.50/0 P.S.Z.N. I: Marine Ecology, 17 (1-3): 399-410 (1996) @ 1996 Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag,Berlin ISSN 0173-9565 Accepted: May 1, 1995 BERNHARDRlEGL & ANDREARlEGL Institut fur Palaontologie,Geozentmm,AlthanstraBe14,A-I091 Wien, Austria. (fonnerly: Coastal Ecology Unit, Zoology Department,University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa) With 8 figures and I table Key-words: Episodic disturbance,coral community structure,coral reef, South Africa, Scleractinia, Alcyonacea,fragmentation,regeneration. Abstract. Africa's southernmostcoral reefs aresituatedin Natal Province, SouthAfrica. The Natal coast is exposedto openoceanswells andepisodic storm swell conditions. Benthic communities on thesereefs differentiated into three community types: shallowreefs (8-18 m) weredominatedby alcyonaceancorals and low-growing, massive Scleractinia; intermediate reefs (18-25 m) were dominated chiefly by branching and tabular Scleractinia of the genusAcropora (A. austera,A. clathrata); deepreefs were not dominated by corals but by sponges.Breakageand recovery experimentsindicated thatthe difference in Acropora dominance between shallow and intermediate sites was causedby breakagein high swell conditions. Survival of experimentally produced A. austera fragments was significantly higher in intermediate than in shallow sites,where higher surge made re-attachmentand regenerationunlikely. Also, colony morphology was adaptedto differential surge conditions: colonies on the shallow reefs were smaller with shorterbranches,while on intermediatereefs theywere much bigger with long, widely spreading branches. EpisodiQ breakage and low fragment survival due to high water-motion thus excludedbranching corals from shallowreef sites. Problem Coral reefs can react very sensitively to disturbances. Severe disturbances, usually episodic events occurring at long, irregular time intervals, can completely change the entire coral community by killing all or a large proportion of its corals (HARMELIN-VIVIEN& LABOUTE,1986; DOLLAR & TRIBBLE, 1993). Subsequent recovery can take place from surviving fragments (HIGHSMITH,1982) or by colonization by species present in the larval pool. Smaller-scale disturbances, also episodic but more frequent, are only likely to damage a portion of the resident corals, without necessarily disadvantaging the other community members (PORTER& MEIER, 1992; ROBERTSet ai., 1994): Only individual colonies or species will be affected by mortality (GLADFELTER,1982; CURRANet ai., 1994) and no community turn-over as after a large-scale disturbance will be observed. These smaller-scale disturbances can nevertheless also profoundly influence community structure. U. S. CopyrightClearance CenterCodeStatement:0173-9565/96/1701 -0399 $ 400 RlEGL & RlEGL Wave energyhas long beenknown as one of the most important factors controlling reef growth. High wave-energycan do considerabledamageto coral reefs (DOLLAR,1982; ARONSON et al., 1994; ROGERS, 1994): On South African reefs, branching corals are particularly at risk of being damaged by high wave-energy. However, breakage in branching corals needs not necessarilybe a disadvantage,as many speciesare able to reproduceby fragmentation (HIGHSMrrn,1982). For this strategyto be successful,fragmentationmust not occur too frequently and wave-actionhas to be low enoughto allow fragmentsto remain stable until they can re-attach.Otherwise, this episodic disturbancewould gravely disadvantagethe species. This paperinvestigatesthe coral community structureof reefs in different depths and therefore in different wave-exposureregimes (DENNY,1988) in SouthAfrica and the effects of frequently recurring small-scaledisturbancesby high wave-energy. The impact of high wave-energyon the common, open-arborescently-growing, branching coral Acropora austera (DANA, 1846) and the importance of episodic high wave-energyevents on this species'role in community structurewere evaluated. Material and Methods 1 .Study area The study area was situated in the Maputaland reef system in northern Natal, South Africa (Fig. 1). The geomorphology of these reefs deviates from that found on typical coral reefs (RAMSEY& MASON, 1991; RlEGL et al., 