PFC/RR-84-8 DOE/ET/51013-124 UC-20 a,f A Time-Resolving Electron Temperature Diagnostic for Alcator C Stephen A. Fairfax Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 May 1984 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. A TIME-RESOLVING ELECTRON TEMPERATURE DIAGNOSTIC for ALCATOR C by Stephen A. Fairfax B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1978 Submitted to the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Physics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING and MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS at MASSACHUSETTS the INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984 Signature of Author: Dep ment of ineering Electric! _22 Certified by: Thesis Sipervisor Certified by: Thesis R( er Accepted by: Electri cal Engineering Departmental Accepted by: Physics Departmentmental Committee Committee Page 2 ABSTRACT A diagnostic that provides time-resolved central electron temperatures has been designed, built, and tested on the ALCATOR C tokamak. The diagnostic uses an array of fixedwavelength x-ray crystal monochromators to sample the x-ray continuum and determine the absolute electron temperature. The resolution and central energy of each channel were chosen to exclude any contributions from impurity line radiation. This document describes the need for such a diagnostic, the design methodology, and the results with typical ALCATOR C plasmas. Sawtooth (m-1) temperature oscillations were observed after pellet fueling of the plasma. This is the first time that such oscillations have been observed with an X-ray temperature diagnostic. Page 3 Table of Contents Introduction........... . ................. .. .. .. ---*.4 X-ray Emission from a Hot Plasma........ Bremostrahlung ................................. 8 Radiative Reco.binatio.............................14 Resonant Transitions................................18 Electron Temperature Measurement Techniques............20 Thomson Scattering..................................20 Emission......................22 Electron Cyclotron X-ray Continuum Techniques..........................23 Requirements for a New Electron Temperature Diagnostic.26 Description of Instrument..........................38 the Relative Advantages of Analog and Counting Modes....42 *o... .* Results.*............... * ................ 0. 46 Counting Mode Operation..........................47 Analog Mode Operation...............................60 Future Work............................................66 Acknowledgements. References..... 00 . 000000 . .0 0 0 0 .0 0 .. * 000 .. 0 0 0 . 00 **0 00 0 .. * .. 00 00.* ...68 0....69 Page 4 INTRODUCTION The inevitable depletion of fossil fuel supplies has led this nation and sources of others energy. are naturally impact seems gies. for to those for of reasons. and and cheap, waste fission to build a almost 30 years device required to heat that may inexhaustable fusion The the or is fuels an re- environmental disposal Controlled fusion has proven to to implement; new, thermonuclear several abundant manageable, small compared search Controlled attractive possibility quired to problems fossil-fuel are technolo- be extremely difficult of research have been required produce as much energy as is it. There are many approaches to fusion, but one has emerged as a clear leader in tokamak was invented Sakharov in 1951 magnetic field the by race the The [1]. for generated by Russian tokamak field for confinement. The through ohmic to temperatures eV - 11,600 tures in thods are required. the degrees range The ALCATOR Plasma Fusion the high-field generated toroidal K) of Energy 6 - C tokamak Center magnet at range production currently The technology so in heats in the is strong current current KeV, MIT. a in ALCATOR developed the 1-3 with a plasma plasma KeV. operation at the (1 tempera- heating program and toroidal the requires auxiliary The Tamm magnets combined by 20 production. physicists uses external poloidal magnetic loss energy at me- the utilizes Francis Page of excess in densities high of confinement the ports 1 high very The tokamaks. other of most KA/cm 2 . a ALCATOR C has of comparable power compared to machines ALCATOR C holds many cooled, with a 220,000 hp power supply. in world records It levels. impurity is only machine to have achieved a value of plasma presently the confinement energy times density cur- density, particle plasma and density power rent density, of areas the 1 cryogenically and fuel-injected, turbo-pumped, is It msec. 0-14 does It and 800-0 KA in 0-800 KA in 500 msec, 1.5 seconds, Tesla in and performance with tokamak; high-performance a cm, 2-3 Tesla. radii of meters and magnetic fields of ALCATOR C is 16 of radius minor also fields High magnetic and cm 64 only of radius current with allow for the construction of compact devices. a major sup- field magnetic plasmas density that times 3-5 approximately Tesla, 14 to up fields toroidal C operates with ALCATOR fields. toroidal magnetic very high with tokamaks construct to Laboratory Magnet National Bitter 5 for sufficient time energy break-even. There The are plate" is difficulty primary to the plasma. "Bitter The construction technique used encloses the entire chamber with Physical and to up optical assembly. ripple Insertion in the cm 50 access stainless-steel wedges able access tokamaks. ALCATOR-type with drawbacks some of copper is granted with to toroidal these machined and only holes magnetic in field and of insertion the introduces 'flanges' steel. stainless by plasma magnet undesir- reduces the Page 6 space available promise is degrees on the fully for required; top, bottom, experiments. Most and the Table figure ALCATOR C apart around the torus. instrumented space, current-carry-ing 1 and outside tokamak has 6 edge, are up for to a summary flanges of a A ALCATOR total spaced of to 18. share A and port frequently. C parameters, ALCATOR C PARAMETERS Major Radius R - 64 cm Minor Radius a - 16 cm Toroidal Magnetic Field BT4 14 Tesla Plasma Current Ip4 1 MA Plasma Density n 4 2x10 1 5 cm-3 Electron Temperature Te4 3 KeV Ion Temperature Tij 2 KeV Energy Confinement Time T 4 50 msec Lawson Product nT< 1x1014 sec/cm RF Heating Power PLHH < 4 MW @4.6 GHz 2 MW @200 MHz PICRF4 Peak Power Requirement Pp4 2 4 0 MWe 1 60 ports 1 shows a schematic of the machine. Table com- 50 diagnostics designed diagnostic array is changed includes plates. Each flange has access requires instruments magnet 3 and Page 7 Figure 1 Cut-Away Drawing of ALCATOR C Page 8 X-ray Emission from a Hot Plasma a via lengths emits plasma A hot strahlung, of multitude where hv~kTe, three at radiation a They are brems- processes are important. recombination, radiative resonant and waveregion x-ray the In processes. of range wide transition. BREMSSTRAHLUNG Bremsstrahlung is of result the and electon-electron The initial and final electron-ion collisions in the plasma. states of particles in a bremsstrahlung collision are unbound, and so the photons emitted comprise a continuous spectrum. treatment complete final the state wave radiating of the and computation dipole radiation matrix elements. do closed not cally. exist in Sommerfeld sion for the of the may be convolved emitted bution function Te, Maue and [2] photon. with an energy of must be found a for and states the Expressions electron in The of electric the later numeri- integrated closed-form energy a plasma [31: cross velocity spectrum with distribution the convolution gives integrated electron isotropic the to yield bremsstrahlung a Maxwellian form initial expres- bremsstrahlung cross section integrated over all angles ted by and the for the positive functions particle, requires problem A distri- of x-rays ions. stationary function section of emitFor temperature Page 9 I(hv) - watts unitenergy-cmJ plasma any measurement is optically of the spectrum x-ray plasmas exhibit gaussian temperature is (aT) has been determined BT, and I aT, usually ALCATOR is the profile 1/e the particular upon modeled be integrated of photon energies the than low energy the the I(hv) portion - plasma central of Ip and the such that BT The density profile depends 1/2 is spectrum. The [2]. At temperature modeled well exp[-hv/kToI. spectrum given cross-section shown in Figure spectrum can profiles These line-integrated well usually is but power. are integral hv>2Te, simple exponential, lower the [5]: cm parameters, expected a line 2 between relation The bremsstrahlung the with such to magnetic ratio of cm. 10 is plasma yeild above to results width parabola a by run with