FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNTIL RELEASED BY THE HOUSEARMEDSERVICES COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF ADMIRAL THOMASB. FARGO, U.S. COMMANDER, U.S. PACIFIC NAVY COMMAND BEFORETHE HOUSEARMEDSERVICES COMMITTEE ONU.S PACIFIC COMMANDPOSTURE 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNTIL RELEASED BY THE HOUSEARMEDSERVICES COMMITTEE MARCH 2003 Mr. INTRODUCTION Chairman On behalf thank and Members of the Committee: of the you for this Having served men and women of opportunity the to testify United States on security Pacific i~ the Command, I Asia-Paciric region over the Fleet past for year, and previously 30 mo~ths, , prosperous has Asia-Pacific the world. our as Commander, United In 4ontrast, nation and the security national mi~itary Conflict Instabili1y crisis, threats concerns, , to our presents Pacific and country grave i~ the and they States peaceful, importan~e and allies and supporting Taiwan Strait like associated the and dangers to region are addressed clearly in guidance or in Kashmir terrorism, with readiness and over combating and supporting concerned neigh~ors We have continued theater a secure, uncertain the (WMD), and illegal We are not facing to prolife~ation of Weapons of drug trade a failing nation-state competition, region and by the of our forward these concerns the past the stop to build necessary and the security United or humanitarian and Ensuring them is of our friends over the Mass Destruction military that (CDRUSPACOM) ~n the Korean Peninsula Transnational friendships that is of paramount strategy Miscalculation 11 September PacificcCommand as Comrnander~ my belief an Asia We have a number of our serving fortified region States year, Global alone. to deter and assure War regional the in the region. t~rrorist of our forces attacks of cooperation in anc! backing from of weapon~ of mass destruction. bilatera~ aggression allies We've accomplished actions Since on Terrorism longstanding our forces we have had unprecJdented the proliferation on the deployed this alliances and coercion, and friends lof by our fo~ward as they execute our tasks and dissuade commitment presence to in the and operations operationalize" in support of our nation's the a peaceful, stable, Last year priorities for roadrnap for assessing strategic In short, guidance and prosperous during Command. focusing the as they pertain we have receiv~~. hearing, my intent to provide to the defense five is broad used the priorities operational is Our destination I provi~ed I've directing to region. Since then, command, Today, we have begun a journey Asia-Pacific my confirmation Pacific progress. priorities security. posture as a I initiatives youlan of thf and update u.s. on these Pacific Command (USPACOM) Sustaining Our highest includes not only and Supporting the USPACOMpriority operations is ENDURING FREEDOM- Afghanistan terrorism might Iithreaten and organizatio~s and to the coun~ries operate Regional po~e the most dangerous of Responsibility support al-Qaida, (ASG) in the attack U.S agencies, governments alliances of establishing region regional a security terrorism also worldwide. terrorists in the region in the This GWOT provider to international Alth~ugh provide the a$ a force we don't ,acific, untque terrorist groupslwith to 0.5., allied, and fritndlY (AOR). Bolstered Jemaah southern and partnerships eradicating rejects the Islamiyah Philippines to iiensure these in the but for have any terrorist challenges or threaten are cells to USPACOM groups environment and addresses to the and our throughout their factors 2 that capability with both our to other Regional short-term goal AsiatPacific breed Abu Sayyaf established long-tfrm the in the and technical or our friends. achieving al-Qaida interests in coordi~ation Americans to and the do not destabiltze critical terrorist networ* have demonstrat,d terrorists ties by .fin~ncial (JI Our task, and Western interests is and su*porting (OEF-A) , or whetever and local threat USPACOMArea Group (GWOT) in which they proliferate. GWOT Upda te from sustaining our interests sanctuaries that War on Terrorism in the Pacific, Operation government-supported Global terrorists goal of region that sharing. Southeast the bombings October was responsible Coincident the the attacks a u.s. serviceman commercial against or al-Qaida u.s. and Western venues has long across sought to its previously trained in Afghanistan, obtain support of local state connections supportive challenge, counterterrorism governments have made progress legislation that detaining terrorists, combats primarily in Malaysia, government sets the increasing us to conditions their and multilateral establish People's their cooperation alliances a regional Indonesia, ~n extensive, that continues and less We have credible groups information Asia. and tndividuals, seeks to ex~and its By some network a regional and pan-Islamic ideology past year. Regional over achieving the counterterrori,m and its resource interagency goals met~ods, coordinatton suspects Philippines, have bee* the Terrorist financial isolation. assets counterpartsl- combat terrorist Center 3 activity and and intelligence arrested or detained, The U.S Party of the Orgafizations. Goverrunents regional through by capturing and Indo*esia. the ASG, and the Communist Counterterrorism to defensible cooperation with to Sing~pore, in establishing Army as Foreign for 22 over I 200 others. have and freeze the ASG least govetnments terrorism JI, at movement inlSoutheast al-Qaida and a We believe intere$ts region on 12 USPACOMand regional Singapore, identify the 100 terrorist has designated Philippines/New enables over diplomatic Bali killed Jemaah Islamiyah~ sympathetic and through To date, wounded expand its Islamic thatl have revealed proponents of radical To meet this strengthened with in October in Malaysia, on the leveraging the -and of including seven Americans, Philippines and Australia centered tourist also in 2002, is1l.and including the and arrests network, attacks in acts Indonesian the Philippines Philippines, sophisticated that across for on the 200 civilians, investigations Thailand, plan nearly -including a number of terrorist nightclubs killed of bombings people witnessed ofltourist that series Asia This ?f these iI[1 the groups re9ion forming and are also bilateral ASEAN's plan in Kuala Lumpur, action Malaysia to is a noteworthy to strengthen forces, USPACOMcontinues example. the rule and promote long-term information to is defeat operations, challenge -and to convinced that can whil.e helpi~g It is ~ur best build of regional and feligious regional, through land coordinated force of these nations armed tolerance. local d~plomacy, when neces$ary. education This is our Asia over meet it deal about terrorism organize, approach our is to regional in Sou~heast how they operate, we have much more to synchronize learn disrupt the and what they seek and ~o ac~o.mplish. terrorist partners' our efforts we have assumed the offensive Offensively, we established Counter designated Terrorism Task Force-Alaska. successfully critical a full lam activities where we to do the same. in the Pacific capabili~ies (JIACG-CT at U.S. prosecuting JRAC for in combating putting in place time JRAC) for Hawaii; (COMPACREPGUAM)as our Joint while our Army component, Area Coordinator Joint Counter anl"active InteragenfY Army Pacific Guam; and Commander, These command and control the War on Terror while Group Defensively, (USARPtC), Commander, Pacific defense." Coordination USPACOM Headquarter$ We have established Terrorism a Joint as our we Joint Rear *epresentative-Guam Alaska Command (ALCOM) as con$tructs protecting in USPACOMAOR, develop operations, USPACOM regional 'plan and enhance O.S. objectives and partner in the GWOT. It now integrating and nation is Interagencr to coordinate (JIACG/CT (OGA) activities we are tetrorism are our forces and infrastructure JIACG-CT for of pluralism use of efforts a team effort To better for the effectivenes+ international, terrorism entities We realize achieve use a great how these year to support the ideals and the we will We've learned improve democratic effort relationships of law, to DoD and ~ther targets country for CT capabilities Country future Teams to in military (CT $upport and rocused ass~ss Group government counterterrorism an all-encompassing our Theater Coordination agency or OGA campaigns of national effort, host-nation where Air Japan, has concerns and necessary endeavor has been extremely successful as demonstrated regional countries supporting U.S.-led regional operations, operations that are like in their Forward conditions to proceed those Deployed our -all in the Within Forces. cr campaign ~y the effortsl in the Philippines, ow~ countries and with the in This actions of Afghanistan and whi~e conducting past year last year, team CT the USS KITTY HAWK, JOHNC. STENNIS, CARL VINSON CONSTELLATION, and ABRAH~ LINCOLN battlegroups; maritime patrol iiaircraft; TARAWA Amphibious Expeditionary Ready Groups Units; Expeditionary operations provide all 5th, tangible contributed support and troops networks Malaysia have arrested terrorist organization arrested with 13th and Forces; in OEF-A within their ranging overflight, on the ground. and 15th Marine 50gth Bomber of maj~r roles in many USPACOMfountries Philippines, from l~th and the support New Zealand, means. singa~ore, We appreciate 40th OEF-A and to India, and Thailand I and basing thetr and continue ~ustralia, access that to Indonesia in the region. Pacific terrorist to have escort, many contributions Indonesia Jerraah the pri~ary countries Indonesia cooperate key to our 5 and and transnational has a difficult gtoups more efftctively MilitarylEducation engagement effort. JI Singapore to al-~aida. investigate in the Islamiyah and bombing su$pects An International is the b,tween As a resflt, links aggressively We need to on terrorism. with leaders However, want to al-Qaida (IMET program for into dozens of members of JI, in Bali dq not sharing insights in the.Asia-Pacific suspected bombings Information unprecedented al-Qaida sympathetic 13th Air Further, Counterterrorism. has provided factions 15th, cooperation Regional October to BONHOMME-RICHARD~ BELLEAU WOOD, and the and Gulf support Malaysia, Pacific 11th, Persian Korea, and valuable with Wings have deployed in the logistics, USS PELELIU, And Indonesia since the problem within and has Indonesia at all levels and Training The Government attack terrorist throughout side including the region our maintenance and training ideal are infrastructure of water assistance highlighting wells Arne~ica's with the support operation, populace there on the defense" a long because it the Asia-Pacific measures property the with cases coordination, of and the humanitarian on loqal th~ entice of this and its and communities Philippines w~ll in diseryfranchised Program is proactive and resources protecting Area throughout qualities. Filipinos integrated inf~uence with the and 4ynamic in its the Paci~ic. Since DoD personnel fQcal Coordinators points and intelligence terrorism/force DoD'ls the local It is 11 ~eptember, and critiqal approach an "active we have come infrastructure in region Rear JRACs provide that (OEF-P) serves the AFP in the and sc~ools assisting As a result has offensive way in better Korea are the Philippines has been dampened our people Joint causes ~f the security A4ditionally, impacts while on our and assistance, under and assi~t under run on Basilan USPACOM's Antiterrorism to protect positive ~ole Forces to and firmly Our Iadvice terrorists. Island activities. the ASG is to advise fight is Freedom-Phi14ppines on Basilan socio-econornic the I Philippines provide~ Armed hospitals, positive terrQ~ist the to road~, program provide I (GRP) continues Macapagal-Arroto Enduring to in packages forces necessary improvements construction to for U.S. of skills Philippines the effort. improving Operation vehicle development dealing Gloria supporting authoirities, the and capabilities President (AFP) CT capabilities. civic of GWOT-strongly assistance as the Republic infrastructure the in the of the for (JRACs) force fusion among the federa;L, state, Jap!an and Korea (AT/FP) Alaska, protection, command and control protection in efforts and local coordiqating different construct for agencies G~arn, Hawaii, training 6 in their to sync~ronize the events, AORs our DoD anti- militarylinstallations and wi~h and security se~vices USPACOM's JRACs are model~ for combined scenario-based Japan, and host nations interagency ~nd unprecedented in u.s. cooperation Northern and information Command to sharing. standardize and synchronize USPACOMhas an aggressive DoD bases, ports, control. airfields, current assessments closely with support is latest their threat Department to and country is complicate "off-linli unit ts" are not under have USPACOMpersonnel and that work host-nation all are FPCONSis sustain the Critica~ Currently, primarily progress employing initiative p~ocesses Ope~ational Additionally, or portions of hal-rn's way. ttavel The res~urce drain program support is and necessary and Home~and Bast security Security. efforts Protection, I Program is our in the AOR. the program is The first go to the c~p Appendix Jotnt USPACOMCIP operatton i from area. Infrastructure (OPLAN) will In in our AOR; from Infrastructure/,ersonnel and methodologies a comprehensive all and Forward security Measures to both manp~wer limitations (CIP) The Critical Plans them tut for in this Analysis, to improve keeping Your continue1 Homeland Security are based (FPCONs) are entirelcountries on leave. Protection forces USPACOMlalso has a travel are required challenge continually Random I Antiterrorism declare thus we are making and Quick React~on Forces. our theater to initiatives. Information Condition, planning. a tool Infrastructure through developing terrorist a formidable in whic~ our as necessary. to ind~viduals we s~pport operational Force Protection plans Technology in USPACOM. Our staff environment to DoD members, deployments Protectio~ and the providing Force Protection increased 2003. covers facilities to fnsure forces "operationalized" and upgraded proqram, addition, in plans that Reduction ensure our counterparts deployed program DefenselThreat to US and procedures. in the ~OR that components of State our specific reviewed restriction to areas antiterrorism protect information are employed to Force and our and proactive adequate continually major assessmenr with AT/FP procedures monitors thereof and training services, Force pro\jection Theater vulnerability conFinuously our effprts We use assessment teams from the Agency (DTRA), the the We are working on track to one of Staff on 30 April Order (OPORD), our the Theater Infrastructure Assurance program has resulted Special Countermeasures Command CIP Database working to integrate includes and to the enhance Support our Biological, Domestic plan Security the our directed USPACOM'sAOR. aircraft The to future aircraft threat low-altitude this collective the will Horneland~ terrorism, this Defense direction, Administration recent t~e homeland, USPACOM Hqmeland challenge bein~ the into fusion combined ranges close of and territories within missiles c~pability integra~ion, and sub-scale is rising. cooperation, fe~eral, individual an integrated, threats from Iballistic this one resources and rad~o controlled gain JRAC, and into ~se of our Guam, and u.