1995). They generally do not reach the surface (minimum depth 6-8 m) and therefore lack a typical reef crest, do not enclose a lagoon, and have no pronounced reef slope (mostly sloping at less than 10°). Major topographical features are gullies and associated drop-offs of up to 5 m, dissecting the reefs in irregular intervals and orientation. Two types of reef, which developed on two different types of underlying topography, occur: deep, flat outcrops between 18 and 24 m depth (4-Mile Reef, Kosi Mouth Reef) and typical fossil dunes or shallow sandstone outcrops, typically reaching from 8 to about 34 m depth (2-Mile Reef, 9-Mile Reef, Red Sands Reef). The Maputaland coastline is influenced by the headwaters of the developing Agulhas current, flowing north-south. Maximum current speed in the area is around 1.5 m .s-l. Surface waters are a mixture of tropical water from the Mozambique channel and subtropical water from the east (SCHUMANN & ORREN,1980). The area is characterized by high swells, predominantly from the south (SCHUMANN& ORREN,1980). Swells generated in the Southern Ocean reach the reefs. These usually have a long period (around 10 s) and deepwater wave heights around 2 m, although they may be considerably larger. Swells generated by cyclones in the Mozambique channel can also reach the area. Strong coastal lows propagating in a north easterly direction up the coast can create high wind seas and local currents. Superimposed on ocean swells, wave heights are sufficient to cause shoaling on the shallow reefs (8 m depth). Such conditions occurred twice in a three-year observational period (1991-1993). Water velocities created by surge in 20 m depth ranged from 0.07 m .s-1 in calm to over 1 m. s-1 in medium swell conditions (unpubl. data). 2. Community structure analysis Quantitative surveys were carried out using the line-transectmethod with continuousrecording of the intercepts of all organisms and geological features underlying the transectline (LoYA, 1978). Ideal transect length was established by means of a species-per-areacurve and was found to be at 10 m. How episodic coral breakagecan detennine community structure 401 MOZAMBIQUE 27"00' 5 T , 9-Mile Reef SOUTH AFRICA /8 4-Mile Reef 1 2-Mile Reef Red Sands Reef I 10km N J Fig. 1.The studysites onthe Maputaland reefcomplexesin northernNatal, SouthAfrica. Only thenames of reefs sampled for this study aregiven. r'-\,.../"'-~~~L~ 402 RlEGL & RIEGL Therefore, 10-m-1ong line transects were recorded. Series of at least 10 transects, following the depth contour with one meter spacing between them, were repeatedly recorded at randomly chosen sites. This was necessary due to the low topographical differentiation of the reefs. Transect depths varied between 8 and 34 m, and 5-7 sample sites were surveyed per reef. Phototransects, covering areas of 4x10 m each, were taken for control purposes. These provided further line-transect information. The photograph's scale was determined by using markings on the transect line, which was visible in each photograph. Coral intercepts on the transect line were measured using a ruler; the data were then multiplied by the scale of the photographs to estimate the actual intercept distances. The intercepts of corals, all other major invertebrate groups such as sponges and ascidians, as well as sand and unoccupied rock were recorded. Unoccupied rock was defined as lacking macroalgae or invertebrates. A total of 171 transects was recorded on five reefs (Fig. 1), and two data sets were produced: one with quantitative information, indicating the proportional surface cover of each species, and one with qualitative information, giving only presence/absence data. Quantitative data were standardized by standard deviation in order to achieve scale independence (DIGBY & KEMPTON,1987) and then subjected to hierarchical, agglomerative cluster analysis using W ARD'Smethod of linkage. In a second step, the transects of each locality were pooled and localities were compared. Squared Euclidian distance or the Correlation Similarity Coefficient was used as distance measure for quantitative pooled data. For qualitative data, the Binary LANCE-WILUAMS Dissimilarity Coefficient was used (DIGBY & KEMPTON, 