the toroidal the to be a'T - 4.2(1p/B'T)1/ EQI 1/e width (Ip). current poloidal and C ALCATOR profiles whose of ratio the by determined (BT) field emitted along detector. the of direction the in plasma a particular at and wavelengths, x-ray at thin in a line integral of all x-rays radius results that chord velocity-averaged the 'g [41. factor The and ions, stationary the of charge Zi the ion density, the ni density, electron the is ne where gaunt 2.6x1O14 nel Zg 13.6eV/Te g exp[-hv/kTeJ To (Teo) receives is by a always because the substantial Page 10 ) ALCATOR C X-RAY FLUX 1- tee S1 Central Temp ISGO Width = 10 Observed Tear = 1270 10-1 F I U X 1 - A U 10-3 I to 0 2 4 Energs I I 6 10 8 (KoV) Figure 2 Simulated Bremsatrahlung Flux from ALCATOR C Plasma Page contributions from the outer, cooler, These outer regions contribute very portion of the the ratio of over density profiles. the This plasma temperature, is is fitted. closer regions Fitting to is Teo becase reduced. are shown in at The figure n(r)-[1-(r/16) 2 ]s, the so it range of equal to .5 reducing energies contribution of for during exception occurs the of a ALCATOR .5 rarely exhibits peaking greater plasma temperature quadratic in To. of the can The be than s - profile very method of correcting the a To outer that plasma integration modeled 2. and as Peaked central portion of S is usually The major when 2 [6]. for parabola of plasma 1 1 2 with with a density 1/e width equal This provides observed factor approximated is [4]. the correction well approximation in figure gives The density profile very to shown and width, the discharge, and gaussian temperature profiles cm cen- a function profile discharges. profiles 10 the to temperature factor. fueling of the profile may become more peaked. The variation to profiles between correction after pellet much necessary is numerical density is normal so the spectrum where the exponen- profiles weight the measurement toward the the plasma, is factor will be higher s where energy temperature results [3] plasma. the high-energy temperature possible correction the The quantity of interest observed density profile, and region of tial the photon temperature, the of little to local temperature. temperature of central because electron central calculate tral spectrum than the greater is the regions 11 a convenient temperature for Page 12 I Profile Corrections to Temperature Exponential fit 3.2 to 7.2 KeV Temp profile 1-e width: 3SOO C e => 0. => n 3000 t r Parabola-s Densit4 profil .WE-01 S S = S S = 1.5 =1 10 =2 a I 2S00 P I a 2000 S m a sm 1500 T e m p 1000 e a t 500 U e, I 0 0 S500 I 10 I 1500 I zeee 2500 Observed Line-Averaged Terrperature (eV) GRAPP> Figure 3 Profile Correction: Central Temperature vs Observed Temperature for 4 Density Profiles 0 Page 13 Quadratic Approximation to Profile Correction Exponential fit 3.2 to 7.2 KeV Temp profile 1/e width: 10 Parabola-.5 dens 3s** T r 3000 u e P 2S00 1 a S m 2000 a T e 1500 m -- P e r 10e0 a t e C 500 1000 1500 Observed Plasma Temperature Quadratic 2000 7500 (eV) Figure 4 Approximation to Profile Correction profile 0 Page 14 profile effects. in width profile ture include to possible It would be the during and current plasma C ALCATOR when ramp-up, except limited is discharges x-ray the flux is The difference between a correction that includes width low. that less is in encoutered making Ip/BT. The range of Ip/BT norm- the coeffcients functions of ally by approximation polynomial the of tempera- the effects given than shown 1%. by the of A plot in figure quadratic Because [5]. is factor vs. correction correction was additional approximation the effect is typically profile width small, so this ignored. RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION In the radiative recombination process transitions from free in states a electrons undergo Coulomb field to bound states. The spectrum of emitted photons is continous but has jumps at energies of the final section lung, bound for but corresponding this the levels. process final are ionized atoms. Detailed Pekeris Hulst [7], [8], Karzas (who The is not and the well to the that functions known treatments Latter ionization were [4], case result is that of high-Z, done by the g in These partially Menzel and emitted and cross bremsstrah- bound. Brussaard of the for are for electron distribution), essential potentials determination similar wave considered from a Maxwellian [9]. The state wave functions to by Von equation van and de spectrum Goeller [1] is Page 15 Profile Correction Factor us Temperture Profile Width Exponential fit 3.2 to 7.2 KeV Central Temperature 1SO Parabola-s Donsitt profil => s = 5. E-01 * => S = 1 -+ => s = 1.5 -0 => s = 2 - 1.28 C 1.24 0 1.e0 c t ± 0 1.16 n f 1.12 - - a c t 1.08 a 1.04 1.0 ee 1. 0 2 4 Temperature Profile Correction 6 8 profile 1/e 10 12 width (cm) Figure 5 Factor vs Temperature 14 Profile Width 0 Page replaced by fi EQ2 g+f(T,hv). For completely 2 )gn(hv)/n 20jr exp(-E9/n - a 16 stripped ion, 3 m-mi(hv) where n the is the of number quantum hydrogen-like final state, mi(hv) is the lowest quantum number for which emission can occur at energy hv, 8 Z2(13.6eV/T ), - and g,(hv) is a tabulated function [4). Figure [61 illustrates recombination to the tamination in an 870 x-ray ev oxygen) and factor of 2. hotter than an spectrum plasma discontinuity at 870 ev contribution the (The enhancement with a [10]. K-shell of the The of radiative .17% oxygen con- net result is ionization spectral potential intensity a of by a Oxygen is completely stripped in plasma regions 220 eV [11] stripped initial states so the assumption is a good one of completely for most of the plasma volume. The dominant high-Z impurity in ALCATOR C discharges molybdenum. placed in It is introduced by circular "limiters" that are the machine prevent the plasma -4 KeV. at one or from damaging the vacuum chamber. edge at lybdenum density or electron intensity of continuum edge. the toroidal locations relatively thin wall to of an L-shell recombination The presence of this edge could affect x-ray measurements, the more Molybdenum has electron temperature below the is However, to since changes temperature change extensive would differently searches in the mo- cause the above and with various Page 17 To a 870 eV 3 nos 6 i3/cm n /cm 3 0 n Z2 0oo 0.11 - I (hv) h{q4+0.II(§+f - 10 0 )} i-hv/T -h&/T gHe Oxygen Recombination Enhancement I I.1 2 3 4 hv (KeV) Figure 6 Radiative Recombination 5 6 7 Page instruments have ALCATOR tration of Figure [7] shows the the taken spectrum x-ray X-ray dominant high-Z it impurity, edge and not does edge recombination continuum, Molybdenum the though recombination no spectrum, Molybdenum influence that Note Molybdenum. The an in detector from a plasma with a very high concen- dominate dent. show [121. C with a Si(Li) lines to edge recombination a failed 18 since any evi- is strongly is Molybdenum that is unlikely L the recombina- tion edges are important. RESONANT TRANSITIONS Impurity electrons from transitions emission difference in In ALCATOR C 1-3 and resonant find is the initial and central transitions are partly abundance of and impurity line radiation and beyond the given by- Von scope Goeller of this [9]. thesis. The and A Any technique that on the An excellent attempts to in complete its effects of elecand spectroscolines is that their intensity is not simply related temperature. all Medium transition importance states. of likely. regions. x-ray the temperature impurities stripped, resonant final usual to equal electron not resonant The states. energy low-Z only undergo with the normal can bound strips are ultraviolet, optical, ment of an to photon between plasmas high-Z impurities pists a completely KeV trons, of energy a hot plasma states bound result is of in the treatplasma review is impurity lines to the electron determine the Molybdenum Dominated Si(Li' sum of all channels = 1.17E+04 F T I I I I I I TF~T~ Page Spectrum - Th 7 10- C 0 u n t s I V. C I I- I I I S 3 300 0 t s 200 1o~, C, -L 1. I I I Ci 4 ___ 6 ErIer-cJ.d 'I"eV' Figure 7 Molybdenum Dominated Si(Li) Spectrum 10 19 r Page 20 electron temperature from the x-ray continuum must either use portions of the no contain that spectrum or lines somehow determine the energy and intensity of each line. Electron Temperature Measurement Techniques A number of mine the electron plasmas. The probe undergraduate temperature in techniques that laboratories physics nuclear to fusion commonly are are used are techniques experimental research employed use of little deter- in because the hot, dense plasma will quickly destroy any probe. The characteristic time for the distribution electron function to thermalize is on the order of 10 electron-electron collision times. The collision electron-electron roughly a microsecond for ALCATOR plasmas. time Diagnostics is that complete a temperature measurement in 10 microseconds or less will therefore measure diagnostics that the instantaneous temperature, while require much longer will measure some aver- aged value of the temperature. THOMSON SCATTERING Thomson scattering diagnostic [13]. light irradiates a common electron temperature In this technique an intense beam of laser the moving with thermal photons, changing is plasma. The velocities of their electrons -. 