~ missiles (CBRNE) , ae~ial among international, This Samoa, and Chemical, Explo~ive interdicts with AOR that Prog~ams such as the refine to we are Guam a~d American yield spectrum direction state, local aQency capabilities, multi-layer~d response is key to success USPACOM also operations Combatant as expa~ded mission of Alaska, a terrorist and collaboration our military, for Islands. or cruise for including our prevents HAS air and goverrunents. the and still Hawaii, agencies, of and high toward USPACOMhas addressed coordination, the for prototype Wit~ the are but a few of those deters, The potential as well Mariana capabilities USPACOM's HAS rni!ssion aggression Pr4gram Office and field-la Territories Nuclear, Operations to maximize Notably, (HAS), Consequence Managemen~ for Radi,ological, Support Joint and support protection of Hawaii, Homeland Air the staf~ing (HLDICSJ. functions Commonwealth of the Northern CIP, final develop defense, existing State with to Civil the security, requirements in in May 2003 Defense to consolidate is in a partnership Technology Homeland Plan, supports other non-Homeland be an enhancement Although support not (;FEMA) in directly affects we quickly of the support ~itigation Security o,ur existing related impact the of terrorist Federal and recovery 8 Domes~ic to securinQ Civil Ifu~ctions. Support the Operations homeland laction. relating With to to against Secretary Emerg~ncy Management effort~ Support natural of Along missions. disasters program Typhoon Pongsona in has taken on a renewed effort Contingency Plan AT/FP, CBRNE and natural CIP, civilian sector, territories (CONPLAN) will providing tion between Theater. disasters to missions promulgate as othet program for with intelligence requested I Our $awaii, sharing support to the Guam, and all Headquarters (HHQ) executing these our reductions intelligence and coalition building resources are essential to mission threats Achieving conflicts while synergy providing demand on our The GWOT ~as patrol$, FPCONs; non-O.S combatant both shore-based controlled port to counter launched impact commands on our production, testing Adequate manpower ,merging thost in asymmetric the globe forces during creates high (RQ) staff! manpower Increased requiremtnts and waterside, Q hold sub-unified the from arofnd for regimen in Higher and cap+bilities planning and airfield state, capability. analysif' reach-back additional and perspectives, minimife than ever headquarters local, training redu~tions greater of forces effective created will gathering, is Joint pioneering to I connect USPACOMand o~r campaign planning, exercises !we are from multi*le in ways that Task Forces internattonal mandates by 15 percent. dissemination, lines, intelligence'! Legislation of the an~ law enforcement a joint and analysis Pacific efforts Terrofism fusion an "actionable ts staffs with the JIAC~-CT and Joint intelligence warfare The need for coordination, FBI's the integratio* these coupled Requiremen Program remains counterintelligence, in developing Manpower the all-source asymmetric promise the agencies. These efforts, encompassing security for Agency effortslin furthering and DdD intelligence, agencies mission as well Group-Counter-Terrorism international to national, are on o~r processes DoD and Law Enforcement Coordination allied great scope and responsibilities USPACOM's Counterintelligenc, fusion counterintelligence efforts build great a comprehensive We are committed Inter-Agency with with The USPACOMHLD/CS in the AOR Informa key link Guam is a good example. in refPonse to assessment teams; enhanced 24/7 coverage As for JRACs and Crisis viI Support Additional the for outstanding Reservists. talents and perspectives in every the increasing protection, of the flow, 1990's, accomplish see the management is not w~ increasingly ourlmission members. force Aft,r to and National America -about a mtriad they with 10% of with force of areas Guards~en to benefits can be proud say that They helped in also support 5,000 Resertists shifts but 11 September, capability. they receive These an understatement about relied not on+y hard work, USPACOMmission our Reservists Terrorism $3.98 million Readiness we support com~arable to our active of how our ~eserve Functional Commanders additional emergency at $47 million terrorist over (10 projects} threats. 300 projects of Initiatives in CbT RIF funding stands Dispo5al the and increased allocation (USFK) we already and Guard have responded. received funding, UfPACOM. As we continue demands of the GWOT, we needed t*eir we need to ensure Combating totaled It 11 September mobilized to tap into service forces facet logistics operations, tasks. of force andlconsequence contributed USPACOM,we only mobilized the immediate continue capabilities help members/citizens have helped Throughout generating the fullirange S~pport plan, Throughout and Guard members to service sharply Homeland Defense of manfower throughout and Civil analysis expa~ding C$RNE events on our Reserve duty and CT missions Homeland Defense Integrating unique are a few examples enhanced information resources and the already are needed to address antiterrorism, develop need for Teams; aQd CT missions AT/FP billets protection, to Action the avenues for million CbT RIF re5ponder for in (14 projects) projects include USARPACi a perimeter 10 worldwide the the the f~rst fir~t for $4.14 Forces ~.s f~r and and FYO3 allocation allocation ernerge~cy wall Geographic emergent USPACOMreqeived available $2.56 million The IFYO3 prov~des for USPACOM RIF). resourcinglagainst Combined inputs US PACOM funded gear FYO2 initiative and $100 million. $32.4 not including This in Fund (~T Explosive the million of FYO3 Korea Ordnance new USPACOM Headquarters; to We vehicle notification for system Fort Buckner; Fort Shafter; with HQs security unfunded meeting gates for Misawa gates crash for Your Forces building and maiptaining nations build relations programs We look activities continue forward to Improving Forces is military critical to competi:tion, and defeating spares, also ;the r~adiness dollars, means innovating, developing opera:ting for range our deterring an adversary operating a wide assuring of Inte~~igence, if Theater and regional innovation in m~litary military a means for is appreciated Operations 4eploy however, alliEls SOF under the We have and continue depends on and friendly thr~ugh our Joint Coo~eration Congress Ito Combined (TSC) ensure these consider~tion Warfighting Capability cap~bility and allies, fails It ag~inst u.s inc~udes the needed to maint~in and improving of USPACOM 4issuading and coercion technologies our needed and Reconnaissance threats intelligence ready future interests force tq keep levels, forces dapabilities (ISR). demand ever-incre~sing In the Asia-pacif~c 11 500 in our forces The GWOTand agility region, It and futures Survei~~ance, traditional helps combat ~errorism. warfighting deterrence alternative the friends transforming, concepts with threats has over ~pecial to Security resource and training Ifund for initiative funding this relationships joint gates Freedom -Ph~lippines and Joint and to supporting future barrier USP~COMstill ability with receive Readiness for capability, working circuit CbT RIFlprovides This to television Servic~ while the these JCET) and other c14sed and a standoff However, Enduring the GWOT mass lin~; Japan; any location and maintain Exchange Training Improving to Army Hospital; USPACOM, through maintains in Operation support Japan; support (SOF). used this to AB upgrades, officer it (AB), $1.01 billion. command of a general refine TripIer AB, Japan flight continued and JTF-510, capability Base Yokota necessary Operation Command, Pacific for for Camp Zama, totaling shor~falls Special for upgrades some of these Air Yokota barriers AT/FP projects addressing and barriers and Signal ready Intelligence threat remains (S!GINT developments in indicators and situational Indonesia and Pakistan, relations with defeat is awareness as well on areas continuing on terror~st as maintaining such as K~rea, military information . key to track~ng and the Philippines, and China's vital to integrate National i~ peacetime telecommunicati~n5 daunting It timely warning tensions mod$rnization between and Taiwan The abili~y SIGINT is best means to provide and intentions activities India our and in crisis. technologies, SIGINT challenge. any per$~ective Security gains the use support digital (NSA) and service Rapid adva*ces and their I strongly Agency in by adver~aries, present NSA's tr,nsformation tech~ology revcjJlution a efforts to may present to our enemies. strongly advocate interoperable, land, sea, modular, and air collaborative tactical levels cryptologic platforms. it plans progress for against we need. and inten~ions cryptolin~uists FREEDOMproving difficult key buried only and in service find, H~an and Intelligence and Warning facilities and communications ~ource develop~ent is and WMD critical HUMINt Services) commands must have ~nsight will into yield enemy good HOMINTcan provide remain a long-standing the value and obtained t4 predict, undergr4und CIA and DaD (Defense Our military that by theater, USPACOM Indi4ations command, control, both d~ta for in our region. Focused and coordinated resou~ces at nation~l, increased joint SIGINT equipment in NSA's capabili~ies hard and deeply the adversary's of shou11 be balanced are needed to enhance capability infrastructure Sustained threats t9 include supporting use of the be increasingly improvements (HUMINT collectiion the will the most serious Substantial systems improvements a~d fielding tactical These improvements to make the best systems development reconfigurable processing cqncurrent requirements, accelerated rapidly i~telligence Without target the of personnel fluent 12 shortfall with in languages Operation and dialects. ENDURING We Automated to Hawaii. are partially meeting become familiar dialects to with for Language Instit~te language skills Finder fu~ure our develop future the trac}~s to find for contingencies, by the U.S processing, exp~oitation, and dissemination Distributed Coronion Ground System system distjribute benefit service surveillance years, improvincj, is one, of infrastructure in the C4 posture most in requirements demand that operatinlg This full spectrum rest of the Air Hickam we do. can ofl contingency Operations the Defense accurately ISR assets. assess airborne a full-up One positive mult~-intelligence Air Force commercial, funding is Base the This (AFB). a~d tactical need~d tether tasking, with ISR sensors in a crisis to ensure ISR infras~ructure, and the To USPACOM to include U-2jhigh-altitude for deploy Pacific sustained has For example, in been la top we fac~ part the as a whole reaching at Hickam. 13 Air Operations or back Every The 3 C4 We've invested c9mmunication because oqr past USPACOM priority today. and protec~ed We do this a new Air Over the (C4). and equipment, operations, Center Computers challenges systems command. capability function essential and combined -invqlved critical commalnd and control aclross the of languages/dialects aircraft. ~ust be continually and computers these and dialects (TPED) envi~onrnent theater, Communications, the in or OPLANs, we require (UAVs) and extended Contro~, fluent Ithat Force is the DCGS, additional and reconnaissance and still initial Air joint, vehicles Command, is adequate (DCGS) at from -national, with components have a sustained unmanned aerial heavily data f~om the it crises sponsored fully to personnel development users speakers languages/dialects ISR architecture multiple spe~kers OSPACOM languages Additionally, tests cryptolinguists Defense Manpower Data Center's all ability jqint will by trainin~ and using Ensuring operations of service and exercised dialects database improve To support challenges our force. significantly required current low-density augment Langu~ge would the current F9rce devices, and future recen\tly declared Center at Ito operate through ~or support from pla~ning Hickam action, AFB in the training the efficient. event, operatio~, ability to they and weapon system in existence comrn~nicate. need comes with a large would be tantamount C-4 the to to link up with ties Theater, requirements able To achieve together to awareness apd Through types information type warfighting move towards ,of capability requirements capacity for be robust CoImnunications ata needs. limits my ability forces Today we do not have enough bandwidth satellite bands, pperational plans. Commercial imagery. information or Extra require High SATCOM capacity 14 capability this is command and control any qf the Frequency, can that of ISatellite to in and we Our Enhanced sat~llite The shortage we shared more locatio~s messages, Instead, ca~acity. and austere of Many folks overload." network to be and complete requires and resilient Super, volumes en~ironment large keep and more cost a more knowledge-based {iSATCOM) capacity Ultra, infrastructure glance digest pace to both and high-r~solution can in Transformation, such as vi4eo, operators remote one of USPACOM's most critical -vivid real- C4 teqhnology, in "information software, our fot and and security informatiqn maintain with at a rapid as pages and pages of text and result tools, systems we need to move large to weapons C4 capabilities capacity understanding collaboration of improvtng on improving the To do otherwise responders underpinning on the heat of battle. first