Mepiquat Chloride Effects on Irrigated Cotton in Arizona E.J. Norton and J.C. Silvertooth Abstract A series of experiments have been conducted from 1988 to 1999 at various locations across the cotton producing regions of Arizona to evaluate mepiquat chloride (MC) applications in terms of plant growth and yield. These experiments were designed to evaluate MC under three application regimes. These regimes included low rate multiple applications, late season applications, and a feedback vs. scheduled management of MC and nitrogen (N) applications. The objective of this summary (including a total of 31 site-years) is to determine which of these three application regimes offer the greatest opportunity for a positive lint yield response to MC. Stability analysis was conducted by regressing the treatment mean lint yield against the environmental mean for each application regime. Results from the stability analyses revealed that the most viable method of application is a feedback approach for both MC and fertilizer N. The most reliable technique associated with plant assessment in a feedback approach was the height to node ratio (HNR) to indicate vegetative tendencies for determining the appropriate rate and timing of MC applications. Introduction The growth and development of crop plants can usually be characterized by a period of vegetative growth followed by a reproductive growth phase. During these periods of growth, photosynthetic products are partitioned into various plant parts. The degree to which plants allocate photosynthates between vegetative and reproductive structures determines in large part the growth rate and yield of many economically important crops (Brown, 1984). The cotton (Gossypium spp.) plant is somewhat unique by having a perennial nature and indeterminate growth pattern in comparison to many other more determinate crop plants. Ramifications of this growth habit are that vegetative and reproductive growth occur simultaneously on the cotton plant and thus compete for photosynthetic products (Brown, 1984). This presents specific challenges when managing the cotton plant as an annual in a crop production system. Excessive vegetative tendencies in cotton have been shown to lead to losses in reproductive structures (squares, flowers, and bolls) (Gausman, et al., 1979; York, 1983b; Fletcher et al., 1994). The loss of reproductive structures (carbohydrate sinks) can shift energy from reproductive to vegetative portions of the plant, resulting in a rapid proliferation of main stem growth (Mauney, 1986). Self-shading may also contribute to the loss of reproductive structures in some cases due to the fact that the major portion of the assimilate supply for these structures is obtained from the subtending leaf to the reproductive structure (Ashley, 1972; Benedict and Kohel, 1975). When these leaves are shaded by excess vegetative growth, assimilate supply is depleted due to decreased photosynthetic ability and the abortion of fruiting structures can result (Mauney, 1986; York, 1983b). The most likely cause of this reproductive structure loss is not one single event, however, but combinations of several factors and processes working in concert. Collectively, these physiological processes can serve to initiate a process of reproductive structure abortion and a decline in overall fruit retention (FR) on the plant (Guinn, 1982). Maintaining an optimum fruit load in relation to vegetative structure is often difficult. Research efforts have been directed to developing methods and indices to monitor cotton plants on an in-season basis. Indices that have been This is part of the 2000 Arizona Cotton Report, The University of Arizona College of Agriculture, index at developed for cotton include a height to node ratio (HNR), fruit retention (FR), main stem node numbers (MSN), growth rate (GR), and nodes above top white flower (NAWF) (Bourland et al., 1992; Kerby et al., 1997; Kerby et al., 1998). These indices are more effective in terms of management when they are made region- and area-specific. A set of indices have been developed for Arizona (Silvertooth et al., 1993b; Silvertooth, 1994; Silvertooth and Norton, 1998c). The use of these indices to monitor the plant in-season has many practical implications. Foremost among these is the fact that it can alert the grower to any change in the reproductive to vegetative balance in the plant that may prove detrimental to yield. It may then be decided if corrective measures are needed. Mepiquat chloride (MC) is a plant growth regulator that has been used in cotton production for several decades as a management tool in controlling vegetative growth. Mepiquat chloride is a gibberellic acid suppressant that is absorbed by the green portions of the plant and serves to reduce cell elongation, thus offering the potential of decreasing leaf area and restricting additional plant height increases (York, 1983a and Kerby, 1985). Mepiquat chloride has also been associated with enhancing earliness with regards