A Longitudinal Analysis of Passenger Travel Disruptions in the National Air Transportation System by Esther Nyokabi Njuguna B.S., Aerospace Management: Aviation Business, Mathematics Averett University, 2012 Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Transportation MASSACHUSETTS NSTiTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY at the of Technology Institute Massachusetts JUN 13 2014 June 2014 L BRARIES @ 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Signature of Author: Signature redacted Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 22, 2014 Certified by: Signature redacted Cynthia Barnhart Chancellor Ford Professor of Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Certified by: Vikrant Vaze Assistant Professor of Engineering Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College Aiesis Super isor Accepted by: Signature redacted_ I I Heidi M. 4pf Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students A Longitudinal Analysis of Passenger Travel Disruptions in the National Air Transportation System by Esther Nyokabi Njuguna Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 22, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Transportation Abstract Recent research on the U.S. National Air Transportation System has shown that approximately 50% of delays suffered by passengers are a result of passenger travel disruptions in the form of either flight cancellations or missed connections. There exists significant variation in the propensity for disruptions across airports and carriers, based on key factors such as scheduling practices, network structures, and passenger connections. In this thesis, we conduct a longitudinal analysis of passenger travel disruptions in the U.S. over the 2006 - 2010 calendar years and analyze the trends in, and impacts of, various scheduling and operational factors across the years. We illustrate the interdependencies of carrier-related factors and airport-related factors, and the resulting impact on passenger travel disruptions. In our analysis, we use passenger travel data spanning five years. This passenger travel data is estimated from publicly available data sources using a methodology previously developed to disaggregate passenger demand data. We find that across the years, flight cancellations, which are the leading cause for passenger disruptions, vary substantially across carriers even when baseline variability across airports is accounted for. Both passenger and operational considerations play a very significant role in cancellation decisions. We explore the effect of load factors and flight frequency on cancellation rates across the carriers and determine that the level of impact of these two factors varies across carrier types, with the cancellation decisions among the regional carriers being influenced more by load factor considerations than by flight frequency. Much of the variability in missed connections at the airport and carrier level can be explained by the flight delays observed. However, an airline's scheduling practices are also a critical factor that affects the rate of misconnections. Highly banked (peaked) flight schedules reduce passenger connection times and result in higher misconnection rates. We find that significant trends and events in the aviation industry, including the Valentine's Day Storm of February 14, 2007, the demise of Aloha Airlines in 2008, the 3 trend towards capacity discipline among legacy carriers after 2008, and Delta and Northwest Airlines' merger in 2010 have had a significant impact on both cancellations and misconnections. Thesis Supervisor: Cynthia Barnhart Title: Chancellor Ford Professor of Engineering Thesis Supervisor: Vikrant Vaze Title: Assistant Professor of Engineering Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth 4 Acknowledgments First and foremost, I thank the Lord God Almighty for this humbling opportunity; for His sustaining grace through my entire time at MIT, His providence, and for renewing my strength to the very end. Without Him, none of this would have been possible. I am extremely grateful for the support, guidance, and sacrifice that I have received from my two supervisors, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Prof. Vikrant Vaze. Cindy has been a constant source of encouragement, knowledge, and wisdom. She has been a great mentor, not only in my research and thesis, but also in my personal life - her zeal, strong work ethics, patience, and compassion towards her students truly make her one of the best advisors and I feel honored to have had the opportunity to work with her. I am greatly indebted to Vikrant for his immense support and guidance. He worked tirelessly, offering insurmountable advice, assistance, and instruction throughout. Vikrant offered encouragement and support to help overcome the many obstacles we encountered along the way, and provided many novel solutions to challenging issues. This thesis has greatly benefited from Cindy's and Vikrant's immense knowledge, expertise, and understanding of the aviation industry. Most importantly, I would like to thank my family. The constant love, encouragement, and support that I received from my mother, Mary, my brother, Victor enabled me to make it through. 5; 6 Contents A bstract .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 13 1.1 D ata Sources ...................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Thesis Contributions...................................................................................................... 15 1.3 Thesis Outline .................................................................................................................... 15 2 Analysis of Flight Cancellations over the 2006 - 2010 Time Period.........................17 2.1 A irports and Carriers .......................................................................................... 17 2.2 Flight Frequency and Load Factors.................................................................... 35 2.2.1 Regional Carriers A nalysis ................................................................... 38 2.3 Carrier Effect..............................................................................................................57 2.4 M odelling Cancellations ..................................................................................... 79 3 Analysis of Missed Connections over the 2006 - 2010 Time Period ....................... 94 3.1 M issed C onnections at the A irport-Specific Level........................................... 94 3.2 M issed C onnections at the Carrier-Specific Level..............................................104 3.3 Schedule Banking....................................................................................................118 3.4 M odelling M issed Connections ............................................................................ 123 4 C onclusions and Further Research ................................................................................... 131 A ppendix A ............................................................................................................................... 134 7 List of Figures 2.1.1 Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2006 ....................................... 19 2.1.2 Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2007 ....................................... 20 2.1.3 Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2008 ....................................... 22 2.1.4 Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2009 ....................................... 24 2.1.5 Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2010 ....................................... 25 2.1.6 Cancellation rates for each carrier group across the 2006 - 2010 time period ..... 28 2.1.7 Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2006.................................................................29 2.1.8 Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2007................................................................. 30 2.1.9 Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2008................................................................. 32 2.1.10 Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2009...............................................................33 2.1.11 Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2010...............................................................34 2.1.12 Average distribution of flight departures at LGA and ORD over the 2006 - 2010 tim e p e rio d ................................................................................................................................... 35 2.2.1 Visual presentation of the percentage of regional carriers' carrier-segments operated on behalf of corresponding legacy carriers ....................................................... 42 2.2.2 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for D L, 9ED L, and 9EnonD L ................................................................................................ 44 2.2.3 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for D L, EV D L, and EV nonD L............................................................................................... 45 2.2.4 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for AA , M Q A A, and M QnonA A ......................................................................................... 46 2.2.5 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for D L, O H D L, and O HnonD L ............................................................................................ 47 2.2.6 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for D L, O O D L, and OO nonD L............................................................................................... 48 2.2.7 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for U A , O OU A , and O O nonU A ............................................................................................ 49 2.2.8 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for X E, X EC O, and X EnonC O .............................................................................................. 50 2.2.9 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for U S, YV U S, and YV nonU S ................................................................................................ 51 8 2.2.10 Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for U A , YVU A , and YVnonU A .................................................................................... 52 2.3.1 Coefficient of hubbing values for FL and DL ............................................................ 72 3.1.1 Average misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports in 2006 .............. 95 3.1.2 Average misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports in 2007...............96 3.1.3 Average misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports in 2008 ................. 100 3.1.4 Average misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports in 2009.................101 3.1.5 Average misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports in 2010 ................. 103 3.2.1 Misconnection rates for the four carrier groups across the 2006 - 2010 time p e rio d ......................................................................................................................................... 105 3.2.2 Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2006...........................................................106 3.2.3 Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2007...........................................................108 3.2.4 M isconnection rates across the carriers in 2008...........................................................110 3.2.5 Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2009...........................................................112 3.2.6 Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2010...........................................................114 3.3.1 N W 's banked schedule at M EM in 2007.......................................................................119 3.3.2 AA's de-banked schedule at ORD in 2007 ................................................................... 3.3.3 D L's banked schedule at JFK in 2007............................................................................120 3.3.4 DL's de-banked schedule at ATL in 2007.....................................................................121 9 119 List of Tables 2.1.1 Range of values within which the true mean should fall ....................................... 18 2.1.2 Month-by-month cancellation rates at JFK in 2007...................................................21 2.1.3 Month-by-month cancellation rates for B6 in 2007...................................................31 2.2.1 Correlation between average flight frequency and flight cancellation rates across the four carrier groups over the 2006 - 2010 time period ................................................ 37 2.2.2 Regional carriers, legacy carrier they serve, and the hubs they operate out of ........ 40 2.2.3 Percentage of regional carriers' carrier-segments operated on behalf of corresponding legacy carriers .............................................................................................. 41 2.2.4 Adjusted R-square values for the three models for the legacies.............................55 2.2.5 Adjusted R-square values for the three models for the regional carriers..............56 2.3.1 C arrier effects in 2006 ................................................................................................... 59 2.3.2 C arrier effects in 2007 ................................................................................................... 60 2.3.3 C arrier effects in 2008 ................................................................................................... 62 2.3.4 Carrier effects in 2009 ................................................................................................... 64 2.3.5 Carrier effects in 2010 ................................................................................................... 65 2.3.6 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2006 .............................................. 67 2.3.7 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2007............................................... 68 2.3.8 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2008 .............................................. 69 2.3.9 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2009 .............................................. 70 2.3.10 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2010 .............................................. 71 2.3.11 Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the p rim ary h u b in 2006....................................................................................................................73 2.3.12 Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the p rim ary h u b in 2007....................................................................................................................75 2.3.13 Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the p rim ary h u b in 2008 .................................................................................................................... 76 2.3.14 Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the p rim ary h u b in 2009 .................................................................................................................... 77 2.3.15 Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the p rim ary h u b in 2010 .................................................................................................................... 78 10 2.4.1 Estimation results for model 1 (airport congestion) for the 2006 - 2010 time p e rio d ..................................................................................................... 8 1 -8 2 2.4.2 Distribution of on-time performance across the years ............................................. 83 2.4.3 Estimation results for model 2 (carrier types) for the 2006 - 2010 time period.. .83-85 2.4.4 Estimation results for model 3 (combination of airport congestion and carrier types) for the 2006 - 2010 tim e period ............................................................................... 86-88 2.4.5 Estimation results for model 4 (combination of airport congestion, carrier types, frequency, load factor, and origin hub dummy) for the 2006 - 2010 time period.......89-92 3.1.1 Average connection times by hour at IND and distribution of connecting passengers in 2006 and 2007................................................................................................. 98 3.2.1 D L's m isconnection rates at N W 's hubs.......................................................................115 3.2.2 Multi- and same-carrier itineraries across the carrier groups ................................... 116 3.2.3 Percentage of multi- and same-carrier itineraries across the carrier groups .......... 117 3.3.1 Peak index values and connection times for the NW, AA, and DL examples........121 3.3.2 Average flight delay and average connection time at the five airports with consistently high m isconnection rates ................................................................................... 122 3.3.3 Average peak index values, average connection time, and average share of connecting passengers at IA D and JFK .................................................................................. 123 3.4.1 Estimation results for the regression models for 2006................................................125 3.4.2 Estimation results for the regression models for 2007................................................126 3.4.3 Estimation results for the regression models for 2008................................................127 3.4.4 Estimation results for the regression models for 2009................................................128 3.4.5 Estimation results for the regression models for 2010................................................129 A .1 C arrier nam es and IA TA codes ....................................................................................... A .2 A irport nam es and IA TA codes.......................................................................................137 11 136 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Flight delays cause a huge strain on the U.S. air transportation system, and have a significant impact on the U.S. economy as a whole. In 2007, which was the last full year of peak air travel demand prior to the economic downturn that began in 2008, the U.S. air transportation system experienced the worst year in terms of flight delays, with 24% of all domestic flights experiencing more than 15 minutes of delay and 2% of all domestic flights being cancelled (CAPA - Center of Aviation, 2010). The sum of the number of flights delayed for more than 15 minutes and the number of flight cancellations increased by 62% between 1998 and 2007 (CAPA - Center for Aviation, 2010). For this reason, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) commissioned a comprehensive study (Ball et al., 2010) of the total delay impact (TDI) on airlines, passengers, and the U.S. economy as a whole. According to the results of the study, the total cost of delays within the U.S. air transportation system was estimated at $31.2 billion. Of this $31.2 billion, the total cost of delays to airlines in 2007 was estimated at $8.3 billion, most of which consisted of increased expenses for labor, fuel, and maintenance (Ball et al., 2010). It was estimated that passengers bore the largest share of the cost of delay, with the passenger time lost due to schedule buffer, delayed flights, flight cancellations and misconnections in 2007 estimated at $16.7 billion. The cost of lost demand for air travel in 2007 was estimated at $2.2 billion. Moreover, flight delays that year were estimated to have reduced the U.S. GDP by $4 billion. According to the TDI report, it is estimated that in 2007, passengers experienced approximately 458.1 million hours of delay due to airline schedule buffers, delays to flights, capacityinduced delay, and voluntary schedule adjustments (Ball et al., 2010). According to a report by the Center for Air Transportation Systems Research at George Mason University on passenger delay for 2008, passengers experienced delays due to flights that had been delayed, cancelled, diverted, and oversold (CATSR, 2008). The report goes on to explain that in 2008, there was a 5% decrease in passenger trips and a 6% decrease in airline flights from 2007, due to the economic downturn that began that year. It is estimated that the delay suffered by passengers decreased by 10% from 2007, to a total of 299 million hours in 2008. These passenger hours of delay were estimated to cost the U.S. economy more than $8.9 billion in lost productivity that year. Furthermore, Barnhart, Fearing, and Vaze (2013) use a regression-based approach to estimate the total delay experienced by passengers in 2008 to be about 204 million hours, which was 12% lower than the total delay experienced by passengers in 2007 (232 million hours). 13 Additionally, Airlines for America (A4A), in 2012, estimated the total system delay that year as 92 million minutes (Airlines for America, 2013). This is estimated to have cost airlines $7.2 billion in direct costs and billions of dollars more in passenger costs. These various past studies across different years indicate that the brunt of flight delays in the U.S. air transportation system is borne by passengers. According to the findings of Bratu and Barnhart (2005), flight cancellations and missed connections contribute significantly to domestic passenger delays. Hence, in this thesis, we analyze air travel data across the 2006 - 2010 time period to understand the factors that cause flight cancellations and missed connections. 1.1 Data Sources In order to conduct our analysis, we use data on flights and passengers for each year across the 2006 - 2010 time period. For each year, we obtain publicly available flight ontime performance data for airlines that serve at least 1% of the U.S. domestic passengers. Our data source is the Airline Service Quality Performance (ASQP) database (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). In order to obtain passenger data at the itinerary level (whereby a passenger itinerary refers to a scheduled non-stop or one-stop, one-way passenger trip), we use estimated passenger itinerary flows that were developed by Barnhart, Fearing, and Vaze (2013). These are used because publicly available aggregate data on passenger trips is insufficient. The publicly available data reports flows based on the origin, connection (if any), and destination airports of the passengers on a quarterly basis, or passenger flows based on origin-destination airports for each non-stop segment on a monthly basis. Disaggregate data on an itinerary level is not available publicly. Such data is particularly vital in our analysis of misconnections. In order to disaggregate passenger demand data into individual itineraries, Barnhart, Fearing, and Vaze (2013) use two datasets that are maintained by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) - Schedule T-100, which includes aggregated passenger travel data for flights within the continental U.S. that were operated by U.S. carriers, and the Airline Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B) database, which provides a 10% sample of domestic passenger trips for reporting carriers including those contained in ASQP (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). The T-100 dataset contains passenger demand data aggregated by month for each carrier-segment. Here, a carrier-segmentis defined as the combination of a carrier, origin and destination, where the carrier provides non-stop service between the origin and destination. The DB1B dataset, however, contains passenger demand data that is aggregated by quarter (every three months) for each carrier-route.Here, a carrier-routeis defined as a sequence 14 of either one or two carrier-segments representing either a non-stop or one-stop trip respectively. For each year, the data is disaggregated by performing the following steps: 1. Based on each year's flight data from ASQP, plausible non-stop and one-stop, oneway itineraries are generated. 2. The carrier-route data obtained from DB1B for each of the five years is scaled relative to the T-100 data to account for the 10% sampling and monthly variation. 3. A multinomial logit model is then estimated using proprietary booking data, and used to allocate the individual carrier-routepassengers to matching itineraries. Please refer to the Barnhart, Fearing and Vaze (2013) study for full details of the data disaggregation process. The analysis of cancellations in Chapter 2 uses the ASQP flight on-time performance data, whereas the analysis of missed connections in Chapter 3 uses a combination of the flight on-time performance data from ASQP and the passenger itinerary flows data obtained as the output of the aforementioned disaggregation process. Throughout this thesis, the airlines and airports are referenced by their International Air Transportation Association (IATA) abbreviations, which we list in Appendix A. 1.2 Thesis Contributions The work presented in this thesis provides an in-depth longitudinal analysis of the two leading disruptions to passengers - flight cancellations and misconnections - across the 2006 - 2010 time period. We provide numerous insights that explain the variability observed in cancellation rates and misconnection rates, and the impact of various industry trends and airline scheduling practices on disruptions. 1.3 Thesis Outline In Chapter 2, we focus on flight cancellations across airports and carriers, and the trends observed across the years. We analyze cancellation rates at the top 50 busiest airports and for the 20 major carriers in the U.S. across the 2006 - 2010 time period and attempt to explain the variability observed at both the airport and carrier levels. We identify flight frequency and load factors as two factors that significantly impact cancellation rates and investigate the level of impact of these two factors across the different carriers. Using regression models, we attempt to predict cancellation rates using various explanatory variables, including the level of congestion at the origin and 15 destination airports, the type of carrier, the average flight frequency, the average load factor, and whether or not the flights originate from the carriers' hubs. In Chapter 3, we focus our analysis on missed connections across the top 50 busiest airports and across the 20 major carriers in the U.S., and the observed trends in misconnections across the years. We analyze the impact of arrival flight delay and airline scheduling practices on the rate of misconnections, and use regression models to attempt to predict misconnection rates using average flight delay, average connection time, and the type of carrier as explanatory variables. In Chapter 4, we discuss our main conclusions as well as provide some promising directions for future research. 16 Chapter 2 Analysis of Flight Cancellations over the 2006 - 2010 Time Period Flight cancellations are the second largest source of passenger delays in the National Air Transportation System. For calendar year 2007, only 2.1% of passengers were disrupted as a result of flight cancellations, and yet, these passengers accumulated 30.4% of the total passenger delays experienced for the year. Hence, it is important to understand the factors that influence flight cancellations. In this chapter, we attempt to identify these factors and determine their level of impact on cancellation rates across the years from 2006 to 2010. The majority of our analysis of flight cancellations is based on the flight on-time performance information provided in the ASQP database. We use the term flight cancellation rate (or simply, cancellation rate), defined as the ratio of the number of cancelled flights to the number of scheduled flights, and we express this as a percentage. 