighborhood 50 2. Positive Attitudes Toward Neighborhood $1 3. Reasons Fe. Moving 52 h. Co-occurrence of Types of Vovers in Boston Area Census Tracts 62 1. Types of Areas Outside Boston City 38 2. Types of Areas Within Boston City 39 CHARTS MAPS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank the following persons who have contributed to the preparation of this thesis: Professor James Beshers for his suggestions throughout the preparation; Professor Aaron Fleischer for his comments on the first draft of the paper; Messrs. Stuart McIntosh and David Griffel for their constant support and suggestions in the use of the ADMINS system; Mr. Donald Dobbins of United Community Services for making the survey data available for use and Mrs. Jan O'Grady for her help in preparing that data. --6- CHAPTER I Introduction Underlying both the descriptive and analytic aspects of this thesis is the search for greater understanding of the process of change. Changes in cities and their surrounding areas are occurring so rapidly that the monitoring of this change is a challenging task. The changes take two forms: different compositions of the popula- tion and transformation of land from one use to another. These changes are due to mass movements of people and the mass movements are comprised of the shifts in residence of thousands of individual households in every city. By investigating why shifts in residence take place we can identify characteristics of movers which place them at points along the continuum of likelihood of moving. Also we want to know how the characteristics of neighborhoods contribute to this distribution. Both of these aspects of migration are not only of interest theoretically to increase understanding of the processes of change but also to the functionaries, planners, organizers, real estate specialists etc. who try to direct the processes through controls. In this study we focus on household migration as a part of the ecological process which describes the dynamics of the city and on the classification of sub-areas within a metropolitan region to which an ecological description applies. not merely parallel. The two lines of investigation are After analyzing the two data sources separately, -7- the area data is superimposed onto the household data. Migration does have a direct effect on change within areas and different types of areas provide different pushes and pulls for potential movers. The.direction of the analysis for this study followed from more than just an interest in the subject treated. A computer information system capable of handling and processing different data sources was available for use. Experience in the use of such a system is essential for an understanding of the problems of information retrieval and the development of urban data systems. A direct confrontation with the difficulties in handling data collected by different agencies, at different times, for different purposes helped develop an appreciation of the immensity of the task of improving the state of the art of social science research. The applicability of the experience gained by this study is far-reaching. Those involved in seeking solutions to social problems and in improving city life are looking for new inputs to inform the decision making process. With new data sources appearing or being coordinated, new ways of handling the data must be employed. One such way is through the use of sophisticated computer information systems. The tasks of description of process and evaluation of programs are both served by such a system. In the next chapter several of the theoretical considerations on which the area classification attempt was based are mentioned. It in- cludes an explanation of previous classification attempts and what they assume and use for data. The ecological background which supports these -8- classifications is discussed. In addition, a review of several migration theories and their origin in other disciplines along with a few illustrative research studies are included to provide a background for the analysis of movers in this study. Chapter three includes the application of the mnlti-file handling computer information system to the problem. Two data formats are used: census population counts and categorical responses to a survey. The method used is based on the application of an information system in a limited experiment in how a data bank can possibly be used in the processing of different kinds of data. At the end of the paper a chapter is included on some of the problems and projected uses of data banks and information systems. -9- CHAPTER II Area Classification and Residential Mobility: Literature Ecological Theories and Research Ecologists (30) assert that there are two basic processes that underlie and organize human life: competition and communication. Competition is the organizing process which connects man to man in the struggle for existence. men into society. Communication is the process which ties "Man as animal is organized competitively in the scheme of nature, but man as social being is organized cooperatively into groups through communication." By this reasoning, two basic types of data in human affairs are envisaged, the ecological and the social. However, the cultural framework in which these processes occur is not accounted for. Human ecology must consider man in cul- ture not simply man in nature. To allow empirical verification the body of human ecological theory must use culture as a surrogate for the instinctive mechanisms used in explanations of animal societies from which all human ecology is derived. MacKenzie (23) defines ecological process as the tendency in time toward special forms of spatial groupings of the units comprising an ecological distribution. Five processes comprise the system he sees: concentration, centralization, segregation, invasion and succession. Concentration is the tendency of an increasing number of persons to -10- concentration is a "community-making" settle in a given area or region; process. He views segregation as concentrates of population types within the community, but the factors of selection for such concentrates are difficult to identify. Economic factors are usually accepted as the basic attribute of selection and the agent of selection is land value. However, he makes no distinction between motivating factors and external conditions. Segregation varies directly with income. economic factors are enclosed in Those bounded by areas of cultural heterogeneity; there As one proceeds up the economic scale choices are is no choice. widened and an individual chooses an area he 'likest for cultural reasons, cultural homogeneity results. Invasion is a process of group displacement and implies the en- croachment of one area of segregation upon anther, area. Succession culminates in between the groups, usually an adjoining a climax condition of an equilibrium competition diminishes and stability prevails. How- ever, there is no allowance in this theoretical structure for the distinction between the character of these processes that take place in different sized areas. Applied to a nation the interpretation is dif- ferent from an explanation of how these processes occur within a single urban area. Not only is the scale different but the nature of the pro- cess is not the same. The notions of concentration and segregation are directly applicable within the framework of this study but invasion-succession have to be modified to be interpreted within the metropolitan area configuration. These processes are more directly applicable to new areas than to areas which are established and are undergoing less startling modifications. -ll- While ecological processes represent physical movements, ecological structure is the a geometric confLiguration of spatial units. These spatial units are considered *natural areast and these areas are repatterned by constant growth and the continuance of the processes. Growth is expressed by the extension of the pattern out- ward in concentric circles or rings that make up the city, and the growth has been characterized by a combination of the processes enumerated above. The division'of the metropolitan area into con- centric zones has been fruitful in showing how the influence of the city wanes with distance outward and is usually indicated by gradients of the average value of many social variables. This configura- tion of the city has led to investigations on many levels of the characteristics of these rings in terms of measurable traits. Two directions of approach have appeared in ecological classifications; some have divided an area into spatial sub-units and taken measures on variables within them; others have taken measures initially and shown how they are distributed in one of the ecological patterns. The latter type of investigation has received considerable attention since Shevsky and Bell (37) published their classification indices. Repeated attempts have been made to establish their method by replicating their experiment in different cities. Shevsky and Bell pro- ceeded on a priori reasoning to determine social dimensions on the basis of which they could measure and classify census tracts into aggregates. Tleir "postulates concerning industial society" are each aspects of the increasing scale of modern society viz. a change in the range and intensity of funtions, differentiation of function and -12- complexity of organization. These aspects are used to identify the three dominant interrelated trends most descriptive of the changing character of modern society: 1) distribution of skills, 2) the or- ganization of productive socie'ty, 3) the composition of the population. From these broad postulates together with the analysis of trends they propose three constructs to be used in social differentiation and stratification. the study of Social rank is a reflec- tion of the changing distribution of skills; urbanization is derived from the changing structure of productive activity and segregation measures over population characteristics. On the basis of their constructs Shevsky and Bell formulated two hypotheses for their ema) that the three factors are pirical verification of this theory: necessary to account for the observed social differences between urban sub-areas and b) that the indexes used to measure the three factors are unidimensional measuring instruments. The major objection to the classification of areas by their scores on constructs is the interpretation of the construct itself. While constructs allow for more parsimonious description in that they replace a large number of variables with a few complex factors, their interpretation is open to question since their component variables lack any theoretical meaning. Also the construction of these constructs arises from matrix algebra which is not tied to any subject matter. Various techniques can be employed to reduce a number of variables to a few dimensions. structs and Bell performed a factor analysis using these con- &ensus tract data for Los Angeles and San Francisco. each trend proposed, there is a set of census variables: 1) For occupation, -l3- schooling and rent for Social Rank, 2) fertility, women at work and single family dwelling units for Urbanization; 3) racial and national groups in relative isolation for Segregation. His findings support the first hypothesis but are not conclusive about the sufficiency of the indices for classification. In our study the constructs are not identified although many of the same variables appear. difference is the Segregation measure. One major Since we deal with 1960 data, Segregation is better measured by socio-economic measures than national.origin. In 1940, measures of isolation of national groups was more defensible. Tryon (43) approached his classification empirically without the theoretical base of Shevsky-Bell. His contention is that dimensions chosen on a priori grounds run the risk of being incomplete of inaccurate. From thirty-three census variables (almost identical with Bell's) he obtains seven initial clusters. three final clusters which are independent. From these seven he