05c, wavelength. in the Thomson Photons plasma, scatter the scattered at some angle, usually 90 degrees, are collected and analyzed by Page The a spectrometer. to the velocity of of the electrons tron temperature. proportional to broadening The the of line width due can be related to the elec- intensity the density laser 21 of the the plasma scattered in the light scattering volume. The chief advantage of Thomson scattering stems from the local nature of the instrument the measurement. is ultimately The limited spatial by the diameter laser beam, which is typically a few mm. essentially instantaneous; nsec. it is resolution of of the The measurement is the laser pulse width is about 10 The primary disadvantage of Thomson scattering is that a rather difficult scattering cross lasers are measurement section is The required. so small most are q-switched ruby lasers. nsec pulses are feasible, scattered care in design the giving power reasons of both corrections for stray required. tering is that it be plasma A cooled used be fast laser systems 10 joules in 10 levels of of 10 9 interest. system stray light second cannot volume and Thomson watts. a few hundred or thousand analysis efficiency noise are medium cannot the The extremely powerful Laser outputs of from the of make. that commonly Even with this enormous flux, only photons are to and enough. required light. of for Background photomultiplier disadvantage rapidly is Extreme Thomson repeated; the There are some dark scat- lasing systems that can fire a burst of several pulses in a few milliseconds [131, and that will systems are either pulse continuously working at 50 Hz or under [14],[151. development There have Page 22 for been proposals tinuous argon-ion systems to [161, lasers based con- on no are there but working sufficient should provide 100 watt laser A date. systems scattering Thomson signal for a measurement every 10 ms. ELECTRON CYCLOTRON EMISSION Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) from the plasma can be used to determine electron velocity clotron cally its and the toriodal magnetic field given major radius used to determine region where and The electron the electron is opti- proportional dependence of 1/r on a A measurement profile. temperature the cylinder at a can therefore be Unfor- to absolutely calibrate detecthe in cyclotron millimeter emission temperature. wavelength occurs. nostics usually rely on some other diagnostic value of cy- electron is emission spectrum windows maxwellian the plasma radiation all points electron the If at one frequency. to radiate it is very difficult antennas, the causes electron cyclotron tunately, tors, of the at harmonics. temperature. to the local electron of the radiates intensity A temperature. plasma distribution frequency thick, the The for ECE diag- the absolute intensity of the emission is strongly influenced by the high-energy electrons, making the instruments bution functions. a number very sensitive Non-thermal to non-thermal emission has of Tokamaks, including ALCATOR C distri- been observed [17], [5]. on Page 23 X-RAY CONTINUUM TECHNIQUES method of temperaX-ray the measure to shown is inversely electron the used widely are of value absolute the methods Two ture. to obvious As temperature. log spectral intensity earlier, the slope of the proportional electron the determining an is hv>Te energies at spectrum The X-ray spectrum, high-resolution solid-state detectors and foil filters. Si(Li) The solid state to lithium form a to cooled the lithium hole-electron the incoming the collects a pulse in the is and analyzer. and The maintain and continuum. Silicon 20 pile-up and 200 eV at detector KHz or spectral Typical to region, it energy of the are swept field shaped out and before pulse-height systems Si(Li) of the being analyzer transi- detectors have 6 KeV. must operate Higher count distortion. This less. noise. reduce intrinsic electric amplified to order charges large the the maximize FET amplifier are proportion induced intrinsic large a complete spectrum, including both resonant energy resolution of of by pulse-height tion lines rates in The region current to pairs photon. intrinsic resulting sent absorbed is in with drifted to first current, reduce leakage drift, When an X-ray photon produces the temperature nitrogen liquid and a with biased reversed The diode depletion volume. is diode diode is high-resolution common silicon P-intrinsic-N diode PIN most the A instrument. The region. is detector rates at average count lead pulse limitation to requires Page 24 or more in order to 100 msec for integrate systems to Si(Li) If accumulate sufficient counts for an accurate measurement. strong there are impurity can integration time significant amount of time which transitions, nance even be present lines the electron temperature. aid not Figure the from photons in the [71 spectrum the a system spends the as greater analyzing do in the resoof determination shows a Si(Li) spectrum taken from ALCATOR C. Note that though there are over 11,000 counts, of lines. all but 1,700 them The temperature that thus an average over both is heavily emission profile the plasma. place on simple is Despite these almost every are the measured with time and space, limitations, tokamak, being Molybdenum Si(Li) though towards weighted the Si(Li) systems the inexpensive, x-ray center systems is of are in relatively to operate, and reliable. The Mecuric Iodide solid-state X-ray detector has recently become commercially available. identical to made in the Si(Li) from HgI and the need for detector except liquid nitrogen (and hence the material. exhibit sharp Except These eliminates detectors are than Silicon systems because of for these decreases two to Si(Li) absorption each electron shell. This greater x-ray absorption coefficient) is essentially identical The x-ray cooling. cross near the is that the PIN diode is requires no lithium drift. useful to higher energies higher Z The principle of operation advantages, the of the detector in function. section of all elements ionization potentials of These "absorption edges" can change the Page 25 x-ray transmission of a thin foil relatively over a thickness can have peak transmission of of about 10%. counters, or Two mitted flux. can be the electron thus determine advantage the nature of energy dis- and the is the separated, system the of arises disadvantage from required for reasonable x-ray in or central transmission energy and resolu- near The the common impurities have resonant passband of some of the filters, detected flux can be "contaminated" by line radiation. The type and level of care. of the thin foils tion are not adjustable. widely, and Not all elements are suitable transmission, and the so the spectrum the foil filters. for rolling into transitions primary The flux. incident x-ray x-ray tasks are response time the on primary limit detection photon crimination and trans- the detect This method has the temperature. The proportional combinations the of response. time fast of slope the to used filter/detector foil more measure to used or diodes, are scintillators NaI proper with a resolution 50% surface-barrier Silicon of foil A range. energy narrow by a factor of ten or more and The so the technique foil-filter measurement the the impurity impurities present in the plasma varies must be considered must be used tentative species and densities are well-known. with unless Page 26 REQUIREMENTS for a NEW ELECTRON TEMPERATURE DIAGNOSTIC the grown tokamaks have As so has performance, size and in need for more complete information about the plasmas they produce. expensive designed It is impractical to pulse a large, relatively device like same plasma ALCATOR parameters. to make plasma urements with diagnostic brief on ALCATOR shows Thomson scattering cyclotron perature file. Calibration