INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT Project Status and Progress Report No 2 January 2010 Progress Report of the City of Cape Town’s Integrated Rapid Transit Project to the 31st January 2010 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 2 Project Status & Progress Report Project Name: Integrated Rapid Transport System: Phase 1A Directorate: Transport, Roads & Major Projects Focus Area: IRT Project Development and Implementation Product: Project Status & Progress Report No 2. (31 January 2009) Prepared By: Document owner(s) Project / Organisational role J Martheze Acting Project Manager: IRT D Bosch IRT consultant Contributing authors: See Annexure B Project Status Report Version Control Version Date Author Change description 1.0 Feb 2010 J Martheze Document created 2.0 Feb 2010 D Bosch Document finalised PROJECT STATUS & PROGRESS REPORT PURPOSE The Project Status / Monthly Progress Report is a document prepared by IRT Project Team for the purpose of recording progress and for the regular project status and progress reporting to various City of Cape Town political and administrative oversight committees, the Department of Transport and Department of Finance, PGWC and other key stakeholder groups and interested parties. Disclaimer While ever effort has been made to present accurate and current information in this progress report, the City of Cape Town will not be held liable for the consequence of any decisions or actions taken by others who may utilise the information contained herein. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 3 Table of Contents 1. Executive summary .................................................................................... 5 1.1. Overview 1.2. Salient IRT project information: Phase 1A 2. Process management ............................................................................... 10 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3. Introduction Budget, funding and expenditure authority Projected Costs: Phase 1A Expenditure: Capital and operating Future funding (DORA Allocations) Progress with Ring Fencing IRT Project Finance Business plan professional services Setting up 2010 World Cup vehicle operating company Advertising Operational Management Unit 31 31 Design progress review Design progress Land acquisitions and lease agreements Construction progress review Performance, quality, variations, claims 36 38 40 41 45 Procurement: Major Contracts ................................................................. 47 7.1. 7.2. 3.2 3.3 3.4 8. 24 29 29 30 Infrastructure .......................................................................................... 36 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 7. 18 18 18 19 22 22 Systems planning and modelling (operational planning) ........................ 31 5.1. Status 5.2. Operational planning consultant appointment 6. 10 10 10 10 Business development and IRT operations .............................................. 23 4.3. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 5. IRT review Due Diligence Study Issues register Time and time related issues Project financial management ................................................................. 18 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 4. 5 7 Major contracts awarded and acquisitions to date Bus contract awarded to Volvo Infrastructure contracts and land aquisition Planning and design contracts Business plan contacts 47 47 48 50 50 Establishing the project team: staffing, organogram, office.................... 51 8.1. Project office organisational structure and advertising of the post of IRT Implementation Director 51 8.2. IRT Operations Director 51 8.3. Placement and capacity 51 8.4. Office accommodation 52 8.5. Advertisement of staff 52 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 4 9. Communication, marketing and branding................................................ 53 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 10. Introduction Media Overall Communication Communication Strategy Progress with marketing and branding strategy Stakeholder engagement Related project: 2010 Transport Services ......................................... 60 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 11. Nature of IRT based 2010 transport service IRT buses for the World Cup service Inner city depot 2010 World Cup vehicle operator Stadium test events 60 60 60 61 61 Related project: Bayside taxi relocation ........................................... 63 11.1. 11.2. 12. 53 53 54 56 56 57 Background Outcome 63 63 Risk assessment: IRT and 2010 ........................................................ 65 Annexures ...................................................................................................... 66 Annexure A Annexure B Formal reports to Council and Mayco Contact details of authors IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 67 68 V2.1, 31 January 2010 5 1. Executive summary The intention of this report, as part of a set of regular progress reports, is to provide regular updates of all aspects of the IRT Project including the cost estimates so that there can be effective oversight of the Project and that interventions where necessary can be made in good time. 1.1. Overview This Progress Report Number 2 describes progress being made with the implementation of the City of Cape Town’s Integrated Rapid Transit (IRT) project for the month of January 2010 up to 2010-01-31. Traditionally January experiences a late start in the construction industry with the Builder’s Holiday delaying the recommencement of construction activity by a few weeks. This has not been the case in the IRT Project with January being a month of hectic activity with the construction of the infrastructure, preparation for 2010 FIFA World Cup (2010 WC), procurement of vehicles, modelling of the system, business planning, negotiations with the existing operators, communicating with stakeholders, on going risk assessment, financial tracking and further institutional development of the IRT Project Office proceeding at pace. The move of the Taxi’s ranking at Bayside to allow the turn around loop in Blaauwberg Road and Bayside to be constructed was achieved in a well co-ordinated operation with the support of the South African Police Service. Many of the City’s departments were involved including Metro Police, Traffic, Transport, Informal Trading, Communication and the IRT Project Team. The move was completed without incident on the 2010-01-07. Construction of the dedicated IRT bus ways and stations is proceeding to programme with the exception of the contract for the construction of the corridor through Culemborg from Church Street to the N1 underpass which is approximately two months behind schedule. The delay on this contract will not affect preparations for the 2010 World Cup. The completion of the IRT stations at Cape Town International Airport, the Civic Centre and the Cape Town Stadium which forms an integral part of the City’s preparation for the 2010 WC will be completed by April 2010. Delivery on the 43 IRT buses which will be used for the 2010 WC is on schedule with the first prototypes ready for inspection and sign off in February. Negotiations with the existing operators who will operate the IRT buses for the 2010 WC event transport service and the trial events preceding 2010 WC is proceeding satisfactorily. The formation of the existing operators into an operating company for 2010 WC is the forerunner of one of the two operating companies that will operate the IRT service in Phase 1A. The acquisition of an inner city depot is also being pursued and it is anticipated that this will be concluded in February when work will commence on the upgrading of the depot. This inner city depot will provide a facility for the fuelling, cleaning, washing, servicing and staging of the IRT buses. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 6 Significant additional funding for the City’s IRT project has been indicated by the National Department of Transport over the funding previously indicated. This positive development should be confirmed with the Minister of Finance’s Budget speech on 2010-02-17 and available to the City once the Division of Revenue Act is gazetted in April 2010. The implications for the IRT Project is that the entire Phase 1A needs to be rescheduled to accommodate the increased funding that is being made available and this to be undertaken in a manner consistent with Council’s decision that implementation of the IRT will be undertaken when national funding is available for spending. Rescheduling of the work will start in mid February. An audit has been undertaken of the modelling of Phase 1A. The audit revealed that while the overall model was satisfactory there were a number of inputs and assumptions that required review. A sensitivity analysis would be undertaken on a number of the assumptions used in the modelling. The revised modelling approach would allow for greater confidence on the modelling of routes and overall assessment of the operational costs of running the IRT service of Phase 1A. In addition the revised modelling approach will also allow a more accurate assessment of the projected cost and income associated with the starter service up the R27 to Bayside which it is intended to commence shortly after the 2010 WC. The revised approach to modelling will translate into a revised Business Plan and Operational Model or Systems Model. During the audit of the modelling of Phase 1A the need was identified to ensure there is an update on the economic, social and environmental benefit of the IRT in the metropolitan area as a whole and for this benefit study to take into account the increased implementation and operating costs. This study will commence shortly and will also inform the revised Business Plan. The review of the IRT business plan will be submitted to the executive management team and the MAYCO 2010 subcommittee shortly, for decisions on the way forward, which is expected by March 2010. This is essential for tenders and contracts to be awarded regarding the operations of the IRT. In this regard a significant milestone has been reached in that the first contract to be awarded to a company consisting of minibus taxi operators has been concluded. This Company, TransPeninsula Investments, ran the transport services for the second Stadium test event, using buses from Golden Arrow. This is further reported upon in Chapter 10. It is expected that the contract for the full set of vehicle operation and station services for the 2010 World Cup will be awarded during February. It is expected that the IRT operations plan will be completed by April, and that a report in this regard placed before the first Council meeting thereafter. Awarding of the major operational contracts for the IRT should await a Council decision. Thus, delays in the finalisation of the review and approval of the operational plan will impact upon the date upon which the IRT starter service can commence – see Chapter 2 in this regard. Ongoing engagement with a large number of stakeholders and interested and affected parties has continued. The monthly Progress Report will be the basis of the engagement on the IRT with affected committees of Council, Province and the National Department of Transport and National IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 7 Treasury. The Project Team is also developing a subsidiary site on the City’s Web Site with access to reports on the IRT, past Progress and a section on frequently asked questions. There has been progress with the development of the Stakeholder Management Strategy and the establishment of a Stakeholder’s Consultative Forum with the first exploratory meetings taking place in this regard. Significant effort has gone into the Naming and Branding of the IRT System. Principles underpinning the naming and branding include those that would reflect the image of Cape Town and pride and ownership of a system that would provide a world class public transport service for the benefit of all. Research of public views has been commissioned and the results incorporated into the exercise. The naming and branding is required to be complete shortly to allow incorporation of the colour, logo and name into the manufacturing of the IRT bus body panels. The institutional arrangements within the City in which the IRT Project operates has been positively affected by the amalgamation of two Directorates into a single new Directorate named the Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate. The amalgamation was approved by Council on the 2010-01-27. This allows the IRT Project team to function as a standalone, dedicated Project Team but having the departments of Transport, Roads & Stormwater and 2010 WC within the same directorate and thereby affording much better co-ordination and synergy within the new Directorate. Progress with the creation of the City’s dedicated IRT Project Management team is being expedited by the allocation of funds in the Adjustment Budget authorised by Council on 2010-01-27 for the establishment of the IRT Project Office. This allows the advertising of the key posts for the IRT Project Management team being the Director IRT Implementation and the Director IRT Operations both of which report to the Executive Director. The Director IRT Implementation post has been advertised. The Director IRT Operations post will follow in February. The organisational structure of the IRT Project Team has been finalised in some detail and the job descriptions are in the process of being finalised and benchmarked for advertising in March. The IRT Office accommodation needs have been determined following the finalisation of the IRT Project Team organisational structure. The establishment of the IRT Project team comprising two fully resourced departments, support staff and occupying their own office accommodation is planned for completion by the end of the financial year in June 2010. The existing seconded staff and acting arrangements which constitute the present arrangements will then have been transformed into more permanent arrangements for the duration of the IRT Project. 