connectivity, warfighter and achieve users through can collectively network the it improvements superiority heavily communication in about maximum use of multi-media these This from ~olumes of which can overwhelm applications in the strides capitalize information situational are talking worth and local and is the rapidly to large it's We must enhance our information envision for relies men and women with them ammunition authorities and inqirectly. more robust, but but we must continue techno]ogy directly tag, We have made great expanding all price denying national informatio~. Pacific our fighting The GWOTdemands effective Shortfall equipment time Providing today Ito sup~ort fully military support much of this our facilities. shortfall, however, pressures and is SATCOMservice Olympics commercial not to the satellites subject to market For e>:ample, a~ important Navy was preempted by media cover~ge USPACOMprincipally to track ocean areas. destructive Our current foreign-owned. service relies typhoons commercial of the on geo-sfationary over geo-stationary and operated 2000 the vast satellite satellites fxpanse weat~er that are weather of USPACOM's information reafhing their comes designed lives Consequently, satellite it upgrades, new satellite system is launches prQPosed for meeting bases, and wire Project Radio government and disaster Pacific Mobile National are also military conso1idation legacy that of Deftnse satellites, System for important Radio C3I and (TCS) looks supported for bt mid (GIG1 Bandwidth tith the us with federal~ for force congressional (PACMERS), fill Administratton excellent Expansion fiber optic and local homeland I support which help for security the us meet (NTIA) mandate interoPfrability with non- partners Information connectivity Assurance and capacity Communication and are Information only part and information Sharing. of the security 15 solutionl cable and training state protection, Most 20th century commandlcenters and Information and allow Grid attention. .forces, the System alsolneeds infrastructure connect We appreciate Telecommunications frequency warfare. in-garrison our are Information for Emergency and keep on track Communication Secretary and stations this response. ffnd and ~eather infrastructure replace communications agencies Assistant The Global needed fully SATCOMneeds. camps to to new communications communication technology. connectivity crucial The Transformational our posts, promises of by the Our terrestrial our absolutely programs. being promising of dependable. is in Sydney, Australia. Additionally, from fully SATCOMavailability C~nununication for network must bf maintained centric while for simultaneously sharing multilater~l partners coalitions. is accessible network to be agile support several simultaneous communities U.S in coalition highly single computer network professionals Joint for would or networks joint that security Assurance are information around the Computer Network to with 16 into ~upport ate each individual both part I*ternet of our expands finding and ways of using to our There are many encfyption, intrusion these tfained and a stron~ single, financially content- Operations We support This denylaccess a highly selectively COWANsolution co~rdinationlof requires clock to involving interoperable us to land continuouslt exploit assurance is helping CE*TRIXS, which may As the weaknesses to our is requir,ments. and network activities o*r measures strategy. with simultaneously fortes today in challenge. atlow responsive required emergency response defense Task Force for all be much more on information working enough to networking our adversaries vulnerabilities and network syste~ Exchange System, environment occurring (COWAN) I initiative CENTCOMto and intelligence becomes more pervasive, detection and is agile Information Information focused Network an information and information resources technolo~y roll community programs Wide Area of nodes that t~ese concurrently, with coalition information support an information that we need the Pfrtners partnership than the multiple computer coalition to enclaves welcan have several environrne+ts efficient comprehensive Typically, coalition within interconn,ction /multi-national environment Conununication dynamic with and centric, joint network operations meshed is forces multiple To be networf able bilateral I informati?n different Being with inforrnat~on restrict the by developing Combined Enterprise become the for Operations have formed a strong the to share of interest. capacity, goal to partners time. and coalition collaborate need involving at any given this ability and allow Combined us achieve and collaborating to coalition network Our with by our operations Pacific sufficient Our inhibited are not the information programs team of network relationship (JTF C~O). and I cannot with the cite any partners. submarines. single program Assurance that area; however, on network centric With regard gathering to our is more important to information and taking advantage The vast information to the Information conducted via enhance the awareness that all activities with in growing enemy forces, I also Periscope submarine submarine and sustain Detection employed resulted in science sufficient funding overhaul submarines consider the rapid technology for surface littoral for regions warfare w~rld program to that are ASW ,sset remains to an acquisition 17 is track rate fcquiring last progra~ for of 688- at two per Patrol year submarine theltransition to and kill Automatic and Naty Maritime efforts and essential refueling b*ild to enabled challenge strufture submarine Congressional the A robust additifnal transition region coalition are availa~le ships our and share a welcomed and much needed 688-flass program and funding and technology force funding VIRGINIA-class exchanges USfACOMAOR has seen the in the The premier support in the by web-based bafe unders+a years, capable threat t*ese and pot,ntial of battle an.d more provided in thelAsia-Pacific The Pacific order products (APAN) have I increased counterparts it focused i*formation information recent in ~nd relevant More importantly, In strides nec,ssitates regional and developments (ASW). r~te. strongly Aircraft refueling rely and improve Open sourfe and the expand our we must seriously submarines year to and providing truft accurate Network our foreign To ensure class us to ASW architecture the we expect information information identify VIC) Area Warfare increase counter Information a must if to build cooperation. Center at a si9nificant integrated to of events Anti-Submarine greatest efforts of our operations instantly source" partners security have enabled growing of "open Asia-Pacific situational affect area is inlthe we have made $reat amount of this and analytical Virtual this sharing, and inter-agency understanding collection in any other operations coalition results emphasis than from a airborne Automatic PerisQ:ope necessary Defense most pervasive defending ground based lower systems lower tier continued development (BMOS) capable midcourse, ~f Key capabilities that PATRIOTi'PAC-3, Altitude Air Ballistic Mobil.i U.S. Route paramount risk ofla in all phases known threats requirements, and earliest terminal of perspective, Defense System boost, (i.e a top priority. now a1d in the future for Segrn,nt, USPACOM Theater Congtessional ~ power. and I applaud Patriot defense flight rernatns Defense Laser in OPLAN and contingency BMDS capabiliti~s), Midcourse your to ground sea-based Missi~e . During to meet potential to the GWOTand all Infrastru~ture Steering championed over the supp~rt $500 million Guidance 2002, rontinued we ma~e grtat Command (USTRANSCOM) to infrastructure AOR to a Ballistic '04-'06 vigilant, and Opera tions relief Planning Block delivery Until High support of support of Defense initiatives Transportation and sealift disaster ty these and Airborne remains Missi~e all Sea Based Defense, BMDS programs with support deployed From a homel.a~d missiles against Defense Agency's include the intercepting forwafd low~st sea and systems. remain to meet current of mix of syste~s the pose Effectively and a modera~e increase requirements. and fielding and ~erminal (Missile offers feasible U4PACOMMD. phase d~fense A mix of production/conversion (CONPLAN) warfighting for tier I support system as soon as technologically PAC-3/GEM+ missile lower as we missiles compl~mentary terminal systems Accordingly, optiqns. threat OPLANs. tier support cap~bilities. a layered, fielded, of theater and sea-based missile and upper Iyour and medium range bal{istic requires system is execution deployment Short threat tier upper tier successful (MD). this I appreciate in our ASWwar fighting and challenging against a robust technology. improvements Missile the Detection the National and by the the Committee operationa+ ramp, partnering strategic air needs ranging from The USPACOMEn I validated, and and runwfY projects Strategy Requirements 18 our far. has identified, Military Mobility rnoderntze way to a major in hydrant, strides as rna~dated Studr 2005. throughout by the Defense Our current en Bridge. route airlift Andersen AB Japan. of air route Elmendorf AFB Guam, and Iwakuni and Yokota list system includes AddiLionally, and seaports Station~ and assess their Kadena AS, Misawa AS, ap AOR-wide prioritized capa~ility as potential en locations. the Indian Ocean, consideration in Supply support as an en route improvement projects capability. port munitions protection, continued access to this restoring airfield more phases in the entire and api(°ns sanitary sewage systems, others like the~ infrastructure theater throughout readiness As early deployers, war plans for for of has in air-refueling establishing the tanker fleet following support and their lightning Wake Island, ~rojects we to ensure Tanker Air Island ACC,SS Facilities is the in prrparation supply, Following of the eltctrical $74 million will major FYO3 MI~CON $24.9 million, replacement water for ensure that, four airfield power and These investments we *ave the and necessary when we need them and Noble Eagle have demonstrated capability Pacific temporary o~r Pacific complete the in wharf runway pavement. an additional the areas! bulkhead with deteriorated and upgrade improvfments throughput supporting Repair starting oferational Sirnilarlylat location ~YO4 and beyond will taxiways Island i~frastructure improvement and marine pavement replacement replaces iQclude projects million the wh~rf in pads and storage critical a British QSPACPMand USCENTCOM current infrastructure The FYO2 MILCON $9.7 currently facility's berthing significant both $38.7 million completion handling and transient have identified supporting over nearing in Diego G~rCia, -OEF, has led to itslnear-term to expand the Pr.ojects containerized Facility of We have identified operations which Corps Air Hic~am AFB Hawaii we have developed to visit The heavy use of Naval in Marine AFB Alaska, the the tankers Pacific operational are critical Tanker to Atr Bridge. impact that of the GWOT. The KC-135 airctaft usage increased 11 September 2001. 45% over Ongoing OEF air-refuel~ng comprises 90% of what was programmed The FYO2 DoD Appropriatio* 19 executing Bill authorized the Ad~itionally, We Air for Force (USAF to negotiate air-refueling allow average use. retirement age of o~ the movement October 2001, in deployments dewloyments in support U.S high the Ce~tral meet strategic Joint force ~irlift and substandard ailj"lift meet operationa~ due total in ~o the reduction mobi14ty Pacific of aircraft Theater C-~30's ~upports will and prevent in the AOR. the bring Army the Te4hnology to pursuit of Demonstration C-17 aircraft of a~ing C-141 performance to lift and C-130 to better support ~he initiative availab~e construction MILCON funding to U.S. to p~ocure retirement stream for to AFB starting on arrival (~ILCON) will Elmendorf'is $64 million assets in Millennium 200~, but was diverted Hickam AFB, and Elmendqrf each over these su~port savings employment. Our number on~ strategic the AOR, we fully totaling about $lO~ million strategic the and pla~form. To have facilities ryO5 and the for to intra- and cost part4cipated USPACOMfully C-17 beddown military projects facilities HSV that transportation C-5 aircraft C-17s each at Hickam's needed an Since as ~perational as an Advanced Concept to for airlift. su~cess from March to April largely FYO6 and FYO7 respectively. in as it with a*ternative great was scheduled projection response base ei~ht start effort USAf inventory as well needs in our AOR airframes will I Force augrne*t USAF and USTRANSCOM efforts is six B-767 aircraft (MEF has *een testing HSV with Army/Navy exercises, shortfall with a leased technology USPACOMsupports use to Force Command (CENTCOM). (ACTO) and a fu~ure aircraft, Air a flexible its Expeditionary theiUSPACOM Theater speed sealift forward this KC-135Es in the and redeployments, 2002 ~nd other training oldest (HSV) provides using JOINT VENTURE H$V Xl, Challenge supports USPACOM, including 111 Marine exercise of 100 c°m+er~ial 43 years. theater for lease USPACOM fully The High Speed Vessel evaluating the in of these start in C-17 beddown MILCON th~se facilities will FYO4 to FYO9 MIL40N FYDP to provide have full mission a much-needed any lapse also 20 in support These I capability ae~ial capabil~ty delivery during USAF ,fforts the capacity the to procure F/A- 22 Raptors defeat The F/A-22 enemy threats will provide in the leap-ahead successful, the thi$ AOR vulnerability capability for region Asia-Pacific events reinforces events. Training missions, only and realistic cannot replace forces face to ensure experience we routinely througho~t frequencies at less impact risk receive the AOR. our force provide Brigade of allied ~ur friends in and allies regional tran~formation high tech~ology pr4mise Army for~e Combat and region SBCT partici*ation integrate to perform strikes efforts training and and in providing capabilities and raids readiness as part is re~uires Itough, dummy bombs and firin$ inert The first training than exposur~ environment in hostile encroachment on space, to exercise 21 number of to Inoncombatant through Restrictions ability an incr~asing Each mission practice. must be in a controlled However, ranges '11i ve-fire" survivable force. Dropping t~aining. ,bilities capa*ilities SBCTs show great assistance. and aJild reduced plannedlStryker warfighting Arrny-to-Army operations prepare six to support