FM 8-42
These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.
Joint and Multiservice Publications
DOD 6420.1-R. Organization and Functions of the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC).
25 April 1986.
Joint Pub 1-02. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. 23 March 1994.
Joint Pub 3-0. Doctrine for Joint Operations. 1 February 1995.
Joint Pub 3-07. Joint Doctrine for Military Operations Other Than War. 16 June 1995.
Joint Pub 3-07.1. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Foreign Internal Defense. 26 June 1996.
Joint Pub 3-07.4. Joint Counterdrug Operations. 9 August 1994.
FM 8-285. Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries.
NAVMED P-5041; AFJMAN 44-149; FMFM 11-11. 22 December 1995.
FM 3-3-1. Nuclear Contamination Avoidance. FMFM 11-18. 9 September 1994.
FM 100-19. Domestic Support Operations. FMFM 7-10. 1 July 1993.
FM 100-20. Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict. AFP 3-20. 5 December 1990.
Army Publications
FM 8-10-3. Division Medical Operations Center—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 12 November
FM 100-23. Peace Operations. 30 December 1994.
These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.
Code of Federal Regulations
Title 10, United States Code.
Joint and Multiservice Publications
*Joint Pub 3-05.3. Joint Special Operations Operational Procedures. 25 August 1993.
*Joint Pub 3-07.2. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Antiterrorism. 25 June 1993.
*Joint Pub 3-07.3. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Peacekeeping Operations. 29 April 1994.
*Joint Pub 4-02. Doctrine for Health Service Support in Joint Operations. 26 April 1995.
*This source was also used to develop this publication.
FM 8-42
DA Pamphlet 40-3. Medical Service Multilingual Phrase Book. 31 May 1971. NAVMED P-5104;
AFP 160-28.
*FM 3-3. Chemical and Biological Contamination Avoidance. FMFM 11-17. 16 November 1992.
*FM 8-9. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations AMedP-6(B), Part I—
Nuclear, Part II—Biological, Part III—Chemical. NAVMED P-5059; AFJMAN 44-151V1V2V3.
1 February 1996.
*FM 8-33. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (16th Edition). NAVMED P-5038. 9 April 1996.
TM 5-632. Military Entomology Operational Handbook. NAVFAC MO-310; AFM 9-16. 1 December
1971. (Reprinted with basic including Changes 1—2, January 1976.)
Army Publications
AR 40-3. Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care. 15 February 1985. (Latest Change 3 November 1995).
AR 40-5. Preventive Medicine. 15 October 1990.
AR 40-35. Preventive Dentistry. 26 March 1989.
AR 40-48. Nonphysican Health Care Providers. 1 August 1995.
AR 40-61. Medical Logistics Policies and Procedures. 25 January 1995.
AR 40-66. Medical Record Administration. 20 July 1992.
AR 40-400. Patient Administration. 1 October 1983.
FM 8-10. Health Service Support in a Theater of Operations. 1 March 1991.
*FM 8-10-1. The Medical Company—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 29 December 1994.
FM 8-10-4. Medical Platoon Leaders’ Handbook—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 16 November
*FM 8-10-6. Medical Evacuation in a Theater of Operations—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
31 October 1991. (Change 1, 8 March 1994.)
*FM 8-10-7. Health Service Support in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment. 22 April 1993.
(Change 1, 26 November 1996.)
*FM 8-10-8. Medical Intelligence in a Theater of Operations. 7 July 1989.
FM 8-10-9. Combat Health Logistics in a Theater of Operations—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
3 October 1995.
*FM 8-10-18. Veterinary Service—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. Print date: 22 August 1997.
*FM 8-10-19. Dental Service Support in a Theater of Operations. 12 May 1993.
*FM 8-51. Combat Stress Control in a Theater of Operations—Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
29 September 1994.
*FM 8-55. Planning for Health Service Support. 9 September 1994.
FM 8-250. Preventive Medicine Specialist. 27 January 1986. (Reprinted with basic including Change 1,
12 September 1986.)
FM 8-505. Army Medical Field Feeding Operations. 10 November 1989.
FM 10-52. Water Supply in Theaters of Operations. 11 July 1990.
FM 21-10. Field Hygiene and Sanitation. 22 November 1988.
FM 21-10-1. Unit Field Sanitation Team. 11 October 1989.
*FM 22-51. Leaders’ Manual for Combat Stress Control. 29 September 1994.
FM 27-10. The Law of Land Warfare. 18 July 1956. (Reprinted with basic including Change 1, 15 July
FM 8-42
FM 63-6. Combat Service Support in Low-Intensity Conflict. 21 January 1992.