1.2. Salient IRT project information: Phase 1A Note that the basis of programming Phase 1A is funds are committed when secured. First IRT construction contract awarded: IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 6 Oct 2008 V2.1, 31 January 2010 8 Projected completion of Phase 1A as currently programmed: 30 Sep 2013 Estimated Capital cost of implementing Phase 1A: R 3497 million Estimated Operating cost of implementing Phase 1A: R 814 million Estimated Total cost of implementing Phase 1A R 4311 million Estimated Annual Operating Deficit of running Phase 1A as currently modelled R 118 million pa (not escalated, not included above, and excludes reallocated bus subsidies) Expenditure 2008/09 FY: R 246 million Total expenditure to date 2008/09 FY and 2009/10 FY on SAP as at R 604 million 2010-02-10 Projected total expenditure to end of the 2009/10 FY: R 1152 million Available assured funding from City and National received to date (This does R 917 million not include the R 288 million made available by the City to bridge the gap between the City and National financial years to be refunded from National when funding received) Estimated future expenditure for implementing Phase 1A (for the remainder of R 3 708 million the 2009/10 FY and the 2010/11, 2011/12, 23012/13 and 2013/14 FY’s but excluding annual running cost) Total indicative PTIS funding from National in future financial years R 3 350 million (Reference: letter from Department of Transport 2009-12-15) Estimated total cost of implementing Phase 1A Estimated total funding available from City and National assuming all PTIS funding allocated to the IRT Project IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 R4 311 million R 4 267 million V2.1, 31 January 2010 9 Estimated funding shortfall being reviewed through Value Engineering review of Phase 1A R 44 million The estimated total cost of implementing Phase 1A has changed marginally since the previous Progress Report and is estimated at R 4 311 million. The estimated annual operating deficit of running the service is R 118 million based on current modelling projections. While every effort is made to ensure that cost estimates are as accurate as possible there are many factors that impact on cost estimates over a lengthy project implementation period of 4 years including technical, legal, financial, taxation and economic factors. Factors that may impact on the present cost estimates include the rescheduling of the work in line with the additional funding received from National which could result in work being completed earlier than originally planned which should reduce escalation costs. Similarly on the matter of VAT the City has taken specialist advice and current estimates are based on this advice. Currently VAT on the IRT Project is treated in accordance with the normal VAT rules as set out in the Value Added Tax Act. However a formal ruling is awaited from SARS on the matter. In the unlikely event that SARS’ ruling differs from the specialist advice which the City has received this would impact significantly on the cost estimates. The City is awaiting the completion of a Due Diligence report by an independent consortium of financial, legal and technical specialists who are reviewing the IRT Project on behalf of the City. IRT cost estimates will also be subject to review in the Due Diligence study which may impact on the cost estimates. The Due Diligence report will be submitted to the City in March 2010. Mike Marsden 15th February 2010 Executive Director Transport Roads and Major Projects IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 10 2. Process management 2.1. IRT review The operational plan and business plan have been under review since the Council report on the IRT adopted in October 2009. Progress regarding this review is discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. The next progress report will contain detailed consideration of the impact of this review on the roll out of the IRT. 2.2. Due Diligence Study The Due Diligence Investigation is proceeding well with the team overwhelmed by the amount of work already done on the Integrated Rapid Transit System (IRT). The main focus of the Due Diligence team is to “add value” to the process, identifying any gaps, deal breakers or legislative concerns while providing recommendations on how to deal with some of the challenges and risk identified or significant commercial gains not yet harnessed by the City. A second progress report will be discussed with the main Task Team Members on 18 February 2010, with a view to having the final report completed by 1 March 2010. 2.3. Issues register An issues register has been opened for the IRT project. This aims to record significant issues that require resolution and will ensure that these are dealt with timeously. 2.4. Time and time related issues 2.4.1. Master project programme Integrating the planning, design and construction and acquisition interdependencies for the development and provision of IRT infrastructure equipment has been developed and is used to control change and monitor overall progress. The development and use of this project management tool has been invaluable in the establishment of the Phase 1A Scenario 1 rollout programme (a financially prudent implementation model) given the restrictive funding. This master programme is also used for the production and maintenance of subordinate detailed programmes, such as the business planning and operational planning programmes. A first draft of an overall Integrated macro Gantt and work breakdown structure incorporating both “Hard” infrastructure and “soft” projects and their interdependencies has been prepared by the project team. This will form the basis for the further development and refinement which is considered prudent given the opportunity to restructuring the project reteam and employ the IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 11 services of a professional project management team who can in parallel with ongoing works restructure and project manage the IRT project role out into an integrative and co-ordinated project matching the project’s financial restrictions. 2.4.2. High level Gant Chart for Financial Scenario 1 The master programme is provided on the following pages. Financial Scenario 1 refers to the financial scenario for roll out of the IRT as adopted by Council in October 2009, based on a very cautious approach in terms of which funds are committed only when secured. This Gant Chart covers information mainly regarding infrastructure related streams of the IRT. In the next IRT progress report, the Gant Chart will include all work streams. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 Gant chant removed to reduce size of file, for transmission via email IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 13 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 14 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 15 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 16 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 17 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 3. Project financial management 3.1. Introduction Due to the fact that the IRT Project Office has not been fully staffed as yet, the responsibility of financial management and budgetary control cannot be assigned to a dedicated individual. The staffing of the IRT Project Office will not only provide the resources for proper financial management, but will also assist in assigning responsibilities to the stream leaders who can be held accountable. 3.2. Budget, funding and expenditure authority 3.2.1. Operating Council’s 2009/10 Adjustments Budget served before Council on the 27th of January 2010. Included in this Budget was a budgetary provision of R 30 m (million) for the establishment of an IRT Project Office. The establishment of an IRT Project Office is now underway by particularly determining the staffing requirements, equipment, accommodation etc. Budgetary provision for Grant Funded Operating projects, associated with the various streams within the IRT project, was also amended from R 53 m to R 92 m, based on the recent financial review of Phase 1A. The reason for this increase is due to the fact that more information on systems planning, operations and business planning are becoming clearer as the project progresses. 