Sioux City Journal, IA 12-18-06

Sioux City Journal, IA
Hey presents at Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Dr. Jane Hey, professor and chair of biology and chemistry at Morningside
College, presented the poster "Comparing Anuran Assemblages of Wetlands in
the Historic Floodplain of the Lower Missouri River in Iowa" at the 67th Midwest
Fish and Wildlife Conference Dec. 3-6 in Omaha.
The poster presentation included research conducted from 1994 to 2006 by Hey
and Eugenia Farrar, associate professor of ecology, evolution, and
organismal biology at Iowa State University in Ames, along with students
from Morningside and ISU. The research looked at changes in aquatic habitat,
specifically amphibians, in wetlands located along the lower Missouri River
floodplain including the Owego Wetlands Complex, a 1,300 acre restored
wetland ecosystem located three miles northwest of Hornick, Iowa. According to
the research, channeling of the Missouri River has resulted in significant loss of
wetland habitat and the restored Owego Wetland Complex contained the
greatest species diversity of the wetlands surveyed.
Hey joined the faculty at Morningside in 1979. She received her bachelor’s
degree in biology from Monmouth College in Ill., a master's degree in preventive
medicine and environmental health from the University of Iowa at Iowa City, and
a doctorate in zoology and genetics from Iowa State University in Ames.