selects These clusterswhich he calls social dimensions are socio-economic independence, a meaure of wealth and social independence, Assimilation refers to the degree of incorporation of the population into 'middle class' culture. The third dimension differentiates tracts on the degree of familism exhibited. This empirical analysis was also performed on the 1940 cen- sus data for the cities of the San Francisco SMSA. There is much repetition in the results and interpretation of the two approaches which may be considered corroboration of these constructs as valid for classification. However, each of these approaches used a statistical technique which assumes independence of the variables; yet the notion of independence of variables used in these studies has not been questioned _114- and evaluation of the procedures has been based on the empirical results of using them. When several replications concur, reliability can be asserted but lack of consistency in the results can be due either to the procedures or to wide variation in the social characteristics in different cities. Unless the procedures are tested rigorously, this approach to area classification cannot be universally accepted. Clarke (C), also using factor analysis, distinguished between static and dynamic factors arising out of combinations of censustype variables. He was concerned, description of the Boston area. as we are, with an ecological His source was a transportation sur- vey done in the Boston region in 1963. The static factors he isolated are similar to Bell's and Tryon's factors but his dynamic factors concern the movement of populations. He mapped the scores of towns on both stable and dynamic factors to show where change was occurring. The sub-area descriptions resulting from the approach in this study concur to a great extent with Clarke's findings; yet, of contribution to variance was not made here. Obviously, the test income and occupation account for sufficient variation for the comparison to be sustained. Migration Theories and Research If ecology is considered as a description of process then migration must be included as a fundamental element comprising that process. In migration accounts forresidential change the context of urban areas, which is an essential element in the ecological process. The sources for migration theories have been provided from behavioral psychology and elementary economics. Propositions connecting the stimuli a man receives frm his environment with his choices of courses of action have been borrowed from the field of perception. Homans (16) para- digmns this combination: ECONOMICS PSYCHOLOGY supply the more valuable the reward the more often the action is performed demand the higher the cost incurred by an activity the less often it will be performed In describing the actions performed in a system and the alternative sets of action not performed by a group of actors, Parsons and Shils (31) support this argument. "The essential phenomena in motivational orientation are cognitive and cathectic discriminations among objects. Cathectic-cognitive orientation in any system of behavior extending through time always entails expectations concerning gratifications or deprivations receivable or attainable from certain objects. Action involves not merely discriminations and selection between immediately present objects and the directly ensuing striving acceptance or rejection, -16- but it involves also an orientation to future events with respect to their significance for gratification or deprivation." Beshers applies this idea of orientation to his description of movers in formulating models of movement for persons with different utilities and likelihoods for moving. Persons for whom the gratification received by moving is high are likely to move. Those for whom the gratification must be defered because of present circumstances (for example, moving to a large expensive home before income allows) assign a lower utility to such a move and are less likely to move. Another consideration is the relative weights of the cost of moving against the marginal reward of the proposed new place. The distinction made in the classification of households which follows on the basis of length of residence proposes to show how migration is indeed affected by costs of uprooting and overcoming the inertial forces imposed by long residence in one place. The general migration theories that appear in the literature support this couination of cost and time orientation. Three general theories may be applied in a limited fashion to the migration which occurs within relatively small bounded areas: the Push-Pull socio- economic theory - migration proceeds from less to more prosperous areas; it results from socio-economic imbalances between communities. Pulls are the rewards and incentives for moving and the pushes are more closely related to the costs of remaining in the present place of residence. The Size-Distance Gravitational theory - migratory activity arises out of the complex of forces centering around the cost of movement and the number of persons available to move. In this theoretical state- ment the supply-demand ratio of people available to move and the number -17- of places open introduces an element of competition whose resolution is accomplished by an assessment of costs and willingness to pay. The high bidders have the best competitive position. The Intervening Opportunities theory - the number of persons going a distance is directly proportional to the number of opportunities at that distance and indirectly proportional to the number of intervening opportunities. The notion of intervening opportunities is a direct benefit/cost assessment. A future orientation is implied in this stepping-stone movement. These theories are helpful in explaining the general phenomena of migration. In the following - analysis they will be referred to in support of the actions of households and also in hold and area types. the mapping of house- To understand the more specific motivation for movement closer attention is paid to the action of individuals com- prising the movement flows. These are enumerated in the area called Household Classification. Leslie and Richardson (20) propose a model for the explanation of voluntary residential mobility based on the stage of family in their life-cycle and mobility potential where the usual life-cycle variables, age, household size, are not considered useful in social mobility expectations, house attitudes. predictors. is predicting but rather perceived class differences, education and These, correlated with mobility intentions, were good When life-cycle is accepted to be a cause of migration, it not sufficient to explain location. That is, when faced with the need to move a family or individual has a choice within its financial means of many different locations, representing different kinds of -18- places. While the reason for moving is stated, the reason for locating can only be inferred from the characteristics of the place moved to. Additional clues to location are provided by work place, information on the institutional membership, 'location of friends and visiting patterns of migrants and also of the extent of their knowledge of options open to them. However, studies of these social patternings are not usually conducted in concert with migration studies, although it seems that coordination of these two kinds of information would be mutually supporting. The information system approach used here would facilitate that combination of studies. Since explicit statements about motivation for migra- tion are usually derived from surveys rather than from any other source a few migration studies which investigated why people were moving are included here to show how slight differences in approach can lead to quite different results. Before general statements on motivation for migration can be accepted these differences will have to be reconciled either by incorporation into more general theories or by refinement into specific laws. Since the data available was disappointing from the point of view of migration history and direction of movement the only comparisons that we could express were with Whitney and Grigg's and Rossi's findings. In a study of patterns of mobility of families of college students Whitney and Grigg (45) broke moves into distant and local with the following accounts for the cause of the move: Distance movers 90% 3% 3.5% 3.5% economic status non-status dissatisfaction Local movers 1% 90% 3% 6% -19- Ross (34) suggests in a study of movers to and from a Central City Area that movers be classified by direction as well as distance. He generalizes to say that local movers are house-oriented while distance movers are convenience-oriented. Bell (2) conducted a study in Chicago Suburbs to test his hypothe- sis that people move to the suburbs because they have chosen familism as an important element in consumership. their life styles rather than career or His findings support his hypothesis. Only about 10% of the respondents could be classified as having upward mobility aspirawhile 81% indicated that they considered their new locations tions, 'better for children.' Rossi (32) has done the most comprehensive study into the motivation for migration. people classified as mobile and stable. function of mobility is He studied areas as well as According to Rossi the major to be the process by which families adjust their housing to the housing needs that are generated by shifts in their family composition thataccompany life cycle changes. The hous- ing aspects most sensitive to shifts in the family life cycle are those which tie in most closely to this life cycle interpretation. In summary, we have looked at two areas of interest: classification of areas within metropolitan limits as these relate to and are based on ecological assumptions and at migration theories, their sources in other disciplines and a few of the empirical studies to support or explain these theories. This was included in work in some perspective. order to put the following empirical -20- CHAPTER III Area Classification and Residential Mobility: Empirical Work Data Sources Two files of information were available for this analysis: 1. A Census tape which contained population counts and medians for over 100 variables for 606 census tracts in the Metropolitan Boston area; 2. A tape of responses of 1341 individuals in 447 census tracts in the Boston SMSA to a questionnaire sponsored by the United Community Services. Since the two files were to supplement each other only those tracts which appeared in both sets were scrutinized from the census tape. From the 109 original census variables 51 were chosen as relevant for this study. However, age data for the population over 20 was missing and a supplementary file of this data had to be punched from the census publications and mapped onto the master file. From this complete file of frequencies some categories were combined and others remained in their original form. Percentage values on 25 variables were calculated, and these percentage value categories together with original median valued variables provided the basic input data for census tract analysis. The UCS file contained the responses of individuals to 274 questions. Fifty seven of these were selected for analysis and comparison with the census data, each of these being one category. Many of these were -21- redundant with census categories, e.g. age, sex, income, occupation and were included to provide a basis for matching, the remainder were supplemental categories which would add information to the match and provide explanations which are usually handled by infrence. This allowed us the latitude either to stop with this explanation or to go to a highler level inference. A distinction to be observed here is that the respondents on the two files represent different levels of aggregation. The responses in the UCS file are those of individuals interviewed in a survey while those of the Census file were the totals over all the individuals in the tract. Thus a one-to-many correspondence obtains between the two