*FM 90-10 (HTF). Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) (How to Fight). 15 August 1979.
*FM 90-10-1. An Infantryman’s Guide to Combat in Built-up Areas. 12 May 1993. (Change 1, 3 October
*FM 100-5. Operations. 14 June 1993.
FM 100-17-1. Army Pre-Positioned Afloat Operations. 27 July 1996.
TC 5-400. Unit Leaders’ Handbook for Environmental Stewardship. 29 September 1994. (Reprinted with
basic including Change 1, 3 October 1995.)
DD Form 600. Patient’s Baggage Tag. 1 July 1973.
DD Form 601. Patient Evacuation Manifest. 1 October 1951.
DD Form 602. Patient Evacuation Tag. 1 February 1963.
DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. 1 February 1974.
These readings contain relevant supplemental information.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Standardization Agreements (STANAGs)
2002. Warning Signs for the Marking of Contaminated or Dangerous Land Areas, Complete Equipments
Supplied and Stores. 26 November 1980. (Latest Amendment, 12 December 1989.)
2027. Marking of Military Vehicles. 18 December 1975. (Latest Amendment, 22 November 1988.)
2040. Stretchers, Bearing Brackets, and Attachment Supports. 23 September 1982. (Latest Amendment,
30 May 1986.)
2068. Emergency War Surgery. 28 October 1986. (Latest Amendment, 30 January 1990.)
2087. Medical Employment of Air Transport in the Forward Area. 29 June 1983. (Latest Amendment,
30 April 1990.)
2128. Medical and Dental Supply Procedures. 15 November 1982. (Latest Amendment, 31 August 1988.)
2132. Documentation Relative to Medical Evacuation, Treatment, and Cause of Death of Patients.
7 August 1974. (Latest Amendment, 15 September 1986.)
2135. Procedures for Emergency Logistics Assistance. 12 February 1982. (Latest Amendment, 5 December
2358. First-Aid and Hygiene Training in NBC Operations. 3 March 1989. (Latest Amendment, 26 April
2500. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations—AMedP-6(A) (Edition 3).
23 December 1987.
FM 8-42
2871. First-Aid Materiel for Chemical Injuries. 8 March 1989. (Latest Amendment, 24 July 1995.)
2873. Concept of Operations of Medical Support in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environments—
AMedP-7(A). 31 August 1982.
2874. Planning Guide for the Estimation of Battle Casualties (Nuclear)—AMedP-8. 27 November 1981.
(Latest Amendment, 13 September 1985.)
2879. Principles of Medical Policy in the Management of a Mass Casualty Situation. 17 June 1986.
(Latest Amendment, 25 March 1995.)
2931. Orders for the Camouflage of the Geneva Emblem and Red Crescent on Land in Tactical Operations.
18 October 1984. (Latest Amendment, 8 August 1988.)
2939. Medical Requirements for Blood, Blood Donors, and Associated Equipment. 2 June 1987. (Latest
Amendment, 23 November 1987.)
3204. Aeromedical Evacuation. 26 September 1973. (Latest Amendment, 23 June 1989.)
Quadripartite Standardization Agreements (QSTAGs)
ABCA Table of Medical Equivalents of Medical Materiel (Edition 2). 26 March 1981.
Morphia Dosage Agreement (Edition 2). 23 January 1985.
Medical Gas Cylinders. 8 April 1971. (Latest Amendment, 18 June 1984.)
Minimum Requirements for Water Potability (Short and Long Term Use) (Edition 2). 10 September
Identification of Medical Materiel to Meet Urgent Needs. 7 December 1973. (Latest Amendment,
20 September 1976.)
Procedure for Reporting and Initial Disposition of Unsatisfactory Medical Materiel (Edition 3).
15 July 1987.
Intravenous Replacement Fluids. 13 August 1980. (Latest Amendment, December 1987.)
Minimum Essential Characteristics of Blood Products Shipping Containers (Edition 3). 12 August
Minimum Requirements for Controlled Temperature Storage and Transport of Medical Materiel
(Edition 2). 16 February 1989.
Interface of Medical Materiel Procedures. 5 June 1974.
Vaccination of Armed Forces (Edition 2). 6 August 1984. (Latest Amendment, 9 December 1985.)
Emergency War Surgery. 19 November 1973. (Latest Amendment, 8 August 1988.)
Basic Requirements for Electronic Surveillance of Patients in the Field. 7 May 1975. (Latest
Amendment 9, August 1976.)
Basic Voltage and Current Characteristics of Electro-Medical Equipment. 7 May 1975. (Latest
Amendment, 21 December 1984.)