We are tasked to humanitarian way' to from their task in requirement Army. the and access USPACOMWfth a highly military their Additionally, from peace evacuation radio is by continuing Areas swiftly proves I reach enhanced lift theater commitment or cqalition to ~rograrn performance, of the The primary test operational provide commanders the means to better o£ a joint The support our refPonse transtormational current the medium-lift region build~ng will truly our design, needs three efforts. in the the The aircraft's Teams (SBCTs tQ fully transformation is extend projected migration The Pacific joint will capability significant exercise If and susceptibility and flexible coalition capability technology. The Osprey's rapid USPACOMAOR A V-22 Osprey tiltrotor exhibiting a unique, preparation oriented, ordnance to "live where fire" they our learn comb4t pressute hour1, our on our training ordnance, eq*ipment and and train to But, standard. Last spring, (MBTA) temporarily de Medinilla, closed in order Fortunately, timely cycles have for~ed through expensive that and l~rnit for often protected in the populations the the of areas, of protected force onl the become too predictable accomplish the ~raining,. Big an~ impact and training deploy although ~f war, they are restrictions unrealis~ically environment well high Successi stories known usually experiences require decline; 22 to increase the ~as been to work impacF on the less, tra~ning indivi~ual The work-aroundsi well-being to avoid p~ograrns challenges and our or repetitive space species space is tunneled, ~raining specific to minimize maneuver are We have set aside some units' encroachment seeking to the Island. to Moreover, now demand n~ise or endangered but training in Hawaii causei units instruments and developed answer to MBTA appellate tra~ning training or deferred become narrow and artificially Readiness and Korea aren't altered an ranges stories of tratning money, time, range maneuvers to of our the prob~ems while quantity Pohakuloa Developments use nesting The military's around amended the of groupd unit noisy granted Maku~ Range on Oahu is most small are Act Farrallon o!f Appeals actilon Likewise, Japan low-altitude species, interference Court Treaty range, and a subs~quent routine and pistols We are go~d stewards but t Bird I important numerous, for of our business. force Circui Congressional the in station artil~ery, altitudes to Migraitory live-firle number and type limitations I parts aircraft D.C accomplish deployments the activities, in the us to away from theirihome basic to the case as moot. limits and train~ng aircraft, readiness dismissed use but severe Range primary the exempt DoD m~litary court our pertaining near Guam, until emergency stay. to a suit have maneuvers costs servic~ we cannot lanes and have may still additionall of our quality l~t -in terms members this continue of effects. Many of o~r environmental example, the Marine protected species "annoyance" without prior subject litigants Wildlife Service habitat", even Resource lock on significant the U.S Fish areas are not even present language and broad activities definitions of points In April recommending Readiness 2002, of to environmental to protect the of the modifications stakeholders DoD maintain environment "our j.proposal President based sent certain and begun Fish Natural litigants qiesignate for are such endangered exarnwles and as "critical +nstallation to show, air, critical species such loose land, lo~ations. Clear requtrernents should environmental to and sea be consideration with decision last 23 year, of the remaining discussion forc$s year package remaining ancji other concerning was to enacted three five RRPI wroposals, Congress of the and continue ~ongress the to Congress as part Th~ proposed train Last package st~tutes (RRPI). ability has resubmitted and a significant ranges a legislative Initiative its the IItl fact, species And legislation in which we train. on both of milit~ry security the Administration cl~rifications he Iff national delays, Additionally, to force can and do impede essenttal and Range Preservation prepared elements in all seeking As these species from approving impacts. ranges mammals or endangered after re~ulators protection. DoD training a protected of the training our Service regulatory significant often mandated on such lands and!consideratiqn important of acres of mammals can be mere harasses quality Act are habitat respective agencies.. the and Wildlife definitions near marine that have insignificant afford harassment of maripe preclude Species are vague biologically own congressionally Management Plans habitat degrade up thousands tj:hough our to forc~ year, that Endangered seeking that regulatory many believe to without in the statue that usingfthe "harassment" applicable inflexibilities even activities from the activity by the intent~oned, (MMPA) prohibits or training to restrictions, sometimes of to disturb" Any Navy test or Act well authorization definition or "potential must be approved while Mammal Protection The current agency. laws, with some environmental the MMPAin the SurTASS lawsuit. We thank support encroachment on future An aging Logistics continue to drive to war" Readiness is lower Spares example,. three wings maintained PACAF requires generation rates over substitution to achieve eight Pacific and A-10. a root cause of controlled projected depot maintenance Life Cycle supp~rt Chemical, (CBRNE) defense potential operational risk and potentially everyone, everywhere, including on the for Korean F-15, fourth m+ssion for For and F-16 quarter planning FYO2. sortie than 8% for Aviat~on Fleet the F- increased goals delivery lead-times diff1culty Increased need your for flyi~g are in matching spares at the hours the life Nuclear, concern in military greatest including Peninsula Guam and key Japanese our the Army necessary allies and ijigh Pacific and the fully to funding and each Service's ag~ng aircraft yield theater, causing threat Explosive significant a critical I face, horne~and. could fleets. and a operating affecting Aircraft on a few ~trategic and seaports, 24 for CBRNEis theater in intermediate, operations, or an attack air :. of our War OPLANexecution. the support we need support extend U.S. continued organizational, Radiological, to Major condition exposure but a significant showstopper The result Tempo program to is "go Army ~ses controlled and create Additionally, Biological, duri~g our continue. A-1O, are high~r mission-capable requirements levels. (PACAF the U.S, capabilities. Operational and personnel , rates for funding some shortages standards to meet the rates Although to meet wartime substitution We have made progress materiel costs. shortages rates. due to 12-18 month spares are required surge to wartime fl11 cannibalization Force Likewise, availability with level Air your our r~adiness. and reduced 2 years, Capable peacetime in stock wholesale last cannibalization Delays lines the RRPI and ask for and some parts at increased PACAF cannibalization F-15E, impact Capable minimum Mission excess that of the inventory Mission readiness of 16, F-15C/D, funding issues support Packages and high has improved only for aircraft reduced than expected spare parts Congress stop u.s. choke points, force flows intelligence and other critical support " what we would like capabilities. to achieve Specific Chemical/ Biolo9ical standards, operations and significant on adversary We are active with other a Restoration (ACTO) to react Operations examine to the venue, procedures, community is in detailed investigating assessed procedures such an attack. entire joint comrnunityto operate in this support is critical While winrfing a qualitative for necessary operating for our in Sailors, facilities, service and attack immediately at a fixed t~chniques early Another effort the we to We are working the USPACOMneeds support should final respondin9 us to mitigate to warning The DoD WMD DdlD for these issues. site. and have its 2003 within allow protect our need arise. to impact of from the forces Your and to continued readiness and transforming we must improve Airmen, Demonstration (BW) seminar. our abilities on terrorism edge, we are sponsoring decontamination, shortfalls alone. CBRNE defense war against February that Program and Technology protect warfare environment the military our Soldiers, quality to Concept to resolve do this improve difficult Protection new tactics, and technologies We cannot and actionable The RESTOPSACTD will enemy BW and gave us a way-ahead decontamination For example, new detection, the Equipment inadequate or biological a DoD-wide biological col1.eqtively integrate to of a chemical Korea, between actual Protective Installation necessary Base, exist and facilities. Service technologies. at Osan Air are sponsoring shortcomings as exploring and medical demonstration detection, and demonstrations. we are as well and Standoff actions and our Individual (RESTOPS) Advanced consequences Through this networks, the include Joint studies differences CBRNEthreats WMDprocesses in the ongoing against shortages Point Significant on the and Marines. the tools, and the men and women to achieve 25 our Quality forces of Service QOS means providing information their to goals ensure (QOS) the technology and execute high absence. remaining. their missions throughout with efficiency the Asia-Pacific region now as Commander, Pacific service and a minimum of frustration. to ou~ military -first My travels as Commander, Pacific Command -confirm my belief members and their families Fleet, and you have done a great in the area of personnel entitlements The QOS ipitiatives Act show service actions to raise, members meet Thank you for included the your assignment that needs mil.itary o.f our support incentive pay, and defer families their increases for in Basic Deployed services operations and the is Housing to eliminate military immediate essential, inadequate travel to quarters the grant 4.1% pay emergency: highly will from the benefit entitlement, leave skilled troops to from recent Basic messing facilities. additional form of childcare, of ability additional inadequate taking families in retaining and from the with the remains Allowance family education, and youth way, supporting benefits families housing by 2007 with Initiative}. contingency services further {Public Congre.ssional limiting while progress out of pocket maintaining your continued a high we still attention 26 standard support Continued in reducing expenses have a combination to our men and women who serve While we have made progress, We appreciate All (MILCON) and privatization to enable and in a top priority. inadequate Communities however, members and their and quality. Tours construction or Residential provided ability be more at ease knowing that in are GWOT Family plans traditional Venture will leaders including our men and women who are in harm's Military devised the assist in areas has been provided for initiatives, Housing Allowance, provisions personnel assistance Overseas Defense Authorization men and women and their Many USPACOMpersonnel Consecutive Subsistence will FYO3 National and congressional service on recent These QOS initiatives and their in the the has funding service construction have considerable on this Private number of to our of of important work issue. proceeds. Dorms and Barracks for we have seen significant well thought funding to meet the latrine-style stream, the Installations (having Readiness In many areas, conducive projects the fundingfPuts mission at piers and infrastructure current this we have and essential impact provide efforts and call upon your continued for the the most important Airmen long fit profile i~to WWII vintage at risk attention facilities Iby th~ In end addition of to FY1O to infrastructure These include Con~ress' to ensure new Our facilities optimum readiness assistance per year existing requirements We appreciate throughout a 67-year of directive for year to achieve important USPACOM $2.5 billion on average, equally C-3 requirements) handling of readiness at and not mission proper and quality past funding adequate facilities term weapons systems and Marines FYOI mission status a foundation Sustairunent, $3.~ billionlper environmental success Sailors, and beneficial USPACOM facilities vintage safe, require to mission Soldiers, supporting components critical By far (not for performance achieving maintenance 80% of funding service and proper as renovation and infrastructure about approximately above SRMneeds that bed-downs operational be an impor-tantlconcern by FYO7 and restore our facilities, requirements to C-4 the DoD goal directs rate facilities modern weapons no longer the (minimum acceptable maintaining facilities are 1940's improved FYO4-09 FYDP vice I current below standards rated or SRM requirements Current still USPACOMfacilities recapitalizatio~ our are now pursuing open bay berthing has had a direct (SRM) of deficiencies) and require As you know, C-2 is Report For example, magazines of eliminating existing USPACOM AOR continues serious components area where members and Modernization throughout members is another We must retain support Our base infrastructure Restoration, FYOB goal to maintain congressional on our young service service Our service barracks however, Agaip, single improvement. ou~ plans and central our in our inventory These individuals 27 require are our life-cycle of homeland. support that and maintenance maintenance to our ability vaccines, program. to antib~otic that like will other Ensuring implement your improve support for ongoing We are working facilities, for ensure our military We appreciate are vital allotted toward toward family vital housing Force bases, In is clear concrete Also, as well repair of airfield at bases and long-range radar wake of aircraft current as well The hangar and future MILCON for dorm and familyjhousing from supplemental hangar Guam. destruction will Air deficits MILCON where enhanced force with our allies billion was MILCON support for Combat Teams and the C-17 repairs in the is reflected at all U.S. Pacific needed on critical detection Typhoon other provide reliable Expeditionary and renovations. is necessary. in defense Pongsq>na in for of the November 2002, a "typhoon-proof" projects support Force environmental 28 These funds new as several protection to MILCON for MILCON support consistent by Typhoon and $300 million pavements repairs