Radio Iowa 03-16-06 Governor says trade trip to India a success

Radio Iowa
Governor says trade trip to India a success
by O.Kay Henderson
Governor Tom Vilsack says strong ties between Iowa and India are being
solidified this week during his trade trip to the world's second-largest country.
State Representative Swati Dandekar of Marion, Iowa, who's a native of India is
along for the trip and Vilsack says her presence is key. "This may be one of the
most successful trade missions we've had in a long time," Vilsack says.
Vilsack says the president of the Des Moines Area Community College has
signed an agreement with the Sehgal Foundation in India to establish two-year
training campuses in India that are similar to Iowa's community colleges. "It's a
remarkable opportunity for DMACC students to potentially have exchange
opportunities as well as an opportunity for DMACC faculty to be able to be
engaged as consultants," Vilsack says.
Iowa State University's president signed agreements with two universities in
India that will allow for student and faculty exchanges as well. Vilsack speculates
the Indian universities may collaborate on some research projects with I-S-U, too.
The governor says representatives of Iowa's soybean industry met with two top
officials in India's government who are interested in importing high-grade U.S.
soybean oil. "Figuring out ways in which the nutritional diets of pregnant women
and young children can be improved by expanding the use of soybeans in their
diet which in turn will create additional opportunities for export of our soybeans to
India," Vilsack says.
The governor says the Iowans also visited a computer services company in India
that's interested in opening a branch office in Iowa. In addition, a Marshalltown
company engaged in some negotiations.
Fakespace Systems, a high-tech company that creates virtual reality software,
"entered into very serious discussions with a number of Indian companies"
according to Vilsack and the governor says those talks may lead to a number of
contracts worth big bucks to the company. Vilsack is scheduled to meet with
India's prime minster on Saturday.
Vilsack and his wife, Christie, did get a bit sick at the beginning of the trip. Vilsack
says he can't say what happened, but falling ill when taking such a long trip is
fairly common according to the governor. "It also works the other way when
people from India travel to the United States they often respond to different
bacterias differently," Vilsack says. "But I'm fine now and Christie's fine."