3.2.2. Capital As a result of the recent financial review of Phase 1A, and based on our contractual commitments and future commitments, the capital programme for the implementation of Phase 1A was changed drastically. These changes have been incorporated into the 2009/10 Adjustments Budget that served before Council at the end of January 2010. Further amendments to the SAP system needs to be made to particularly actual expenditure which was realised prior to the incorporation of the 2009/10 Adjustments Budget. 3.3. Projected Costs: Phase 1A Projected capital and operating costs required to the implement Phase 1A of the IRT System are presented in Table 1 below. These costs exclude any system operating deficit that may accrue during the ongoing service operations. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 19 Table 1: Projected Costs Phase 1A Capital Operating Total 2009/10 Estimated Requirement 783,309,723 108,807,234 892,116,957 2009/10 Available Funding 490,903,965 92,807,234 583,711,199 (292,405,758) (16,000,000) (308,405,758) 2009/10 Total Estimated Shortfall To be funded ex EFF bridging funding 292,405,758 To be funded ex Rates Total Further Estimated Requirements for Phase 1A Estimated balance of commitments already entered into Further Estimated Requirements for Phase 1A 292,405,758 16,000,000 16,000,000 2,489,973,105 1,015,238,037 3,505,211,142 172,416,497 39,424,734 211,841,231 2,317,556,608 975,813,303 3,293,369,911 Note: Expenditure 08/09 245,661,407 Estimated Expenditure 09/10 892,116,957 Estimated Future Expenditure 3,160,211,142 Total Estimated Cost for Phase 1A to 2013/14 4,297,989,506 3.4. Expenditure: Capital and operating 3.4.1. Progressive Capital Expenditure Report for 2008/09 and 2009/10 Table 2 represents all the capital projects associated with the IRT since the date of inception. Individual projects are group according to their funding sources and reflects the percentage spend to date compared to the approved budget. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 Table 2: IRT Capital Project Expenditure (to January 2010) 2008/2009 & 2009/2010 (January '10) Capital Projects - INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 2008/2009 Project Description 2009/2010 Category WBS NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00419-F1 IRT:Granger Bay Blvd:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00487-F1 IRT:Klipfontein Corridor:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00488-F1 IRT:Public Trsprt&Bus Upgr on Corr:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00489-F1 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement System:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00497-F1 IRT:PropertyAcquisition:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00498-F1 IRT:VehicleAcquisition:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00499-F1 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C09.00500-F1 IRT:AirportService:PTIF NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10320-F1 IRT:InnerCityService:PTIF - - 17,629 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10327-F1 IRT:AirportService:PTIF - - 51,941,535 50,390,520 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10350-F1 IRT:Public Trsprt&Bus Upgr on Corr:PTIF - - 10,000,000 8,282,137 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10542-F1 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement System:PTIF - - 6,000,000 4,000,000 CRR BRT System C10.10581-F1 IRT:Public Trsprt&Bus Upgr on Corr:P - - 2,000,000 NG DOT PTI&SG C10.10582-F1 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement System: - - 13,295,117 1,861,540 159,754,281 64,534,197 CRR BRT System C09.00313-F2 IRT:Integr Rapid Transit Syst(Ph1A):CRR 66,682,409 11,648,508 CRR BRT System C09.00486-F2 IRT: Traffic Management Centre: CRR CRR BRT System C09.00497-F2 IRT:PropertyAcquisition:CRR CRR BRT System C09.00498-F2 IRT:VehicleAcquisition:CRR CRR BRT System C09.00499-F2 IRT:West Coast Corridor:CRR CRR BRT System C10.00093-F2 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:PTIF - - 25,000,000 CRR BRT System C10.10579-F1 IRT: Traffic Management Centre: CRR - - 45,001,399 CRR BRT System C10.10582-F2 IRT:IntegratedFareManagement Syste Total NG DOT PTI&SG Current Budget 10,500,000 20,000,000 57,800,000 - 10,500,000 19,983,113 57,202,138 2,000,000 30,000,000 - 99.9% 99.0% 89,999,969 15,000,000 100.0% - 2,000,000 - % Spend - 90,000,000 180,300,000 Total CRR BRT System Actual 179,685,220 100.0% 99.7% 100.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000,000 96.2% - 111,583,679 7,704,883 45,000,000 43,860,316 97.5% 247,529 247,529 100.0% 331,149,684 EFF C05.00951-F1 Acquisition of Land EFF C09.00499-F3 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:EFF - - 288,405,758 EFF C10.10112-F1 IRT: Project Office - - 4,000,000 Total EFF Grand Total IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 - - 50,177,314 28,861,715 Actual - 76,500,000 14,998,601 Current Budget - - - 48,805,061 111,480,894 26,077,208 198,011,672 82,107,961 - 247,529 247,529 100.0% 292,405,758 82,107,961 225,547,529 223,793,066 99.2% 783,309,723 344,653,830 V2.1, 31 January 2010 21 Table 3: IRT grant funded projects: Expenditure to January 2010 2008/2009 & 2009/2010 (January '10) Grant Funded Projects - INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 2008/2009 Category WBS Project Description NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00068-F1 Integrated Rapid Tra NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00097-F1 NG DOT PTI&SG Current Budget 2009/2010 Actual % Spend Current Budget Actual % Spend 16,130,000 1,875,472 11.6% 41,000,000 3,866,599 9.4% IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 3,000,000 1,651,103 55.0% 2,000,000 2,000,000 100.0% G09.00099-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 27,000,000 10,403,662 38.5% 5,000,000 4,999,050 100.0% NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00100-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 6,500,000 6,321,511 97.3% 3,000,000 1,079,027 36.0% NG DOT PTI&SG G09.00101-F1 IRT:Prov of Prof Ser 4,500,000 1,616,594 35.9% 2,000,000 1,232,915 61.6% Total NG DOT PTI&SG 57,130,000 21,868,342 38.3% 53,000,000 13,177,592 24.9% Grand Total 57,130,000 21,868,342 38.3% 53,000,000 13,177,592 24.9% IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 3.4.2. Expenditure report for grant funded operating projects Table 3 reflects all operating expenditure, funded from grant funding, relating to the IRT project. Individual projects are group according to their specific area and relates to the procurement of external service provider. The expenditure report reflects the percentage spend to date compared to the approved budget. It should be noted that the budget reflected below do not represent fully the approved budget as per the Adjustments Budget which served before Council at the end of January 2010. 