Case: 3:15-cv-00421-bbc Document #: 116-20 Filed: 05/02/16 Page 1 of 10
Michael Best & Friedrich llP
Attomeys at law
One South Pinckney Street
Suite 700
Madison, WI 53703
P.O. Box 1806
Madison, WI 53701-1806
Phone 608.257.3501
Fax 608.283.2275
Eric M. Mcleod
Direct 608.283.2257
Email emmcleod@michaelbest.com
March 13, 2012
Douglas M. Poland
Godfrey & Kahn S.C.
One E. Main Street, Suite 500
P.O. Box 2719
Madison, WI 53791-2719
Baldus, et al. v. Brennan, et al. (Case No. 11cv562)
Dear Doug:
We are in receipt of your letter dated March B, 2012, again concerning an email message dated
January 20, 2011, that was not produced by Tad Ottman in response to Plaintiffs' subpoena of
December 13, 2011 .
Attached are copies of four separate public records requests from April and May of 2011, each
of which requests email messages containing the tenn "ALEC· or "American Legislative
Exchange Council." It is Mr. Otbnan's belief that the above-referenced January 20, 2011, email
message would have been produced in response to any or all of these public records requests.
As you know, Mr. Ottman testified at his deposition on December 22, 2011, that there were
email communications concerning redistricting that he may not have retained on his legislative
account. (Ottman Dep. , p. 163). The January 20, 2011, email communication above is
obviously one such email communication. Importantly, however, at no time after receipt of
Plaintiffs' subpoena did Mr. Ottman delete any responsive email communications.
Finally, you have raised a question concerning whether Mr. Ottman conducted a sufficient
search to locate any responsive email communications that had previously been deleted but
may be stored in a separate archive or database. Mr. Ottman also testified at his deposition
that the Legislative TeChnology Services Bureau rLTSBj maintains the server that may contain
emaH communications Mr. Ottman sent or received but did not save on his legislative email
account. (Ottman Dep., p. 162). As you know, LTSB is a separate agency over wh ich Mr.
Ottman does not have control with respect to the records it maintains. Indeed, you have
acknowledged that fact by separately subpoenaing LTSB for the records it maintains concerning
MAR 1 42012
?jo (?;
For the Record, Inc.
(608) 833-0392
Case: 3:15-cv-00421-bbc Document #: 116-20 Filed: 05/02/16 Page 2 of 10
Douglas M. Poland
March 13, 2012
Page 2
Maria Lazar
Patrick Hodan
Daniel Kelly
Peter Earle
029472-0001\1111sn1 .1
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Rob Richard
Office of Senator Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
-----Origlnal Message----From: Michael Massey [mail to:miltemassey@tds.net)
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 7:59 PM
To: Sen. Fitzgerald
Cc: Richard, Rob; Ottman, Tad; Huffman, Hannah: Romportl, Daniel; Foti,
Tyler; Block, Cindy; Welhouse, Andrew; Hogan, John
Subject: Open records request.
Senator Scott Fitzgerald
Room 211 South
State Capitol
P.O. Box 7882
Madison, WI 53707-7882
Senator Fitzgerald,
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.31-.39, I am requesting emails and
text messages related to communications that reference any of the
following teoms:
ALEC, American Legislative Exchange Council, State Budget Reform Tool
Kit, Reason Foundation, Americans for Tax Reform, Evergreen Freedom
Foundation, Washington Policy Center, Mercatus Center, Priority Based
Budgeting, @alec.org, Balanced Budget Requirement, Effective State
Spending Limit, Budgeting for OUtcomes, State Hiring Freeze, Reform
State Pensions, Restructure State Retiree Health Care Plans,
Activity-Based Costing, Sunset Review Process, Privatization and
Competitive Contracting, State Privatization and Efficiency Council,
oReal Property Inventory and Search the Baiance Sheet for Asset Sale and
Lease opportUnities , State Budget Solutions, Kay Coles, Arthur Laffer,
Stephen Moore, Victor Schwartz, Richard Vedder, Bob Williams, Ron
Scheberle, Michael Bowman, Christie Herrera, Michael Hough, Karla Jones,
Amy Kjose, Stephanie Linn, Monica Haatracco, David Mys~inski, Courtney
O'Brien, Kati SiconolfI, John Stephenson, Bryan Weynand, Jonathan
Williams, Clint Woods, Leonard Gilroy, Josh CUlling, Amber Gunn, Jason
Mercier, Matthew Mitchell, Barry Poulson, Stephan Thompson, Chaz Cirame,
Laura Elliot, Michael Lamoureux, Jonathan Moody Briana Mulder, Rob
Shrum, Lisa Bowen, Genneya Briscoe, Jose Fernandez, pepe Fernandez,
Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P., Bill Seitz.
Specifically, I am requesting the aforementioned communications sent or
received, from November 3, 2010 to present, using accounts assigned to
your staff members of as well as accounts assigned to you. The email
accounts in tho format firstname.lastname@legis.wisconsin.gov would be
covered in this request. This request also covers emails sent from
personal email accounts that would be relevant to the request
1 am making this request under Chapter 19.32 of the WisconSin state
statutes, through the Open Records law. Specifically, I would like to
cite the following section of Wis. Stat. 19.32 (2) that defines a public
record as "anything recorded or preserved that has been created or is
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being kept by the agency. This includes tapes, films, charts,
photographs, computer printouts, etc."
