KTIV, IA 09-22-07 Ribbon Cutting Held For Sioux City Design College

Ribbon Cutting Held For Sioux City Design College
College students from all over Iowa will soon come to downtown Sioux City to
take their classes.
A ribbon cutting for Iowa State University's Design College took place on
The studio, located in an old boiler building, will house I.S.U.'s design students.
Located in an alley behind Buffalo Alice's on Historic Fourth Street, the building
was completely renovated, which created 7,000 square feet of studio and
classroom space.
It's here where about 40 students will learn and create several forms of art.
Mark Engelbrecht, the Dean of the College of Design, says "From architecture
to landscape, architecture planning, interior design, graphic design and we also
have studio arts."
The Design School is one of the attractions that earned Sioux City as one of
Iowa's Great Places.
And, therefore, the project received a $530,000 grant from the state.