the we require infrastructure substandard funding FYO:p, $1.1 we require Brigade as the major we require Force Base, important or major In one of and secure. together requirements For example, our USPACOM AOR. In FYO4, we need continued of major systems degraded modern, to the support such as the Stryker complete infrastructure it needs Our backlog need for is safe, our forces. and mission include remains and increase to work and fight and QOS issues. bed-downs, aircraft ability and modernize mission readiness mission Air transform our facilities or renovate restore infrastructure relates and development Guam, further the MILCON appropriations to maintain and to help Hospital, that is capabil~ties replace to directly surveillance research medical to We must continue medical disease detection our top QOS pri~rities forces Protection countermeasures of military Naval Force Health of our and automated The upkeep and replacement Pongsona in December. health disease our disease particularly systems. the effective stockpiles, I ask you to cortinue efforts just at Andersen for Air critically and OPLAN requirements stewardship and essential I thank Congress for using Force The New USPACOMHeadquarters provide advanced information technologies management, for our people to Department of Defense Education on Guam is currently my top family facilities condition that Further, near received support events their built in Pacific activity, l~lght of for these our increa$ed Warfighting train~lng Center complexities, USPACOM's exercise deficiency interoperability with OPTEMPO, traini~g responding or meet force operations and achieve technologies to create and mission commanders and their for on the protection rehearsal for have training networked, environment staffs 29 U3PACOMand Joint limits live, for their improve to does not force by exploiting virtual, joint combined before support total ability increased The planned, improve obsolete capabilities. USPACOMforces requirements will and exercise rendered facility Guam island. and contributes costs center transforming a robust, the need We need in operational procedures; degrades dependents MILCON projects to train readiness significantly environment and support The current The second is in 2002. have family Increasing in the region; and simulation OSD's goal few years posture ability and associated to cgrtingencies. technologies (PWC) is substandard a good learning force orders friends time, past two DoDEA school the action key operational in poor, Our military to that DoDEA's FYO6 MILCON program infrastructure reduces commanders in crisis of funds. and C4I modernization simulation sign~ficantly rehearse conducive two schools school damage from two typhoons school schools mission. an elementary conversions over the to and visualization (DoDEA) MILCON for One is significant term support especially training Activity are 1997 building numerous seismic soundly the-art and designed accomplish programmed in the weakened the elementary/middle to decision efficiently QOS priority. h~gh school Current your construction not in the DoDEA MILCON program due to lack a replacement safe, is under future state-ofreadiness emerging and constructive and combined force Accordingly, have PWCwill grid of be a key node on the operational integrate with, Training Analysis Preparation warfighting and extend headquarters Center 0 PLAN mission and deploying support advanced warfighting This for military, assembling throughout funds component Again, requirements Thank you again for your friendships on these the the of our relationships mutual support interests. shape our overseas brought Security into focus the in the will to deter r~gional support setting but we still have and I thank you Pacific Asia-Pacific Dramatic new and challenging national 30 region, combat forces our continue One of my goals posture threats efforts is is to that fundamental We look to and for posture (TSC). Cooperation also multinational Our forward initiatives Theater in Hawaii exercises, you have provided in nurturing essential help Asia-Pacific facility and protected forward-deployed our combat capability that the representatives peace and stability while cooperation support alliances region's via to The PWC security in QOS improvements, "Constants" bilateral of the region's the future and the presence foundation support for continued Our long-standing build a secure technologies a secure The facility in will experim~ntation. opportunities venue for for center information interoperability and seminars Reinforcinq be the for Command's analysis and interagency region fully Command's Warrior simulation provide much has been accomplished more to do. in advance will global an effective and combat exchange will European provide and joint civil-military research, conference and U.S Joint and enhance regional MILCON project the Asia-Pacific collaborative Forces the The planned INTERNET-based information Area Network of, the use of emerging to save exercise Center's it PWCwill concepts Training Specifically, rehearsal, forces USPACOMthrough using capability the transform promises the and Simulation support National centers Center. decision Joint events security of the past 2 years demands for the 21st century. the A mix of traditional unprecedented 50 years. prompt levels of Asia-Pacific These threats are reminders and effective Pacific region. responses At security strategy defense objectives of threat with to ensure regional course and prosperity evolving of the challenges Attaining require assessment security a broad and understanding of political-military by meaningful more and defense national requires last in the Asia- national region supported jeopardizes peace and prosperity emphasis. a frank threats realities, and mQtually beneficial cooperation Our acute theater security Peninsula (where the stakes strategic rivals threats of Peninsula, Taiwan Strait, flashpoints are strengthening regioI:lal by enhancing (and deploy) efforts U.S. the Security places like strategic relationships influence, with spectrum and peaceful the situation Korean in these and preparedness. and military to deter We capabilities conflict of our coalition military friends, dissua~e, expanding (TSC) Plan supports U.S operational and forward-based to assure an engine in Cooperation enhances our joint/combined is violence, we anticipate and capabilities undertake Cooperation regional and transnational mandates vigilance forward-deployed or between Korean and competitors. interoperability across the security new relationships wpuld-b,e increasing concerns and Kashmir, current The USPACOMTheater mission security on the drug-associated Although and elsewhere our developing dissuade proliferation, longstanding conflict or India-Pakistan); nation-states. resolution include miscalculation (such as China-Taiwan from failed potential concerns are high); such as terrorism, instability train that in the Asia-Pacific and a well-charted while security USPACOM, we "operationalize," capab~lities, security and non-traditional or defeat of change that, along 31 support and potential Every TSC activity capabilities deter, to and communicates potential with our we our enemies. Joint overall access to combat forces, partners operations. the Training intent Security and Experimentation national Plans strategy and our operational focus, solidifies and focused, enduring regional security The dividends allies of a relevant, and friends Every day, have provided our TSC planners, and forward-deployed cooperation prepare forces TSC plan incomparable support treaty assistance personnel, forces coordinate, plan, and execute that strengthen meaningful military-to-military Coalition -our GWOT security prospective between to OEF and the planners, and their link are clear exercise activities U.S. adaptive the security cooperation partners for the and next challenge The U.S.-Japan Japan. outstanding rapport at the alliance highest has never levels our two countries resolving problems. Nearly 38,000 in Japan, which also serves as a forward-deployed personnel. most generous deployed Japan provides of forces, commitments the be much more alliance becoming stressed the security policies fundamental obtained the for action ties and are about support, forward-stationed for the security stationed 14,000 u.s. in host-nation throughout to the and forward- U.S. to meet the Asia-Pacific and peaceful attacks, approval of security of. over Force Japan reacted Plan that region. development is in for 32 fuel the to the the in oil has response for on terrorism. 50-year coalition 11 and framework to the to to GWOT After war in the GOJ contributions of PM Koizurni to move Japan's provides unprecedented gallons ago, passed legislation contributions relationship. 70 million years leadership support Japan (GOJ) rapidly '.Japan Self-Defense the Japan-U.S exceptional pushing a Basic two and has sought He exerted terrorist which (PM) nearly of the alliance forward The speed with provision Minister Government of Cabinet significant Prime importance 11 September September, the is site difficult interests personnel the region Since the it these to strengthening armed forces Without American in $4.5 billion ally and defend The U.S..-Japan over any U.s. would forward U.S From the of our governments officers, naval are moving been stronger. history of GWOTinclude ships by the progress. u.s. Japan Maritime provided over throughout to the Self-Defense l~OO flight its We take support The significant concerns, Although Japanese public percent, a majo*ity continued careful Efforts (2 of portion to implement While reduction Facility of the to complete replacement emphasize significant forces' careful corning discussion longer-term presence is of that The new Korean of military and passengers our appreciation to high, terrorism in about issues, and the Japan 70 see a reduction of base-related crime against activities remains would like the the in the including environment GOJ that our requires require issues related U.S.-Japan regional goverrnnent (ROK). is is our vital advancing other However, At the u.s. we and a will same interests is so. secure, My hope for advance and training with Futenrna Futenrna attention. alliance. the in have not changed, returning Japan still 12 the off-shore SACOprocess. remains bases coordination security it with to Report team perspective, ensure dialogue sustaining for country will security before are Plan for requirements exist from the a Basic in the on Okinawa have been completed, initiatives) our proper opportunities in of required issues Committee SAGO Final the progress here, Action release Japan-U.S. alliance Korea Special 11 land is interests Repub.lic support alliance about facility our current to address the GOJ approval to the growth expand and improve region of management of the year express 27 SACO initiatives and 10 of (FRF). The U.S.-Japan time, 15 of FRF highlights continue about U.S. and concerns The cornerstone Replacement however, for cargo management Report. 5 noise to national The normal range continue (SACO) Final important Force has September of Japanese citizens on training of Self-Defense opportunity in building support of our presence constraints every following.11 progress does not eliminate The Japan Air hours moving tons the theater GOJ for burden Force. to We also countries the beyond address look within and the our to the issues. The ROK remains coImnitted to 33 the one of our alliance. strong:est Unfortunate allies. incidents the role. responsibilities. marred the relationship young Korean girls this regard, this in past year an accident the U.S. -the most tragic involving has at every a D.S level offered was the Forces death of two Korea vehicle. our profound In sympathy and apologies The late fall on issues However, protests related they are the Office continue is of to the in their review working clearly ~his of the in the South Asia, not steadfast are with Afghanistan, In the tons the of this role USPACOMarea, cargo ROK Navy has provided moving 3500 tons our and integrated Timor-Leste, to support anti-terrorism with ROK Air to the defense efforts 34 transportation In the throughout to bolster aftermath ROK the region's Force has flown sealift among where peninsular and passengers of material. and peace and Korea contributes our efforts important security regional GWOT, from Guam to Central the we regional ensure in from its to Korea, with East Asia. its regional efforts detracting support Forces and interoperability year for and believe USPACOMexercises to past great one another ROK supports contributions supporting important with cooperation us in the States to or the In coordination ROK and North consonance regional while in ours. Staff relationship security increasing in UN peacekeeping region support. hours moving in regional growing Korean Armed Forces ground-in in the the nation's and United Korean people by most Koreans recognize is ROK Joint demonstrated The ROK c~ntinues Similarly, are Korea's participated newest nation. the In particular, and allies. troops medical with aimed at increasing were security presence efforts where appropriate. stability as it the ROK has been steadily cooperation friends general the the ROK-U.S. sought to their of Defense our force USPACOMis seminars States emotion in solution in interest, Secretary As a partner, security of the United depth of inequalities The Korean people made by the relationship the to perceived not indicative Korean government. contributions indicate The Asia and on and over 2000 the AOR our efforts of Typhoon Guam. maintains peace Cha'taan, the 350 tons ROK landing of bottled ship water will soon join infrastructure will of continue people for to that be, their and the threat remains unabated, policy, flights, it success to to Manas, engineering the have been, and we thank in the not the loss and the its forces Kim regime resources citizens broken of four of its its to face the and Korean Finally, nuclear brinkmanship, with program and progressive reprocessing program. DPRK pledges to lithe denuclearization steps to These actions IAEA, and the our ROK-U.S its bargaining partnership The ROK is a strong ally Together 1992 we face its July The DPRK force of the fed, Highly While engine technology, continues production of the Basic the test tests. posing Enriched plutonium first" equipped, missile static on an ROK "military ballistic Kim regime The DPRK is is in The (DPRK) and starvation. North-South