1987). Species diversity was expressed using SHANNON'S Diversity Index (PiELOU,1975). Prior to statistical analysis data were tested using KOLMOGOROF-SMIRNOV tests. Data fulfilled the assumption of normal distribution; therefore, parametric statistics were used. 3. Morphological characteristics of fragile species The most commonbranching species(Acropora austera),which appearedto be susceptibleto breakage and dislocation in high wave-energy conditions, was examined separatelyon three reefs in different depths and therefore wave-exposure(2-Mile, 4-Mile, 9-Mile Reefs). Colony size was expressedas colony volume and was calculated by considering the colonies to occupy arectangular space,which could becalculatedby width times lengthtimes height. Also, average branch length and branch diameter at the base of brancheswas measured(averagedfrom 10 measurements per colony). The number of unattachedfragments within 50 cm of each colony (this being a distance within which the fragments could easily be allocated to their colony of origin) was recorded. 4. Field experiment to determine different reef zones fragment survival in Five sites were chosento test the survival of fragments in localities at different depth and therefore wave-exposure.The sites representedall major environments on the investigatedreefs and differed in substratumtype, morphology, and coral cover. One shallow,exposedsite (12 m) wassituated on 2-Mile Reef, where A. austera is rare. It was the dominant community member on 4-Mile Reef, where sites were at 18 m on a gentle slopeand at 24 m near a ledge on a flat sand plain and in a shallow depression on a coral carpet.Thesesitesrepresentedenvironmentsof different wave exposure,as water movement due to wave action decreaseswith depth (DENNY,1988). A total of 170 fragments was generatedby cutting or chiselling branches off previously unfragmented colonies. The fragments were then placed near each other on the seafloor within five marked areas(characterizedabove),where they could be recovered.Only healthybranchescovered entirely by living tissues were cut off. Initially, therefore, only the areas of breakagewere tissue-free. After one month the fragments were collected and analyzed.The percentageof fragments recovered from each site was recorded. Surviving tissues were easily identified by their cream to yellow colour, and the percentageof surviving tissue was estimated. How episodic coral breakagecan detennine community structure 403 Results 1. Community structure Benthic communities were dominated by corals (94.6% of total living coverage). Scleractinia occupied slightly more spacethan Alcyonacea(52.1% versus42.5%); otherorganismslike spongesand ascidiansonly covered5.4% of the total intercept. Among the Scleractinia,the Acroporidae had the highestproportional coverage (16.2% of total scleractinian cover) followed by the Faviidae (13.8%). Among Alcyonacea,the leathery, low-growing forms in the genera Lobophytum (20.6%) and Sinularia (16.3%) dominated. Classification of quantitative data of all transects(unpooled, all sites; Fig. 2) showed differentiation into two major community types, one dominated by Scleractinia and another dominated by Alcyonacea and other taxa. Within the major clusters (A and B, Fig. 2), the transectsfrom different reefs did not separateinto different subclusters. Cluster A was made up to the greatestpart by transectsfrom 4-Mile Reef. Almost all transectsin this cluster were from depths greaterthan 15 m, mostly from 18 to 25 m. Two distinct coral communities were representedin this cluster. One group of transectsfrom gullies was mostly dominated by Montipora speciesand had low living coverage. A second group of transectswas from flat parts of the reefs and representeda distinct Acropora-dominated community. The predominant species were the open arborescentA. austeraand the vasiform A. clathrata. ClusterB was made up largely by transectsfrom 2-Mile, 9-Mile, and Red Sands Reefs, most transectsbeing shallowerthan 15 m, excepta group of sponge-dominatedtransectsfrom 25-34 m. The shallow transectswere characterizedby Alcyonacea of the generaSinularia and Lobophytum.The most common Scleractinia in this cluster were various Faviidae and the vasiform A. clathrata. Acropora-dominated (mainly A. Busters) (18-25 m) Fig. 2. Classification of all transects. Clusters correspond to community types within defined depth zones. 