2.1 Airports and Carriers Flight cancellation rates vary dramatically across airports and carriers. These effects are, however, strongly related because each airport has a different distribution of operations (arrivals and departures) across carriers. In this sub-section, we demonstrate the dependence of flight cancellation rates on airports and carriers and present this dependence across the 2006 - 2010 time period. For the analysis of cancellation rates across airports, we consider the top 50 busiest airports in the United States based on the number of flight operations per day. This list of airports remained the same over the 2006 - 2010 time period. These 50 airports constituted 78.8% of the total operations in 2006, 77.9% in 2007, 78.1% in 2008, 78.5% in 2009, and 78.2% in 2010. To confirm that the top 50 busiest airports create a suitable sample that is representative of all the airports, we conduct a bootstrapping analysis. Bootstrapping is a statistical technique that involves resampling a sample of data (with replacement) in order to make an inference about the population. That is, bootstrapping treats inference of the true probability distribution, P, of the population as being analogous to the inference of the observed distribution of the resampled data, P. 17 For each year, we calculate the mean cancellation rate across all the airports, and define this as the mean of the population, Mcamc. We then calculate the mean cancellation rate for the top 50 busiest airports for each year and define this as the sample mean, Xcanc. In our analysis, we resample from, N,, the sample of the top 50 busiest airports 1,000 times, with replacement. We define each of the 1,000 samples obtained as: n, 1 , for] e {1, 2, ..., 1,000}. For each of the 1,000 samples, we define the mean as: Xn, forj e {1, 2, ..., 1,000}. The mean of the 1,000 samples, Xn,, is calculated as defined below in Equation 1: (Ej E[1,2,.i1,ooo -s kn,) 1,000 Now, we set four different confidence limits to define ranges around the value of Xn, within which the true mean, Pcanc - should fall. We use 99%, 95%, 90%, and 85% confidence limits, with 85% achieving the tightest bound around -n, and 99% providing the loosest bound. Our results are provided in Table 2.1.1 below: Year 2006 2007 Icanc 1.71% 2.16% Xcanc 1.63% 2.06% 85% Confidence Interval 1.26% 90% Confidence Interval 1.23% 95% Confidence Interval 1.15% 99% Confidence Interval 1.05% 1.99% 2.04% 2.22% 2.41% - 1.59% 2.55% 2008 1.96% 1.88% 1.39% 1.31% - 1.46% 1.76% 1.68% 1.43% - 1.04% 1.01% - - 2.07% 1.32% 2.11% - 1.34% - 0.95% - 1.24% 2.17% - 1.26% - 2.71% - 1.70% - 1.34% 3.05% 2.58% 1.67% 1.33% 1.47% 2.77% 2.42% 1.58% 2010 - 2.65% 2.34% 2009 1.56% 0.88% - 1.90% - 1.14% - 2.4% Table 2.1.1: Range of values within which the true mean should fall According to the results in Table 2.1.1 above, for all the years, Pcanc falls within each of the confident limits. This suggests that the sample of the top 50 busiest airports is a good estimation of the entire airport population and, therefore, the results we obtain from our analysis at the airport level can be used to make conclusions about all the airports in the U.S. 18 Next, we present the results of the analysis of cancellations at the airport level across the years over the 2006 - 2010 time period. In Figure 2.1.1 below, we present the average cancellation rate for each of the top 50 busiest airports, in decreasing order for the 2006 calendar year. % of Cancelled Flights in 2006 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% -Top 0 lim-t 2.00% 1.50% 50 Average Cancellatio n Rate 1.00% 0.50% UJ.1Uu/o I I I I - 1 I I 1 1111 11 11 f Airport Figure 2.1.1: Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2006 For 2006, the overall cancellation rate among all airports was 1.71% while the cancellation rate among the top 50 was 1.63%. 17 out of the top 50 airports had a cancellation rate higher than the overall average as well as higher than the average across the top 50. After the first two airports in terms of cancellation rates (LGA and ORD), there was a significant drop-off in cancellation rates, after which no other airport had an overall cancellation rate higher than 3.00%. The overall cancellation rate of LGA and ORD was 3.52%, which is 2.5 times as high as the overall cancellation rate of the remaining 48 airports (1.44%). LGA (3.70%) and ORD (3.26%) were the only two airports whose cancellation rates were more than twice the overall average. These two airports contributed to only 7.02% of all the flights but contributed to 14.46% of all the cancellations recorded in the year, which corresponds to 8.90% of all the flights at the top 50 airports and 19.25% of the cancellations at the top 50 airports. 19 In terms of the number of cancellations observed in the year, the top three airports were ATL, ORD, and DFW. These three airports were also the top three in terms of number of departures observed and hence the busiest as per our definition of busy. The airports contributed to 15.16% of system-wide departures, and 20.54% of cancellations which corresponds to 19.24% of the total departures across the top 50 busiest airports, and 27.34% of the total cancellations made across the top 50 busiest airports. ATL was the busiest domestic airport, accounting for 5.71% of total system-wide departures, but only 5.43% of the total system-wide cancellations; of these top three airports, ATL was the only airport whose overall cancellation rate (1.62%) was below the overall average, as well as below the average across the top 50 airports. ORD was the second busiest domestic airport, accounting for 5.23% of the total system-wide departures but had the largest number of cancellations, accounting for 10.59% of the total system-wide cancellations. DFW accounted for 4.22% of the total system-wide departures and 4.51% of the total system-wide cancellations. Figure 2.1.2 below provides the cancellation rates for each of the top 50 busiest airports in decreasing order for the 2007 calendar year. % of Cancelled Flights in 2007 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% C 3.00% (U - 111 !I % 2.00% Top 50 Average Cancellati on Rate 1.00% L. U500% I, Airport Figure 2.1.2: Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2007 For 2007, the overall cancellation rate among all airports was 2.16% while the cancellation rate among the top 50 was 2.06%. This was a 26.32% increase in the overall 20 cancellation rate from 2006. 15 out of the top 50 airports had a cancellation rate higher than the overall average and 16 of the top 50 had a cancellation rate higher than the average across the top 50. After the first eight airports in terms of cancellation rates (LGA, ORD, EWR, DCA, BOS, JFK, IAD, and DFW), there was a significant decrease in cancellation rates, after which no other airport had a cancellation rate that was higher than even 2.50%. The overall cancellation rate of these eight airports was 3.82%, which was more than 2.5 times as high as the overall cancellation rate of the remaining 42 airports (1.50%). These eight airports contributed to only 18.59% of all the flights but contributed to 32.97% of all the cancellations recorded in the year, which corresponds to 23.86% of the total flights among the top 50 airports and 44.35% of the total cancellations among the top 50 airports. Of note, JFK recorded one of the highest increases in cancellation rate among the top 50 airports from 2006 (1.75%) to 2007 (3.24%). In addition, the airport's rank in terms of the highest cancellation rate changed from the 17th position in 2006 to the 6th position in 2007. This can be attributed to the infamous Valentine's Day snow storm that occurred on February 1 4 th of that year; the storm produced severe thunderstorms that heavily affected the eastern half of Northern America, and in particular disrupted flight operations at JFK. To investigate this further, we analyze cancellation rates at JFK month-wise as shown Table 2.1.2 below. Month Cancellation Rate at JFK January 1.32% February 10.66% March 4.76% April 3.09% May 0.95% June 4.53% July 3.95% August 2.79% September 0.96% October 1.97% November 0.71% December 3.62% Table 2.1.2: Month-by-month cancellation rates at JFK in 2007 21 As expected, JFK recorded the highest monthly cancellation rate in February at 10.66%. If we eliminate February's operations in the calculation of the overall average cancellation rate for the year, we find that JFK's cancellation rate drops from 3.24% to 2.63%, and moves the airport's rank from 6 th position in terms of highest cancellation rate to 11th position, among the top 50 busiest airports. Similar to 2006, the top three airports in terms of the number of cancellations observed in the year were ATL, ORD, and DFW. These three airports were also the top three in terms of number of departures observed that year and hence the busiest. In 2007, the ranking among these three airports was similar to that in 2006, and the percentage of operations at each of the three airports remained fairly similar. ATL's cancellation rate (1.62%) was well below the overall average cancellation rate (2.16%), and it was the only airport among the three whose cancellation rate was below the overall cancellation rate as well as below the overall cancellation rate at the top 50 airports. ORD was the second busiest domestic airport that year and also the domestic airport with the highest number of flight cancellations. Figure 2.1.3 below provides the cancellation rate for each of the top 50 busiest airports in decreasing order for the 2008 calendar year. % of Cancelled Flights in 2008 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% -Top U Average Cancellation Rate m 2.00% 1.00% 50 -p 0.00% Airport Igp Figure 2.1.3: Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2008 22 For 2008, the overall cancellation rate among all airports was 1.96% while the cancellation rate among the top 50 was 1.88%. 15 out of the top 50 airports had a cancellation rate higher than the overall average and 16 of the top 50 had a cancellation rate higher than the average across the top 50. After the first two airports in terms of cancellation rates (LGA and ORD), there was a significant decrease in cancellation rates, whereby no other airport had a cancellation rate higher than even 3.50%. Interestingly, this is a similar observation as that for 2006. Note that 2007 was the peak year in terms of congestion and cancellations, after which they both decreased and presumably, as a result, the general patterns of 2006 in terms of the cross airport cancellation rates returned in 2008. The overall cancellation rate of LGA and ORD was 4.43%, which was more than 2.7 times as high as the cancellation rate of the remaining 48 airports (1.64%). These two airports contributed to only 6.07% of all the flights but contributed to 15.14% of all the cancellations recorded in the year, which corresponds to 8.60% of the total flights among the top 50 airports and 20.28% of the total cancellations made by the top 50 airports. In terms of the number of cancellations observed in the year, the top three airports were ATL, ORD, and DFW, similar to the previous two years. These three airports were also the top three in terms of number of departures observed that year and hence the busiest. Again, similar to 2006 and 2007, ATL was the busiest domestic airport and the only airport among the top three whose cancellation rate (1.41%) was below the overall average (1.96%) and below the overall cancellation across the top 50 airports (1.88%). ORD was the second busiest domestic airport, and DFW ranked 3rd in terms of busiest airports. In Figure 2.1.4 below, we present the average cancellation rate for each of the top 50 busiest airports in decreasing order for the 2009 calendar year. 23 % of Cancelled Flights in 2009 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% r 3.00% o 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% -Top 50 Average HIM- Cancellatio n Rate 0.50% TI U.UUo70 I I I Airport Figure 2.1.4: Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2009 For 2009, the overall cancellation rate among all airports was 1.39% while the cancellation rate among the top 50 was 1.31%. 13 out of the top 50 airports had a cancellation rate higher than the overall average and 15 of the top 50 had a cancellation rate higher than the average across the top 50. After the first airport in terms of cancellation rates (LGA), there was a significant decrease in cancellation rates. The overall cancellation rate of LGA was 3.98%, which is more than three times as high as the cancellation rate of the remaining 49 airports (1.25%). Interestingly, LGA maintained its position as the airport with the highest cancellation rate while ORD, which had been the airport with the second-highest cancellation rate since 2006, moved down the list to the 6t1 position. LGA contributed to 1.56% of all the flights and contributed to 4.48% of all the cancellations recorded in the year, which corresponds to 2.00% of the total flights across the top 50 airports and 6.09% of the total cancellations across the top 50 airports. In 2009, the airport that had the second-highest cancellation rate was BOS and not ORD as it had been over the past three years. BOS moved from the 5t position in 2008 in terms of highest cancellation rate, to 2nd position in 2009; the airport's cancellation rate, however, decreased from 3.10% in 2008 to 2.61% in 2009. This change in rank was only as a consequence of the significant decrease in ORD's cancellation rate. In terms of the number of cancellations observed in the year, the top three airports were ATL, ORD, and DFW, similar to the previous years. These three airports were also the 24 top three in terms of number of departures observed and hence the busiest. The ranking in terms of number of operations among these three airports remained the same as in the previous years. Similar to the previous year, ATL was the busiest airport, and also the only one among the top three busiest airports whose cancellation rate (1.27%) was below the overall average (1.39%) as well as below the average at the top 50 busiest airports (1.31%). ORD was the second busiest airport in terms of number of flights, accounting for 4.88% of all departures and the highest number of flight cancellations (7.64% of total cancellations). Yet, this represented a decrease in the contribution made by ORD in terms of the total number of flight cancellations - from 10.95% of all cancellations in 2008 to 7.64% of all cancellations in 2009. Furthermore, ORD's rank among the top 50 airports in terms of cancellation rates improved from 2nd position in 2006 - 2008, to 6 th position in 2009. This is attributed to the reduction in congestion at the airport as a result of a new runway, Runway 9L/27R', which was opened in November, 2008. DFW was the third busiest domestic airport. Figure 2.1.5 below presents the average cancellation rates for each of the top 50 busiest airports in decreasing order for the 2010 calendar year. % of Cancelled Flights in 2010 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% C li 3.00% Top 50 Average Cancellation Rate o 2.50% 2.00% i 1.50% 1.00% ---- ------ ----- 0.50% Airport Figure 2.1.5: Cancellation rates for the top 50 busiest airports in 2010 Runway 9L/27R was part of a modernization program at O'Hare that was aimed at reducing delay and enhancing capacity at the airport (O'Hare Modernization Program). The runway is located in the north of the airport and allows accommodation of three arrival streams, and allows great delay reduction during bad weather (airport-technology.com, 2013) 25 For 2010, the overall cancellation rate among all airports was 1.76% while the cancellation rate among the top 50 was 1.68%. 17 out of the top 50 airports had a cancellation rate higher than the overall average and 19 of the top 50 had a cancellation rate higher than the average across the top 50. After the first two airports in terms of cancellation rates (LGA and DCA), there was a significant decrease in cancellation rates (whereby no other airport had a cancellation rate higher than even 3.50%), and another significant decrease after the first four airports (LGA, DCA, JFK, and EWR), whereby no other airport had a cancellation rate higher than 3.00%. The average cancellation rate for DCA increased from 2.42% in 2009 to 4.13% in 2010, which was more than a 70% increase in average cancellation rate. On further investigation of the distribution of carriers that operate at DCA, we find that DL's share of total operations at the airport increased from 7.8% in 2009 to 15.1% in 2010, making it the carrier with the secondhighest share of total operations at the airport. This was a consequence of DL's merger with NW which was finalized in 2010. Furthermore, DL was the carrier that had the highest increase in average cancellation rate from 2009 to 2010 (this will be further discussed later in this section). Therefore, the large increase in DCA's cancellation rate is a consequence of DL's increase in average cancellation rate, which may be attributed to the operational changes brought about by the merger. The overall cancellation rate for LGA and DCA was 4.19%, which is more than 2.6 times as high as the overall cancellation rate at the remaining 48 airports (1.59%). The overall cancellation rate of the first four airports in terms of cancellation rate was 3.70%, which is 2.5 times as high as the overall cancellation rate of the remaining 46 airports (1.51%). These four airports contributed to only 6.32% of all the flights but contributed to 13.33% of all the cancellations recorded in the year, which corresponds to 8.12% of all the flights across the top 50 airports and 17.87% of the total cancellations across the top 50 airports. In terms of the number of cancellations observed in the year, the top three airports were ATL, ORD, and DFW, similar to the previous years. These three airports were also the top three in terms of number of departures observed and hence the busiest. Similar to the previous years, ATL was the busiest domestic airport, accounting for 6.43% of total flights and 7.24% of the total flight cancellations. In 2010, however, ATL was the airport with the highest number of cancellations among these three airports - higher than ORD which accounted for 6.87% of total cancellations. In addition, ATL's overall rank among the 50 busiest airports in terms of cancellation rate dropped from 17h position in 2009 to 12t* position in 2010. ORD was the second busiest domestic airport, accounting for 26 4.86% of the total flight departures, and 6.87% of the total flight cancellations. DFW was the third busiest domestic airport and was the only airport among the three whose cancellation rate (1.68%) was below the overall average cancellation rate (1.76%). Over the entire 2006 - 2010 time period, LGA remained at the top of the list as the airport with the highest overall cancellation rate among the top 50 busiest airports, reaching its highest cancellation rate in 2007 (5.21%). The top five airports in terms of cancellation rates remained the same from 2006 - 2008. These airports were LGA, ORD, EWR, DCA, and BOS. In 2009 and 2010, ORD dropped out of the top five and was replaced by JFK. This was as a result of the addition of a new runway at ORD, as mentioned earlier. In terms of the busiest airports (those with the highest number of departures), ATL, ORD, and DFW remained as the top three airports and their contribution to the total flights and cancellations remained approximately the same over the entire 2006 - 2010 time period. To conduct carrier-specific analysis, we first classify all the carriers that have less than 80% of their operations in the continental U.S. as non-continental carriers. The three carriers that fall under this category are: Aloha Airlines (AQ), Hawaiian Airlines (HA), and Alaskan Airlines (AS). We further categorize the remaining 17 continental carriers into three groups: legacy network carriers, low-cost carriers, and regional carriers.American Airlines (AA), Continental Airlines (CO), Delta Airlines (DL), Northwest Airlines (NW), United Airlines (UA), and US Airways (US) are categorized as legacy network carriers (or simply, legacy carriers); JetBlue Airways (B6), Frontier Airlines (F9), AirTran Airways (FL), and Southwest Airlines (WN) are classified as low-cost carriers; and Pinnacle Airlines (9E), Atlantic Southeast Airlines (EV), American Eagle Airlines (MQ), Comair (OH), SkyWest Airlines (00), ExpressJet Airlines (XE), and Mesa Airlines (YV) are classified as regional carriers. For our analysis, we categorize a passenger, who is scheduled to travel on a one-stop itinerary that includes flights operated by two different carriers, based on the carrier operating the first flight of the itinerary. We conduct a longitudinal study comparing cancellation rates across the four categories of carriers across the 2006 - 2010 time period. Figure 2.1.6 below is a chart that provides the average cancellation rate for each group for each year. 27 Cancellation Rates by Carrier Group 3.50% 3.00% . 2.50% &0000,- 2.00% 15% -+-Legacy Carriers Low-Cost Carriers 1.00% -*--Regional Carriers 0.50% -+-Non-Continental Carriers 0.00% 2006 2007 2009 2008 2010 Year Legacy Carriers Low-Cost Carriers Regional Carriers Non-Continental Carriers 2007 1.99% 0.97% 3.20% 1.21% 2006 1.38% 0.79% 2.74% 1.27% 2008 1.84% 1.03% 2.82% 1.27% 2009 1.24% 0.82% 2.02% 0.63% 2010 1.65% 1.13% 2.42% 0.42% Figure 2.1.6: Cancellation rates for each carrier group across the 2006 - 2010 time period Over the entire 2006 - 2010 time period, the regional carriers' group had the highest cancellation rates of the four groups, and the legacy carriers had the second-highest cancellation rates. From 2006 to 2008, the low-cost carriers had the lowest cancellation rates among the four carrier groups and the non-continental carriers had the secondlowest cancellation rates; in 2009 and 2010, the non-continental carriers' group had the lowest cancellation rates among the four carrier groups while the low-cost carriers had the second-lowest cancellation rates. Among the continental carriers, both the legacy carriers and the regional carriers had the highest cancellation rate in 2007 (1.99% for the legacy carriers and 3.20% for the regional carriers) but the low-cost carriers had the highest cancellation rate in 2010 (1.13%). Next, we present figures in which we plot the cancellation rate for each airline arranged in decreasing order, by year. In the plots, the regional carriers are highlighted in blue, 28 the legacy network carriers in green, the low-cost carriers in orange, and the noncontinental carriers in grey. The first plot below in Figure 2.1.7 is for data gathered for 2006. Cancellation Rates by Carrier - 20061 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% C 2.50% -- 2.00% 1.50% t Overall Average Cancellation Rate 1.00% 0.50% A / Carrier Figure 2.1.7: Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2006 According to Figure 2.1.7 above, the first six carriers in terms of the highest cancellation rates are all regional carriers. All the regional carriers have cancellation rates that are above the overall average cancellation rate, while all the low-cost and non-continental carriers have cancellation rates that are below the overage cancellation rate for that year. Among the legacy carriers, UA (2.05%) had the highest cancellation rate and was the only carrier whose cancellation rate was above the overall average cancellation rate. AA (1.57%) had the second-highest cancellation rate among the legacy carriers. Among the regional carriers, MQ (3.63%) had the highest cancellation rate that year. Figure 2.1.8 below represents the plot for the cancellation rates for each airline in decreasing order, in 2007. 29 Cancellation Rates by Carrier - 2007 5.00% 4 4.00% o 3.00% 2.00% UM 1.00% A AAL . mum m]J W< W Overall Average 1 o nV _ - . .. Cancellation Rate zC Carrier Figure 2.1.8: Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2007 According to Figure 2.1.8 above, the first five carriers in terms of highest cancellation rate were all regional carriers. All the regional carriers had cancellation rates that were higher than the overall average cancellation rate that year. Among the legacy carriers, AA (2.83%) and UA (2.43%) had the highest cancellation rates and were the only legacy carriers with cancellation rates that were above the overall average. AA observed an increase in cancellation rates from 2006 (1.57%) to 2007 (2.83%); this was an 80.25% increase in cancellation rate and was the highest increase among the legacy carriers. The carrier also moved from 8th position in 2006 to 6t* position in 2007 in terms of highest cancellation rates among the carriers. DL was the only legacy carrier that observed a decrease in cancellation rate from 1.52% in 2006 to 1.37% in 2007. DL's ranking changed from 9t* position in 2006 to 14t" position in terms of highest cancellation rate among the carriers. The low-cost carriers and the non-continental carriers all had cancellation rates that were below the overall average cancellation rate. B6 observed the highest increase in cancellation rate among the low-cost carriers as well as among all other carriers, from 0.42% in 2006 to 1.94% in 2007. Its ranking in terms of highest cancellation rates across all the carriers changed from 18t" position in 2006 (it was the carrier with the lowest cancellation rate across all carriers in 2006) to 10t" position in 2007. The reason for this is that B6 operates a hub out of JFK and was therefore adversely affected by the Valentine's Day Storm in February of 2007. To confirm this, we calculate the carrier's 30 cancellation rates on a month-by-month basis and provide the results below in Table 2.1.3. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Table 2.1.3: Month-by-month B6's Cancellation Rate 0.28% 9.17% 3.09% 1.76% 0.32% 2.49% 1.57% 0.94% 0.71% 0.69% 0.24% 2.48% cancellation rates for B6 in 2007 From the above results, it is evident that February was the worst month in terms of average cancellation rate for B6. When we exclude the month of February in calculating B6's average cancellation rate for the year, we obtain an average of 1.34%, which would move the carrier's rank from 10th position to 14 th position among the 20 carriers. Figure 2.1.9 below presents the cancellation rates for all the carriers in decreasing order in 2008. 31 Cancellation Rates by Carrier - 2008 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 0 - 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% % 1.00% 0.50% Overall Average Cancellation Rate n nnO% > M< 2>_<MX < 0> k 0W U10 z< 0D< _j c M '-z L < Carrier Figure 2.1.9: Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2008 According to Figure 2.1.9 above, the first three carriers in terms of highest cancellation rates were regional carriers. Six out of the seven regional carriers had cancellation rates that were higher than the overall average cancellation rate in 2008 (only EV had a cancellation rate that was lower than the overall average cancellation rate).EV's cancellation rate fell from 3.12% in 2007 to 1.79% in 2008 (a 74% decrease in average cancellation rate). Similar to 2007, AA (2.88%) and UA (2.34%) were the only two legacy carriers whose cancellation rates that year were higher than the overall average cancellation rate. Similar to the previous two years, all the low-cost carriers and the non-continental carriers had cancellation rates that were below the overall average cancellation rate that year. Figure 2.1.10 below presents the cancellation rates for all the carriers in decreasing order in 2009. 32 Cancellation Rates by Carrier- 2009 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% a)0 (U 2.50% 2.00% -Overall Rate 1.50% 1.00% Average Cancellation 0.50% - 0.00% - M11 . ) < -- M Carrier Figure 2.1.10: Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2009 In 2009, the first six carriers with the highest cancellation were all regional carriers. Six of the seven regional carriers had cancellation rates lower than the overall cancellation rate; 00 was the only regional carrier whose cancellation rate was lower than the overall average cancellation rate. Among the legacy carriers, UA (1.69%) and AA (1.68%) were the only carriers whose cancellation rates were above the overall average cancellation rate. Similar to previous years, all the low-cost carriers and the non-continental carriers had cancellation rates that were below the overall average cancellation rate. Figure 2.1.11 below represents the plot for the cancellation rates for each airline in decreasing order, in 2010. 33 Cancellation Rates by Carrier - 2010 4.50% 4.00% 4 3.50% 3.00% o 2.50% =m 2.00% "-OverallAverage Cancellation Rate a 1.50% U 1.00% 0.50% U.u U U za 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i 1 1 1 Carrier Figure 2.1.11: Cancellation rates for each carrier in 2010 In 2010, we observe some changes from previous years in regards to the ranking of the carriers. Similar to the previous years, the first five carriers in terms of highest cancellation rates observed that year were all regional carriers. In addition, all the regional carriers had cancellation rates that were above the overall average cancellation rate. Interestingly, OH and 9E were the top two carriers in terms of cancellation rates, ousting MQ from either of these positions; both OH and 9E are regional subsidiaries for DL which had an increase in cancellation rate. We explore this phenomenon further in Section 2.2. Among the legacy carriers, DL had the highest cancellation rate and was the only legacy carrier whose cancellation rate was higher than the overall average cancellation rate; DL observed the highest increase in cancellation rate, from 1.12% in 2009 to 2.03% in 2010. This is explored further in the succeeding sections. Another change is observed among the low-cost carriers - B6 had the highest cancellation rate among the low-cost carriers, and was the only carrier within the group whose cancellation rate was higher than the overall average cancellation rate. There exists interdependence between carrier-specific and airport-specific factors, and it can be difficult to separate out carrier performance from the impacts of airports. In order to give an illustration of this interdependence, we explore the distribution of flight operations at the two airports which had the worst cancellation rates for most of the 2006 - 2010 time period - LGA and ORD. In Figure 2.1.12 below, we show the 34 average distribution of flight departures by the major carriers at these two airports across the 2006 - 2010 time period. Average Distribution of Flight Departures at LGA and ORD Others, 16.59% MO, 22.27% DL, 5.1000 YV, 5.82% UA, 20.54% 00, 10.11% AA, 19.57% Figure 2.1.12: Average distribution of flight departures at LGA and ORD over the 2006 - 2010 time period According to Figure above, MQ, UA, and AA were the top carriers at LGA and ORD across the 2006 - 2010 time period. Of the total flights that departed out of either LGA or ORD, an average of 22.27% were operated by MQ, 20.54% by UA, and 19.57% by AA. In addition, during the 2006 - 2010 time period, an average of 19.12% of the flights operated by either MQ, UA, or AA departed from either LGA or ORD. Furthermore, these three carriers also had very high cancellation rates, with MQ recording the highest cancellation rate across all the carriers from 2006 until 2008, and UA and AA being the legacy carriers with the highest cancellation rates from 2006 until 2009. MQ, UA, and AA had an average cancellation rate of 2.50% across the five years. We explore the interdependence between the carrier-specific and airport-specific factors further in detail in section 2.4. 