Associated Content, CO 11-08-07 Iowa State Senator Quirmbach Endorses Senator Joe Biden

Associated Content, CO
Iowa State Senator Quirmbach Endorses Senator Joe Biden
Can Local Legislator's Endorsement Rally Joe Biden in Iowa?
By Mike Spain
It's no secret Senator Joe Biden's campaign can use all the help it can get. The
latest poll projecting the Iowa Caucus, the Zogby Poll of 11/06, shows Senator
Joe Biden trailing front runners Hillary Clinton (28%), Barack Obama (25%), and
John Edwards (21%). He also trails fellow long shot Bill Richardson (9%) to Joe
Biden's 3%. The previous polls have all found Biden at or close to the bottom.
However, on Monday night (11/05/07), some help for Joe Biden arrived. "Joe
Biden received the endorsement of Iowa State Senator Herman C. Quirmbach.
Senator Quirmbach becomes the twelfth Iowa State Legislator to endorse
Senator Biden."
The State Senator believes "we need to get out of Iraq, but after all the damage
that Bush has done to that country; we owe it to them to leave them with some
reasonable hope of stability." Quirmbach continued speaking of Joe Biden that
"he's our best hope to restore America's credibility in the world, credibility we're
going to need if we're going to lead on nuclear proliferation, terrorism, global
warming, energy, and a host of other issues."
State Senator Herman C. Quirmbach "chairs the Local Government Committee,
and serves on the Education, Human Resources, Judiciary and Ways & Means
committees" in the Iowa Senate. Prior to being in the State Senate Quirmbach
served in the Ames City Council for eight years. He also is an Associate
Professor of Economics at Iowa State University. The State Senator is
popular "currently serving his second term in the Iowa Senate. His district
includes Ames, Gilbert, Luther, Madrid, Napier, and part of Sheldahl."
The other Iowa State Legislators who have endorsed Senator Joe Biden are:
"State Sen. Joe Seng (Davenport), House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy
(Des Moines), Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Polly Butka (Clinton County), Rep.
John Whitaker (Hillsboro), Rep. Doris Kelley (Waterloo), Rep. Lisa Heddens
(Ames), Rep. Jim Lykam (Davenport), Rep. Mike Reasoner (Creston), Rep. Dick
Taylor (Cedar Rapids), Rep. Roger Thomas (Clayton County), and Rep.
McKinley Bailey (Hamilton County)." If the support of the local Legislator's in
Iowa can result in Iowa Caucus votes for Joe Biden in January, the tide could be
turning in Senator Joe Biden's campaign to become the Democratic Party's
Presidential Candidate. If he can rally with the support of the Iowa Legislator's to
get in the mix his campaign could gain some serious momentum.