The Blowup Formula for Higher Rank Donaldson Invariants by Lucas Howard Culler Submitted to the Department of Mathematics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 NAASSAr'HUSETTS INSiiE STECHNOLOGY @Lucas Culler 2014. All rights reserved. JUN 1 201 LBRARIES Signature redacted Author....... Department of Mathematics May 1, 2014 <Signature redacted Certified by. Tomasz Mrowka Singer Professor of Mathematics Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by... ....................... Alexei Borodin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses 2 The Blowup Formula for Higher Rank Donaldson Invariants by Lucas Howard Culler Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 1, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract In this thesis, I study the relationship between the higher rank Donaldson invariants of a smooth 4-manifold X and the invariants of its blowup X#CP2 . This relationship can be expressed in terms of a formal power series in several variables, called the blowup function. I compute the restriction of the blowup function to one of its variables, by solving a special system of ordinary differential equations. I also compute the SU(3) blowup function completely, and show that it is a theta function on a family of genus 2 hyperelliptic Jacobians. Finally, I give a formal argument to explain the appearance of Abelian varieties and theta functions in four dimensional topological field theories. Thesis Supervisor: Tomasz Mrowka Title: Singer Professor of Mathematics The author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0943787. 3 4 Acknowledgments First and foremost I would like to thank my advisor Tom Mrowka, for introducing me to gauge theory, providing me with an excellent thesis problem, and patiently listening to me as I blundered my way through it. I would also like to thank the other two members of my thesis committee, Peter Kronheimer and Paul Seidel, for their useful input and for organizing stimulating courses and seminars. I have had an uncountable number of interesting and stimulating mathematical conversations with my peers during the last few years. My discussions on gauge theory and Floer homology with Josh Batson, Aliakbar Daemi, and Jon Bloom were particularly useful and relevant to my thesis, as were dicussions with Sam Raskin and Matt Wolfe on algebraic geometry. Many other friends have influenced my view of mathematics over the years, especially Raju Krishnamoorthy, Philip Engel, Ailsa Keating, Tiankai Liu, Aaron Silberstein, Dustin Clausen, and Peter Smillie. I should also point out that this thesis would have been impossible without Dan Gardner, who initiated me in the mysteries of theta functions as an undergraduate. I owe special gratitude to Glenn Stevens and the PROMYS program, which introduced me to mathematics as a high school student. This wonderful program taught me that there was truth in the world, and that I could find it myself if I only knew how to look. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, who have always supported me in every way, and without whom I would be nothing at all. 5 6 Contents 9 1 Introduction 2 13 Higher Rank Invariants . 13 2.1 ASD Connections ................................ 13 2.1.1 The Configuration Space ......................... 15 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 The Moduli Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reducibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 . . . . . 20 22 22 23 25 Cylindrical Ends and Gluing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Cylindrical Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 29 2.3.2 The Equivariant Universal Bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.3.3 2.3.4 Index Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Gluing Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 34 Higher Rank Blowup Formulas 3.1 Solutions Near a Negative Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 Regularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.1.2 Completely Reducible Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Blowup Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 44 3.2.1 3.2.2 Initial Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Simple Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 46 3.2.3 3.2.4 Partial Blowup Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Blowup Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 3 2.1.5 Perturbations . . . 2.1.6 Orientations . . . . Donaldson Invariants . . . 2.2.1 Cohomology Classes 2.2.2 Invariants . . . . . 3.1.1 3.2 3.3 4 The Case N=3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Theta Functions on a Genus 2 Jacobian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.3.2 The Blowup Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 59 The Formal Picture 4.1 Axiom s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.2 The Formal Blowup Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 7 4.3 The Blowup Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.4 4.5 4.6 Geometry of the Blowup Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analytic Continuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Periods and Theta Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 67 70 8 Chapter 1 Introduction Donaldson's invariants of smooth 4-manifolds were originally defined using moduli spaces of anti-self dual connections on principal bundles with structure group SU(2) or SO(3) = PU(2). These invariants and their corresponding generating functions have many interesting structural features which have been described in a mathematically rigorous way. For instance, a paper of Fintushel and Stern [7] shows that the invariants of a 4-manifold X and its blowup X = X#Cp2 are related in a predictable way, and that the relationship can be expressed in terms of a theta function on the elliptic curve 3 +a2+X y2 ==x+ax2+x y2 over the ring Q[a]. More generally, the structure theorem of Kronheimer-Mrowka expresses the Donaldson invariants of a 4-manifold of simple type in terms of exponential functions (theta functions on a degenerate genus 1 curve), and there is a conjectural structure theorem for 4-manifolds not of simple type, which expresses the invariants of such a manifold in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions. It is natural to ask if Donaldson invariants can be defined for higher rank bundles, and if so, whether or not these structural features have some natural generalization. Indeed, physicists have achieved results in this direction (see for example [3] and [12]), which indicate that the blow-up formula and structure theorem for SU(N) invariants can be expressed in terms of function theory on the hyperelliptic curve EN: y= (N + aN-1X + aN)2 + a2N-2 + (.) over the ring A = H*(BPU(N); Q) = Q[a2 , . . , aN]. In particular it is shown in [3] that the blow-up function is a theta function on the Jacobian of this curve, generalizing the result of Fintushel and Stern. Unfortunately, their derivation relies on the use of quantum field theory techniques, which do not appear to be mathematically rigorous. One route to overcoming these difficulties, pursued by Nakajima and Yoshioka in [14], is through Nekrasov's partition function. Using the localization formula in equivariant cohomology, they rigorously define certain integrals which are analogous to the Donaldson 9 invariants of the plane blown up at a single point. They compute these integrals using techniques of algebraic geometry, and thereby arrive at a blow-up formula which agrees with the one from the physics literature. It is not clear, however, what either of the methods above has to do with moduli spaces of instantons on general 4-manifolds. In this paper we take a more direct route. In [8], Peter Kronheimer has given a rigorous definition of PU(N) invariants for general N. Using his definition we directly attempt to compute the blowup function, using the method of Fintushel and Stern. For small values of N we compute the blowup function recursively, and for N = 3 we explicitly identify it with a theta function on the Jacobian of the curve E3For general N we can partially compute the blowup function. More precisely, we restrict the blowup function to one of its variables and characterize the resulting single variable function by a system of ordinary differential equations. After a change of variables, this system of equations reduces to the Toda chain, an integrable system well-known to physicists, whose relation with the blowup formula was predicted in [12]. Theta functions also arise in Seiberg-Witten theory, where the analogous blowup formula [9] is encoded by an infinite Laurent series over the formal power series ring Z[[U]]: O(T) = (-1)"Un T nEZ This formal sum can be viewed as a theta function on the Tate curve, a special family of elliptic curves defined over a formal disk. Going further in this direction, a paper of Lekili and Perutz [10] uses mirror symmetry to relate Heegaard Floer theory to the derived category of the Tate curve. Their paper can be viewed either as an explanation or generalization of the blowup formula, depending on one's point of view. One might hope for a conceptual explanation of the appearance of theta functions in topological field theory. We have taken some partial steps in this direction. Given a Floer homology theory satisfying certain formal properties, we construct a graded ring A, which in the case of Seiberg-Witten theory is the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Tate curve. From A we build a projective variety A, and explain how to interpret the blowup function as a section of a line bundle on A. In favorable circumstances, we can use the geometry of A to give a formal proof that the blowup function is necessarily a theta function. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with general background on Donaldson invariants, and the definition of higher rank invariants due to Kronheimer. It mostly follows standard references on Donaldson invariants, specifically [4], [5], and [13], as well as Kronheimer's paper [8] on higher rank invariants. The only original material in this chapter is the definition of extra cohomology classes not considered by Kronheimer, which were implicit in the physics literature on the blowup formula, but had not been defined explicitly in the mathematical literature. The second chapter contains a proof of the partial blowup formula for SU(N) invariants and the complete blowup formula for SU(3) invariants. It begins with a general discussion of instantons on a tubular neighborhood of an embedded sphere of negative self-intersection. To verify transversality of the higher rank instanton moduli spaces on these manifolds we produce special metrics with anti-self-dual Weyl curvature and positive scalar curvature. We give a detailed analysis of reducible connections in these moduli spaces, and use some special 10 cases to derive certain relations that imply the existence of a blowup formula. In the case N = 3 we use classical results from the function theory of genus two Jacobians to verify that the blowup function is a theta function on the curve 1.1. Finally, in the third chapter we axiomatically define a notion of formal Floer theory, which assigns vector spaces to 3-manifolds and maps to suitably decorated cobordisms. Such a theory has a tautologically defined blowup function, which spans the first graded piece of the ring referred to above. Given some nondegeneracy conditions on the theory, we show that the blowup function is entire and has a natural set of quasiperiods, such that the automorphy factor corresponding to any nontrivial quasiperiod is the exponential of a linear function. If the quasiperiods span a full lattice, we conclude that the formal blowup function is a theta function on a complex torus. 11 12 Chapter 2 Higher Rank Invariants 2.1 ASD Connections In this section we set up the basic analytic framework needed to study the moduli space of anti-self-dual connections on a 4-manifold. 2.1.1 The Configuration Space Let X be a compact, connected, Riemannian 4-manifold, let E be a rank N vector bundle on X, and let P = P(E) be the associated principal PU(N) bundle. Fix a smooth connection AO on P and an integer 1 > 2. Definition 1. We define the configuration space of connections on P to be A(P) = {Ao+ a I a E L2(X, A' 0 adP)} Since the difference of any two smooth connections is a smooth section of A1 (X) 9 adP, the definition does not depend on the choice of A 0 . To explain the condition 1 > 2, recall that in dimension 4 there is a Sobolev embedding L+ -+ C0, for 0 < e < 1. Thus our definition gaurantees that every element of A(P) is continuous. Definition 2. We define the determinant one gauge group of P to be 2 1 (X, G(P))} 9(P) = { E L+ where G(P) = P x PU(N) SU(N) is the bundle of groups associated to the conjugation action of PU(N) on SU(N). To explain the use of the index 1 + 1 rather than 1, consider the explicit formula for the action of 9(P) on A(P), y - (Ao + a) = Ao + yd 0 ~1 + ya--i. (2.1) From this formula it is clear that elements of 9(P) must have at least one more derivative than do elements of A(P), in order for the action to extend over both completions. 13 Definition 3. We define the quotient configuration space to be B(P) = A(P)/g(P), with the natural quotient topology. We would like to say that B(P) is a smooth Banach manifold. However, this is not the case, due to the existence of connections with nontrivial stabilizers. Proposition 4. For any connection A E A(P), its stabilizer IPA is a finite dimensional Lie group. In fact, evaluation at any point x E X defines an isomorphism from FA to the centralizer of the holonomy group HA = Holx(A) C G(P)x consisting of holonomies around all piecewise smooth curves based at x. Proof. Suppose that A is stabilized by 7 E g(P). Then we have: A =7 - A = A +7dAY (2.2) Hence '-ydA-y = 0, so y is parallel when considered as a section of G(P). Since Z is discrete, this implies that -y is a parallel section of G(P). Conversely, any parallel section of G(P) defines a gauge transformation that stabilizes A. Now, for connected X a parallel section -y is determined by its value at any point x E X, so PA injects into G(P)x = PU(N). Moreover, a given -yo E G(P)x will extend to a parallel section if and only if it returns to itself under parallel transport around any closed loop based at x, which is equivalent to saying that it centralizes HA. Definition 5. We say that a connection A E A(P) is reducible if its stabilizer rA is strictly larger than Z. Otherwise we say that A is irreducible. We write A*(P) for the set of irreducible connections, and we write B*(P) for the quotient A*(P)/9(P). To determine the local structure of B(P) we need to construct equivariant tubular neighborhoods for every gauge orbit in A(P). The key input for this construction is the following proposition: Proposition 6. Let A E A(P), let dA : L1+1(X, ad(P)) -+ LI(X, A' 0 ad(P)) be the associated covariant derivative, and let d* be its formal adjoint. Then there is a direct sum decomposition into L 2 -orthogonal subspaces: L/(X, A' 0 ad(P)) = ker d* E im dA Proof. By definition im dA and ker d* are L 2-orthogonal. To show that they span, we must solve the elliptic equation d* dA = d* a for any given a E L,(X, A' 0 ad(P)). To produce a solution, consider the inner product QA(, V) = (dA4, dAV). 14 on L,(X, ad(P)). Modulo the finite dimensional kernel of dA the corresponding quadratic form is nondegenerate and equivalent to the Li norm. Hence we can find E Li(X, ad(P)) such that (a, dAp) = QA(, 4) = (dAd, dAO) for all cG Li. In other words, as desired. that E L is a weak solution to (2.1.1). By elliptic regularity we know We therefore define TA,E = { A+a d*a=O,aL <E} . The stabilizer FA acts on TA,,, so we can form a g(P)-equivariant vector bundle over the orbit !