Calculation of Impurity-Averaged Properties of Kondo Systems Kevin Ingersent (U. of F.)

Calculation of Impurity-Averaged
Properties of Kondo Systems
Jesse Gregory (Kenyon College and U. of F.)
Kevin Ingersent (U. of F.)
Background Info/Importance of
Magnetic Impurities
What is a magnetic impurity?
 Important effect on physical properties of
host materials (Kondo effect)
 Impurities provide a unique signature
Real Applications
J. Bobroff et al (Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999)
“Spinless Impurities in High-Tc Cuprates”
 nonmagnetic
impurities disrupting spins of native
copper atoms
Heavy-fermion system
 polycrystalline
sample in an external magnetic field
Specifics (Defining Parameters)
Energy of interaction b/w impurity and host
 Two parameters J and V
 E = J(Selec·Simp) + V(Nelec - 1)
 J and V vary because of impurity’s position in
crystal or orientation in B-field
Why Modeling is not Easy
Real systems are in disorder
 Impurities
of varying J’s and V’s
Many ways to model contribution of a single
 We must model the contribution of many
Averaging an Arbitrary Property
over a Probability Distribution
Given impurity of parameters J and V
Series of data sets
Temperature dependence for a single J and V combination
Given a probability function
 P(J,V)
Need to interpolate data to arbitrary J and V
 Then calculate the average:
X(T) = dJ dV P(J,V)·X(J,V,T)
Averaging an Arbitrary Property
over a Probability Distribution
General Program Info
 NAG Schemes
 Program divisions (within main loop)
Data collation
The Program in Action
Our focus: Thermodynamic properties of
high Tc superconductors
C (Specific Heat Capacity)
 (Magnetic Susceptibility)
Calculations for a single impurity:
Numerical renormalization group method
 (Gonzalez-Buxton
and Ingersent, Phys. Rev. 1998)
Probability Schemes
See Overhead
Graphs and Explanation
Graphs on Overhead
 What is a critical J value?
 Where do we see its effect in the physical
Future Extensions
Problems we experienced
Interpolation at low temperatures
 Critical
J Problem
Split Interpolation
Other Properties