Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2003(2003), No. 29, pp. 1–14. ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.swt.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu ftp ejde.math.swt.edu (login: ftp) UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM BY A LOCALLY DISTRIBUTED DAMPING ABDELAZIZ SOUFYANE & ALI WEHBE Abstract. We study the uniform stabilization of a Timoshenko beam by one control force. We prove that under, one locally distributed damping, the exponential stability for this system is assured if and only if the wave speeds are the same. 1. Introduction A basic linear model, developed in [19], for describing the transverse vibration of beams is given by two coupled partial differential equations ρwtt = (K(wx − ϕ))x , on (0, l) × R+ (1.1) Iρ ϕtt (x, t) = (EIϕx )x + K(wx − ϕ). Here, t is the time variable and x the space coordinate along the beam, the length of which is l, in its equilibrium position. The function w is the transverse displacement of the beam and ϕ is the rotation angle of a filament of the beam. The coefficients ρ, Iρ , E, I and K are the mass per unit length, the polar moment of inertia of a cross section, Young’s modulus of elasticity, the moment of inertia of a cross section and the shear modulus respectively. The natural energy of the beam is Z 1 l 2 2 2 2 ρ |∂t w| + Iρ |∂t ϕ| + EI |∂x ϕ| + K |∂x w − ϕ| )dx. (1.2) E(t) = 2 0 The aim of this paper is to study two types of stabilization of this system, the internal and the boundary stabilization. Let us mention some results about the stabilizability of the Timoshenko beam. The case of two boundary control force has already been considered by Kim and Renardy [4] for the Timoshenko beam. They proved the exponential decay of the energy E(t) by using a multiplier technique and provided numerical estimates of the eigenvalues of the operator associated to this system, and by Lagnese & Lions [11] for the study of the exact controllability, Taylor [7] studied the boundary control of system (1.1) with variable physical characteristics. Recently Shi & Feng [16] established the exponential decay of the energy E(t) with locally distributed feedback (two feedback).We will first prove that it is possible to stabilize uniformly (with respect to the initial data) this beam, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35L55, 93C05, 93C20, 93D15, 93D20, 93D30. Key words and phrases. Timohsenko beam, strong stability, non-uniform stability, uniform stability, Lyapunov function. c 2003 Southwest Texas State University. Submitted September 2, 2002. Published March 16, 2003. 