temperature and space measurement are most surface over again diagnostics shot, or can ever is summarized to -400 resolution, determine with determined by HgI ECE another or the Si(Li) electron tem- diagnostic temperature value A shot by electron electron The [2]. once per relative absolute meas- temperature While the the the in Table by msec.) the accurate electron or be several meas- resolution. be determined determine time more temporal central must the basic physics and the with the of the diagnostic is pro- central gives time resolved electron temperatures. A good served on as C over can good employed in one (instantaneously) emission better that It (averaged with the requires spatial resolved. spectroscopy and Better understanding of finer array well Instead, behavior inspection is not C over a measurement urements per shot. governing that target is for the ALCATOR obvious barrier m-i C on a "sawtooth" and the diodes, time-resolving other oscillations tokamaks. integrated and the electron temperature commonly These x-ray flux ECE diagnostic ob- perturbations measured has by measured Page 27 ALCATOR C DIAGNOSTIC CAPABILITIES Resolution Temporal Spatial Measurement Technique Plasma Parameter Pick-up Loops 100 P1j FIR Laser Interferometer 10 ps Thomson Scattering 10 ns NaI(Tl) Detector Hard X-ray Emission 50 us NaI(Tl) Array 50 ps Position Rogowski Coils 50 ps X-ray Diode Array 200 lis Plasma Current Rogowski Coil 50 us Visible Continuum 200 yis Zeff Spectroscopic Measurement 5 ms Ion Temperature Neutral Charge Exchange 50 ms Neutron Emission Rate 3 ms Doppler Broadening 20 ms Electron Temperature Thomson Scattering 1/shot HgI Spectroscopy 1/shot Electron Cyclotron 200 us Loop Voltage Electron Density NA - Not Applicable Peak - Measures peak value + - Available only with RF heating * - Relative values only Table relative temperature value. The with a long microseconds. therefore but 1 ramp To and fully require msec changes 2 from 3-20 % of period of the oscillation ranges linear resolution an abrupt resolve a time NA 4 cm .5 cm none 2 cm+ .3 cm .3 cm NA 1 cm 1 cm 2 cm peak 2 cm .5 cm peak 1 cm * the resolution would be 1 - from fall in sawtooth on the the a 5 msec, few hundred waveform order sufficient central of for would 20 usec, interesting measurements on the longer period sawteeth. Non-thermal velocity of high-energy "tails" tion are frequently and/or during should be able RF to distribution functions in the form superimposed on a Maxwellian distribu- observed, heating of determine particularly the at plasma. whether or A not low densities new diagnostic such a tail is Page 28 present, and temperature which are still in be the able presence very sensitive in determining little use to to measure of a the tail. bulk (ECE high-energy temperatures electron diagnostics, electrons, when are tails of arise.) Some new tokamaks such as TFTR are attempting to circumvent the rate limitations ling multiple parallel. Si(Li) Besides be available on ALCATOR, cumbersome difficult systems to and fit in would by instal- and ADC's and expensive, the limited provide time such port rate the nature techniques increase ity. in Bragg limitation of the separate of detector. throughput, the but diffraction resolution solid-state The structures a particular x-ray when two tasks foils provides selecting X-ray energies. talline a space of systems same device does the job of photon detection and energy discrimination. filter in 10 msec. The fundamental stems from solid-st'ate detectors,' amplifiers, being system would only about of have an and achieve inadequate atomic alternative wavelength. planes The means coherently wavelength a large selectiv- Bragg diffraction occurs the Foil that of in crysscatter is dif- fracted is given by EQ 3 where n nX - 2d sine is between the incident and the order of diffraction diffracted the diffraction, planes, and radiation. geometry of Bragg diffraction. e is d the Figure is the angle [8] spacing of the shows the Page 29 nX 2d sin6 26 TO DEEPER CRYSTAL PLA Figure 8 Bragg Diffraction of The details Bragg are diffraction complex, simplified picture given in most college texts is since it does not explain why the diffracted always at the same angle as the incident flux. and the incorrect, radiation is An excellent explanation is given by Compton [18J. Bragg crystal spectrometers can attain remarkable reso- lutions, due to the extremely close spacing of the scattering atoms. Resolving powers spectrometers of many of 100,000 different are geometries tokamaks to measure impurity spectra. system on ALCATOR C is used by measurement broadening tion lines in selected impurities. are Bragg employed on A very high resolution to determine of the doppler not uncommon. the ion temperature of resonant transi- Page 30 of convolution crystal used. the slit function and The slit function is an angular half-width of (19] EQ 4 as rear slits. mined primarily by the such as the and front materials, crystals, many small are aligned efficient diffracting alignment of and the in many The function crystal (e 2 and 6s are + is deter- single The domains. the determines crys- be more crystals. The to tend perfect a Some perfect crystal imperfect have c 6c with perfection. convolution of will e . EQ 5 Where than elements gaussian curve. mate a the between crystals "imperfect" the domains of distance almost be have These tal resolution. crystal of can the domains the triangular resolution quartz, which the 1 crystal degree others resolution roughly and slit The while to degree the by Tan-'(s/1) - the of width the where s is determined is spectrometer diffraction Bragg of a to resolution The measurement. fast a for flux enough collect for order in resolution low requires energy discrimination An down. diffraction Bragg using diagnostic electron temperature goes flux continuum up, goes As resolution crystals approxi- slit function the half width [19] of e2)1/2 s the crystal and slit angular resolutions, respectively. The size limited by of the slits the required is easily varied spatial resolution. but It ultimately is therefore Page 31 best Corporation may be partially by at from 8% 3 The placement impurity line of energy [20], [27]. by so impurity, the avoid to impossible the commonly most the .8 with dictated is exclude to picked were channel energies be KeV possible every from line would It 10 at The roughly of varies energy channel the radiation. every possible 25% varied process. resolutions nearly to KeV any of be can and diffraction of efficiency The degrees. These reflectivity pressing the of angular had crystals selected domains the low, fairly is parameters the changing crystal integrated highest resolution The available. purposes. pressing process. aligned with a hot the crystal have diffraction but isotropic, nearly is graphite neutron and graphite a Division manufactures Products x-ray quasi-crystal for Normal Union Carbide this application is graphite. Carbon the requirements, two these Given efficient. crystal for the It is equally important that the crystal highest throughput. be relatively achieve to crystal low-resolution a select to important observed impurities, using high-resolution spectra taken with a Bragg The monochrometer were channels graph spacing. A placement and with chosen showing resolution wide a over the of range approximately common each plasmas. of ALCATOR impurity and lines in shown is channel energy equal the figure [91. The x-ray detector detector must be capable and must be relatively MHz, must also be of handling efficient. chosen input A with rates care. of desirable up to but The 10 not Page 32 ImpurItV Lines and Polchrometer Response 2. A U I 2 3 4 S 6 8 EnergI)(KeV) 1 Hl 9 Line Si 1 3+ Mo17+ Mo 2 2 + Mo 2 3 + Mo 2 5+ Mo 2 2 + Mo 2 3+ Energy 2.01 2.34 2.39 2.43 2.46 2.48 2.53 10 1 Energy(KeV) Line Mo 2 5+ Mo 3 1+ C1 1 5+ C1 1 6 + Mo 3 2 + C115+ Mo 3 2 + Energy 2.56 2.67 2.79 2.95 3.22 3.26 3.31 14 13 Line Mo 3 2 + C116+ Mo 3 2+ Cr 2 2+ Fe 2 4 + N1 2 6+ Energy 3.40 3.54 3.65 5.71 6.70 7.75 Figure 9 Line Transitions with Impurity Commonly Observed Channel Placement and Resolution of Each Page 33 ton, is quality essential the ability in a operation since be to tends mode pulse-counting pho- x-ray each resolve to less sensitive to slight variations in detector gain. are used as nucle- Plastics doped with various phosphors of detectors but the 13% of converts It efficient. lation is characterized by several time constants, est being 250 pulse About constant of emitted with a 7-9% of the light is be time this fluorescence must