Directions for assembling the NC K‐2 Literacy folder The NC K‐2 Literacy folder is made up of 4 pages. You may cut and glue the pages to folders or the LEA can print the folder on card stock. To cut and glue: First, open up the folder so you are looking at what is the front and back of the folder. Lay the open folder down vertically. Glue each page onto a folder as follows: Page 1: Parent/Teacher Conference Log at the top of the open folder (this will be on the front/outside of the folder) Page 2: Developmental Stages of Writing underneath the Parent/Teacher Conference Log upside down (this will be the back of the folder after it is folded.) Outside Inside 1. Parent and Teacher Conference Log 4. Letter and Sound Identification Now turn the folder over and lay it down vertically 2. Developmental Stages of Writing (upside down) 3. Developmental Stages of Reading Page 3: Developmental Stages of Reading on the bottom of the inside of the folder Page 4: Letter and Sound Identification‐Primary Spelling Inventory above the Developmental Stages of Reading (on the top of the inside of the folder) After the glue dries, fold it back into a folder and write the student’s name on the tab. Double‐sided tape is another option.