1 2 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 which is assumed to be clamped at the two ends of (0, l), by using a unique locally distributed feedback ρwtt = (K(wx − ϕ))x , on (0, l) × R+ Iρ ϕtt = (EIϕx )x + K(wx − ϕ) − b(x)ϕt , w(0, t) = w(l, t) = 0; (1.3) ϕ(0, t) = ϕ(l, t) = 0. where b is a positive continuous function of the space variable. Indeed, we prove the uniform stability holds for system (1.3) if and only if the wave speeds K ρ and EI are the same. If not, the asymptotic stability for this system is proved. The Iρ techniques we use consist in the computation of the essential type (see the definition in the next section) of the associated semigroups, thanks to the result of Neves et al. [6]. Our paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we give a result of a wellposedness of the solution of the system and we study the strong asymptotic stability EI and the nonuniform stability of (1.3) under the assumption K ρ 6= Iρ . In section 3, we study the uniform stability of (1.3) under the assumption K ρ = EI Iρ . 2. Well-posedness, asymptotic and nonuniform stability Well-posedness. Here we outline the existence theory of the solution of the Timoshenko beam. To establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the studied model we use the semigroup theory, we suppose that b ∈ C([0, l]) . The energy space associated to system (1.3) is H := (H01 (]0, l[) × L2 (]0, l[))2 The inner product in the energy space is defined as follows: Z l (Y1 , Y2 ) := (K(∂x u1 − w1 )(∂x u2 − w2 ) + ρv1 v2 + Iρ f1 f2 + EI(∂x w1 ∂x w2 ))dx, 0 uk vk 2 where Yk = wk ∈ H, k = 1, 2. In the sequel we will denote by kY k := (Y, Y ), fk the norm in the energy space. The system 1.3 can be written as ∂t Y (t) = LY (t), where w(t) ∂t w(t) Y (t) := ϕ(t) , ∂t ϕ(t) 0 K ∂ ρ xx L := 0 K Iρ ∂x I 0 0 0 0 −K ρ ∂x 0 EI Iρ ∂xx − K Iρ 0 0 I −b(x) with D(L) := ((H 2 (]0, l[) ∩ H01 (]0, l[)) × H01 (]0, l[))2 . Proposition 2.1 ([17],[16]). The operator (L, D(L)) generates a C0 -semigroup of contractions (eLt )t≥0 on H. EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM 3 Asymptotic strong Stability and nonuniform stability. Before giving our first result, we need to recall some results and the following definitions: eLt is asymptotically stable if, for any Y0 ∈ H limt→∞ eLt Y0 = 0. eLt is uniformly (or exponentially) stable if there exist ω < 0 and M > 0 such that keLt k ≤ M eωt t ∈ R+ For a continuous linear operator from a Banach space into itself, we define its essential spectral radius re (L) as n re (L) = inf R > 0 : µ ∈ σ(L), |µ| > R implies µ is an isolated o (2.1) eigenvalue of finite multiplicity It is well-known (see Gohberg-Krein [3]) that, if r(L) is the spectral radius of L re (L) ≤ r(L); re (L + K) = re (L) ∀K ∈ L(X), K compact If eLt is a C0 -semigroup generated by L, then (see for instance [5]) there exist two real numbers ω = ω(L) and ωe = ωe (L) such that r(eLt ) = eωt , Lt ωe t re (e ) = e (2.2) + ∀t ∈ R . (2.3) ω is often called the type and ωe the essential type of the semigroup. A third real number which plays an essential role in stability theory is the spectral abscissa s(L) of L defined by s(L) = sup {Re λ : λ ∈ σ(L)} . These three real numbers are related as follows [5, Theorem 3.6.1., p. 107]: ω(L) = max (ωe (L), s(L)) . Clearly, the uniform stability of eLt is equivalent to ω(L) < 0. We are now ready