MA 2327 Assignment 1 Due 12 October 2015


MA 2327

Assignment 1

Due 12 October 2015

Id: 2327-f2015-1.m4,v 1.2 2015/10/04 19:49:34 john Exp john

1. Solve the initial value problem x ( t


) = x

0 for the differential equation x

′ ( t ) = − p + qx ( t ) − rx ( t ) 2 in the exceptional case q

2 = 4 pr . What is the largest interval on which wyour solution is defined? What is the largest interval on which it is biologically meaningful, with the usual interpretation of x as the population of a species? Don’t forget to check that the solution you find really is a solution and that it’s the only solution.

2. Show that if q


< 4 pr then x

′ ( t ) = − p + qx ( t ) − rx ( t ) 2 has no solutions which extend to t = ∞ and remain positive, assuming, as usual, that p, q, r > 0. Biologically this means there are no solutions which do not lead sooner or later to extinction of the species.

Note: You can do this by solving the equation explicitly, but please don’t. Instead show that x ′ ( t ) ≤ −

4 pr − q


4 r

< 0 and then use that inequality. You will need the Mean Value Theorem, or something equivalent.