files. The UCS file included measures on some variables for more than one member of the household interviewed. A cover interview was used for the selection of the actual respondent, and the responses of this individual were coded as Infrmant responses. The actual respondent was asked both for measures on himself and for the head of household. Since the head of the household is most like to affect moving decisions, income, occupation and sex and age of head of household were referenced rather than those of the respondent. Initial Analysis Units of Analysis The units of analysis for the first part of the study were the census tract. This was not a decision arising from choice but rather was dictated by the availability of computer readable data aggregated at that level. When one is concerned with the classification of areas -22- one would choose to have data at the lowest level of aggregation so that clusters or groupings could be arrived at by decisions based on some criteria tested statistically to produce homogeneous areas. There has been extensive discussion of the non-homogeneity of census tracts and their incongruity with "natural areas." The notion of homogeneity has been the criterion for classification of sub-areas within a bounded area and the procedures for establishing whether or not homogeneity exists have varied in the different studies. Homogeneity is a property of an area such that the distribution of specified population characteristics within that area will be found to exist in the population contained in any segment chosen from within it. (It is recognized that there is a problem here of dealing with a continuous distribution of attribute possession in a universe of discrete items.) For this reason the choice of the census tract is not the best one. Census tracts were not defined on the criteria of homogeneity but the assumption of homogeneity underlies the approach of all classification attempts. That there is an almost inherent dilemma in setting out districts for measurement is understood. Some consistency of definition must be maintained to provide comparability of information over time, but on the other hand, the enumeration of districts in itself, should not be static because of the dynamics of the processes they are subject to. The assumption of homogeneity in this work is not satisfying but since we have had some satisfactory results we can feel more comfortable knowing that with refined data more conclusive results can be achieved. -23- Initial Classifications The analysis for this paper was restricted by the kind of theory formulated in the fields of social area analysis and migration, the nature of the data available and the method of data analysis. Of course, other limitations are implicit in that the perspective of one researcher is limited. The Income and Occupation categories from the Census file were ordered into high medium and low valued intervals. The ADMINS instruc- tion INTERVAL takes as input numerical data and orders the entries from each respondent. The data is partitioned into n percentiles (here n = 3) and a new category is produced the elements of which are those respondents which fall into each of the requested percentiles. Thus a nominal category is produced from a numerical one. For example, the instruction *Interval PCPROF (percent professional) 33 66 * results in a new category where the three entries contain those census tracts in the low third, middle third,and upper third respectively, in percent professional among their population. The breakpoints calculated show that 114 tracts have between 1 and 6% professional, 160 tracts have between 6-12% professional and 157 tracts have over 12% professional. Similar instructions were executed for all the income and occupation categories yielding a trichotomy on each variable. entries is gained by building indexes to them. Access to these An index is a pointer to respondents which have certain specified characteristics. indexes can be combined to build complex groups. For example, These the area definitions derived from the census data are the results of complex indexes built from the income and occupation categories. Simple indexes were built to income level entries and percentage representation in a given occupation. These simple indexes were combined in Boolean intersections to yield complex groups representing different social class levels. Boolean intersection is the *and' operation of set theory which references those elements which are common to two given sets. Subsequent analysis employed these indexes as the column and row entries in tables cross classifying them with other variables of interest. The approach used in the initial analysis of the UCS data was quite different from that used for the census data. Since the variables were nominal no numerical operations could be performed on them without detailed transformations. Before actually beginning the analysis of the data under the ADMINS system an intermediate summary file of marginals is produced, that is, an aggregate frequency for each response to a question. This information allows one to reassess an analysis plan in response to patterns exhibited in these marginals. The marginals from the UCS file indicated that many variables should be dropped because of small response. Most of the attitude and perception variables allowed for multiple responses but after perusal of the marginals it was ascertained that in most cases only one response was given. For example, it was possible for a respondent to state five 1 improvements to his community. Although there is no direct indication of ranking of these improvements by the individual, it is assumed that he states them in the order of importance to him. However, only the 1 "Community" and "neighborhood" are used in the questionnaire; here they are extended to census tract. -25 first response category was large enough to include for detailed analysis. no answer. In the other four, more than half of the individuals gave The same situation occurred for the multiple responses for good things about the neighborhood where three out of seven possibilities were used; for bad things about the neighborhood, one out of three were used and for why move, one out of two. Altogether eleven variables were pared after inspection of the marginals. The initial classification of individuals was accomplished by building complex indexes to them on the basis of their answers about the length of their residence in immanent moves. the community and their plans for These indexes were then used as the column entries for tables of cross classification with other variables. the tables were nominal categories, simple responses. Since the rows of indexes were not constructed for The specification of the category name informs the system to report the cell entry for each response by each index. The cell entries are intersections of the row and column indexes and give clues for continuing the analysis. Indexes can be built to reproduce these intersections which can then be referenced and themselves be used as row or column specification in order to work through the data for significant results. This is the procedure which was followed in order to investigate the nature of the groupings of individuals in the UCS file. For example, in the category RUNNERS a number of respondents indicated dissatisfaction with the composition of the population of their neighborhood. In another table a significant number of RUNNERS indicated that they would move for financial reasons and to improve their physical surroundings. By building complex indexes to these -26- different cell definitions, higher order intersections were performed to show that these answers were attributable to the same individuals. From this hierarchy of tables it was possible to describe the characteristics of the individuals within each of the four classes. The next stage of the analysis -involved the parallel analysis of the two files. 2 Because the two files were not designed simultaneously nor intended to be mutually compatible, a basis for comparison and mapping had to be provided. Both files included a census tract cate- gory, that is, the unit itself in the census file was the census tract and in the UCS file each individual was located according his present census tract residence. However, in neither file was the actual census tract code used. Rather a numerical code was assigned to each tract. Since the codes for the respective files were not the same, two cross reference files had to be constructed each relating a code set to census tract codes. Then the mutual occurrence of the census tract codes provided a common reference between the two main files. Using these constructed files as cross references the census variables which had counterparts in UCS file. the file of individuals were mapped onto the The resulting file contained for each individual his own particular responses and also the characteristics of the census tract in which he is located. This combination allowed for the test of 'fit' of the individual within his surroundings. 2 Census in 1960 UCS in 1965 -27- Area Classification Social theory supports the notion that individuals and families arrange themselves spatially in a metropolitan area in response to their perceived needs and desires and according to their recognized opportunities. The component activities which manifest these specific needs and desires are termed life styles and populations differentiate within themselves along these lines. Measured along different sets of dimen- sions, a population will be classified into subgroups or types. Obser- vation alone without measurement allows one to conclude that different 'types' of people live in different 'types' of areas. A priori organiz- ing constructs are used to arrange these types into a coherent social structure. At this point measurement enters and an empirical verifica- tion of the proposed classification is undertaken to determine whether differentiation which is perceived to exist actually does exist. The assumption on which this classification of tracts within the Boston SMSA is based is that income and occupation are the primary distinguishing variables and that within groups of tracts claimed to be homogeneous on these two measures we will find consistent patterns of other socio-economic and demographic variables. The areas could not be described in terms of these extreme variables unless there was support from other variables in the patterning. That is because other areas may have similarly high or low values in these particular variables and yet differ in their patterns on other characteristics. It is is reasonable to make this assumption. such that work is The division of labor parceled out according to varying abilities and -28- personal qualities of individuals. The evaluation of this work is manifest in the price that is paid for it and the degree of skill or expertise involved. Since this price is effectively income, the work- income combination is a prime determinant of where an individual can and will live. Also people engaged in similar pursuits tend to share values and attitudes. Communication between 'likes' is easier and tends to reinforcement. Robert Tryon (37) included a third reason for recognizable differentiation, namely that people of a given occupation group, income and 'culture' are expected, as part of their social to live in certain areas. role, For the purpose of differentiation in this study, four income groups and six occupation groups were identified. Each of these cate- gories was statistically subdivided into high, middle and low divisions on the basis of percent representation of each category in each census tract. Set operations were performed on the occupation subgroupings to isolate those census tracts where a predominant occupation category prevailed. For example, one table which measured the three levels of representation of professionals against all the low subgroupings within the occupational structure showed a significant number of tracts with a high representation in professional and managerial population and a low representation in laborer, as might be expected. All possible combinations of categories and subgroupings were calculated and significance levels computed. The clerical category proved to be a swing grouping showing a high middle classification with all other occupations. Since this group did not distinguish well it was not used for further classification. The remaining occupational categories were -29- combined in Boolean intersections with the income categories to produce the definition of areas. Four distinct area groupings were drawn on the basis of these criteria accounting for 325 of the tracts. classification group of residuals, occupation breakdown, 606 tracts, A fifth not identifiable on the income- was included.