(P) - A = g(P)/FA: NA,r = 9(P) XFA TAE NA,, provides a local model for A(P) in a neighborhood of 9(P) - A, and allows us to determine the local structure of B(P). Proposition 7. Let A be an arbitrary connection in A(P). Then for some e > 0 there is a neighborhood of [A] in B(P) homeomorphic to TA,,/J'A. Proof. There is an evident map a : NA,, -+ A(P), whose differential is invertible along the zero section by virtue of Proposition 6. In fact, a is a diffeomorphism onto its image for E sufficiently small, and its image is an open neighborhood of the orbit of A. The quotient 0 NA,,/9(P) is homeomorphic to TA,,/JFA, which proves the claim. Corollary 8. B*(P) is a smooth Banach manifold. Proof. If PA = Z then it acts trivially on TA,,, hence Corollary 7 produces topological charts on B*(P). The fact that these charts overlap smoothly follows from the fact that E a: NA,E -+ A(P) is smooth for any A and E. Note that most of the above discussion goes unchanged when X is a manifold with boundary. However, we must modify our construction of slices by adding suitable boundary conditions. A natural choice is: TA = {A + aldga = 0, *alax = 0}. To check that this is a slice we must solve d* (a - dA() =0 subject to the boundary condition *dA Iox = 0. We can do this by simply reiterating the argument of Proposition 6, and being careful about boundary conditions whenever we integrate by parts. 2.1.2 The Moduli Space Let X be a smooth oriented 4-manifold with a Riemannian metric. The hodge star * acts on the bundle A2(X), and satsifies *2 = 1. Therefore we can write A 2 (X) = A+(X)E A-(X) 15 where * acts on the bundles A±(X) by ±1. In particular, any 2-form W on X can be expressed uniquely as w+ + w-, where w± is a section of A'(X). Definition 9. We say that w is anti-self-dual if *w = -w, or equivalently, if w+ = 0. Now let P -+ X be a principal G-bundle, and let A be a connection on P. The curvature of A is a section of A 2 (X) 0 adP, hence it can be written uniquely as FA = FZ + Fwhere F+is a section of A'(X) 0 adP. Definition 10. We say that A is anti-self-dual if *FA = -FA, the anti-self-duality (ASD) equations: or equivalently if it satisfies F+= 0 Note that the ASD equations are invariant under gauge transformations, so each solution gives rise to an infinite dimensional space of gauge equivalent solutions. In particular, antiself-duality can be viewed as a property of the gauge equivalence class [A] E 3(P). Definition 11. We define the moduli space M(P) to be the set of all equivalence classes of ASD connections [A] E B(P). To find the dimension of M (P)we need to compute the linearization of the ASD equations. Let A be an ASD connection, and let A + a be a nearby connection. Then we have F +A=FZ +dAa+(a A a)+=0, where dia is the self-dual part of dA. Dropping quadratic terms and setting FZ = 0, we see that the linearization is d+a = 0. Solutions of this equation are tangent vectors to the space of all ASD connections, which sits inside in the configuration space A(P). By definition, the moduli space M(P) is the image of this infinite dimensional space in B(P). To compute the tangent space to M(P) we restrict our attention to the slice daa = 0, so as to select a single ASD connection from each gauge equivalence class. Combining the two conditions, we can identify the tangent space of M(P) with the kernel of the Dirac operator, DA = d* + d+ : A1(X, ad(P)) - A0 (X, ad(P)) D A2 (X, ad(P)). We will show in the next section that DA is an elliptic operator, and therefore has a finite index. Modifying A amounts to a compact perturbation, and does not change the index. Definition 12. We define the virtual dimension of M(P) to be the index of the Dirac operator DA, for any A E M(P). 16 If DA is surjective, then the moduli space will be cut out transversely, and will therefore be a smooth manifold of dimension equal to the index of DA, in which case the notions of dimension and virtual dimension coincide. On the other hand, if DA has nontrivial cokernel, then M (P) may fail to be a smooth manifold near [A]. The cokernel can be understood precisely in terms of the "deformation complex", 0 > AO(X, ad(P)) ^> A'(X, ad(P)) ^ > A+(X, ad(P)) > 0, (2.3) which is genuinely a complex if A is anti-self-dual, due to the identity d+ o dA = F+ = 0. General theory of elliptic complexes shows that the cokernel of DA is the direct sum of the two even dimensional cohomology groups Ho and HA. Thus there are two separate ways that M(P) can fail to be regular, and we will eventually need to explain how to avoid or deal with both kinds of failure. 2.1.3 Index Theory We now compute the virtual dimension of ASD moduli spaces on compact manifolds, using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem for Dirac operators. Proposition 13. Let X be a compact Riemannian 4-manifold and let V -+ X be a unitary complex vector bundle of rank r. If A is any unitary connection on V, then DA = d* +d+ : Q(XV) -+C (XV) D Q+(XV) is an elliptic operator, whose index (as a complex linear operator) is given by ind(DA) = cI(V) 2 - 2c 2 (V) - r (X + 0-). 2 Here d* denotes the adjoint of the operator dA, and x, o are the Euler characteristicand signature of X. Proof. Ellipticity is a local condition, and only depends on the highest order part of the operator, hence it suffices to show that the operator D = d* + d+ is elliptic, for V a trivial ®' D bundle with the trivial connection. To see this consider the operator D* = d E 2d* : 1 Q+(X) -+ Q (X). Composing the two operators, D*D = dd*+2d* ( 2 ) d = d*d*+*d*(l+*)d = d*d*+*d*d we get the Laplace operator, which has an invertible symbol. We conclude that D has an invertible symbol as well, hence it is elliptic. 17 To calculate the index, we first treat the case where V is the trivial complex line bundle. Modifying A does not change the index, so in this case ker D can be identified with the harmonic 1-forms on X, and cokerD can be identified with the sum of the harmonic 0 forms and the self-dual harmonic 2-forms. Hence ind(D) = -1+ bi - b+- X (2.4) 2 In general, the Atiyah-Singer index theorem for Dirac operators allows us to express the index of DA as ind(DA) = (2 + a)Ch(V) - (2.5) where a is a degree 4 cohomology class that is independent of V, and Ch(V) = r + c1(V) + 1 1c,(V) 2 2 - c2 (V) + - is the Chern character of V. Some explanation of the factor 2 + a is required. The reason for the 2 is that D is a Dirac operator on a rank 2 Clifford module. The absence of a degree 2 cohomology class is due to the fact that this Clifford module is real. The exact nature of a is not important to us, because we only need to compute its integral over X, which can be done by comparing equations (2.4) and (2.5). Hence ind(DA) = =- (2 + a)(r + cc(V) + - fjc(V)2 -2c (2c 2 (V) - 2 (V) c1(V) 2 ) [X] 1(V) 2 + c2 (V)) + ra - r(X + -) as desired. Corollary 14. Let E be a U(N) bundle on a compact 4-manifold X and let P be the associated PU(N) bundle. Then the moduli space M (P) has virtual dimension 2 + dim M(P) = 4Nc 2 (E) + (2 - 2N)c1(E) + (1 - N2)X a 2 Proof. We apply Proposition 13 to the complexified adjoint bundle zf(E) = C 0 ad(P). Note that zl(E) G C = E 0 E*. Therefore, 2c 2 (s[(E)) - ci(s[(E))2 = -2Ch 2 (E 0 E*) -2NCh 2(E) - 2Chi(E)Chi(E*) - 2NCh 2 (E*) = 4Nc2 (E)+ (2 - 2N)c1(E) 2 , = which completes the proof. El 18 2.1.4 Reducibles Let E be a rank N vector bundle on a connected, oriented 4-manifold X. Let P = P(E) be the corresponding PU(N) bundle. Observe that if A is any connection on E, we can uniquely write it as -1 A=A+ N where A E A(P) is a PU(N) connection and 6 = tr(A) is the connection induced by A on det(E). Keeping this in mind, we can fix a connection 6, and view elements of A(P) as connections on E rather than on P. The moduli space M(P) can fail to be smooth at a connection A if the stabilizer FA is nontrivial. In particular, HO = ker dA is the Lie algebra of the stabilizer FA, so DA fails to be surjective if FA has positive dimension. It is therefore worth understanding the stabilizers in more detail. Proposition 15. Let H C U(N) be any subgroup and let F C U(N) be its centralizer. Then _j71 U(ni), and it acts on CN through a decomposition F is isomorphic to a group of the form n10 CN i=1 Proof. By basic representation theory, the action of H on CN decomposes as a sum of irreducible representations r r. ni(g V n = CN i=1 i=1 By Schur's lemma any y E End(CN) that commutes with H lies in the subspace g End(C"n) & jwi C End(CN). Intersecting this with U(N) gives the desired decomposition F = j 1 U(ni). E Corollary 16. If A E A(P) is reducible, then FA has positive dimension. Proof. Let H be the holonomy group of A and let F be its centralizer. Then FA = FnSU(N). If there are two nontrivial factors U(ni) x U(n 2 ) c F, then F has dimension at least two. Since SU(N) has codimension one, the intersection F n SU(N) has positive dimension. The only other possibility is that F = U(N), but then FA = SU(N) still has positive dimension. E In many cases it is not possible to rule out reducible connections. In particular, if E is the trivial bundle then it always admits the product connection. However, there is a simple condition we can impose on E to avoid reducibles. Definition 17. We say that a class c E H 2 (X; Z) is coprime to N if there is a homology class a E H 2 (X; Z) such that c(-) = 1 mod N. 19 Proposition 18. If E is a rank N bundle admitting a reducible ASD connection, then there is an integral class c such that Nc - nci(E) is represented by an anti-self-dual 2-form. Proof. Suppose A is a reducible connection on P(E) and let A be a lift to E with trace 6. Then there is a splitting E = El D E 2 compatible with A. Write A = A 1 E A 2 and let trAj = 6J. Then we have Since the curvature of A - - 1-j = -51 N ni 1 1 =J-2. n2 is anti-self-dual, we have NN1 = -F+ F+Al ni J, = -Fj+ N In particular the class Nc1(E 1 ) - nici(E) is represented by an anti-self-dual 2-form. L Corollary 19. If c1 (E) is coprime to N then the set of metrics for which there exists a reducible ASD connection on E is a countable union of submanifolds of codimension bf (X). Proof. If c1 (E) is coprime to N then evaluating on a shows that Nc - nc1 (E) is nonzero for any integral class c. The corollary then follows from the fact that the space of metrics for which a given nonzero cohomology class is anti-self-dual is a submanifold of codimension L b(X) in the space of metrics. In particular, if b(X) > 1 then we do not find reducible connections in generic 1parameter families of metrics. 2.1.5 Perturbations The second way that M (P) can fail to be smooth is if HA = cokerd is nonzero. To rule out this possibility, we need to artificially perturb the ASD equations. Acceptable perturbations take the form FZ =V(A) where V(A) is a section of the bundle A+ 0 ad(P), depending on the connection A. To be gauge invariant, the perturbated equations must transform like the curvature under gauge transformations: V(-y - A) = -yV(A)-1. Note that if q : S' -+ X is a loop based at a point xO, then the holonomy Holq(A) transforms in this way: Holq(y - A) = -yHol(A),y 1 . However, Holq(A) lies in G(P)., rather than ad(P)x.. To remedy this, we choose a Gequivariant map q : G -+ g with the property that # inverts the exponential map in a neighborhood of the identity. Then O(Holq(A)) is an element of ad(P)x, that transforms appropriately under gauge transformations. To produce a section V(A), we choose a map q : S' x B 4 -+ X, with the property that each map q(t, -) is a diffeomorphism onto its image, and a section w of A+ whose support 20 is contained in the open set U = q(O, B 4 ). We then define V,w(A) = w 0 #(Holq(A)) where Holq(A) is regarded as a section of ad(P) on U. Given a countable collection 7r {(qi, wi)}ic of loops and anti-self-dual 2-forms, we can define a perturbation = V(A) = E Vq,,w,(A). iEI Definition 20. Let X be a compact 4-manifold, let E be a rank N bundle, and let V, be a perturbation of the ASD equations on P = P(E). We define the perturbed moduli space to be Mr(P)={ [A] B(P) IF++Vr(A) = 0} Because we have chosen V,(A) to be gauge invariant, its derivative DV, vanishes on the tangent space to any gauge orbit. Hence we obtain a deformation complex 0 - Ll+ 1 (X, ad(P)) ^> L (X A' 0 ad(P)) ^'i> L j 1 (X, A+ 0 ad(P)) 0- - (2.6) whose cohomology groups we denote by H. . The operator d, is defined to be d7 = d+ + DVr(A), the linearization of the perturbed ASD equations. Definition 21. We say that A is a regular solution of the perturbed equations if H2, = 0 Proposition 22. Suppose that A is regular and irreducible. Then in a neighborhood of A, the moduli space M(P) is a smooth manifold whose tangent space is isomorphic to HA,. Proof. In a neighborhood of A, every connection in the moduli space is equivalent to one in the slice TA,f = A + kerd*, which is a chart for B(P). Thus it suffices to show that the set of ASD connections in this slice is a smooth manifold. If A is regular then the map d' : ker d* --+ L1+1(X, A+ 0 ad(P)) is surjective, hence by the implicit function theorem M(P) is a smooth manifold near A and its tangent space is ker d,, n ker d* = HA,7. The use of holonomy perturbations is justified by the fact that generic perturbations yield regular moduli spaces. Proposition 23. Let E be a rank N bundle over a compact Riemannian 4-manjifold X. Then there exists a residual set of small perturbations ,r, such that every A e M,(P) is regular. 21 The ASD moduli spaces M (P) are not compact in general, due to bubbling. However, we do have the following compactness theorem for the perturbed equations Proposition 24. Let P = P(E) and let [A,] be a sequence in M(P(E)). Then there are points X1,...,Xk X, a bundle F with c2 (F) = c 2 (E) - k, a point [A,] E M(P(F)), a subsequence of the A., and gauge transformationsyn : P(E) -+ P(F)such that yn- A, -+ A, , X,} in the LP topology. on every compact K C X \ {x 1 ,... For the proofs of Propositions 23 and 24, we refer to Kronheimer's paper [8]. 2.1.6 Orientations It is important for the definition of Donaldson invariants that we give the moduli space of ASD connections an orientation. Proposition 25. Let E be a rank N bundle and let P = P(E). Then the moduli space M(P) is orientable. Proof. We refer to Donaldson [6], but we outline his proof. Orientations are induced by sections of the determinant line bundle of the family of Dirac operators DA over M(P). This is the restriction of a universal determinant line bundle A over B(P). Therefore it suffices to show that A is trivial, or equivalently that wi(A) pairs trivially with any loop in B(E). Given a class [-y] E H 1 (B(E)), Donaldson writes down an explicit loop of connections representing [7] and checks that its determinant line is trivial. E To define invariants in Z rather than Z/{t1}, one must single out a preferred trivialization of A. To do this it suffices to trivialize the determinant line of any particular connection A E A(E), and we briefly describe how to do this. For a bundle with c2 (E) = 0 one has E = L e CN-1 for a unique complex line bundle L. Choosing a connection A on L and taking A = A D 1 ... E 1, one sees that the adjoint bundle ad(P) splits as a sum of N 2 -N complex line bundles and N - 1 trivial real line bundles. Using the complex orientation of the complex line bundles, ordering the real line bundles, and trivializing the determinant line of the operator d* +d+, one obtains a trivialization of the determinant of DA. The result is clearly independent of the choice of A, hence only depends on a homology orientation of X (which is equivalent to a trivialization of the determinant of d* + d+). Reversing the homology orientation of X changes the orientation when N is even but preserves it when N is odd. For a bundle with c2 (E) = k, one chooses k points x 1, ... , Xk E X. Starting with a connection of the form A D CN one can glue in a pointlike instanton at each xi, obtaining a connection A. Trivializing the determinant of DA is equivalent (by excision, see [6]) to orienting the moduli space of ASD SU(2) connections on S4 with c2 (E) = 1. This reduces us to an arbitrary choice, which we make according to the conventions in [8]. 