to fruiting development (Walter, et al., 1980; York, 1983b; Kerby, 1985). Much research has been devoted to determining optimum rates and MC application regimes for irrigated cotton production (Kerby, 1985; McConnell, et al., 1992; Boman and Westerman, 1994). However, application strategies that result in consistently significant increases in lint yield from MC have yet to be identified or demonstrated. These inconsistencies in yield response have been attributed to various factors, including length of season, lack of excess vegetative growth, and stresses (including drought, fertility, insect, and disease) (Briggs, 1980; Crawford, 1981). A series of MC related studies have been conducted in recent years in Arizona. Low rate multiple (LRM) application studies were conducted across the cotton producing regions of Arizona (Silvertooth et al., 1989, 1990, 1991a, 1993a, 1995b, 1997b; Hood and Silvertooth, 1993; Husman and Silvertooth, 1994). The objectives of the studies were twofold. First, to measure any response to MC such as plant height (PH), MSN, HNR, NAWF, and percent canopy closure (PCC). Secondly, to determine yield responses with multiple applications of MC. From these results a final objective was to determine optimal rates and application regimes of multiple MC applications for irrigated Upland (G. hirsutum L.) and American Pima (G. barbadense L.) cotton. Field studies were conducted at various locations across Arizona to evaluate the effects of late-season (LS) applications of MC on Upland cotton (Silvertooth et al., 1993a; Silvertooth and Norton, 1995b, 1997b). These studies were designed to examine the effects of the late-season applications not only on yield but on plant characteristics associated with earliness as indicated by NAWF, HNR, and FR. In addition, a series of feedback versus scheduled applications of N and MC interaction studies were conducted at various locations throughout Arizona (Fletcher et al., 1994; Silvertooth and Norton, 1995a, 1996a, 1997a, 1998a; Norton et al., 1999). The objectives of these studies were to use plant growth parameters such as measured inseason HNR and FR in a feedback approach to N and MC applications and to evaluate this approach versus a scheduled approach to N and MC applications. A feedback approach to crop input management, such as with MC, is conducted in reference to established criteria for optimum or excessive vegetative growth patterns. Accordingly, guidelines relative to FR levels and HNR have been developed for this purpose (Silvertooth et al., 1991b, 1992a; Fletcher et al., 1994; Silvertooth et al., 1995a; Silvertooth and Norton, 1996a, 1997a, 1998a, 1998c; Norton et al., 1999). Management guidelines for fertilizer N inputs to cotton have also developed along a similar line of rationale regarding feedback versus scheduled approaches (Silvertooth et al., 1991c, 1992b, 1993c, 1994, 1995c; and Silvertooth and Norton, 1996b, 1997c, 1998b, 1998c, 1999). One of the challenges in the assessment and analysis of long term studies such as these is to provide a measure of the effect of environment over time. Assessing environment by treatment interaction by use of conventional analysis of variance becomes difficult as site-years increase and also due to the multiple factors influencing environment by treatment interaction (Raun et al., 1993). Yates and Cochran (1938) first proposed stability analysis for the interpretation of genotype by environment interaction. Their methodology held for the linear regression of variety yield on experimental “mean yield” in order to observe varietal stability across varying environments (Finlay and Wilkinson, 1963; Eberhart and Russell, 1966). More recently, stability analysis has been adapted for use in comparing agronomic treatments across differing environments consisting of the linear regression of treatment mean yield on the environmental mean (Raun et al., 1993; Boman et al., 1995; Unruh and Silvertooth, 1997). The aggregate results of all studies involved (31 site-years) are summarized in this paper. Thus, the objectives of this paper are to analyze the three MC application regimes and determine which regime offers the greatest probability for a positive lint yield response. Materials and Methods Field studies were conducted across the cotton producing regions of Arizona from 1988 through 1999 (study locations summarized in Table 1). Management of all studies with respect to irrigation, general fertility, and pest control was carried out in a uniform and optimal manner across all treatments at each site. All data from these studies were analyzed (e.g. analysis of variance) in accordance to procedures outlined by Steel and Torrie (1980) and the SAS Institute (1997) to determine treatment differences for each site-year (Silvertooth et al., 1989, 1990, 1991a, 1993a, 1995b, 1997b; Hood and Silvertooth, 1993; Husman and Silvertooth, 1994). The LRM MC application studies utilized a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three or four