- Although the tract tape included 129 of these were not included because they did not appear in the UCS data set (also they lie outside the Boston SMSA). Results from this classification showed the following patterning of variables. The four identifiable groups of tracts were named: UPPERS - those 112 tracts with a high percentage of professional and managerial population and a high percentage of high income persons (income over $10,000) It was expected that another category of what I would call aspiring uppers would emerge characterized also by a high percentage of professionals and managers but with lower income. These people would be younger and starting their professional careers. However, of the 67 tracts where these characteristics appeared 65 were already classified as uppers. (It was decided after inspection of the supplementary vari- ables that a tract would be included in the highest category which described it.) This can be explained in that the life styles of these two groups are very similar - they are only in different life cycle stages which need not preclude close association and since census tracts are not wholly homogeneous, some of the variation within can be accounted for by differences in cost and size of housing. MIDDLES - tracts where a high percentage of skilled workers earned $7,000-$10,000. Of the 90 tracts which -30-- resulted from this intersection, 22 were also included in the upper category, so the remaining 68 tracts comprise this group. WORKERS - (lower middle class) is characterised by a high percentage of semi-skilled workers who are in the $3,000-$7,000 income category. Only 2 of the 91 tracts so classified were included in the next highest group. LOWERS - are those where a high percentage of laborers are intersected with tracts showing a high percentage in the poverty income category (under $3,000). The first calculation shows 110 such tracts, however, 54 of these were also classified as working class. A fifth catch-all category of tracts was named: RESIDUALS - those tracts of interest not included above. The redundancies in definition show an interesting split. There is a much stronger line between the MIDDLE group and the WORKERS than was expected. Their intersection contained only two census tracts. This split ilustrates the ecological processes of concentration and segregation. The segregation is enforced by the pattern of the residual areas. Both the absolute number of tracts and the percent of the total represented by each group show again the advantage of choice for the upper groups (Table 1). Although the tracts are not units of equal size, the disparities in size contribute to the advantages of the well-to-do (see maps 1 and 2). The two lower groups find themselves confined to -31- a few smaller areas characterized by higher density. The variety of locations open to the rich supports the differentiation of cultural types within the upper groups so that choice of a location is also a choice of association. For the lower groups cultural heterogeneity is imposed by the obviously limited choices. As in all other classification attempts, the effort here was directed at maximizing the between-group variation and minimizing the within-group variation. Here the hypothesis is stated in terms of social structure and is measured by structural variables. ing follow the social structure. Inferences to pattern- Structure is defined to be a pattern at one time which persists over time. In order to manifest this struc- ture the values of the variables within the groups of the classification must cluster around a value which appropriately describes the group. Otherwise it cannot be a measure of the social structure (or else the classification is inaccurate). Social characteristics have a persis- tent pattern among themselves and so have a persistent spatial distribution. However. the pattern of this distribution may change, the relationships remain constant. This reflects MacKenzie's proposition that groups have a tendency in time to spatial groupings. Means of values of other variables over the subgroupings were calculated to exhibit the between group differences and to help derive some definition for the residual category. physical (and/or' house-related) The variables can be sorted into and socio-economic (see below). demographic variable of age distribution showed so little between groups that it was not included. The variability DISCRIMINATING AND SUPPLEMENTARY VARIABLES Physical (House Related) Socio-economic 1. median value of owner occupied homes 1. 2. percent owner occupants 2. 3, percent single family homes 3. 4. percent 2-4 family homes 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. '5. percent homes with 5+ units 6. median rent percent high income (over $10,000) percent middle income ($7000-10,000) percent lower middle income ($3000-7000) percent low income (under $3000) percent professionals percent managers percent skilled workers semi-skilled workers percent laborers The differences between the means of the variables (Tables 1 and. 2) are great enough to support the classification and are consistent with social theory throughout. The composition of the housing available in each type of area is a good discriminant and the amount of home-ownership is directly related to the number of single family and 2-4 unit homes, except in the lower area. It is well known that absentee land- lords own substantial holdings in low income areas. Middle and Working class use ownership of income-producing property as a means for mobility to better areas or to single family homes. The types of housing which are found in the lower groups discriminate better between them than any value measure. type of area, Multi-family homes are more predominant in the lowest whereas 2-4 family homes are more common in the working class area. Among the socio-economic variables the interesting observations are the 'what else' occurrences over and above the variables on which the original cuts were made. The discriminating variables account for strong representation in the two categories but the *rubbing elbows' phenomena can be seen by including other variables (Table 2). The original cuts exhibit themselves here as is necessary for consistency but the off-diagonal or contiguous categories are interesting. It was expected that no jumps would occur and that we would approximate a continuous distribution as we proceeded from one group of areas to the next. This assumes that people are located on a socio-economic con- tinuum. However, in the occupational groupings a marked split is observed between those represented in the upper tracts and those in the lower three. There is a strong white-collar blue-collar dichotomy. Some of this distinction may be accounted for by the absence of the category of clerical workers. Since this variable was not helpful in discriminating it was not carried through. Perhaps this was an unpardonable omission. The occupational distributions support more closely the basis for the classification than do the income distributions. Occupation is often used as a surrogate for life style and if the proposition that persons separate themselves according to life style preferences is true, then the results here serve as further confirmation. -34- TABLE 1 PHYSICAL VARIABLES BY AREA TYPES UPPERS 112 number of tracts % of total tractsi (.2)4) a RESIDUALS WORKERS LO'WERS 89 54 (.14) (.19) (.11) $114198 $8293 $8138 .64 .30 .24 .38 .17 -17 .39 MIDDLES 68 152 (.32) - 1. $20666 2. .72 3. .74 4. .16 .39 .65 .50 .43 .09 .04 .16 .32 .20 $64 $60 6. $47 $12887 -35- TABLE 2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC VARIABLES BY AREA TYPE UPPERS MIDDLES number of tracts 112 68 % of total tracts (.24) WORKERS LOWERS RESIDUALS 89 54 152 (.14) (.19) (.11) (.32) 1. .35 .15 .09 .09 .16 2. .34 .29 .18 .16 .22 3. .26 .46 .54 6. .o6 .08 .17 .28 5. 4.19 .09 -04 -05 .08 6. .16 .07 .0)4 .03 .o6 7. .13 .22 .17 .12 .10 8. .07 .15 .22 .17 .09 9. .02 .04 .07 .o8 .02 h5 .13 -36- The groupings as defined for this paper are mapped (see Maps 1 and 2) for comparison of these results against the usual ring and sec- tor groupings. As mentioned above, the basis for aggregating in this analysis is socio-economic and not geographic. Allaman (A) in his Massachusetts Institute of Technology Masters Thesis proceeded on a geographic basis to divide this same study area into rings and sectors 'and then investigated the pattern of occupation distributions within these area groupings. He also compared the pattern of the rings and sectors to the pattern of variables in the area as a whole. Within each area he computed the averages of percent distribution of occupations to show their central tendency. He concluded that there are dif- ferences between the geographically defined areas but also there are significant variations in the distributions within each area which are not manifest in his results. Our approach responded to this conclusion and rather than continue on the assumption of geographic differentiation derived a spatial patterning from the social patterning. The results do indeed indicate the within-area variations, especially within the sectors. The outermost ring of the area conforms with both Allaman's results and Clarke's (C) findings of high factor scores for his incomeoccupation factor concentrated in the western part of the metropolitan area. In fact, the patterning resulting from the differentiating tech- nique used in this paper is very similar to the patterning found by Clarke for his Static Factor 2 - Income-Occupation, throughout the area. An attempt was made to perform a pseudo-regression on the supplemental variables to test their value for predicting the socio-economic groupings. -37- 'Pseudo-regression,' in that a correlation matrix was not used but rather differentiating values of the variables were combined and tracts measured on them individually and cumulatively. ism used to discriminate in the ADMINS Because of the mechan- system the results were incon- clusive and so are not included here. That there is corroboration on some of the results from this ap'proach with those where other hypotheses directed the technique applied, is again a restatement of the interdependence of the processes within the urban system. A methodological implication is that there may be more than one 'correct' operational definition of a concept, depending on certain theoretic assumptions. Substantively, the results correspond quite accurately with the ecological divisions based on segregation and concentration. -38- MAP 1 Types of Areas Outside Boston City Inse B; Iynn City 1; C- Malden and Medford Insert D-Walthar -38- a }!APl:i Types of Arcas Outside Boston City Inser B; lgnn City Malden Medford Insert D-Walthan IN S~Go" PPERS MIDDLES WORKERS LOWERS RESIDUALS -39- KAP 2 Types of Areas Boston City g0 Isert A ownm m* Pm PESMIDDLES WORKERS 4 LOWERS m a RESIDUALS -0- Household Classification The census data provided inputs in the form of counts and medians over tracts. ADMINS handled these categories as numerical data. In the UCS survey the inputs are categorical and the summarization procedures for categorical data are different from the summarization procedures for numerical data. The analysis of the UCS survey pro- vided a test for these procedures. Few studies use individual households as the units for residential mobility analysis. Rather they depend on the