3.5. Future funding (DORA Allocations) Table 4 reflects the possible increases in future allocations from the Department of Transport (DoT) towards the IRT project. Please note that the information in the above table will only be formally gazetted in April 2010 and as such these proposed allocations can only be viewed as indicative at this stage. This is an indication of all funding on this particular category of grant and does not imply that all funding is for the IRT project. Discussions between the IRT project team and the City’s Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate will give guidance on the split of funding between various different projects. Table 4: Division of Revenue Bill: CoCT Allocations (2010/11 to 2012/13) 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Previous DoRA Latest Indication (per letter from DoT) Previous DoRA Latest Indication (per letter from DoT) Previous DoRA Latest Indication (per letter from DoT) R 647 m R 850 m R 800 m R 1,600 m R 840 m R 900 m 3.6. Progress with Ring Fencing IRT Project Finance All the IRT projects, both capital and operating, and the cost and profit centres associated with the IRT project, have been re-aligned to the IRT Project Office. New cost and profit centres were also created to reflect the latest organizational structure for the IRT Project Office. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 23 4. Business development and IRT operations 4.1. Overview of the Business Plan In IRT Status and Progress Report 1 the various components of the business plan and how these components are proposed to work together were described. At the strategic centre of the system lies the management of the operations. Initially this function will be performed by an IRT Operational Management Unit that will manage the operations through contracting with the following independent service providers. In due course this function is likely to be transferred to a municipal entity (ME), subject to the relevant legal and procedural steps. a) The vehicle operator contractors – It is planned that two such contracts will be negotiated with the directly affected taxi and bus operators regarding Phase 1A, each running feeder operations in different areas, and with overlapping trunk services, subject to the required procurement processes. Facilitators, business advisors and legal advisors have been appointed to assist these operators regarding their negotiation with the City. In this regard the operators have been divided into two groups, in line with the division of services described above. b) The fare systems contractor – to provide all infrastructure needed for the fare system, as well as software for monitoring sales and finances in the system. This contract was put out to tender in mid-2009 but its award has been delayed until sufficient fund are available. c) The control centre contractor – to provide all infrastructure needed to monitor and control the vehicles in real time and to reconfigure services based on passenger demand information, and to provide such controlling services in the initial period, for handover to the Operational Management Unit or ME. This service was put out to tender in mid-2009 but its awarding has also been delayed until sufficient funds are available. d) The station services contractor – to manage all IRT stations, sell tickets at stations and be responsible for related cash handling, provide access control and security, and clean stations and its precincts. An initial prospectus for these services has been completed but the tender documents still need to be drafted. e) Other contracts, such as advertising and concessions. In this report we focus on key areas of progress regarding the business plan, as well as summarising reflecting on the work the business plan joint venture. 4.2. Progress with reviewing the Business Plan In October 2009 Council adopted a resolution requiring for the following aspects of the business plan to be reviewed: the compensation of direct affected taxi operators for giving up their licences and businesses; provision for depreciation of the IRT vehicles; who will own the buses; and IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 24 components of the fare system. The resolution provided that this re-assessment should be done under the auspices of the auspices of the Executive Management Team (EMT) IRT Sub-committee and that on its conclusion a report be submitted to the Mayoral Committee. The IRT team has drafted a detailed report in this regard. It has made initial presentations in this regard to the EMT IRT Subcommittee, and has further prepared a detailed report to be tabled in this committee and in the Mayco 2010 IRT subcommittee shortly. This report will also address issues of relevance to the business plan that are raised in the Due Diligence study. 4.3. Business plan professional services A service provider was appointed in June 2008 to assist in the development of business plan components of the IRT project. The contract provider, referred to as the Business Plan Joint Venture, comprises the professional teams of Hunter van Ryneveld, Webber Wentzel, Axios Consulting, and String Communications. The scope of their appointment included the following : Project Management, Business structure, Institutional plan, Refinement of operating cost model, Industry transition strategy, Operator contracts, Marketing plan, Public participation process, and Financing plan. A detailed description and the status of each of these components are described in Table 5, indicating the work completed and outstanding. The joint venture has also been requested to undertake a number of additional tasks (allowed for in the contract), including: a) Legal opinions on compensation options, procurement issues, insolvency law; disposal of assets; right to re-possession; employment law issues; b) Advice and drafting comments on 2 sets of NLTA regs, and drafting revised regs; c) Regular advice on trademark and other intellectual property issues; d) Drafting application for SARS directive; e) Drafting depot lease agreement; f) Advice re sec 78 and 84 processes and drafting sec 84 report. Table 5. Business Plan Joint Venture status report: February 2010 TASK SCOPE 1 Overall Project Management Records, minutes and co-ordination 2 Business structure Stakeholder structures. Revenue flows IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 WORK UNDERTAKEN Ongoing. Original work plan and budget assumed concentrated work in 2008 and minimal management thereafter. In reality substantial project demands have extended right through project period. Work in term of original brief completed and submitted. WORK OUTSTANDING Project is expected to run past the due completion date. Additional work required resulting from reassessment and review process. V2.1, 31 January 2010 25 Incentive structure Conceptualising institutional structure, organisational roles and responsibilities, organogram of oversight agency, legal steps for implementation, timeline Iterative process with Operational Plan to model and finalise costs and fare policy. 