2.2 Donaldson Invariants In this section we define various cohomology classes on the quotient configuration space B(X), and study when these classes can be localized on compact subsets of the moduli 22 space of ASD connections. In this section X will always be a compact, connected, oriented 4-manifold. 2.2.1 Cohomology Classes We now begin to study the topology of the quotient configuration space B(P). Because the concepts in this section are fairly general, we write G for SU(N) and Gad for PU(N). We begin by constructing a principal G' bundle over X x B(P). Definition 26. We define the universal bundle to be P = P xg(P) A*(P) where 9(P) acts from the left on A(P) by pullback and from the right on P by automorphisms. Note that there is a natural quotient map P -+ X x B(P), whose fibers admit an action of Gad. bundle over B*(P) x X. Proposition 27. P = P xg(p) A*(P) is a prinicipalG' Proof. We only need to produce local trivializations of P. If A is a connection with slice and q$: U x G' -+ PI is a local trivialization on X, then the map TA,, # x id: (U x Gad) x TA,, -* P 0 defines a trivialization near ([A], x). The universal bundle allows us to construct an abundance of rational cohomology classes on B*(P). In particular, its classifying map 3*(P) x X -+ BG induces a map on rational cohomology p* : H*(BG; Q) > H*(B*(P); Q) 0 H*(X; Q) and hence by duality a map on rational (co)homology p : H*(BGd; Q) 0 H, (X; Q) > H*(13(P); ) In place of p(a 0 o-) we will usually write pa(o-). For the special case where o- is a point we will write pa(pt) = a. This notation is unambiguous when X is connected. Note that the classes pa(-) necessarily satisfy some relations, due to the fact that /,* is an algebra homomorphism. In general, given a graded-commutative algebra A and a topological space X there is an algebra A(X; A) that is universal among all pairs (A, P), where A is a graded-commutative algebra and p : A -+ H*(X; Q) ®A is a grading-preserving homomorphism. We can construct A(X; A) explicitly, given generators and relations for the algebras A and H*(X; Q). 23 Proposition 28. If A is a polynomial algebra on generators a1 , ... ,an of even degree, and H,(X) has basis -1,... ,-n, then A(X; A) is a free graded-commutative algebra on the ele- ments Mai(c-j)Proof. Let m* : H,(X) -+ H,,(X) 0 H.(X) be the comultiplication induced by the cup product on H*(X). Then the relations that must be satisfied by the classes pa(o-) take the form p'aUb(U) = Pa 0 Ib(mn(c)) = ( mijPa(oi),b(cj) iji (2.7) for constants mij. These relations merely say that any Pa(-)can be expressed as a polynomial in the Pa(-). Definition 29. We write A(X; G) = A(X; H*(BGI;Q)). When context is clear we omit G. In general A(X; G) can be described quite concretely, due to the following description of H*(BGad;Q). Proposition 30. Let G be a semisimple compact Lie group. Then H*(BG; Q) is a polynomial algebra on finitely many even generators, and the map BG -+ BGad induces an isomorphism on rational cohomology. Proof. It is well known that the map BG -+ BT induces an isomorphism H*(BG; Q) + H*(BT; Q)W, for any compact Lie group G, and the latter is a polynomial algebra on finitely many generators. To prove the second part, note that the map BG -+ BG' has homotopy fiber BZ, where Z is the center of G. Since G is semisimple, Z is finite, so BZ has the rational cohomology of a point. Hence the Serre spectral sequence H*(BGa; H*(BZ; Q)) ==> H*(BG; Q) collapses on the E 2 page, which means that H*(BGad; Q) -+ H*(BG; Q) is an isomorphism. For example, if G = U(N) we might take as generators the Chern classes c 2 , ... , cN- On the other hand, Newton's theorem on symmetric polynomials implies that we could equally well use the first N components of the Chern character, Chi,... , ChN- In the context of higher rank invariants we need a set of generators for the group PU(N). Definition 31. We denote by a2 ,..., aN the rational cohomology classes corresponding to c2 ,... , cN under the isomorphism H*(BPU(N), Q) -+ H*(BSU(N); Q). Given a homology class o E H,(X) we write pi(o-) for the element Pai(-) E A(X; PU(N)). We also make the abuse of notation pj(pt) = aj. Note that classes ai are not the Chern classes of any bundle over BPU(N), and in fact they are not integral classes in general. However, we can construct them as rational linear combinations of Chern classes, using the following general principle. 24 Proposition 32. Let G be a compact Lie group, and let P -+ BG be the universal Gbundle. Then H*(BG; Q) is generated by classes of the form ci(V(P)), where V is a finite dimensional representation of G. Proof. It is useful to think in terms of the Chern character Ch(V(P)). This gives us a ring homomorphism ChG : R(G) -+ flHn(BG; Q), n where R(G) is the virtual representation ring with rational coefficients, and fJn Hn(BG; Q) is the completion of the usual cohomology ring, with the product topology. When G = T is a torus, the map ChG is injective and has dense image (in the product of the discrete topologies). In general, restricting to a maximal torus T C G gives us a commutative diagram: R(G; Q) HH"(BG;Q) ChG resit I Hn H(BT; Q)W 1ilT R(T; Q)w Both the left and right arrows are isomorphisms, and since ChT is W-equivariant, the bottom arrow is an injection with dense image. Hence so is the top arrow. Since the Chern character can be explicitly written as a formal power series in the Chern classes, this shows that Chern l classes of associated bundles generate H*(BG; Q). In the case G = SU(N) we can be even more explicit. Let V = CN be the defining representation of SU(N), and let W = VON. The center of SU(N) acts trivially on W, hence it descends to a representation of PU(N). Viewing V and W as bundles over BSU(N), we have Ch(W) = Ch(V)N, hence taking an appropriate branch of the N-th root power Since the Chern classes ck(V) can be expressed series we can write Ch(V) = N/Ch(W). as rational polynomials in the components of Ch(V) and vice versa, we see that the classes ak E H*(BPU(N); Q) can be expressed as rational polynomials in the Chern classes ck(W), with 2 < k < N. Likewise, the classes pi(o-) can be represented as rational polynomials in the classes ,ck(W)(rj), where T1 , ... , r, form a basis for H*(X). 2.2.2 Invariants In the previous section, we defined a map p : A(X; G) -+ H*(B(X); Q). To produce this map, however, we needed to use the existence of a classifying map for the universal bundle. Strictly speaking, we only know that such a map exists because B(P) is a separable Banach manifold and therefore has the homotopy type of a CW complex. If we only wish to evaluate cohomology classes unambiguously on compact submanifolds M c B(P), such a construction is valid but quite inexplicit. On the other hand, the ASD moduli space M(P) is noncompact in general. It does have a fundamental class in compactly supported cohomology, but in order to make use of this we must have some notion of support for classes in A(X; G). Therefore, we now give a more explicit recipe for computing these classes. Our starting point is an explicit description of the Chern classes of a complex vector bundle. 25 Proposition 33. Let X be a finite dimensional compact manifold, let E -+ X be a vector bundle of rank N, and let s X -+ Hom(Cn-k+l, E) be a section that is transverse to the stratification of Hom(Cn~k+1, E) by rank. Define V(s){x E X1rk s(x) < N - k} Then V is a stratified subspace of X, with strata of even codimension. It therefore has a fundamental class [V], which is Poincaridual to ck(E). Proof. The rank stratification of Hom(CN-k+, CN) is a stratification by complex algebraic varieties. In particular, each stratum has even codimension. Since V is (locally) the pullback of the rank stratification under a transverse map, it also has strata of even codimension. To show that [V] represents ck(E) it suffices to check the case where E = L 1 E ... G L® is a sum of line bundles. In this case let o- be transverse sections of Li, whose zero loci intersect transversely. Now define n - k + 1 sections by si= Zcio-j, where C = (cij) is a constant matrix of size (N - k +1) x n, whose (N - k +1) x (N - k +1) minors all have full rank. The locus of points x E X where the vectors si(x) become linear dependent is then the same as the locus where k of the o- (x) vanish simultaneously. In other words, the class represented by V(si, ... , sN-k+1) is PD[V] = 3 c1 (Li1 ) U ... U cl(Lik) = ck(E) 21.1 Now consider the universal bundle P -+ B*(P) x X. It is a principal PU(N) bundle, hence we can take the faithful representation W = (CN)®N and form its associated bundle W -+ B*(P) x X. Proposition 34. Let M be a finite dimensional manifold and let f : M -+ B*(P) x X be a smooth map. Then for each integer k and every even integer p > 2 there exists a section s : B*(P) x X -+ Hom(C,-k+l, W), continuous in the L, topology on B*(P), such that the pullback s o f is smooth and transverse to the stratification of Hom(Cn-k+1, f*W) by rank. Proof. We refer to Kronheimer [8]. l Let o E H 2 (X) be an integral homology class of dimension at most 2. It is always possible to represent o by an immersed submanifold E C X. Let v(E) C X be a connected 4dimensional submanifold with boundary whose interior contains E. Let Pr be the restriction of P to v(E). Then there is a partially defined restriction map r : B*(P) -+ B*(P,) whose domain of definition consists of those connections which remain irreducible when restricted to v(E). Denote this domain of definition by B*(P, E). Now let M C B*(P,E) be a finite dimensional submanifold. Let 1 , ... , a-, a be homology classes on X and let ai = ck(W) E H*(BPU(N)). Suppose that there is a well-defined 26 restriction map r = jri: M -* llB*(PE), 1 i i or in other words that every connection in M remains irreducible when restricted to each v(E). Consider the associated bundles Wr, over B*(P,) x v(Ei). Each of these pulls back to a bundle Wi on the product B= fJB*(P) x Ej. i As above we can choose sections si : B -+ Hom(Cnki+l, W,) such that the restriction s= f si o r : M x El x - -.x E, - r*Hom(Cn-k±,+W) is transverse to the product of the rank stratifications of Hom(Cn-ki+l, Wi). If M is compact and oriented then the pairing -- Pa,(o-r), M) (P-1 (o-1) .. is equal to the number of points m E M, counted with sign, such that all components of s(m) have strictly less than full rank. Proposition 35. Let P = P(E), and let aj, o- as above. Then there are: such that the restrictionmaps ri : M,(P(F)) -4 B*(v(Ei), P(F)) (1) Neighborhoodsv(i) F with c1 (F)= c1 (E) and c 2 (E) < c 2 (F). bundles U(N) all for are defined (2) Sections si such that 1 si o r is transverse to M,(P(F)) x E1 x - x E,. l Proof. We again refer to Kronheimer [8]. Proposition 36. Let aj, a-, EY as above, and let Vk C B(EA) x Ei be the the representatives ) as in Proposition 35. Let M (P) have dimension d, and suppose that the of zi = pa,t, sum of the degrees of the classes zk is less than or equal to d. Then the intersection M(P) x Ei x ...x E, n Vi n -..nVr (2.8) is 0-dimensional and compact. The signed count of points in this intersection is independent of the choice of metric, perturbations,and sections si. It only depends on the homology classes o-1 represented by E1, and this dependence is multilinear (over Z). It is graded-symmetric in its arguments in the sense that swapping two classes pa, (o-) and Pa, (oj), of degrees di and dj respectively, changes the sign of the count by a factor of (-l)didj. Proof. This is a standard dimension counting argument. Choose the neighborhoods v(E.) such that all triple intersections v(Eri) n V(Ei2) nv(-i3) 27 are empty, and every double intersection involving a point class is empty as well. Any point x E X is contained in at most two neighborhoods v(E), and at most one neighborhood such that E is a point. Thus for any finite set of points {X 1, ... , Xk} C X, the intersection of all Vi such that {y} n v(Ei) = 0 has codimension strictly larger than d - 4Nk. By Proposition 35, such an intersection is disjoint from M(P(F)), where F is the bundle with c1(F) = ci(E) and c 2 (F) = c 2 (E) - k. Now let (An, yi,..., y,) be a sequence of points in the intersection (2.8). The connections An must limit, after passing to a subsequence and bubbling at a finite set of points x,, ... Xk, to a connection Ao on P(F). But the moduli space M(P(F)) is transverse to the intersection of all Vi such that {x} n v(Ei) = 0. In particular the set of possible limiting connections A, is empty, unless k = 0, in which case the limit lies in (2.8). This shows that the intersection is compact. To show graded symmetry, just observe that the only effect of swapping two factors is to change the orientation on El x ... x Er, and the effect of this change is to modify the orientation by a factor of (-1)didi. To show independence of metric and perturbation, sections, and representatives of the Ei, we apply the same argument to a 1-parameter family of moduli spaces obtained by varying the metric and perturbation, restricting the family to neighborhoods of various cobordisms Ei ==> E', and taking transverse sections on the configuration spaces of these neighborhoods. We thereby obtain a compact, oriented cobordism between two sets of signed points, which verifies that the signed counts are equal. The same argument also shows that the invariant is linear, because whenever we can write - = 0-'+ a" there is a homology (more precisely, a stratified cobordism) from E to the union of E' and E". Definition 37. Given ac Donaldson invariant and c-i as above, and a class c E H 2 (X), we define the SU(N) Dx,c(pi0 1 (- 1 ) ... (-,)) to be the signed count of points defined in Proposition 36, viewed as a linear map Dx,c : A(X; SU(N)) -+ Q defined on the image of p: H*(PU(N)) 0 H<2 (X) -+ A(X; SU(N)). There is something a bit arbitrary about our definition of Dx,c, in that we chose a particular associated bundle W in the construction. We could have made the same definition as above, replacing p, (o-x) with a combination of classes 1p1 33 (-rj), where the 6j are Chern classes of a different associated bundle and the Tj are different homology classes on X (see equation 2.7). We would like to know that such a modification results in the same map Dx,c : A(X; SU(N)) -+ Q. We can use the following refinement of our dimension counting argument to handle some cases: Proposition 38. Let ak and U-k as above. Suppose further that all geometric representatives E,... , E,_1 are mutually disjoint (but not necessarily disjoint from E,). Then the signed count of points in the intersection (2.8) depends only on pa,(Er) as an abstract cohomology class on B(P). 28 Proof. For a fixed metric and perturbation, it suffices to show that the intersection X K = M(P) x Ei X .. ErnVi n ---n v_ is compact, because then the signed count of points in Vr n K is just given by the cohomological pairing (Par-(ar), [K]), which does not depend on the choice of geometric representative for pa,(Ur). As in Proposition 36, consider a finite set of points X1 , ... , Xk E X. Because E1,... Er1 are mutually disjoint, each point xj can be contained in at most one neighborhood v(E). Hence the intersection of all V such that {x} n v (Ei) = 0 has codimension at least d - 2Nk. In particular, it is disjoint from the moduli space M(P(F)) with c 2 (F)= c 2 (E) - k. To see that K is compact, we now proceed exactly as in Proposition 36. Clearly we can do better in cases where there are not "too many" intersections between the Ei. However, in the simplest cases it is impossible to do better using the methods above. For example, we might try to evaluate classes pa, (O-), [a, (0-2 ), and Pa, (0 3 ) on a 12-dimension moduli space of SU(3) connections. If the representatives Ei each have nontrivial pairwise intersections, then we cannot show that V 2 n V 3 is compact, because there might be bubbling on E2fn 3. One way to resolve the issue is to use the blowup formula. In the next chapter we will prove a vanishing result (Proposition 65) which implies that if E, is a sphere of self-intersection -1, then the signed count of Proposition 38 automatically vanishes. As a consequence, we can blow up X at all points where the Ei intersect, then replace each E with its proper transform Ei = Ei + Ej +eij, without changing the signed count of points. We can then replace each pa,(di) with a combination of pg (ii) in the blowup. Applying Proposition 65 again, we can eliminate all ri which intersect the exceptional curves. Blowing back down, we find that the corresponding replacement is valid on X as well. 2.3 2.3.1 Cylindrical Ends and Gluing Cylindrical Ends Much of our discussion of ASD moduli spaces on compact manifolds carries over to more general noncompact manifolds. Definition 39. We say that an oriented Riemannian 4-manifold X has asymptotically cylindrical ends if there is a compact subset K c X whose complement X \ K is diffeomorphic to a product (0, oo) x Y for some 3-manifold Y, such that the metric on X \ K is given by gx = dt 2 + gy + e-Ath(t), where gy is a fixed metric on Y, A is a positive constant, and h(t) is a smooth bounded, t-dependent section of Sym 2 (T*Y). If h(t) is identically zero we say that W has cylindrical ends. To set up configuration spaces on manifolds with asymptotically cylindrical ends we need to choose appropriate boundary conditions at infinity. 