I am not requesting ~ils to or from the accounts in the format
isconsln.gov, nor do I intend for this request to cover general
constituent emails or comments.
Thank you for your prompt attention, and please make me aware of any
costs in advance of preparation of this request.
I do not intend for this request to cover general constituent emails or
I am also requesting text messages sent or received by the elected
officials or staff members related to these same issues.
In order to eliminate costs associated with printing, I would like
electronic copies of these communications, where possible.
If you are unable to provide any information requested, please explain
in detail.
If the cost of this request 1s likely to exceed $50, please notify me as
soon as possible before processing the cost-incurring portion of the
Michael Hassey
1950 E. Dayton St.
Madison, WI. 53704
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Rob Richard
Office of Senator Scott Fitzgerald
Senate M~ority Leader
From: Sen.Rtzgerald
Sent: Thursday, Aprif 07, 20111:40 PM
To: Richard, Rob
SUbject: FW: Public Records Request
From: Tobin Van Ostern [mailto:tvanostern@americanprogress.org]
sent: Thursday, April 07, 20111:35 PM
To: Sen.Rtzgerald
Subject: Public Records Request
To: Senator Fitzgerald,
Under Wisconsin public recorqs law, we are requesting copies of the following:
First, copies of all comnumications, including, but not limited to, emails, letters, cards,
faxes, and memoranda, sent or received by yomse1f or any of your staff members that
reference or include any of the below tenns.
American Legislative Exchange Council
Voter 10
Photo 10
Senate Bill 6
Assembly Bill 7
Student Voting
Students Voting
Student Voters
Second, copies of all communications, including, but not limited to, emai1s, letters, cards,
faxes, and memoranda, between representatives of ALEC (email addresses ending in
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@alec.org) and yourself or members of your staff.
The time frame for both requests is January 1st, 2011 through March 31 st, 2011.
Thank yoU; please inform us as to any costs in advance of the fuIfi1hnent of this request
Additionally, an electronic copy of the requested emaiJs would be preferable over a printed
Tobin Van Ostern
Campus Progress
202-481-8144 or tvanostem@americanprogress.org
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Andy Kroll
c/o Mother Jones magazine
1319 F StNW Suite 810
Washington. DC 20003
April 19, 2011
Office of Sea. Scott Fitzgcmld
Room 211 South
State Capitol
P.O. Box 7882
Madison. WI 53707-7882
Dcar Sen. Fitzgerald:
Pursuant to the state opea records act, I request access to and copies of all emails sent or received
by you that include the words • AmcricauLcgisiativeExchange Council" or "ALEC· in the
subjcct line ad/or the body of message; that were receiVed from an employee of the America
Legislative ExcbaDge COUDcilj.and that were sent to an employee of the American Legislative
Exchange Council. The time frame for this request concerns all emails that fit any of the above
descriptions between November~, 2010, and April 19. ZOII..And ifany attachments were
included OD any emails that fit the above descriptions. I would like copies of those attachments as
I expect a fcc waiver bccause.the informatioD sOlight is in the public intc.rcst of the citizens of
both Wisconsin and the Uni1cd States and could potentially result in a stoJ)'/storics that would
enhance the public's knowledge of how the W'ISCODSiillcgislaturc operates.
Ifmy mquest is denied in whole or part, J ask that you jus1i1yaJI dcletioDS by refcreuce to specific
exemptions orlbe act
Thank you for your assistance.
Cc: Robert Marcbant, Wisconsin Senate chief cleric
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Rob Richard
Office of Senator Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
-----Original Message----From: Lisa Kaiser [mailto:LKaiser@shepex.com)
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4:57 PM
To: Sen.Fitzgerald
Subject: Open records request
Hay 4, 2011
State Sen. Scott Fitzgerald
Room 211 South
State Capitol
P.O. Box 7882
Madison, WI 53707-1882
Dear Sen. Fitzgerald:
Pursuant to the state Open Records Law, Wis. Stat. Ann. Sec. 19.31-19.39, I
am requesting copies of the foliowing records:
All written and e-mail correspondence from you or any of your aides from
November 2, 2010, to the present includ1ng the terms 3AmericaD Legislative
Exchange Council a or 'ALEC.-
As provided by the Open Records law, I will expect your response as soon a
practicable and without delay. I will assume that if I do not hear from you
by May 14, 2011, that you have denied this request. If you choose to deny
this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including
a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.
Also, please provide all segreable portions of otherwise exempt material.
Please be advised that we are prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy
necessary to obtain access to the requested records.
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I would note that violation of the open records law could result in the
award of court costa, attorney fees an~ actual damages of not less than
S100. I would further note that if a court determines that your
noncompliance with the law was arbitrary or capricious; it may award our
organi2ation punitive damages and attorney fees as well as fine you up to
Thank you in advance for your help. I can be reached at 414-292-3833 for any
questions regarding this request.
Lisa Kaiser
Assistant Editor
Shepherd Express
207 E. Buffalo St.
Milwaukee, HI 53202
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