404 RIEGL & RmGL Kosi Bay Reef A qualitative Red Sands Reef = presence/absence L[ 0 5 10 lS 20 9 -Mile Reef 4 -Mile Reef 2 .Mile Reef 25 B Kosi Bay Reef = intercept 4 -Mile Reef 9 -Mile Reef 2 -Mile Reef Red Sands Reef Fig. 3. Classification of valuespooled for eachsite. A) Qualitative datasetgiving only presence/absence information on species; B) Quantitative data setgiving total coverage information for eachspecieson eachreef. Therefore, four different communitiescould be differentiated: a gully community dominated by Scleractinia (Montipora, Faviidae) in all depths; a community outside the gullies dominated by Alcyonacea (Lobophytumspp. and Sinularia spp.) in depthsless than 18 m; a Scleractinia-dominatedcommunity (A. austera,A. clathrata) between 18 and 25 m; a very deep community between 25 and 34 m predominatedby sponges(20-70% of total living cover). The comparisonof the pooled datasetsof quantitative as well as qualitative data showed similar trends (Fig. 3). The pooled values of the medium-deep,flat reefs between 18 and 25 m (4-Mile and Kosi Mouth Reefs)separatedfrom those on the shallow and very deepreefs (2-Mile, 9-Mile, Red SandsReefs), reflecting the high Acropora dominanceexclusive to medium depthareas. Pooled qualitative data (presence/absence of species)showed the speciescomposition of mo.streefs to be very similar. Only Kosi Mouth Reef fell outside one cluster with high similarity, which was due to the exclusive occurrence of two Acropora (A. horrida, A. palifera). No significant differences existed between coral species diversity and coral coverage betweenthe depth groupings 8 to 18 m and 18 to 25 m, but these depth groupings did differ significantly from that at 25 to 34 m (ANOV A, F = 15.9, df: 2,20; P < 0.001; TuKEYHSD test; Table 1). How episodic coral breakagecandetermine community structure 405 Table 1. Diversity (SHANNON'S Index, H') in different depthzones,Pooledvalues from all surveyedreefs. depth 8-18 m 18-25 m 25-34 m n transects 89 70 13 diversity (H') 2.09:t 0.30 2.23:t 0.36 1.69:t 0.36 The alcyonaceanspecieswhich dominated in shallow water were also common on the deeperreefs. The branching A. austera,however, which dominated wide areasof the deeperreefs was uncommon in the shallow areas.Based on the above findings, we assumedthat this specieswas excluded from shallow areas by the higher wave-energyexperiencedthere, which can causebreakageand high mortality. Therefore,this specieswas separatelyevaluatedin shallow and deepareasand the survival of fragmentswas tested. 2. Morphological characteristics of fragile species Apart from occupyingmore spacein the community, individual colonies of branching A. austera were bigger (t = -2.12, P < 0.05), more upward oriented, and had longer branches on the deep4-Mile Reef than on the shallow 2-Mile and 9-Mile Reefs (ANOV A, F = 22.1, df: 2, 20; P < 0.01). On the shallow reefs, this specieswas generallyrare and where present,colonies were smaller, low-growing, and had shorterbranches(averagecolony volume on 4-Mile Reef: 562.7 :t 1075.3 (SO) litres, on 2- and 9-Mile Reefs: 3.5 :t 4.1 (SO) litres; Figs. 4 & 5). There was a significant positive correlation between branch depth and colony volume (r2 = 0.60, P < 0.05; Fig. 6); averagebranch length and maximal branch width also increasedlinearly with depth (r2 = 0.62, P < 0.01; r2 = 0.79, P < 0.01; Figs. 7 & 8). The number of unattachedfragments within 50 cm radius of colonies also differed significantly betweenthe depths (ANOV A: F = 6.32; df: 2, 20; P < 0.05), increasinglinearly with depth(r2 = 0.84, P < 0.05; Fig. 9). 