29 Definition 40. An adapted bundle (P,77) on a 4-manifold X with asymptotically cylindrical ends is a principal bundle P -+ X, together with a choice of a flat connection 77 on Ply. Given an adapted bundle, we choose connection Ao that restricts to 21 on the cylinder Y x [0, oo). We would like to define the configuration space to be the space of all connections on X that approach q asymptotically at infinity. If q is irreducible we can imitate the compact case exactly and define A(P; r) = {Ao + ala E L2(X, A' 0 adP)}, However, when 77 is reducible this definition is inadequate. The issue is that the operators d*dA are not Fredholm, hence our construction of slices is invalid. To remedy the difficulty, we need to introduce weighted norms on the space of sections of A' 0 adP. Fix a small positive real number a, and a smooth nonvanishing function W on X such that W(y, t) = e"t on the cylindrical end Y x (0, oo). Define a weighted norm a2,- |WaIL = and define L ',(X, A' 0 ad(P)) to be the completion of the space of smooth sections with respect to this norm. Definition 41. Let (P,2) be an adapted bundle on a 4-manifold X with cylindrical ends. We define Aa(P, 7 ) = {Ao + a a E L2',(X, Al 0 adP)}. ga(P,27 ) = {'y: X -+ G(P)17-'dAO7 E L2'a(X, A' 0 ad(P))} B'(P,) = (Pq1G(M When the context is clear, we will drop a and 7 from the notation. There is a homomorphism evc : G'(P) -+ r. given by "evaluation at infinity". natural to consider the kernel of this homomorphism. It is Definition 42. We define the framed gauge group to be GO"(P) = {y E Ga(P)|7. = 1} and we define the framed configuration space to be B"(P) = A"(P)lGo(P) The framed gauge group is in some ways a more natural group to consider. For example, its tangent space is L2,(X, ad(P)), which fits naturally into the framework of weighted spaces. It also acts freely on Ac(P), because a nontrivial stabilizer would evaluate nontrivially at infinity. Thus B(P, 2) has no quotient singularities, unlike the configuration space on a compact manifold. 30 Proposition 43. 3(P,77) is a Banach manifold with a smooth action of ]FJ7. Proof. Let d*" denote the formal adjoint of dA with respect to the weighted norm. construct a slice for the action of g(P), we consider its kernel: TA,E = {A + ald*aa = 0,|a2,. To check that this is a slice we can imitate the compact is now a Fredholm operator, provided that a is nonzero the operator d,*d,7 . Since 90(P) acts freely we see that smooth action of ga(P)/g (P). It remains to be shown that the homomorphism ev.. < To }. case. The key point is that d*'adA and smaller than any eigenvalue of B(P) is a Banach manifold with a -+ F,, is surjective, so that all of F, acts on g(P). The proof of Proposition 15 shows that F, is connected mod Z. Since elements of Z extend over X, it suffices to show any y in the identity component of F extends as well. But such an extension can be given explicitly, by homotoping Y to the E identity along the neck, then extending by the identity over the rest of X. : !;(P) Our discussion of moduli spaces and perturbations in the compact case carries over to manifolds with asymptotically cylindrical ends. Definition 44. Let 7r be a perturbation of the ASD equations on an adapted bundle (P,n). We define the framed moduli space of solutions to the perturbed equations to be M7(P) = [A] E f(P) IFA=V(A) Proposition 45. Let P be an adapted bundle over a Riemannian 4-manifold X with asymptotically cylindrical ends. Then there exists a residual set of small perturbationsir, supported in a compact subset of X, such that every A G M,(P) is regular. Proof. The connection A is regular if and only if the cokernel of di is trivial. The proof of Proposition 23 shows that we can choose compactly supported perturbations such that any element of the cokernel vanishes outside of the cylindrical end. But elements of the cokernel satisfy a unique continuation property on the cylindrical end (because they are solutions of 0 an ODE), and hence must vanish there as well. 2.3.2 The Equivariant Universal Bundle Because connections in B(P, q) all have trivial stabilizers, there is a universal PU(N) bundle P defined over all of ff(P, 7) x X, not just over the space of irreducible connections. This bundle is equivariant with respect to the action of F,, so it has equivariant characterTo compute these characteristic classes we will need a istic classes ak(P) E Hr (B(P,i)). description of the restriction of P to the orbit of a reducible connection A E 1(P, M ). Proposition 46. Suppose that A admits a reduction of structure to a subgroup H C PU(N), so that P = Q XH PU(N) for some H-bundle Q and A is induced by a connection on Q. 31 Then the restriction of P to the orbit 9 A X (X as a r 7 -equivariant bundle over 9 = r./FA Q) in (P) x X is isomorphic to XrAxHPU(N) A. Proof. By definition, the universal bundle is P= g 0 (P)\B(P) x P= x g(p) (A(P) X P) Restricting to the orbit of A, we have an isomorphism , x rA P -+ P given by sending (z, p) to (z, A, p) for any z E r,, and any p E P. Applying P = Q x H PU(N) gives Ji, XrA P = (F77 X Q) XrAXGPU(N) as desired. Corollary 47. If o- C X is a cycle of positive dimension then for any a E H*(BPU(N)) the equivariant classes fA&(o-) are trivial in a neighborhood of the trivial connection E. Proof. There is a neighborhood U of the orbit Oe that retracts equivariantly onto Oe, so it suffices to show that A,,(o-) is trivial on Oe. Because re = PU(N) we have H = {id}, hence Proposition 46 shows that P is pulled back from an equivariant bundle on a point. Therefore, f.(u-) = a(P)/o-= 0 as desired. 2.3.3 Index Theory We can compute the virtual dimensions of cylindrical end moduli spaces using the excision principle for indices. Proposition 48. Let X 12 = X 1 UX 2 and X 3 4 = X 3 UX 4 be 4-manifolds such that X 1 n X 2 = X 3 n X 4 = Y x (0,1) for some 3-manifold Y. Write X 14 = X 1 U X 4 and X 3 2 = X 3 U X 2 . If Di are elliptic operators on Xi that agree on Y x (0, 1), and Dij are the elliptic operators obtained by identifying Di and Dj over Y x (0,1), then we have ind(D 1 2 ) + ind(D3 4 ) = ind(D 14 ) + ind(D3 2 ) Proposition 49. Let V± be adapted U(N) bundles over 4-manifolds X±, with limiting flat connections 77. Suppose that X+ has a cylindrical end Y x (0, oo), that X- has a cylindrical end Y x (-oo, 0) and that there is an isomorphism y : q+ -+ i. Let X be the closed 4manifolds obtained by gluing together X+ and X- and let V be the bundle obtained by gluing V+ and V. Let A± be connections on X±, and let DA± be the corresponded Dirac operator, dA: L 'a(V 0 A1 ) -+ L '"(V e V o A2 ). 32 viewed as an operator on weighted spaces. Then for all sufficiently small a > 0 and any connection A on V we have ind(DA,) + ind(DA ) = ind(DA) + ho(r) - hl(?) where h'(71) are the ranks of the cohomology groups of Y with coefficients twisted by r. Proof. By the excision principle, we can reduce to computing the index of the operator (9 Da"= a+ D77~ W'(t) H77 + Wt W(t) Hat on the cylinder Y x R, where H. is the self-adjoint operator =(0 -dn d* \ *dq ' E is the operator which acts as +1 on A' and as -1 on A', and the weight function W is equal to e-at for negative t and eat for positive t. But the index of D' is the spectral flow of H,7 + 4dlW e, which is equal to ho(rq) - h'(7). dt Proposition 50. Let X be a 4-manifold with cylindrical ends, and let V be an adapted U(N) bundle over X, with limiting flat connection i. Then there is a constant p(rq), depending only on q, such that ind(DA) = c(V) 2 - 2c 2 (V) + N 2 2 + h2() - h(i 7 ) + p(q) 2 2 where A is any connection that restricts to r on the ends of X and c2 (V) and c1(V) are defined by Chern-Weil integrals of the curvature of A. Proof. Given an adapted bundle V define a quantity p(V) by p(V) = 2indDAo + cI(V) 2 - 2c 2 (V) + N(x + a) + ho(rq) - hl(,q) Note that this formula is additive under gluing adapted bundles, by virtue of Proposition ??. It is zero for a bundle over a closed 4-manifold, by Proposition ??. Thus if W is an adapted bundle that can be glued to V, we have p(V) + p(W) = 0 But then if V' is another adapted bundle with limiting connection r, we have p(V) = -p(W) = p(V'), so p(V) only really depends on the limiting connection 77. Note that p(7) changes sign if we reverse the orientation on the underlying 3-manifold Y. In particular, p(rq) vanishes if r is invariant under an orientation reversing diffeomorphism. 33 Corollary 51. Let X be a 4-manifold with cylindrical ends, let P = P(V) be an adapted PU(N) bundle over X, with limiting flat connection q. Then the formal dimension of the ASD moduli space on P is dim M(P) = 4Nc2 (V)+ (2 - 2N)c (V) 2 + (1 - N 2 ) x+ 2 + h'(7) + h() + p(ad(T)) (2.9) 2 and the formal dimension of the framed moduli space is 2 dim -(P) = 4Nc2 (V) + (2 - 2N)c1(V) + (1 - N2) X + a + h() - 2 h'(71) + p(ad(77)) 2 Proof. Simply apply Proposition 2.9 to the complexification of ad(P). Finally, we observe that the results above remain valid for manifolds with asymptotically cylindrical ends, because the operators in that context are homotopic to the ones used above. 2.3.4 The Gluing Theorem To prove the blowup formula we need to have a general understanding of ASD moduli spaces on a 4-manifold that is decomposed along separating 3-manifold Y. In general suppose that we can write X = X+ Uy X-, where X+ and X- are joined along their oriented boundaries OX* = tY. Let X be the 4-manifolds obtained by attaching infinite cylinders (0, oo) x Y and (-oo, 0) x Y to X+ and X-, and let XT be obtained by similarly attaching cylinders of length 2T. Given asymptotically cylindrical metrics on X (with the same limiting metric gy) and a partition of unity /1 + #2 = 1 on the cylinder ZT = [-T, T] x Y we can form a Riemannian 4-manifold XT = XT+ UzT XI, by joining X along ZT and superimposing their metrics using #. The rough idea of gluing is that as T tends to infinity, most ASD connections on XT can be described as a pair of ASD connections on the manifolds X , plus an isomorphism of their limiting flat connections. The connections which cannot be described in this way admit an analogous decomposition into a series of ASD connections on infinite cylinders Zo (with the product metric dt 2 + gy), plus a series of identifications of their limiting flat connections. Proposition 52. Let XT = X+ Uy ZT Uy X- as above, with b+(XT) > 2, and let P = P(E) be a principalbundle over XT, such that M (XT; P) has dimension less than 4N (so that it is compact). Suppose that the 3-manifold Y carries only finitely many flat PU(N) connections up to gauge equivalence, each of which is regular (but possibly reducible), and that the (possibly perturbed) cylindrical end moduli spaces M (X+; a) are regular. Then for T sufficiently large, the moduli space M (XT; P) can be covered by finitely many open sets, each of which is diffeomorphic to an equivariantproduct of the form M(XI, a,) xr, M(Zo, ai,a 2 ) Xr 2 - Xrk_1 M(Zo, ak_1, ak) X r, M(Xe, ak), where the ac are flat connections on Y, and have stabilizers J'. Moreover, if 0- is a subspace of X±, then the restriction of the universal bundle over M(XT) x a to such an open set is obtained by pulling back the equivariant universal bundle over M(Xc,, ak). 34 We will not try to give a full exposition of this theorem here. References include [16], [9], [13]. 35 36 Chapter 3 Higher Rank Blowup Formulas 3.1 Solutions Near a Negative Sphere To understand the blowup formula it is useful to have a more general understanding of how the SU(N) invariants of a 4-manifold X behave in the presence of an embedded sphere o-, C X of negative self intersection -p. Following general principals of gluing, we consider an open tubular neighborhood Np of such a sphere. This noncompact manifold has a single 2 3 end diffeomorphic to LP x (0, oo), where Lp = L(p, 1) is the quotient of S c C by the group of p-th roots of unity. In this section, we will study moduli spaces of ASD connections on the manifolds Np. 3.1.1 Regularity In general one needs perturbations to achieve regularity of the ASD equations. However, in the case of the manifold Np, for sufficiently small p we can find a metric for which transversality is gauranteed automatically. Proposition 53. Let p be a sufficiently small integer (for our purposes, p K; 2). Then the manifold Np admits a metric gp with the following properties: (1) gp has positive scalar curvature and anti-self-dual Weyl curvature. (2) gp decays exponentially to a product metric on (0, oo) x Lp. Proof. Let O-1 ,o-2 , and O-3 be an orthonormal coframe field on S3, invariant under the left action of SU(2), such that -3 is invariant under U(2). Define a metric on (0, 00) x S3 by g = dr 2 + l +U 2 3 Because both o-3 and of + o2 are invariant under U(2), and L, is the quotient of S by a cyclic subgroup of U(2), g descends to a metric on (0, oo) x Lp. If we furthermore demand that A extend to a smooth odd function on all of R, satisfying A(0) = 0 and A'(0) = p, then g will extend to a smooth metric gp on Np. 37 We now compute the Weyl curvature of the metric g, using the method of Cartan. We choose as an orthonormal coframe 6 = (60, 61, 62, 6 3 )T = (dr, Oc-, -2 , A- 3 )T, and compute its differential using the identities da, = 20-2 A a 3 dO-2 = 20- A -1 dO-3 = 2o A c- 2. We find the matrix w of the Levi-Civita connection from dO by imposing the condition d6 + w A 0 = 0. The result is: 0 0 0 _0 -Ac- 3 (2 - A ).3 -AO- 2 0 Ac0 0 2 0 (A2 - 2)o-3 A'9-3 Ac- 2 -Ao- The curvature matrix Q = dw + w A w is given by 0 A/023 ) A1031 (003 - 2A'612 - A2 031 A'901 + A262 3 -- 0 -2A6 03 + (4 - 3A 2 )0 12 2 2A'6 03 + (3A - 4)012 -A/031 0 2 A'6 02 + A -A'og - A2623 0603 - 2A'012 A-23 -A/002 0 ) where to save space we have used the shorthand 6ij = 9, A O. We then compute the self-dual part of the 2-forms Q01 + Q23 , Q02 + Q31, and Q03 + Q12. The result can be written as a square matrix, W++ = 12 A'+ }A2 0 0 A'+ 'A2 0 0 0 0 -A- 2A'+2-!A 2 ) / whose traceless part is the self-dual Weyl curvature W+. Demanding that it vanish leads us to the ordinary differential equation A" + 6AA' + 4A3 - 4A = 0, (3.1) and the positive scalar curvature condition leads us to the inequality A2 2 A'+ - > 0. (3.2) The equation (3.1) has two special solutions. Namely, if A satisfies one of the ordinary 38 differential equations A' = A' = 1-A 2 2 - 2A 2, (3.3) (3.4) then it automatically satisfies (3.1). We can use these special solutions to find A(r) in the cases p = 1 and p = 2, respectively. When p = 1 integrating (3.3) gives A(r) = tanh(r) and in the case p = 2, integrating (3.4) gives A(r) = tanh(2r). Both of these solutions are increasing, so the corresponding metrics have positive scalar curvature by (3.2). They rise exponentially to the limiting value A = 1, so the corresponding metrics are asymptotically cylindrical and limit on the round metric on Lp. I have not tried to solve the equation (3.1) explicitly for larger values of p, but numerical solutions indicate that A is increasing if and only if p K 2, and satisfies the positive scalar 0 curvature inequality (3.2) if and only if p 13. In fact, the computation above can be modified to show that there is a unique U(2)invariant metric on N, with vanishing anti-self-dual Weyl curvature, up to conformal rescaling and reparameterization of the radial coordinate. In particular, the metrics gp are conformally equivalent to those described by LeBrun in [11]. It is conceivable that g, is conformally equivalent to an asymptotically cylindrical metric with positive scalar curvature, but I have not investigated this possibility. Proposition 54. Every finite energy ASD connection on (Np, gp) is regular. Proof. Consider the Dirac operator DA = d' + d* : Q1(X, ad(P)) -> f 0 (X, ad(P)) D Q+(X, ad(P)). Given any w E Q2 (X, ad(P)), the Weitzenbock formula for DA gives us: dA(d+)*w - VAV* W + (S, W) + (W-, w) + (FA, w) where VA is the connection on A+(X)®ad(P) obtained by combining the Levi-Civita connection on A+ with the connection A on ad(P). Since FjA = W- = 0 and S > 0, we conclude that any w in the cokernel of d+ must vanish identically. Thus for any such connection HA = 0, as desired. In the future we will implicitly use the metric gp when referring to ASD moduli spaces on Np. Therefore, any time we use regularity of the moduli space we will be assuming implicitly that p is small enough so that gp has positive scalar curvature, or that there is a conformally equivalent metric with positive scalar curvature. 