35 2.2 Flight Frequency and Load Factors Flight frequency and load factors significantly affect an airline's decision as to whether or not it should cancel a flight (Rupp and Holmes, 2005; Tien, Churchill and Ball, 2009). In this section, we use correlation to analyze how these two factors impact the cancellation decision process across different carriers. For our analysis, we compute average daily flight frequencies, average flight cancellation rates, and average load factors for each airline's carrier-segments (as previously defined in sub-section 1.1). We focus our analysis on carrier-segments that have an average daily frequency of at least one flight, and that originate from the top 50 airports. Using these carrier-segments we conduct a longitudinal analysis across the 2006 - 2010 time period. We calculate the correlation between flight frequency and cancellation rates for the four carrier groups across the time period and provide the results in Table 2.2.1 below. 36 Legacy Carriers Low-cost Carriers Regional Carriers Noncontinental Carriers 31.10% Correlation 31.00% 51.30% 8.10% in Coefficient 2006 P-value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Correlation 34.80% 36.40% 7.80% 19.80% in Coefficient 2007 P-value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 Correlation 31.50% 44.40% 2.10% 23.20% in Coefficient 2008 P-value 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.01 Correlation 30.80% 46.30% -1.00% 13.80% in Coefficient 2009 P-value 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.05 Correlation 22.50% 27.90% -1.50% -6.90% in Coefficient 2010 P-value 0.00 0.00 0.6 0.51 Table 2.2.1: Correlation between average flight frequency and flight cancellation rates across the four carrier groups over the 2006 - 2010 time period According to our results above, there was a high and positive correlation between average flight frequency and cancellation rates for both the legacy carrier group and the low-cost carrier group. The correlation coefficients for these two carrier groups were positive and statistically significant across the entire period, which means that average flight frequency was a significant factor in these carriers' decision regarding whether or not to cancel flights. The positive sign of the correlation coefficients implies that airlines are more likely to cancel flights that are on high-frequency legs as opposed to those that are on low-frequency legs. This makes sense since higher frequency implies the availability of more flights to re-accommodate passengers who are scheduled to fly on the cancelled flights. The correlation coefficient estimates obtained for the noncontinental carriers were positive and statistically significant at 5% level across the period, except in 2010, whereby the correlation coefficient was negative and was not 37 statistically significant. A negative sign for the correlation coefficient is counter-intuitive because it implies that the associated carrier prefers to cancel flights on legs that have less frequency. The correlation coefficients for the regional carriers were the weakest among all the carriers during the time period, and in 2009 and 2010 the coefficient estimates had a negative value and were not statistically significant. These results suggest that for regional carriers, the decision as regards whether or not to cancel flights were not as heavily influenced by the flight frequency, as in the case for the other continental carriers. Since the regional carriers operated a significant share of the total flights in the continental U.S. (an average of more than 33% of the flights operated in the continental U.S. within the time period were operated by regional carriers), we investigate this anomaly more thoroughly. 2.2.1 Regional Carriers Analysis: In the U.S., regional carriers operate short- and medium-haul scheduled airline service, often with the purpose of connecting smaller communities with large cities and providing air service to under-served communities (Forbes and Lederman, 2006). Almost all regional airlines operate under codeshare agreements with one or more legacy carriers; in 2003, 99% of regional carrier passenger traveled on flights that were code-shared with a legacy carrier (Forbes and Lederman, 2006). For our analysis, we use data from seven major regional carriers, and give a brief operational history for each below. 1. Pinnacle Airlines (9E): Now known as Endeavor Air operates as Delta Connection for Delta Air since May 1V, 2013. It has hubs in MSP, DTW, LGA, JFK, ATL, and MEM. In 2006-2007, the airline was a connection for NW. After April 30, 2007, 9E flew for Delta Connection. On July 1, 2010, Memphis-based Pinnacle bought Delta Airlines' wholly owned subsidiary, Mesaba Aviation Inc. 2. Atlantic Southeast Airlines (EV): This airline was based in College Park, Georgia and flew to 144 destinations as a Delta Connection. As of February 2010, EV commenced service as a United Express carrier. In Nov. 2011, EV and ExpressJet received a single operating certificate and in December of the same year, all flights were branded as ExpressJet. 3. American Eagle Airlines (MQ): The airline's hubs are: DFW, JFK, MIA, and ORD. The airline is now known as Envoy Inc. American Eagle, however, is still the 38 name of a marketing brand used by Envoy, as well as Republic Airlines based in Indianapolis, ExpressJet Airlines based in Atlanta, and SkyWest Airlines based in Salt Lake City, in the operation of passenger air services as the regional affiliates for American Airlines; these airlines serve as affiliates for other airlines as well, but Envoy is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Airlines. It's considered to be the world's largest regional airline system. Until April 11, 2012, Envoy had a code share agreement with Delta on California routes. 4. Comair (OH): This airline was a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines and ceased operations on September 29t", 2012. It was headquartered in CVG. In late 2006, the airline opened an additional crew base and hub in JFK. During late 2006, the airline had the lowest percentage of on time flights of all major U.S. carriers as a result of this operation change. 5. SkyWest Airlines (00): The airline is headquartered in St. George, Utah. It flies as SkyWest Airlines in a partnership with Alaska Airlines, as United Express on behalf of United Airlines, as US Airways Express on behalf of US Airways, as Delta Connection on behalf of Delta Air Lines, and as American Eagle on behalf of American Airlines. 00 operates on behalf of American Eagle at LAX and ORD ; on behalf of SkyWest/Alaska Airlines at PDX and SEA; on behalf of Delta Connection at CVG, DTW, LAX, MEM, MSP, SLC, and SEA; and on behalf of United Express at ORD, CLE, DEN, IAD, HOU, LAX, PDX, and SFO; and on behalf of US Airways Express at PHX. 6. ExpressJet Airlines (XE): EV and XE began to report jointly on Jan 2012. ExpressJet operated using the Continental Express brand name and served as Continental's subsidiary out of IAH, EWR, and CLE. It received a single operating certificate with EV and currently operates as American Eagle, Delta Connection, and United Express. 7. Mesa Airlines (YV): The airline is based in Phoenix, Arizona. It operated as go! at HNL and KOA (until April 1, 2014); as US Airways Express at CLT and PHX; and as United Express: ORD and IAD. In this analysis, we consider the main legacy carriers served by the regionals during the 2006 - 2010 time period. Table 2.2.2 below summarizes the regional carriers, the legacy carriers they served, and the hubs at which they served the respective legacy carriers: 39 Regional Carrier Legacy Carrier(s) Served Hub Airports Atlantic Southeast Airlines Delta Airlines (DL) MEM, ATL, DTW (EV) United Airlines (UA) in ORD, IAD 2010 SkyWest Airlines (00) Delta Airlines (DL) CVG, DTW, MEM, MSP, SLC, SEA United Airlines (UA) ORD, CLE, DEN, IAD, HOU, LAX, PDX, SFO ExpressJet Airlines (XE) Continental Airlines (CO) CLE, EWR, IAH; 2009-2010: CLE, EWR, IAH, ORD, IAD, MCI Mesa Airlines (YV) US Airways (US) CLT, PHX United Airlines (UA) ORD, IAD Pinnacle Airlines (9E) Northwest Airlines (NW) MEM 2006 - 2007 Delta Airlines (DL) after DTW, MSP, JFK, MIA, 2007 ORD, ATL, MEM American Eagle Airlines American Airlines (AA) DFW, JFK, MIA, ORD (MQ) Comair (OH) Delta Airlines (DL) ATL, BOS, JFK, LGA, CVG Table 2.2.2: Regional carriers, the legacy carriers they serve, and the hubs they operate out of (the regional carriers in bold are/were wholly-owned by the respective legacy carriers.) Next, we present the number of carrier-segments operated by each regional carrier for the respective legacy carrier out of the legacy carrier's hub airports, as a percentage of the total number of carrier-segments operated by that regional carrier for that legacy carrier. Here, as defined earlier, a carrier-segment is the combination of a carrier, origin, and destination whereby the carrier provides non-stop flight access between the origin and destination. Table 2.2.3 below summarizes these results. 40 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Avg. % of CarrierSegments Regional Carrier EV Legacy Carrier(s) Served DL UA DL UA CO US UA 28.51% 29.72% 27.98% 31.71% 0.77% 15.05% 28.44% 49.17% 18.99% 21.51% 26.37% 33.73% 7.69% 19.26% 29.05% 50.28% 20.76% 20.76% 24.87% 30.33% 2.06% 14.51% 27.27% 42.15% 20.27% 19.20% 28.45% 12.15% 13.70% 25.44% 25.07% XE 30.29% 31.38% 20.04% 19.67% YV 18.95% 19.25% 26.97% 9E DL 35.59% NW 14.97% 42.20% 38.7% 38.44% 38.07% 38.03% 36.74% MQ AA 39.3% 38.33% 40.81% 40.80% 25.55% 37.0% OH DL Table 2.2.3: Percentage of regional carriers' carrier-segments operated on behalf of corresponding legacy carriers 00 12.39% 28.34% 49.63% 21.87% 15.51% Because this analysis is based on the origin airport of the carrier-segments, the percentages obtained above will be capped at 50% because departures make up 50% of a carrier's total operations at any airport. Of all the carrier-segments served by the regional carriers, less than 50% of each regional carrier's total carrier-segments originated from hubs it served for its contracting legacy carrier(s), except for XE whereby the number of carrier-segments operated out of CO's hubs by XE made up about 50% of XE's total carrier-segments in 2006, 2009, and 2010. Figure 2.2.1 below is a trend chart that serves as a visualization of Table 2.2.3. 41 60.00% EVDL - 50.00% -EVUA -OODL 40.00% -OOUA -XECO 3n AO/% Yvus YVUA 20.00% -- -9EDL 10.00% MQAA -OH DL - 0.00% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 2.2.1: Visual presentation of the percentage of regional carriers' carriersegments operated on behalf of corresponding legacy carriers According to Figure 2.2.1 above, the percentage of carrier-segments served by the regional carriers for the legacy carriers out of the respective hub airports remained approximately constant for all regional carriers except for ExpressJet's operations for Continental Airlines (represented in black) and Comair's operations for Delta Airlines (represented in red). The percentage of carrier-segments served by XE for CO was lower in 2007 and 2008 compared to the remaining 3 years. On further investigation, the total number of carrier-segments operated by XE increased from 401 in 2006 to 657 in 2007, and 650 in 2008, yet the number of carrier-segments originating from the hub airports served for CO increased only slightly (from 199 in 2006 to 220 in 2007, and 227 in 2008). Hence, the drop in the fraction of carrier-segments served by XE for CO was as a result of an increase in the total number of unique origin-destination pairs operated by XE rather than by a decrease in the number of carrier-segments operated by XE for CO. In 2007, the airline began service on behalf of DL as Delta Connection, an agreement which was terminated later in 2008. This caused a temporary increase in total carrier-segments served by XE. Similarly for OH, there was a decrease in the percentage of carrier-segments served by OH for DL in 2010. On further investigation, the total number of carrier-segments 42 served by OH from the hub airports of DL, in fact, increased from 2009 (204 carriersegments) to 2010 (273 carrier-segments). But the total number of unique carriersegments served by OH also increased, and at a slightly higher rate (from 500 in 2009 to 728 in 2010), leading to the reduction in percentage of carrier-segments served at the hubs.. This was after the merger between DL and NW which was finalized in 2010. Hence, the increase in unique carrier-segments can be attributed to the merger. The next step in the analysis involves investigating the correlation between the cancellation rates and frequency rates of the carrier-segments operated by the regional carriers out of the respective legacy carriers' hub airports and comparing these with the individual correlations of the respective regional carriers and the legacy carriers. The reason for this analysis is to investigate whether the cancellation decisions taken by the regional carriers at the hub airports at which they operate on behalf of the legacy carriers are solely influenced by the respective legacy carriers. We present correlations corresponding to each regional carrier and the corresponding legacy carrier(s) it operated across the 2006 - 2010 time period. 43 9E and DL 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% -+-DL -1-9EDL -10.00% NN", -- 9EnonDL -20.00% -30.00% 2006 DL 9EDL 9EnonDL 2006 Correlation p-value 34.75% 0.00 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 26.28% 0.00 -7.20% 0.54 0.16% 0.58 2008 2009 2008 Correlation p-value 28.87% 0.00 -1.04% 0.63 -6.33% 0.40 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 19.74% 0.00 -14.33% 0.22 -19.14% 0.01 2010 Correlation p-value 22.16% 0.00 -5.23% 0.64 -5.68% 0.44 Figure 2.2.2: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for DL, 9EDL, and 9EnonDL Figure 2.2.2 above represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by DL, those operated by 9E out of hub airports for DL (here named 9EDL), and carrier-segments that do not serve DL hubs (here named 9EnonDL). Of note, the correlation between flight frequency rates and cancellation rates for 9EDL remained negative and very similar to the correlation rate for 9EnonDL , over the 2006 - 2010 time period. However, this correlation is statistically insignificant at 5% confidence level (except for (EnonDL in 2009), implying that there isn't a strong linear dependence between flight frequencies and cancellation rates for 9E flights, irrespective of whether or not they serve DL hubs. . 44 EV and DL 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% oroor 10.00% 0.00% -10.00% -0-DL Opp -U-EVDL -20.00% ~-h-- EVnonDL -30.00% 2006 2006 Correlation p-value 34.75% 0.00 DL EVDL -0.3% 0.96 EVnonDi 6.66% 0.44 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 26.28% 0.00 -19.6% 0.06 -23.56% 0.02 2008 2008 Correlation p-value 28.87% 0.00 -19.5% 0.07 -14.10% 0.18 2009 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 19.74% 0.00 -6.5% 0.55 -16.99% 0.11 2010 Correlation p-value 1 22.16% 0.00 21.5% 0.02 15.93% 0.061 Figure 2.2.3: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for DL, EVDL, and EVnonDL Figure 2.2.3 above represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by DL, those operated by EV out of hub airports for DL (here named EVDL), and carrier-segments operated by EV and do not serve DL's hubs (here named EVnonDL). Of note, the correlation between flight frequency rates and cancellation rates for EVDL remained negative and very similar to the correlation rate for EV, over the 2006 - 2009 time period. However, these coefficients are not statistically significant at 5% significance level (except for EVnonDL in 2007) , implying that there isn't a strong linear dependence between flight frequencies and cancellation rates for EV flights for 2006 - 2010 period, irrespective of whether or not they serve DL hubs. In 2010, the correlation coefficient for EVDL increased and became positive and close to that of DL in 2010, which implies that EV now cancelled more 45 flights on higher-frequency carrier-segments than it did on lower-frequency carriersegments. Notably, DL's merger with NW was finalized in 2010, and the carrier began operating under the DL name. In terms of carrier-segments served by regional carriers on behalf of DL, EV had the highest share (33.73%) in 2010 which may imply that EV's operations in 2010 may have been greatly influenced by the merger between DL and NW. MQ and AA 60.00% 46 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% -4-AA W0400 -1-MQAA -*MQnonAA 0.00% 2006 2006 Correlation p-value 24.93% 0.00 AA 11.39% 0.16 MQAA 0.16% 0.28 MQnonA 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 50.55% 0.00 22.85% 0.00 1.48% 0.41 2008 2009 2008 Correlation p-value 26.87% 0.00 13.53% 0.10 0.09% 0.59 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 34.71% 0.00 15.59% 0.06 2.13% 0.37 2010 Correlation p-value 10.00% 0.08 8.08% 0.31 6.43% 0.14 Figure 2.2.4: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for AA, MQAA, and MQnonAA Figure 2.2.4 above represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by AA, those operated by MQ out of hub airports for AA (here named MQAA), and those carrier-segments that were not operated out of AA hubs (here named MQnonAA). Of note, the correlation between 46 flight frequency rates and cancellation rates for MQAA remained positive and had a similar trend to that of AA, over the 2006 - 2010 time period. The correlation between frequency rates and cancellations rates for the MQnonAA carrier-segments remained close to zero (and statistically insignificant at 5% level) throughout time period, which suggests that the cancellation decisions made by MQ on carrier-segments it did not operate out of AA's hubs were not influenced by the carrier-segments' flight frequencies. OH and DL 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% -+-DL 0.00% -U-OHDL -5.00% -'-OHnonDL -10.00% 2006 2006 Correlation p-value 34.75% DL 0.00 -5.07% 0.57 OHDL 4.25% 0.62 OHnonD: 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 26.28% 0.00 14.36% 0.10 13.35% 0.13 2008 2009 2008 Correlation p-value 28.87% 0.00 14.41% 0.12 7.53% 0.45 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 19.74% 0.00 20.71% 0.06 27.24% 0.01 2010 Correlation p-value 22.16% 0.00 0.03 26.48% 28.01% 0.01 Figure 2.2.5: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for DL, OHDL, and OHnonDL Figure 2.2.5 above represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by DL, those operated by OH out of hub airports for DL (here named OHDL), and those carrier-segments that were not operated out of DL hubs (here named OHnonDL). Of note, the correlation between flight frequency rates and cancellation rates for OHDL was close and had a similar 47 trend to that of OHnonDL, over the 2006 - 2010 time period. Interestingly, the statistical significance level showed a general increasing trend with time. 00 and DL 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% - -DL -M-OODL --*-OOnonDL -10.00% -20.00% -30.00% 2007 2006 2009 2008 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Correlation p-value Correlation p-value Correladon p-value Correlation p-value Correlation p-value DL 00DL 34.75% -6.61% 0.00 0.61 26.28% -8.53% 0.00 0.47 00nonDL -8.70% 0.12 -10.41% 0.04 28,87% 6.43% -3.67% 0.00 0.57 0.46 19.74% -8.44% -3.05% 0.00 0.51 0.55 22.16% -19.12% 12.69% 0.00 0.11 0.00 Figure 2.2.6: Correlation between average flight frequency and av erage flight cancellation rates for DL, OODL, and OOnonDL 48 00 and UA 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 00'000000 .000000 AOL 0.00% -*-UA -0 _001 Ak -4-OOUA -10.00% -4--OOnonUA -20.00% -30.00% 2006 2006 Correlation p-value 46.50% 0.00 UA 0.21 -10.84% OOUA 0.35 00nonUA -5.89% 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 42.94% 0.00 -16.88% 0.05 -7.78% 0.17 2008 2009 2008 Correlation p-value 30.65% 0.00 -5.53% 0.50 -2.26% 0.69 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 0.00 36.33% 0.80 -0.25% -9.07% 0.13 2010 Correlation p-value 31.76% 0.00 15.01% 0.02 6.37% 0.22 Figure 2.2.7: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for UA, OOUA, and OOnonUA Figures 2.2.6 and 2.2.7 above represent the correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates for 00 compared with those of the two main legacy carriers it serves - DL and UA. Figure 2.2.6 represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by DL, those operated by 00 out of hub airports for DL (here named OODL) and those operated by 00 but not out of DL hubs (here named 00nonDL). Between 2006 and 2009, the correlation of 00nonDL, DL, and OODL had similar shape in trend, and in particular that of OODL was similar to that of 00nonDL. In 2010, the correlation increased for both 00nonDL and DL but fell for OODL. The statistical significance for the correlations remained generally low for OODL and 00nonDL compared with that for legacy carrier DL. Figure 2.2.7 represents the trend in correlation between the frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by UA, those operated by 00 out of 49 hub airports for UA (here named OOUA), as well as those carrier-segments not operated out of UA hubs (here named OOnonUA). The trend in correlation for OOUA remained similar to that of OOnonUA throughout the time period. As before, the statistical significance for the correlations remained generally low for OOUA and OOnonUA compared with that for the legacy carrier UA. XE and CO 50.00% 40.00% /* 30.00% 77_1 s 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% -+-Co -10.00% -u-XECO -20.00% -- XEnonCO -30.00% 2006 2006 Correlation p-value CO 16.50% 0.02 24.47% 0.00 XECO XEnonCO 21.97% 0.01 2007 2007 Correlation p-value 14.43% 0.04 24.90% 0.00 42.60% 0.00 2009 2008 2008 Correlation p-value 14.69% 0.04 6.03% 0.45 37.18% 0.00 2010 2009 Correlation p-value 2.26% 0.78 -7.09% 0.42 -1.23% 0.89 2010 Correlation p-value 10.93% 0.16 -19.59% 0.02 -16,83% 0.05 Figure 2.2.8: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for CO, XECO, and XEnonCO Figure 2.2.8 above represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by CO, those operated by XE out of hub airports for CO (here named XECO), and carrier-segments not operated out of CO's hubs by XE (here named XEnonCO). Of note, the correlation between flight frequency rates and cancellation rates for XECO was close and had a similar trend to that of 50 XEnonCO, over the 2006 - 2010 time period. Unlike for the other regional carriers, the correlation for XE was positive from 2006 - 2008, after which it decreased and became negative. However, the negative coefficients were not statistically significant. In general, the strength of relationship between flight frequencies and cancellation rates seems to be decreasing with time. YV and US 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% A**'p- 10.00% 0.00% -10.00% -+-US -20.00% -h*-YVUS -30.00% 'NUYVnonUS -40.00% 2007 2006 US YVUS YVnonUS 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 Correlation p-value Correlation p-value Correlation 40.32% -3.14% -8.68% 0.00 0.82 0.22 36.49% 11.31% -22.43% 0.00 0.37 0.00 p-value 50.65% 0.00 -14.01% -29.17% 0.34 0.00 2010 2009 2010 Correlation p-value Correlation p-value 47.67% 10.78% -15.36% 0.00 0.48 0.05 43.92% 10.85% -31.83% 0.00 0.47 0.01 Figure 2.2.9: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for US, YVUS, and YVnonUS 51 YV and UA 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% -- -10.00% UA -*r-YVUA -20.00% -9YVnonUA -30.00% 2006 UA YVUA YVnonUA 2007 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Correlation p-value Correlation p-value Correlation p-value 30.65% 0.00 Correlation p-value Correlation p-value 31.76% 0.00 46.50% -9.50% -6.53% 0.00 0.49 0.36 42.94% -15.28% -13.26% 0.00 0.26 0.07 -12.77% -24.54% 0.38 0.00 36.33% 19.16% -20.22% 0.00 0.10 0.02 -1.09% -16.21% 0.96 0.121 Figure 2.2.10: Correlation between average flight frequency and average flight cancellation rates for UA, YVUA, and YVnonUA Figures 2.2.9 and 2.2.10 above represent the correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates for YV compared with those of the two main legacy carriers it serves US and UA. Figure 2.2.9 represents the trend in correlation between frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by US, those operated by YV out of hub airports for US (here named YVUS), and those carrier-segments not operated out of US hubs by YV (here named YVnonUS).. According to Figure 2.2.9, the correlation values for the YVUS carrier-segments were similar and close to the correlation values for the YVnonUS carrier-segments. Figure 2.2.10 represents the trend in correlation between the frequency rates and cancellation rates of all carrier-segments operated by UA, those operated by YV out of hub airports for UA (here named YVUA), and those not operated out UA's hubs by YV 52 (here named YVnonUA). According to Figure 2.2.10, between 2006 and 2008, and in 2010, the correlation values for the YVUA carrier-segments were similar and close to the correlation values for the YVnonUA carrier-segments. From the analysis above, a few general observations can be made. First, the flight frequencies and cancellation rates seem to have the expected positive relationship for the legacy carriers. This implies that the higher the frequency of flights on a carriersegment the lower is the likelihood of cancellation, all else being equal. So the legacy carriers exhibit a tendency to cancel flights on lower-frequency carrier-segments than those on higher-frequency carrier-segments. Second, we observe that this tendency is a lot weaker for the regional carriers. In most cases, we found little or no correlation between the flight frequency and cancellation rates for the regional carriers. This might suggest that the cancellation decisions for regional carriers are driven more by other considerations than the ease of rebooking as reflected by the flight frequency on the carrier-segment. In addition to flight frequency, load factors also play an important role in airline decisions about whether or not to cancel a flight. All else held equal, airlines would prefer to cancel flights with lower load factors rather than those with higher load factors because low load factors ease the passenger recovery process. That is, low load factors result in fewer passengers needing to be reaccommodated, and offer more seats on later flights for recovery. To investigate why some of the regional carriers had negative correlation between the flight frequency rates and cancellation rates, we use adjusted R-square values (adjusted coefficient of multiple determination) to test the hypothesis that load factors affected the cancellation decisions more than frequency rates among the regional carriers. This analysis is done by comparing regression models in which cancellation rates are the dependent variable and both average frequency and average load factors are the independent variables, and comparing the R-square values with those of regression models in which either of average frequency rates or average load factors is the only independent variable. That is, the three regression models are as follows: 1. Regression model in which the dependent variable is the average cancellation rate for each carrier-segment and the independent variables are the average 53 flight frequency for each carrier-segment and the average load factor for each carrier-segment. 2. Regression model in which the dependent variable is the average cancellation rate for each carrier-segment and the independent variable is the average flight frequency rate for each carrier-segment. 