replications at each location. Plots at each location were a minimum of 8 rows wide and extended the full length of the irrigation run (a minimum of 600 ft.). Applications of MC were made via ground rig with a total application volume of 20 gallons/acre. Plant growth and development parameters were measured on 14 day intervals and included PH, MSN, HNR, NAWF, and PCC. Treatments were initiated at or about pinhead to first matchhead square formation. Individual applications ranged from 0.125 to 1.0 pt. MC /ac (Silvertooth et al., 1993a; Silvertooth and Norton, 1995b, 1997b). The LS application studies utilized a RCBD with four replications at each location. Plots at each location extended the full length of the irrigation run (a minimum of 600 ft.). Treatments of MC were made with ground rig applicators. Plant growth and development parameters were measured on 14 day intervals and included NAWF, HNR, and FR. Treatments were initiated at or about cutout. Individual treatments consisted of a single application ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 pt. MC/ac. The feedback vs. scheduled approach to N and MC applications studies utilized a RCBD with four replications at each location. Plots at each location were eight rows wide and extended the full length of the irrigation run (600 ft.). Treatments of MC were made with ground rig applicators and all treatments of N were made with urea or ammonium sulfate fertilizers with side dress applicators. Plant growth and development parameters were measured on 14 day intervals and included PH, MSN, HNR, FR, NAWF, and PCC. Treatments consisted of all combinations of N and MC in feedback and scheduled applications. The feedback MC treatments generally consisted of one or two applications of MC ranging from 0.75 to 1.0 pt/ac per application as needed based upon measured growth parameters. The scheduled MC treatments generally consisted of two applications of MC also ranging from 0.75 to 1.0 pt MC/ac per application based upon stage of growth. Both the feedback and the scheduled N treatments consisted of split applications ranging from 40 to 50 lbs. N/ac per application. The scheduled treatments were a more aggressive approach to N fertility and generally received a higher rate and one extra application (Fletcher et al., 1994; Silvertooth and Norton, 1995a, 1996a, 1997a, 1998a; Norton et al., 1999). Stability analysis was conducted utilizing the corresponding yield data from each experimental application regime. Treatment mean lint yields were regressed on the environmental mean. Environmental mean (EM) was calculated for each site-year by taking the mean lint yield across all treatments and replicates for each site-year (Raun, et al., 1993). Relative stability analysis was conducted on selected treatment pairs from the feedback vs. scheduled application regime. Relative stability is assessed by studying the joint distribution of data pairs (i.e. mean for treatments A and B in a given year). Slopes of the regression line are compared when the average yield ((A+B)/2) is regressed on the yield difference (A – B) between the two treatments. A slope close to zero would indicate that the treatments change similarly across environments and that they are equally stable. A positive slope indicates that B is more stable than A since there is more variability in A. A negative slope would indicate that A is more stable than B. A probability level of P<0.05 indicates that the slope from the regression equation is significantly different from zero (Raun et al., 1993). Results Yield responses to MC treatments among all experiments are summarized in Table 2. We found that 15% of the MC treatments demonstrated a positive yield response as compared to 17% of the MC treatments demonstrating a negative yield response when compared with the control treatments (no MC applied). The HNR and FR of those treatments that had yield responses to MC are summarized in Table 3. All references to established baselines are based upon University of Arizona Extension guidelines (Silvertooth and Norton, 1998c). The HNR and FR measurements provide a reasonable basis for assessing the vegetative to reproductive conditions of the crop. Also, the HNR measurements are clearly the most reliable in this respect. The regression of treatment mean lint yields on the EM for the LRM application regimes, both the Upland and Pima species, are summarized and displayed in Tables 4 and 5 and Figures 1 and 2 respectively. Treatments consisted of differing rates of total MC applied. It is significant to note in these analyses that all treatments are relatively similar with regard to slope and intercept in both low and high yielding environments. Thus, none of the MC treatments were consistently better that the control (treatment 1). The regression of treatment mean lint yields on the EM for the late season application regimes are summarized and displayed in Table 6 and Figure 3. Treatments consisted of differing rates of total MC applied near crop