39 3.1.2 Completely Reducible Connections On a negative definite manifold like Np, one cannot avoid the presence of reducible connections, even when the bundles in question are coprime to N. In this section we'll describe some reducible connections on Np and the moduli spaces they inhabit. First we need to briefly discuss the topology of Np. Since it deformation retracts onto o-, we have H 2 (Np) = Z. Since Lp is the quotient of S 3 by a fixed point free action of Z/pZ, we have ir1(L,) = H1 (Lp) = Z/pZ. Geometrically, let Dp be a fiber of N - o-p, oriented so that Dp and u, intersect positively, and let -, be the oriented boundary of Dp. Then -Y is a generator of H 1 (Lp) and Dp is Poincare dual to a generator of H 2 (Np). Now let L be the complex line bundle whose Chern class ci(L) is Poincar6 dual to -Dp. Since Np is negative definite, the class c 1 (L) can be represented by a square integrable anti-self-dual 2-form w, and there is a connection A on L with curvature -27riw, which is unique up to gauge equivalence. At infinity, the connection A decays exponentially to a flat connection X on LP, which we can also think of as a character X : 7ri(Lp) -+ U(1). The fact that c1 (L) is Poincar6 dual to -Dp means that X(7y) = Hol(y(-) = exp = exp 27ri D hence X generates the character group of e , 7ri(Lp). Recall that when talking about ASD connections on a bundle P(E), we fixed a connection 6 on the determinant det E. For the manifold Np it is useful to take 6 to be the unique (up to gauge equivalence) finite energy ASD connection Ad, where d is the degree of det E. Then we can view any ASD connection on P(E) as an ASD connection on E and vice versa. Definition 55. We say that a connection A on a U(N) bundle E is completely reducible if it is gauge equivalent to a connection of the form A, ... @ A,,, where each Ai is a connection on a line bundle Li. There is a general principle that minimal energy moduli spaces on negative definite manifolds contain completely reducible connections. The remainder of this section is dedicated to making this principle precise for the manifolds Np. Proposition 56. Let k1,.... k,, be integers such that Iki - k1 5 p for all pairs i, j. Then the ASD moduli space containing the completely reducible connection Ak ... e AkN = Aki over Np has formal dimension dimM(Ak) = 1 - N2 + 40 Iki - kj| Proof. By the index formula (2.9), we have dim(AkdimM(Ag) = 1:(ki ____ kj )2 +1 + - N2 + ho(l) + p(l) + E, -ho0(xki-kj) 2N +91 2..h~ki Iki It therefore suffices to show that for any integer k with - p(xki-kj ( p we have 2k 2 ho (xk) + pxk) = 1 - 21k p This fact was proved by Atiyah, Patodi, and Singer in [1]. Then the moduli space Corollary 57. Let k 1 ,. . ., k,, as above, and suppose that 2p < N +1. M(Ak) has negative virtual dimension, and therefore contains no irreducible connections. In particular,every irreducible ASD connection on Ek - Lk, E ... E LkN has energy strictly then we can replace "strictlygreater than" with greater than that of Ak. If 2p < N +1 + 4 "greaterthan or equal to". Proof. Without loss of generality, we have k 1 Z |kj - ki| = kn. Then for any fixed i, we have -- k2 . |kn - kil p j>i Therefore, dim M(Ak) = 1 -N 2 2|k - kil +Z i 2 j>i + 2p(N - 1) < 1 -N = (2p - N - 1)(N - 1) The right hand side of this equation is negative if 2p < N + 1, hence M (Ak) has negative virtual dimension. If 2p < N + 1 + N, then the right hand side is less than 4N, so any moduli space of strictly smaller energy has negative virtual dimension, hence contains no irreducible connections. 2 As an application, we can compute all the minimal energy moduli spaces on CP . Proposition 58. Let 0 < k < N and let Ek be the U(N) bundle over N 1 with (cl(Ek) kc1 (L). Then the completely reducible connection = Ak = kA e (N - k)1 has energy strictly less than any other finite energy ASD connection on Ek. As a consequence, the framed moduli space M(Ak) is diffeomorphic to the GrassmannianGrk(CN). Proof. Let B be an ASD connection on Ek, and suppose that B has minimal energy among all ASD connections. Write B = Di Bi as a sum of irreducible ASD connections on bundles 41 FR. Write c1(F) = (ki+Ndc)c1(L) with 0 < ki < N. Then by Proposition 57, the completely reducible connection Ai = k Adi+1 e (N - ki)Adi has strictly less energy than Bi. Substituting Ai for Bi, we obtain a completely reducible connection A on Ek with strictly less energy than B. We conclude that if A has minimal energy then it is completely reducible, so A = Ak, e Ak2 E ... E AkN for some integers ki. If ki - kj > 1 for any i and j, then the connection A, E A has strictly greater energy than Aki+1 E Aki-1. Since A has minimal energy, this implies that Iki - kyj 1 for all i and j, hence A = Ak. The description of the framed moduli space then follows from the fact the stabilizer of Ak is rk = S(U(k) x U(n - k)), hence its orbit in M(Ak) is Grk(CN) = SU(N)/S(U(k) x U(N - k)). l Note that the argument above fails if p > 1, because the inequality 2p < N + 1 does not hold for all N. However, the weaker inequality 2p < N + 1 + 4N is valid for all N as long as p < 4. In this regime we can therefore hope to partially salvage Proposition 58. Before proceeding, we need to establish some notation. Let 0 < r1 < ... rN < p be integers, and consider-the flat connection 7 r= X e Xr 2 D ... DXrN on LP. Let r = r1 + - + rN, so that c1(2jr) = rc1 (L). If E is an adapted bundle on Np with limiting flat connection ?7r, then we necessarily have (c,(E), o-,) =-r mod p. If E satisfies this constraint, we say that it is admissible for 7r. Proposition 59. Let E be a vector bundle over Np. Then E admits a completely reducible ASD connection, satisfying the hypotheses of Proposition 57. Proof. Define a connection Ar's = Ara ®D ... (1 ArN eD A l+p.. eD A r.-i+p and call the underlying bundle of this connection E,. Then c1(E,) = (r +ps)c1(L), so as s runs from 1 to N we obtain all admissible values of ci(E) mod N. In particular, for some s and some integer d we have E = Ld 0 E,, so E admits the completely reducible ASD connection Ad 0 Ar,s. El Proposition 60. Suppose that p 4. Let E be a U(N) bundle on N, and let B be a finite energy ASD connection on E, which limits on a flat connection Lyr. Then there is a completely reducible ASD connection A on E, also with limiting value 7, whose energy is less than or equal to that of B. 42 Proof. Write B = Ei Bi, where each Bi is an irreducible ASD connection on a bundle F of dimension ni. Each F admits a completely reducible connection Ai = Ar. ,,,, which satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 57. Because p < 4, the inequality 2p < n + 1 + 4ii 4n n -1 holds for all n > 2. Since Bi is irreducible, we conclude that it has energy greater than or equal to that of Ai. Therefore the completely reducible connection A = Ei Ai has energy less than or equal to that of B, as desired. It is unknown to the author whether Proposition 60 holds for all p. As an example of the difficulties involved, let E be the trivial SU(2) bundle over N 13 , and let A be the connection A-3 @A 3 , which has limiting flat connection q = x 3 ( X"i. Then A has minimal energy among all reducibles limiting on i, but the moduli space containing A has virtual dimension 9. It is conceivable that the moduli space of virtual dimension 1 is always empty in this case, but proving it would require more subtle methods and might depend on the choice of metric on N 13 - In the case p = 2 we can explicitly write down the completely reducible connections of minimal energy. Proposition 61. Let Ek be the U(N) bundle over N 2 with cl(Ek) = kc1(L). Then k- A= A ((N - r) E r-kA-1 2 E rA E (N -k r)1 r >k k> r has minimal energy among all ASD connections on Ek with limiting flat connection r, = rX E (N - r)1, and it is the unique completely reducible connection with this property. Proof. By Proposition 60 we only need to show that this connection has less energy than any other completely reducible connection on Ek limiting on 7,.. So, let A = A kiD.A kn be completely reducible. Write ri = 1 for i < r and ri = 0 for i > r, and without loss of generality write ki = ri + 2di. With k = E ki fixed, the energy of A is proportional to c2 (A) - 2c 1 (A) 2 (3.5) = Eki. In the case k > r, we rewrite (3.5) using the identity r2 = ri: c2 (A) - 2c(A) 2 = r + Zk2 + (ri - 1)2 - 1 (3.6) Because k2 and ri are congruent mod 2, each term on the right hand side of (3.6) is positive, hence c2 (A) - 2c 1 (A) 2 > r. 43 Equality holds precisely when (ri, ki) = (0, 0), (1, 1),or (1, -1) A = Ak,r. for every i, in which case In the case r > k, we can rewrite (3.5) in a different way: c2 (A) - 2c 1 (A) 2 = r + E k2 + (ri - 1)2 - 1 > 2k - r (3.7) Again, equality holds precisely when (ri, ki) = (0, 0), (0, 2),or (1, 1) for every i, in which case A = Ak,r. 3.2 The Blowup Formula In this section we prove the existence of a blowup formula for higher rank invariants. 3.2.1 Initial Conditions Let Y be a 4-manifold, let X = Y#Cp 2 , and let e C X be the exceptional sphere. Proposition 62. Let k and d be integers satisfying 0 ; k < N and d < k(N - k) + 2N. There is a class 8 k,dE H*(BPU(N); Q) such that for any z E A(Y) and any c E H 2 (y; Z) we have Dx,c+ke(A 2 (e)dz) = Dyc(/k,dz). Moreover, the class Ok,d is homogeneous and has degree 2d - 2k(N - k), so it vanishes if d < k(N - k). Proof. Suppose that z has degree 2r. As we stretch the neck between Y and CAP , transversality implies that every connection in Mc+ke(X) n V(z) must eventually lie in X SU(N) fM~2r+2d-2k(N-k)(y) k2 -(N-k) 2 (Ni) where Mke(Ni) = Grk(CN) is the minimal energy moduli space on the bundle Ek - Lkk CN-k. In particular, G = Mc+ke(X) n V(z) is the bundle of Grassmannians associated to a PU(N) bundle P = Mc(Y) n V(z) over a compact stratified space B = Mc(Y) n V(z). By definition, the number Dx,c+ke(p 2 (e)dz) is obtained by evaluating P 2 (e)d on the fundamental class of G. We can therefore calculate it in two stages, by first pushing forward to B, then pushing forward to a point. Observe that p 2 (e)d is the pullback of an equivariant class A 2 (e)d E H U(N)(Grk(CN). Hence we can compute its pushforward to B by first applying the equivariant pushforward 7r* : H U(N)(Grk(CN)) PU(N)(pt) = - H*(BPU(N)) to the class ft(e)', then pulling back to B along the classifying map of P. Setting 7r*(A2(e)d), we conclude that Dx,c+ke(p 2 (e)dz) = Dyc(k,dz), as desired. fk,d = In fact, we can be much more explicit about the classes 6k,d. On the Grassmannian Grk(CN) we have a splitting of equivariant bundles CN = Fk E FN-k. By Proposition 46, 44 the universal bundle over Mc+ke(X) x e is the projectivization of the vector bundle V = (L 0 Fk) ( FN-kWe can easily compute the Chern character of this bundle, Ch(V) = exp(L)Ch(F) + Ch(F_-k) and from this we can obtain the classes a 2 (P), from the formula a2 (P) = Ch(V)] 2 - -[exp (kL) Slanting with e, we get N -k =2(e) = N Ncl(Fk) - k c1 (Fnk) = c1(Fk). N We are therefore reduced to computing the equivariant pushforward #6k,d = c1(Fed IGrk(CN) which is straightforward for any particular values of k and d. For example, Kronheimer proved that 3 1,N-1 = 1 and used this to define higher rank invariants in the case where c is not coprime to N. In more generality, we have: Proposition 63. The class /k,d have OO = 81,N-1 = 1. is a nonzero integer when d k(N - k). In particularwe = Proof. The class cl(F) is represented by a section of an ample line bundle on the complex projective variety Grk(CN), hence the integral of cl(Fk)k(N-k) is nonzero. In the case k = 0 we have #o,0 = +1 trivially. In the case k - 1 we are evaluating the top power of the hyperplane class on CpN-1, hence we get 01,N-1 = ±1. For evaluation of the sign we refer E Kronheimer [8]. The vanishing criterion in Proposition 62 generalizes as follows, with the same proof: Proposition 64. Let 0 < k < N and let I = (i 2 , - - -, iN) be a multi-index satisfying 0 < dim(I) = 2i 2 + 4i 3+ -.. + (2N - 2)iN < 2k(N - k) + 4N. Then there is a class H 2 (Y; Z) we have fk,I E H*(BPU(N); Q) such that for any z E A(Y), and any c E Dx,c+ke(p(e)'z) If dim(I) < 2k(N - k) then = Dx,c+ke (/2(e)i2 ... fA,I = [N(e)iNz) 0. There is another vanishing condition in the case k = 0. 