position. in large are in violation stand that its attack persists of its restart Korea 100 kilometers an~ missile disclosure of the Peninsula. strengthen and stability. the within including the of young ROK sailors. suspend efforts concern naval keep its to Kim Jong-Il on the peninsula. Republic deprivation promise development posed by the team faces unprovoked counter-proliferation critical DEF, People's missiles to A civil dangers combined DPRK exports crisis initially in rebuilding of of over and materials These contributions the by the sufficient continues Additionally, supplies Hospital assist Democratic 60 percent while so far to the (DMZ), providing DPRK has to nation our ROK-U.S. resulted Zone and exercised, forces emerging illustrated that tarized these from more than Demili Surgical 2002 remind us of the threat Navy vessel relief sealift support of conventional emergency to Bagram, Afghanistan important The events regime disaster a Mobile and subsequently battalion LSTs) provided and other The ROK Army deployed Kyrgyzstan, tanks a grave to engage in Uranium and Agreed Framework, Agreement calling not above precipitating Now more than ever for a it is firm increasingly a cornrnonthreat 35 contributing on the to regional Peninsula Moreover, to Additionally, However, the Korean people the DPRK We recognize the and their government. Agreement in maintaining ensuring security that In sum, terrorism through future foster efforts reconciliation to crucial Korean role Korean Peninsula, do not the with people of the Armistice and we are committed increase risk for the States support to fully in the region. the coalition to in regional security, U.S and ROK forces strengthen the alliance combat to the ROK plays remain deal globa prepared, with and current and challenges. steadfast other Our strong commitment security coalition recently, Air support vessels forward leader by signing while pursuing continues Oceania of to southern maintain with contingency lead Armed Forces of the Through USN initiative cornprehe!nsive to counter-terrorism exchange initiatives support humanitarian security Indonesia, Pbi~ippines. Philippines security crews for the Malaysia, select and Thailand strong across the levels full Australia struggling nations and training architecture of Southeast counter~terrorisrn. assistance strategic and, most in Forces including (CAP), has become a regional Defence operations Patrols frigates the Australian of this the missile every to the Combat Air on maintaining of our of contributions focused providing the vibrancy Repub~ic guided essentially USPACOMremains international anchor military and include MOOs with has demonstrated GWOTand in Australia counter-terrorism others region, our multilateral interoperability spectrum Its (SAS) troops, Sea Swap, Australia in the in theater in pursuing Asia leadership are substantial Service for and partner, in the region. terror Special ally and bold endeavor against tankers, the United ways to Austral.ia. of to these at reconciliation to participate role for ways of peace on the continuing and efforts we are looking for importanc;e ROK or the a very positive looking we agree on the efforts of the are of the Australia in the region, is and we will relationship. Our relationship (AFP) developed assistance the and matured packages 36 with Government throughout and focused security and 2002 Jolo. AFP cooperation, the AFP has improved homeland as demonstrated of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) on Basilan members have been wounded, these has produced forces result, tremendous the will circled lives to on its neutralizing continuing citizens fight in and service the terrorists in the medical civic assistance because supporting the terrorist threat threat, program light will occur its Southern reaction acted To ensure additional just at various locations in the Financing critical tactical mobility aircraft, your assistance This will give two-half in ensuring and will funding Philippines the AFP an opportunity Assistance this (SA) Program 37 infantry Non- The SA modules the AFP beyond will patrol a Foreign sustain the AFP C-130 We craft. program through current and fusion, UH-IH helicopters, to address respond of light benefit Plan that and 78-foot shortfalls and AFP training training. to and from USPACOMhas developed including for of. Basilan consist Operations ton trucks, and forO.S. intelligence Assistance platforms, hospitals, multipliers a Security Additionally, (FMF Maintenance as will the AFP can successfully company, night-vision, Military livelihood These humanitarian citizens the mobility counter-terrorism starting and Civil Command units the Although tactical critical as force separated Officer, Military transport is economic the island Island Island AFP/U.S. their U.S developed the AFP with This commissioned the support buildings, throughout programs provide battalion, areas on Basilan in to school the terrorist equipment repairs Basilan program successes operations will of and assisted from Basilan significantly to (OEF-P) Task Force advised ASG terrorists was repaired people treatment ENDURING FREEDOM-Philippines The Joint to rid declined the wells, other Operation mission Basilan help new water that terrorism and the Both American their successes. ASG threat also to the fight Command's effective Island cost or lost losses, in their road that the to Philippines Despite it ability by the AFP Southern This has not come without Southern its next equipment 5 years. maintenance Thail.and. Action completed security has not been limited various large-scale cooperation Mutual Logistics reciprocity force Agreement posture for dwindle, Philippines forces with provided $25 million underway in the required in USPACOM-a This small supplemental Philippines repairs funding the in the training used the to security counterterrorism a agreement the AFP combat terrorism. USPACOMAOR facilities the for of improve As training in the are required for Additional FYO3 to continue sign will efforts role excellent though positive gesture Philippine to plan the AFP signed We have already a strategic remain available, We have On 21 November 2002, and support plays Philippines Luzon and continue relationship The Philippines u.s. in 2003 body armor to the AFP. protectio~ areas in and an improving by leasing southern exercises events Support to the Last year, SA modules currently assistance funding the U.S may be momentum we have established We have accomplished objectives security with situation in the and promote comprehensive, ASG is the unwavering situation investments a lot focused support Philippines economic way. GWOTand in of the needs stability and timely in the Philippines. another in the A sustained military-to-military COBRA GOLD {CG) is a centerpiece 22nd joint/combined bilateral expanded observer By adding for this transnational South East Asia multinational issues, of this with it exercise Thailand is U.S a treaty to support Thailand, assuming in fight attract through ally that with the is the U.S 4th of role goal in to Exercise be our the multilateral an environment an active the continues CG-2003 will and the the against capability relationship dimension 38 The is one way we can influence USPACOM's premier security. strategic Government the GRP in their is our improvement relationship exercise program -making continued GRP counterterrorism The Kingdom of Thailand have an outstanding Philippine Continued SA funding Supporting securing event that trains promoting Singapore. Initiative. Ma.laysia. Military-to-military Thai-American Consultations. counterdrug/border training process to Education access u.s. peace operations assistance and Training leader program (IMET) include to providing the GWOT, and an intent of our to facilities, clearances in c_ooperation strong ports, support relationship to with a peacekeeping contribute a component engineering including interests emergencies. our security Following access to airfields terrorists, in the froze Strait the troop support in to the peace terrorists 2003/2004 testifies Southeast Asia Our efforts foundation through its and serves Asia attacks, assets, published to with have arrested more than initiatives areas of mutual improved address for launch focus aimed at increasing terrorists 39 in provided 31 suspected to shipping Security on the Jemaah research combating center terrorism on reinforcing our in in already and cooperation action against Malaysian terrorism security and have taken cooperation The proposed Container for To date, in Malaysia. Singapore a terrorist strategy strongest protection Paper interoperability 70 suspected interest. to detained increased White Singapore one of the forces, the U.S. comprehensive has occurred security as a catalyst terrorist Some of the most aggressive Southeast received overflight as COBRA GOLD, helps to U.S. and announcement to of Our ongoing is facilities recently Islamiyah granting Singapore and implemented Singapore's strong with financial of Malacca, we have posture. 11 September and naval terrorist such countries Our relationship the region. Thailand,. and the exercises of both our regional with and airfields, of operational program, security enhancing other include annual in Aceh, Indonesia. As a result several managed through training, security a commitment support is Thailand demining as a regional in Timor-Leste, Afghanistan to support, Military contributions presence Thailand and an extensive International Thailand's with Benefits security and support, robust the policy in Reg.ional the combating Counter in forces lead terrorism Terrorism in and Training Center in Kuala Lumpur is important oppor~unity providing expertise, Malaysia and other necessary democratic January of Malaysia holds to to operate in the cooperating in areas India successful exercises -ranging exercises -that 10 months, activities These programs Indian transformation strategic for the Strait with of our India ast year last will from the brink a secular of of is terrorism Currently, Islamic Together, Its schools causes Conference and we remain and improving our ability security forces operations plan with a number of to surface of u.s. have met with outlining warfare mutually military cooperation supports was evident escorts of U.S. trip also menace India. 40 to further India's ships to the the this strong troubled these and transiting Our improved as we helped of war. in rivals Indian beneficial with, and serves forces their interoperability As my recent were invaluable program our India Defense cooperation have conducted components increase naval summer. by the Indo-U.S the combat effectiveness partnership its terrorists and Pakistan our a long-range This with breed hatred. provided from airborne Our growing GWOT, mOst notably confirmed, To date, relationship partnership. of Malacca Kashmir forces. we can assist religious root interest direction USPACOMand its and established to, that Movement. By efforts have improved counterparts access the U$PACOMembarked on an aggressive past year. terrorism beyond the region. private against an the skills Muslim nation for of mutual policy over the past developing Organization Non-Aligned Based on the Group, in teachings of the in combined regional India. Over the extremist chairmanship influential committed Policy the action at combating extends funding taking deviant Asia influence and represents when appropriate, As a moderate discontinue all government supporting remains of Southeast Malaysia's to efforts and funding terrorism announcement by not naval nations government, an example with to enhance regional information, to defeat one such initiative support the state of relationships step back Indonesia. The government terrorist bombings and developing Globally, in the interests Islam in the economic turmoil, and to transnational going thro,gh cultural Critical Education that essential to the exposes management techniques Particularly support Training struggle (IMET) ability following Though the the to vital U.S military past 20 plus greatest a democratic role This credit provided state. years in providing to independence. and roads, repaired water (TNIJ is an autocratic is a significant Professional must Military norms and modern defense and goodwill. generation of officers Military to Education for and equipment, porous borders, became the to improve We conducted and electrical presence monthly systems, 41 deaths. Timorese in Timor-Leste's Group East Timor military newest 200,000 goes to the assistance Support world's and over achievement a stabilizing transition in threats. significant Our U.S. secular relations, FMF support of occupation this of bonqs of trust as is May, Timor-Leste for is Indonesia's transnational its military This International tool monitoring to counter Timor democracy for effort the younger important transition, not happen by itself democratic terrorism. face of community civil-military personal influencing against boats to building is..another such as patrol East is will of this TNI officers important the that In the international government to democratic success while the from protector elected a key to maintain The Indonesian transition transition is and threaten and political struggling with threat. and radicalism. threats. of a popularly Accountability, TNI's security and institutional improve cooperate a difficult to defender Indonesia and communal violence, is terrorist Muslim countries terrorism Muslim nation to the many key operatives and regional nations. against separatist character, eliminating regime struggle admirably arresting to destabilize democratic most populous democratic also continues responded 2002, on the domestic of tolerant, battleground Indonesia on 12 October information radical the world's Bali of people, transition (USGET) played during a Timor-Leste's ship visits, b~ilt and provided medical schools and dental treatment military for forces that Although playa role helping in purchasing develop Timor's development civilian the 2002, development Sales Defense Force and designing defense of law state. English language programs My key goals establishment and help to (ETDF) logistics training of a civil/military rule our USPACOM continues as a democratic and the ETDF. and the USGET and (FMS) we are funding Timor-Leste equipment, of independence. Defense Secretariat to the help are to subordinate develop We have a modest but constructive relationship with which