Des Moines Register 08-08-07 Eat better at the State Fair by watching portions, oils The Iowa State Fair seems like the worst place to eat healthfully, but with a little planning, you can eat wisely and still enjoy your favorite fair foods. By KATIE BOGUE SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER Many of us wait all year to enjoy fair fare, but few want to gain weight, and the calories in fair foods quickly add up. The biggest challenge is portion size. One strategy is to share foods with a friend or your family and order the smallest portion size available. Often all you need is a few bites of a favorite fair food to satisfy a craving. If you are going to enjoy something fried, limit it to one food and share. You can also request healthier options of your favorite fair foods, like a sliced apple with caramel drizzled over it instead of a regular caramel apple. Q: How many calories are in some favorite fair foods? A: Iowa State University Cooperative Extension has estimated the calories of fair favorites. Most people need about 2,000 calories each day. - Cotton candy: 100 calories. - Caramel apple: 200 calories. - Chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick: 300 calories. - Plain hamburger: 450 calories. - Fried candy bar on a stick: 550 calories. - 64-ounce soda: 800 calories. - Fried turkey leg: 1,100 calories. Q: Are there healthy foods available at the fair? A: The Iowa State Fair does offer healthy options. If you are spending multiple days at the fair or staying on the fairgrounds, you will need to make healthy choices to prevent weight gain. Look for foods that are described as grilled, baked or broiled, and limit foods described as fried, crispy or flaky. You can also sample healthy recipes in the Agriculture Building where local dietitians will be conducting food demonstrations. You can find a searchable list of fair foods and where to buy them at Below is a list of healthier food options provided by the Iowa State Fair. - Baked potato - Corn on the cob - Salads - Sandwich wraps - Fruit (like mixed fruit cups or melon cups) - Shish kebabs - Veggie corn dog - Turkey tenderloins - Pork chop on a stick Q: I crave a corn dog and a funnel cake. Is there a healthy version? A: Several concessions will be using trans fat-free cooking oils this year. Ask vendors what kind of oil they're using. Q: What can I do to prepare for my day at the fair? A: Many of us skip breakfast to save the calories for fair foods, but if you go to the fair hungry, you're likely to overeat. Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast before you head to the fairgrounds. Also, drink plenty of water before and during the fair. Often when you think you are hungry, you are simply thirsty. Outdoor water fountains are available throughout the fairgrounds, including near Pella Plaza, Farm Bureau, the Midway, the Grand Entrance and Legacy Terrace. Q: How can I be more active at the fair? A: The fair is a perfect place to be active. Wear comfortable walking shoes, wear a pedometer and see how close you can get to the recommended 10,000 steps during the day. For extra incentive, stop by the Iowa Department of Public Health booth in the Varied Industries Building. Pick up a "Walking the Fair" scavenger-hunt walking map of the fairgrounds with simple location questions. If you answer all the questions, return the quiz to the health department booth. A variety of prizes are available for the first 65 people who complete the walk each day. Everyone who completes "Walking the Fair" will be eligible for a grand prize drawing. Q: Can I bring my own healthy food into the fair? A: No beverages, food or coolers may be brought into the fair. The exception is baby food.