45 = Dyc(#k,Jz) Proposition 65. Let I = (i 2 , - - -, iN) be a multi-index satisfying 0 < dim(I) = 2i 2 +4i Then /k,I = +(2N - 2)iN< 4N. 3+ 0. Proof. The classes pi(e) vanish in a neighborhood of the trivial connection by Proposition 46 , hence do not intersect the moduli space Ii-N 2 (N 1 ). Thus for a sufficiently long neck they do not intersect the moduli space Mdim(I) (X). El 3.2.2 A Simple Relation In this section, we consider a 4-manifold X that contains a sphere a of self-intersection -2. Such a 4-manifold can be written as X = Y UL 2 N 2 for some Y with DY = L 2 . In this section we will use our understanding of the minimal energy moduli spaces on N 2 derive a simple relationship between the invariants Dx,,+, and Dx,c. Proposition 66. Let MO,2 be the moduli space containing the connection AO, 2 (N - 2)1 of Proposition 61. Then every connection A E MO,2 takes the form = A e A~ 1 e A = B E (N - 2)1 for some rank 2 connection B. Proof. Write A = Ei miAi as a sum of irreducible connections of dimension ni, each having multiplicity mi. Then the orbit of A in M 0 ,2 has dimension d = 22 + (N - 2)2 - m2 On the other hand, by Proposition 56, the moduli space M0O,2 has dimension 4. Therefore, mi > (N - 2)2 If one of the Ai has dimension at least 3, or if two of the Ai have dimension at least 2, then EZ mi N - 2, hence Zmi (Zmi) 2 < (N-2)2 The first inequality is strict unless there is a single term in the sum, in which case the second inequality is strict. We conclude that A = BD C, where C is completely reducible. We know that there is a reducible Bo = Ar E A' with the same energy as B. By Proposition 61, the connection A' D A' D C has to be AO, 2 , so either B 0 = A E A- or B 0 = A'' ( 1. In the latter case, B cannot be irreducible, because it lives in a moduli space of negative dimension. We conclude that either A = A 2 ,0 or C is trivial, which completes the proof. l Proposition 67. The SU(2) moduli space MO,2 consists of a half-infinite segment [0, oo), plus a union of finitely many circles and infinite segments (-cc, oo). The corresponding 46 components of the framed moduli space MO,2 are equivariantly diffeomorphic to T*(S 2 ), SO(3) x S', and SO(3) x R, respectively. Proof. The space of irreducible connections M0,2 is a smooth 1-manifold with two kinds of ends. First, there is the reducible connection A E A- 1 . Second, there are limits where energy where E is the trivial connection slides off the end of N 2 . The latter take the form F#6, and F is one of finitely many connections F 1 , .. . , F,, on L 2 x R. Exactly one component of MO,2 joins A E A- 1 to one of the Fi#O. The other components are either compact (circles) or they join two of the Fi#E). To show that the component of the framed moduli space lying over [0, oo) is diffeomorphic 1 to T*(S 2 ), it suffices to show that the normal bundle to the orbit of A e A has degree ±2. But this is clear, because the link of the orbit is SO(3) = L 2 . We now prove the simple relation promised above. In the case N = 2 this result is due to Ruberman [15]. Proposition 68. For any c E H 2 (Y) and any z E A(Y) we have Dx,c(p2 (a)2Z) = ENDx,c,+(2z), where EN is a universal sign given by f+1 N = 2 - N odd EN 1 mod 4 Proof. First we describe how to compute the left hand side of the equation. From Proposi2 2 tions 61 and 56, we see that the framed moduli space MO,2 ,. has dimension 4r . Since A 2 (U-) has degree 4, the only moduli spaces we encounter as we stretch the neck are Mo,o and M 0 ,2 . Since M 0 ,0 only contains the trivial connection, it does not intersect any V(pi(o)). Hence 4 all intersections take place on an open subset of M2d+ (X) diffeomorphic to U = MC[r 2] Xr MO, 2 , where IF = S(U(2) x U(N - 2)) is the stabilizer of rqO, 2 We can compute the universal bundle over MO,2 x -, using Proposition 46. Note that the stabilizer of any connection in MO,2 is a subgroup of S(U(1) x U(1) x U(N - 2)). Hence there are line bundles P and Q, and a rank N - 2 vector bundle F over Mo,2 , such that the universal bundle is the projectivization of V = (L ®P) ( (L-1 0 Q) e F. Away from AO, 2 the stabilizers reduce to S(U(1) 2 x U(N)), hence the line bundles P and Q become isomorphic. Writing p = c1 (P) and q = c 1 (Q), we conclude that p - q is supported in a neighborhood of the orbit of AO, 2 . On the orbit of AO, 2 , which is a 2-sphere, P is a degree one line bundle and Q is its inverse. Therefore, ((p - q) 2,7M o, 2 ) = +2 47 with the sign depending on how we orient MO,2 . Now, the Chern character of V is given by Ch(V) = exp(l) exp(p) + exp(-l) exp(q) + Ch(F). From this formula we can compute a 2 (P) and pi2 (0). Slanting both sides by a, we obtain 12(a)=p - q from which it follows that Dx,,(pi2 (a)2 z) = ±2n, where c is a universal sign and n is the signed count of points in M2dc[q 2] n V(z). The left hand side is easier to compute. Indeed, the moduli spaces M2,2r all have positive dimension, except for M 2 ,2 , which has dimension 0 and consists of a single connection A 2 ,2 . Stretching the neck, we conclude that the moduli space Mid(X) n V(z) consists of a single connection for each point in M2dc[772 ] f V(z). Therefore, 2Dc+,(z) = t2n = EDX,c(p2(U)2Z) for some choice of sign e. To compute E, let Y be a 4-manifold with Dyc(z) = 1 for some c and z. Let X be the manifold obtained by blowing up Y twice. Then we have Dx,c+ke1+le2 ( #k for some nonzero integers Dc+kel+ke2 (/L2(el - and 2 (eAk(N-k) #1. The 2 (e)l(N-lz) = k1 result we have proved so far shows that 2 e2 ) 2 pA 2 (el + e 2 ) k(N-k)-2) = 2 = EDc+(k+)e+(k-1)e 2 2EDc+(k+)el+(k-1)e (/.12(el 2 (/p2(el + e 2 )k(N-k)-2) + e 2 )(k+1)(N-k-1)+(k-1)(N-k+1))_ (3.8) Assume that k is strictly between 0 and N, and expand out both sides. For dimension reasons there is only one nonzero term on either side. Examining this term shows that -sign('32) Since #%and = E - sign( 3 k+1k-1) 31 are both positive we conclude that sign(#k) = On the other hand, we also have 3k ( )k(N-k)Z) = Dc+ke(P = Dc-ke( 1 2 (e)k(N-k)Z) = -ENDc+(N-k)e(P2 ek(N-k)Z) = (-1)(k(N-k)+l) 2 48 ENN-k- Combining these two pieces of information we see that (-e)J+[Y&J (_l)(k(N-k)+l)EN- for all k, hence E = 1. If N is congruent to 2 mod If N is odd then the right hand side is +1 4 then setting k = 1 gives e = EN = -1. 3.2.3 = Partial Blowup Functions Using the simple relation of Proposition 68, we can extend Proposition 62 to arbitrary values of d. Proposition 69. Let Y be a 4-manifold with bj > 1 and let X be its blowup. Then for every integer k there exists a formal power series Bk(t) = Ed bk,dL E H*(BPU(N); Q[[til) such that for any c E H2(Y) and any z E A(Y) we have Dx,c+ke(exp(P2(e)t)z) = Dx,c(Bk(t)z) Proof. Let X be the manifold obtained by blowing up Y twice, and let el, e 2 be the exceptional spheres. Then the simple relation tells us Dx,c+kei+ke2 (I2(ei--e 2 ) 2 exp(tP 2 (e 1 )+tA2 (e 2))) = 2 ENDx,c+(k+1)e+(k-1)e 2 (exp(ty 2 (ei)+tp2 (e 2 ))) (3.9) Expanding in powers of t gives us an infinite series of relations between the invariants Dx,c+ke(2(e)d). We want to see that these relations can be solved recursively, by induction on d. To see why a solution exists, it is convenient to think of the relations as a system of differential equations to be satisfied by the functions Bk(t). Solving these differential equations order by order in t, given suitable initial conditions, is equivalent to using (3.9) to inductively find acceptable values for bk,d. Explicitly, the differential equations we must solve read as follows: B'Bk - B B1 = ENBk+1Bkl. When k is a multiple of N we have Bk(O) = +1, so examining the coefficient of td always allows us to solve for bo,d and bN,d in terms of coefficients bk,e with e < d. It therefore remains to solve for the rest of the bk,d in terms of bo,d, bN,d, and lower order terms. Unfortunately, for 0 < k < N the equations are degenerate, because Bk(O) = 0. To remove the degeneracy, we can write Bk(t) bktk(N-k)fk(t) = for some power series fk satisfying fk(0) = 1. By Proposition 63, we can take the coefficients bk to be nonzero integers. Rewriting our differential equations in terms of the fk we see that b2t 2 (fk'fk - fklfkl) = k(N - k)b2 f2 49 - ENbk+lbk-lfk+lfk-l- Setting t = 0 in this equation gives the identity k(N so we can eliminate b2 and EN k)b2 - = ENbk+1bk-1 from the equations, obtaining t2(fl'fk fklfi) - k(N - k)(fk = - fk+lfk-1). This equation is still degenerate, but we can understand the degeneracy in a precise way. Collecting terms of order td, we get a system of equations fkd = k(N - k) 2 - fk+,d - fkd (d -2)! 1k-1,d d + lower order terms which can be rewritten as follows: 2 fk,d - fk+1,d - fk-1,d 2 d(d - 1) 2k(N - k) k'd =k. The left hand side can be viewed as a linear operator L : RN+1 _+ RN-1, and we must show that this operator is surjective for fixed values of fo and fN. To do so it is sufficient to restrict to fo = fN = 0, in which case L becomes a symmetric operator with corresponding quadratic form N-1 QM= N-1 N(fk+ - k=O Q It therefore suffices to show that k=1 is negative definite for sufficiently large d. But n-1 Q(f) - so Q kk fk)2 N-1 dd-1 E 2(f+1 + f ) ( I: k=1 d(d - 1) 2 2k(N - k)J k 4 k(N - k) k will be negative definite provided d(d -1) 2k(N-k) > 4 for all k between 0 and N. This inequality is automatically satisfied if d > N. In the range d < N, Proposition 62 already provides us with values for fk,d = bk,k(N-k)+d- Using these values as initial conditions, we can solve for a blowup function Bk(t) to all orders in t. 0 Definition 70. Any function Bk(t) which correctly computes the invariants Dx,c(p (e)dz) 2 as in Proposition 69 is called a partial blowup function. Note that we make no claims about the uniqueness of the functions Bk(t). However, the difference of two partial blowup functions vanishes inside the Donaldson invariant of any 4manifold, so one could in principle prove uniqueness by finding 4-manifolds that distinguish 50 all classes in H*(BPU(N)), or by viewing the blowup function as taking values in a suitable Floer homology theory. Finally, it is worth remarking on the differential equations satisfied by the partial blowup functions, BI'Bk - BIBL = ENBk+1Bk. If we make the substitution Uk = log( fEN Bk then this system of equations becomes d2 dt 2 - ek1k-ekk which is known in mathematical physics as the Toda lattice. It describes a periodic chain of particles, each of which interacts with its neighbors via an exponential potential function. A relationship between the Toda lattice and the SU(N) blowup function was predicted by Marifio and Moore in [12], so Proposition 69 can be seen as a confirmation of physicists' expectations about the behavior of higher rank invariants. 3.2.4 Full Blowup Functions We call the Bk(t) partial blowup functions because they only allow us to calculate invariants of the form Dx,c(p 2 (e)dz). The full SU(N) blowup function would be a power series in N - 1 variables t 2 ,..., tN such that Dx,c(exp(t2 P 2 (e) + --- + tnin(e)) = Dx,c(B(t 2 , ... , tN)) In this section we will prove that a full blowup function exists for N < 4, and study the full blowup function in detail when N = 3 and k = 0. To extend the recursion of Proposition 68 to arbitrary classes pi(o), we again consider a 4-manifold X containing a sphere o- of self-intersection -2, and we write X as Y UL2 N 2. Proposition 71. Let I = (i 2 , - - -, iN) be a multi-index with dim(I) = 2p < min(16, 4N). Then there exist universal aij E H*(BPU(N); Q) such that for any c z E A(Y) we have Dx,c(p(o)'z) = [ E H 2 (Y, Y) and any Dx,c(ai,jpi(o-)p (o-)z)). i+jip Proof. We proceed as in 68. In the moduli space M 2d+ 2 P(X) all intersections with V(z) take place in iU = M2d+2p(y) [, 2 ] where IF = S(U(2) x U(N - 2)) is the stabilizer of the projectivization of the vector bundle Xr MO, 2 , NO,2. V = LP D L-1 Q D F, 51 As before, the universal bundle is where P and Q are line bundles that are isomorphic away from AO, 2 . The Chern character of V is given by Ch(LP D L~ 1Q E F) = exp(l) exp(p) + exp(-l) exp(q) + Ch(F). From this formula we can extract concrete expressions for ak(P) and pk(u), by writing the classes ak(P) in terms of Ch(V). A nice way to organize the computation is to introduce classes (k - 1)!Ch (V)/-. Vk = p(k-1)!Chk(-) = Because the classes Chk generate HsU(N) we know that each vk is a linear combination of the classes pi(o), with coefficients in HSU(N). Hence we can replace pi(a) by vi in the statement of the theorem. Explicitly, Vk is given by (k - 1)!Chk(V)/- = Pk-1 - qk-1 = (p - q)sk-2, where Sk-2 is the sum of all monomials of degree k - 2. In particular, each product vk v is divisible by (p - q) 2 , hence is a multiple (over Hf) of the equivariant fundamental class of T*(S 2 )_ We must therefore show that the classes sisj form a basis for H* over HsU(N). To prove this, observe that BF fibers over BSU(N), with fiber Gr 2 (CN). It therefore suffices to show that the sisj restrict to a basis for the cohomology of Gr 2 (CN). But it is well known that the Schur polynomials , p -pq form a basis, and these can be expressed in terms of the sisj by the identity sk,1 = skS+1 - Sk+1Sl Because of the restriction on dim(I), Proposition 71 only produces 9 identities, which can be derived from the following relations between the vk: Degree 8 v2 = 4v 2v 4 Degree 10 -v7- = 3v 2v5 - 2v 3 v4 Degree 12 vTv 4 = 22 vl v2v3v4 6v2v6 - 15v 3 v 5 = v7- 2v2v7 = - - 2v4 3v 3 v 6 + v4v5 v 4 v5 -3v2v 7 - 9vv 32v1= v2v3 v42 2v 2 v 6 + v3 v 5 +2z2 = v5 3v3 U2v6- 3v v5 + v2= Degree 14 - 6 + 9v 4 v5 5v2v7-9v3v6+55v4v5 = 52 We can replace each vi above with a combination of pi(o-) using the following table: k (k - 1)!Chk Vk = /L(k-1)!Chk (a) 2 -a -L 3 a3 A3(0r) 4 5 a - a4 -a 2a 3 + a5 a2 P2 (0) - 6 -- !a3 + 1a2 + a 2a 4 - a6 (a4 - a2)[ 2 (0) + a 3P 3 (0-) + a 2 2 2 (0-) 4(-) a 3P 2 (0-) - a 2P3 (0-) + s(0-) 4 (U) - /1 ' In the case N = 3 there only 2 identities, which we write out for convenience. Corollary 72. Let N = 3. Then for all c Dx,c(a 2 (o-)4 z) = Dx,c(P 2 (0) 3 i' 3 ( u-)z) = E H2(Y) and all z E A(Y) we have -4Dx,c(a 2 i 2 (0-) 2z) - 3Dx,c(P 3 (0-)2 z) -3Dx,c(a112 (o) 2z) - Dx,c(a2A2(0-)P3(U-)z) (3.10) (3.11) We can now prove the existence of a full blowup function when N < 4. Proposition 73. Let N be 3 or 4. Then there is a formal power series B = B(t 2 , ... 2 H*(BPU(N);Q[[t 2 , . . . ,tN1]) such that for all c E H (Y) and z G A(Y) we have Dx,c(exp(t 2 [t2 (e) + - -- + tNIpN(e))z) = Dx,c(B(t 2 ,. . . ,tN) E , tN)z) Proof. We proceed as in Proposition 69, by blowing up twice and using the identities produced in Proposition 71. The strategy of the induction is to eliminate all powers of p3(e) and N 4 (e), thereby expressing the full blowup function in terms of the partial blowup functions. For example, suppose N = 3. Then B(0) = 1, and B must satisfy two differential equations: 3(BB 33 - B 3 B 3 ) = -B B2223B - 2B 223 B 2 - 2B 222 22 22 B + 4B 222 B 2 - 3B 22 B 22 - 4a 2 (B 22 B - B 2 B 2 ) B 3 + 3B 2 2 B 2 3 = -3a 3 (B 2 2B - B 2B 2 ) - a 2 (B 23 B - B 2 B 3 ) Expanding these equations to all orders in t, it becomes clear that we can solve for all partial derivatives of B in terms of B 223 ,B 2 3 ,B 3 , and the coefficients of the partial blowup function that are already known. In fact, the vanishing theorem of Proposition 65 shows that B 2 2 3 = B 2 3 = B 3 = 0, so knowledge of the partial blowup function is sufficient. The case N = 4 is similar, but involves using 8 of the 9 equations from Section 3.2.4. E We have not attempted to prove the existence of a full blowup function Bk(t2, ... , tN) here because the vanishing of Bk(0) means the equations are degenerate, and a precise analysis of the degeneracy is quite complicated. 53 3.3 3.3.1 The Case N=3 Theta Functions on a Genus 2 Jacobian Definition 74. Let A c C9 be a full lattice. We say that an entire function 0 : C9 -+ C is quasiperiodic with respect to A if for every A E A there exist constants aA E Hom(C9, C) and bA E C such that O(x + A) = eax+b\O(x) for all x E C9. For example, any Gaussian f(x) = exTAx+bTx+c is periodic. function 6(z) = E e"inTn e27inTz So is the Riemann theta nEZ9 if the lattice takes the form A = Z9 D 7Z9 for Q a symmetric matrix with positive definite imaginary part. If two quasiperiodic functions have the same automorphy factors aA,bA, then any linear combination of them is quasiperiodic, with the same automorphy factors. The product of any two quasiperiodic functions is quasiperiodic, with the product of the two automorphy factors. A linear map followed by a quasiperiodic function is quasiperiodic, with respect to a different lattice. Note that we can regard any quasiperiodic function as a section of a certain line bundle over C/A, whose transition maps can be derived from the automorphy factors. We will use capital letters to denote the line bundle corresponding to a set of automorphy factors, so if 6 is quasiperiodic, we will say that it is a section of the line bundle E. Definition 75. Let 9(x) be an analytic function on C9. We define the Hirota differentials 0[I](x) to be the unique functions such that (x +t)(x -t) t0[I](x) where the sum ranges over all multi-indices I= 0[I](x) = (ii, ... , ig). In other words, 0(x +t)(x -t)t=0 Proposition 76. The Hirota differentials of an arbitrary analytic (or Co) the following properties: function 6 satisfy 1. 0[I] = 0 if I has odd degree. 2. 0 [ij] =2ai log 0 3. 0[ijkl] = 2 aijkI log 0+ 4 (O4j log 0 - Oki logO + 0 Proof. Straightforward computation. 