3. Field experiment to determine fragment survival in different reef zones The amountof fragmentsrecoveredafterone monthdiffered dependingon the depth of the experimentalsites.All fragmentswere lost at the shallow(12 m) stations,53% were found at the middle (18 m) station, and 82% at the deep (24 m) station. Overall loss of fragments was clearly depth-dependent.Most fragmentsdid not remain in the same locality where they were initially depositedbut were moved by watermotion. None remained in their initial position atthe shallowsite (12 m), 75% at the middle site (18 m), and 90% at the deepsite (24 m, Fig. 8). Also, survival rates varied with depth. In the deep (24 m) stations,56% of all fragments lost up to half of their living tissueswithin one month; 30% lost all their tissues.If lost fragments were counted as dead,48% of all fragmentshad died. In the middle (18 m) station,41 % of fragments lost up to 50% of their tissues,while 18%were found dead.Again, if lost specimenswere countedasdead,the total loss would have been58%. In the shallow (12 m) station,no fragmentswere recovered, RIEGL & RIEGL 406 Acropora-dominated community E §. - .c C) c .! .c u c m .. ,Q depth (m) Fig. 4. Mean differences in averagebranch length (:t: SO) on unbroken colonies between depth zones pooled from all reefs. as they were washedoff the reef by wave action. We suspectthat all lost fragments had died and therefore the total failure to recover any fragment led to assumed 100% mortality. Discussion The community studyshoweda clear differentiation of coral communitiesinto four basic types: a shallow (8-18 m) Alcyonacea- (Lobophytum spp., Sinularia spp.) dominatedcommunity, a medium-depth(18-25 m) Scleractinia- (Acropora austera, A. clathrata)dominatedcommunity, and a deep(25-34 m) sponge-dominatedcommunity. A distinct gully community (dominated by Scleractinia, Montipora spp., Faviidae) alternatedwith the shallow and the medium-depthcommunities. The factor causing the differentiation into gully- and non-gully community is believed to be high sedimentation in the gullies due to resuspendedlocal sand (RIEGLet al., 1995). The differentiation betweenthe coral-dominated shallow and medium-depthcommunities and the sponge-dominateddeep community was most likely caused by different light availability (PORTER et al., 1985; JOKIEL,1988). Corals did not appearto receive sufficient light below 28 m depth. The differentiation betweenthe shallowand medium-depthcommunity is unlikely to be causedby light availability. Coral speciesdiversity and coral coverage in the medium depth community is as high as in the shallow community. Species composition is also similar, only branching Acropora, suchas A. austera,are rare 13 How episodic coral breakagecandetennine cornrnunity structure 407 Acropora-dominated community depth (m) Fig. 5. Mean differences in colony volume (:t SD) betweendepthzonespooled from all reefs. Acropora--dominated 30 community Alcyonacea-dominated community E .§. A i i E I"" A ~""" """, .. U ~ u c .. ~ 10 11 15 18 22 depth (m) Fig. 6. Mean differences in averagemaximum branch diameter (:f: SD) on unbrokencolonies between depthzonespooled from all reefs. in the shallows. It is thereforeassumedthat small-scaleepisodicdisturbanceswhich only disadvantageone dominant speciesare responsiblefor this community differentiation. A. austera is an aggressiveand efficient spaceutilizer, achievingdominancein the coral community by rapid linear extension of the skeleton.This leads to rapid colony growth and overtopping of competitors.Furthermore,this speciesis capable of reproducing by fragmentation(HIGHSMITH, 1982; WALLACE,1985). - 16, RlEOL& RIEGL 408 Acropora -dominated community III C E 14- ~ 12- Q) I" CI 'C >- Q) .c c0 (.) ca ::ca c ~ '0 .. Q) .Q E ~ c 10- "0 t) iQ. A..:-"",\ 81 6~ Alcyonacea-dominated community 4-' 211 13 15 18 22 depth (m) Fig. 7. Mean number of unattachedbranches(:t SO) found within 50 cm radius of colonies between depthzonespooled from all reefs. 100 EJ fragment mortality ~ fragments retrieved ;- (Q 80 ~ 3 II ~ 1Z ~ iU t: 60 ~ 40 ;: 0 E fII ~ m C ., E g) ~ ~ ~ 3 0 20 ~ SO ~ .!. 