to state our first result. Theorem 2.2. Assume that b ∈ C([0, l]) and b(x) ≥ b > 0 on [b0 , b1 ] ⊂ [0, l]. (2.4) Then: • eLt is asymptotically stable. EI Lt • If K is non uniformly stable. ρ 6= Iρ , then e Before giving the proof of this theorem we need to recall the following result. Theorem 2.3 (Benchimol [2]). Let L be a maximal linear operator in a complex Hilbert space H and assume that: (a) L has a compact resolvent. (b) L does not have purely imaginary eingenvalues. Then eLt is strongly stable. Theorem 2.2. To prove strong stability of eLt , it remains to verify the properties (a) and (b) of theorem 2.3. Property (a) follows at once from the compactness of the imbedding D(L) in H, a consequence of Rellich’s theorem. 4 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 Suppose the conclusion of (b) is false, then L have a purely imaginary eingenvalues iω. Let U1 the eigenvectors associated to iω. Using the definition of L it follows that LU1 = iωU1 if and only if K∂xx u − K∂x v = −ρω 2 u, EI.∂xx v + K∂x u − Kv − ib(x)ωv = −Iρ ω 2 v, u = v = 0. 0,l (2.5) 0,l We multiply the second equation of this system by v to obtain Z l Z l (EI|∂x v|2 − K∂x u.v + (K − Iρ ω 2 )|v|2 )dx = 0 and ωb(x)|v|2 dx = 0. 0 0 Then v = 0, on [b0 , b1 ], and EI.∂xx v + K∂x u − Kv = −Iρ ω 2 v, which implies ∂x u = 0 on ]b0 , b1 [. From K∂xx u − K∂x v = −ρω 2 u, it follows that u = 0 on ]b0 , b1 [. Now, it is trivial to see that u = v = 0 is the solution of the system K∂xx u − K∂x v = −ρω 2 u, EI.∂xx v + K∂x u − Kv = −Iρ ω 2 v, (2.6) v = u = 0 on ]b0 , b1 [, u = v = 0. 0,l 0,l This complete the proof of the strong stability of (eLt )t≥0 . The proof of the nonuniform stability for eLt when K ρ 6= Lt computation of the essential type of (e )t≥0 . Let 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D= 0 0 0 0 K 0 0 − Iρ 0 EI Iρ is based on the This operator is compact in the energy space H. Then re (L) = re (L − D). Now we calculate the essential spectral radius of L1 := L − D , for this reason we transform the equations by introducing the following variables: s s K K p=− ∂x u + ∂t u, q = ∂x u + ∂t u, ρ ρ s s EI EI ϕ=− ∂x v + ∂t v, ψ = ∂x v + ∂t v. Iρ Iρ which are solutions of the system p p p ϕ ϕ ϕ ∂t q + K∂x q + C q = 0, ψ ψ ψ (2.7) EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM 5 with the boundary conditions (p + q)(0, t) = (ϕ + ψ)(0, t) = (p + q)(l, t) = (ϕ + ψ)(l, t) = 0, where p K/ρ p 0 0 0 EI/I ρ p0 K= 0 0 − K/ρ 0 0 0 q Iρ K 0 − 2ρ 0 EI √ √ b(x) Kρ − 2Iρ − 2IKρ ρ q C = 2Iρ Iρ 0 K − 0 √ 2ρ EI √ b(x) Kρ − − 2IKρ 2Iρ 2Iρ ρ 0 0 , p0 − EI/Iρ q Iρ EI − b(x) 2Iρ q Iρ K 2ρ EI − b(x) 2Iρ K 2ρ EI L1 t When K )= ρ 6= Iρ , we can apply a result in [6, p 324] which implies that re (e L2 t re (e ) = exp(αt) where p 0 0 0 0 K/ρ p 0 0 0 0 − b(x) 0 0 0 EI/Iρ 0 2Iρ ∂x + p0 L2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − K/ρ p b(x) 0 0 0 − 2Iρ 0 0 0 − EI/Iρ and α = sup{Re(λ) : λ ∈ σ(L2 )}. To compute α we solve the system s s K K ∂x p = λp, ∂x q = −λq, ρ ρ s