3 Institutional Plan 4 Refinement of operating cost model 5 Industry transition strategy Transition strategy Contribution to Prospectus Industry outreach materials Industry training workshops Latin American tour for operators Capacitation support to minibus industry 6 Operator contracts 7 Marketing plan Contract for bus operator Contract for fare collection company Contract for control centre company System name and slogan System logo and IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 Task in original brief completed and submitted (excluding Service Delivery Agreement) Service Delivery Agreement to be developed under a different project. Additional work required resulting from review process. Additional scenarios have been completed and are being checked by the city. Possible new work in this area will require additional resources. City has required additional scenarios above original brief. Conclusion and signing of 2010 Wold Cup contract with Company A. Finalisation of third draft of the prospectus pending the signoff from EMT. Report to Council re: compensation model Negotiations with Company A and B for the 12 year IRT contract. Strategy developed and ongoing interaction with city to implement strategy. Latin American study tour. Ongoing interaction with taxi associations. Two facilitators, business and legal advisors appointed to assist the associations with the establishment of companies. Two drafts of Prospectus completed and circulated for comment. Steering Committee meetings on hold pending more clarity on the funding of the project and the future direction for phased implementation. Analysis of existing taxi operation; development of financial model to assess existing profits. Engagement with taxi associations to determine input costs. Development of comprehensive compensation model based on assessment of existing taxi profits Last 2 month’s focus on engagement with company A for the contract for the World Cup Services, which comprise PTA and CUTA. GABS and Vredehoek / Devils Peak TA have opted not to participate in the World Cup Contract. Fare system and control centre contract and RFP process completed and delivered. Vehicle operator contract is a work in progress, including the prospectus and the vehicle operator RFP and negotiation process. Extensive communications materials developed over course of project, including 2 corporate, multi-lingual videos, one targeting the broad public Finalisation of prospectus, RFP and contract for vehicle operator Company A and Company B Ongoing V2.1, 31 January 2010 26 8 Public participation process 9 Financing plan colour scheme System map signage and audio Simulation videos Event management of system launches Advertising campaign strategy and execution and the other the operator community; general information pamphlets about the IRT/ media targeting specific stakeholders aimed specifically at the minibus taxi industry and the youth/schools sector. Exhibition material developed for transport month, finalised in February 2010, and is currently in the Tableview Library. Development of a range of system maps, including transit maps and station maps. IRT page on the City’s website regularly updated with information focusing at the moment on the station and system infrastructure which has generated considerable public interest. System name and slogan, system logo and colour scheme, system map signage, marketing videos, including simulation. Interaction with Western Cape Education Department and Independent Schools at various levels to develop tools for synergy and advocacy within schools. Participated in regular meetings with the City’s Media Manager and other service providers working on IRT communication. Updated draft advertisements inviting public participation in the development of a name and identity for the IRT. Assisted the City in the development of a number of public advertisements with information about roadworks and disruptions. Community leaders and general public Business community Peer review Financing options and recommendations Land value capture Parking and loading levy Clean development mechanism (CDM) Fuel levy Meetings with the Business community and the public halted due to resistance from the Taxi Industry. The City has asked JV to put a hold on all engagement and communication activities until further notice. Establishment of Stakeholder’s forum Peer review Draft report on mechanisms to meet financial challenges submitted plus range of other related reports. Fuel levy share for cities introduced, but no expansion to overall revenue provision. Ongoing work directed at additional finance from national, including lobbying for additional PTISG funding. Working with stakeholders across country (including National Treasury, SALGA, DBSA, Financial and Fiscal Commission, Cities Network, other cities) to garner support for better long term financing dispensation for public transport. This includes ongoing work to have fuel levy Finalise Business Plan report. Ongoing lobbying and reports to earmark fuel levy for transport. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 27 10 Additional items DOT, National Treasury Material, Further Mapwork Development of maps Expansion of video work Legal Counsel on contract negotiations Municipal Entity, business plan and budget SARS advice Additional legal work on a range of issues including: system name, compensation issues, IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 earmarked for transport (and other revenue sources to replace RSC levies). Parking levy recommendations submitted. Investigation of compensation for existing vehicle operators. Analysis of property values along Phase 1 routes undertaken, and potential for value capture. First drafts of Business plan and Budget for ME completed. Tool developed for synthesising all financial information. Work on bus ownership options including tax related issues. CDM note submitted. Regulation on devolution of PTOG. Investigation and implementation of approach to Minister of Finance to have PTISG funding classified as enforceable allocation, and lobbying for alternative instruments in DORA. Investigation of potential advertising revenue and running of process to procure services to implement advertising plan for IRT. General inputs on finance and finance related strategies, including, for example, work on Strategic overview document and contribution to EMT review process. Determine way forward with CDM reports. Devise advertising plan for raising revenue for IRT and ToR for potential advertisers. Number of legal opinions on compensation options, procurement issues, insolvency law, disposal of assets, right to re-possession, employment law issues Obtaining 2 counsel opinions on complex procurement matters Advice and drafting comments on 2 sets of NLTA regs, and drafting revised regs Advice on the interim stage between WC and Phase 1A Regular advice on trademark and other intellectual property issues Drafting application for SARS directive Drafting depot lease agreement Advice re sec 78 and 84 processes and drafting sec 84 report Ad-hoc legal advice from time to time on a range of beyond scope V2.1, 31 January 2010 28 procurement issues, comments on regs,section 78 and 84 process, interim contract for World cup service, ad hoc legal advice 4.4. Developments regarding the minibus-taxi and bus industry Since the previous progress report the focus has largely been on negotiations with Company A for the 2010 contract (see below). Meetings have also been held with representatives from SANTACO Western Cape, the Metered Taxi Industry and the SMME Bus Operators who were seeking opportunities to participate in the IRT project. Engagement in this regard will be ongoing. A significant development has been the commencement early in January of the IRT station and bus lanes outside the Bayside Shopping Centre, despite the opposition of NTA and threats to disrupt matters. The taxi operation has temporarily been relocated to within the Bayside Shopping Centre parking area and all the affected associations are co-operating in the management of the taxis on the site. The process of elections for the regional and provincial representation on the Western Cape Provincial Taxi Council has also commenced and is likely to result in a very close contest between the (erstwhile) SANTACO and NTA supporters. 