us to the limits China. and other DoD efforts Our relationship areas support to ETDF as a credible collision incident. November 2002 and my visit USPACOMbilateral One objective venues such contacts to with and our values of China's China are (NOAA 2000), Relief part. on a new footing of since visit ongoing the April to Qingdao from 13-17 December 2002 were the contacts with is to demonstrate personnel People's Our activities The USS PAUL FOSTER port exchanges by developing by PL 106-65 Assistance/Disaster China military-to-military of these military~to~military is guided of Humanitarian non-warfighting to place 2001 aircraft generation Timor-Leste proud force. China. (HA/DR) We are on 17 December Military basic authority self-defense to Timor-Leste's develop system, the contributed IMET and Foreign training, of Timorese. OSGET deactivated positive Through thousands exchanges Liberation China since the quality between in first March 2001 of our forces the younger Army (PLA) and u.s. military personnel Taiwan For Taiwan, We have worked tpis best meet Taiwan's democrat.l.c, and civilian-controlled oriented past our year identified e~onomically defense actions to are guided support defense self needs. prosperous while establishment military 42 with by the Taiwan Relations defense improvements that We want Taiwan to remain it develops Act. can stable, a professional a modernized, joint operations- Asia-Paci£ic Center and future military concerns. The Center while promoting ever, we realize ts leaders provides each country pQlitical, se~urity perspective (APCSS) brings to discuss a unique platform and social the APCSS gives challenges, not 45 participating nations, security policies security stability. Through leaders including to assure executive a regional viewpoint Russia, issues Now more than to regional from a U.S current security to discuss Asia-Pacific only together regional cooperation must contribute economic, and conferences, to recognize the and civilian Studies USPACOMand OSD regional continued courses £or Security forum but also Chile, from Canada, and Pakistan Center improved Nepal, of Exce~~ence peace support Bangladesh, and Filipino relationships The Center's in civilian military the countries otherwise and Humanitarian operations our Assistance efforts and less The Center's it ways that Your support provides valuable to in commitment to unique to the region immediate perform effectively behaviors position as a civil- authorities USPACOMreach from out to new and CaE in Disaster assistance Thai Indonesia. predictable engage help for evident to eliminate new actors allows is Malaysia, in the Asia-Pacific our forces or'ganization have in Aceh, long-term to prepare of conflict. partners improvement stability complement other with seminars such as Thailand, spectrum in non-intrusive reluctant This civil-military envirorunents victims countries demonstrate CaE continues humanitarian diverse in peace contributions complex in Philippines CaE activities threats. more toward and the across CaE's peace operations capabilities participation These and other terrorist (COE) Management in executing USPACOM priorities Chiefs of Defense security activities, together Asia-Pacific regional defense Singapore (CHOD) Conference USPACOMannually hosts CHODs (CJCS equivalents) issues and was co-hosted One of our premier this regional for by the Singapore 43 conference, a series The November 2002 conference, theater of bringing discussions which was held Armed Forces and Chief of on in Defense Century," Lieutenant General nations, Lim Chuan including General Pace the Vice 2002 Bali ability of terrorists threat bombings to to foster strengthen relationships, Foreign countries Export involved Financing our in the borders Assistance for appreciate support your of 21st The the a common regional to provide and an excellent among participants, vital support in the Act, ultimately required to security have difficulty the process SA programs in the the efforts operational Secretary efforts East delivering of needs of Defense to meet 21st century and our the bureaucratic meeting to the emergency FMF support interests, developing Operations, 2002 and the in USPACOM. While U.S to Foreign priorities We have submitted improving in the stability and training ~nvironrnent. of Staff, leaders Cooperation (SA) processes 21 and underscored and present confidence Security promote from Challenges discussions Funds provided regions that recommendations build Chiefs among senior continues Appropriations services, and allies dynamic GWOT Joint leaders Security (FMF) provides supported and other articles, Security cut across the directly friends influenced and Related Littoral military heavily Financing in U.S dialogue and promote Mil.itary Supplemental Asian candid understanding, military "Meetin9 The CHaD's conference opportunity senior of the theme, a forum for October gathered Chairman The conference's provided global Poh, challenges to improve We their responsiveness International low-cost foreign its Mi~itary component of the governments modest cost. restoration group SA effort. and influences Furthermore, commitment to the rule democratic Education society, of full of well-trained, of those it IMET to governments exposes promotes Indonesia professional (IMET) is The program provides law and the and it and Training future role out professionalism. with first of to O.S. a welcome development leaders 44 leaders U.S. of a professional military is .far an effective, access to proportion values military to and in a Recent Having hand knowledge a core of our Forces. 45 values and democratic strategic security goals Acquisition Agreements cost institutions in Indonesia Cross-Servicing mechanism for USPACOMforces COBRA GOLD greatly within provisions in of Korea. Thus far, of the these support, bill~ting, preparing to deploy forces logistics support and NBC gear on a reimbursable (Philippines, Australia, Fiji, status Madagascar, countries Korea, and Sri Lanka). to expand the Forward stationed other We will Asia-Pacific region located conflict, receive developing maximize primarily in the Republic dissuade follow-on the the to competition, forces, most effective employment of our roughly respond regional medical handling Thailand is of the GWOT, with cold weather if Thailand, provides capabilities. the leading Within forces the personnel deter infrastructure USPACOMis conlInand and control forward-deployed ACSA-Eligible These forces man the DoD's Maldives, forward-deployed and Japan necessary. with of deterrence 100,000 to crisis, Brunei, coalition presence New our AOR in Nepal, to negotiate cornerstone of Korea and fight food, support within Bangladesh, military combat power and forms the equates reimbursable includes Malaysia, countries continue edge of U.s. , thi~ via forces we have to integrate or deployed and the Republic and fuel. Thai Singapore, Indonesia, options ACSA USPACOMhas 10 ACSAs in place eight (India, Three our AOR under transportation/material in providing Japan, and Tonga) with ACSA -Eligible provided maintenance, basis exercise from approximately USCENTCOM AOR soon in ACSA has been instrumental a and Allied an A(:SA. outside and services protection, to the U.S. New Zealand, supplies, Support and provided by using have benefited vehicle/equipment Logistic FYO2 multinational forces support, force for footprint GWOT-Australia, Primary dental equipment, in the our the theater. support logistics countries of logistics ACSA transactions services, their achieving and readiness logistics participated in (ACSA) or MUtua~ USPACOM'sAOR have deployed support worth Zealand, and throughout Agreements mutual that reduced countries and the make a difference (MLSA) have enhanced interoperability effective $350,000 will to committed constructs In conjunction to to with region. ongoing DoD restructuring control structures today's operational consolidate decisive undertaken control and our the operational Headquarters transformation such as the to Indian the access to joint with to GWOTand other operational " and Our country defense strategy is undergoing is clear At USPACOM,we are putting Asia-Pacific constructs, enroute emphasis. updating new operating of a deliberate, process initiatives necessitates -ensuring process that the into throughout the our We also (SEA) and the Defense expect South Asia and support Posture transformation National action, of its Guidance Security posture, it command and diversifying immediate for Strategy operationalizing strengthening for transformation of innovation we collaborate they command control access employment, with and and and concepts successful iterative our Second World War. with capabilities patterns toward the force and demands. include improving Force and improve Asia-Pacific guidance Our effort,s improving Our progress since be Joint requirements the most fundamental and starts that plans, logistics, developing .the and Armed Forces transformation improve Asia capable command and equities and global contingency 1m will in the region. in Southeast or improvements access is to of Korea, force consolidate locations Ocean (SAID) area to meet regional Republic employable to with The goal Force or Standing diversified and other consistent Prototype our efforts develop facilities the warfighting requirements Japan, Promo tin this to ongoing in Korea, enhance our Along continue We foresee Mission enhanced dividends. these our allies. Joint are command and realities an immediately with these they in Japan, Of course, consultation we will facilities to provide both ensure and geo-political effects. leverage to our headquarters region in close we are reviewing posture requirements constructs structure, force and transform and throughout of initiatives, and stay are synchronized 46 into of our force is the and experimentation. in the close joint touch team. result This with service Likewise, we continue the to build a collaborative experifflentation underway bridge in between our experimental USJFCOM, the lead command for efforts joint experimentatioq. Consistent with Secretary USPACOMhas a multifaceted organizational, program and conceptual and integrate toughest innovative challenges to effective improvements operations our across yielded fielding mature the hands of procedures technologies established information command and control. improvements operational decision to JTF effectiveness, fire and maneuver, superi<;>rity, concept prototypes Within framework operations across humanitarian transformational the assistance. efforts This Joint mature will Force Headquarters collaboration have up and deploy a Joint with -placing acquisition and them in cycle efficiency we can zero-in Force time for -we theater on even greater and synchronization superiority mature of with technologies JMF) initiative and transformation from forcible initiative a specific serve joint To date, tools of in and JTF Commanders of missions toward our steps of By experimenting decision fielding Mission experimentation spectrum explore levels. to stand information the forward-deployed The JMF concept operations Standing for to and enhanced surpassing necessary force such as integration USPACOM,our Joint coherent in time support, and expediting to are and enhancements the traditional continued to to address and tactical superiority With effort and effectiveness a contingency within a focused efforts and prototype well Guidance range of technological technologies action reduction to is Planning operations speed of in response operators and mature operational, operating JTF a broad It joint to the as much as two weeks' Task Force covering and experimentation strategic, new standing Transformation initiatives. concepts Our transformation advancing Rumsfeld's entry Guidance. 47 in the through us to focus seamless as USPACOM's segue to as directed the to enhance JTF has allowed end-objective provides Defense our joint implementing Planning the have Each year co-hosted with e)~ercise during exercises Thailand, with and TANDEMTHRUST, our theater-wide Australia, we experiment Top Ten Challenges" experimenting to wnile such as COBRAGOLD, our multilateral enhancing we exercise, of new technologies we can accurately JMF has fielded several designated JTFs. past year, given our ;1TFs dynamic conununications provides The Automated USPACOM Headquarters interoperable tracking has tool for and targeting provided training our Our design "one-stop for for limited the Center for conducting recovery planning, executing, ~f JTF real-time of for sharing, an dynamic operations. t,ools joint JMF web tool information JTFs collaborative and assessing a standard critical and our personnel devices System (ADOCS) now and for a suite during and Control picture with utility Monitoring a common operational JTFs military USPACOM's Coordination Operations our By within bandwidth Deep Operations address of success sharing and implementation shop" of Joint designated required result Bandwidth joint and effectiveness. key technologies control that assess As a direct exercises, biennial JMF initiatives JTF speed of action and procedures. Over the with exercise JMF and the operations provides planning, an internet and execution Additionally, capabilities secure JMF has such as our operations (APAN) for with coalition forces, language translation To bridge provide provide an important such development exercises test our (C2X) the medical joint spiral exercises, These short technology 48 Area operations JMO-T), \\ Phraselators opportunities, (COWAN) for Asia-Pacific operations JTF cormnand and control venue for conunand-wide Network organization as DARPA's gap between our major spiral only joint important Wide Area partners, non-government for capability the periodiq not and other Operations coalition telemedicine command and control exercises Combined our civil-military operationalized Network with and ." hone readiness, USPACOMconducts duration, routine vignette-driven procedures, and procedural they also development and and fielding- Over the will integrate This JMF initiative next 2 years, emerging intelligence, In Korea, translators your support, in(to include exercise Precision Strike our Theater Effects.Based Operations We have installed bilateral secure agreement with our Japan, network. Visibility year is and language lead for the sponsoring the We also Japan Self-Defense have an information Rear Area Force sharing Security Command such as KEEN EDGE and YAMA SAKURA collaboration tcnols, Additionally, S~ngapore is other Our transformation USFK has the on the Singapore Commandmembers were directly in and ACTD. As COBRAGOLD 2002 participants, involvement Force partners Asset ACTO and this Mission operations coalition and Japan has used Coalition in exercises Supreme Thai USPACOM's Joint Total JMF Web tool wide-area USPACOMas a management. ULCHI FOCUSLENS. Operations in information we have worked Integrated Theater effective and reconnaissance initiatives during and Control with technologies surveillance, and experimentation has proven virtual Civil ACTDs, such involved Military participating Armed Forces with Operations in the and Royal our initiatives Center, for and COWAN. SPARTANACTD and is pursuing as RESTOPS and JTF WARNET (Wide Area Relay Network). The JTF WARNETinitiative Council (JROC) on 25 April Protocol-based applications, sharing We will FY04, readiness-enhancer. 