Essential Characteristics of High Pressure Steam Sterilizers. 20 June 1975. (Latest Amendment,
20 June 1984.)
Equation of Medical Facilities in the Field (Edition 3). 24 October 1991.
Essential Performance Characteristics of Field Surgical Lights. 28 June 1977. (Latest Amendment,
1 June 1984).
Patient and Operator Protection from Failure of Electromedical Equipment. 23 January 1985.
Documentation Relative to Medical Evacuation, Treatment, and Cause of Death of Patients.
23 February 1979. (Latest Amendment, 10 April 1988.)
FM 8-42
512. Marking of Military Vehicles. 31 January 1979. (Latest Amendment, 2 May 1983.)
519. Stretchers. 20 November 1985.
529. Medical Employment of Air Transport in the Forward Area. 24 March 1980. (Latest Amendment,
9 December 1985.)
535. Medical Training in First-Aid, Basic Hygiene, and Emergency Care. 12 November 1979. (Latest
Amendment, 9 December 1985.)
536. Medical, Surgical, and Dental Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies. 17 January 1980.
622. Essential Characteristics of Surgical Instruments. 9 August 1979.
623. Standard Method of Writing Prescriptions for Spectacles. 9 August 1979.
624. Medical Design Requirements for Military Motor Ambulances. 23 August 1984.
677. Resuscitation Materiel for Field Use (Edition 2). 12 August 1991.
815. Blood Supply in the Area of Operations. 25 October 1991.
816. Medical Aspects of Mass Casualty Situations. 25 June 1987.
850. Blood, Blood Donor, and Transfusion Equipment Requirements (Edition 2). 16 February 1989.
889. Essential Field Sanitary Requirements (Edition 1). 27 September 1988.
892. Prevention of Cold Injury. 21 October 1991.
893. Patient Management in a Cold Climate. 21 October 1991.
908. Medical Warning Tag. 16 February 1989.
909. Principles of Prevention and Management of Combat Stress Reaction. 21 October 1991.
977. Medical Regulating. 21 October 1991.
Joint and Multiservice Publications
AR 40-535. Worldwide Aeromedical Evacuation. AFR 164-5; OPNAVINST 4630.9C; MCO P-4630.9A.
1 December 1975. (Reprinted with basic including Change 1, 10 May 1979.)
AR 40-562. Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis. AFJI 48-110; BUMEDINST 6230-15; CG
COMDTINST M6230.4E. 1 November 1995.
FM 3-4. NBC Protection. FMFM 11-9. 29 May 1992. (Change 2, 21 February 1996.)
FM 3-5. NBC Decontamination. FMFM 11-10. 17 November 1993.
FM 3-100. Chemical Operations—Principles and Fundamentals. MCWP 3-3.7.1. 8 May 1996.
FM 90-3. Desert Operations. FMFM 7-27. 24 August 1993.
FM 100-27. United States Army/United States Air Force Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift
Operations. AFM 2-50. 31 January 1985. (Reprinted with basic including Change 1, 29 March
Air Standards
44/36A. Aeromedical Evacuation by Helicopter. 2 October 1978.
61/71. Selection, Priorities, and Classes of Conditions for Aeromedical Evacuation. 10 May 1989.
Army Publications
DA Pamphlet 27-1. Treaties Governing Land Warfare. 7 December 1956.
FM 8-42
FM 1-120. Army Air Traffic Services Contingency and Combat Zone Operations. 22 May 1995.
FM 19-15. Civil Disturbances. 25 November 1985.
FM 19-30. Physical Security. 1 March 1979.
FM 19-40. Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, and Detained Persons. 27 February 1976.
FM 21-11. First Aid for Soldiers. 27 October 1988. (Change 2, December 1991.)
FM 21-76. Survival. 5 June 1992.
FM 27-2. Your Conduct in Combat Under the Law of War. 23 November 1984.
FM 31-20. Doctrine for Special Forces Operations. 20 April 1990.
FM 41-10. Civil Affairs Operations. 11 January 1993.
FM 90-5 (HTF). Jungle Operations (How to Fight). 16 August 1982.
FM 90-6. Mountain Operations. 30 June 1980.
FM 90-8. Counterguerrilla Operations. 29 August 1986.
FM 90-29. Noncombatant Evacuation Operations. 17 October 1994.
FM 100-10. Combat Service Support. 3 October 1995.
FM 100-26. The Air-Ground Operations System. 30 March 1973.
FM 100-103. Army Airspace Command and Control in a Combat Zone. 7 October 1987.