. carol.darbv.ioned From: ;ent: To: Cc: Subject: Sir: Reque'st from ~ ht k . . The first call was from 8ec1y Rumsfeldls speechwriter, Heddie Henderson. ' Just received a call from Mr. John Currin, WH speechwriter, He read a statement that pretty much said that CPL Tillman joined the Army in the agtermath of 9.11 and asked if I could confirm that was his reasons f o r signing up. 1,replied that I have never spoken directly to ,either Ranger and I could not confirm that statement. Kevin is faxing, to Mr. Currin, several news articles I have with me that indicate that CPL Tillman did not reveal his specific reasons for his decision to a close friend and coach. Even his father has not publicly said why Pat or Kevin made their decisions. Mx. Currin said the information is for the President's speech at the correspondent's dinner this coming Saturday. It will probably be televised by CSPAN. Cax0.L Carol P.. Darby Media and Communitv Relations Division Chief o 292234% APE 04 FZf TASK FORCE RiScqSASIU%OCOM FP MkCDZLL RD~E~R~~~/CDRUSBSW FT BHAGCJ XCSC//CDR R-/FAS# FORCE ' OPE;P,/DEF// m i P 4 COEmZWO L I JGQVS n~~?rrl// CK F X m ' P UNTIMELY 8xicS/SI#, 331' 'is%AF FRJL 04, IT IS ANTTCXPATED . WPSTIGATTOX NFlRS ETION BlilLi~FTN3 "JIAT I T ZB BI(3HLY POSSIBLE EAT COReoRat T BEBY FRIENDLY B m . TI325 P(YPW3CJGS FIND= I BY' TEE UPJCCW'Xm BUT SUSPECTED RDORTB T&T B SECmARP OF TREi UGET B ~ COEMENTS ~ ABOUT E CORPDRXL TTS.&~N'B ffZROISM A K i IiI~'RP2RQVH) S l L W S T P ! EERAlr Di SPZBECEES C l i TLI BEING PRZPARED, NOT kXOWING THE &JE~xFTCS8-m0UM)IhiG HI8 r)S&'P TaE POTENTIAt YEXI' 733 BE&lT IWW 81 KILLED SY FRI-Y FTRE ZN NO THA'J!, A 15-6 t a~ m P r P m ENIT;MY PUBLIC ~~ XB B IIBlhW BESQPfE PUBLIC. / / BT The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 9 July 1918 (amended by act of 25 July 19631, has awarded the SlLVER STAR to C~RPORAL PATRICK D. TILLMAN UNITED STATES ARMY . for galtantry in action on 22 April 2004 against arl armed enemy while serving as a RifIe ~ekknLeader in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Corporal .Tillman put himself in the line of devastating enemy fire as he maneuvered his Fire Team to a covered position from which they could effectively employ their weapons on known enemy positions. While mortaltJ bounded, his audacious leadership and cburageous example under fire inspired h fight with great risk to their own personal safety, resuldng in the safe passase from the ambush kit1 zone. Corpora3 Tillman's enemy's withdrawal and his personal courage, tacticai e x d professional competence directly contributed to thid overall success and survival. Through his distinctive accompiishments, Corporal Tillman refle credit upon himself, the-75th Ranger Regiment, and the United States Army- 1, following - VALOROUS A\lV.UU) W1T:WSS STATEMEST wihlepsed the .r:s;,: I,...ink ~ r & l ~ l o & $ vassigned a s the task of moving t0.a village to look through and search' out any links to temrist activities. While in route to this objective we split into two seiisls and the second serial came under attack. CPL Tillman and I moved out to a ridge and engage the enemy so ow comrades would be able to move safely from the kill zone, CPL Tillman moved w into a position where we would be safe from enemy rounds, he placed me in the safest possible position and took a less safe position for himself. We staned to engage thc enemy very successfirllywhen the enemy moved most of there attention to our position, and we drew a lot of fire from them. CPL Tillman moved from his position to drop a smoke grenade to signal our troops of our position and to give me some exne cover when he was bit and killed. CPL Tillman saved my life by drawing most of the fire from my position to his and in return I survived and he was killed, I have no doubt in my mind that the only +ason that I am alive to write this statement is because CPL Tillman saved my life.