4.5. Engagement with National DOT On 4 February 2010 the three leading cities regarding implementation of bus rapid transit (BRT), namely Johannesburg, Cape Town and Nelson Mandela Bay, were invited to a workshop by the national Department of Transport (DOT) to present and discuss progress with the implementation of IRT/BRT, with special focus on industry transition. Among the issues discussed were compensation, vehicle ownership and funding commitments. The Cape Town compensation model was well received and DOT requested other cities to investigate this approach for possible application in their areas. It was agreed that the DOT, National Treasury and Department of Trade and Industry should develop a consensus position on a range of issues before the next engagement with the cities. DOT representatives also indicated that the City of Cape Town’s current business plan and industry transition strategies confirm to national guidelines. The City will write shortly to the Minister of Transport for this view to be confirmed in writing. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 29 4.6. Setting up 2010 World Cup vehicle operating company The IRT business plan team ran negotiations on the contract regarding 2010 World Cup vehicle operations and security services contract for the 2010 transport team. These negotiations are reported upon in more detail in paragraph 10.4, and were, at the time of writing this report, nearly completed. The negotiations, including the process to be followed for oversight and approval of outcomes of negotiations, costing on behalf of the City, fine-tuning of the relevant operational plan as well as contract drafting, will be invaluable in informing similar negotiation processes to be following in due course regarding the IRT vehicle operator contracts. 4.7. Advertising As indicated in the October 2009 report to Council, it is possible that during the initial period of operation of the IRT the system will be run at a significant operational deficit. This is for various reasons, including the additional start-up costs to be absorbed during the first phase. In order to reduce such operational deficit, and to facilitate additional income to the system, the IRT project is pursuing a number of strategies for generating additional income without a negative impact on the IRT brand. One of these is advertsing. Switch Design, who has also been appointed to working on the IRT brand identity, has been commissioned to develop an IRT advertising strategy. It is appropriate for them to work on this because providing advertising opportunity impacts on the brand identity design. See in this regard paragraph 9.5.1. The overall objectives of the IRT advertising activities are to: • Deliver tightly defined specifications for a tender document to utilise advertising opportunities offered by the IRT. The specifications AUDIT will include defined and costed advertising space that present a persuasive value proposition to advertisers. • At the same time put together a premium value proposition for World Cup advertisers, that is compatible with the long-term advertising and branding strategy. The sub-objectives are to: • Estimate the income that will accrue to the City. FOR WORLD CUP FOR LONG-TERM DESIGN OF SPACE COSTING OF SPACE MEDIA PRODUCTION • Produce specifications for advertising material. • Design a process for taking the advertising space to market. • Apply advertising to the designed space to demonstrate its potential impact. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 PROCESS TO TAKE TO MARKET EXAMPLE OF ADVERTISING APPLIED V2.1, 31 January 2010 30 The process is summarised in the diagram alongside. The audit process is still being completed with priority being given to the World Cup service. The first deliverable is the provision of price and specifications for use by the City’s 2010 advertising consultant, for advertising on the exteriors of IRT buses during the World Cup, compliant with the City’s rules and FIFA standards. A tender is this regard is also expected to be offered shortly for advertising during the World Cup period on the inside of the IRT buses and on the inside of the IRT stations. It is planned that the tender process for advertising for the initial operational period of the IRT will be issued by May 2010. 4.8. Operational Management Unit As reported in paragraph 8.1 the developing IRT organogram provides for full staffing of an internal Operational Management Unit within the City to handle IRT operations. As was reported in the IRT Status and Progress Report No 1, it is important that the speedy establishment of a municipal entity is considered and a decision be made in this regard. Specific proposals in this regard as set out in that report, and the matter will be taken further in the report on the review of the IRT, soon to be submitted to the Executive Management Team. The establishment of the post of Director: Operations is discussed in paragraph 8.2. The Executive Director is further engaged with the City Manager for the urgent provision of interim operational capacity to oversee the vehicle operator contract for the World Cup Period discussed in paragraph 4.6. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 31 5. Systems planning and modelling (operational planning) 5.1. Status In the October report to Council four IRT development roll-out options for Phase 1A were presented and Scenario 1, a financially conservative scenario (plus the basic public transport requirements for the 2010 World Cup event) was adopted as the option to proceed with the roll out of the project. In addition to adopting Scenario 1 Council on the 28th October 2009, Council resolved (C 71/10.09) to adopt a number of recommendations pertaining to the project that have a significant implication on the operational / system planning and modelling programme. These include inter alia the: • Preparation of a Technical Audit report on Transport demand and cost model. • A Strategic review of Phase 1 (+ Phase 1A and starter service) • A Strategic review of Phase 2 • The identification of additional resources required to enhance capacity (internal and external) within system planning and modelling. A detailed progress report will be given in the next monthly report. A summary progress report towards meeting these recommendations is presented in a table at the end of this Chapter. 