3. Regression model in which the dependent variable is the average cancellation rate for each carrier-segment and the independent variable is the average load factor for each carrier-segment. This comparison is done for the regional carriers and the legacy carriers. For each group of carriers, we aggregate all the carrier-segments (unique carrier-origindestination combinations) for all the carriers within the carrier group. Each carrierorigin-destination combination represents a single observation. The dependent variable for the regression models is obtained as an average cancellation rate corresponding to each observation. In addition, each of the explanatory variables in each regression model is calculated by averaging the appropriate value across the flights corresponding to the observation. For our calculations, we choose to consider only the carrier-segments that had an average flight frequency greater than or equal to one flight per day. For each year, we use the times change in the adjusted R-squared values to compare the relative impact of the explanatory variables. We define the times change in adjusted Rsquared due to inclusion of frequency as an explanatory variable, ARsq, as shown in Equation 1 below: sq__ RsqLF&F-RsqLF F -RsqLF whereby RsqLF&, represents the adjusted R-squared value obtained in the regression model that has both the average load factors and average frequencies of the combinations as the explanatory variables for cancellation rates, and RsqLF represents the adjusted R-squared value obtained in the regression model that has average load factors as the only explanatory variable for flight cancellation rates. We define the times change in adjusted R-squared due to the inclusion of load factor as an explanatory variable, , as shown in Equation 2 below: Rsq (RsqLF&F- RsqF) RsqF 54 (2) whereby RsqLF&F is as described above, and RsqF represents the adjusted R-squared value obtained in the regression model that has average flight frequency as the only explanatory variable for flight cancellation rates. Table 2.2.4 below presents the adjusted R-square values obtained for the three models for the legacy carriers: LEGACIES 2006 2007 Total Number of Observations 1529 RsqLF RsqLF&F F sq LF q 0.2828 0.1144 0.1329 1.4707 1.1271 0.1409 0.2017 1.4313 0.6987 0.0686 0.0994 1.3438 1501 0.1609 0.2929 0.0942 0.3975 0.3074 1203 0.3230 0.2034 0.0450 0.2691 1280 Adjusted R-square values for the three models for the legacies 0.6184 3.2216 4.3834 1590 0.3426 2008 2009 2010 Table 2.2.4: RsqF The last two columns of Table 2.2.4 give the times change in the adjusted R-square values that is achieved by either the inclusion of average frequency rates or average load factors of the carrier-segments as an independent variable, respectively. In 2006 2008, the inclusion of average frequency rates resulted in a higher increase in the adjusted R square value than did the inclusion of average load factors. This means that in 2006 - 2008, average flight frequency levels on the carrier-segments influenced the legacy carriers' decision on cancellation more than the average load factors on the carrier-segments did, all else held equal. In 2009 and 2010, the results were different, that is, the inclusion of average load factor values for each carrier-segment as an explanatory variable resulted in higher adjusted R-square values than did the inclusion of average flight frequency rates. Thus, in 2009 and 2010, the flight cancellation decisions made by the legacy carriers were influenced more by the load factors on the carrier-segments than the average flight frequency rates on the carrier-segments. This observation can be attributed to a recent trend observed in the airline industry of "capacity discipline". Capacity discipline has evolved as a response of the economic 55 downturn in 2008 whereby legacy carriers have shifted their attention away from focusing their efforts on capacity expansion and have begun to prioritize on high yields and load factors (Wittman and Swelbar, 2013). This trend has resulted in legacy carriers increasingly cutting service on routes that have lower load factors and yields. Table 2.2.5 below presents the adjusted R-square values obtained for the three models for the regional carriers: REGIONALS Total Number of Observations RsqLF RsqLF&F 0.0418 1172 0.0435 2006 0.0144 0.0196 2007 1426 0.0444 0.0449 2008 1312 2009 1203 0.1074 0.1076 0.1017 0.1004 2010 1250 Table 2.2.5: Adjusted R-square values for the three models RsqF Rsq q 0.0058 0.0402 6.5348 0.3547 2.6268 0.0054 -0.0001 -0.0120 324.1490 -0.0007 -0.0020 149.6500 -0.0006 -0.0120 173.6780 for the regional carriers As before, the last two columns of Table 2.2.5 above give the times increase in the adjusted R-square values that is achieved by either the inclusion of average frequency rates or average load factors of the carrier-segments as an independent variable, respectively. From 2006 - 2010, the inclusion of average load factors for each carriersegment as an explanatory variable resulted in a much higher increase in the adjusted R-square value than did the inclusion of average flight frequency rates for the carriersegments. The difference was especially stark in the years 2008 - 2010. In fact in 2008 2010, the inclusion of average flight frequency as an explanatory variable resulted in a slight decrease in the adjusted R-square values of the models. Hence, the flight cancellation decisions made by the regional carriers were influenced more by the load factors on the carrier-segments than by the average flight frequencies of the carriersegments. That is, load factors are a critical part of the cancellation decision made by the regional carriers, more so than frequencies. 56 2.3 Carrier Effect In addition to the various scheduling and operational practices of the different carriers having an impact on flight cancellation rates, airport congestion levels and weather patterns also play a huge role in affecting cancellation rates. Airports across the U.S. have different congestion levels depending on market demand and facilities, and are located in varying climatic conditions. In addition, the distribution of operations at airports varies significantly among carriers and hence, it is expected that the higher cancellation rates experienced by some carriers can be attributed to differences in where the bulk of their operations are. For example, DL which has a primary hub in ATL is likely not forced to cancel as many flights as AA, which has a primary hub in ORD (due to persistent weather/capacity issues at ORD). Hence, it is unclear how much of the difference between the two carriers' cancellation rates is as a result of network differences (i.e., differences in where the airlines operate their flights). In this section, we use a metric presented in Vaze (2011) called carriereffect, in an effort to measure the relative impact of carrier-specific decisions on cancellations. As we observed in the previous sections of this chapter, the airport-specific variations and the carrier-specific variations in cancellation rates are intertwined due to carrier-airport interdependence, and it is important to try and separate the two in order to better understand the true cause of the variation observed in cancellation rates. Carrier effect metric attempts to make this separation. We then analyze the trend in each carrier's carrier effect over the 2006 -2010 time period and the corresponding impact on the respective carrier's cancellation rate. First, for each airport a, the baseline cancellation rate, Pa, is set to equal the actual cancellation rate for all scheduled departures that are operated by non-hub carriers at the airport. A non-hub carrier at an airport is defined as a carrier whose operations at the airport constitute less than 10% of its total operations. The baseline cancellation rate is calculated by eliminating the hub carriers in order to normalize for the additional operational flexibility that these carriers have at the airports. Equation 1 below defines Pa. Na and Ca represent the total number of planned departures and departure cancellations, respectively for carrier c at airport a, and 7f~ represents the set of nonhub carriers at airport a. 57 aE~ C Pa =ceg-gN The carrier effect, EC, for each carrier c is then calculated by dividing the carrier's actual number of cancellations at all airports by the baseline number of cancellations, that is, the carrier effect is a ratio of the carrier's actual cancellations to the expected number of cancellations if the carrier did not experience any additional flexibility at its hub airports. The baseline number of cancellations for each carrier c, at airport a, is calculated by multiplying the total number of scheduled departures by the carrier, Nca by the baseline cancellation rate, fa. For each carrier, we define the baseline number of cancellations for each carrier c as the sum of the numbers of baseline cancellations across all airports as in Equation 3 below. Baseline number of cancellations for carrier c =La Ne X fa (2) We define carrier effect in Equation 3 below: Ec = ca) C (ZaC) Za NC X pa (3) A value of carrier effect less than 100% is more desirable as it indicates that the carrier experienced fewer cancellations than the baseline based on the distribution of flight departure airports. Table 2.3.1 below lists the actual and baseline cancellation rates, the carrier effect, and the rank based on both the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect for each carrier, in 2006. 58 Carrier Actual Cancellation Rate Baseline Cancellation Rate 1.92% 0.42% B6 2.02% 0.53% CO 1.88% 0.82% FL 1.73% 1.00% F9 1.88% 1.12% NW 1.68% 1.09% US 1.20% 0.81% WN 0.68% 0.48% HA 1.93% 1.52% DL 1.89% 1.57% AA 2.17% 2.05% UA 2.10% 2.20% XE 2.34% 2.48% EV 2.32% 2.47% OH 1.38% 1.52% AS 1.95% 2.34% 00 2.53% 3.63% MQ 2.12% 3.13% YV Table 2.3.1: Carriereffects in 2006 Carrier Effect Actual Cancellation Rate Rank Carrier Effect Rank 21.85% 26.28% 43.60% 57.73% 59.47% 64.83% 67.65% 70.58% 78.88% 83.21% 94.31% 104.90% 106.15% 106.28% 110.20% 119.94% 143.37% 147.95% 1 3 5 6 8 7 4 2 9 11 12 13 16 15 9 14 18 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 According to Table 2.3.1 above, many of the differences in rankings according to the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect are small. 13 out of the 18 carriers listed above have a difference in the two ranks of two or less (two have a difference of zero, eight have a difference of one, and three have a difference of two). In 2006, B6 was the carrier with the lowest actual cancellation rate despite having its hub at JFK, one of the busiest airports. This is attributed to the carrier's policy of commitment to reliable service by opting to operate flights with a delay rather than cancelling them for the schedule's convenience (Brennan and Morgan, 2013). Hence, B6 also ranks first in terms of carrier effect. HA has the second lowest actual cancellation rate among all the carriers. This is because it predominantly operates in the Hawaiian region and hence is not affected by adverse weather conditions. Therefore, when we factor in the operational advantage that HA experiences (using carrier effect), the carrier drops six positions to 8 th in rank. According to the results above, AS ranked 9th in terms of 59 cancellation rate, with an actual cancellation rate of 1.52%. Similar to HA, AS operates predominantly operates out of airports such as SEA, PDX, LAS, and ANC which are not affected by adverse weather conditions and hence have lower cancellation rates. When, we factor in this operational advantage that AS experiences because of the airports where it operates, the carrier drops six positions to 15 th in rank. All the regional carriers have predominantly high carrier effects, which is consistent with these carriers having higher cancellation rates than carriers in the other three categories. Table 2.3.2 below lists the actual and baseline cancellation rates, the carrier effect, and the rank based on both the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect for each carrier, in 2007. Carrier Actual Cancellation Rate 0.41% F9 0.91% CO 0.99% FL 0.85% WN 1.37% DL 0.42% HA 1.94% B6 1.89% NW 1.84% US 2.43% UA 2.48% XE 1.60% AS 3.07% 9E 2.37% 00 3.12% EV 0.84% AQ 2.83% AA 3.78% OH 4.22% MQ 3.83% YV Table 2.3.2: Carrier effects Baseline Cancellation Rate 1.83% 2.38% 2.20% 1.43% 2.23% 0.68% 2.69% 2.45% 2.04% 2.48% 2.46% 1.50% 2.87% 2.08% 2.73% 0.72% 2.36% 3.12% 3.18% 2.51% in 2007 60 Carrier Effect Actual Cancellation Rate Rank Carrier Effect Rank 22% 38% 45% 59% 61% 62% 72% 77% 90% 98% 101% 107% 107% 114% 114% 117% 120% 121% 133% 153% 1 5 6 4 7 2 11 10 9 13 14 8 16 12 17 3 15 18 20 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 According to Table 2.3.2 above, 11 out of the 20 carriers have a difference in the two ranks of 2 or less (4 of zero, 2 of one, and 5 of two). B6 dropped in rank in terms of actual cancellation rate from 1st position in 2006 to l11 position in 2007. This is because of the infamous Valentine's Day snow storm on 14t* February, 2007, that greatly disrupted operations at JFK, forcing the airline to cancel more than half of its flights on that day. B6 has the largest improvement in carrier effect rank compared to its actual cancellation rate rank, because its cancellation rates at its two busiest airports (JFK and BOS) were below the baseline totals at the airports (63% of the baseline total for BOS and 81% of the baseline total for JFK). Excluding the non-continental carriers, WN has the lowest actual cancellation rate, because it operates predominantly at airports with low cancellation rates such as LAS, PHX, and MDW. The carrier with the largest absolute change in rank is AQ which falls 13 positions from 3rd place to 1 6 th place. Like HA, AQ is a Hawaii-based carrier and hence is not largely affected by adverse weather conditions. When we normalize for the airport effect, HA also drops in rank (although less drastically than AQ) by four positions from 2"1 place to 6 th place. Of note, data for AQ is missing from the table on 2006 data because the airline ceased reporting its operations between 1 1 th November, 2001 and April, 2006. AA's cancellation rate increased from 1.57% in 2006 to 2.83% in 2007, moving the carrier from 11* position in terms of its actual cancellation rate in 2006 to 15 th position. Consequently, the airline's carrier effect worsened from 83.21% in 2006 to 120% in 2007, that is, AA made 83.21% of the expected cancellations in 2006 but performed worse in 2007 by cancelling more flights than expected. Table 2.3.3 below lists the actual and baseline cancellation rates, the carrier effect, and the rank based on both the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect for each carrier, in 2008. 61 Carrier Actual Cancellation Rate F9 0.32% NW 0.84% FL 0.85% CO 1.24% DL 1.51% EV 1.79% US 1.45% WN 1.03% B6 1.63% AS 1.42% UA 2.34% 9E 2.71% XE 2.67% 00 2.19% HA 0.92% OH 3.27% MQ 3.74% AA 2.88% YV 3.62% Table 2.3.3: Carrier effects Baseline Cancellation Rate Carrier Effect Actual Cancellation Rate Rank Carrier Effect Rank 1.43% 2.21% 2.15% 2.43% 2.26% 2.63% 1.99% 1.42% 2.24% 1.42% 2.24% 2.51% 2.42% 1.96% 0.81% 2.76% 2.79% 2.04% 2.32% in 2008 22% 38% 39% 51% 67% 68% 73% 73% 73% 100% 104% 108% 110% 112% 113% 119% 134% 141% 156% 1 2 3 6 9 11 8 5 10 7 13 15 14 12 4 17 19 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 As in the previous years, in 2008, the differences in ranking according to the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect are quite small. Of the 19 carriers listed above, 13 have a difference in the two ranks of two or less (three have a difference of zero, five have a difference of one, and five have a difference of two). NW had an improvement in cancellation rate from 1.89% in 2007 to 0.84% in 2008 - it was the legacy carrier with the lowest cancellation rate in 2008 and moved from 10th position to 2nd position in terms of actual cancellation rate rank from 2007 to 2008. In turn, the carrier's carrier effect improved from 77% in 2007 to 38% in 2008, that is, NW cancelled 77% of the baseline cancellations in 2007, and only cancelled 38% of the baseline cancellations in 2008. According to the results above, HA had a low cancellation rate of 0.92% and ranked 4 th in terms of actual cancellation rate. However, after normalizing for the airport effect, HA's rank drops to 15th position. In fact, the carrier had the biggest drop in rank among 62 all the carriers. AQ's bankruptcy and consequential demise in 2008 may have led to this change observed in HA's normalized cancellation rate, as HA increased the number of flights it operated in order to accommodate the increased demand (Las Vegas Review Journal, 2008). Among the regional carriers, EV had the largest improvement in actual cancellation rate, from 3.12% in 2007 to 1.79% in 2008, and an improvement in actual cancellation rate rank from 1 7 th position in 2007 to 1111 position in 2008. The carrier had 61 rank based on carrier effect in 2008, and hence was the carrier with the largest improvement in rank. EV had a carrier effect of 114% in 2007 and 68% in 2008. Hence, in 2007 the carrier had more cancellations than the baseline while in 2008 it only cancelled 68% of the baseline cancellations. Table 2.3.4 below lists the actual and baseline cancellation rates, the carrier effect, and the rank based on both the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect for each carrier, in 2009. 63 Carrier Actual Cancellation Rate Baseline Cancellation Rate HA 0.21% 0.80% CO 0.53% 1.60% NW 0.65% 1.58% FL 0.77% 1.51% F9 0.63% 1.17% AS 0.86% 1.25% 1.12% DL 1.56% WN 0.76% 1.01% US 1.24% 1.44% B6 1.35% 1.47% XE 1.77% 1.73% 9E 1.87% 1.79% EV 2.07% 1.93% 00 1.42% 1.33% UA 1.69% 1.47% AA 1.68% 1.35% YV 2.01% 1.54% MQ 2.54% 1.82% OH 3.40% 2.02% Table 2.3.4: Carrier effects in 2009 Carrier Effect Actual Cancellation Rate Rank Carrier Effect Rank 26% 33% 41% 51% 54% 69% 72% 75% 86% 92% 102% 105% 107% 107% 115% 124% 130% 139% 169% 1 2 4 6 3 7 8 5 9 10 14 15 17 11 13 12 16 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 According to the results in Table 2.3.4 above, in 2009, the differences between the rankings according to actual cancellation rate and carrier effect were smaller than in the previous three years, with 13 out of the 19 carriers listed above having a difference in rank of two or less (six with a difference of zero, four with a difference of one, and three with a difference of two) and all of the 19 carriers having a difference in rank of four or less. HA had a decrease in actual cancellation rate from 0.92% in 2008 to 0.21% in 2009. Consequently, the airline's carrier effect improved from 113% in 2008 to 26% in 2009. Hence, although the carrier ranked highly in terms of actual cancellation rate in 2008 ( 4 th position), it cancelled more flights than would have been expected. But in 2009, the airline only cancelled 26% of the baseline cancellations, thus placing it in ls position in terms of carrier effect rank. 64 Table 2.3.5 below lists the actual and baseline cancellation rates, the carrier effect, and the rank based on both the actual cancellation rate and the carrier effect for each carrier, in 2010. Carrier Actual Cancellation Rate 0.08% HA F9 0.43% CO 0.83% FL 1.07% AS 0.58% US 1.55% WN 1.03% UA 1.46% B6 2.04% EV 2.35% AA 1.69% XE 2.11% DL 2.03% YV 1.97% 00 1.99% MQ 2.76% 9E 2.93% OH 3.82% Table 2.3.5: Carrier effects Baseline Cancellation Rate 0.87% 1.15% 1.98% 2.11% 1.08% 2.05% 1.34% 1.89% 2.18% 2.49% 1.78% 2.18% 2.07% 1.80% 1.72% 2.28% 2.25% 2.44% in 2010 Carrier Effect Actual Cancellation Rate Rank Carrier Effect Rank 9% 37% 42% 51% 54% 75% 77% 77% 93% 94% 95% 97% 98% 109% 116% 121% 130% 157% 1 2 4 6 3 8 5 7 13 15 9 14 12 10 11 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 As can be observed from the results in Table 2.3.5 above, of the 18 carriers listed above, 14 had a difference in the two ranks of two or less (five had a difference of zero, three had a difference of one, and six had a difference of two). EV is the carrier that had the largest rank improvement, i.e. the rank based on actual cancellation rate minus rank based on carrier effect, with a rank of 15 based on actual cancellation rate and a rank of 10 based on carrier effect. Of note is that DL's actual cancellation rate increased from 1.12% in 2009 to 2.03% in 2010, and its carrier effect increased from 72% in 2009 to 98% in 2010, which suggests 65 that the carrier increased its cancellations relative to the baseline. In 2010, the merger between DL and NW was completed and the two carriers began reporting jointly as DL. NW's cancellation rate, however, remained low (below 2.0%) throughout the 2006 2009 time period and hence the increase in DL's cancellation rate in 2010 is not as a result of NW's cancellation rates, but may rather be due to challenges that the two carriers may have experienced in coordinating their operations. From our results, we believe that the carrier effect is a better metric for evaluating the cancellation performance of carriers as compared to the actual cancellation rate, because it allows us to separate out the airport effect by normalizing each carrier's cancellation rate based on the prevalent cancellation rates at the airports at which they operate. Carrier effect achieves this by calculating the prevalent cancellation rate at an airport by discounting the additional operational flexibility that a hub carrier might experience at that airport. Most of the major airlines in the U.S. operate either hub-and-spoke networks or have focus airports at which a bulk of their operations is concentrated. Hence, most one-stop passengers on these carriers make their connections at these airports and this concentration of activity at the airports has an impact on the flight cancellation rates. Airlines benefit from operational flexibility at these airports, based on the large number of crew, gates, and aircraft at their disposal and hence have a better passenger recovery process as compared to other carriers operating at these airports. In this section, we measure the impact of this hub effect by extending the carrier effect analysis to measure the hub-carriereffect, E"ub , for each carrier c at its hub. In Equation 3 below, the hub-carrier effect for a given carrier c, is defined as the ratio of the carrier's total number of cancellations at its hub, to the baseline number of cancellations for the carrier at its hub, whereby C1"b represents carrier c's total number of cancellations at its hub airport, Nub represents the total number of operations for carrier c at its hub airport, and Phiib represents the baseline cancellation rate of non-hub carriers at carrier c's hub. E EC hub ubhub ccj" NcuC X (3) hub As developed in Vaze (2011), we use the concept of carrier's coefficient of hubbing, acu which is defined as the ratio of hub-carrier effect to carrier effect for each carrier 66 as shown in Equation 4 below. The coefficient of hubbing is used as a metric to determine how much additional flexibility each carrier has at its primary hub operations, compared to other non-hub carriers. ae** = Chdub Ehub -EC~ A lower coefficient of hubbing value represents higher additional flexibility for the carrier at its hub as it means that the carrier received much more flexibility at its hub than it did at the other airports where it predominantly operates. Next, we present tables that list each carrier's main hub, percent of the carrier's operations carried out at the hub, the values of carrier effect, hub-carrier effect, as well as the coefficient of hubbing for each of the legacy and low-cost carriers over the 2006 2010 time period. Carrier Main Hub %Operations main hub at Carrier Effect (Ec) HubCarrier Effect Coefficient of Hubbing (achub) (EChub) AA CO DL F9 FL NW UA US WN B6 Table 2.3.6: DFW 25.4% 0.83 0.59 IAH 28.5% 0.26 0.18 ATL 32.7% 0.79 0.62 DEN 49.0% 0.58 0.45 ATL 33.6% 0.44 0.31 MSP 22.1% 0.59 0.49 ORD 19.1% 0.94 0.57 CLT 13.5% 0.65 0.35 LAS 7.2% 0.68 0.65 JFK 31.0% 0.22 0.19 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2006 0.71 0.70 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.82 0.60 0.54 0.96 0.85 Table 2.3.6 above is a list of the values for the year 2006. According to the results, all of the carriers have more than 13% of their operations at their main hubs, except for WN which has its operations distributed across different airports and only 7.1% of its operations in 2006 were concentrated at LAS, representing the highest concentration of its operations. Hence, WN did not likely experience the operational flexibility afforded to other carriers at their hubs and thus has the highest coefficient of hubbing value among all the carriers listed above. 67 A similar conclusion can be drawn from Table 2.3.7 below which contains values for 2007. Carrier Main Hub %Operations main hub at Carrier Effect (Ec) HubCarrier Effect Coefficient of Hubbing (achub) (EChub) AA CO DL F9 FL NW UA US WN B6 Table 2.3.7: DFW 26.0% 1.20 0.91 IAH 28.5% 0.38 0.30 ATL 32.1% 0.61 0.34 DEN 48.7% 0.22 0.21 ATL 33.3% 0.45 0.32 MSP 22.5% 0.77 0.43 ORD 19.3% 0.98 0.62 0.58 CLT 15.3% 0.90 LAS 7.1% 0.59 0.57 JFK 30.7% 0.72 0.60 Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2007 0.76 0.78 0.56 0.92 0.71 0.56 0.64 0.64 0.96 0.83 NW had the biggest improvement in the coefficient of hubbing value from 0.82 in 2006 to 0.56 in 2007. This is because of the increase in carrier effect value which suggests that NW cancelled a higher percentage of the baseline cancellations in 2007 than it did in 2006. On further investigation, NW's average cancellation rate increased from 1.03% in 2006 to 1.70% in 2007, which may have contributed to the increase in its carrier effect value. NW's hub-carrier effect value decreased from 0.49 in 2006 to 0.43 in 2007, which suggests that the carrier made fewer cancellations relative to the baseline at its hub in MSP. Furthermore, MSP, NW's hub airport, had the biggest increase in overall cancellation rate among the top 50 airports in 2007, from an overall cancellation rate of 0.98% in 2006 to 2.27% in 2007 hence resulting in a higher baseline cancellation rate at the airport which may have contributed to the decrease in NW's hub-carrier effect value. Table 2.3.8 below contains values for 2008: 68 Carrier Main Hub %Operations main hub at Carrier Effect (E,) HubCarrier Effect Coefficient of Hubbing (achub) (EChub) AA CO DL F9 FL NW UA US WN B6 Table 2.3.8: DFW IAH ATL DEN ATL MSP ORD CLT LAS JFK Effects of 26.6% 1.41 1.26 28.7% 0.51 0.50 33.5% 0.67 0.63 50.0% 0.22 0.23 33.3% 0.39 0.44 22.6% 0.38 0.26 19.7% 1.04 0.68 17.2% 0.73 0.38 7.1% 0.73 0.90 27.0% 0.73 0.65 primary hub on cancellation rates in 2008 0.89 0.99 0.94 1.01 1.10 0.69 0.65 0.52 1.24 0.90 According to the results in Table 2.3.8 above WN, F9, and FL all had coefficient of hubbing values that were greater than 1 in 2008. This means that these carriers did not experience the operational flexibility afforded to other carriers at their hubs in terms of cancellations. WN's carrier effect increased from 0.59 in 2007 to 0.73 in 2008, which means that the airline cancelled more flights relative to the baseline in general in 2008 than in 2007. The airline's hub-carrier effect value increased from 0.57 in 2007 to 0.90 in 2008, while its carrier effect value increased from 0.59 in 2007 to 0.73 in 2008. This means that the carrier's carrier effect value increased more than its hub-carrier effect. Hence, WN made more cancellations relative to the baseline more so at its hub in LAS than at the other airports where it operated and hence it did not experience additional advantage at its hub. F9's hub-carrier effect value increased only slightly from 0.21 in 2007 to 0.23 in 2008. Although the carrier generally had cancellations well below the baseline at all the airports (according to the carrier effect value) as well as at its hub in DEN (according to the hub-carrier effect value), it did not experience any additional advantage at DEN. In addition, there wasn't much difference in the carrier effect, hub-carrier effect, and coefficient of hubbing values for F9 between 2007 and 2008. FL had a decrease in its carrier effect value from 0.45 in 2007 to 0.39 in 2008, while the airline's hub-carrier effect value increased from 0.32 in 2007 to 0.44 in 2008. This means 69 that although FL generally cancelled fewer flights relative to the baseline, the number of cancellations it had relative to the baseline at its ATL hub increased and thus the carrier appears to not have experienced any additional flexibility in ATL in 2008. Table 2.3.9 below has the values for 2009: Carrier Main Hub %Operations main hub at Carrier Effect (E,) HubCarrier Effect Coefficient of Hubbing (achub) (EChub) AA CO DL F9 FL NW UA US WN B6 Table 2.3.9: DFW IAH ATL DEN ATL MSP ORD CLT LAS JFK Effects of 28.0% 1.24 0.78 29.5% 0.33 0.30 35.3% 0.72 0.47 49.4% 0.54 0.47 31.6% 0.51 0.42 22.7% 0.41 0.27 19.5% 1.15 0.99 18.6% 0.86 0.72 7.1% 0.75 0.91 25.0% 0.92 0.69 primary hub on cancellation rates in 2009 0.63 0.91 0.66 0.87 0.83 0.66 0.87 0.84 1.21 0.75 According to the results in Table 2.3.9 above, WN was the only carrier that had a coefficient of hubbing value greater than 1, and the values of the carrier effect, hubcarrier effect, and coefficient of hubbing were similar to those from 2008. As in previous years, the carrier did not experience as much operational flexibility at LAS as did other carriers at their hubs because only 7.1% of its operations were concentrated at LAS. That is to say, WN's hub at LAS did not provide the carrier with the advantage that is typical of hubs , i.e., availability of a large number of crews, gates, and aircraft at the hubbing carrier's disposal in order to help ease the passenger recovery process for the carrier. The results in Table 2.3.9 suggest that in 2009, all the other carriers except WN had coefficient of hubbing values that were less than 1 which means that they all experienced additional operational advantage at their hubs. Table 2.3.10 below provides the values for 2010: 70 Carrier Main Hub %Operations main hub at Carrier Effect (Ec) HubCarrier Effect Coefficient of Hubbing (achub) (EChub) AA DFW 28.6% 0.95 0.83 CO IAH 29.5% 0.42 0.37 DL ATL 23.6% 0.98 0.91 F9 DEN 46.3% 0.37 0.33 FL ATL 28.4% 0.51 0.45 UA ORD 18.7% 0.77 0.66 US CLT 20.2% 0.75 0.65 WN LAS 6.9% 0.77 0.65 B6 JFK 22.3% 0.93 0.69 Table 2.3.10: Effects of primary hub on cancellation rates in 2010 0.87 0.88 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.86 0.85 0.74 According to the results in Table 2.3.10 above, all the carriers had coefficient of hubbing values less than 1, including WN. In fact, different from the previous four years' results, WN did not have the highest coefficient of hubbing value. WN's carrier effect remained approximately constant from 2009 to 2010, but the carrier's hub-carrier effect value improved from 0.91 in 2009 to 0.65 in 2010. The carrier's cancellation rate increased from 0.47% in 2009 to 0.79% in 2010. On further investigation, we find that the baseline cancellation rate at LAS was 0.84% in 2010, while the overall cancellation rate at the airport in the same year was 0.70%. This means that although WN's overall cancellation rate increased in 2010, the airline's performance at its hub in LAS was much better than for other airlines operating at the hub. DL had a value of 0.93, which was an increase from 0.66 in 2009. Both the carrier effect and hub-carrier effect values increased which suggest that the airline cancelled more flights relative to the baseline in 2010 than in 2009 at its ATL hub and also at other airports in the system. In 2010, the merger between DL and NW was completed and the two carriers began operating under the Delta name that year. This could explain the significant change in DL's carrier effect and hub-carrier effect values. We further investigate DL's values at MSP, which was NW's main hub airport. In 2009, DL's operations at MSP constituted only 0.5% of the carrier's total operations that year while in 2010 its operations at MSP constituted 4.4% of its total operations. If we treat MSP as DL's hub for the two years (accounting only for DL's operations at the airport), we find that the hub-carrier effect value in 2009 was 0.31 (the number of flights cancelled by DL was well below the baseline number of 71 cancellations) and in 2010 it was 0.86 which means that after DL and NW merged, the operational flexibility that had been enjoyed by NW at MSP reduced for the joint carrier. Hence, the merger between DL and NW played a huge role in affecting DL's cancellation rate in 2010. We notice that both FL and DL have their highest coefficient of hubbing values in 2008 and 2010 - 1.01 in 2008 and 0.89 in 2010 for FL, and 0.94 in 2008 and 0.93 in 2010 for DL. This is important because the two carriers share a hub at ATL. Interestingly, the two carriers have a similar trend in their coefficient of hubbing values as shown in Figure 2.3.1 below: Trend in achub values for FL and DL 1.2 1 0.8 -*-FL 0.6 -- DL 0.4 0.2 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 2.3.1: Coefficient of hubbing values for FL and DL According to Figure 2.3.1 above, of the two carriers at ATL, DL experienced more operational flexibility except in 2006 and 2010. The results of the analysis done over the 2006 - 2010 time period suggests that there is a substantial operational advantage for flights departing from a carrier's primary hub. To further confirm this, we compare flights arriving into the primary hub with those departing from it. In addition, we believe that the operational advantage afforded by carriers at their hub airports results in the carriers being able to absorb flight delay at their hubs. To confirm this intuition, we include an analysis of the overall percentage of flights that suffer large delays, whereby we define a large delay as one which is greater 72 than or equal to 30 minutes, that is, a flight is considered to have suffered a large delay if it arrives (departs) 30 minutes after when it was scheduled to arrive (depart). The tables presented in this analysis provide these values for the 2006 - 2010 time period. Table 2.3.11 below presents the results obtained for 2006 Cancellation Rate Carrier Primary For Hub Flights from Main Hub AA DFW 1.4% CO IAH 0.3% DL ATL 1.4% F9 DEN 1.0% FL ATL 0.7% NW MSP 0.7% UA ORD 2.4% US CLT 0.7% WN LAS 0.6% B6 JFK 0.5% Total 1.1% Table 2.3.11: Cancellation the primary hub in 2006 For Flights into Main Hub 1.5% 0.3% 1.6% 1.0% 0.8% 0.9% 2.7% 0.9% 0.6% 0.5% 1.2% rates and % of flights w/ at Least 30 Minutes of Delay % Increase For For % Flights Flights Increase from into Main Main Hub Hub 4.0% 14.4% 10.5% -27.3% 16.6% 14.8% 10.3% -30.5% 10.6% 14.6% 12.9% -11.2% 3.3% 9.5% 7.2% -24.4% 18.2% 17.6% 16.0% -8.9% 29.7% 13.1% 8.8% -32.5% 10.6% 20.7% 16.3% -21.0% 26.8% 12.3% 9.2% -25.8% -1.8% 13.4% 11.4% -14.5% 8.8% 17.8% 17.1% -3.6% 10.8% 15.0% 12.0% -19.9% large delays for flight arrivals and departures at According to the results in Table 2.3.11 above, the average cancellation rate for all flights departing from the carrier's hubs (1.1%) is 10.8% lower than the cancellation rate for all flights arriving into the carrier's hubs (1.2%). Furthermore, for each of the carriers listed in Table 2.3.11 above except for WN, the cancellation rates for flights departing from the hubs were lower than the cancellation rates for flights arriving into the hubs. The different relationship observed for WN can be attributed to the low concentration of WN's flights at LAS - only about 7% of WN's departures were concentrated at LAS and hence the carrier did not experience much operational flexibility at the airport. We further analyze the difference in cancellation rates by carrier group, that is, by comparing the legacy carriers with the low-cost carriers. In 2006, the cancellation rate 73 for all flights departing from the legacy carriers' hubs (1.2%) was 11.5% lower than the cancellation rate for all flights arriving at the hubs (1.4%). For the low-cost carriers, the cancellation rate for all flights departing from their hubs (0.67%) was 7.3% lower than the cancellation rate for all flights arriving at their hubs (0.72%). When we eliminate WN from the calculation for low-cost carriers, the decrease in cancellation rate becomes 11.1%, which is very similar to that of the legacy carriers. Hence, both carrier groups experienced very similar operational flexibility from their hub airports in 2006. Table 2.3.11 also lists the percentage of flights entering and exiting the main hubs that suffered large delays. According to the results obtained, the overall percentage of flights that experienced large delays arriving into the hub airports (12.0%) was 19.9% lower than the flights departing from the primary hub (15.0%). This means that carriers are able to absorb flight delay and still operate the departing flights out of the primary hubs (as against cancelling them), and hence this is consistent with the cancellation rates for flights into the hub being higher than those for flights leaving the hub. Of all the carriers listed above, B6 has the smallest decrease in the number of flights that experienced a large delay. The reason for this is that B6's hub is at JFK, which is a highly congested airport - in 2006, JFK had an overall cancellation rate of 1.75% and ranked 17th in terms of cancellation rate among the top 50 busiest airports and 4h among the 10 main hubs listed above (after ORD, DEN, and DFW). Table 2.3.12 below provides the values for 2007: 74 % of flights w/ at Least 30 Minutes of Delay Carrier Primary For For % For For % Flights Flight Increase Flights Flight Increase Hub from into from into Main Main Main Main Hub Hub Hub Hub 15.1% -21.5% 2.5% 19.3% 3.0% 3.1% AA DFW 10.7% -23.4% 13.9% 0.5% 22.8% 0.4% CO IAH 10.5% -17.2% 12.7% 0.9% 1.1% 21.0% DL ATL 12.6% 9.3% -26.3% DEN 0.4% 0.5% 27.8% F9 11.8% -17.5% 14.3% 0.8% 1.0% 19.6% FL ATL 18.1% 13.5% -25.5% 12.2% 1.6% MSP 1.5% NW 22.0% 17.2% -21.5% 8.5% 3.2% 3.5% UA ORD 13.8% -27.0% 18.8% 25.3% 1.5% 1.2% CLT US 11.9% 9.4% -20.7% 0.7% -0.9% 0.7% WN LAS 3.5% 20.4% 21.1% 2.3% JFK 2.4% 2.4% B6 9.2% 16.4% 13.2% -19.9% Total 1.6% 1.7% Table 2.3.12: Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the primary hub in 2007 Cancellation Rate According to the results in Table 2.3.12 above, the average cancellation rate for all flights departing from the carrier's hubs (1.6%) is 9.2% lower than the cancellation rate for all flights arriving into the carrier's hubs (1.7%). Similar to the previous year, WN was the only carrier in the above list for which the cancellation rate for flights leaving the hub airport was higher than the cancellation rate for flights arriving into the hub airport. Table 2.3.12 also lists the percentage of flights entering and exiting the main hubs that suffered large delays. According to the results obtained, the overall percentage of flights that experienced large delays arriving into the hub airports (13.2%) was 19.9% lower than the flights departing from the primary hub (16.4%). This means that more flights with more than 30 minutes of delay leave the hub airports than enter them, suggesting that, rather than canceling more often, carriers are able to absorb more delay at their hubs than at other airports and hence these results are consistent with the cancellation rates. Of all the carriers listed above, B6 was the only carrier for which the number of flights with large delays departing from the hub airport was smaller than the number of 75 flights with large delays arriving at the hub airport. This can be attributed to the high congestion level at JFK, and in particular the increased congestion at the airport in the wake of the Valentine's Day storm on Feb 14h, 2007. Furthermore, the overall cancellation rate at JFK increased from 1.75% in 2006 to 2.8% in 2007, moving the airport's rank from 17th position in 2006 to 6 th position in 2007 in terms of cancellation rate among the top 50 busiest airports, and to 2nd position among the 10 main hubs listed above (after ORD). Of note is that for B6's operations at JFK, the percentage of flights with large delays departing and arriving at JFK stayed approximately the same in both 2006 and 2007. However, the cancellation rates changed tremendously from around 0.5% in 2006 to about 2.4% in 2007, yet the cancellation rate remained quite similar for flights departing and arriving at JFK for both years. Table 2.3.13 below provides the values for 2008: Cancellation Rate % of flights w/ at Least 30 Minutes of Delay Carrier Primary For For % For For % Hub Flights Flight Increase Flights Flight Increase from into from into Main Main Main Main Hub Hub Hub Hub AA DFW 2.9% 3.0% 3.1% 17.0% 12.4% -27.0% CO IAH 1.1% 1.2% 8.5% 13.6% 10.7% -21.2% DL ATL 1.2% 1.3% 11.9% 13.4% 11.6% -13.9% F9 DEN 0.3% 0.4% 24.4% 10.8% 8.3% -23.2% FL ATL 0.8% 1.0% 20.0% 14.3% 12.2% -14.8% NW MSP 0.6% 0.8% 31.0% 13.6% 9.5% -29.6% UA ORD 3.3% 3.6% 8.7% 21.7% 16.8% -22.4% US CLT 0.9% 1.2% 32.6% 11.9% 7.8% -34.3% WN LAS 1.1% 1.0% -11.4% 11.9% 10.9% -8.1% B6 JFK 2.0% 2.1% 6.9% 17.7% 17.5% -1.2% 1Total 1.6% 1.7% 8.4% 14.8% 11.8% -2O.1% Table 2.3.13: Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the primary hub in 2008 According to the results in Table 2.3.13 above, the overall cancellation rate for all flights departing from the main hubs (1.6%) was 8.4% lower than the cancellation rate for all flights arriving at the main hubs (1.7%) in 2008. The individual carriers also had higher 76 cancellation rates for flights arriving into their hubs than for flights leaving from their hubs, except for WN whereby the cancellation rate for flights departing from LAS was 11.4% higher than the cancellation rate for flights arriving at LAS. This further confirms the less operational flexibility that WN received at LAS due to its lower concentration of operations there. The results on flights that suffered large delays suggest that for all carriers, the overall percentage of flights that suffered a large delay was greater for hub departures than for hub arrivals. This is consistent with the higher cancellation rates for arrivals than departures, which suggests that air carriers were able to absorb delay at their hub airports and still operate the departing flights out of the hub. This same effect is also observed at the individual carrier levels, even for B6 although the percentage difference is much smaller compared to that of the other carriers. For B6, the large delays into and out of the JFK hub are very balanced, with only a 1.2% difference between the two. Table 2.3.14 below provides values for 2009: % of flights w/ at Least 30 Minutes of Delay Cancellation Rate Carrier Primary For For Hub Flights Flight into from Main Main Hub Hub 1.8% AA DFW 1.7% 0.3% CO IAH 0.3% 0.9% 1.0% ATL DL DEN 0.6% 0.7% F9 0.8% 0.9% FL ATL 0.7% 0.5% MSP NW ORD 2.2% 2.5% UA 1.1% CLT 0.8% US 0.6% 0.6% LAS WN 1.8% 1.7% B6 JFK 1.2% 1.0% Total Table 2.3.14: Cancellation rates and the primary hub in 2009 % Increase For For % Flights Flight Increase from into Main Main Hub Hub -30.1% 5.3% 15.0% 10.5% 7.9% -24.3% 10.4% 33.2% 6.9% 11.6% 12.4% 16.3% 13.1% 9.0% -31.2% 18.9% 14.9% -6.5% 15.8% 16.0% -9.2% 10.0% 11.1% 41.3% -31.8% 9.6% 14.0% 12.2% -30.8% 11.6% 8.0% 33.2% -9.5% 8.0% 8.9% -1.9% 4.4% 14.3% 14.9% 7.1% 10.6% -16.1% 12.7% 12.9% large delays for flight arrivals and departures at 77 According to the results in Table 2.3.14 above, in 2009 the overall cancellation rate for flights arriving at the carriers' hubs (1.0%) was 12.9% higher than the overall cancellation rate for flights departing from the carrier's hubs. Similar to the previous years, WN was the only carrier in 2009 for which the cancellation rate for departures from LAS was higher than the cancellation rate for the arrivals into the airport. In terms of flights that suffered large delays, the overall percentage of flights with large delays arriving into a primary hub (10.6%) was 16.1% lower than that for the flights departing from the primary hub. This same effect is also observed at the individual carrier level for all carriers except for B6 and DL. For both B6 and DL, the percentage of flights with large delay into and out of the hub was very balanced. For DL, the cancellation rates for both the flights into the hub and out of the hub decreased from 2008 to 2009 (from 1.2% in 2008 to 0.9% in 2009 for flights from ATL, and from 1.3% in 2008 to 1.0% in 2009 for flights into ATL). The difference between the cancellation rates for arrivals and for departures at ATL increased from 11.9% in 2008 to 16.3% in 2009, but the difference in large delays between the arrivals and departures decreased and changed sign. Table 2.3.15 below contains values for 2010: Cancellation % of flights w/ at Least 30 Rate Minutes of Delay Carrier Primary For For % For For % Hub Flights Flight Increase Flights Flight Increase from into from into Main Main Main Main Hub Hub Hub Hub 8.4% -31.7% 12.2% 1.6% 5.0% AA DFW 1.6% 8.9% 6.6% -25.9% 0.3% 0.4% 19.7% IAH CO 11.2% -7.5% 2.1% 2.3% 10.6% 12.1% DL ATL 7.3% -31.8% 10.7% 0.4% 18.5% F9 DEN 0.4% -4.6% 9.9% 9.4% 17.0% ATL 1.0% 1.2% FL 8.4% -22.8% 10.9% 2.1% 13.3% UA ORD 1.8% -35.6% 10.6% 6.8% 1.2% 19.4% CLT 1.0% US 9.1% -20.9% 6.1% 11.5% 0.5% 0.6% WN LAS -12.3% 15.1% 13.3% 2.8% 5.1% JFK 2.6% B6 10.3% 11.4% 9.1% -20.5% Total 1.4% 1.5% Table 2.3.15: Cancellation rates and large delays for flight arrivals and departures at the primary hub in 2010 78 According to the results obtained in Table 2.3.15 above, the overall cancellation rate for flights departing from the primary hubs (1.4%) was 10.3% lower than the overall cancellation rate for flights arriving at the primary hubs (1.5%). In 2010, this effect was also observed at the individual carrier level for all carriers including for WN. Notably, for WN, the cancellation rate for flights arriving at and departing from LAS remained approximately constant and similar to the values in 2009, but the percentage difference in large delays between arrivals and departures was quite large (20.9%), when compared to2009 (9.5%). In the analysis of flights that suffered a large delay, the overall percentage of flights with large delays arriving into a primary hub (9.1%) was 20.5% lower than that for the flights departing from the primary hub. This effect was also observed for all carriers including B6 for which we had observed an opposite effect in the past years. Of note, the cancellations into and out of JFK are both the highest for B6 in 2010 over all the other years. Furthermore, the overall cancellation rate at JFK in 2010 was 3.39%, which was the airport's highest cancellation rate over the 2006 - 2010 time period (the airport's overall cancellation rate was 1.75% in 2006, 3.24% in 2007, 2.69% in 2008, and 2.19% in 2009). Note that the cancellation rate at JFK was higher in 2010 even when compared with the year 2007 which had the most system-wide cancellations and delays. Our analysis of comparing cancellation rates and percentage of flights with a large delay for flights departing from primary hubs with those for flights arriving at primary hubs for the 2006 - 2010 time period confirms the intuition that primary hubs provide the respective carriers with additional operational flexibility. The results obtained over the entire period are consistent with cancellation rates being higher for arrivals into the hubs than for departures and the flight delay results suggest that carriers are able to absorb more delay to departures at their primary hubs compared with departures from other airports. 2.4: Modelling Cance1ations In this sub-section, we present regression models to predict flight cancellation rates using the various insights that have been discussed so far in this chapter. First, for each year from 2006 - 2010 we aggregate the data into carrier-origin-destination combinations, that is, each combination of carrier, origin and destination represents a 79 single unique observation. In order to eliminate issues relating to sample size, we only consider carrier-origin-destination observations that have at least 100 flights. The dependent variable in our models is the cancellation rate for each individual observation, that is, the average cancellation rate for each carrier-origin-destination combination. We present four regression models for this analysis; the third model builds on the combination of both the first and second model, and the fourth model builds on the third model. Hence, by using this incremental approach we are able to capture the relative impact of the inclusion of the variables. Each of the explanatory variables is calculated as an average across the flights corresponding to each observation. As previously discussed, cancellation rates vary substantially across airports and carriers. Different airports have different congestion levels and this affects their flight cancellation rates - it is expected that airports with higher levels of congestion have higher flight cancellation rates, and this is further exacerbated by bad weather. Furthermore, as previously discussed, different carriers have different operating policies and this is reflected in varying cancellation rates among the carriers. Hence, our first two models investigate the effect of airport and carrier factors on cancellation rates over the 2006 - 2010 time period. The first regression model attempts to predict flight cancellation using the level of congestion at both the origin airport and the destination airport for each carrier-origindestination combination. We define the level of congestion at the origin (destination) as the percentage of scheduled flights which departed (arrived) having 15 minutes or more of delay, that is, we define the congestion level as 1 minus the on-time performance of the airport whereby the on-time performance of the origin (destination) airport is defined as the percentage of scheduled flights that departed (arrived) having less than 15 minutes of delay. Table 2.4.1 below presents the results of the first regression model for 2006 - 2010: 80 Model 1 1 1 Model 1 1 1 Model 1 1 1 Model 1 1 1 2006 Estimat Parameter Description e -8.24EIntercept 03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.50EOrigin 02 % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.07EDestination 02 Std Error 8.78E04 3.13E03 3.25E03 PValue 0.00 0.00 0.00 2007 Estima Parameter Description te -9.48EIntercept 03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.85E02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 6.51E02 Destination Std Error 1.10E03 4.OOE03 4.OOE03 PValue 0.00 2008 Estima Parameter Description te -8.49EIntercept 03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 6.40E02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 6.19E02 Destination Std Error 1.04E03 4.26E03 4.13E03 PValue 0.00 2009 Estima Parameter Description te 8.24EIntercept 04 % of Flights Not On-Time at 9.56E03 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.34E- Std Error 7.90E04 3.47E03 3.29E- PValue 0.30 Destination 03 02 81 Adjusted R-square Value 0.1235 Adjusted R-square Value 0.1073 0.00 0.00 Adjusted R-square Value 0.1002 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 Adjusted R-square Value 0.0512 Model 1 1 1 2010 Estima Std P- Adjusted R-square te Error Value Value 2.52E03 % of Flights Not On-Time at -9.95EOrigin 03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 8.66E- 1.02E03 4.04E03 4.79E- 0.01 0.0500 Destination 03 Parameter Description Intercept 02 0.01 0.00 Table 2.4.1: Estimation results for model 1 (airport congestion) for the 2006 - 2010 time period According to the results in Table 2.4.1 above, for 2006 - 2009, the coefficient estimates for the congestion levels at the origin as well as the destination airports are positive which suggests that all else being equal, an increase in the congestion at either the origin or the destination resulted in an increase in flight cancellation rates. In addition, the coefficient estimates for the explanatory variables are statistically significant with at least a 99% confidence level for all the five years. Additionally, the intercept was also statistically significant with at least 99% confidence level for all years except 2009. In 2010, the coefficient of congestion at the origin was negative, which is non-intuitive. Note that the models for 2009 and 2010 had lower explanatory power in general, compared to those for 2009 and 2010. They had lower R-square values (about half of those for 2006 - 2008); the coefficient estimates for the congestion at origin was lower (less than 20% of those for 2006 - 2008); and had lower p-values for individual parameter estimates than those for 2006 - 2008. These observations suggest that a large part of the error in the cancellation rates in 2009 and 2010 was not explained by the congestion level at either the origin or destination airport. So the flight cancellation rates were less dependent on the congestion levels in 2009 - 2010 than in 2006 - 2008 To further investigate this, we calculate the congestion level (in terms of the 15 minute ontime performance) for all flights operated in each year by mirroring the calculation of congestion levels defined earlier. We gather the following results: 82 2006 75.1% % of OnTime Flights % of Flights 24.9% Not On- 2007 73.6% 2008 76.1% 2009 79.2% 2010 79.9% 26.4% 23.9% 20.8% 20.1% Time Table 2.4.2: Distribution of on-time performance across the years According to the results in Table 2.4.2 above, the congestion levels, as measured by the percentage of total flights that arrived or departed within 15 minutes of delay, was lower for 2009 and 2010 than for 2006 - 2008. Hence, this could explain the lower dependence of cancellation rates on congestion levels that was observed in the first regression model for 2009 and 2010. In the second regression model, we attempt to predict the flight cancellation rates using the type of carrier as the only explanatory variable. As discussed previously, we divide all 20 ASQP carriers into 4 categories as follows: legacy carriers, low-cost carriers, regional carriers, and non-continental carriers. Hence, for this model, we use three 0-1 dummy variables, one each for the legacy carriers, low-cost carriers, and the regional carriers. Therefore, the coefficient estimates of the dummy variables measure the effects of the policies of each of the three carrier groups with respect to those of the noncontinental carriers. Table 2.4.3 below shows the estimation results for the second regression model for the 2006 - 2010 time period: Model Parameter Description 2006 Estimate 2 Intercept 1.72E-02 2 Legacy Carrier Dummy 5.58E-03 2 Low-Cost Dummy Regional 2 Carrier -1.18E-02 Carrier 9.62E-03 Dummy Std Error 1.72E03 1.74E03 1.77E03 1.74E03 83 PValue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adjusted R-Square Value 0.2650 Model Parameter Description 2007 Estimate 2 Intercept 1.51E-02 2 Legacy Carrier Dummy 1.47E-03 2 Low-Cost Carrier -7.34E-03 Dummy 2 Regional Carrier 1.58E-02 Parameter Description 2008 Estimate Intercept 1.51E-02 2 Legacy Carrier Dummy 1.54E-04 2 Low-Cost Carrier -7.14E-03 Dummy Regional Adjusted R-Square Value 0.1925 0.00 0.00 2.28E- 0.00 03 2 2 PValue 0.00 03 Dummy Model Std Error 2.26E03 2.29E03 2.31E- Std P- Adjusted R-Square Error Value Value 2.23E03 2.26E03 2.28E- 0.00 0.1710 0.00 0.00 03 Carrier 1.33E-02 Dummy 2.25E- 0.00 03 2009 Model Parameter Description Estimate 2 Intercept 1.16E-02 2 Legacy Carrier Dummy 1.17E-03 2 Low-Cost 1.54E-04 Carrier Dummy 2 Regional Std P- Adjusted R-Square Error Value Value 1.66E03 1.69E03 1.70E- 0.00 0.1833 0.00 0.00 03 Carrier 9.25E-03 Dummy 1.68E03 84 0.00 Model Parameter Description 2010 Estimate 2 Intercept 7.23E-03 2 Legacy Carrier Dummy 7.51E-03 2 Low-Cost 1.89E-03 Carrier Dummy 2 Regional Std P- Adjusted R-Square Error Value Value 1.96E03 1.99E03 2.00E- 0.00 0.1743 0.00 0.01 03 Carrier 1.86E-02 Dummy 1.98E- 0.00 .03 Table 2.4.3: Estimation results for model 2 (carrier types) for the 2006 - 2010 time period According to the results in Table 2.4.3 above, the estimated coefficient for the low-cost carrier dummy was the lowest, followed by that of the legacy carrier dummy, and the regional carrier dummy had the highest coefficient for all the years in the time period. The coefficient for the low-cost carrier dummy was negative from 2006 - 2008 which is consistent with the carrier group having the lowest cancellation rates among the four groups during this time period; in 2009 and 2010, the low-cost carriers had a higher cancellation rate than the non-continental carriers. Furthermore, the positive coefficient of the legacy carrier dummy is consistent with the legacy carriers having a higher cancellation rate than the non-continental carriers in the 2006 - 2010 time period. The coefficient associated with the regional carrier dummy was positive and the highest in value throughout the period, which is consistent with the regional carriers having the highest cancellation rate among all the carrier groups during the time period. All the coefficient estimates, including the estimates of the intercepts, are statistically significant with at least a 99% confidence level. In addition, the adjusted R-squared values for each of the years are higher than the adjusted R-square values obtained in the first regression model, which implies that the carrier-specific variables explain a larger part of the variation in the cancellation rates than the airport-specific variables. The third regression model builds on the first and second model; that is, we combine the airport and carrier factors from the previous two models and attempt to predict the cancellation rates. Table 2.4.4 below shows the estimation results for the third model over each year: 85 2006 Estimat e 2.34E-03 Model Parameter Description 3 Intercept 3 % of Flights Not On-Time at 4.99E-02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 2.71E-02 Destination Legacy Carrier Dummy -7.23E03 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy -1.43E02 Regional Carrier Dummy 5.68E-03 3 3 3 3 Model 3 3 3 Std Error 1.76E03 2.85E03 2.95E03 1.67E03 1.69E03 1.67E03 2007 Parameter Description Estimat e Intercept -7.32E03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.33E-02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.68E-02 Std Error 2.30E03 3.66E03 3.90E- Destination 03 3 Legacy Carrier Dummy 3 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy 3 Regional Carrier Dummy -4.51E03 -9.55E03 1.07E-02 86 2.20E03 2.20E03 2.18E03 PValue 0.18 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.3302 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PValue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.2727 Model 3 3 3 3 3 3 2008 Parameter Description Estimat e Intercept -6.85E03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 7.11E-02 Origin Yo of Flights Not On-Time at 5.23E-02 Destination Legacy Carrier Dummy -5.78E03 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy -1.16E02 Regional Carrier Dummy 8.22E-03 Model Parameter Description 3 Intercept 3 o 2009 Estimat e 1.39E-03 of Flights Not On-Time at 2.99E-02 Origin 3 % of Flights Not On-Time at Legacy Carrier Dummy 3 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy 3 Regional Carrier Dummy PValue 0.00 Std Error 1.71E03 3.28E- PValue 0.42 3.57E-02 3.05E- 87 1.65E03 1.66E03 1.65E03 R- Adjusted Square Value 0.2259 R- 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 03 -3.61E03 -8.55E03 6.40E-03 Adjusted Square Value 0.266817 0.00 03 Destination 3 Std Error 2.22E03 3.90E03 3.88E03 2.14E03 2.15E03 2.13E03 0.03 0.00 0.00 Model Parameter Description 3 Intercept 3 % of Flights Not On-Time at Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 3 2010 Estimat Std P- Adjusted e Error Value Square Value -3.31E03 2.74E-02 2.00E03 3.95E03 4.46E- 0.10 0.2121 5.72E-02 Destination 3 Legacy Carrier Dummy R- 0.00 0.00 03 2.20E-03 1.97E03 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy 3 -5.43E2.OOE03 03 3 Regional Carrier Dummy 1.21E-02 1.97E03 Table 2.4.4: Estimation results for model 3 (combination carrier types) for the 2006 - 2010 time period 0.26 0.01 0.00 of airport congestion and According to the results in Table 2.4.4 above, the coefficient estimate for the legacy carrier dummy became negative for the years 2006 - 2009. This suggests that the high cancellation rate of the legacy carriers is as a result of the high congestion levels of the airports between which they operate. For 2010, the coefficient for the legacy carrier dummy was positive but insignificant hence there was no statistically significant linear dependence of the mean of cancellation rates on the legacy carrier dummy variable. The coefficient estimates for the low-cost carrier dummy variable were also negative and statistically significant for all the years. Similar to the legacy carriers, these results suggest that the low-cost carriers' cancellation rates were influenced by the congestion level of the airports between which they operate. For all the years, the adjusted Rsquare value for the third model is less than the sum of the adjusted R-square values of the first and second regression models. In addition, for all the years, the coefficient estimates for the congestion levels at the origin and destination were all positive and statistically significant, as expected. This is an improvement over those for the first model where the relationship between airport congestion and cancellations rate was confounded by other effects due to the simplistic nature of that model. This means that in the first model, these airport-specific variables were capturing some carrier-specific effects on cancellation rates and this may further explain the negative sign obtained in the model for 2010 data. The third model illustrates that the airport congestion levels 88 and the carrier type dummies capture very different aspects of the variation in cancellation rates and the signs and relative magnitudes of these effects become intuitively reasonable once the two effects are separated out. The fourth regression model builds on the third model by introducing three more variables, namely, a 0-1 dummy that indicates whether the origin airport of the observation is the primary hub for the corresponding carrier, the average daily scheduled frequency for each carrier-origin-destination combination, and the average load factor for each unique observation. We use T-100 Domestic Segments database to calculate the average values of the daily scheduled frequency and load factor for each combination of carrier, origin, and destination in our data. The results from the fourth model are presented in Table 2.4.5 below. 