measures of mobility of aggregates from the census. reason. Availability of data is probably the However, census data can only give socio-economic descriptions of flows which is helpful for large area analysis, but cannot isolate reasons for the flows nor attitude nor expectation, way of characterizing the flow. which is another Residential mobility is the compounded resultant of thousands of individual residence shifts. the point of view of the individual household, Looked at from moves can yield a valu- able set of data concerning the social psychological factors underlying residential mobility. Rossi (35) speaks of inclinations toward mobility as a continuum along which we will find people who are on the point of moving, those who expect to move sometime in the future and those who are planning never to move from their present residence. tinguished from each other? How are these types dis- In order to answer this question two ap- proaches are taken; one, a look at the characteristics of the household itself, and also at its attitudes about its living situation. These will be considered under the general headings of attributes and attitudes of households. The variables which measure movement were used to classify individuals. Four groups were isolated on the basis of their answers to two questions: How long have you lived in this community? Do you ex- pect to move in the next two years?l How long here? Expect to move? less than 5 years more than 5 years yes RUNNERS (110) CHANGERS (138) no STAYERS (206) SEWTLERS (737) RUNNERS: were those who had lived in the area for less than 5 years and who planned to move within the next 2 years CHANGERS: had lived more than 5 years in the area but were planning to move out within the next 2 years STAYERS: had recently moved into the area and did not anticipate another imminent move SETTLERS: were those who had lived in their neighborhood for a long time and planned to remain there. These categories were used throughout the analysis of individuals, and at a later stage the Stayer and Settler categories were sub-classified using a third question about remote plans: 1 Actual mobility in this study is Do you plan to live in in part established and in part proclosing the gap between what is of possibility no is jected. There does happen without a follow-up actually what and expected to happen individuals. same the study of -42- this house indefinitely? Those who indicated that they *might move some- time' were scrutinized for anticipated reasons and these were compared with the reasons given by the group as a whole. Note though that this is a house related question and the answers corresponding were also house related. Within this data set both attitude variables and attri- bute variables for each household are provided. these variables we can be explicit in From the analysis of interpretation rather than rely on inference. Charts 1-3 indicate differences found between the groups on the attitude variables. By reading down the columns we can see the simi- larities between groups, the kind of attitudes shared by both movers and non-movers. ences. Across the rows we can read the between group differ- Answers referred to the social situation, physical condition and provision of services within the areas. (Open ended questions were asked and respondents interpreted them differently.) The assumption made here is that the attitude stated indicates that aspect of housing/ location which is most pertinent to the type of respondent. In describ- ing the patterns of responses, the four classes of movers/non movers will be referred to as representing movers 'from' (Runners and Changers) and movers 'to' (Settlers and Stayers) where the Settlers are a special case of movers 'to'. This approach departs from the usual stayer-mover distinction and explains more of the variation among movers than that usual dichotomy. be ganed if We will also demonstrate that helpful information can we measure frequency of movement. Reasons for moving are closely associated with attitude toward neighborhood, but neighborhood conditions explain only a part of the motivations for moving. Reasons for moving also arise from the life cycle of the family. attitude and attribute variables are closely related. Of course, Leslie and Richardson (20) ignored life-cycle or attribute variables in their proposed model for predicting mobility and supplied instead, perceived class differences and house attitudes and social mobility expectations. Although our variables are not in perfect congruence with theirs a correspondence exists. Perceived class differences are included in the category of social attitudes and house attitudes appear in the category of physical aspects rebting to property conditions. House attitudes have both family-cycle and social implications. Specifically, as families increase in size, their attitudes toward their housing changes either because of its size, type or location. When correcting for the expansion of the family, a household may or may not also correct for better social conditions, depending on present income and expected future income. imply a status change. Beshers (3) also in status related moves. Improved social conditions usually accounts for household composition Families with daughters will maximize on social activities while those with sons will seek good educational facilities. Chart 1 displays the type of responses to the two questions relating to negative aspects of the neighborhood. The answers to the ques- tion on bad things about the neighborhood and desired improvements were combined in one chart since they reinforce each other. Although all four groups have complaints about the physical aspects of their location, the specifics of the complaints are related to length of residence. cell entries for the attitude charts can be explained in The terms of the push-pull migration theory. Pushes are the bad things or the aggra- vating circumstances inducing a move and pulls are the attractions of an area or the gratifications attained by moving. We canvssume that the movers *from' will correct the disadvantages of their present place by their move while maintaining its assets. Their maximum solu- tion will be to maximally overcome the bad aspects and minimally compromise on the good aspects. For the movers 'to' we will assume that their satisf4ing trade-off is exhibited in their statements about good and bad aspects of their residence. The clustering of complaints shows that the Changers and Settlers have similar problems. Both of these groups have lived over five years in their present Community and their complaints reflect their acquaintance with disadvantages that are not directly observable. Especially noticeable is the complaint of the Changers about the social aspects of their neighborhood. They would prefer other neighbors either because people moving into the area are undesirable or because they have bettered themselves and prefer associates of 'their own kind.' Both groups indicate dissatisfaction with recreational and entertainment facilities. For the Settlers this may be associated with the inconvenience of their location and for Changers with the complaints about child-raising. Settlers who have had a chance to participate in local functions see a need for improvement in local government. Usually participation follows acquaintance with neighbors and desire to control to some extent decisions which serve personal and community interests. Settlers have a vested interest since they have made a commitment over many years. The length of residence shows its other side in the responses of .-1, the Runners. place. - Runners have a limited commitment to their residence Their complaints are directly observable and refer to the physical condition of the housing they inhabit. Since they have only made a stopover at their present residency they have little chance to probe into other aspects. Comparison of the Stayers with the movers 'from' helps explain both the notion of pushes and pulls and of satisficing.. The pull of the desirable people in their new location is in direct response to the push of the undesirable people whom the Changers complain about. But the inconvenience of their new location was a compromise for the Stayers. Movers *from' have enjoyed the convenience of their present location. Stayers are willing to lose on the side of convenience in order to satisfy social aspects considered more important to them. Since they plan to stay in their new location for a considerable period, inconvenience will probably be measured by longer commuting time and distance to work and shopping. Schnore (3 ) projects this trend one step fur- ther in stating that transportation may well allow for reduced migration. Settlers also indicate inconvenient location and a willingness to endure it, reinforcing the trend to commuting. By extending the comparison shown in Charts 1 and 2 of the Stayers who have just completed a move and the movers *from? who are about to move, we can cite another trend: a commitment to familism or a child- centered life is indicated in the trade-off scheme. Convenience for parents is sacrificed for a location considered better for child-raising. If the 'from' 'to' dichotomy is considered to be complementary then the complaint of the 'froms' about the condition of property will be L corrected in theirnove. Also a pattern pointed out by Whitney and Grigg (42) is exhibited here. A majority of the Runners have come from out of state. Initially they moved in to areas convenient to their activi- ties (probably near to work place) but their next move will be to improve their physical surroundings. In their study, Whitney and Grigg concluded that a long distance move is followed by one or more local moves and that the local moves are house-oriented. In comparing the attributes of the groups, length of residence is not a significant variable. The stage of career or life cycle is more indicative of moving status. Chicago that changes in Duncan (8) found in a study of families in residential patterns tend to occur for groups whose relative socio-economic status is changing. our results. This is confirmed by Runners and Stayers are young professionals whose income is relatively low now but whose high-income potential is high. When the age of the youngest child and the size of the household are combined for comparison we see further indication of different life cycle stages for the Runners and Stayers, and Gangers and Settlers. Runners are adjusting to the needs of their newly expafiding family. They have onlycne young child. ment. Their move will be to a larger apart- Stayers, though, are adjusting to their completed family. They have bought a single family home to accorwdate their family of two or three children. The Settlers have also completed their family and their children are older. The type of housing and tenure status of the movers support each other in that multi-unit houses provide units for rent and those who move often usually prefer the convenience of renting. -47- Rossi (32) makes the observation that tenure is a complex variable having an attitudinal aspect expressing how a household regards its housing in terms of rejection or acceptance of the high valuation placed on home ownership in this country. In part, the type of dwelling is directly related to tenure status. Rental units have different charac- than owner-occupied units. teristics reflected in And the commitment t6 a unit is the tenure status of its occupant. However, the response to the Why move question reveals that many renters move specifically to change their tenure status from renter to owner. related to life cycle stage. Tenure may be When moves are most frequent in early family formation years, rental status is more convenient. By looking at the composition of the housing available in the tracts where different types of households live we can confirm some of the observations made above. Stayers show a strong preference for areas where single family homes predominate. The tenure status of stayers corresponds with the percent of single family homes in the tracts