Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Capacity of the Water Sector Coordination
Unit in Samoa
The Water and Sanitation Sector in Samoa has succeeded in establishing a coordinated
approach bringing together a variety of implementing agencies working together to
ensure an integrated approach to sector development over the past 6 years. A Sector Plan,
“Water for Life” July 2008 – June 2012, has been formally approved as the strategic plan
for the sector. This is now due to be updated for a 2nd phase over the coming year. The
sector activities cover sector policy and orientation, water resource monitoring and
management, water supply services, water quality regulation and monitoring, sanitation
systems, and drainage/ flood mitigation. A variety of implementing agencies participate
in the activities of the sector:
 The Samoa Water Authority (SWA) – a State Owned Enterprise responsible for
the delivery of water supply services for some 80% of the population and
manages a pressure sewer system in Apia.
 Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MNRE) – MNRE provides
overall leadership and coordination services for the sector as well as having
responsibility for water resource management, waste disposal, public toilets and
environmental regulation.
 Ministry of Health (MoH) – is responsible for monitoring and regulating water
quality and sanitation in relation to public health.
 Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (MWCSD) –
coordinates Government’s support to community managed water schemes through
the Independent Water Schemes Association (IWSA)
 Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI) – provides coordination
and policy and regulatory support for drainage and flood control as well as
responsibility for the building code, which impact on the regulation of sanitation
 Land Transport Authority (LTA) – is responsible for road side drainage
The water and sanitation sector is led by the Joint Water Sector Steering Committee
(JWSSC), which brings together all the implementing agencies at the CEO level along
with donors and CSOs with an independent Chairperson. The Water Sector Coordination
Unit(WSCU) under MNRE provides secretarial and technical support to the JWSSC and
day-to-day coordination and support services for the sector. The WSCU chairs a
Technical Committee for the sector which monitors implementation progress and takes
the lead in development of sector strategies and policies (sector orientation) at a technical
level. Below this there a 5 Sub-Committees, which are responsible for leading and
managing the implementation of specific components and projects with participation of
all the relevant stakeholders as follows:
Water Resource Management – chaired by MNRE
Water supply services through SWA – chaired by SWA
Water supply services through IWS – chaired by MWCSD
Water Quality – chaired by MoH
Sanitation – chaired by MNRE
Drainage and flood control – chaired by MWTI
The main development partners for the sector have been the EU and the Asian
Development Bank. The EU financed a 5 year Water Sector Support Project from 2005 to
2010, which including capacity building assistance to develop a sector wide approach
along with funding for specific water and sanitation investments. The EU project assisted
the Government in developing the necessary components for a successful sector-wide
programme and the transition to sector budget support. A new Agreement was signed in
May 2009 for a three year sector budget support programme (€16.4m). This provides
payments with a fixed transfer component based on the broad progress of the sector as
well as progress on Public Financial Management Reform and continued macroeconomic stability; and a variable transfer linked to performance in achieving agreed
targets for three key sector indicators. The EU has allocated funds for a further two years
of the budget supported programme which will need to be committed in 2012. A Midterm Evaluation of the budget support programme is planned to take place later in 2011.
In order to access the budget support funds WSCU coordinates budget submissions from
sector implementing agencies and provides guidance on investment priorities and
capacity building actions.
The EU has provided technical support and capacity building to the sector over the past 5
years. Under the 9th EDF Water Sector Support project, which ended in 2010, technical
assistance was provided both at the management and technical level to strengthen
capacity in the sector using both long-term and intermittent TA. The EU is currently
providing an Institutional Development Adviser to work with SWA for an 20 month
period from March 2011. There is also a Budget Support Adviser, based in the Ministry
of Finance, who has provided assistance to WSCU and the sector in the period from
November 2009 to end August 2011,
The Asian Development Bank has provided loans and technical support to the sector. A
major Sanitation and Drainage project loan, which financed a new pressure sewer system
and drainage systems for Apia, was completed in 2010. ADB have recently financed the
development of a National Sanitation Masterplan and a more detailed Masterplan for
Water, Sanitation and Drainage services in Apia. JICA is also considering support for the
Description of the Technical Assistance
Global Objective:
The objective of the Technical Assistance is to develop the capacity of the Water Sector
Coordination Unit(WSCU) to coordinate and monitor the performance of the water
sector, provide leadership in sector orientation including the policy and institutional
framework and to provide targeted assistance and advice to achieve the objectives of the
Specific Objectives:
Work to develop the capacity of the WSCU in the following areas:
Review the performance of the sector implementing agencies (IAs) in achieving
their agreed performance measures and targets. Make recommendations to
improve the quality of the performance indicators and targets and the related
monitoring systems.
Review the progress in implementing the sector investment plan. Provide
assistance and advice to overcome any constraints and assist in improving the
quality of the investment planning and budget (MTEF) preparation as it is updated
on an annual basis.
Assist the WSCU in identifying capacity and institutional constraints and provide
practical support and advice on actions to overcome these constraints.
Assist the WSCU in preparing for annual review meetings including assistance in
developing annual progress reports.
Assist WSCU in preparing the budget support transfer requests.
Assist in putting in place mechanisms for collecting quality data, preparing budget
support transfer requests and checking that all conditions have been met.