2006 Model Parameter Description Estimate 4 Intercept 1.97E-02 4 % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.75E-02 Std Error 2.14E03 2.69E- Origin 03 4 o of Flights Not On-Time at 3.38E-02 Destination 2.78E- PValue 0.00 0.00 0.00 03 4 Legacy Carrier Dummy 4 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy 4 Regional Carrier Dummy -1.12E03 -8.38E03 1.30E-02 4 4 Dummy for Primary Hub at Flight Origin Average Frequency -8.76E03 5.92E-04 4 Average Load Factor -3.75E02 89 1.71E03 1.73E03 1.72E03 4.40E04 5.20E05 1.57E03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.4350 Model 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2007 Parameter Description Estimate Std Error Intercept 7.92E-03 2.76E03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 6.34E-02 3.50EOrigin 03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 6.80E-02 3.69EDestination 03 Legacy Carrier Dummy -6.58E2.28E03 03 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy -3.68E2.28E04 03 Regional Carrier Dummy 2.07E-02 2.27E03 Dummy for Primary Hub at -1.01E5.65EFlight Origin 02 04 Average Frequency 7.67E-04 6.68E05 Average Load Factor -4.16E1.95E02 03 Model Parameter Description 4 Intercept 4 4 2008 Estimate -5.44E03 % of Flights Not On-Time at 7.31E-02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 5.83E-02 Std Error 2.53E03 3.84E03 3.80E- Destination 03 4 Legacy Carrier Dummy 4 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy 4 Regional Carrier Dummy 4 Dummy for Primary Hub at -8.44EFlight Origin 03 -4.87E04 -6.11E03 1.50E-02 90 2.28E03 2.29E03 2.29E03 5.67E04 PValue 0.00 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.3592 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PValue 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.3178 4 Average Frequency 6.30E-04 4 Average Load Factor -1.39E02 Model Parameter Description 2009 Estimate 4 Intercept 3.01E-02 4 % of Flights Not On-Time at 4.41E-02 Origin % of Flights Not On-Time at 4.49E-02 Destination -1.27ELegacy Carrier Dummy 03 -5.98ELow-Cost Carrier Dummy 03 8.65E-03 Regional Carrier Dummy 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dummy for Primary Hub at -5.56E03 Flight Origin 2.84E-04 Average Frequency 4 Average Load Factor -4.78E02 Model Parameter Description 2010 Estimate 4 Intercept 2.13E-02 4 %Yo of Flights Not On-Time at 3.67E-02 Origin 0%0 of Flights Not On-Time at 6.10E-02 Destination -5.41ELegacy Carrier Dummy 03 4 4 91 6.82E05 9.80E04 0.00 Std Error 1.81E03 2.97E03 2.73E03 1.49E03 1.50E03 1.50E03 4.03E04 4.75E05 1.28E03 PValue 0.00 Std Error 2.34E03 3.80E03 4.25E03 1.90E03 PValue 0.00 0.00 RAdjusted Square Value 0.3903 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adjusted RSquare Value 0.2898 4 Low-Cost Carrier Dummy -3.28E03 1.37E-02 1.94E0.01 03 4 Regional Carrier Dummy 1.92E0.00 03 4 Dummy for Primary Hub at -7.08E5.14E0.00 Flight Origin 03 04 4 Average Frequency 2.55E-04 6.14E0.00 05 4 Average Load Factor -3.74E1.68E0.00 03 02 Table 2.4.5: Estimation results for model 4 (combination of airport congestion, carrier types, frequency, load factor, and origin hub dummy) for the 2006 - 2010 time period The results in Table 2.4.5 above suggest that the observations were consistent throughout the years. The coefficient estimates for the airport congestion variables and the carrier type dummies do not change substantially compared to the third regression model. Both airport congestion level coefficient estimates were positive and statistically significant, as in the third model which means that an increase in congestion levels at either the origin or destination resulted in an increase in flight cancellations. Once the airport congestion level, hubs at origin airports, frequency, and load factor levels are adjusted for in our model, we find that the ranking in terms of cancellation rates among the four carrier groups becomes clearer; in 2007 and 2010, the low-cost carrier group had the lowest cancellation rate while in 2006, 2008, and 2009 the legacy carrier group's cancellation rate was the lowest among the four carrier groups. This means that after adjusting for the variables in the fourth model, neither of the legacy nor low-cost carriers had a clear advantage over the other across the years. The non-continental US carriers tend to have a higher adjusted cancellation rate than legacy and low-cost carriers; and the regional carriers have the highest adjusted cancellation rate among the four groups of carriers. The results suggest that the regional carriers' high cancellation rates are not explained by any of the other factors that we include in the fourth model. The coefficient estimates for the dummy for the primary hub at the origin airport remained negative throughout the years, which is consistent with our observations earlier that the hubs provide the corresponding hub carriers with operational advantage for departing flights resulting in lower cancellation rates. In addition, the coefficient estimates for the average flight frequency remained positive throughout the time period while those for the average load factor remained negative, which is also consistent with 92 our results earlier that airlines are more likely to cancel flights on segments that have higher frequency as well as flights that have lower load factors as this aids in the reaccommodation process. All the explanatory variables including the intercepts for all five years are statistically significant with at least a 97% confidence level and the adjusted R-squared values are significantly higher than those for the third model for all years, which means that three additional variables are able to explain more variation in the cancellation rates. 93 Chapter 3 Analysis of Missed Connections over the 2006 - 2010 Time Period Missed connections are the most significant cause of travel disruptions for one-stop passengers. In calendar year 2007, missed connections were responsible for 57.2% of all travel disruptions suffered by one-stop passengers and 40.9% of all the delays suffered. In this section, we conduct a longitudinal study of missed connections across the 2006 2010 time period and analyze the most important factors affecting missed connections. In our discussion, we use the term misconnection rate to refer to the ratio of the number of one-stop passengers who missed their connections as a result of delays on the first flight in their itinerary, to the total number of non-stop passengers. We express the misconnection rate as a percentage. Notably, we choose to exclude one-stop passengers whose planned itineraries had at least one canceled flight, from both the numerator and the denominator of the expression for misconnection rates. 3.1 Misconnections at the Airport-Specific Level Similar to what we did in our analysis on cancellation rates in the previous section, we will analyze misconnection rates at both the airport level and the carrier level. At the airport level we, again, consider the top 50 airports in the U.S. in terms of total number of operations. 99.00% of all planned one-stop passenger connections during the 2006 2010 time period were made at these 50 airports, and they corresponded to 99.21% of all missed passenger connections. We categorize passengers based on their connection airports. Next, we present a discussion of misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports for each year within the 2006 - 2010 time period, and analyze the changes observed across the years. In Figure 3.1.1 below, we plot misconnection rates at the top 50 busiest airports in 2006, arranged in decreasing order of misconnection rate. 94 Top 50 Airports' Misconnection Rates - 2006 7.00% 6.00% "Top 50 Average Misconnecti on Rate 0'5.00% 04.00% U 0 3.00% I U 22.00% TimiItt 1.00% uuu~~~~~~o~ w i l l IIl i l l i Airport Figure 3.1.1: Average misconnection rates across top 50 busiest airports in 2006 For 2006, the average misconnection rate across all airports in the U.S. was 3.44%, and across the top 50 airports the average misconnection rate was 3.45%. EWR had the highest misconnection rate (6.14%) and TPA had the lowest misconnection rate (1.60%). 16 of the top 50 airports had misconnection rates that were higher than the average misconnection rate across the top 50 airports. There was a significant drop-off in misconnection rate after the first 10 airports - after SEA (4.21%), no other airport had a misconnection rate that was above 4.00%. The average misconnection rate at the 10 worst airports in terms of misconnection rates (4.98%) was more than 1.6 times greater than the misconnection rate at the remaining 40 airports. Obviously, large delays to the first flight in an itinerary are primarily responsible for misconnections. Hence, it is not surprising that out of the nine worst airports in terms of misconnection rates, EWR, ORD, LGA, JFK, PHL, SFO, and BOS were also the seven worst airports in terms of average arrival delay that year. However, arrival delays are not the only cause for misconnections - for instance, IAD which ranks second in terms of highest misconnection rate (5.95%) has a much lower average arrival delay (14.82 minutes) than LGA (19.70 minutes), ORD (20.78 minutes), SFO (16.58 minutes), JFK (18.21 minutes), and BOS (16.32 minutes), all of which have lower average misconnection rates than IAD. Another important factor that affects passenger connections is the length of scheduled connection time. Obviously, the less time there is for a passenger to make a 95 connection, the more likely he/she is susceptible to a misconnection, and vice versa. That is to say, longer connection times permit operational recovery and ensure flexibility to contain disruptions (Jenkins et. al, 2012). We calculate the average connection time for each of the top 50 airports in 2006; IAD had an average connection time of 103.52 minutes making it the fourth-lowest average connection time across the 50 airports. LGA, ORD, SFO, JFK, and BOS all had higher average connection times than IAD. This means that on average in 2006, one-stop passengers had less time to make their connections at IAD than at these five airports, and this may explain the higher misconnection rate at IAD. In addition, TPA, which had the lowest misconnection rate across the top 50 airports (1.60%), had the second-highest average connection time among the top 50 busiest airports (134.06 minutes). In terms of average arrival delay, TPA ranked 32nd across the 50 busiest airports with an average of 11.82 minutes, which was a higher average arrival delay than 18 of the airports that had higher misconnection rates. Thus, one-stop passengers had more time to make their connections at TPA and this contributed to the airport's low misconnection rate. We further explain this phenomenon later in this chapter in our discussion on schedule banking. Figure 3.1.2 below presents the misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports for the 2007 calendar year. Top 50 Airports' Misconnection Rates - 2007 8.00% 7.00% 6.00% Top 50 Average Misconnection Rate 5.00% o 4.00% l 3.00% 0 o 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% tI I I I Airport Figure 3.1.2: Average misconnection rates across top 50 busiest airports in 2007 96 For 2007, the overall average misconnection rate across all the airports in the U.S. was 3.97% and across the top 50 airports, the average misconnection rate was 3.98%. This was about a 15% increase in average misconnection rate from 2006 to 2007. The average connection time across the 50 busiest airports remained fairly the same at 117.90 minutes in 2006 and 118.29 minutes in 2007, but the average flight delay across the top 50 airports increased from 13.63 minutes in 2006 to 15.03 minutes in 2007.Hence, the increase in the average misconnection rate across the top 50 airports was likely a result of the increase in average arrival delay at these airports. Among the top 50 airports, EWR again had the highest misconnection rate of 7.55% and TPA again had the lowest misconnection rate of 1.70%. In 2007, 20 of the top 50 busiest airports had misconnection rates that were higher than the average misconnection rate across the top 50 airports. After the two worst airports in terms of misconnection rates (EWR, and LGA, the latter with a misconnection rate of 7.24%), there was a significant drop-off in misconnection rates with the next airport, IAD having a misconnection rate of 6.12%. The average misconnection rate at EWR and LGA (7.51%) is more than 1.9 times as high as the average misconnection rate at the remaining 48 airports (3.95%). Notably, the airports that had the largest changes in misconnection rates from 2006 to 2007 were IND (70.83% increase in misconnection rate), MIA (65.85% increase in misconnection rate), CMH (62.36% increase in misconnection rate), and MEM (56.44% increase in misconnection rate). IND's misconnection rate in 2006 was 2.31% (which was well below the average misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airports) and it increased to 3.94% in 2007, and the airport's rank in terms of the highest misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports changed from 3 6th position to 2211,1 position. In terms of arrival delay, however, the airport's performance improved from an average of 19.94 minutes of arrival delay in 2006 to an average of 15.21 minutes of arrival delay in 2007. IND's average connection time decreased from an average of 121.19 minutes in 2006 to 117.82 minutes in 2007, which implies that one-stop passengers had, on average, more time to make their connections at IND in 2006 than they did in 2007. To further investigate this, we analyze the connection time that was available to one-stop passengers who connected at IND, based on the scheduled departure time of the first flight in their itineraries. First, for all itineraries scheduled to connect at IND, we calculate the average connection time afforded to the itineraries based on the scheduled departure time of the first flight, for each hour across the two years and provide the results in the second and third columns of Table 3.1.1 below. 97 Scheduled Hour of Flight Departure 12 midnight 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 noon 1 p.m. p.m. 3 p.m. Average Connection Time (minutes) in 2006 0.00 Average Connection Time (minutes) in 2007 65.00 % of Total Connecting Passengers in 2006 % of Total Connecting Passengers in 2007 0.00% 0.03% 97.56 102.26 114.36 110.45 124.90 108.12 127.89 95.57 97.46 74.14 97.30 100.18 115.20 109.05 124.34 106.06 127.21 92.75 95.06 73.58 1.03% 8.30% 13.00% 7.65% 18.72% 11.66% 17.04% 8.77% 5.48% 4.15% 3.61% 0.59% 0.00% 0.00% 2.70% 9.75% 6.86% 14.91% 8.92% 9.16% 4.31% 9.27% 5.06% 4.08% 16.12% 76.57 77.53 p.m. 5 p.m. 78.82 76.90 1.19% p.m. 0.00 41.89 1.59% 7 p.m. 0.00 42.85 0.88% 3.10% 0.00% 121.60 0.00 IQp.m. 11 p.m. 0.00 102.67 0.00% 2.07% Table 3.1.1: Average connection times by hour of day at IND and distribution of connecting passengers in 2006 and 2007 According to Table 3.1.1 above, in both 2006 and 2007, the average connection time was higher for flights that were scheduled to depart in the morning hours, from around 7 a.m. until noon, with the flights that were scheduled to depart during the noontime hour having the highest scheduled connection time (127.89 minutes in 2006 and 127.21 minutes in 2007). We then analyze the distribution of one-stop passengers who made their connections at IND for both 2006 and 2007, based on the scheduled departure time of the first flight of the itinerary. The fourth and fifth columns in Table 3.1.1 above provide a summary of the distribution of connecting passengers in 2006 and 2007, respectively. 98 According to the fourth column of Table 3.1.1, in 2006, the highest share of one-stop passengers who were scheduled to connect at IND (18.72%) were on flights scheduled to depart between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. According to the second column of Table 3.1.1, these passengers had an average connection time of 124.90 minutes. In 2007, the highest share of one-stop passengers scheduled to connect at IND (16.12%) were on flights scheduled to depart between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., which corresponds to an average connection time of 76.57 minutes. Hence, the one-stop passengers who had connections at IND had more time to make their connections at the airport in 2006 than in 2007 and this helps explain the significant increase in the misconnection rate at the airport from 2006 to 2007. MIA's misconnection rate in 2006 was 3.23% (which was below the average misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airports) and it increased to 5.36% in 2007 (which was above the average misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airports). MIA's rank in terms of highest misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports worsened from 19t*, position in 2006 to 7t" position in 2007. In terms of arrival delay, MIA's performance worsened from an average arrival delay of 13.41 minutes in 2006 to an average arrival delay of 16.91 minutes in 2007; the airport's ranking in terms of highest average arrival delay across the top 50 airports worsened from 1 4 th position in 2006 to 7t" position in 2007. Furthermore, MIA had the highest average connection time (134.47 minutes) among the top 50 airports in 2006, and this decreased to 130.24 minutes in 2007. Hence, the increase in misconnection rate observed at MIA from 2006 to 2007 can be explained by an increase in average arrival delay as well as some decrease in average connection time at the airport. The misconnection rate for CMH increased from 3.02% in 2006 to 4.90% in 2007, and the airport's ranking in terms of highest misconnection rates across the top 50 airports position in 2006 to 12t" position in 2007. In terms of average arrival delay, the airport's performance worsened slightly from an average pf 15.40 minutes in 2006 to 16.84 minutes in 2007. The average connection time at CMH decreased from worsened from 2 4 th 127.04 minutes in 2006 to an average of 121.19 minutes in 2007. Hence, the increase in misconnection rate at the airport may have been as a result of an increase in average delay at the airport as well as a decrease in average passenger connection time. For MEM the misconnection rate in 2006 was 3.44% and it increased to 5.39% in 2007, worsening the airport's rank across the top 50 busiest airports from 1 7 1h position in 2006 99 to 6t1h position in 2007. In terms of average arrival delay, MEM's performance worsened slightly from an average of 12.43 minutes in 2006 to an average of 13.23 minutes in 2007. Interestingly, MEM was the airport that had the lowest connection time across the top 50 airports, both in 2006 and 2007. Its average connection time in 2006 was 89.85 minutes and it decreased to 82.34 minutes in 2007. Thus, at MEM, one-stop passengers were more susceptible to missing their connecting flights than at any other airport among the top 50 in both 2006 and 2007, and more so in 2007. In Figure 3.1.3 below, we present the misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports for the 2008 calendar year. Top 50 Airports' Misconnection Rates - 2008 8.00% 7.00% w6.00% -5.00% 0 w4.00% Top 50 Average Misconnection Rate 03.00% n 22.00% ----------------- 1.00% n nnO/ Airport Figure 3.1.3: Average misconnection rates across top 50 busiest airports in 2008 In 2008, the overall average misconnection rate in the U.S. was 3.70% and across the top 50 busiest airports it was 3.71%. LGA had, by far, the highest misconnection rate at 7.28% and SAT had the lowest misconnection rate at 1.82%. Of the top 50 busiest airports, 18 had a misconnection rate that was higher than the overall average across the group. Similar to previous years, it is not surprising that out of the 9 worst airports in terms of misconnection rates, EWR, ORD, LGA, JFK, SFO, and MIA were the 6 worst airports in terms of average arrival delay that year. Compared to the misconnection rates in 2007, ONT had the highest increase in misconnection rate from an average 100 misconnection rate of 2.27% in 2007 to an average of 3.67% in 2008 (this was a 61.88% increase in misconnection rate). CMH was the airport that had the highest decrease in misconnection rate; its average misconnection rate decreased from an average of 4.90% in 2007 to an average of 2.64% in 2008 (this was a 46.17% decrease in average misconnection rate). The average arrival delay at ONT remained approximately the same over the two years (10.32 minutes in 2007 and 10.50 minutes in 2008), but the average connection time at the airport decreased from an average of 110.33 minutes in 2007 to an average of 100.42 minutes in 2008. Hence, the increase in average misconnection rate observed at ONT may likely be due to the reduced average connection time at the airport. For CMH, the average arrival delay at the airport decreased by 18.59% from 16.84 minutes in 2007 to 14.20 minutes in 2008. Furthermore, the average connection time at the airport increased from 120.29 minutes in 2007 to an average of 125.44 minutes in 2008. Thus, the decrease in average misconnection rate that was observed at CMH may be attributed to both the decrease in average arrival delay as well as the increase in average connection time at the airport. In Figure 3.1.4 below, we present the misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports for the 2009 calendar year. Top 50 Airports' Misconnection Rates - 2009 7.00% 6.00% A 5.00% - 4.00% 0 3.00% U .E 2.00% 1.00% Top 50 Average Misconnection Rate MI - - -- AAOL % Airport Figure 3.1.4: Average misconnection rates across top 50 busiest airports in 2009 101 In 2009, the overall average misconnection rate in the U.S. was 3.24%, and it was 3.25% across the top 50 busiest airports. 16 of the top 50 busiest airports had misconnection rates that were higher than the average misconnection rate across the group. That year, EWR had the highest average misconnection rate of 6.59% and MCI had the lowest average misconnection rate of 1.16%. After the two worst airports in terms of misconnection rates (EWR, and LGA which had an average misconnection rate of 6.10%), there was a significant drop-off, with the next airport, SFO, having an average misconnection rate of 5.25%. To further illustrate the impact of arrival delay on misconnections, of the 16 worst airports in terms of misconnections, EWR, LGA, SFO, JFK, ATL, PHL, MIA, BOS, ORD, and DFW were the 10 worst airports in terms of average arrival delay that year. In 2009, the airport that had the highest increase in misconnection rate from 2008 was HNL which had an average misconnection rate of 3.08% in 2008 and 4.35% in 2009 (this was a 41.35% increase in average misconnection rate). At HNL, the average arrival delay stayed approximately the same with the airport recording an average arrival delay of 8.49 minutes in 2008 and 8.97 minutes in 2009. In terms of average connection time, the airport observed a decrease from 113.93 minutes in 2008 to an average of 100.73 minutes in 2009. Thus, the increase in misconnection rate that was observed at HNL from 2008 to 2009 can mostly be explained by the decrease in average connection time that was observed. MCI was the airport that had the highest decrease in misconnection rate from 2008 to 2009; the airport had an average misconnection rate of 2.02% in 2008 and of 1.16% in 2009 (this was a 42.69% decrease in average misconnection rate). In terms of average arrival delay, there was a decrease at MCI, from 12.56 minutes in 2008 to an average of 10.14 minutes in 2009. Furthermore, the average connection time at the airport increased from 118.97 minutes in 2008 to an average of 126.11 minutes in 2009. Hence, for MCI, the observed decrease in misconnection rate from 2008 to 2009 may be attributed to both a decrease in average arrival delay as well as an increase in average connection time at the airport. Figure 3.1.5 below presents the misconnection rates across the top 50 busiest airports for the 2010 calendar year. 102 Top 50 Airports' Misconnection Rates - 2010 6.00% 5.00% 0 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% ~WII44+fi+H*I*Fftn1tit Top 50 Average Misconnecti on Rate Airport Figure 3.1.5: Average misconnection rates across top 50 busiest airports in 2010 In 2010, the overall average misconnection rate in the U.S. was 3.00% and 3.01% across the top 50 busiest airports. This was the lowest average misconnection rate across the entire 2006 - 2010 time period. In addition, the average arrival delay across the top 50 busiest airports was lowest in 2010 (10.99 minutes). Unlike in the previous years, the two airports that had the highest average misconnection rate were SFO (5.47%) and CVG (4.69%). This is because LGA and EWR, which had been the airports with the highest misconnection rates, dropped to third and fourth positions, respectively. The two New York airports recorded significant decreases in misconnection rates with LGA's misconnection rate decreasing from 6.10% in 2009 to 4.63% in 2010 (a 24% drop in misconnection rate) and EWR's misconnection rate decreasing from 6.59% in 2009 to 4.52% in 2010 (a 31% drop in misconnection rate). The decrease in these two airports' misconnection rates is very high compared to the decrease in the average misconnection rate across the 50 busiest airports, which decreased from 3.25% in 2009 to 3.01% in 2010 (only a 7% drop in misconnection rate). In terms of average arrival delay, both LGA and EWR recorded significant decreases - LGA's average arrival delay decreased from 17.42 minutes in 2009 to 13.56 minutes in 2010 (a 22% drop in average arrival delay) and the average arrival delay at EWR decreased from 24.59 minutes in 2009 to 16.70 minutes in 2010 (a 32% drop in average arrival delay). The average connection times at the two airports remained approximately the same, with LGA observing only a slight increase from an average of 104.40 minutes in 2009 to 107.98 minutes in 2010, and EWR's 103 average arrival delay staying at 121 minutes for both years. Therefore, the significant decrease in LGA's and EWR's average arrival delay contributed to the significant decrease in misconnection rates observed at the two airports. TPA had the lowest average misconnection rate of 1.22%. Out of the top 50 busiest airports, 18 had misconnection rates that were higher than the average misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airport. In addition to being the airport that had the highest misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airports, SFO was also the airport which suffered the highest average arrival delay (18.34 minutes). Notably, CVG, which was the airport with the second-highest misconnection rate, was the airport that had the third-lowest average connection time of 93.55 minutes in 2010. Furthermore, TPA, which had the lowest misconnection rate in 2010, had the highest average connection time (136.95 minutes) across all the 50 carriers that year. Our analysis of misconnection rates at the airport level show that 2007 was the year that had the highest average misconnection rate across the top 50 busiest airports. EWR and LGA consistently ranked highly in terms of the highest misconnection rates as well as in arrival delay over the 2006 - 2010 time period. TPA, on the other hand, had consistently low misconnection rates during the time period and ranked highly in terms of highest average connection time across the top 50 carriers. Our results suggest that arrival delay and available connection time play a huge role in affecting the rate of misconnections. 