12 18 21 depth (m) Fig. 8. Fragmentretrieval and fragment mortality betweenthree experimentalsites at different depths. Wave energy is a limiting factor in A. austera distribution on the reefs. While disadvantagingthis coral in shallow water, however, episodic disturbancesmay benefit this species in deeperwater. On the deeperzones of all surveyed reefs (18-25 m), A. austera is dominant or amongthe dominant species.In this area it exhibits all traits typical for an aggressive,well-adapted species. Competitive strategiesinclude fast growth, aggressiveinteractions,and frequent propagationby fragmentation. All colonies surveyed on 4-Mi1e Reef had produced unattached fragments,and numerouscolonies appearedto have resulted from reattachedfragments. Sexualrecruits can be distinguished from asexuallyproducedcolonies by a different basal attachmentto the substratum(HIGHSMITH, 1982). Howepisodiccoralbreakagecandeterminecommunitystructure 409 In this depth zone, severe stonns could advantagefragmenting corals such as A. austera. Drag induced by unusually high water motion is likely to break many of the long, upward-growing coral branches(DENNY,1988).The breakageexperiment showed high survival chancesof fragments (between50 and 80% in the first month). The high number of unattachedfragmentsand colonies supportsthis point of view. Therefore, periodic high wave-energy events do not disadvantagethe branchingAcropora between18 and 25 m, but aid asexualreproduction. In the shallow areas, however, colonies are small with short, low-growing branches close to the substratum. Coral size is a poor indicator for coral age (HUGHES & JACKSON, 1980) and it is therefore difficult to evaluate whether the small corals are young or simply old corals unable to grow to a larger size. Both possible casesindicate that only small corals can survive on shallow reefs, while larger colonies, which experience more drag during high wave-action, become eliminated by episodic disturbances. No signs of asexual reproduction by fragmentationwere observed.None of the colonies had produced fragments, which is not surprising given the small colony sizesand short branchlengths, which add to mechanicalstability. Furthennore,the breakage experiment showed survival chancesof fragments to be extremely low. Already during the first month of the experimentall fragmentswere washedoff the reef. Episodic high wave-energyeventstherefore effectively bar the branchingA. austera from dominating shallow reef parts in two ways: colonies cannotgrow aslarge as on the deepreef, since the longer branchesare more easily broken; oncebroken, fragments have a low survival chanceand asexual reproduction by fragmentation is not possible. Therefore, A. austera cannot utilize the samelife history strategiesin shallow water which allows it to dominate deeper reef zones. Breakage and fragment dislocation during recurrent high wave-energyevents severely disadvantagethis speciesin shallow water. Alcyonaceaand massiveScleractinia are not affected by these disturbancesdue to their growth fonn. This led to the dominance of these slower-growing species in reef areas where fast-growing, branching Acropora cannotprevail. Summary The community structure of South African coral reefs was influenced by episodic disturbancesdue to high wave-energyevents.Thesecausedbreakageand dislodgement of Acropora austera, a dominant competitor for space with a branching morphology.A. austeradominatedreefs between18and 24 m depth,wherecolonies were less frequently broken than in shallow areas,and where fragments survived and could serve as asexual propagules. In shallow water (8-18 m), A. austera colonies were broken during high wave-energyevents;fragmentswere washed off the reefs and died. Suchcolonies thereforeremained small and were largely unable to reproduceasexuallyby fragmentation.This allowed other, competitively inferior speciesto dominate shallow communities. 410 RlEGL & RlEGL Acknowledgements Financial support from the South African Foundation for Research Development, Department for National Education, Association for Marine Biological Researchand the University of Cape Town as well as logistic support by the Natal Parks Board and the Oceanographic Research Institute are acknowledged. Specialthanks are due to Dr. M. H. SCHLEYER for his support during field work. This paperis a result of Natal Parks Board/University of Cape Town ResearchProject SM 6/1/14. References ARONSON, R. B., K. P. SEBENS& J. P. EBERSOLE, 1994: Hurricane Hugo's impact on Salt River submarine canyon, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. In: R. N. GINSBURG, (Ed.), PrOC.Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazards and History. RSMAS Miami 1993: 189-194. CURRAN,H. A., D. P. 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