Assist in developing the proposals and documentation (Identification Fiches,
Action Fiches, Financing Agreements etc) for the 2nd phase of the water and
sanitation sector policy budget support funding due to commence in mid-July
Assist the sector in accessing additional donor resources as required and
coordinating development partner support
Review consultant’s reports and advise on any follow up actions to be taken by
the sector
Advising on water and sanitation sector policy issues and strategies
Review the performance of TA support to the sector and advise on future TA
needs. Assist in preparing the related Terms of Reference
Assist with the planned update of the Water for Life Sector Plan
Requested services
The services of a water and sanitation sector expert are required for 87 working days in
the period from October 2011 to end August 2012 on an intermittent basis with three
visits to Samoa. Provision is also made for some work from the consultant’s home office.
The service may be extended to 24 months with up to an additional 70 working days
depending on performance, the limits of the funding available and extension of the
implementation period of the Technical Cooperation Facility Financing Agreement.
The expert will work under the direction of the Water Sector Coordinator in MNRE.
Visits to Samoa will need to be coordinated with WSCU and are expected to coincide
with key periods in project implementation including budgeting planning in the period
March-April 2012 and the Annual Review in October/November each year. The period
October-November 2011 will also be a critical period for the finalization of the updated
“Water for Life” sector plan.
Required Outputs
The consultant will be required to provide the following outputs:
An Inception Report following the first visit with a constructive analysis of the
capacity of the WSCU to provide the leadership for sector orientation and its role to
monitor and coordinate performance of the sector. The report will define a
workplan for support to WSCU over the period to end August 2012 including
targeted assistance to strengthen the performance and outputs from WSCU. The
report should provide detailed recommendations for the Water for Life update
including direct contributions to the content.
The consultant will assist with the development of an improved presentation of the
2011/12 to 2014/15 MTEF and a 10 year investment plan for the sector. This
presentation will include all funding to the sector from donors and Government and
an analysis of the sector budget from the start of the “Water for Life” sector plan in
The consultant will also assist with preparation of a comprehensive and prioritised
capacity building plan for the sector linked to the objectives of the sector.
Following each mission the consultant will provide a progress report of the work
undertaken in addition to the above outputs.
The consultant will provide interim mission reports after each visit somaring
progressing and attaching draft and completed outputs as well as a Final Report at
the end of the final mission including a summary of achievements,
recommendations for future support capacity building support and lessons learnt.
Experts Profile
Number of Experts and Categories
One senior expert is required for an input of 87 working days (of which 7 days from
home base (excluding travel days) in the period from October 2011 to end August 2012
with 3 visits to Samoa. This may be extended by up to a further 70 days (whilst
remaining under the framework contract limit of €200,00) in the period to end August
2013 depending on performance and the signed Rider to extend the implementation of the
Financing Agreement during this period.
Profile Required
Senior expert with a relevant degree in Planning, Economics, Public Sector Policy or
similar as minimum qualifications. Experience in supporting the development and
implementation of sector wide programmes for water and sanitation is required.
Knowledge of the integrated water resource management approach is required.
Experience of working in developing countries preferably including the Pacific and/or
small island countries. Ability to work with a diverse group of stakeholders. Excellent
communication and report writing skills.
The expert must be fluent in spoken and written English.
Location and Duration of the assignment
Period of Assignment
The starting period for this assignment is in October 2011 and the work should be
completed by end August 2012. The first visit to Samoa should take place in the period
October-November 2011. The 2nd visit should preferably take place in March-May 2012
and the 3rd mission in the period July-August 2012. Field missions will operate on the
basis of 5 day working weeks. The timing of the 2nd and 3rd missions will be agreed in
consultation with the NAO and the Water Sector Coordinator.
Location(s) of assignment
The location of the assignment is Apia, Samoa. Some local travel may be required.
The following reports are required:
An Inception Report must be presented with two weeks from the end of the first
An Interim Report with the improved presentation of the MTEF and details of the
work undertaken during the mission must be presented with two weeks from the
end of the 2nd mission.
A Final Report detailing the work undertaken during the third and final mission,
the comprehensive Capacity Building Plan for the sector, and recommendations
for future capacity building requirements for WSCU. The final report must be
presented with 3 weeks from the end of the 3rd mission.
A debriefing meeting will be arranged towards the end of each mission with the Water
Sector Coordinator, the CEO, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),
the EU representative, a representative from Ministry of Finance (National Authorising
Officer), and any other relevant stakeholders. A period of 3 weeks will be allowed for
comments on draft reports before they are finalized.
Reports must be submitted in English in soft copy as both Microsoft Office documents
compatible with MS Office 2003 and also in PDF format. Copies must be sent to:
 the Deputy NAO, ACEO, Aid Coordination and Loan Management
 Water Sector Coordinator, MNRE
 Head, EU Office, Samoa
Administrative Information
 Candidates for the expert post may be required to undertake a telephone interview
 The language of the contract will be English
 The WSCU will arrange office space of the consultant. The expert will be
expected to provide his her own computer equipment, stationary, etc for the
assignment, but will be provided with printing/photocopying facilities as needed.
 No tax or VAGST will be payable to the Samoan authorities under this contract
 No equipment is to be purchased under this contract
Reimbursable Expenses.
All reimbursable costs will be reimbursed on submission of the original supporting
documents such as boarding passes, invoices, receipts (for taxi e.g.) or equivalent.
For the reimbursable costs, actual expenditure shall be converted into euro at the rate
published on the Infor-Euro on the first working day of the month in which the
expenditure was incurred.