54 log - O10 log 0+ log 0 k log 0) Proposition 77. Let 9 be a quasiperiodicfunction with respect to a full lattice A C C9, so that it defines a section of a line bundle E. Then for any fixed t E C9 the function #t(x)= (x +t)(x -t) is a section of 2E. Proof. By definition, sections of tities E correspond to quasiperiodic functions 0 satisfying iden- 4(x + A) = ea\x+b\b(x) for every A E A. Thus sections of 2E correspond to those satisfying O4x + A) = e2 a,\x 2 b(OW It is then straightforward to check that this identity is satisfied by #t. Corollary 78. If 9 is a quasiperiodic function, then its Hirota differentials 0[I] are all sections of 2E. Proof. Since 9(x + t)9(x - t) is quasiperiodic in x, so are all its derivatives with respect to 0 t. Proposition 79. Let E be a curve of genus 2, and let 9 be the Riemann theta function on its 0 Jacobian JE. Then the Hirota differentials 0[I] with deg I = 0,2 form a basis of H (JE, 2E). Proof. Translating and multiplying by a Gaussian, we can assume 9 is an even function whose Hessian vanishes at the origin. In this case it suffices to prove that the 3 components of the logarithmic Hessian of 9 are linearly independent. If there were a linear relation, then we would have oo9, log 9 = 0 for some vectors v and w. But this implies that an irreducible component of the zero locus of 9 is invariant under a 1-parameter group of translations, U which is absurd since the zero locus is a genus 2 curve. Corollary 80. The Riemann theta function on JE satisfies a system of differential equations of the form: 9[ijkl] = 2Aijkli 2 Ci + [pq] pq or equivalently, Pijk + 2 (PijPki + PikPjil + PiPik) = Aijkl + ij Pq pq where P, = a1 log 9. where # is a Proof. By Proposition 76, we know that the left hand side is a ratio section of 2E. By Proposition 79, # is a linear combination of Hirota difkerentials of order < 2. Dividing by 92 and applying Proposition 76 again, the system of equations follows. U 55 Observe that if 6(x) satisfies a system of the above form, then so does eXTAx+bx+c (Mx + t) for any matrices A, C, covector b and constants c, t. In other words, multiplying by a Gaussian and precomposing with an affine transformation preserves the form of the equations. Ignoring this ambiguity, we can show that the Riemann theta function is characterized by the above system of equations. More precisely: Proposition 81. Suppose that 0 is a function whose logarithmic derivatives satisfy a system of equations of the form: Pill, + 6P 1 + 6P1 1 P 12 + 2P 1 1 P 22 + 4P 2 = A11 2 2 + G 4 P1n - 2G 3 P 12 + G 2P 22 P1222 + 6P 12 P 22 = A 1 22 2 + G5 P1 - 2G 4 P 12 + G3 P 22 P 2222 + 6P22 = A 2 22 2 + G 6 Pnl - 2G 5 P 12 + G 4 P 22 P 11 12 P1 122 = All,, + G2 P - 2G 1 P 12 + GoP 22 = A11 12 + G3 P1 - 2G 2 P 12 + G 1 P 22 that the coefficients AijkI are given by: All,, = 1 (GoG4 - 4G1G + 3G 2 1 (GoG5 - 3G 1 G4 + 2G 2 G3 ) 6 1 1 (GoG 6 - 9G 2 G4 + 8G 2 1 - (G1G6 - 3G 2G5 + 2G 3 G 4 ) A 1112 = - A 11 2 2 = A1 2 2 2 = A2 2 2 2 = 6 12 3 (G2G6- 2GG5+ 3G4) and that 0 is not itself a Gaussian. Suppose, moreover, that the homogeneous polynomial G(x,y)= 2 G ij i+j=6 has exactly 6 nondegenerate zeroes in Pl. Then, up to a multiplying by a Gaussian and precomposing with an affine transformation,6 is the Riemann theta function on the Jacobian of the hyperelliptic curve y2 = g(x) = G(x, 1) Proof. This is proved in Baker [2]. To give some sense of what is involved in the argument, we will explain how to recover the hyperelliptic curve. The idea is as follows. First differentiate each of the 5 equations above with respect to each of the two variables. This yields a set of equations like: P11112 + 12P1 1 P11 2 = G 2Pn2 - 2G 1 P122 + G0 P222 56 If we eliminate all 5th derivatives, we are left with system of 4 equations of the form: MilP111 + Mi2P11 2 + Mi 3P122 + Mi4 P222 = 0 where the coefficients Mij lie in H 0 (JE, 26). Since 0 is not a Gaussian, at least one of the Pik is nonzero. Hence the 4 sections of H 0 (JE, 26) satisfy a nondegenerate degree 4 equation, det M = 0 This is the equation of the Kummer surface in P3 . When we intersect it with the plane at infinity (i.e. the image of the theta divisor) we get a doubled conic. The Kummer surface has six singular points along this conic, which an explicit computation shows are precisely El the roots of G(x, y). We also need to make a remark about initial conditions. Clearly the function P is determined by P1 (0) for Il < 3. But as a consequence of Proposition 81, these initial conditions are subject to the constraint that the second derivatives must lie on the Kummer surface. There is, of course, no constraint on the zeroth or first derivatives, since they can be modified by multiplying by an exponential, which does not change the equations. Finally, it is proved in Baker that the third derivatives can be expressed in terms of the lower derivatives, which gives some actual constraints on the set of valid initial conditions. In the case where the initial conditions are finite and specify a singular point of the Kummer surface, these constraints simply say that the function 9 is (up to third order) an even function times an exponential. 3.3.2 The Blowup Function Theorem 82. The SU(3) blowup function is a quasiperiodicfunction on the Jacobianof the hyperelliptic curve 2 y2 = (X3 + a 2 x + a 3 ) - 4. Proof. By Corollary 72 + 3B22B22 - B2 22B 3 + 3B 22 B 2 3 B2222B - 4B 2 2 2 B 2 B2 223 B - 3B223B2 and setting Q= = = -4a 2 (B 22B - B 2 B 2 ) - 3(B 33 B - B3B3) -3a 3 (B 22 - B 2B 2 ) - a2 (B 23 B - B2B3) log B we get + 6Q2 2 = - 4a 2Q 2 2 + 6Q22Q23 = - 3a 3Q 2 2 Q2222 Q2223 - 3Q33 a2Q23 which look similar to the first 2 of the 5 equations satisfied by the Riemann theta function. In fact, if we suppose that Q satisfies such a system of 5 equations, there is a unique choice of coefficients for the remaining three equations that is consistent with the initial conditions derived in Section 4. In total the five equations read: Q2 + 6Q$2 = - 57 4a 2 Q 2 2 - 3Q33 + 6Q22Q23 = Q2233 + 2Q22Q33 + 4Q23Q23 = Q2333 + 6Q23Q33 = Q2223 Q3333 + 6Q + a Q 23 - 2 a 2a 3Q 22 - = - 2a 3 - a2Q23 3a3Q 23 - 3a3 Q 22 - (12 + 3a)Q 2- + 2a 2a 3Q 23 22 a 2 Q 33 - 3a3 Q 33 + a2Q 33 These equations are not quite in the form required by Proposition 81. However, we can bring them into that form if we multiply B(t 2 , t3 ) by a suitable Gaussian. Specifically, we define O(ti, t 2 ) = exp( 3 2 9 1- t a 2t2 + -a 3t2 t 3 10 20 10 a2t )B(t 2 , t 3 ). Writing P = log 0 and applying we get the system of equations P2222 P 222 3 9 2- + 6P222 = + 6P 22 P 2 3 52 22 25a2 - 27 -a 50 = P 22 33 + 2P 22 P33 + 4P22 3 =2 + -a P= P3333 + 6P33 = 8 a - a 2a3 1 a_( 25 a 2 + 3 33 P2 2 + 4 4a 2 P 23 5 a2 P 22 + 2 3 a3 P 23 - 5 2 a 2 P 33 a2 a 3P22 + 2a2P23 - 0aP33 )P22 + 2a 2 a 3P23 - 5 2P33 - 25 P2333 + 6P 23P33 = 3 10 -a 2 a3 - - -a3 50 3P 33 a225- 21a 3 5 The coefficients Gi now clearly take the form of Theorem 81, and a straightforward but tedious computation shows that the coefficients Aijkl satisfy the necessary conditions as well. It is also straightforward to check that the initial conditions for 9 correspond to a singular point of the Kummer surface, and since the first derivatives vanish the integrability constraints simply say that the third derivatives vanish as well (which they do). Thus the SU(3) blowup function can be equivalently defined as the unique solution of the complete set of 5 equations above, with the initial conditions derived in Section 4. From Proposition 81 we now conclude that the SU(3) blowup function is (the Taylor expansion of) a quasiperiodic function on the Jacobian of a certain hyperelliptic curve E. We can compute E explicitly using Theorem 81. It is given in hyperelliptic form by the equation: y 2 = g(x) = - 6 - 6 4 X4 a 2 4 !2 ! x3 3 10O 3 3 !3 ! 2 X2 10 a2 2 !4 ! - 2 x a31!5! -16 2 + 2a a X = (x6+ 2a 2x 4 + 2a3 X3 + a2X 2 3 + a2+ 4) = 240sult p to , which is the desired result up to isomorphism. 58 3a2+12 6! Chapter 4 The Formal Picture 4.1 Axioms A formal Floer theory HF over the complex numbers consists of the following data: D1 A graded-commutative, finitely generated, regular C-algebra A, supported in even degrees. D2 For each connected, oriented 3-manifold Y, a relatively Z-graded, absolutely Z/2Zgraded A-module HF(Y), on which A acts by even endomorphisms. D3 For each connected, oriented, homology oriented 4-manifold W with oriented boundary OW = Y - Y- - Y, and a graded, A-multilinear map HFw : 0HF(Y ) 9 A(W; A) HF(Y). - j=1 If n = 0 we interprete the empty tensor product as the 1-dimensional vector space k. D4 For each connected, oriented, homology oriented 4-manifold X with oriented boundary - Y, satisfying b'(X) ;> 2, a graded k-multilinear map aX = -Y - Y2n Dx: 0HF(Y) 9 A(X; A) - k j=1 These data should satisfy the following axioms: Al If # : HF(Y) -+ HF(Y2) is a diffeomorphism, then the trivial cobordism from Y to Y 2 induces an isomorphism HF4 : HF(Y) -+ HF(Y2 ). If # : W1 -+ W 2 is a diffeomorphism of cobordisms, then HFw, and HFw 2 are intertwined by the action of # on HF(Wi) and A(Wi, A). A2 Reversing the homology orientation on W multiplies HFw by a factor of (-1)', where E is the Z/2Z grading on Hom(O"_HF(Y), HF(Y)). 59 A3 Let OX = -Y-Y1-----Yn, OW =Y-Yni-- Ym, let[p E A(X;A), and v E A(W; A). Let X be the 4-manifold obtained by gluing X and W along Y. Then we have HFy(pv) = HFx(p) o HFw(v) and likewise Dy(pv) = Dx(p) o HFw(v) provided that X and W satisfy the conditions necessary to define both sides of these equations. A4 For every Y, HF(Y) is a finitely generated A-module. A5 The map HF4 : A -+ HF(S3 ) is an isomorphism of Z/2Z-graded A-modules. It is worth clarifying some consequences of A5. There is an evident cobordism Z 3 _ S3 given by removing two 4-balls from B 4 . This cobordism induces an associative multiplication HF(S3 ) 0 HF(S3) - HF(S3 ), giving HF(S3 ) the structure of an algebra over the ring A. From A3 we conclude that the map HF4 is not just an isomorphism of A-modules, it is also an algebra isomorphism. The fact that HFB4 respects the Z/2Z grading shows that HF(S3 ) is supported in even degrees. S3+S 4.2 The Formal Blowup Formula The axioms of a formal Floer theory imply the existence of a blow-up formula for the relative invariants Dx. To see how this comes about, we need to recall some general facts from linear algebra. Definition 83. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field k. We define the ring of regular functions on V to be the k-algebra 00 k[V] = Sym*(V*) Sym"(V*) = n=O and we define the ring of formal power series on V to be 00 k[[V]] = Symn(V*). n=O Equivalently, we could define k[[V]] to be the completion of k[V] at the ideal J generated by V* = Syml(V*). Note that if t 1 , ... , t9 are a basis for V* then the evident map k[t 1 ,... ,t] -+ k[V] is an isomorphism of k-algebras, and likewise for k[[t 1,..., tg]]. This justifies viewing k[V] as a ring of functions on V. 60 Proposition 84. If k has characteristic0, then the formal power series ring k[[V]] is naturally isomorphic to the dual of the vector space Sym*(V). Proof. It suffices to give a duality between Symn(V*) and Symn(V)*. Define e : Symn(V*) - Symn(V)* by (e(fi ... fn), v 1 - V2 -V) fi(vo(i)) ... fn(Va(n)) To show that e is bijective, let vi,..., v be a basis for V and let v*, ... , v* be the dual basis. Then for any pair of multi-indices I = (ii,..., in) and J= (ji, ... ,jn) we have FI J (6 (VAv*) = |I1 where IF, C S, is the stabilizer of I. Since E can be represented by a diagonal matrix with 0 nonzero entries, hence is invertible. To understand the meaning of the map e, observe that (f), v& f(v) = n! 0V for any f E Sym"(V*) and any v E V, where the left hand side is defined by viewing homogeneous polynomial on V. More generally, for f E k[[V]] we have f(v) = (e(f), exp(v)) , f as a (4.1) provided we interpret both sides as formally converging infinite sums. We now generalize the above discussion slightly. Let A be a commutative Noetherian k-algebra, and write B for the corresponding scheme Spec A. Let V be a finitely generated projective module over A. Viewed as a sheaf of modules over B = Spec A, V is locally free, hence elements of V can be viewed as global sections of a vector bundle V over B. Explicitly, this vector bundle can be described as the spectrum of the k-algebra A[VI Sym'(HomA(V, A)), = n=o and the ideal J generated by terms of positive degree cuts out the zero section B Completing at J yields the formal power series ring - V. 00 A[[V]] = Symn (HomA(V, A)), n=O which we can view as the ring of functions defined on a formal neighborhood of the zero section. Proposition 85. If k has characteristiczero, then the map c : A[[V]] -+ HomA(Sym*(V), A) is an isomorphism. 61 Proof. Locally on Spec A, V is free and the map e is an isomorphism by the proof given above. Since e is a local isomorphism, it is an isomorphism of sheaves, so it induces an isomorphism on global sections as well. For example, let Qi(A) denote the module of differentials over A. By definition, QG(A) is the target of a universal derivation d: A -+Q(A). If A is regular then Q (A) is a finitely generated projective module, and the spectrum of the ring A[QV(A)] is the cotangent bundle T*B. The spectrum of the formal power series ringA[[Q1 (A)]] is a formal neighborhood of the zero section in T*B, which we will denote by T*B. We will now show that any formal Floer theory admits a blowup function, which can be naturally viewed as a function on T*B. Consider the 4-manifold B 4 obtained by blowing up the origin, and let e denote a generator for H 2 (B 4 ). Because H 1 (B 4 ) = 0, we have a Liebniz identity in A(B 4 ; A): Pab(e) = which induces a map Q1 (A) -+ ia(e)b + apb(e), A(B4; A). We can therefore interpret HFg as a map HFg : Sym* ( 1 (A)) -+ HF(S3 ). By assumption D1, A is regular, hence Q1 (A) is a locally free A-module. By A5 the natural map A -4 HF(S3 ) is an isomorphism, so we can view HFj as an element of HomA(Sym* (Q1 (A), A). We can then use Proposition 85 to identify it with a formal power series # E A[[Q'(A)]]. Definition 86. The blowup function of a formal floer theory HF is the formal power series # obtained from HFi by the above identifications. Proposition 87. Let X = X#p 2 be the 4-manifold obtained by blowing up a 4-manifold X, let w E '7I(A), and let z E A(X; A). Then we have a formal blowup formula: D2 (exp(we)z) = Dx(#(w)z) Proof. View w as a section of the cotangent bundle T*B, where B = Spec A. Evaluating # on w yields an element of A, or more precisely a formal sum with coefficients in A. Using (4.1), we can characterize this formal sum by the property: HFB4(83(w)) = HFi (exp(w)). Now write X = Xo o B 4 , where Xo is obtained by removing a 4-ball from X. Thus Dg (exp(we)z) = Dx0 (z) o HFij(exp(we))) = Dx0 (z) o HFB4( (w)) = Dx(0#(w)z) 62 4.3 The Blowup Algebra Let Np be the disk bundle associated to a complex line bundle of degree -p over the 2-sphere S 2 . There is a unique orientation on Np that is compatible with the outward orientation of S2 c R 3 and the orientation of the fibers induced by their complex structures. Let Lp denote the inwardly oriented boundary of Np, so that Lp is diffeomorphic to the lens space L(p, 1). We can construct a cobordism Wp,q : Lp + Lq -+ Lp+q as follows. Let V denote the 3 3-manifold obtained by removing two small 3-balls from the unit 3-ball B . Orient the boundary of V so as to make it a cobordism from S2 + S2 to S2. Then there is a unique disk bundle Np,q over V that restricts to Np and Nq on the two incoming spheres. Note that Np,q necessarily restricts to the disk bundle Np+q on the outgoing sphere. Let Wp,q denote the inwardly oriented boundary of Np,q. To be more precise in identifying Wp,q as a cobordism between Lp, Lq, and L,+q we actually need to specify a diffeomorphism from each boundary component of Wp,q to the corresponding lens space. However, the space of line bundle isomorphisms from Lk to itself is just Maps(S 2 , Si), which is connected, so there is no ambiguity as long as we choose diffeomorphisms which cover the identity map on S2 and act complex linearly on the fibers. We also need a homology orientation on Wp,q. This is equivalent to picking an ordering of the incoming 2-spheres in M, which we can do arbitrarily. Proposition 88. The maps HFwpq : H F(Lp) 0 HF(Lq) -4 HF(L+q) induce the structure of a nonunital graded-commutative A-algebra on cc HF(Lp). A+ = ( p=i Proof. By D3, HFwpq is A-multilinear, so we only need to check associativity and commutativity of multiplication. To verify associativity, observe that we can construct a cobordism by W,q,r : Lp + Lq + L, -+ Lp+q+r in perfect analogy with Wp,q. Associativity then follows applying Al to the evident diffeomorphisms Wp+q,r 0 