be and at high accurate measurements make for constant can average in order to the short- level the [21],[22], scintil- light but 150 msec accounted for long time rather a is 10 MHz, at counting measured. This nsec. energy The [21]. most of one x-ray's incident 3 ev of with an energy into blue photons the the Iodide, Sodium also is scintillator, used commonly activated Thallium SBD. standard with a barely detectable experiment would be in this count maximum The gain. intrinsic efficient are barrier diodes Surface no have rates expected first KRz. 100 in excess rates gain variation at count counters exhibit serious tional Propor- involved in this experiment. relatively low energies the at efficient not are they but detectors, ar radiation count rates. There is Pure able. must be as faster, sodium to cooled efficient. cient one At that NaI(Tl), iodide more efficient has liquid not time constant of 60 ns most [211. of it the much use is light nearly is avail- because temperatures nitrogen temperature, and found scintillator to twice emitted as it become effiwith a Unfortunately, fiber-optic light Page 34 guides do not work well at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The index of refraction of the cladding material changes and the transmission efficiency available rather quartz as cladding tures, but they is expensive and collect 300 nm, fibers are will. reduced. that suitable only room-temperature fibers wavelength of drastically 1/4 use for the The where quartz a There fluorine-doped use at light low tempera- that the scintillation fiber are is less best is at a transparent and photocathodes less efficient than at 410 nm. For reasons of simplicity and signal strength NaI(Tl) was selected as the scintillator material. ALCATOR produces x-rays high-energy electrons and from room. D-D It fusion is and ions neutrons important to insensitive to this flux. thin as detection colliding scattering keep the up to with in I MeV, the the from limiters magnet detectors and relatively The detectors were chosen to be as the manufacturer hard x-ray with energies would handle cross-section. in order to reduce The detectors the selected have 50% probability of stopping a 100 KeV photon. The amount of x-ray flux that can be collected from ALCATOR C is limited by the access to the plasma. The widest flanges are 4 are nar- rower. It only is this "keyhole" quarters. because The the magnet, with 1.65 inches across, impractical for several ambient flange liquid is to place reasons temperature cooled, nitrogen. along The and all the but spectrometers other is with than 77 the toroidal the inside cramped degrees Kelvin toroidal field field magnet Page 35 W/cm 2 , 10 reach plasma can to used Beryllium foils from the instrument the isolate can the thin from the damage to enough high field flux particle and radiation The Tesla. reach 10 magnetic the and flange the partially encloses ALCATOR vacuum system. late flux expected x-ray the The meters. F(hv) EQ 6 given 2.4x10- - 1 6 &hv is the The desired time derably if included. with plasma sities the The resolution. The of density density is and when rises molybdenum ; is in not in and to flux can plasma c is instru- the plasma ; rises concentration between is as and achieve vary 2 and usually well. plasma At the the consiare varies it but the The parameters known well typically the order expected extremes enough value densities, molybdenum channel each for large plasma recombination. to due -sec used to determine the required size of flux is entrance window At low and respectively, 2 the are is carried out along the chord viewed by integral ment. continuum the enhancement of ne and Te density and x photons/cm resolution, energy temperature electron calcu- to of plasma para- set AAAQ (Ahv/hv) fdl ne2( )e()g(l)/T()e-hv/kT(1) where the given by: is flux for a Once possible is it known, is puts "keyhole" center. plasma the from plasma the from distance cm 45 it approximately the outside just instrument the Locating 50 1231. hot, the high den- temperature Page 36 helpful because reduce and flux the x-ray tends it n to counteract the the dynamic range 2 is in 4 variation This lower. 4 is and lower, be tend to of dependence the of required polychrometer. and shown [241 AAAQ the slits. the of approximation the if only valid (assuming slits back and front the same size) and The is be A2/1 2 - area the is both slits are source can It detector. the viewed plasma that for an extended source, EQ 7 where A the of area by subtended angle solid the the AAAQ represent terms The 112 is the distance between extended a viewing is instrument an is that the plasma small enough region that the temperature and density are relatively 32-cm the For constant. was spatial resolution as chosen plasma, ALCATOR diameter compromise a 1.5 between cm good spatial resolution and high flux. Now plasma are known, the rates of peak counting and resolution spatial the that order 10 MHz to required area collection can from emission be the achieve calculated. The expected counting rate is EQ 8 where Rd a nd1ncF(neTe,) nc is the efficiency of the crystal diffraction, nd is the detector as given and efficiency, above. It would be F is the possible plama integrated to select a flux different area for each channel so that the flux rates would be roughly Page 37 the same sake of in all channels design resolution of at a given temperature, simplicity the this channels was not decreases for the but done. The with increasing energy energy, as demonstrated by taking the derivative of the Bragg law and converting wavelengths to energy. The results of the above calculations Table [3] for three plasma conditions. of calculations such as those are in Based upon the results displayed in chosen to be 0.6 cm 2 . collection area was displayed Table [3], the This allowed room for up to 7 channels, each 1 cm x .6 cm. EXPECTED COUNT RATES IN EACH MONOCHROMETER for THREE TYPICAL PLASMA CONDITIONS CHANNEL Energy (eV) 3100 Case 1 3.3x10 6 3.8x10 6 4.4x10 6 3.8x10 2.9x10 6 7.5x10 5 Case 2 6.0x10 6 5.4x10 6 5.0x10 6 3.0x10 6 1.7x10 6 2.0x10 5 Case 3 6.5x10 6 5.0x10 6 4.0x10 6 2.0x10 6 9.7x10 4200 5000 6100 7200 6 10200 5 6.7x10 5 Table 3 The first entry represents the expected flux rates per sq cm of collection area for a plasma with Te- 2 5 0 0 eV, ne - 1.5x10 1 4 , and c - 6. This is at the low end of normal ALCATOR densities. The second entry is a more typical plasma with ne - 5x1O14, Te = 1500 eV, and ; - 2.5. The last entry represents the plasma shortly after fueling by ablation of a solid pellet of frozen hydrogen injected at high speed in the machine. Such a plasma has a more sharply peaked density profile, described by a parabola 2 . The temperature is 1200 eV at a density of 8x10 with a c of 2. Page 38 Description of the A schematic drawing is shown in Figure through a isolate the x-rays jet 10mm pass It brazed tial 6mm through blade together Be the layers of window, ALCATOR of 44.5 the .1 a honeycomb 1.6 mm across of X-rays 1.5 cm. mm manufactured form is channel the polychometer system. from by VAC-HYDE mm inconel structure. serves a piece of wide and collimator 45 from the cm crimped tall. from and collimator have spa- plasma an of The The the of Danvers, Each cell 25 mm to The the faces and 50 mm long. mm emerging which vacuum collimator- contructed of collimator resolution .025 from a to one X-rays emitted from the plasma pass x seal consists the honeycomb is entire [10]. instrument turbine MA. x of Instrument is angular divergence of 0.8 degrees. After collimation, crystals held at steel wedges. accuracy of cemented to faces. All thick. They x-rays predetermined The 5 the angle minutes of of angles each arc. the were crystals The donated are by are designed in any channels. at of the 6 The to intercept all of was stainless machined to crystals The that 37mm long, Bleach an are and and David 1mm Nagel crystals are identical any 2 highest such a shallow angle that 2 crystals in order machined graphite that have ground parallel Richard so upon graphite 6mm wide, at the Naval Research Laboratory. and the holders by wedge stainless steel holders of impinge crystal energy may be used channels are are placed end-to-end the incident flux. Page 39 E-4 1-4 Uo E-~ z E-0 '-4- C2-- ~8 0 ,14 Figure 10 Schematic Drawing of the Instrument Page 40 flux in each the by diffraction After is channel graphite by intercepted the a detector. NaI(Tl) Each detector has a 4 x 8 x 0.25 mm Be window. were designed with 6 x Harshaw Chemical Co, with epoxy.) 