UI The Daily Iowan, IA 10-30-07 Caucuses draw fire


UI The Daily Iowan, IA


Caucuses draw fire

Ashton Shurson - The Daily Iowan

Despite the tradition of the Iowa caucuses and the large amount of conversation that surrounds the voting system, some people disagree with its methods and have a solution in mind - eliminate it and replace it with a primary.

The Century Foundation, a nonprofit public-policy research institution, released a report last week criticizing the Iowa caucuses for the early start, charging that the state is not representative of the country.

The report also targeted the low turnout numbers, the extra effort it takes to participate, and the lack of fair access to the ballot.

Arthur Miller, a UI political-science professor, said he thinks there are pros and cons to the Iowa caucuses.

"Iowa citizens are responsible in that they go out, and do interact, and listen to the candidates," he said. "But a better system would be a rotating start point. It would represent different aspects of the United States."

He also agreed that some might dislike the Iowa caucuses because the state is becoming less and less representative of the rest of the country with its lack of urban settings and a large proportion of older residents.

But caucus supporters believe this isn't a problem.

"No individual state is truly representative of the country," said Bill Keettel, the chairman of the Johnson County Republicans. "The representation comes from the combination of all the states."

One major issue the report noted was the caucuses' low turnout numbers. During the 2004 Democratic event, Iowa's turnout rate was 5.7 percent; the New

Hampshire primary's that same year was 29.9 percent.

"It's partly because people are not so well-informed about various candidates,"

Miller said, adding that by caucus time, some people are tired of the campaigns or don't have the means to get to the event. "Caucuses require an investment of time."

Miller also noted that some disagree with the system because participants are the required to stay from beginning to end - which can be more than an hour.

Also, poor weather conditions can make it difficult to participate, while the format also poses a challenge to some disabled people, the Foundation reported.

The report also noted that between the UI and Iowa State University , 20,000 voters will be unable to participate because of winter break this school year. At present, the caucuses are scheduled for Jan. 3.

The Century Foundation suggested getting rid of the caucuses and replacing them with a primary, but noted that the move would be difficult.

Legislators might not want to start paying for primaries - currently, the individual parties pay for the caucuses. Iowans also have strong attachments to the present process.

"It gives Iowans an opportunity to have a place in the sun every four years,"

Keettel said.

Miller echoed Iowa's sentiment toward the caucuses.

"It's partly tradition," he said. "People in Iowa take these things seriously."

E-mail DI reporter Ashton Shurson at: ashton-shurson@uiowa.edu
