Golf Enterprise Management - On Campus Suggested Four - Year Enrollment Plan & Guide Sheet First Semester Credits Second Semester Credits ENGL-101 Composition I 3 ENGL-102 Composition II 3 MATH-123 Finite Mathematics or Placement Math* 4 STAT-130 Elementary Statistics 2 SPCOM-100 Fundamentals of Speech 3 Natural Science W/LAB 4 SOC-SCI: Elective (see recommended list) 3 Humanities& Arts Elective 3 Intro to GEM 1 Principles of GEM 3 GEM - 101 GEM-201 14 15 Third Semester Fourth Semester GEM-250 Turfgrass Management for Golf Courses 3 GEM-277 Software and Technology 3 SRVM-111 Intro to Service Management 3 ECON-210 SOC-SCI Principles of Economics 3 Humanities & Arts Elective 3 BUACT-207 Intro-Corporate & Managerial Accounting 3 Basic Merchandising for GEM 3 GEM Selective 3 BURTL-127 BUACT-206 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 BUMKG-330 OR HT 344 Principles of Marketing OR Marketing and Sales Hospitality 15 3 15 Summer Semester GEM 349 Co-Op/ Internship/ Field Experience 2 Fifth Semester GEM-301 Customer Developmt, Retention & Mrkting 3 BUMGT-304 OR INMGT -400 Principles of Management OR Organizational Leadership 3 ANTH 310 Latino in th United States Contempory Issues 3 GEM-445 GEM Elective Event Management 3 GE: General Elective (see list) 3 Sixth Semester BULGL-318 OR Business Law OR BUACT 340 Business Finance 3 PM-370 Principles of Property Management 3 Social Responsiblility & Ethics selective 3 Principles of Economics II 3 GEM Selective 2 ECON-215 15 14 Summer Semester GEM 449 Co-Op/ Internship/ Field Experience Seventh Semester 2 Eighth Semester-Spring PSYCH-382 Human Resource Management 3 BUACT-340 Business Finance (BUACT 206 & 207) 3 HT-362 Food Service Finance and Cost Control 3 GEM-450 Environmental Golf Course Management 3 GEM Selective 3 GEM Selective 3 GEM Selective 2 GEM Selective 3 GEM Selective 2 13 *Revised May 2013 12 General Electives 40 Professional Studies 50 GEM Electives 30 Credits to Graduate 120 *Math Placement Course is Preparatory to Take Math 123 Note this plan sheet reflects the typical GEM Student and courses taken to earn GEM degrees and others are available. Business Minor will be achieved if selected classes are completed. GEM 207 GEM 217 GEM 350 GEM 445 PSYCH 370 BUMIS 333 BUMGT 480 PSYCH 379 ECON 215 SPCOM 210 PSYCH 110 SOC 110 HIST 120 HIST 121 MUSIC 132 Fall Offers Only Spring Offers Only GEM 207 GEM 217 GEM 250 GEM 277 GEM 445 GEM 450 GEM Selective List: Recommended Club Fitting & Repair BUACT 207 Corporate & Managerial Acct (Required) Golf Swing Analysis & Instruction BURTL 229 Visual Merchandising Golf Course Soils, Layout, and Designs HT 324 Quantity Food Production Event Management HT 326 Intro To Wines & Spirits Interpersonal Effectiveness HT 330 Resort Planning & Operations Management Info Systems HT 352 Club Management Entrepreneurship: Small Bus. Planning HT 383 Yield-Revenue Management Public Relations HT 426 Restaurant Operations Management Principles of Economics II HT 452 Hospitality Professionalism Interpersonal Speech Communication HT 461 Hospitality Employee Relations General Psychology Intro Sociology Early US History Modern US History Music in Our World SOC-SCI: Elective List: Recommended POLS 196 Intro to Political Science GEOG 104 World Geography Humanities & Arts Elective List: Recommended THEA 232 Introduction to the Theater SPAN 103 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 104 Elementary Spanish II Natural Science W/LAB List: Recommended BIO 111 Science, Society & Environment BIO 101 Intro Biology BIO 141 Plants & People Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning One Course Required for 3 credits Must come from B,C,D,E or F categories See Approved list Online Contemporary Issues Anth 310 Latinos in the United States* Others are available 3 credits required See Approved List Online. * Meets RSA requirements to graduate