cut-out. It is significant to note in these analyses that as higher yielding, longer season environments are encountered, late season applications of MC are not beneficial in relation to the control. The regression of treatment lint yields on the EM for the feedback vs. scheduled application regimes are summarized and displayed in Table 7 and Figure 4. Treatments consisted of all combinations of N and MC feedback and scheduled applications. Treatment two, which utilized a feedback approach to both N and MC, has the highest elevation (intercept) of all treatments in both low and high yielding environments. Thus, treatment two is the most beneficial and stable treatment across all environments. The relative stability analyses for selected treatment pairs are displayed in Figures 5(a-d). The relative stability diagrams further substantiate the results that were seen in the stability analysis for the feedback vs. scheduled application regimes indicating the better stability and superiority of treatment two in contrast to other N and MC treatments. Summary and Conclusions It was determined that MC produced significant positive yield responses in only 15% and negative yield responses in 17% of cases. Therefore, it is important to understand what crop conditions may have contributed to or predicted these yield responses. An analysis of plant growth parameters at the time of application revealed that all positive yield responses occurred when the HNR was above the UA baseline levels and FR was usually above baselines. Conversely, all negative yield responses occurred when HNR was below baselines and FR was at or above baseline levels. These results indicate that the greatest potential for a positive yield increase from MC applications is present when crop conditions are tending toward vegetative conditions, as indicated by the high HNR parameter relative to baselines. This agrees in principle with Kerby’s findings (Kerby, 1985) that the greatest response from MC is achieved when final control plant height is 130 cm which indicates vegetative growth tendencies by use of indices for the San Joaquin Valley of CA. Another issue to consider is the best application regime to maximize the probability for a positive yield response with respect to MC applications. The analysis of the LRM application and the LS application regimes of MC indicated that these methods offered no benefit in terms of consistent yield increases relative to the control plots. The analysis of the feedback vs. scheduled application experiments indicated that the feedback approach to management of inputs, in this case combinations of MC and N, resulted in the greatest yield benefits across all environments. Thus indicating that the feedback approach to MC applications is the most viable method. The use of the HNR growth parameter to indicate vegetative tendencies and to indicate the optimal timing of MC applications in a feedback approach to management appears to be the most probable method of realizing a positive lint yield response. The utilization of a feedback approach to any input offers many positive features. Perhaps the most significant of these is of that being able to improve upon the efficiencies associated with crop inputs such as MC. 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Year Study Type† Location Elevation (ft) Soil Series 1988 LRM Yuma Valley 100 Holtville Clay 1988 LRM Yuma Valley 100 Holtville Clay 1988 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1988 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1989 LRM Yuma Valley 100 Gadsden Clay 1989 LRM Yuma Valley 100 Holtville Clay 1989 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1989 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1990 LRM Waddell 1350 Avondale Clay Loam 1990 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1990 LRM Poston 400 Holtville Clay Loam 1991 LRM Waddell 1350 Glenbar Loam 1991 LRM Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1992 LRM Buckeye 1000 Laveen Sandy Loam 1992 LRM Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1992 LRM Mohave 600 Indio Clay 1992 LRM Gila Bend 750 Brios Sandy Loam 1992 LRM Sunsites 4000 Tubac Sandy Clay Loam 1992 LRM Mohave 600 Indio Clay 1992 LS Sunsites 4000 Tubac Sandy Clay Loam 1993 LRM Buckeye 1000 Laveen Sandy Loam 1993 LRM Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1993 FB Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1994 FB Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1994 LS Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1995 FB Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1996 FB Maricopa 1200 Casa Grande Sandy Loam 1996 LS Marana 1950 Pima Clay Loam 1997 FB Marana 1950 Pima Clay Loam 1998 FB Marana 1950 Pima Clay Loam 1999 FB Marana 1950 Pima Clay Loam † LRM = Low Rate Multiple Application; LS = Late Season Application; FB = Feedback Approach Table 2. Summary of yield responses to MC experiments, 1988 – 1999. Positive Yield Response† 15% † Responses significant at the P≤0.05 level. n=148 Negative Yield Response 17% No Yield Response 68% Table 3. Summary of HNR and FR with respect to baselines in treatments responding to MC. Positive Yield Responses HNR 100% above Negative Yield Responses FR 61% above 39% below HNR 100% below FR 100% above Table 4. Linear regression equations of treatment mean yield on the environmental mean, low rate multiple application regimes (Upland), 1988 – 1993. Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 pt. MC/ac 0 0.375 – 0.75 1.0 – 1.25 1.5 – 2.25 2.5 – 4.0 Intercept Standard Error Estimate Slope Standard Error Estimate -58.028 -25.346 61.762 88.446 14.931 177.613 84.604 72.536 45.004 586.894 1.062 1.014 0.974 0.939 0.887 0.123 0.052 0.049 0.032 0.458 C.V. r2 % 8.0 2.4 3.2 3.7 7.3 0.86 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.43 Table 5. Linear regression equations of treatment mean yield on the environmental mean, low rate multiple application regimes (American Pima), 1988 – 1993. Treatment 1 2 3 pt. MC/ac 0 0.375 – 0.75 1.0 – 2.5 Intercept Standard Error Estimate Slope Standard Error Estimate 62.745 -1.445 9.387 112.410 55.276 32.950 0.936 1.009 0.960 0.111 0.051 0.039 C.V. r2 % 7.3 4.3 5.4 0.95 0.94 0.98 Table 6. Linear regression equations of treatment mean yield on the environmental mean, late season application regimes (Upland), 1992 – 1996. Treatment 1 2 3 pt. MC/ac 0 0.5 – 0.75 1.0 – 1.5 Intercept Standard Error Estimate Slope Standard Error Estimate -105.313 134.448 -40.896 57.759 47.685 68.821 1.106 0.860 1.043 0.052 0.043 0.062 C.V. r2 % 1.1 0.89 1.3 0.99 0.99 0.99 Table 7. Linear regression equations of treatment mean yield on the environmental mean, feedback vs. scheduled application regimes (Upland), 1993 – 1999. Treatment Intercept Standard Error Estimate Slope Standard Error Estimate C.V. % 1 NF= 159.365 221.706 0.866 0.182 5.9 2 NF MF 160.499 152.660 0.917 0.125 3.9 3 NF MS 138.532 183.554 0.906 0.151 4.8 4 NS MF -15.788 174.847 1.034 0.143 4.5 5 NS MS -7.308 167.009 1.029 0.137 4.3 = NF, NS, MF, and MS refer to feedback and scheduled approaches to applications of Nitrogen fertilizers and Mepiquat Chloride. Table 8. Difference in slopes for selected treatment regression equation comparisons. Comparison t-calc† PR > |t|† Feedback Approach Trmt. 2 vs. Trmt. 1 0.207 0.420 Trmt. 2 vs. Trmt. 3 0.054 0.479 Trmt. 2 vs. Trmt. 4 0.594 0.283 Trmt. 2 vs. Trmt. 5 0.583 0.286 Late Season Regime Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 2 3.522 0.036 Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 3 0.805 0.239 Low-Rate Multiple Regime (Upland) Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 2 0.348 0.365 Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 3 0.673 0.254 Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 4 1.434 0.079 Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 5 0.261 0.399 Low-Rate Multiple Regime (Pima) Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 2 0.729 0.236 Trmt. 1 vs. Trmt. 3 0.240 0.407 †PR>|t|, probability of a greater absolute value of t. t-calc, t test of differences in slopes. r2 0.82 0.91 0.88 0.91 0.92 Treatment Mean Lint Yield (lbs. lint/ac) 2000 1800 1600 Trmt 1 1400 Trmt 2 Trmt 3 1200 Trmt 4 1000 Trmt 5 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Environmental Mean (lbs. lint/ac) Figure 1. Treatment mean vs. environmental mean for low rate multiple application regimes (upland), 1988 - 1993. Treatment Mean Lint Yield (lbs. lint/ac) 1600 1400 1200 Trmt 1 Trmt 2 Trmt 3 1000 800 600 400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Environmental Mean (lbs. lint/ac) Figure 2. Treatment mean vs. environmental mean for low rate multiple application regimes (pima), 1988 - 1993. Treatment Mean Lint Yield (lbs.lint/ac) 1350 1300 Trmt 1 1250 Trmt 2 1200 1150 Trmt 3 1100 1050 1000 950 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Environmental Mean (lbs. lint/ac) Figure 3. Treatment mean vs. environmental mean for late season application regimes, 1992 - 1996. Treatment Mean Lint Yield (lbs. lint/ac) 1600 1500 1400 Trmt 1 1300 Trmt 2 1200 Trmt 3 1100 Trmt 4 1000 Trmt 5 900 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Environmental Mean (lbs. lint/ac) Figure 4. Treatment mean vs. environmental mean for feedback vs. scheduled application regimes, 1993 - 1999. 1600 120 (A) (B) y = 0.0025(x) - 67.30 y = -0.0076(x) - 46.63 Yield Difference (lbs. lint/ac) P = 0.984 80 40 0 -40 -80 -120 120 Yield Difference (lbs. lint/ac) P = 0.955 Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 3 Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 1 y = -0.122(x) - 211.15 (C) (D) y = -0.115(x) - 197.83 P = 0.390 P = 0.271 80 40 0 -40 -80 -120 900 Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 4 1000 1100 1200 1300 Treatment 2 vs. Treatment 5 1400 Mean Yield (lbs. lint/ac) 1500 1600 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Mean Yield (lbs. lint/ac) Figure 5(a-d). Yield difference vs. mean yield for selected treatment pairs, feedback application regime. 1600