2002. joint and Japan in culminatin!g awareness fires tactical-level conduct in organic, WARNETregional FYO3 before Requirements wireless of secure a JTF. Oversight Internet WARNET enhance JTF command and control data among service and collaborative force Joint components and procedures situational enabling by the among tactical interfaces, WARNETprovided Hawaii 2002 provides connectivity tactical. systems, approved integration tests planning during command and control and execution. 49 JTF MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE and a pre-deployment WARNETbecomes a JTF operational COBRA GOLD 2004 by exercise capability in in USPACOMserved Interoperability first U.S., the Demonstration time, Japan, Coalition Korea, Task Force NATO, U.K., envelope of our in immediate regional host been Joint Warrior JWID 2003. invited inclusion to sit For the on the in the traditional and New Zealand interoperability DoD funding has flexibility Their as it Defense Counter-Terrorism institutions program have the mix of participants demonstrates is pushing the true nature challenges IMET program. This and Singapore on coalition Command for JWID) 2002 and will (CTF) staff. interoperability military Combatant Canada, Australia, The Regional the as the host has sent and selected provided and p~sitive our cooperation cooperation in addressing officers for commands in encouraging Program complements military centers combatant security impact foreign regional regional executing Fellowship non-lethal with education additional strategies reform, to U.S and has had professionalism, counter-terrorism and other an and transnational threats. The fellowship that encourage focus these threats have assisted in minimizing links networks, developing with between allowing USPACOMhas been toward advancements transnational severing for stronger a focus threats terrorist establishment mutual security partnerships, cooperation. We are using training to Malaysian, military educational for success students with in receive a professional continued support to the the U.S.. operation. higher military in providing military standards that this and global of courses ethics competent flexible funding 50 terrorist military, theater non-lethal military is under appreciated. region, and enhancing A secondary courses Asia-Pacific program to provide and Philippine institutions. any military Specific in the groups programs addressing of a more professional security Indonesian, nations on counter-terrorism. terrorist indigenous the among Asia-Pacific educational officers at u.s. provide benefit the is the and behavior civilian alternative basics exposure associated control. is Your crisis. Area C2 £or Coalitions. Program involves in The Multinational a group of military USPACOM's Area of Interest. interoperability rapidly among participating would plan multinational and interagency crisis action of the various planning Military response to increase interoperable operations to a strong support from over non-governmental 25 countries MPAT a including procedures working a regional contingency exchange events, planning to Through four major a knowledge base in the Asia-Pacific relationship with each and representatives and international who can and procedures, to a small-scale action operational planners in response skills Team (MPAT) and many nations MPAT members have developed developed planners UN and various coalition crisis MPAT is standardized exercises, national of headquarters and information They have also other these and execute of workshops region. but Augmentation from the U.S. countries' force Using multinational, a series planners The purpose augment a multinational planners Planning organizations from the have attended workshops. As part of the MPAT initiative, developing a multinational any nation leading force a coalition we and other Standing crisis task procedures operations focused humanitarian terrorism during on military assistance aspects. through Planners MPAT and other organization, program other exercises for Network military coalition operations (APAN) enables these procedures. the using and includes practice can use. This and planning counterthe MNF SOP each year. the major NATO-like regional and maintaining common planning a cadre and operating communications accessible 51 are (MNF SOP) that and validate USPACOM's Internet-based easily region than war (MOOTW), from procedures working-level APAN's forming, represent multinational planners effort does not have a regional the MPAT and MNF SOP efforts of multinational develop activation, from 30 nations region aimed at developing procedures force in the Procedures relief peace operations, multinational Since the Asia-Pacific Operating response MNF SOP has coalition/combined nations collaborative Asia Pacific required to capability Cambodia. sites. enables us to extend CHaD conferences into response to the to place instructional Asia-Pacific program regional partners national Learning and similar increase respect of the Asia-Pacific a robust operations accounting continue to for these of internet-based improve the region more effectively skills past congressional support --support As we continue the capabilities support countries lead that with the and operations to to principles. appropriations to required relations, democratic programs of other devote of Americans the POW/MIA families conducted 10 joint In total, so richly field of Americans in Vietnam, they period. JFAs scheduled were JTF-FA will -4 a high deserve. that we may coalition and resources During (JFAs) -4 from the war in and 6 in Cambodia). maintain in Vietnam, 52 obtain Year 2002, remains Southeast the Asia to their operations answers JTF-FA 5 in Laos, believed Furthermore, pace of 5 in Laos, and we will to Fiscal fullest and 1 in 211 cases and excavated and returned its the in Vietnam, and repatriated identified Achieving USPACOMpriority, teams investigated recovered 12 in Laos, (JTF-FA). personnel activities unaccounted-for operations is necessary The JTF-FA field this Cooperation civil-military for (APRI) Task Force FU~~ Accounting possible recovery Security and as well Joint the of the U.S. regional improve Initiative ability develop appreciation in the to and strengthen our beginning enhancing benefit The ability thereby interoperability while today USPACOMcould we will lead regional we face The provision as tools. missions countries our such as Advanced Distributed MPAT and MNF SOP development, of mutual interests. human rights, Regional improve USPACOMTheater programs to express that forums such programs security for functional include education I would like has ensured security internet cooperative in missions on APAN for should military accomplish range of military would enhance the and education focused begun and operations material training use exercises growing and U.S. dialogues to 50 be those from 27 sites (9 31 individuals loved ones from during in FY03, with and one in Cambodia. 10 JTF-FA will organization. also conduct an underwater Following feasibility to Merging the a smooth our Three critical Army's Department Central of the location of to the this CILHI Land Korea agreement presence from 41 to warfighting our Plan with servicemen have future discussions. lead significantly is Korean government to in innovating operations that productive for so through a continual attended reduce and its Techno~ogy tactics, our Soldiers, cycle (CILHI) Assembly, Marines of experimentation, 53 the the permanent and advancement Korea will consolidate u.s. regional bases in strategy quality to our forces the and will (ACTDs). of and Airmen life of on the full backing be a model for USPACOMcontinues and concepts in science (USFK) and combined on the procedures, investment to positions Forces LPP has received Demonstrations Sailors, long-term assigned -the Department project. training affect families for funding determining building our techniques, make the nation's of the adjustment enhancing National unaccounted on an LPP that posit.ive conunitted sound and the number of major supporting and women and their Concept Third, ROK government will 2003 of the Army civilian Navy the our The Commander of U.S. a significant of the Advanced the -better Our partner peninsula with (LPP). The plan 23 while also Department of the to and USPACOMand the m~rged FY-O8 MILCON headquarters capability The LPP'will of Department Partnership has reached force transfer operationally Hawaii Agent for of action .1 October realignment Laboratory new organization approved First, plan of commitment remain. Navy as Executive to the date command is the Identification a comprehensive government',s Identification to determine Central and standup a single items Second, and functions direction in place merger under demonstrate citizens. Wolfowitz's we have put of the two units clearly of ensure China JTF-FA and the Army's Hawaii, milestones in Deputy Secretary of merging Laboratories, survey of and technology in the demohstration, field We do and special Additionally, operations. projects aimed at our impact on military early operations Transformation more than Transformation workload across for ACTD will give the troops In addition Vessel of technology ACTD. capabilities precision vessel .for with will The ACTD program operators the user the technology report this Joint year. Fire faster than Soon all Cont~ol, and decision-su~port Our Joint It Joint during clear ExperimentJation our regufar my Staff Directors the service have capabilities. and pinpoint The sniper awareness in Mine Warfare, to fire for SPARTAN Unmanned developments in our co- Surface improve force protection, and reconnaissance awareness operations proof that and increase through the force unmanned combatant personnel tools exercises into However, surface all program and includes only true on Joint the U.S our state if I am proud of our ACTDs completed logistics, Joint technology 54 is in the areas telemedicine projects. focuses with to advance unit the hands of record reap benefits small completed five and into this a program of transition recovery, coordinated products acquisition. commanders will from our Program when system developers military transitions successfully fully the surveillance, standard Experimentation is all detect technological we can get useful with we will -almost new tactical with packages successfully that distributed packages is come together in 19 new ACTDs, we have pioneered Singapore and subsurface sensor of We have and situational enhance battlespace ~urface rnod~lar to to our and intelligence, it protection with multi-mission strike, command us with security This ACTD provides for Today we are involved and most us a capability enhancing development and their region. whole theater provide an urban environment, in the field. regional technologies one or more ACTD Our new FYO3 ACTD will Overwatch Asia-Pacific Commanders executing of emerging on ACTDs any other and Sub-Unified responsibility in the depends heavily ACTD projects, component understanding Task Force Forces insertion of practice (JTF) Command's experiments of JTF of U.S. operations, both we executed the our in the U.S. first C2X exercise deployed two major series JTF. equipment flow capabilities on the across coalition Research commander's joint warfighting before I've field just in USPACOM. modernize the USJFCOMto the force transformatfon and bring of our of a and occurred Thailand, in a Australia from Defense Advanced security finding joint and the that a continuous in management by series of and combined decisions. experimentation Our initiatives like in and enhance mission synchronize with network tested a few of the Combatant Commanders and the Services, fires experiment We are we make key procurement highlighted initiatives are of to manage and control added new technology we can provide as part C4I surveillance enhanced Our second improve This year command and control normal of the war plan. that occurred and provide Agency (DARPA) to as we exercise, The first COBRAGOLD exercise We also imp~overnents operations the venues. new capabilities force. during und~rstanding experimenting with coalition establish augmented our suites and Malaysia Projects to JTF networks the envirQnment Singapore, experiments. where we train The experiment reconnaissance information only venue and in those concert coherence, of other with capability. and modernization Regional USJFCOM, promise We are working prioritization, to hard with and continuity to forces SUMMARY STATEMENT America's peace, Armed Forces and prosperity efforts of our in the Asia-Pacific dedicated dissuade our ad~!ersaries terrorists, improving readiness so that Pacific sustaining and Joint if in the Pacific and deter called force the Capability; aggression protection upon, Command's priorities Warfig,hting region we will for Global to promote to assure We are posture 55 the relentlessly defeat pursuing our any adversary term remain unchanged: War on Terrorism; improving our allies, and maintaining decisively the near security, Through the professional men and women, we continue our and ~:upporting continue Quality improving of Service our for Readiness our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines; Pacific Region; and promoting Posture for Future the change and improving The men and women of the U.S. to tell greatly their story appreciated. reinforcing The support Pacific of the Thank you. 56 the Constants our Asia-Pacific Command welcome this Congress and the American in the Defense opportunity people is