10 mm occluded Each NaI(Tl) optically coupled to packed (those on 4 reflective sides quartz not out is guides of the near exceed 3 77 window. Tesla) are 2 on 410 nm. Each center pipes were The of Kelvin quartz m in length light the entire and guide has assembly to by assembly a tube also of a served 40 as trance windows as close a a light located in a re-entrant port to match detector guides the end of the of light the refraction guides opposite was not because of light Stirling, NJ. chamber to The chamber steel end. and near The bring tube. the The to the plasma as possible. penetrated index ferule vacuum to The wavelength of entrance windows were located at one end of the fiber-optic can coupling seal. stainless temper- fields X-rays by air. diameter a are guides. high Inc, with ambient magnetic vacuum are detector steel Fiberguide cm the stainless form was the for is efficiency. scintillation eliminate the attenuation of soft was constructed the designed the crystals window) by (where and 2 mm and collection fiber-optic at manufactured port The either produced ALCATOR C degrees the manufacturer, 12 x 8 mm x facing pulses transmission efficiency The is material to improve the light carried the but (The detectors subtantial parts of each window crystal a The scintillation ature windows, x-ray crystals, tube, A employed experience en- X-ray and the compound at the showed Page 41 that the pounds were the at used coupling the drastically reduce end on variations comguide. each of 1p28 standard the and vacuum Matching efficiency. photomultiplier were The photomultipliers under bubble would compound coupling type with a quartz envelope to improve transmission at 400nm. of a quantum efficiency have The photomultipliers 20% at 410 106, and an anode pulse rise time of nm, a current gain of 15 nsec. output was fed The photomultiplier tor, and the a of bandwidth 20 20 kQ by a LM301 signal buffered resultant follower with into a The MHz. employed, mode circuitry, outputs Two type of mode counting were unity-gain follower were then fed into the pulse analysis circuitry. analysis circuitry resis- current and mode. The counting 200-MHz direct of begins with an array shown fiers made by Lecroy Research. The MHz discriminator, which Figure [11], coupled linear ampli- Each amplifier has adjustable output of gain from 4 to 40. in produces feeds amplifier each an a 100 adjustable-length ECL output pulse whenever the input exceeds the threshold set via adjustment. a front-panel to is routed a discriminator it stores pulses the and resumes scaler will Lecroy until summed counting. not count 8212 count The input The output scaler. a latch of The "dead pulses, scaler signal in a buffer, discriminator each is received, resets time," is less counts the during than the when counter, which 100ns. the The time between latch pulses is used to store the number in each Page 42 buffer in an external memory. The into a Digital Equipment Corp. a CAMAC 583) (IEEE serial external is read VAX-11/780 minicomputer over highway. The memory latch pulses are generated by a Lecroy 8501 clock, which can be programed over the CAMAC selected highway to frequency trigger signal sequencer 30 upon was ms produce a given receipt provided before of by the number a the of trigger ALCATOR initiation pulses signal. control of each The current mode circuitry, shown in figure sample 8212 the average sampled values output were A/D 32-channel current stored in of an converter the The system [12], starts Six chan- were used to PMT at external a discharge. with linear amplifiers and anti-aliasing filters. nels of a LeCroy at 5 Khz. memory The and read into the VAX via the CAMAC highway. RELATIVE ADVANTAGES OF ANALOG AND COUNTING MODES The two modes of operation have distinct differences. Counting mode has the advantage of being relatively stable to minor variations ciency. PMT Counting mode flouresence of x-rays that mode is in not the stop in subject gain is NaI the to anti-aliasing filters. or fiber optic coupling also not sensitive to the scintilator, as scintilator pile-up Counting and and mode counts one allows cannot 150 msec any pulse. for effi- the utilize hard Analog use of anti- aliasing filters becase each pulse is either detected or not; no filtering is possible. The only method of reducing alias- Page 43 PMT ANODE FOLLOIE 20 kn 40M AL~p DISCRIM--INATOR SCALER 2K Word Memory Figure 11 Count Mode Circuitry CAMAC HIGFIT>WA Page 44 I?MT ANODE >OLLOWER 20 kn I .AMP 1750 H LOW-PASS A/D 3K WORP KEMORY CAMA HIGHWAY 5KHz Sample Rate Figure 12 Current Mode Circuitry I Page 45 While analog mode by easily changed of differences the not does the counting mode, to is mode counting ing in overall adjusting the in have same the the two bias modes dynamic of sensitivity faster. signal latch the stobe a range as may be channel PMT. summary A on the is presented in figure [13]. ANALOG MODE COUNTING MODE Sensitive to variations fiber in PMT gain and efficiency. coupling variato Insensitive and PMT gain tions in fiber coupling efficiency. filter Anti-aliasing desireable. Weights hard energy. Not X-rays by subject to pile-up. filter Anti-aliasing impossible Counts hard 1 photon. Subject to X-rays as pile-up. to NaI Sensitive to NaI afterglow. Insensitive afterglow. limited Dynamic range to 4000. by digitizer limited range Dynamic by counting electronics to about 1,000,000. can Sensitivity easily varied. be Relative Advantages Sensitivity vary. Figure 13 of Counting Mode is hard and to Current Mode Page 46 RESULTS instrument The assembled that each had channel collimated by was impossible to use source beam was used in place was analyzed The 3.1 a radiation single of to NaI determine the so Cu-anode the Si(Li) of Table The results are The central only results One A KeV channels have The values. a and x-ray collimator. It the x-ray spectrometer was resulting spectrum energy and resolution. resolution much higher the central the energy measurement very crystal was found insure energy central of detector. determined. [4]. tube to the entire collimator because the detector, checked from 3 mm in diameter. and 4.1 the Si(Li) anticipated Bremastrahlung resolution. tube was the first was close to than could be are shown in the predicted to have a .4 degree error; it was discarded. The x-ray polychrometer must be placed as close plasma as possible in order to maximize the x-ray flux. requires a instrument from the plasma the chamber are center. is re-entrant on Dec 5, installed the in was it figure on the resulted but allowed 12, 1983. the the ALCATOR [14]. fit. into Port ALCATOR C, for modified 45 port flux was the the tube initial tube This cm with vacuum space and so reentrant in lower the Unfortunately, inserted not This The of first did without system. ALCATOR on December places drawing commodities modified. of that shown 1983, spatial resolution, testing A tube precious window was tube was tube tube reentrant when the time re-entrant to run entrance while the and degraded check-out installed and on Page 47 CENTRAL ENERGY PREDICTED AND MEASURED of Each Monochometer Channel Resolution Predicted Measured Central Energy Measured Predicted Channel Number RESOLUTION AND --- eV 1 3100 eV 3110 eV 30 2 4000 3995 102 --- 3 5000 4960 307 300 4 6100 6120 469 460 5 7200 7300 664 650 6 10200 10050 1000 950 The Table 4 of the two lowest energy channels was be measured with a Si(Li) spectrometer resolution fine to too Counting Mode Operation In counting mode, are scintillator pulses ted x-ray photon counted stored in a memory, with ALCATOR each channel. history started 30 msec check for each channel. but was less relative 2048 memory locations available for a pre-determined typically last .5 msec was used to be recorded. 