where they are located. Runners live in areas where multi-unit structures comprise the housing stock. The overwhelming majority of Runners are renters but the tract value for tenure does not reflect this. Changers occur in tracts showing a similar distribution of housing types as Runners. Studies which treat mobile vs. stable areas usually suggest that the dichotomy is based on the type of people who live in an area. Our dichotomy looks at mobile vs. stable people and the results show that the composition of housing types in an area is a strong indicator of the types of people who will live there. The mobility of the households is a reflection of the transitional stages in their life/career cycle. They will change their status to stayer after sufficient housing adjustments have been made. The area from which they came, however, will continue to be considered mobile because other transitional households will find the housing it offers satisfactory for their present purposes. Chart 3 shows the reanns why households move with respect to the attitudes and attributes mentioned above. The rationality of a move for any individual can only be hinted at here because we don't have any housing market data. When a household gives reasons for moving which are related to the disadvantages of his present neighborhood and actually moves to a location where he can overcome these and still maintain or improve upon the assets of his old neighborhood it is said to act rationally. The reasons shown in Chart 3 are consistent with the at- titudes and attributes of the four types of households. behavior are stages in a connected sequence. Motivation and In order to understand the action we must find out what conditions precipitated the moving action. Here we have two sources of information. The attitudes and char- acteristics of the households give a clue to possible motivations for moving. To the extent that they are supported by the actual reasons given for moving we can use them as surrogte variables when reason data is not available. Reasons for moving are coded into broad categories but can be compared against the categories of the other attitude data. One shortcoming of measuring reasons for moving before a move without a follow-up interview is in the assessment of the importance of the reason given by a household head as the force actually bringing about the action. Also reasons are directly related to the knowledge an actor has about the choices open to him. All types of households unanimously agree that they would move if . their job demanded it. ' Runners and Changers have more reasons for moving, an indication of support for the relation of reasons to changes in either short-term or imminent. behavior that are The reasons have been classified to com- pare with the measures of households discussed earlier. Changers exhibit corrective reasons for moving. Runners and They strongly support home-ownership and are moving specifically to change their tenure. Stayers and Settlers already own their own homes. On reasons for mov- ing explained by the attitudescf households the movers 'to' respond in terms of luxuries while the movers *from' are still correcting for necessities. Status moves follow after all other requirements have been satisfied. Because Stayers and Settlers are also less eager to move, status may be less of an incentive than aggravation to generate a move. Initial forces against moving build up with long residence in one place. Changers are overcoming this force because of dissatisfaction. From this brief analysis it can be concluded that valuable information can be gained by refining the stayer-mover dichotomy. Movers dif- ferentiate according to whether they are moving to or from an area. Length of residence has significant effects on attitudes of households and reasons for moving (or not moving). Also it appears that there is a social psychological order to the ongoing movement of urban populations. Although the results here are merely descriptive they do provide direction foi research in a more rigorous hypothesis-testing situation. __ _..&WWWft_ -50-- CHART 1 NEGATIVE Attitudes Toward Neighborhood Improverler Physical Social ad thing s property RUNNIERS cond-ition from property C-HANIGERS cople composition of nghbhd bad for child STAYEIRS inconvenience to SET TLERS CHART 2 Positive Attitudes Toward Neighborhood Good Things P Social convenience children HUYNNERS Services recreation entertainment from convenience CHAN~GEIRS STAYEIS housing people condition child-rearing to housirg condition people child-rearing SETTLERS Ct I -52- CHART 3 Reasons for Moving ATTITUDES ATTRIBUTES Job Family size RUNNER x x x x CHANGER X X X X PAN Status Tenure Diss atis fact ion People X I STAYER X X SETTLED x x -~~~~~u am mopitF- - V"I m -- --- 4 ,i m n m m m. Area-to-Household Mapping A primary task of this study is to adapt the instrument of an information system to two disparate files of information. In order to explore the available data a main emphasis of this research was methodological and an attempt to produce an example of how new systems can be employed in the study of social data. The design was constructed with the information system in mind and so the results are conditioned by the way the study was laid out. By assuming that an area is relatively homogeneous in many features we can state the probability of what an individual's own characteristics may be. We know what particular pattern of demo- graphic features stimulates him as an inhabitant of his social area. He may be a deviant but he constantly confronts the modal features of his neighborhood group. The Settlers are the continuous residents of their census tracts. They are expected to determine and maintain the stability of the area in which they live. They insure the continuity of social values. To the extent that the pattern of variables for the Settlers does not conform to the pattern for the census tracts where they live, we may say that it is due to sample size (too small) or that homogeneity does not hold. The principle on which the areas were classified was socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals were classified according to the extent of their mobility. This difference of approach is based on the assumption that those characteristics of areas are more critically affected by the type of household within it or moving to it than its character as a mobile or stable area. Those census variables which corresponded to individual attribute variables were mapped onto the record for each UCS respondent. The matching was done by the census tract of the present- residence of each individual. Three avenues of investigtion of the mapped information were taken to (1) show the flexibility of the system in combining data sources and (2) tie together and relate the separate analyses of areas and individuals. First, means for the UCS individual values were com- pared against the census tract values for each type of mover (see Table 3). The deviation of the individual from the census tract is indeed great. The co-occurrence of different types of individuals within the same census tract dampens the effect of any one type and the small sample would require much greater homogeneity of tracts for a comparison to show agreement. However, the second investstion of the differ- ences between census tract variables over the four types of movers was more insightful. Since the census tract information was now aggregated by groups of movers (rather than by types of areas) it was instructive to observe the differences between the measures over the aggregate of tracts within which the four groups occurred. On all counts the Stayers have higher values on variables indicating high status and lower values on variables indicating low status than any of the other three types of movers. The Changers show just the reverse pattern. Changers are horizontal. Moves for the They will move to a bigger house or different iv ghborhood but in an area with socio-economic characteristics similar to their present location. do Runners. (see table 4) Stayers exhibit upward social mobility, as -55- Chart 4 shows how the types of movers co-occur within census tracts. For example, those ten tracts where Runners and Stayers oc- cur can be said to support upwardly mobile people while the thirteen in which the Changers only occur can be expected to be of low socioeconomic status. The co-occurrences of the mover types within the same census tracts dampens the effect that any one type contributes but a corrected effect could be shown if we could get the number of each type of mover in every census tract and weigh their occurrence as a measure of effect. This could not be done without a restructuring of the data since the four groups of movers are indexed as mutually exclusive sets. In order to get an intersection on census tracts a different breakdown would be necessary. The third approach taken was a look at the distribution of the types of movers over the types of areas. In this step we attempted to tie together the classification of areas and the household types. Table 4 shows the number of each type of mover in each of the five area types and also the percentage of each type of mover in each kind of area. in The distributions support many of the explanations included earlier parts of this chapter and also give further clues for the residual category. The upward mobility and higher economic standing of is confirmed by the representation of more than half of the movers 'to' the Settlers and Stayers in Upper and Middle tracts. A large proportion of the Runners and Changers also occur within Upper tracts. The mobility of the population is closely associated with high socio-economic status. More areas are open to them. The -56- Running done in the Lower tracts is the milling about that is prevalent within low stus areas. These people are often forced to move. Forced moves and relocation were not treated here because the area covered was too large and the sample too sparse to show any results. Most forced moves occur within central city areas (except those associated with highway construction) and the dispersion of the population as a result of ielocation is so widespread that surveys restricted to the tracing of these people exclusively are required. From the distribution of each of the mover types within the residual category of areas we can see that sme of our earlier descriptions are borne out. category. The Changers appear in largest proportion in the residual For them these tracts provide the change to better sur- roundings without a great jump in cost. Rather than a place of inter- vening opportunities they are the situation-correcting areas. For the Runners the idea of intervening opportunities in the Residual tracts is more applicable. They are upwardly mobile and stopover in these areas as their families expand and their career position improves. the Stayers are moving into newly developed areas. are included in Some of These areas, too, the residual category. The analysis of migration streams of the households was intended to show linkage between areas - the kind of movers on the flow and their reasons for moving. age.' It This we would have called an 'informed link- was expected that all respondents would have had a previous residence and there would be a specific future residence indicated by some. From this double series - previous to present - present to future patterns could be detected for the four.groups. With the reason for - -57- moves associated with the location of the move a more definitive analysis of the migration within the SMSA might emerge. This procedure had to be stopped short of its goal because of the coding of the data on both previous and future places of residence. For all three locational questions the data were aggregated to different levels. Vicinity breakdowns were given for the previous residence, e.g. out of state, other town in SMSA etc. and town names were given for expected future residence. The system allows aggregation to any level of interest to the researcher. However, aggregation to the gross level of the