3.2 Misconnections at the Carrier-Specific Level In this section, we analyze misconnections at the carrier-specific level. As in the analysis of cancellation rates by carrier, we categorize one-stop passengers based on the carrier operating the first flight of the itinerary. In this section, we conduct a longitudinal analysis of misconnection rates across the four groups of carriers during the 2006 - 2010 time period and present the results of this analysis year by year. Figure 3.2.1 below provides an illustration of the trends in overall average misconnection rates across the time period. The regional carriers are represented by the green line, the legacy carriers by the blue line, the non-continental carriers by the purple line, and the low-cost carriers by the red line. 104 Misconnection Rates by Carrier Group 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 0 ~3.00% 0 S2.00% -1.00% Legacies LCCs --- 0.00% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Regionals -"-Non-Cons Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Legacies 3.31% 3.93% 3.71% 3.16%, 2.95% LCCs 2.22% 2.44% 2.53% 2.26% 1.99% Regionals Non-Continentals 4.71% 5.31% 4.75% 4.99% 4.11% 3.38% 3.29% 3.01% 3.03% 2.31% Figure 3.2.1: Misconnection rates for the four carrier groups across the 2006 - 2010 time period Over the entire 2006 - 2010 time period, the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rate among the four carrier groups, the low-cost carriers had the lowest misconnection rates, and the legacies and non-continental ranked between the other two groups. Next, we present plots that show the distribution of misconnection rates among the four groups of carriers over the 2006 - 2010 time period. We will then proceed on to discuss the trends in misconnection rates observed across the years. Similar to our analysis of cancellation rates, the regional carriers are highlighted in blue, the legacy carriers in green, the low-cost carriers in orange, and the non-continental carriers in grey. Figure 3.2.2 below presents the data for the 2006 calendar year. 105 Misconnection Rates by Carrier - 2006 b.UU0% i 5.00% 0 4.00% Xw 3.00% C C 0 - -- -- II~ 2.00% -- 1.00% U Overall Average Misconnection Rate Regionals 0 Low-cost carriers nnoL % M Legacies >n 3 Carrir Carrier M Non-continentals Figure 3.2.2: Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2006 In 2006, the average misconnection rate across all the carriers was 3.42%. YV had the highest misconnection rate (5.63%) and AQ had the lowest misconnection rate (1.41%). In general, the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rates, with the four carriers having the highest misconnection rates all being regional carriers. In fact, all the regional carriers had misconnection rates that were above the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. In spite of the low-cost carriers being the carrier group that had the lowest average misconnection rate, B6 had a high misconnection rate of 3.42% (it ranked 6th in terms of highest misconnection rates among all the carriers) and was the only low-cost carrier whose misconnection rate was above the average misconnection rate across all the carriers. On further investigation, we find that of all carrier groups, the low-cost carriers had the second lowest average percentage of onestop passengers - only 14.21% of the total passengers who flew on itineraries operated by low-cost carriers were one-stop passengers, compared to 41.04% for the regionals, 27.91% for the legacies, and only 9.82% for the non-continental carriers. Out of all the passengers who flew on itineraries operated by B6, only 6.06% were one-stop passengers; B6 had the lowest percentage of connecting passengers across all the continental carriers. In terms of arrival delay, B6 had the second-highest average arrival delay of 17.02 minutes, after EV which had an average arrival delay of 18.72 minutes; the arrival delay for B6 was more than 49.24% higher than the average arrival delay across all the low-cost carriers (11.40 minutes). However, the average connection time 106 for itineraries operated by B6 in 2006 was 122.91 minutes, which was the fourth-highest average connection time across all the carriers. Hence, B6's high average arrival delay is a major contributor to the carrier's high misconnection rate, more so than its connection time. Furthermore, B6 operates a hub out of JFK, with 89% of B6's connecting passengers connecting at the airport in 2007. In 2007, JFK had the third highest average arrival delay (19.70 minutes) across the top 50 busiest airports, and the 7*11 highest misconnection rate (4.63%). This illustrates the interdependency that exists between carriers and the airports at which they operate. Among the legacy carriers, UA had the highest misconnection rate and was the only legacy carrier whose misconnection rate was higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers. Out of all the passengers who flew on itineraries operated by UA, 26.52% were one-stop passengers. In terms of arrival delays, UA had an average arrival delay of 15.77 minutes, making it the carrier with the second-highest average arrival delay among the legacy carriers. CO was the legacy carrier with the highest average arrival delay of 16.33 minutes. In terms of misconnection rates, however, CO ranked lower than UA and had a misconnection rate of 3.18%. This further illustrates that arrival delays explain some but not all misconnections. In terms of average connection time, UA had a higher connection time (119.203 minutes) than CO (113.43 minutes). This, again, is counterintuitive since we would expect CO to have a higher misconnection rate than UA owing to CO's higher average arrival delay and CO's lower average connection time compared to UA. To further investigate this, we consider both UA's and CO's hub airports; UA operated a hub out of ORD and 19.1% of its operations in 2006 were performed at ORD, and 50.44% of connecting passengers served by UA had their connection at ORD. CO's hub was at IAH and 28.5% of the carrier's operations in 2006 were performed at IAH, and 87.93% of the one-stop passengers it served that year made a connection at IAH. ORD had the fifth-highest misconnection rate in 2006 (5.00%) and IAH had a much lower misconnection rate (3.37%). ORD was also the airport with the second-highest average arrival delay among the top 50 airports, with an average of 20.78 minutes while IAH had a much lower average arrival delay of 13.00 minutes. Thus, UA has a bulk of its operations at an airport that has a higher misconnection rate and arrival delays in comparison to CO which appears to have more advantage in terms of where it operates. This may be the reason for the UA's higher misconnection rate and further emphasizes 107 the existence of interdependence between carriers and the airports at which they operate. Figure 3.2.3 below presents the misconnection rates for all carriers in 2007, in decreasing order. Misconnection Rates by Carrier- 2007 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% - 3.00% 0 2.00% 1.00% n-0 na -4 Overall Average Misconnection Rate 1 U .: , >i i , .M Regionals LOW-COSt carriers zj E Legacies Carrier 0 Non-continentals Figure 3.2.3: Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2007 In 2007, the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers was 3.97%, which was 16% higher than the overall average in 2006 (3.42%). EV had the highest misconnection rate of 6.64% and AQ had the lowest misconnection rate of 1.47%. Similar to 2006, the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rates among all carriers in 2007, with six out of the seven regional carriers having the highest misconnection rates across all the carriers. In terms of arrival delay, EV had the highest average arrival delay (21.13 minutes) across all the carriers, and AQ had the lowest average arrival delay (4.07 minutes). The overall average misconnection rate across the regional carriers increased from 4.71% in 2006 to 5.31% in 2007 (more than a 12% increase in misconnection rate). However, there was hardly any increase in average arrival delay across the group - the average arrival delay in 2006 was 15.14 minutes and 15.95 minutes in 2007. Hence, the increase in misconnection rate cannot all be attributed to increase in average arrival delay for the regional carriers. In addition, the average connection time for all one-stop itineraries operated by regional carriers remained approximately the same at 113.33 minutes in 2006 and an average of 113.04 minutes in 2007. To further analyze this, we consider the airports at which a bulk of the regional carriers' operations is performed. 108 Out of all the flights operated by the regional carriers in 2007, the highest percentage departed from ORD (7.30%) which was the airport that had the fourth-highest arrival delay (21.50 minutes) in 2007. In 2006, ORD had the second-highest average delay of 20.78 minutes, and 6.72% of all the flights operated by regional carriers departed from the airport. Moreover, out of all the airports that served as a connection for all one-stop passengers served by regional carriers in 2007, ORD served the most with 20.29% of all the one-stop passengers connecting at the airport. This is a contrast with 2006 when 16.91 % of the one-stop passengers served by regional carriers made their connections at ORD. Furthermore, 9.78% of all flights operated by the regional carriers in 2007 departed from one of the four airports that had the highest cancellation rates in the both 2006 and 2007 (EWR, IAD, LGA, and CLE); in 2006, this percentage was lower - 6.82% of the flights operated by the regional carriers that year departed from one of EWR, IAD, LGA, or CLE. These results suggest that the regional carriers' operations were carried out at airports that were more susceptible to higher misconnection rates, more so in 2007 than in 2006. Thus, although the overall average arrival delay values and the overall average connection time values for the regional carriers remained approximately the same from 2006 to 2007, the overall average misconnection rate for the carrier group increased and this may be as a result of the carriers operating at airports that were susceptible to high misconnection rates. Four out of the six legacy carriers had misconnection rates that were higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers. UA had the highest misconnection rate (4.65%) across the legacy carriers, and had the second-highest average arrival delay (17.87 minutes) among the legacy carriers, after AA which had an average arrival delay of 18.55 minutes. The average misconnection rate across the legacy-carrier group increased from 3.31% in 2006 to 3.93% in 2007 (more than an 18% increase in misconnection rate) and the average arrival delay for the group increased from 13.83 minutes in 2006 to 16.28 minutes in 2007 (more than a 17% increase in average arrival delay). On the other hand, the average connection time for the legacy carriers remained approximately the same at 116.71 minutes in 2006 and 117.87 minutes in 2007. Hence, for the legacy-carrier group, the increase in misconnection rate observed from 2006 to 2007 may be attributed to an increase in average arrival delay, more so than for the regional carriers. 109 Similar to 2006, B6 was the low-cost carrier that had the highest misconnection rate (4.83%), and was also the only low-cost carrier whose misconnection rate was above the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. The carrier also had the secondhighest average arrival delay (19.91 minutes) across all carriers. Amongst the noncontinental carriers, AS had the highest misconnection rate of 4.30% and was the only non-continental carrier whose misconnection rate was higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. Figure 3.2.4 below provides the average misconnection rates across all carriers in 2008 in decreasing order. Misconnection Rates by Carrier - 2008 7.00% 6.00% . 5.00% - .00% Overall Average Misconnection Rate --- C 3.00% 0 0 2.00% - N Regionals 1.00% 0.00% M - 0>-L D><M Low-cost carriers Legacies Airport N Non-continentals Figure 3.2.4: Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2008 In 2008, the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers was 3.70% (which was a 7.3% decrease in overall average misconnection rate from 2007). OH had the highest misconnection rate (6.08%) across all carriers and AQ had the lowest misconnection rate (1.09%). Similar to the previous years, the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rates, with the first three carriers in terms of highest misconnection rates all being regional carriers. All the regional carriers had misconnection rates that were higher than the overall average misconnection across all carriers. Across the regional-carrier group, the average misconnection rate decreased by 12% from 5.31% in 2007 to 4.75% in 2008. In terms of arrival delay, the carrier group's average arrival delay decreased by 11% from an average of 15.95 minutes in 2007 to an average of 14.37 minutes in 2008. Furthermore, the average connection time for all one110 stop itineraries operated by regional carriers remained stable between 113.04 minutes in 2007 and 112.71 minutes in 2008. Hence, the decrease in overall average misconnection rate for the carrier group from 2007 to 2008 can be attributed to the decrease in average arrival delay of the flights they operated. For the legacy carriers, UA had the highest misconnection rate of 4.64% across the group. UA also had the highest average arrival delay (17.27 minutes) across the legacy carriers and the second-highest average arrival delay across all carriers. AA was the only other legacy carrier that had a misconnection rate (4.42%) that was above the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. In terms of average arrival delay, AA had the second-highest arrival delay (17.22 minutes) among the legacy carriers and the third-highest arrival delay across all the carriers. The two carriers' average connection times remained stable between 2007 and 2008 - the average connection time for UA was 120 minutes in both 2007 and 2008, and AA's average connection time was 117 minutes in 2007 and 118 minutes in 2008. Note that these values of average connection times for UA and AA were very similar to the average connection time across all legacy carriers which was approximately 118 minutes in 2007 and also in 2008. Hence, UA's and AA's high misconnection rates can be attributed to the carriers' high average arrival delay. The average misconnection rate across the legacy-carrier group decreased slightly from 3.93% in 2007 to 3.71% in 2008 (a 5% decrease in misconnection rate) while the average delay across the group decreased from 16.28 minutes in 2007 to 14.59 minutes in 2008 (a 12% decrease in average arrival delay). Thus, the decrease in the group's average misconnection rate across the two years may be as a result of the decrease in average arrival delay among the carriers. Similar to 2006 and 2007, in 2008 B6 was the low-cost carrier with the highest misconnection rate (4.76%). This was more than 1.8 times as high as the average misconnection rate across all the low-cost carriers (2.53%). B6 was also the only low-cost carrier whose misconnection rate was higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. In terms of average arrival delay, B6 had the highest arrival delay (18.15 minutes) across all carriers, which was more than 1.5 times as high as the average arrival delay across the low-cost carriers (11.88 minutes). Among the noncontinental carriers, AS had the highest misconnection rate (3.50%) and all noncontinental carriers had misconnection rates that were below the overall average misconnection rate across all carriers. 111 Figure 3.2.5 below presents misconnection rates across all the carriers in 2009 in decreasing order. Misconnection Rates by Carrier- 2009 8.00% 7.00% 5 6.00% C 5.00% 0 ,Overall Average Misconnection Rate E 4.00% 5U 3.00% I - 2 2.00% U 1.00% U...V Regionals 0 Low-cost carriers ' 1 M 1 > > T ( I I I - I Z O 0WM ELegacies N Non-continentals Carrier Figure 3.2.5: Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2009 In 2009, the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers was 3.24%, which was more than 14% lower than the average misconnection rate in 2008. OH had the highest misconnection rate (6.78%) and WN had the lowest misconnection rate (1.61%). Similar to the previous years, the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rate, with an average misconnection rate of 4.99% across the group. The four carriers with the highest misconnection rates were all regional carriers and six out of the seven regional carriers had misconnection rates that were higher than the overall misconnection rate across all the carriers. The overall average misconnection rate across the carrier group decreased by about 5.05%, from 4.75% in 2008 to 4.99% in 2009. The average arrival delay across the carrier group was 12.44 minutes, which was more than a 15% decrease in arrival delay from 2008. The average connection time for the regional carrier group remained stable between 121.75 minutes in 2007 and 120.36 minutes in 2008. Therefore, the decrease in the regional carriers' average misconnection rate can be attributed to a decrease in the carrier group's arrival delay. For the legacy carriers, AA had the highest misconnection rate (3.52%). UA had the third-highest misconnection rate across the legacy carriers, unlike in previous years whereby it had been the legacy carrier with the highest misconnection rate. The carrier's 112 misconnection rate fell by 39% from 4.64% in 2008 to 3.34% in 2009. Interestingly, UA's average arrival delay decreased from 17.27 minutes in 2008 to 11.22 minutes in 2009 (a 540%0 decrease in average arrival delay) and the carrier's ranking in terms of arrival delay improved from 2', position in 2008 to 13*11 position in 2009. Hence, the drop in UA's misconnection rate can be attributed to the decrease in the carrier's average arrival delay. The overall average delay across all the legacy carriers increased from 11.76 minutes in 2009 to 14.75 minutes in 2010. Hence, it is not surprising that the average misconnection rate across the group increased from 3.16% in 2008 to 3.71% in 2009. Among the low-cost carriers, FL had the highest misconnection rate (3.98%) and was also the low-cost carrier with the highest increase in misconnection rate from the previous year (FL's misconnection rate increased from 3.40% in 2008 to 3.89% in 2009. The carrier's arrival delay increased from an average of 12.21 minutes in 2008 to an average of 14.89 minutes in 2009. FL's average connection time remained approximately the same, with an average of 120.16 minutes in 2008 and an average of 119.97 minutes in 2009. This means that the increase in FL's misconnection rate can be attributed to the increase in arrival delays of flights operated by the carrier. Among the non-continental carriers, HA had the highest misconnection rate at 3.51%. HA's misconnection rate increased by 29.93% from an average of 2.46% in 2008. Moreover, the carrier's ranking in terms of highest misconnection rate changed from 18 t" position in 2008 to 101 position in 2009, among the 20 carriers. HA was the carrier that had the lowest average arrival delay both in 2008 (5.54 minutes) and in 2009 (4.32 minutes) and its average connection time remained approximately the same across both years - 117.15 minutes in 2008 and 118.47 minutes in 2009. Interestingly, HNL, which is the airport where HA had 94% of its operations (both arrivals and departures), was the airport that had the highest increase in misconnection rate from 2008 to 2009 across the top 50 busiest airports. This is a further indication of the interdependence between carriers and the airports at which they operate and may be the reason for the increase in HA's misconnection rate from 2008 to 2009.Of note, Aloha Airlines went bankrupt and exited Hawaii's inter-island passenger market in 2008. According to a case study of Aloha's sudden exit, the inter-island passenger volume did not decrease in response to Aloha's demise; the remaining carriers and in particular, HA, responded by filling the gaps left by AQ and this may have resulted in an increase in disruptions as the airlines at HNL attempted to coordinate their schedules (Kawaura, 2011). 113 Figure 3.2.6 below shows the misconnection rates for all carriers in 2010 in decreasing order. Misconnection Rates by Carrier - 2010 6.00% 1 5.00% 0 4.00% cu 3.00% mmmmmmjmihmYmimi Overall Average Misconnection Rate C C u 2.00% 1.00% U 1.00% W > C 0 Regionals Low-cost carriers <>< Carrier U U Legacies Non-continentals Figure 3.2.6: Misconnection rates across the carriers in 2010 In 2010, the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers was 3.00%, which was also the lowest overall misconnection rate over the 2006 - 2010 time period. As in the previous years, the regional-carrier group had the highest misconnection rate, with OH having the highest misconnection rate (5.64%) across all carriers. WN had the lowest misconnection rate (1.61%). The first five carriers in terms of misconnection rates were all regional carriers, and six out of the seven regional carriers had misconnection rates that were higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers. In terms of average arrival delay, OH had the highest arrival delay amongst the regional carriers and the second-highest amongst all carriers. Among the legacy carriers, DL had the highest misconnection rate across the group (3.69%) and was the only legacy carrier whose misconnection rate was higher than the overall average misconnection rate across all the carriers. DL's misconnection rate increased by 5.93% from 3.47% in 2009 to 3.69% in 2010, and this was the only legacy carrier whose misconnection rate increased (AA's misconnection rate decreased by 16.95%, UA's decreased by 30.16%, US's decreased by 18.61%, and CO's decreased by 17.97%). In terms of average arrival delay, DL had the highest arrival delay (12.51 minutes) amongst the legacy carriers and the fifth-highest across all the carriers. 114 Interestingly, in 2010 the merger between DL and NW was finalized and the two began reporting as one carrier under the Delta name. It may be that the difficulty in the coordination of the two carriers' schedules might have resulted in the increase in misconnection rates for the carrier. In order to further investigate this, we calculate DL's misconnection rates at NW's hub airports in 2009 and compare them to 2010. We consider NW's three main hubs - DTW, MEM, and MSP, and provide the results in Table 3.2.1 below. Airport DL's DL's Misconnection Misconnection Rate in 2010 Rate in 2009 DTW 2.43% 3.81% 4.05% MEM 2.72% MSP 3.58% 3.51% Table 3.2.1: DL's misconnection rates at NW's hubs According to Table 3.2.1, DL's misconnection rates at DTW and MEM increased by 57% and 49% respectively after the merger completion, and remained approximately the same at MSP. Across the airports at which at least 5% of DL's one-stop passengers made their connections, DTW and MEM were the two airports at which DL had the highest increase in misconnection rate from 2009 to 2010. This attests to the possibility of the increase in DL's average misconnection rate being partly attributed to the complexities that resulted from the carrier's merger with NW. Among the low-cost carriers, B6 had the highest misconnection rate at 3.24%, as well as the highest average arrival delay across all the carriers. B6's average arrival delay (14.58 minutes) was more than 35% higher than average arrival delay across the low-cost carriers (10.76 minutes), and this may be the reason for the carrier's high misconnection rate. Among the non-continental carriers, HA had the highest misconnection rate in the group. Our analysis of the misconnection rates across carriers has yielded further evidence that arrival delays significantly affect misconnection rates. Furthermore, we have found that the interdependence between carriers and the airports at which they operate also affects the rate of misconnections. We have observed that some carriers experienced changes in their average misconnection rates across some years and yet, in some cases, the change in average arrival delay experienced as well as the average connection time available to 115 non-stop passengers did not explain the increase in misconnection rate. Moreover, we have found that these carriers have a bulk of their operations at airports which are more susceptible to higher misconnection rates (they have higher average arrival delays and/or lower average connection times). This means that although a carrier is able to keep its arrival delays low (or constant) and maintain the average connection times available to one-stop passengers, it may experience an increase in misconnection rates owing to the airports at which it operates. This may particularly be the case for carriers which operate many one-stop itineraries in collaboration with other carriers, that is, one-stop itineraries on which the second leg is operated by a different flight from the first one. To further investigate this, we analyze the one-stop itineraries based on the carrier(s) operating each of the two legs of the trip. We find that across the 2006 - 2010 time period, one-stop itineraries operated by two different carriers (for each leg of the trip) accounted for an average of 41.73% of the total one-stop itineraries. We refer to these itineraries as multi-carrieritineraries versus same-carrieritineraries which are the ones for which both of the itinerary's legs are operated by the same carrier. Furthermore, for the continental carriers, we investigate what percentage of either of the multi-carrier and same-carrier itineraries each of the carrier groups operates. Like before, we categorize multi-carrier itineraries based on the carrier operating the first leg of the trip. We present the averages across the 2006 - 2010 time period in Table 3.2.2 below. % Average of Total Multi-Carrier Itineraries 47.51% % Average of Total Same-Carrier Itineraries 11.25% Regional Carriers 64.66% 49.99% Legacy Carriers 22.09% 0.24% Low-cost Carriers 2.00% 2.26% Noncontinental Carriers Table 3.2.2: Multi- and same-carrier itineraries across the carrier groups According to the above results, the regional carriers and the legacy carriers operate about 97.5% of the multi-carrier itineraries and hence it is not surprising that both of 116 these carrier groups had the highest misconnection rates across the entire 2006 - 2010 time period. We further analyze what share of the itineraries operated by each of the carrier groups is accounted for by either of the multi-carrier and same-carrier itineraries, and provide the results in Table 3.2.3 below. %Average %Average accounted for by accounted for by Multi-Carrier Same-Carrier Regional Carriers Legacy Carriers Itineraries Itineraries 75.16% 24.84% 35.64% 64.36% LCCs 0.77% 99.23% Non59.23% 40.77% continental Carriers Table 3.2.3: Percentage of multi- and same-carrier itineraries across the carrier groups Multi-carrier itineraries make up 75.16% of the total one-stop itineraries operated by regional carriers (one-stop itineraries for which the first leg of the trip is operated by a regional carrier), and same-carrier itineraries make up only 24.84% of the itineraries operated by the group. This implies that regional carriers operate itineraries that are more exposed to other carriers' operations and hence more susceptible to passenger misconnections. The multi-carrier itineraries operated by low-cost carriers make up less than 1% of the total one-stop itineraries operated by the carrier-group. This implies that the one-stop itineraries operated by any of the low-cost carriers are likely operated by the same carrier for the second leg of the trip and hence less exposed to other carriers' operations and thus less susceptible to misconnections. However, we must note that regional carriers primarily operate under codeshare agreements with legacy carriers, that is, the multi-carrier itineraries for each regional carrier are more than likely operated in conjunction with the same legacy carrier(s). Hence, the adverse effect of multi-carrier itineraries on misconnection rates for the regional carriers is tempered as compared to other carriers which may operate in conjunction with many different carriers. 