500-800 msec, insure that the The clock was initiation of the plasma in order determine and the background count rate to in The background varied from channel to channel, than Determination the and would prior to noise time plasmas so a collection period of entire plasma for from each diffrac- 20 of sensitivity counts/millisecond the electron of each for temperature channel be all channels. requires known. that It is Page 48 1ti- - - -. /0 0 11111±1 U . * I, _ .C _ _ 0 M6 aC AA3 ) 31 C 0 CO I6 o. ALCATOR Port ...... Showing Figure 14 Re-entrant Tube and Spectrometer Page 49 difficult to calibrate the spatially extended sources x-ray much continuum point-like sources. produce not be tend to used to measure Relatively to give an estimate of This central system, the the one meter used signals the HgI were summed correspond to Once calculated to used The over the collection same x-ray the HgI than larger polychroperiod of sensitivity relative make with the than was measurement. the and measurement, channel was HgI the for the obseve should energies factor correction profile 10 Because the polychomator lower at spectrum x-ray the be were factors determine to polychomator x-ray the used then profile effects taken into account. measures to the central electron temperature. was temperature that correction small profile used temperature assumed was the observed spectrum in the region from an exponential to 20 KeV. plasma during The temperature was measured by fitting relatively constant. to temperature and density was system detector' HgI therefore was Calibration tubes x-ray and radiation, the electron temperature of the the when a period source A standard isotope standard A ALCATOR. on performed and intensity sufficient of energy were not readily available. does in the laboratory because channels polychrometer as each signals the expected temperature. data calibrated, reduction proceeded as follows. The count in each channel for a given time was divided by the The natural logarithms of the resulting relative- sensitivity. numbers were fit to a line by with proper weighting for the the method of least squares, number of counts observed [25]. Page 50 The inverse averaged of electron the fitted line temperature at then that gave point the profile- in time. The approximation for profile correction shown in figure quadratic [41 was slope applied Many shots had 250 counts in to yield count rates .5 msec. numbers would the central of 500 the precision of temperature. less, the giving in such only small measurement. of channels It together to give but only at the expense of time resolution. As a compromise, reduction. or variation would be possible to add groups better statistics, Khz Statistical degrade electron a moving sum was applied to the data before Typically 5-11 points were summed together. The results from the generally favorable. As a counting first mode check experiments of the were calibration procedure, the calibration shot was reduced and the tempera- ture averaged as over the The system measurement. As a or less. same second period average check, that always later used agreed shots were by the to HgI within compared 1% with the results of the HgI measurements, and again the agreement was exceptionally good. A typical discharge is shown in Figure [151. current lasts KA. for 550 milliseconds and The plasma density rises to 2x10 350 ms the evidenced by plasma the surface barrier conditions integrated diode. measured by the channel are shown HgI in 400/.5 msec, 800 KHz. This are soft reaches a peak of 14 cm- 3 . relatively x-ray portion The plasma flux of system. The counts figure [16]. The the From 150 ms to constant, measured as by discharge recorded peak 650 count in a is each rate is The 10.2 KeV channel does not show much Page 51 variation. is This due probably or crystal/detector combination coupling poor to do with the has little the between the Whatever the reason, the detector and the fiber optic guide. signal clearly of misalignment to plasma and was in Figure [17]. not used in the reduction. moving sum is the 5 points of shown 30 are shot from The results was r2 , parameter, goodness-of-fit fitting. used before The error takes estimates in typical fits. the and A Also shown 1-a error into account only statistical uncertainties and the fitting confidence, with no estimate of the relative the sensitivity of is very good over most of the discharge. The fit each channel. in uncertainty The electron temperature is indeed relatively constant during a substantial of the portion discharge. The average of the electron temperature over this period is 1462 eV, compared to a calibration temperature of 1480 eV. A more interesting shot, and a more exacting test of the In this discharge there instrument, is shown in figure [18]. were multiple shot, disruptions by followed Ohmic heating a power) of the plasma current increase sharp The later. plasma in soft and hard in the early current (and traces x-ray show a great deal of early activity and become quieter as the The polychrometer flux is shot approaches normal conditions. shown in figure [19]. There is a very high flux rate early, possibly due to x-ray continuum. It starts impurity The recombination temperature off low and climbs is up to a enhancement shown in of figure rather high level. the [20]. The Page 52 The calibration from fit is good over most of the discharge. shot 30 was used in It reduction. is that noteworthy the instrument gives consistent results even when the temperature is different than the calibration temperature. There were some problem became problems the instrument plasma. The count The figure [211. circuit paralysis decrease in moved rate count as from rate the observed a typical rate can closer shot be the shown in counting MHz. explained by The the At high count the signal from the PMT will not have returned to zero before the lap, 1 instalto of beyond dc-coupled nature of the counting electronics. rates, is symptoms increases The worst tube was substantially exhibits rate count mode. the re-entrant when apparent led and with counting and arrival of the if the the threshold of average the next pulse. level of The pulses will over- the discriminator, PMT the count rate discharge. is is shown zero in except [22], at beginning Further discussion where of counting and pile-up is reserved until later. will An extreme example figure the approaches discriminator not reset and no count will be generated. of paralysis signal and the observed end circuit of the paralysis Page 53 SHOT 32 DEC 10, 1983 I PLASMA CLRRENT K 390 PEAK 400 I L 0 A M P 200 S ~I I -LINE AVG. ELECTRON DENSITY 2.3 PEAK 3. O h- -A 1.0 - / 0.0 INTEGRATED SOFT X-RAY EMISSION A U EUTRCON RATE A U 'Mv. 0 400 500 300 Time (ms) Figure 15 Plasma Current, Electron Density Soft X-ray Flux and Neutron Rate Discharge #32 on December 10, 1983 100 200 600 Page 54 dec 10 4.1 KeV x-ray Flux collpse ratto: 1 shot 32 3.1 KeV x-ray Flux C C 0 0 U U n t n t s S *.- 0 0 5.0 KeV x-raq 6.1 KeV x-rayj Flux Flux C 0 U C 0 U - 300 300 t t s 0 0 7.2 KeV x-ray Flux s n 10.2 KeV x-r&a C 0 U 300 n t t S 8 0 150 GRAPH> 350 t ime 300 00 550 Flux 150 350 550 t Ime - Figure X-ray Flux in Each 16 Monochrometer Discharge #32 on December 10, Channel 1983 vs Time Page II Te dec 10 for shot 32 S of channels fit: 5 collect time/point (me ): 2.5 2000 I I I I I e 1 e 1600 C t r o 1200 n ipjj ~ j~j'T j t e m P 400 e v 0 ' 0 r , . 100 200 300 500 - .'.. 0.95 0.81 0 100 200 300 time (ms) 500 GRAPH> Figure 17 Upper: Electron Temperature vs Time Lower: Goodness-of-Fit Parameter r 2 vs Time Discharge #32 on December 10, 1983 ~1~ hi 6 Page 56 SHOT 88 DEC 10, 1983 PLASMA CURRENT 38S PEAK K 400 I L 0 A M P 200 S LItE AVG. ELECTRON DENSITY 1.3 PEAK 3 1 1 - - INTEGRATED SOFT X-RAY EM I SS I ON A U NEUTRON RATE A r 100 200 300 Time 400 see (ms) Figure 18 Plasma Current, Electron Density Soft X-ray Flux and Neutron Rate Discharge #88 on December 10, 1983 60 Page 57 dec 10 4.1 KeV x-,ar Flux collect time/point: shot s 3.1 KeV x-,ra4 Flux )E-01c 0 0 U u M t S n 300 t S 0 0 5.0 KeV x-ray Flux 6.1 KeV x-ray Flux C 0 u C 0 t U n t S S 300 0 0 7.2 KeV x-raq Flux .r C C 0 U 0 u n t 5.0 300 n t S .,... * S -. 0 0 0 150 350 t ime 550 0 150 350 550 time GRAPH> Figure 19 Channel Monochrometer Each in Flux X-ray Discharge #88 on December 10, 1983 vs Time Page 58 ) Te dec 10 for- shot 88 * of channels fit: S collect time/point e I e 24.00 -- c t r 30 t 1200 J - - i - (ma): L i Ii M P e V 0 0 0.95 20 100 200 300 500 600 500 600 I-- 0.81 0 100 300 time (ms) 400 Figure 20 Upper: Electron Temperature vs Time Lower: Goodness-of-Fit Parameter r 2 vs Time Discharge #88 on December 10, 1983 2.S Page 59 dec 10 4.1 KeV x-ray Flux shot 78 3.1 K&V x-rae Flux C C 0 0 U U n t t 8 0 e 5.0 K&V x aq Flux 6.1 K&V x-ra C 0 0 U U I 3' n n V~.1 t S 9 0 10.2 KV x-~a~ Flux Flux 7.2 KeV x-r C C u U n Flux A C a n t t a 3 0 150 0 1s 0 Se 4aS time Figure Partial Paralysis of 6" 21 Counting Mode Circuitry shot 28 3.1 KeV x--ra 40 time 4.1 Flux C DEC 13 KeV x-r" Flux C 0 u n a t 2 tI a S.0 K*V x-r" Flux 6.1 K*V x-r"a Flux C C 0 u 0 F M 300 - t S h. -. 