Wp,q > Wp,q,r Wpq+r Wq,r. To verify commutativity, observe that there is a diffeomorphism from V to itself which swaps the two incoming spheres and restricts to an orientation preserving isometry on either one. This diffeomorphism lifts to a diffeomorphism > Wq,p. Wp,q Because it swaps the role of the incoming spheres, this diffeomorphism reverses the homology orientation on Wp,q. By A2 this implies that the multiplication is graded commutative. LI 63 Note that we can turn the nonunital algebra A+ into an algebra by formally adjoining a unit in degree 0. Let A denote the graded-commutative A-algebra obtained in this way. Now let N* : Lp -+ S 3 be the cobordism obtained by removing a 4-ball from Np. The direct sum of the maps HFN; induces a A-linear map i* : A+ -+ A. Proposition 89. The map i* is an algebra homomorphism. Proof. Consider the composition N*+q o Wp,q, which corresponds to first multiplying two elements of A and then applying the map 0. We must show that this is diffeomorphic to Z o (N* Li N*), where as above Z : S3 + S 3 -+ S3 is the cobordism obtained by removing two 3-balls from B 4 . Equivalently, we must show that N+q 0 Wp,q is diffeomorphic to the connect sum of Np and N. To construct the diffeomorphism, let D 2 C V be a disk whose boundary is an equator of the outgoing sphere, and which separates the two incoming spheres from each other. The preimage of D 2 in the circle bundle W,q -+ V is the handlebody D 2 x S1. On the other hand, the preimage of &D2 = S' in the disk bundle Np+q M S2 is the complementary handlebody S' x D 2 . These two handlebodies glue together to form a 3-sphere, which separates NpqoWp,q into two disjoint components. It is clear upon a bit of reflection that these components are diffeomorphic to N* and N*. We conclude that Np+q 0 Wp,q is diffeomorphic to N#N, as desired. Next we will explain a fundamental relationship between the algebra A and the formal blowup formula. Before doing this, we need to make some remarks on the topology of the cobordisms we have been using. Let o-, E H 2 (Np) be the homology class represented by the zero section of the disk bundle Np -+ S 2 , and let 5, E H 2 (N, Np) be the relative homology class represented by one of its fibers. By virtue of the decomposition Np#N = Np+q O Wp,q, we can view Up+q as a homology class in H 2 (Np#N) = H 2 (Np) D H 2 (Nq). It is geometrically evident that 3, - Op+q = q - U-, = 1, from which we conclude that U-+q = Up + Uq. Imitating the construction of the blowup function, we can use op to map Q'(A) to A(Np; A). Hence we can interpret HFN, as a map HFN, : HF(Lp) Let exp* : A+ -+ > Hom(Sym*(Ql(A)), A)= A[['(A)]] A[[Q'(A)]] be the direct sum of these maps. Proposition 90. exp* is an algebra homomorphism. Proof. Let f, = exp*(ap) and fq = exp*(aq) where ap E HF(Lp) and aq E HF(Lq). Then for any w E Q1(A) we have fp(w) = HFN (exp(wo-p) 0 a,) By virtue of the identities N,q 0 Wp,q = Z o (N* u N*) and Jp+q = Up + Uq we have: exp*(ap)exp*(aq) = fp(w)fq(W) = HFz(fp(w) 0 fq(w)) = HFz (HFN; (exp(wop) 0 a,) 0 HFN; (exp(wrq) 0 aq)) 64 = HFzo(N;UN*)(exp(wop) exp(wOuq)) 0 ap 0 aq = HFN*q oWP,q(exp(wOap + = HFN-q (exp(wap+q) 0 apaq) = exp* (apaq) Wcrq) 0 ap 0 aq) We can now explain the connection to the blowup formula. Note that N 1 is diffeomorphic 3 to the blowup B 4 , and N* is a twice punctured CP 2 . Let E = HFB4(1) generate HF(S ) HF(L1 ). Then we have exp* E(w) = HFNi*(exp(wal) 0 HFB4(1)) so the blowup function is the image of 4.4 E = HFN 1 (exp(wu1)) = /(w), under exp*. Geometry of the Blowup Algebra In order to proceed any further we will need to make some sort of assumption about the ring A. Assumption 1. The map exp* : A -+ A[[Q1(A)]] is injective and has dense image. Assumption 2. The ring A is finitely generated. One consequence of the first assumption is that each HF(Lp) is supported in a single mod 2 grading. Thus A is a commutative algebra (rather than just graded-commutative). We can therefore give it a geometric interpretation, by viewing Ap = HF(Lp) as the space of global sections of a line bundle LOP on a variety S. More precisely, Definition 91. We define S = ProjA(A) to be the scheme obtained by applying the relative Proj construction to the graded A-algebra A. Note that injectivity of exp* implies that A is an integral domain, hence S is irreducible. By definition F comes with a map 7r : E -+ B = Spec A. The assumption that A is finitely generated tells us that each fiber Eb = 7r-'(B) is actually a projective variety. In fact a basis of HF(Lp) defines a projective embedding, for sufficiently large p. Proposition 92. The homomorphism exp* induces a map exp : T*B -+ 9 of schemes over B, and the map i* induces a section i: B -+ S Proof. Since exp* has dense image there is an element f E A+ such that exp* f is a unit. Let Af be the localization of A at any such f. Then S has a distinguished open subset Uf isomorphic to Spec A 1 . The fact that i*f is a unit implies that exp* f is a unit, hence we obtain a map exp* : Af -+ A[[Q 1 A]]. This induces a map of schemes expf : T*B -+ Uf. If i*g is also a unit, then expf and expg both factor through expfg, hence we get a well-defined map exp : T*B -+ C, independent of the choice of f. Because i* is just exp* followed by evaluation on the zero section, we see that it similarly E induces a map B -+ S, which is a section because i* is a map of A-algebras. 65 Proposition 93. E is regular on a Zariski open set containingi(B). Proof. Let P denote the kernel of i*, let Ap be the localization at P, and let Ap be its completion with respect to P. Because exp* has a dense image, it induces an isomorphism Ap -+ A[[Q 1 A]]. In particular, Ap is regular, hence E is regular in a Zariski neighborhood of V(P) = i(B) as desired. 0 We will now justify our notation by showing that exp is obtained by formally integrating certain commuting vector fields on S. Proposition 94. Let FC : Ap 0 Ap -+ A 2p be a family of A-multilinear maps satisfying (1) (Antisymmetry) F , 4) = -FC(4', #) (2) (Liebniz) FC(# 1q 2 , 0 1 0 2 ) = FC(0 1,7 1 )0 2 0 2 + 0 10 1F&(4 2 , 02) Then there is a unique vertical vector field , defined on the smooth locus of S, such that 0( = 0- 2 Fe(#,9) Proof. The fact that is a derivation follows from the Liebniz property of FC. However, we must show that is well-defined, or equivalently that ((g) = (() for any homogeneous s E A. But this follows from the identity FC(sO, so) = Fe(, 4)s2 + #OFC(s, s) = Fg(#,4')s 2 . Proposition 95. Let a E A and let Va be the vertical vector field on T*B whose value at (b, w) is da(b). Then there is a globally defined vertical vector field a on C such that exp*(V) = G . Proof. To construct a we only need to produce F 0 : Ap0 Ap -+ A 2 p satisfying the conditions of Proposition 94. We define it by the formula: F&a(0, 4) = H Fwp,p(A a(Op - Tr)q00) where o-, and T, are a basis for the homology of N 2 p o W,, = Np#NP, so that , - r, is an integral generator of H 2 (W,,,). Antisymmetry is clear from the definition, so we only need to prove the Liebniz property. The proof is cumbersome to write down, but only involves applying the identity of cobordisms Wp+q,p+q o (Wp,q U Wpq) = Wp,q,q = W2p,2q 0 (Wp, and the identity of homology classes Pa(cTp+q) = Pa(cTp) + Pa(Orq). 66 U W,q) f Lastly, we check that = exp* #. Then 'Za To begin, let 0 E HF(Lp) and let is compatibile with Va. Va(f)(W) t=o f(w + tda) d HFN (exp((w + tda)up) dt Writing f = HFN; (da ueXp(wa,)b) = H FN- (P a(up) ex p(wao) = exp* q and g = exp* 4, and applying the identity of cobordisms N2p 0 WA, = Z o (N* L N*) we therefore have exp* F .(0, 0) = Va(f)g - from which we conclude that exp,(Va) f Va(g) = FVa(f, 9) = 'a. Proposition 96. The vector fields 'a are mutually commuting. Proof. Let a, b E A. In terms of F a and Fb we must show that F a(Fib(0, 4'), 4'2) = F6 (F&a(0, 4'), 42) But the left hand side of this equation is equal to HFw,,, (Aa (( - U2) )Pb(( 1 )- (4) )OOV)'4 which is evidently symmetric in a and b. 4.5 Analytic Continuation In this section we study the convergence properties of formal power series in the image of exp*. More precisely, for a fixed point b E B and any f E HF(Lp) we consider the function F = exp* f as formal power series on T*B, and show that it has an infinite radius of convergence. Since we will be working locally on B, we choose a set of functions a,, ... a,, E A such that dai(b), ... , da,(b) form a basis for T*(B). We can then view each F as a formal power series in n formal variables, tI +- -+ F(t da 1 where for each multi-index I = (ii,, tdan)= ik) we 67 F1(O), have written the I-th partial derivative of F as Ok F &il ... tik Note that not all partial derivatives F, lie in the image of exp*, because on E. However, f is not a function Proposition 97. Let f E HF(Lp) such that F = exp* f is a unit. Then for any i and j, the power series G = FjF - FF is equal to exp*g for some g - HF(L2p). Proof. Simply take 2g = HFw,,,(1it(op - Tp)pj(op - Tp). Then exp*(2g) HFN 2, o HFw,,,(pi(up - Tp)Ij(0p - Tp) exp(- 2pw)) = 2HFN, (pi(up) j (o) exp (up))HFN, (exp(wTp)) = -2HFN,(pi(up) exp(wo-p))HFN(tj (p) exp (wTp)) = 2FF- 2FFj = 2G as desired. Proposition 98. Let f E HF(Lp) and let F = exp* f. Then F has a positive radius of convergence. Proof. For fixed b E B the formal map exp has a positive radius of convergence, because it is given by integrating some holomorphic vector fields. In particular, if g, h E Lq and exp* h is a unit then the G/H = exp*(g/h) has a positive radius of convergence. Assume F is a unit. In this case, for any i and j we have j~j log(F) = F-13F - 2 FFF G 2 = exp*(g/f 2 ), for some g E HF(L2p). Therefore log(F) has a positive radius of convergence, hence so does F. Now drop the assumption that F is a unit. We know that for some n > 0 there is an h E Lnp such that H = exp*(h) is a unit. But then F" - H = exp*(fn - h) has a positive radius of convergence, and H has a positive radius of convergence, hence so does F", hence so does F. 0 To show that each F has an infinite radius of convergence, we use a doubling formula, which takes a form familiar from the theory of theta functions. Proposition 99. Let fl, f2 E HF(Lp) and let F = exp* f2 . Let G 1 ,... , Gn be a basis for the image of HF(L2p) in C[[T*(B)]]. Then there are constants ci3 such that for all t, s E T*B we have F1 (t + s)F 2 (t - s) = EcGi(t)Gj(s), 68 Proof. First let 91,... , gm be a generating set for HF(L2p) as a A-module. We can assume without loss of generality that exp* gi = Gi for i < n, and exp* gi = 0 for i > n. Then F(t + s)F(t - s) = HFN,#N,(exp(t(op+ irp)) exp(s(op - rp))fif 2 ) = HFN 2) 2,(exp(t(op + Tp)))HFwP,,(exp(s(-p - -r))fif = Hi(s)Gi(t), where the formal power series H(s) are defined by the identity HFw,,(exp(s op - Tr)fif 2 ) = H3 (s)gj. ( Switching the role of s and t, we also see that F 1 (t+ s)F 2 (t - s) = Gi(s)Ki(t) for some formal power series K(t). Now, because the functions Gi are linearly independent, we can find multi-indices Ij such that the matrix 0 = ~i is invertible. Therefore, the identity 0I'I F(t + s)F(t - s)= H (s)Mij Gi(s) atj7 = Ki shows that each Hi(s) is a linear combination of the power series Gi(s). Therefore, F(t + s)F(t - s) = Gi(t)Hi(s) = 3 ciGit)Gj(s) ij i as claimed. Proposition 100. For any f E HF(Lp), and any b E B, the power series F = exp*(f) has an infinite radius of convergence. Proof. Let h, ... , hn be a generating set for the algebra A, and suppose that not all of the power series H 1 , ... , Hn E C[[Tb*(B)]] have an infinite radius of convergence. Let r be the minimal radius of convergence over all the Hi. Then every function in the image of exp* has radius of convergence at least r. But for any F in the image of exp*, the doubling formula shows cGi (t)Gj (0), F(2t)F(0) = iji from which we conclude that F has radius of convergence at least 2r, provided F(0) 5 0. Using the trick from Proposition 98, we conclude that the same is true even if F(0) = 0. In 69 particular, each of the generators Hi has radius of convergence at least 2r. This contradicts the definition of r, and shows that in fact each Hi has an infinite radius of convergence. El Proposition 101. exp* induces an entire analytic map exp: TbB -+ Sb Proof. The fact that every function F = exp* f is entire shows that we have an entire analytic map from TbB to the affine cone Spec A. The only issue is that there might be a point to E TbB where all the functions F E A+ vanish simultaneously. But then the doubling formula tells us F(to + s)F(to - s) = 0 for all s, so one of F(to ± s) vanishes identically on T*B, so F vanishes identically on TbB. But this contradicts the fact that some F is a unit in A[[Q 1 (A)]]. 4.6 Periods and Theta Functions We would like to say that every function in the image of exp* is a theta function. However, this will not generally be the case because some fibers of 7r : S - B might be toric varieties, or even compactifications of an affine space. However, when exp : T*B -+ S does have some nontrivial periods, we can determine the automorphy factors of the functions exp* f with respect to the periods. Definition 102. For any b E B, we define Ab to be the set of all A E Tb*B such that exp(A) = exp(0). Proposition 103. Ab is a discrete subgroup of T*B. Moreover, the fiber exp- 1 (x) over any x E Eb is a coset of Ab. Proof. Suppose that exp(A) = exp(p) for some A, p E T*B. Then for all sufficiently large p there is a nonzero constant mp such that G(A) = mpG(p) for any G = exp* g, g E HF(L2 p). By the doubling formula we have c 3G Gi(t )Gj (A) = mpF 1 (t + p)F 2 (t - F1 (t + A)F 2 (t - A) = i~j for any fl, f2 E HF(Lp). Therefore, F1 (t + A) F1 (t + y) _ F2 (t - p) F2(t - A) where up(t) is a meromorphic function that is independent of F. For any to there is some choice of F such that F (to) 4 0, so u(t) is actually holomorphic, and there is also a choice of F such that F(to + A) # 0, so up(t) is nonvanishing. We can therefore write up(t) = exp(hp(t)) for some entire function hp(t). Now drop the assumption that p is large. Then for any f E HF(Lp) we can still find an integer N and an entire function h such that F(t + A)N = exp(Nhp(t))F(t + p)N 70 and taking N-th roots of both sides we get F(t + A) = exp(hp(t))F(t + p) It is easy to see that the function hp(t) depends only on p and not on F, and that hp(t) = ph(t) for some h(t). To show that Ab is a subgroup, suppose that exp(A) = exp(pt) = exp(O). Then there is a nonzero constants mA,p and m,,, such that for F = exp*(f), f E HF(Lp), we have F(p + A) = mA,pF(p) = MApMppF(0), hence exp(A + M) = exp(O). To show that any fiber of exp is a coset, observe that F(- p + A) = exp(hp(- p))F(0) for any F, so A - p E AbThe fact that Ab is discrete is just a consequence of the fact that some F(t) is nonconstant. In the course of proving the previous proposition we have also shown that for any A E Ab there is an entire function hA (t) such that F(t + A) = exp(hA(t))F(t) for all F E exp(HF(Lp)). Proposition 104. For every A E Ab the function hA(t) is linear. Proof. For any F,G E exp(HF(Lp)), the ratio F(t)/G(t) is periodic, because the numerator and denominator transform in the same way when we translate by a period A. In particular the second logarithmic derivative of any F(t) is periodic. Now, taking second logarithmic derivatives of both sides of the equation F(t + A) = exp(phA(t))F(t) we see that F3 F - FF F a2h 2 &j + FjF - FF +ti F2 Because the second logarithmic derivative of F is periodic, we see that the Hessian of hA(t) 0 vanishes identically. We conclude that hA(t) is linear, as claimed. Corollary 105. If Ab is a lattice of full rank, then the blowup function is a theta function on the complex torus T*B/Ab. Proof. By definition, a theta function is a quasiperiodic function whose automorphy factors are exponentials of linear functions. Since the blowup function is in the image of exp*, its L automorphy factors are of the form exp(hA(t)) for some linear functions hA(t). 71 72 Bibliography [1] M.F. Atiyah, V.K. Patodi, and I.M. Singer. 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