117 3.3 Schedule Banking After deregulation and up until the early 2000s, most hub-and-spoke carriers in the United States operated banked (or peaked) schedules at their hub airports. In a banked schedule, flights arrive in a wave (called an arrival bank) and, soon afterward, depart from the hub in another wave (called a departure bank). This makes short connections available for passengers, allowing them to quickly connect between a flight in the arrival bank and a flight in the subsequent departure bank. This aspect of operating banked schedules allows an operating carrier to compete against carriers that offer nonstop service or service through other hubs (Katz, 2012). Banked schedules, however, are an inefficient use of airline resources - between the peak activity periods, gates, equipment, and personnel remain unutilized and sit idle. De-banking (or de-peaking) an airline's schedule helps solve this issue of under-utilization of resources and allows an airline to be more efficient thus reducing the cost to operate the schedule. Hence, since the early 2000s, several major carriers in the U.S. adopted this technique of operating a de-banked schedule at some of their hubs. AA was the first airline to debank its hubs at both ORD and DFW in 2002, in response to the economic downturn after the 9/11 terrorist attacks (Reed, 2006). In 2005, DL, US, and UA followed suit by de-banking their hubs at ATL, PHL, and LAX respectively, and in 2006 UA also debanked its SFO hub. Figure 3.3.1 below is an example of a banked schedule. It represents a distribution of NW's operations at MEM from 7:00am to 10:00pm in 2007. 118 Distribution of NW's Operations at MEM in 2007 7000 6000 5000 4000 .0 * arrivals 00 Q3000 E 5 2000 " departures z 1000 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hour of day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Figure 3.3.1: NW's banked schedule at MEM in 2007 One can easily identify three distinct banks in NW's schedule at MEM in 2007. In contrast, AA's schedule at ORD during the same year represents a de-banked schedule, as shown in Figure 3.3.2 below. Distribution of AA's operations at ORD in 2007 8000 7000 .~6000 S5000 4000 "-O * departures .3000 E S2000 * arrivals 1000 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hour of day 16 17 18 19 20 21 Figure 3.3.2: AA's de-banked schedule at ORD in 2007 As can be observed above, a de-banked schedule is described as a continuous schedule due to the consistent level of operations which occurs throughout the day at the airport. 119 In comparison to the banked schedule, the distribution of operations for a de-banked schedule is more uniform and flatter. To measure the extent of banked operations by a carrier at an airport, we employ a metric developed by Jenkins, Marks, and Miller (Jenkins et al., 2012) referred to as the peak index. The peak index for a carrier at an airport is defined as the coefficient of variation of one-hour periods of activity throughout the day (i.e., the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the number of operations per hour) for that carrier at that airport, Which we provide as a percentage. A higher value of the peak index represents a greater extent of banked operations, and vice versa. For instance, the peak index associated with NW's operations at MEM in 2007 is 92.40% while that for AA's operations at ORD that year was 15.72%. In addition, we provide Figures 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 that compare DL's operations at its ATL and JFK hubs in 2007. Distribution of DL's operations at JFK in 2007 g W -o E z 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 " arrivals " departures Li 7 L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 iti 15 16 Hour of day Figure 3.3.3: DL's banked schedule at JFK in 2007 120 17 18 19 20 21 Distribution of DL's operations at ATL in 2007 16000 14000 S12000 '~10000 0 S8000 E S6000 LU HUE EU U HUE HUE -u S4000 arrivals * departures 2000 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hour of day Figure 3.3.4: DL's de-banked schedule at ATL in 2007 As is clear from Figures 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 above, DL operated two different types of schedules at its JFK and ATL hubs a banked schedule at JFK and a de-banked schedule at ATL. The peak index associated with DL's banked schedule at JFK in 2007 is 78.20% and that for the carrier's de-banked schedule at ATL is 13.65%. Now, as mentioned earlier, one characteristic of banked schedules is that they provide short passenger connection times. De-banking, therefore, results in longer average connection times for passengers (Katz, 2012). This is evidenced in the average connection times obtained at each of the above cases as shown in Table 3.3.1 below. Carrier Airport Peak Index Value Average Connection Time (Minutes) NW MEM 92.40% 84.08 DL JFK 78.20% 116.76 AA ORD 15.72% 122.46 DL ATL 13.65% 122.94 Table 3.3.1: Peak index values and connection times for the NW, AA and DL examples 121 The average connection times for both NW's operations at MEM and DL's operations at JFK are higher than the average connection times for the other two cases. The peak index value associated with NW's banked schedule at MEM is the highest among the four cases, and the average connection time of NW at MEM is 84.08 minutes which is the shortest average connection time among the four cases. We will use the peak index values to investigate the effect of banked schedules on misconnection rates at different airports. We consider five airports which consistently ranked among the top 10 in terms of highest misconnection rates across the 2006 - 2010 time period. These airports are EWR, JFK, LGA, IAD, and SFO. For these airports, we calculate the average misconnection rate values, the average arrival delay values, and the average connection time across the 2006 - 2010 time period. The results are provided in Table 3.3.2 below in order of decreasing average misconnection rate. Airport Average Misconnection Rate Average Flight Arrival Delay (minutes) EWR 6.26% 24.04 LGA 6.17% 18.68 SFO 5.20% 17.58 IAD 5.15% 13.61 JFK 4.78% 19.13 Table 3.3.2: Average flight delay and average connection consistently high misconnection Average Connection Time (minutes) 119.55 105.22 123.54 100.66 124.33 time at the five airports with rates According to the results in Table 3.3.2 above, JFK has the lowest average misconnection rate among the five airports but its average arrival delay across the time period is the second-highest, ranking above SFO, IAD, and LGA, all of which have higher average misconnection rates. In terms of average connection time, however, JFK has the longest average connection time, resulting in the airport's low relative misconnection rate. Owing to the fact that our research is dependent on passenger itineraries that are obtained from multinomial logit model estimation, we need to address the question of whether the differences observed in connection times at the airports are simply a construct of the passenger itineraries or whether they indicate something more 122 fundamental about the schedule structure at these airports. To address this question, we use the peak index to further investigate the banking structure at two of the above airports - JFK and IAD. For these two airports and for all carriers that serve at least 10% of the airport's connecting passengers, we calculate the average peak index and the average connection times across the 2006 - 2010 time period. The results are provided in Table 3.3.3 below. Airport Carrier Average % Average of Airport's Peak Index Connecting Passengers Average Connection Time (minutes) IAD UA 49.17% 50.23% 104.58 IAD YV 51.95% 55.75% 96.46 JFK B6 86.45% 24.12% 123.34 Table 3.3.3: Average peak index values, average connection time, and average share of connecting passengers at IAD and JFK According to Table 3.3.3 above, the average peak index of both UA and YV at IAD has average peak index values that are more than double the average peak index of B6 at JFK, which results in much shorter average connection times at IAD for both UA and YV as compared to B6's average connection time at JFK. These results suggest that the shorter average connection times observed at IAD (and consequently higher misconnection rate) are a result of the banked schedules operated by carriers at the airport as opposed to being an artifact of the passenger itinerary flow estimation procedure. 3.4 Modelling Missed Connections In this section, just like we did with cancellations, we present regression models that explain the observed variability in misconnections. For each year within the 2006 - 2010 time period, we aggregate the individual passenger itineraries into carrier-airport-day combinations, that is, each combination of carrier, airport and day represents a single observation, whereby carrier refers to the carrier operating the first flight of the itinerary. In order to eliminate issues related to sample size, we choose to consider only the carrier-day-airport combinations that have at least 100 one-stop passengers. 123 The dependent variable for our models is the average misconnection rate for the nonstop passengers associated with each observation. For each year, we present results from three regression models, with the third model building on the results from the second model and the second model building on the results from the first model. This incremental approach, which we also employed previously to model cancellations, allows us to capture the relative impact of the inclusion of the variables. For each of the explanatory variables, we calculate the average of the appropriate value across the onestop passengers corresponding to the observation. We weight each of the observations based on the number of connecting passengers corresponding to each carrier-airportday combination. Based on our discussion earlier, average flight delays at an airport largely affect the rate of misconnections observed at the airport. Hence, for our first regression model, we attempt to predict the misconnection rates using the average flight delays as the only explanatory variable, along with an intercept. As also discussed, schedule banking and connection times also have an impact on passenger misconnection rates sincc longer connection times result in a lower risk of misconnections. Hence, in our second regression model, we include airport average connection times as an additional explanatory variable. Furthermore, we established that different carrier groups vary in terms of misconnection rates across the 2006 - 2010 time period - among the continental carriers, the regionals had the highest misconnection rates, followed by the legacy carriers, and the low-cost carriers had the lowest misconnection rates. Therefore, for our third regression model we include two 0-1 carrier dummy variables - one for the regional carriers and the other for the low-cost carriers. These two dummy variables implicitly measure the scheduling practices of these two carrier groups with those of the legacy carriers. We choose to eliminate the non-continental carriers because they served an average of less than 2% of the total connecting passengers across the 2006 - 2010 time period. For each year within the period, we present and discuss the results obtained from the three regression models. Table 3.4.1 below shows the estimation results from the three models for 2006. 124 Model Parameter Description Estimate Std Error PValue Adjusted R-Square Value 9.32E0.00 04 6.79E0.00 2.71E-03 1 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 05 3.49E0.00 Intercept 6.50E-02 2 03 6.80E0.00 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 2.85E-03 2 05 0.00 Time -5.57E-04 2.93EConnection 2 Average 05 (minutes) 0.00 3.61E2.76E-02 Intercept 3 03 0.00 6.96E2.23E-03 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3 05 0.00 Time -1.63E-04 3.13EConnection Average 3 05 (minutes) 0.00 6.53E1.35E-02 Regional Carrier Dummy 3 04 0.00 -1.31E-02 6.28ELow-cost Carrier Dummy 3 04 Table 3.4.1: Estimation results for the regression models for 2006 1 Intercept 1.06E-03 0.4052 0.4959 0.5179 As expected, in all three models, the estimated coefficient of average delay is positive and statistically highly significant with at least a 99% confidence level, which implies that an increase in average flight delay results in a higher passenger misconnection rate. The adjusted R-squared value from the first regression model implies that average flight delays explained about 40.52% of the variation in misconnection rates across our observations. The estimated coefficients of the average connection time in both the second and third regression models are negative and statistically significant at the 99% confidence level, which implies that higher connection times result in fewer misconnections. According to the adjusted R-squared value from the second model, average passenger connection time values help explain an additional 9% of the variation in misconnection rates. According to the results from the third model, the estimated coefficient associated with the regional carrier dummy is positive while that associated with the low-cost carrier dummy is negative. Both these estimates are highly 125 significant with at least a 99% confidence level. The results suggest that the regional carriers had the highest misconnection rates among the three carrier-groups, and the low-cost carriers had the lowest misconnection rates, which is consistent with our earlier results. The inclusion of the carrier-type variables helps explain another 2.2% of the variation observed in misconnection rates in 2006. In Table 3.4.2 below, we provide the estimation results for 2007. Model Parameter Description Estimate 1 Intercept 2.46E-03 1 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 2.71E-03 2 Intercept 7.85E-02 2 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 2.84E-03 2 -6.62E-04 3 Average (minutes) Intercept 3 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 2.15E-03 3 Average -2.81E-04 Connection Time 4.56E-02 Connection Time (minutes) 3 Regional Carrier Dummy Std Error 9.32E04 6.15E05 3.29E03 6.13E05 2.75E05 3.35E03 6.28E05 2.88E- PValue Adjusted R- 0.00 Squared Value 0.4723 0.00 0.00 0.4861 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.4952 0.00 0.00 05 1.10E-02 6.22E0.00 04 -1.66E-02 6.29E0.00 3 Low-cost Carrier Dummy 04 Table 3.4.2: Estimation results for the regression models for 2007 According to Table 3.4.2 above, the estimated coefficients for the average flight delay, average connection time, the regional carrier dummy, and the low-cost dummy all have the expected signs (positive for average flight delay and the regional carrier dummy and negative for the average connection time and the low-cost carrier dummy). Furthermore, all the coefficients are statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. 126 According to the adjusted R-squared values obtained for the first model, average flight delays in 2007 helped explain about 47.23% of the variation in misconnection rates, which is about 7% higher than in 2006. Average connection times explained an additional 1% of the variation in misconnection rates that was observed in 2007, and the inclusion of the carrier-type variables helped explain another additional 1/0 of the variation in misconnection rates that was observed in 2007. In comparison to 2006, average flight delays had a more significant impact on misconnection rates in 2007. That is to say, with average flight delays higher in 2007, higher misconnection rates that were observed were mostly as a result of this higher delay. In addition, the relative impact of the inclusion of the connection time variable and the carrier-type variables was lower in 2007 than in 2006. In Table 3.4.3 below, we present the estimation results for 2008. Model Estimate Parameter Description Std Error PValue Adjusted RSquared Value 1 Intercept 5.78E-03 1 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3.50E-03 1.55E03 1.09E- 0.00 0.4262 0.00 04 2 Intercept 6.83E-02 2 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3.73E-03 2 3 Average (minutes) Intercept 3 Average Flight Delay (minutes) Connection Time -6.54E-04 3.41E-02 2.99E-03 4.90E03 1.10E04 4.10E05 5.13E03 1.16E- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04 3 Average Connection Time -2.81E-04 4.45E- 0.00 05 (minutes) 3 Regional Carrier Dummy 1.34E-02 3 Low-cost Carrier Dummy -1.17E-02 127 1.OOE03 1.03E03 0.4326 0.00 0.00 0.4413 Table 3.4.3: Estimation results for the regression models for 2008 Similar to 2006 and 2007, all the estimated coefficients for the explanatory variables have the expected signs and are statistically significant at the 99% level. In 2008, the inclusion of average flight delays as the only explanatory variable helped explain about 42.62% of the observed variability in misconnection rates that year. The inclusion of average connection time helped explain an additional 1% of the variability in misconnection rates, and the inclusion of the carrier-type variables also helped explain another 1% of the variability in misconnection rates that year. The average flight delay across all the airports in 2008 was 12.68 minutes, which was lower than the average flight delay in both 2006 and 2007. In Table 3.4.4 below, we provide the estimation results for 2009. Model Parameter Description Estimate Std Error PValue Adjusted Rsquared Value 1 Intercept 1.82E-04 1 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3.19E-03 2 Intercept 8.11E-02 2 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3.45E-03 2 Average -7.11E-04 Connection Time (minutes) 2.10E03 1.82E04 6.78E03 1.82E04 5.67E- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.4812 0.00 0.00 05 3 Intercept 4.99E-02 3 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 2.69E-03 3 Average Connection Time -3.89E-04 7.13E03 1.92E04 6.16E- 0.00 0.00 0.00 05 (minutes) 0.00 1.42E03 0.00 -7.73E-03 1.43ELow-cost Carrier Dummy 3 03 Table 3.4.4: Estimation results for the regression models for 2009 3 0.4782 Regional Carrier Dummy 1.46E-02 128 0.5166 Similar to the previous years, in 2009, the estimated coefficients for the explanatory variables all had the expected signs and were statistically significant at the 99% confidence level. Average flight delay helped explain about 47.82% of the variability observed in misconnection rates that year. Inclusion of average connection times as an explanatory variable for misconnections helped explain only a further 0.3% of the variability observed in misconnection rates in 2009, and the inclusion of the carrier-type variable helped explain a further 3.54% of the variability observed in misconnection rates. This implies that the average connection times were not as big a factor in affecting misconnections compared to the other variables in 2009 as in previous years. In Table 3.4.5 below, we present the estimation results for 2010. Model Parameter Description Estimate 1 Intercept 1.21E-02 Std Error P-Value 1.25E0.00 03 1 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 4.21E-03 1.13E0.00 04 2 Intercept 5.58E-02 2.59E0.00 03 2 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 4.71E-03 1.13E0.00 04 2 Average Connection Time -6.27E-04 2.11E0.00 (minutes) 05 3 Intercept 3.07E-02 2.68E0.00 03 3 Average Flight Delay (minutes) 3.49E-03 1.18E0.00 04 3 Average Connection Time -3.16E-04 2.30E0.00 (minutes) 05 3 Regional Carrier Dummy 1.34E-02 6.01E0.00 04 3 Low-cost Carrier Dummy -7.90E-03 5.95E0.00 04 Table 3.4.5: Estimation results for the regression models for 2010 129 Adjusted Rsquared Value 0.4330 0.4536 0.4775 In 2010, all the explanatory variables had the expected signs and were significant with at least 99% confidence level. The average flight delays explain 43.30% of the variability observed in misconnection rates that year and the inclusion of the average connection time variable helped explain an additional 2% of the variability observed in misconnection rates. The inclusion of the carrier group dummies in the third model also helped explain an additional 2% of the variability observed in misconnection rates that year. According to the results of our analysis in this section, we have established that for all the years during the 2006 - 2010 time period, average flight delays had the most significant impact on misconnections. Average connection times as well as the carrier type also had an impact on misconnection rates, but to a much lesser degree as compared to the average flight delays. 130 Chapter 4 Conclusions and Further Research As discussed in Chapter 1, prior studies have shown that passengers bear the largest portion of delay costs in the U.S. air transportation system (Ball et al., 2010). Furthermore, it has been estimated that about 50% of the total delays suffered by air travelers are caused by travel disruptions and are borne by only about 3.3% of air travelers in the U.S (Barnhart, Fearing, and Vaze, 2013). Thus, it is very important to develop a better understanding of the underlying factors that influence passenger travel disruptions and develop mechanisms to mitigate them. We believe that the work presented in this thesis is a step in this direction. In this thesis, we applied data analysis and statistical modeling techniques to historical flight and passenger data in order to improve our understanding of the patterns in, and causes of, passenger travel disruptions in the U.S. We conducted a longitudinal analysis over the 2006 - 2010 time period in order to gain insights into the trends within the aviation industry and how they affected travel disruptions. Our results suggest that there exist significant variations in the propensity for disruptions across airports and across carriers. This is a result of differences in scheduling practices, network structures, and passenger connections. In Chapter 2, we analyzed cancellations, which are the disruptions that cause the most delay to passengers. We present the cancellation rates at the top 50 busiest airports and for the 20 major carriers in the U.S., over the five-year period. We illustrate the interdependence that exists between airports and carriers, and separate out the airport-specific factors from the carrier-specific ones using a metric called carrier effect. Our results suggest that cancellations vary substantially across carriers, even when accounting for baseline variability across the airports. We identify flight frequency and load factors as two factors that significantly impact the airlines' decision-making process regarding cancellations and investigate how differently these two factors impact different carrier types. Our findings suggest that for regional carriers, the decision-making process regarding whether or not to cancel a flight on a particular carrier-segment is impacted more by the average load factor on the carriersegment than by average flight frequency. In Chapter 3, we analyze misconnections that, after cancellations, are the disruptions that result in the second-highest delay to passengers. We present the misconnection 131 rates at the 50 busiest airports and for the 20 major carriers, across the five years. According to our findings, much of the variability observed in misconnection rates across airports and carriers can be explained by arrival flight delays, but the type of flight schedule is also a significant factor. Highly banked (or peaked) flight schedules result in shorter connection times for passengers and therefore increase the risk of missed connections. In addition, we found evidence suggesting that serving many multi-carrier one-stop itineraries might make a carrier more susceptible to higher misconnection rates. The longitudinal nature of this analysis allows us to gain insights into the effects of significant events in the aviation industry. An example of such an event is the Valentine's Day storm in 2007 that heavily impacted operations particularly at JFK and particularly for JetBlue which operates a hub at the airport, resulting in higher cancellation rates and misconnection rates that year. Another example is the Aloha Airline's bankruptcy and sudden exit from Hawaii's inter-island passenger market in 2008 that resulted in higher misconnection rates at Honolulu International Airport (HNL) and for Hawaiian Airlines (HA) due to complexities involved in meeting the increased need for supply (Kawaura, 2011). Yet another example is the 2010 merger between Delta and Northwest when the two carriers began operating under the Delta name. We found that both cancellation rates and misconnection rates increased for Delta and at the carrier's hub in Atlanta, presumably due to the complexities that resulted from coordinating the two carriers' operations. Our analysis provides an important first step towards proposing methods that will help in mitigating passenger travel disruptions in the future through more informed decision-making. The insights gained from the impact of airline scheduling practices and network structures will allow airlines to design their networks and schedules in ways that reduce passenger disruptions. Understanding the impact of passenger itinerary choices on the likelihood of disruptions will enable passengers to make better itinerary choices. By understanding the bottlenecks in the system that result in major disruptions, industry regulators can make better investments in air transport infrastructure and institute laws that mitigate passenger delays. The analysis done in this thesis spans a period of five years. However, with the recent changes in the industry, including three significant mergers (United Airlines and Continental Airlines in 2010, Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways in 2011, and US 132 Airways and American Airlines in 2013), evolving hub structures, and recent regulatory changes, this analysis should be applied over the recent years in order to better understand the impacts of the operational changes. Another area for future research is to extend the work done by Barnhart, Fearing and Vaze (2013) to quantify the cost to passengers of cancellations and missed connections. By quantifying passenger delays and associated costs in more recent years, the impact of recent trends in the aviation industry could be understood, and these insights could be utilized in developing future scheduling practices and policies that mitigate the effects of congestion in aviation systems. 133 References [1] [2] Airlines for America. 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' Was re-branded to ExpressJet in November, 2011. 4Now known as Envoy Inc. 136 IATA Code ABQ ATL AUS BNA Airport Name Albuquerque International Sunport Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Austin-Bergstrom International Nashville International IATA Code LGA MCI New York LaGuardia Kansas City International MCO MDW Orlando International Chicago Midway Airport Name International BOS BWI CLE Boston Logan International Baltimore Washington International Cleveland Hopkins International MEM MIA MSP Memphis International Miami International Minneapolis - St. Paul International CLT CMH CVG Charlotte Douglas International Columbus Regional Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky OAK ONT ORD Oakland International Ontario International Chicago O'Hare International PDX PHL PHX Portland International Philadelphia International Phoenix Sky Harbor International DAL DCA DEN Dallas Love Field Reagan National Denver International International DFW DTW Dallas/Fort Worth International Detroit Metro PIT RDU Pittsburgh International Raleigh-Durham International EWR FLL SAN SAT San Diego International San Antonio International HNL Newark Liberty International Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood International Honolulu International SEA HOU IAD IAH IND JFK LAS Houston Hobby Washington Dulles International Houston George Bush Indianapolis International John F Kennedy International Las Vegas - McCarran International SFO SJC SLC SMF SNA STL Seattle - Tacoma International San Francisco International Mineta San Jose International Salt Lake City International Sacramento International John Wayne Lambert-St. Louis International Tampa International LAX Los Angeles International Table A.2: Airport names and IATA codes 137 TPA