previous residence category negated the value of the quest for informed linkages. Future destinations different from present residence town were only given by 198 respondents. Since this sub-sample size was so small, theaggregation of tracts within towns was carried out as an exercise and town values on the variables were calculated and mapped onto those 198 individuals. The results are shown on Table III but are inconclusive. It was men- tioned earlier that the individual/census tract disparity was too great to allow responsible inference. To match individuals against town ag- gregates would compound that disparity. The superimposition of the census tract file on the individual file allowed the testing of a technique. Substantive conclusions for the study were indicated but further support for them would be required if they are to have any theoretical significance. either or both of the data sources in more depth, found. By probing into such support may be The technique though was used successfully and from the experi- ence gained in be suggested. this practice other useful substantive applictions can -58- Parallel analysis of different data sources would allow an effective means for analyzing panel studies. Different data sources can be different in content or different in time of collection. Sources different in content can supplement each other provided the agents of comparison are measured on the same level of aggregation or can be combined into comparable levels. lect and process their own data. Many city agencies col- For example, departments of vital statistics, school department and welfare department all maintain files on individuals. The combination of these or even access to the sources for selection of data for mapping from one file onto another would improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of these agencies. Improved processing and availability of data will make the work of the planner and adminstrator more effective also. Some further considerations on the availability of data ard the use of information systems in city planning are included in the closing section of this paper. -59- TABLE 3 Census Tract Values and Individual Values for 'Jpes if Movers (also Town Values) Variable Value of Home Mover Typ e Monthly Tenure (percent owners) $16811 CHANCER 13588 21860 16402 STAYER 16o63 26200 16674 SETTLER 15032 21128 16692 RUNNER $68 $100 $62 CHANGER 64 83 61 STAYER 57 95 71 71 59 SETTLER 61 RUNNER .44 .16 CHANGER .4h .34 STATER .6h .62 .50 SET'iLER 57 .68 .59 Percent CH'ANGER .37 Single STAYER Percent 2-4 Unit Dwellings Town Values j$2h280~ .34 Homes Values $14084 RUNNER Family Individual RUNNER I Rental Census Value 63 SETTLED .53 RUNNER .37 CHANGER .hi STAYER *26 SETTLER .3h .52 4 Table 3 (cont,) Variable Percent 5* Unit Structures Median Family Income Mover Type Percent Lanagers Individual Value Town Value RUNNER .26 GHNGER .20 STAYER .10 SETTLER .11 RUNNER 86968 $6000 CHANGER :'6661 $7835 STATER 7639 7180 7219 9000 RUNNER .12 .25 CHAi GER .10 STAYER .13 .29 .13 SETTLER .12 .13 .13 RUNNER, .08 .10 .09 CHANGER .07 .13 .10 STAYER .10 .16 .10 SETTLER .09 .13 .10 .18 .13 SETTLER Percent Prof essionals Census Value RUNNER .13 .12 CHANGER .16 .17 .14 STAYER .16 .13 .12 SETTLER .16 RUNNER .13 .07 *10 Percent CHANGER .13 .153 .11 Semi-skilled vorkers STAYER .12 .14 .08 SETTLER .13 .10 .10 Percent Skilled Wrkers .l4 - -- -MMMMMMNM -61- Table 4 DISTRIBUTIONS OF TYPES OF MOVERS WITHIN TYTES OF AREAS UPPERS MIDDLES WORKERS LOWERS RESIDUALS 17 14 35 Totals RUNNERS 36 (.33) CHANGERS STAYERS SETTLERS 8 (.07) (.15) (.13) (.32) 33 17 33 12 43 (24) (.12) (.2h) (.09) (.31) 8) (.1) 44 (.23) (.10) 252 352 102 (.34) (.20) 20 (.14) 8 (.04) h (.21) 38 193 (.05) (.27) -62- CHART 4 Co-occurrences of Types of Movers in Boston Area Census Tracts -63Chapter IV The Use of Information Systems and Their Contribution to City Plan Between data and information lies a gap that is being partially filled by the organizing and processing techniques available through modern technology and the ingenuity of the researcher. The computer based information system allows for greater amounts of storage facility and more efficient retrieval capabilities than older non-automated file card type approaches. The two major components for such a system are the data inputs and the program which comprises the software of the system. The program may be general, an all purpose program designed to handle all kinds of data, unstructured or highly structured. The data is specific to the problem to be analyzed. For planning purposes, an aid in decision making. information systems are being proposed as The integration of information systems with data banks of generally available records and special purpose data is expected to support both the theory and practice of city planning. Empirical testing of theoretical models can be done drawing from these sources. Also descriptive reports can be generated. That is, both context and content can be manipulated in such a system. The informa- tion system is the tool for accomplishing the manipulation. Present shortcomings in the use of such systems arise both from the systems themselves and the data available for use within them. The conceptual approach to the use of data banks has been improving in response to improved file-handling capabilities of information systems and the pressures for more 'hard' sciences.. In early practice, data in the social data banks referred to a 'set of tapes on a shelf.' Mere availability of data was acceptable. was nothing more than a transformed file cabinet. The data bank Its new form allowed for faster peeks at the information but no better approach for understanding its message or relation to other forms or sources of data. No doubt this had to be the first step. Availability of data and speed of processing improved the state of the art of information gathering enough to launch the second stage of information processing. Discovering relationships among data files improves understanding. These relationships may be between like sources with substantive overlap or simply complementary relationships which help overcome the problem of ceteris paribus. has several benefits. The multi-file approach to social research First, the biases built into any one data set can be detected and possibly corrected (or corrected for). the options for alternative research designs are increased. Second, Third, areas of study, whether academic or practical, which have heretofore been isolated can be coordinated with relative ease. Of course, as the demands for more data increase and the facilities for handling these data improve serious obstacles to progress arise. Two major problems discussed widely are the issue of privacy and error handling. These problems refer respectively to the content and to the form of the data. The issue of privacy received national attention in the 1966 hearings before a Special Subcommittee on the Invasion of Privacy in the House Government Operations Committee in proposed National Data Bank. response to a The bureau of the Census has set stringent controls for the maintenance of privacy of its files. However, the fear is that with increasing availability of data and extended access to remote time-sharing stations, such control will be lost. If privacy is violated individuals will be reluctant to divulge information and research efforts will be stifled. Without getting into the technical complications involved in error correction, an indication of the extent or seriousness of the problem can be stated. Because of the ways information is gathered - surveying, observing, measuring etc. - errors of interpretation, reporting and omission are 'built in.' Errors are compounded in the coding procedures, that is, in preparing the raw data for automated handling and in the key-punching operation. When faced with incor- rect responses in the analysis procedures the researcher must usually compromise the validity of his procedures. Mechanisms for detecting and correcting data errors must then be an integral part of any processing system. In the ADMINS system, for example, error correction is handled in two ways. Either the data itself can be accessed and altered or the description of the data can be changed to accomodate vagaries in response patterns (or both types of changes can be accomplished). The decision about which to change is left to the researcher. Unless errors are corrected or handled responsibly the validity of conclusions is questionable and the applicability of the research is doubtful. From my experience gained in the actual use of an informa- tion system (ADMINS) and two data sources (a mini-data-bank) a few other obstacles were noticed. It became obvious early in the use of this system that the limitations for this study were imposed by the two data sources rather than the system. Errors within any file must be corrected but the capacity for multi-file processing introduces -66- other error-type obstacles. Incompatibility and inconsistency of data are chronic problems. Compatibility refers to the ability to use two files in concert. At the simplest level, compatibility problems, to the extent of allowing for merely matching data, can be solved by providing a cross-reference code that is common to all files which are to be processed in one For example, analysis. in this analysis the census tract code was a common item in both files. Closely allied to compatibility is con- Consistency of data is questioned within the definition of sistency. For data to exhibit meaningful comparisons, definitions variables. must be consistent across files. For example, exact definitions for the census categories must be provided so that surveyors can classify respondents correctly if an individual/census match is to be made. In planning, areas like neighborhood and community need specific definition. The level of aggregation at which data is reported is usually determined by the question or hypothesis which is of data. demanding collection (This problem may be considered as a subset of the problems of consistency and compatibility where many files are sampled.) is If data to be generally available then the lowest level of aggregation allows greater flexibility for its use. With these problems identified before collection, data can be gathered, stored, retrieved and processed more satisfactorily. Retrieval and processing involve combining social sci- ence procedures with mathematical techniques. Boolean intersections and other set operations are necessary as a minimum inspection technique and statistical operations are essential if hypothesis testing is to be undertaken. -67- Beyond the processing of data with more sophisticated methods lies the use of the data. Use must be distinguished from usefulness. The information made available may be used for different purposes, from different points of view, experimented with, discarded, retrieved or abandoned. After heuristic assessment it may be declared useful. In- terest is being focused on the use of information in developing social indicators. The approach used in this paper may be one that has some relevance to this development. Social indicators would attempt to measure, in a given social situation, 'where we stand' and 'where we are going.' Two approaches must develop simultaneously. A scientific inquiry into the nature of the social system must be undertaken to improve understanding of its structure. A pragmatic study of the state of the system at any point in time must continue in parallel for effective controls to be introduced. The existence of wide-ranging data sources allows for flexibility in the. construction of these indicators. However, dangers arise in stopping too soon or not trying 'far out' combinations. C. imag- Wright Mills advocates cultivating 'sociological ination,' that is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another, ranging from remote transformations to inherent characteristics. A deliberate self-conscious attempt to describe phenomena using different combinations and permutations of data should result in the choice of a best description. The