s b(x) b(x) EI EI ∂x ϕ = (λ + )ϕ, ∂x ψ = −(λ + )ψ, Iρ 2Iρ Iρ 2Iρ with the boundary conditions (p + q)(0, t) = (ϕ + ψ)(0, t) = (p + q)(l, t) = (ϕ + ψ)(l, t) = 0. Then we have r p(x) = c1 exp(λ ρ x), K r r q(x) = −c1 exp(−λ ρ x), K Z x Iρ b(y) (λx + dy)), ϕ(x) = c2 exp( EI 0 2Iρ r Z x Iρ b(y) ψ(x) = −c2 exp(− (λx + dy)), EI 0 2Iρ where c1 and c2 are in R\{0}. Using the boundary conditions, we see that one of the following two equations must hold for non-trivial solutions, r r ρ ρ exp(λ l) − exp(−λ l) = 0, K K r r Z l Z l Iρ b(y) Iρ b(y) exp( (λl + dy)) − exp(− (λl + dy) = 0, EI 2I EI ρ 0 0 2Iρ 6 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 these imply that 1 Re(λ) = 0 or Re(λ) = − l l Z ( 0 b(x) )dx, 2Iρ and thus α = sup{Re(λ), λ ∈ σ(L2 )} = 0. Then re (eL2 t ) = 1. Using the property r(eLt ) ≥ re (eLt ) we deduce, the non uniform EI stability of the semigroup associated to the Timoshenko beam if K ρ 6= Iρ . 3. Uniform stability In this section our main result is the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Assuming that b(x) satisfies (2.4), eLt is exponentially stable if K EI ρ = Iρ . The proof of the uniform stability is based on the construction of a Lyapunov function φ(Y (t)) satisfying the following inequalities: i) There exist two positives constants, d0 , d1 such that 2 d0 kY k ≤ φ(Y ) ≤ d1 kY k 2 ∀ Y D(L) (3.1) ii) There exist a positive constant d2 such that 2 ∂t φ(Y (t)) ≤ −d2 kY (t)k (3.2) To construct this function we will use the multiplicative technique. Lemma 3.2. If φ(Y (t)) satisfies (3.1), (3.2), then there exist m and e a positive constant such that kY (t)k2 ≤ m exp(−et)kY (0)k2 2 Proof. It follows from (3.1) that − kY (t)k ≤ − d11 φ(Y (t)). Using (3.2) then we have d2 ∂t φ(Y (t)) ≤ − φ(Y (t)) d1 thus d2 φ(Y (t)) ≤ exp(− t)φ(Y ) . d1 Using (3.1), we have kY (t)k2 ≤ dd10 exp(− dd21 t)kY k2 Lemma 3.3. For any positive constant ε1 and scalar functions h, c such that: h(0) > 0, h(l) < 0, hx < 0 on [b0 , b1 ], hx > 0 on [0, l]\[b0 , b1 ], and cxx < 0 on [0, l], we have the following statements: i) Z l Z Z −EI l Iρ l EI ∂t Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx = hx (ϕx )2 dx − hx (∂t ϕ)2 dx + [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 2 2 0 2 0 0 Z l Z l − (b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx + K (wx − ϕ).hϕx dx, 0 0 ii) Z l Z Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)ϕdx = − EI ∂t 0 0 l EI c(ϕx ) dx + 2 2 Z l 2 Z cxx (ϕ) dx + Iρ 0 0 l c(∂t ϕ)2 dx. EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM l Z Z l (wx − ϕ).cϕdx − +K 7 (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx. 0 0 iii) l Z ρ∂t w.ε1 (−∂xx )−1 ∂x (h(x)ϕx + c(x)ϕ)dx ∂t 0 l Z l Z =K ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕdx. Z 0 0 l K(wx − ϕ).(ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx ϕdx + 0 l Z ρ∂t w.