7.2 K&V 0 10.2 K&V xa-r' x-rayj Flux Flux C a C t K4W 3 a a ISO 40 t I MP eS 0 Is* 4ft time am Figure 22 Complete Paralysis of Counting Mode Circuitry F Page 60 Analog Mode Operation Analog mode across the consists anode stored the results of resistor each The sampled in a memory. tage periodically. the voltage of amplifying PMT and voltages The produced sampling are memory the vol- digitized 3072 has and loca- tions per channel, allowing 5 KHz sampling of the PMT signal. The method of calibration was the same as used for counting mode. An interesting shot is shown in figure of the plasma was small pellet The pellet abruptly increased at to The density 370 msec by firing a into the plasma of frozen hydrogen penetrated [23]. near the center 1 Km/sec. at of the plasma where ablation released a burst of atoms that were quickly ionized. This large, sudden influx of momentarily. The signals cold particles cools the plasma The sampled PMT signals are shown in figure [24]. drop momentarily as the plasma cools, then rise sharply as the plasma reheats and the density increases. The reduced temperature trace is shown in figure been no correction for the [25]. There has 150 msec NaI fluorescence, and the error bars include only the error due to statistical fluctuations in the count for this shot. The fired, but quickly the pellet firing shows the rate. The peak count temperature recovers. is integrated shown soft drops The in when reduced figure x-ray rate was near flux [261, for the pellet temperature and the 7 MHz figure same is near [27] period. There are three sharp pulses in the temperature trace that do not show clearly on the soft x-ray trace. The next tempera- Page 61 ture excursion correlates well with a sawtooth visible on the total flux, not as and the well. This instrument to order of next figure resolve a millisecond The primary sawtooth demonstrates electron of visible, although the ability of the temperature changes on the in length drawback limited dynamic range. is also and analog a hundred mode eV in operation size. is The digitization is carried out to 12 bits resolution, giving a maximum dynamic range of 4096. accuracy of the digitizer on dynamic range suffice to measure means all its is that closer no to one 10 bits. setting discharges. On This of PMT bias December 16, The limit will 1983, ALCATOR had a run in which traces of neon gas were introduced into the plasma and transport. as an The aid in resulting study of plasmas impurity tended to be from shot to shot and disruptive during shots. was acceptable tubes or for gave very one set small counting mode electronics, shots (except for voltage did ance. not of shots signals in pile-up). substantially a either few contrast, Even affect in counting variable PMT bias that saturated shots worked changes confinement later. well the mode the The for all PMT bias perform- Page 62 SHOT 40 DEC 1S, 1983 -PLASM K C.RRENT 64 PEAK 6 ~600- L 0 A 400 M P S 2w0 0 WE AVG. 6 ELECTRON DENSITY S.8 PEAK 4 0 NTEGRATED SOFT X-RAY EMISSION A U 0 100 200 300 400 s00 Time (ms) Figure 23 Plasma Current, Electron Density Soft X-ray Flux and Neutron Rate Discharge #40 on 15 December, 1983 600 Page 63 shot 40 dec 15 4.1 K*V x-ray Flux 3.1 KoV x-ray Flux U a m P U m 30 s 0 0 5.0 KeV x-ra- Flux u a m P . 40 p 2 60 6.1 KeV x-ray Flux U a m 30 P 20 S s 7.2 KeV x-[ra 0 Flux 10.2 KVxr 80 U a m a m p 40 -4 -. 40 Flux - -] - 8 0 100 t 300 ime see -100 100 500 300 t Ime GAPH> Figure 24 Monochrometer Each in X-ray Flux Discharge #40 on 15 December, Channel 1983 vs Time Page 64 ) Te dec 15 for shot 40 * of channels fit: S collect time/point (me): 4 2400 - -- e 20OW 1 e C 1600 t 0 1200 n - t e - m P 400 0 0 100 200 400 see 600 4.00 see 600 0.94 2 ~4sIJ*rnf~~~ 0.80 0 100 200 300 t ime GRAPH>- Figure 25 Upper: Electron Temperature vs Time Lower: Goodness-of-Fit Parameter r 2 vs Time Discharge #40 on 15 December, 1983 Page 65 Te dec 15 for shot 40 S of channels fit: S collect time/noinit I mn,. I I 4 e I 1800 e c t r 1600 0 t 1200 1000 -340 360 380 Electron Temperature I II .NTEGRATED I 420 Figure 26 Time Near I I of I 440 Pellet Inj ect ion I SOFT X-RAY EMiISSION A I-i S 34.0 I I 360 380 I 4.00 420 440 TIME (MS) Figure 27 Plasma Soft X-ray and Neutron Emission Near Injection Time of Pellet Page 66 FUTURE WORK While the x-ray polychrometer approach to measuring the electron temperature has been demonstrated in principle, much work remains to diagnostic. lems that develop The first be easily order of overcome circuit of pulse is and delayed paralysis with into a dependable, business accept shaping, in subtracted that a large of the AC-coupled should Delay-line advantage idea is to fix useful the prob- arose during these experiments. The problem designed the burst counting a the of circuitry electronics. which from counting A rates up portion original light of can properly to the signal, (as from 5 a MHz. signal has hard the x-ray stopping in the scintillator) will give a single output pulse of the same National a pulse width Test Reactor could be on at built. partially no hardware, D.A. Landis at Los the Si(Li) system Plasma such so a with quantizers custom the Physics limited dynamic overcome of range a are circuit Alamos for use as Tokamak Fusion Laboratory in the analog logarithmic commercially must be [261. mode quantizer. available designed and The custodians of the CAMAC serial highway at ALCATOR are understandably Simply other. Princeton problem of Unfortunately, in CAMAC any Laboratory has implemented such a circuit detector The as using a reluctant to use non-commmercial hardware. logarithmic amplifier quantizer will result in aliasing. in front of a linear Page 67 The contribution should be confirmed the of by observing after pellet x-rays into after the fueling, the current fluorescence contribution signals can be corrected the will there polychrometer, plasma 150 the PMT fluorescence signals a very and the returned can then for the obseved large signals has to be impulse will 0. is only approximate because it estimate long as The the the true of If it hard A easily overcome. needed. input contribution problem is of the more and x-rays of 200 KeV energy to the shield problem. scattering If in system the apparatus PMT fluoresence the This method but of fluorescence the pickup should in most of tungsten of the or work analog study or less, then it the pickup is The uses the "contaminated" signal careful with actual subtracting signal, that of 150 msec time-constant signal, x-ray found a continue The result of the convolution from the input signal. to after measured. effects by convolving an appropriatly weighted exponetial with msec If a disruption occurs immediate- plasma current disruption. ly NaI(Tl) is is should be to is problem pickup so small. mode the lead well due not is to possible reduce the due to harder x-rays or to neutron or then shielding will be difficult ny reactions in the detector, if not impossible. Page 68 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ALCATOR member of and that the group support Thanks project to has is a team assisted me effort. at one Almost time or every another, is gratefully acknowledged. Professor Ronald Parker for his continuing financial and academic support. John Rice work, as well provided much as informative many spectra used to calibrate of the early discussions personal support for much of the density, Dan neutron, Jim respectively. and for the this HgI the instrument. Elisabeth Kallne provided material, Stephen Wolfe, stimulus this work. Pappas, and Terry, technical, and and Robert integrated David Gwinn, Granetz soft and X-ray Earl provided traces, Marmar pro- machine shop vided many stimulating discussions. Ed Thibeault and his crew provided timely work when my measurements or foresight failed me. Frank Silva held up the mirror now and then. The superb technical staff of ALCATOR C deserves special thanks. able from They work from 5 am to 8 pm so 9 supportive. to 5. They are always that plasma is avail- interested, helpful, ALCATOR could not exist without them. and Page 69 REFERENCES 1] A.D., Theory of Magnetic ThermoI.E., Sakharov, Taum, AN SSR Fizika Plazmy nuclear Reactors (in two parts) 1, i Problema Upravliaemykh Termoiadernikh Reaktsii, 3, Moscow (1958) 21 Sommerfeld, Maue, A., Phys. D. Ann. A., 11 [51 s.257 (1931) 1 3] J. Greene Ap. J 130, 693, (1959) 4] 51 J. R. and Karzas 167, 6, Suppl J, Ap. Latter, (1961) Submillimetre Non-Thermal and Thermal S.E., Kissel, Emission From Alcator Tokamak, MIT Physics Sc.D Thesis, 1982 [ Private Communication S. 6] Wolfe, 96 77 7] Menzel and Pekeris M.N.R.A.S. 1 81 1 9] Van P., Brussaard, 507 (1962) de J.E., Rice, [111 C. [12] Rice, [131 Tokamak MIT Physics Sc.D. Thesis, Bretin et al EVR-CEA-FC-948 J.E., Rev. Mod. Phys. Princeton 1081 Report MATT S., Goeller, Von (1975) Physics Lab. 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