development of indicators will result from the experimentation with types of data and the capacity of the system to respond to the information. I describe these two notions as social relativity and social relevance. Social relativity takes account of all the levels -68- at which measures are taken and the relation of one measure to another. For example, it is not the same thing to measure characteristics of the unemployed and to measure unemployment. Social relevance depends on the value of the measure in the context in which it is being used. Crime rates are often used as an index of the degree of integration in a society. Associations between poverty and high crime rates are drawn. However, Biderman in Social Indicators (1) points out that the crimes which make up the crime index reflect the affluence rather than the poverty of the society being measured. Initially the perplexing question is what to measure. will reflect priorities either of need or of power. The answer It is likely that one road taken will be assessment of Federal programs. Bauer, et al. propose measures of performance of the social system which show the effects of the mace program. In their attempts to measure or even describe the impact of the space program they find themselves in areas far removed from the space effort in intent and interest. intended effects are only one aspect of impact. Anticipated and Any agent of change also acts as a catalyst for other aspects of a highly interdependent system. In the first step analytic and predictive objectives must be measured and normative objectives will follow. For city planning pur- poses the development of social indicators is especially relevant. One contribution of the Model Cities program is likely to be self-conscious attempts at assessing its impact on the lives of the people directly involved, and its effectiveness as an agent of change for the larger community. Under this umbrella program its component parts will be evaluated. The wide range of elements will require different kinds of measures. Improvements in quantitative techniques will be forced as well as recognition of the value of qualitative data. As experience accumulates in the use of information systems and data analysis the directions should become clearer. Identification of relevant data and accurate (or just more adequate) statistics will be an arduous task feeding back on itself for refinement. CHAPTER V Summary and Conclusions At the outset we were interested in the classification of areas and households and observed the way census tracts are differentiated on socio-economic variables and households on migration status. Further, we inquired if by using an information' system approach we can map tract information onto the individuals and arrive at a richer description of movers and areas. From an analysis of the two data sources we found that: 1. Classification of areas by socio-economic characteristics yields a coherent and consistent pattern of areas, rather than a geographic concentration. 2. The type of housing in an area is a good indicator of the type of individual (household) to be found in the area. 3. Subdividing the stayer/mover dichotomy by length of residence is meaningful in explaining motivation for moving. 4. Attitudes toward residence are area oriented while reasons for moving are closely associated with life/career cycle. 5. The use of an information system to coordinate disparate data sources yields valuable updating information and the shortcomings lie more with the data sources than with the system. -711- APPENDIX Notes on the ADMINS System ADMINS, a data information system written at MIT, was used as the tool for analysis. This system is run under the CTSS time shar- ing executive system at the MIT computation center. This system has capabilities not available in most presently implemented programs. The program is comprised of four sub-systems that are invoked in iterative loops as one proceeds from simple to more complex analysis. Although it is not appropriate to include a full description of the system at this time, it will be illustrative to include those particular features of the system which allowed the analysis to proceed along the lines described. At the initial stage, the user describes the variables of interest to him and invokes the auditing procedures which check for a match between the raw data and its normative description. In specify- ing a data description one is also performing a selection of only those items relevant to the pursuant analysis and the other variables in file are not read in. The data itself is the sieved through the descrip- tion for consistency and an error message is generated for each discrepancy. This report allows the user to change either his description or the data itself. Error correction can be performed efficiently and quickly proceeding in this manner and the user learns about his data in the process. At this point the form of the data is converted from -72- an item record file in which for each respondent (the item) there is a record of his responses in each category, to a category record file. Under this form each record in the file represents a response and the entries within it are those individuals to whom it applies (or who responded to that question). These category records are the input to the Analyzer where the user applies his theoretic plan to the data. The Analyzer allows for continuing interaction between classification and summarization procedures. building indexes. The classification procedures include These classificatiorsare responsive to empirically observed frequencies in the data. Indexes point to sub-sets of items in the file and are named to inform the user of the items they represent. When the index is printed out, the system provides the number of respondents to which the characteristic applies and that number as a percentage of the total category from which the characteristic was extracted. The indexes are input to Boolean intersection and union operations which group together respondents with the same characteristics. For each Boolean operation again the number conforming to the operation and its percentage of the total is printed out and, in addition, a significance level is printed out. This significance level is computed from a hyper geometric distribution on the basis of the largest possible N of the intersection. from this test. A significance level = .9 is considered good Wherever a value is referred to as significant in this paper, it is above .9 (unless otherwise stated). This statistical information allows the user to make decisions in pursuit of high significance and also provides clues about avenues of approach which may not give him any satisfactory information. Complex indexes may be named -73- and the hierarchy of components indicated by faceting its name so that its construction is reflected in the name. This procedure eliminates confusion for the user as he proceeds into detailed analysis and also aids a reviewer in understanding another researcher's documentation. Summarization of the data in terms of these indexes is the use of tables and displays. performed by The Tables instruction generates matrices of frequencies of row and column intersections. For each entry a significance level is computed. The Display Instruction displays the actual entries for items in an index. For specific information on individuals and/or census tracts this instruction was used. The displays of values of several cate- gories for each individual within a class provided an eyeball estimate of the variance within each measure aid was also useful for matching individuals values with census tract values. The Interval instruction was used to recode the census tract numerical categories into discrete interval nominal categories. The output from this instruction is a new category record where the entries are the tracts which fall within the percentiles requested. This new category can then be entered into use in analysis in the same manner that any original category is used. The Count instruction was used in an experiment to simulate a regression on census tract variables. A series of indexes is built to characteristics of interest which should discriminate between types of areas. list. The instruction counts how many times an item occurs in Discrete and cumulative counts are produced. this This instruction -74- is more pertinent for threshhold decisions where one is concerned with a minimum count on a number of characteristics without regard to which of the specific characteristics apply to each item. For our own pur- poses it was not helpful for verifying classification - perhaps it could have been used earlier in the analysis of we had proceeded from a more theoretical rather than empirical approach. Another feature of the Analyzer is one file of information at a time. its ability to handle more than One way in which this multi-file capacity was used was to create four files from the UCS data where each of these files was in effect the indexed set of individuals (Runners, Changers etc.). The Subfile instruction allows one to cite an index which will subsequently be referenced as a file name and to create categories of responses occurring in these indexes only. When this was accomplished two or more categories could be tabled against each other for each subfile and a much more refined aspect of the data revealed. For example, a table of responses to the questions Why move? cross classified with responses to bad things cited about the neighborhood could be generated for each of the four subgroups simultaneously by working the four files on one list and invoking them in parallel. The Linkage and Map Instructions allow for the inclusion in one file, data from different sources with a common identification. These capacities were used in a few instances: 1. To Map the age data onto the Census file to supplement the original file 2. To Map the census data onto the UCS file - The flexibility ADMINS.provides for multi-file handling and allows one to follow many strategies in analyzing data. Throughout all the analysis procedure, there was no tactic suggested that could not be accomodated by the present system. 'U ii. 'a,- NOW salt team rvur--A' 'Vie I en a0.1m flf Ole_ r 4 ii t I I I ($ c n : et)(Mit)" < .1 0 had oW 3 Remw~ Cx meOtrat lsttrabctb CatAM -78- List of Census Variables Percentage Denominator Original Total Population Total Mhites Total Non-Whites Total Population Number of Families Number of Families Income under $1000 1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 000-5000 6000-6000 6000-7000 77000-8000 8000-9000 9000-10000 10000-15000 15000-25000 over $25000 Number of Housing Units Total Ocuppied Units Owner Occupied Units Renter Occupied Units Total Occupied Units Number Living in Unit less than 1 year 3-5 years 6-20 years over 20 years Number single family homes number 2 -k family homes Number units vith 5 oi' more units Value of owner occupied units median rent Age Categories by 5 year Intervals of Male and Femles Total Pobulation -79- census variables (cont.) Male Professionals Managers Clerical and Sales Semi-Skilled Workers Skilled %brkers Household Workers Laborers Males over 20 -80- List Of Original UCS Variables Residence Place (town) Sex of Respondent Census Tract Code Age of Respondent Length Lived In Conzmunity Relationship to Head Part of Life Spent Here Sex of Head Age of Head Previous Residence (Informant) Improvements to Community (5) Occupation of Head Household Size Income of Head Age of Youngest Child Total Family Income Sex of Informant Type of Structure Age of Informant Condition of Housing Marital Status of Informant Public Housing? Previous Residence (Respondent) Race of Respondent Good Things About Neighborhood (7) Eiployment Status of Head Bad Things About Neighborhood Tenure Value Of 1lome Monthly Rent Expect to Move Plan to Stay in this House Yehen Eight Move Town Move Reason for Move (2) Number of Rooms Sex of Respondent (3) -81- BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bauer, Raymond A. (ed.). 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