((−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)∂t ϕx + ε1 c(x)∂t ϕ))dx, + 0 where (−∂xx )−1 is taken in the sense of Dirichlet boundary conditions. Proof. i) Multiplying the second equation in 1.3) by h(x)ϕx , we get Z l Z l Z l ∂t Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx = Iρ ∂tt ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx + Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)∂t ϕx dx 0 0 0 l Z Z l (EIϕxx + K(wx − ϕ) − b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx + = 0 l Z Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)∂t ϕx dx 0 = (− 0 EI Iρ (ϕx )2 hx − (∂t ϕ)2 hx )dx 2 2 l Z (K(wx − ϕ) − b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx + + 0 EI [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 2 ii) Multiplying the second equation of (1.3) by c(x)ϕ, we get Z l ∂t Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)ϕdx 0 l Z l Z = Iρ ∂tt ϕ.c(x)ϕdx + Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)∂t ϕdx 0 0 l Z Z (EIϕxx + K(wx − ϕ) − b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx + = 0 l Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)∂t ϕdx 0 Z = −EI l c(ϕx )2 dx + 0 EI 2 Z l cxx (ϕ)2 dx + K 0 l Z − l (wx − ϕ).cϕdx 0 Z (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx + Iρ 0 Z l c(∂t ϕ)2 dx 0 iii) Multiplying the first equation of (1.3) by f = (−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ), f (0) = f (l) = 0, we obtain Z l ∂t (ρ∂t w.f )dx 0 l Z l Z K∂x (wx − ϕ).f dx + = 0 ρ∂t w.(∂t f )dx 0 Z =− l Z K(wx − ϕ).fx dx + 0 l ρ∂t w.(∂t f )dx 0 8 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 l Z K(wx − ϕ).∂x (−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx + =− 0 Z l ρ∂t w.(∂t f )dx 0 Note that −∂x (−∂xx )−1 ∂x v = v − Z l ∂t (ρ∂t w.f )dx 1 l Rl 0 v dx. Then 0 l Z K(wx − ϕ).(ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx = 0 1 l − Z l Z 0 l Z K(wx − ϕ)dx + ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕdx. 0 l ρ∂t w.(∂t f )dx 0 l Z K l = K(wx − ϕ).(ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx + ε1 h(x)ϕx l 0 0 Z l Z l + ε1 c(x)ϕdx. ϕdx − ρ∂t w.((−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)∂t ϕx + ε1 c(x)∂t ϕ))dx. Z 0 0 Now we introduce the function Z l Z l Z l φ1 (Y (t)) := E(t) + ε1 Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx + ε1 Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)ϕdx − (ρ∂t w.f )dx 0 0 0 Lemma 3.4. For positive constants ai (i = 1, 4) and α = |(hx ∂x (−∂xx )−1 − h)|L2 (0,l) , β = |∂x (−∂xx )−1 |L2 (0,l) we have |∂t φ1 (Y (t))| Z l Iρ a1 b2 a2 b2 ε1 α ε1 βc2 ≤ (−b(x) − ε1 hx + ε1 Iρ c + ε1 + ε1 + + )(∂t ϕ)2 dx 2 2 2 2a 2a 3 4 0 Z l h2 EI EI + (−ε1 hx − ε1 EIc + ε1 )(ϕx )2 dx + ε1 [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 2 2a 2 1 0 Z l EI c2 + (ε1 cxx + ε1 )(ϕ)2 dx 2 2a2 0 Z l Z l + K (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx 0 +( 0 ε1 a3 α ε1 a4 β + ) 2 2 Z l (ρ∂t w)2 dx. 0 Proof. Note that ∂t φ1 (Y (t)) Z =∂t E(t) + ε1 ∂t Z l 0 Z Z 0 Z 0 l EI [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 ) 2 l (ρ∂t w.f )dx 0 Z l EI Iρ b(x)(∂t ϕ)2 dx + ε1 ( (− (ϕx )2 hx − (∂t ϕ)2 hx )dx 2 2 0 (K(wx − ϕ) − b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx + + l Iρ ∂t ϕ.c(x)ϕdx − ∂t Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx + ε1 ∂t 0 =− l EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM 9 l Z Z l EI l cxx (ϕ)2 dx + K (wx − ϕ).cϕdx 2 0 0 0 Z l Z l − (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx + Iρ c(∂t ϕ)2 dx) Z + ε1 (−EI c(ϕx )2 dx + 0 Z 0 l − K(wx − ϕ).(ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx 0 − K l Z l − Z l Z (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. 0 l ϕdx 0 ρ∂t w.((−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)∂t ϕx + ε1 c(x)∂t ϕ))dx 0 l Z l EI Iρ 2 (−ε1 hx − ε1 EIc)(ϕx )2 dx = (−b(x) − ε1 hx + ε1 Iρ c)(∂t ϕ) dx + 2 2 0 0 Z l Z l Z l − ε1 (b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx − K (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx Z 0 + ε1 Z − EI EI [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 + ε1 2 2 0 Z 0 l cxx (ϕ)2 dx − ε1 0 Z l (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx 0 l ρ∂t w.((−∂xx )−1 ∂x (ε1 h(x)∂t ϕx + ε1 c(x)∂t ϕ))dx. 0 Z l Iρ EI 2 = (−b(x) − ε1 hx + ε2 Iρ c)(∂t ϕ) dx + (−ε1 hx − ε1 EIc)(ϕx )2 dx 2 2 0 0 Z l Z Z l K l − ε1 (b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx − (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx l 0 0 0 Z Z l EI EI l + ε1 [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 + ε1 cxx (ϕ)2 dx − ε1 (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx 2 2 0 0 Z l Z l −1 − ρε1 (hx ∂x (−∂xx ) − h)∂t w.∂t ϕdx + ρε1 ∂x (−∂xx )−1 ∂t w.c(x)∂t ϕdx. Z l 0 0 Using Young’s inequality we obtain Z Z l Z l l 1 (b(x)∂t ϕ).h(x)ϕx dx ≤ a1 (b(x)∂t ϕ)2 dx + (h(x)ϕx )2 dx, 2 0 2a1 0 0 Z l Z l Z l 1 (b(x)∂t ϕ).c(x)ϕdx ≤ a2 (b(x)∂t ϕ)2 dx + (c(x)ϕ)2 dx, 2 2a 2 0 0 0 Z l Z Z l ε a α ε1 α l 1 3 −1 2 ρε1 (hx ∂x (−∂xx ) − h)∂t w.∂t ϕdx ≤ (ρ∂t w) dx + (∂t ϕ)2 dx , 2 2a3 0 0 0 Z Z Z l ε1 a4 β l ε1 β l −1 2 ρε1 ∂x (−∂xx ) ∂t w.c(x)∂t ϕdx ≤ (ρ∂t w) dx + (c(x)∂t ϕ)2 dx. 2 2a4 0 0 0 Then |∂t φ1 (Y (t))| Z l Iρ a1 b2 a2 b2 ε1 α ε1 βc2 ≤ (−b(x) − ε1 hx + ε1 Iρ c + ε1 + ε1 + + )(∂t ϕ)2 dx 2 2 2 2a3 2a4 0 10 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 l EI h2 hx − ε1 EIc + ε1 )(ϕx )2 dx 2 2a 1 0 Z l EI EI c2 + ε1 [h.(ϕx )2 ]l0 + (ε1 cxx + ε1 )(ϕ)2 dx 2 2 2a2 0 Z Z l Z l K l ε1 a3 α ε1 a4 β + (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx + ( + ) (ρ∂t w)2 dx. l 0 2 2 0 0 Z + (−ε1 Lemma 3.5. For scalar positive constants ai (i = 5, 6), and scalar functions k, d such that k(0) > 0, k(l) < 0, kx < 0 on [b0 , b1 ], kx > 0 on [0, l]\[b0 , b1 ], and d > 0 on [0, l], we have: i) Z l Z l Z l K a5 1 ∂t ρ∂t w.k(x)wx dx ≤ (− kx + K )(wx )2 dx + K (k(x)ϕx )2 dx 2 2 2a 5 0 0 0 Z l ρ K − kx (∂t w)2 dx + [k.(wx )2 ]l0 , 2 0 2 ii) l Z −∂t l Z Z l K(wx − ϕ).∂x (d(x)w)dx − ρ∂t w.d(x)wdx = 0 0 ρd(x)(∂t w)2 dx, 0 and iii) ∂t l Z Z (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx 0 l ≤ 0 K a6 (− + )(ϕ − wx )2 dx + Iρ 2Iρ Z l (1 + 0 K Iρ b2 )(∂t ϕ)2 dx + [ϕx .wx ]l0 . 2a6 ρ Proof. i) Multiplying the first equation in (1.3) by k(x)wx , we obtain Z l ∂t ρ∂t w.k(x)wx dx 0 l Z = l Z ρ∂tt w.k(x)wx dx + ρ∂t w.k(x)∂t wx dx 0 0 l Z Z K∂x (wx − ϕ).k(x)wx dx + = 0 l ρ∂t w.k(x)∂t wx dx 0 Z =− 0 l K kx (wx )2 dx − 2 l Z Z Kϕx .k(x)wx dx − 0 0 l ρ K kx (∂t w)2 dx + [k.(wx )2 ]l0 2 2 Using Young’s inequality we obtain Z l Z Z l a5 l 1 ϕx .k(x)wx dx ≤ (wx )2 dx + (k(x)ϕx )2 dx. 2 2a 5 0 0 0 Then Z l Z Iρ ∂t ϕ.h(x)ϕx dx ≤ ∂t 0 l (− 0 Z − 0 l K a5 1 kx + K )(wx )2 dx + K 2 2 2a5 ρ K kx (∂t w)2 dx + [k.(wx )2 ]l0 . 2 2 Z 0 l (k(x)ϕx )2 dx EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM 11 ii) Multiplying the first equation in (1.3) by d(x)w, we obtain Z l Z l Z l −∂t ρ∂t w.d(x)wdx = − ρ∂tt w.d(x)wdx − ρ∂t w.d(x)∂t wdx 0 0 0 l Z Z =− l K∂x (wx − ϕ).d(x)wdx − 0 0 Z l l Z K(wx − ϕ).∂x (d(x)w)dx − = 0 ρd(x)(∂t w)2 dx ρd(x)(∂t w)2 dx 0 iii) Multiplying the first equation in (1.3) by ϕx and the second equation of system (1.3) by ϕ − wx , we obtain Z l ∂t (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx 0 l Z l Z ∂tt ϕ.(ϕ − wx )dx + = ∂t ϕ.(∂t ϕ − ∂t wx )dx 0 0 l Z − l Z ∂tt w.ϕx dx − 0 l Z ∂t w∂t ϕx dx 0 EI ϕxx .(ϕ − wx )dx − Iρ = 0 Z K (ϕ − wx )2 dx − Iρ 0 l Z l Z l ∂t ϕ.(∂t ϕ − ∂t wx )dx − + 0 0 K ρ Z l Z l b(x) ∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx )dx Iρ 0 Z l K ∂x (wx − ϕ).ϕx dx − ∂t w∂t ϕx dx. ρ 0 EI Iρ , Using the fact that = we have Z l ∂t (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx 0 Z l =− 0 K (ϕ − wx )2 dx − Iρ l Z 0 b(x) ∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx )dx + Iρ (∂t ϕ)2 dx − 0 K [ϕx .wx ]l0 . ρ Using Young’s inequality we have Z Z l Z l l b(x) Iρ a6 ∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx )dx ≤ (b(x)∂t ϕ)2 dx + (ϕ − wx )2 dx I 2a 2I ρ 6 ρ 0 0 0 Therefore, Z l ∂t (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx Z 0 l ≤ 0 K a6 (− + )(ϕ − wx )2 dx + Iρ 2Iρ Z l (1 + 0 K Iρ b2 )(∂t ϕ)2 dx + [ϕx .wx ]l0 . 2a6 ρ Now, we define the Lyapunov function associated to this problem. Z l φ(Y (t)) =φ1 (Y (t)) + ε2 (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx 0 Z l ρ∂t w.(k(x)wx − d(x)w)dx. + ε3 0 (3.3) 12 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 Lemma 3.6. For εi (i = 1, 2, 3) sufficiently small and c, h, k, d satisfying hx (x) + c(x) < 0 ∀ x ∈]0, l[\]b0 , b1 [ 2 hx (x) + c(x) > 0 ∀ x ∈]0, l[ 2 kx (x) + d(x) > 0 ∀ x ∈]0, l[, 2 the function φ(Y (t)) satisfies (3.1) and (3.2). − Proof. Note that Z l (∂t ϕ.(ϕ − wx ) − ∂t w.ϕx )dx ∂t φ(Y (t)) =∂t φ1 (Y (t)) + ε2 ∂t 0 Z l ρ∂t w.(k(x)wx − d(x)w)dx. + ε3 ∂t 0 Using the Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4, we obtain |∂t φ(Y (t))| Z l Iρ a1 b2 a2 b2 ε1 α ≤ (−b(x) − ε1 hx + ε1 Iρ c(x) + ε1 + ε1 + 2 2 2 2a3 0 2 2 Iρ b ε1 βc + + ε2 (1 + ))(∂t ϕ)2 dx 2a4 2a6 Z l (h(x))2 ε3 EI hx − ε1 EIc + ε1 +K (k(x))2 )(ϕx )2 dx + (−ε1 2 2a 2a 1 5 0 Z l Z l EI (c(x))2 K a6 + (ε1 cxx + ε1 )(ϕ)2 dx + ε2 (− + )(ϕ − wx )2 dx 2 2a2 Iρ 2Iρ 0 0 Z Z Z l l K l + ε3 K(wx − ϕ).∂x (d(x)w)dx + (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx l 0 0 0 K EI Kε 3 l 2 l 2 l + ε2 | [ϕx .wx ]0 | + ε1 [h.(ϕx ) ]0 + [k.(wx ) ]0 ρ 2 2 Z l K a5 + ε3 (− kx + K )(wx )2 dx 2 2 0 Z l ε3 ρ ε1 a3 α ε1 a4 β 2 + (− kx − ε3 ρd(x) + ( + )ρ )(∂t w)2 dx . 2 2 2 0 Using Cauchy Shwartz’s inequality and Young’s inequality, we obtain Z Z Z l l Ka7 l K 2 K(wx − ϕ).(d(x)wx )dx ≤ (wx − ϕ) dx + (d(x)wx )2 dx 2 2a7 0 0 0 where a7 > 0, Z Z Z 2 l Ka7 l Kd c0 l 2 K(wx − ϕ).dx wdx ≤ (wx − ϕ) dx + (wx )2 dx 2 2a7 0 0 0 where d = max(dx ), Z Z l K l (ε1 h(x)ϕx + ε1 c(x)ϕ)dx. ϕdx l 0 0 EJDE–2003/29 UNIFORM STABILIZATION FOR THE TIMOSHENKO BEAM ≤ K l 2 ε1 l 2 Z l (h(x)ϕx )2 dx + 0 l Z ( 0 13 Kl2 ε1 (2 + c2 (x)) 2 )ϕ dx. 2 Then |∂t φ(Y (t))| ≤ l Iρ a1 b2 a2 b2 ε1 α hx + ε1 Iρ c(x) + ε1 + ε1 + 2 2 2 2a3 0 2 2 ε1 βc Iρ b + + ε2 (1 + ))(∂t ϕ)2 dx 2a4 2a6 Z l ε3 EI (h(x))2 hx − ε1 EIc + ε1 +K (k(x))2 + (−ε1 2 2a 2a 1 5 0 l 2 ε1 Kl2 ε1 (2 + c2 ) (h(x))2 + c0 ( ))(ϕx )2 dx +K 2l 2 Z l EI (c(x))2 + (ε1 cxx + ε1 )(ϕ)2 dx 2 2a 2 0 Z l ε2 K ε2 a6 + (− + + ε3 Ka7 )(ϕ − wx )2 dx Iρ 2Iρ 0 EI K EI K + (ε2 + ε1 h(l))(ϕx (l))2 + (ε2 − ε1 h(0))(ϕx (0))2 2ρ 2 2ρ 2 Kε3 K Kε3 K + k(l))(wx (l))2 + (ε2 − k(0))(wx (0))2 + (ε2 2ρ 2 2ρ 2 Z l 2 K a5 Kd c0 Kd2 + ε3 (− kx + K + + )(wx )2 dx 2 2 2a7 2a7 0 Z l ε3 ρ ε1 a3 α ε1 a4 β 2 + (− kx − ε3 ρd(x) + ( + )ρ )(∂t w)2 dx, 2 2 2 0 Z (−b(x) − ε1 where c0 is the Poincarré constant and c = max(c(x)) on [0, l], then we choose εi (i = 1, 2, 3) sufficiently small and we choose the constant ai (i = 1 . . . 7) such that a2 b2 Iρ b2 a1 b2 + ε1 + ε2 < 0, 2 2 2a6 Iρ ε1 α ε1 βc2 −ε1 hx + ε1 Iρ c(x) + + + ε2 < 0, 2 2a3 2a4 EI (h(x))2 ε3 l 2 ε1 −ε1 hx (x) − ε1 EIc(x) + ε1 +K (k(x))2 + K (h(x))2 < 0, 2 2a1 2a5 2l ε2 K ε2 a6 ε3 Ka7 − + + < 0, Iρ 2Iρ 2 ε3 ρ ε1 a3 α ε1 a4 β 2 − kx − ε3 ρd(x) + ( + )ρ < 0, 2 2 2 2 EI (c(x)) cxx + < 0, 2 2a2 −b(x) + ε1 2 K a5 Kd c0 Kd2 kx + K + + < 0, 2 2 2a7 2a7 ρ ρ ε2 < min(−ε1 EI h(l), ε1 EI h(0), −ρε3 k(l), ρε3 k(0)) K K − 14 A. SOUFYANE & A. WEHBE EJDE–2003/29 Then φ(Y (t)) satisfies (3.2). The inequality (3.1) follows from the Cauchy Schwartz inequality. Thus the system is exponentially stable. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the anonymous referee for his or her valuable suggestions. A. Soufyane would like to thank Dr. A. Benabdallah for her help. References [1] Afilal M. and Ammar Khodja F., Stability of coupled second order equations. Prépublications de l’Equipe de Mathématiques de Besançon, 1997. [2] Benchimol C.D, A note on week Stabilizability of contractions semigroups, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 16, pp 373.-379, 1978. [3] Gohberg and Krein M., Introduction to the Theory of Linear non Selfadjoint Operators, Translations of Math. Monographs, Vol 18, Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, R. I., 1969. [4] Kim J. U. and Renardy Y., Boundary control of the Timoshenko beam, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 25, 6 pp 1417-1429, 1987. 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