5.2. Operational planning consultant appointment Much of the work on the operational plan has been undertaken by transportation planning consultants appointed to support this IRT project work stream: Pendulum Consulting. Through this appointment extensive international experience has been provided in the development the (IRT) transport demand and cost models. In addition to the modelling the operational planning appointment included including the following areas: • Data Collection • Transport Demand Modelling & operational analysis • System structure and design • Traffic Impact Analysis , Intersection design and signal phasing • Non Motorised Transport impacts • Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Fare system plan IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 32 • Station conceptual design • Economic Evaluations • Strategic Environmental Assessments The current outstanding deliverables include: • Technical Audit Report (Demand and cost Model) • Finalization of the Transport Modelling report • Finalization of the Phase 1 operational report • Full phase status report • Economic Evaluation of Phase 1 • Limited additional modelling of Phase 1 is also to be undertaken (within budget.) Approved Project Budget: Expenditure to date: R12 378 142.80 R 11 316 576.07 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 Table 6. Progress regarding finalisation of operational plan Consolidated Deliverables 1. Technical Audit report on Transport demand and cost model. Work packages By When Resources required 1.1 Prepare brief and identify appropriate mechanism to appoint local modelling experts. 16/11/09 Internal 1.2 Detailed assessment of current modelling methodology, architecture, inputs and assumptions 15/12/09 External modelling experts 18/01/10 Internal + Experts 22/01/10 Internal + Experts 1.3 Prepare final report 1.4 Present and workshop with project team. 1.5 Engage LOGIT and amend model accordingly. 28/02/10 Internal + Experts Percentage complete at 31st Jan 2010 1.1) 100% 1.2) 100% 1.3) 90% Comments Technical engagement with LOGIT extended to 28/02/10. Original date was unrealistic taking into account level of engagement required. On Schedule. 1.4) 100% 1.5) 40% Video Conferencing facility 2. Strategic review of Phase 1 (+ Phase 1A and starter service) 2.1 Extract trip distribution matrix for Phase 1 Area; 20/01/10 Internal resources 2.1) 100% 2.2 Assess if all O-D pairs (base and future) are suitably covered in terms of route and type of route. 22/01/10 Internal resources 2.2) 100% 2.3 Present and Wkshop proposals to project team. 26/01/10 2.4 Amend and review the Route Description table for Phase 1, Phase 1A and starter service (new) 29/01/10 2.5 Prepare Modelling scenario descriptions for LOGIT or for internal modelling 28/02/10 2.6 Technical Memo report covering system operational outputs and systems costs 31/03/10 2.7 Review and Assess results 12/04/10 2.8 Complete Economic Evaluation of Phase 1 12/04/10 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 2.3) 100% Internal resources 2.4) 80% 2.5) 10% LOGIT (Need to ensure sufficient budget is available) 2.7) 0% Item 2.5, 2.6 & 2.7 expected completion amended to account for dependency on item 1.5 2.8) 0% 2.8 is a new addition 2.6) 0% Internal resources Within current V2.1, 31 January 2010 Current remaining budget in the Pendulum appointment only allows for limited modelling. Options to be investigated thro the business plan appointment or internal modelling. 34 Consolidated Deliverables 3. Strategic review of Phase 2 -4 Work packages Resources required Percentage complete at 31st Jan 2010 2.8 Start to input into Council Report 12/04/10 appointment 2.9) 0% 2.1. Prepare tender docs and appointment of consultants for the system operational planning and modelling for phase 2-4. 15/04/10 Internal resources All 0% 2.2 Extract trip distribution matrix for Phase 2-4; 2.3 Assess if all O-D pairs (base and future) are suitably covered in terms of route and type of route. 2.4 Present and Wkshop proposals to project team. 2.5 Amend and review the Route Description table for Phase 2 - 4 31/03/10 30/04/10 Internal resources Internal resources 21/05/10 External modelling consultants 2.7 Technical Memo report covering system operational outputs and systems costs 30/07/10 External modelling consultants 2.10 Review and Assess results 13/08/10 13/08/10 31/08/10 External consultants External consultants Internal resources 4.1 External All 0% Appointment of consultants (R8.1m) for modelling, transport impacts, NMT plan and other 15/04/10 4.2 Internal (09/10 financial year) 30/04/10 Subject to the available funds Positions to be to be advertised. Awaiting finalization of Appointment of key modelling and planning personnel IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 The modelling, transport impact assessment and NMT plan component will require the appointment of consultants Internal resources 28/05/10 2.9 NMT Plan report Comments Item 2.1 expected achievement shifted. No significant implications 07/05/10 2.6 Prepare Modelling scenario descriptions for LOGIT or for internal modelling 2.8 Transport Impact Assessment Report 4. Identify additional resources required to enhance capacity (internal and By When V2.1, 31 January 2010 35 Consolidated Deliverables Work packages By When Resources required Percentage complete at 31st Jan 2010 external) within system planning and modelling. 5. General Comments organizational structure, job description and benchmarking 5.1 Tariff Report for World Cup related public transport services for 2009/ 10 financial year. 27/01/10 5.2 Tariff Report for 2010/ 2011 financial year services 31/03.10 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 100% 40% V2.1, 31 January 2010 Approved by Council on 27/01 On Schedule 6. Infrastructure 6.1. Design progress review 6.1.1. Professional service appointments This section defines the scope and status of professional service appointments, for the design of public transport bus lanes, intelligent transport system infrastructure, trunk bus stations, feeder bus stops, non-motorised-transport facilities and bus depots. The CoCT have appointed HHO Africa and Arcus Gibb as lead consultants for the design and contract supervision of IRT infrastructure. Key design activities and statutory processes covered by these appointments include the following; traffic engineering, route identification and validation, geometric design, bulk services, stormwater drainage, road pavement, environmental impact assessment, land acquisition, public lighting, electronic enforcement, road signs and markings, intersection design, landscaping, accommodation of traffic, station development plans, station design, building plan applications, tender documentation, contractor procurement, contract supervision and project management. West Coast Corridor between the CBD and Tableview (HHO Africa) The geographical area of the current appointment extends up the west coast to include the rapidly growing residential area in Blaauwberg north of the Diep River, the Montague Gardens Industrial area, the Century City commercial area as well as the low-income communities of Atlantis, Mamre, Dunoon and Doornbach. The appointment encompasses the design of all IRT infrastructure components namely, bus ways, dedicated bus lanes, closed trunk and feeder stations, bus depots and non motorised transport facilities. To date HHO Africa has been appointed to design & prepare tender documentation for the following: • Trunk Bus Ways and Bus Lanes − Civic Station to Bayside Centre (Hertzog Blvd, Culemborg, Paarden Eiland Rail Spur, Milner Road, R27) − Blaauwberg Road (R27, Otto du Plessis to Potsdam Road) − Potsdam Road (Blaauwberg to Usasaza Road) − R27, West Coast Road (Blaauwberg Rd to Sandown Rd) − Atlantis Area (localised roadworks around trunk bus stations) − Century City Century Boulevard (Century Ave - Bosmansdam Road - Koeberg Road Boundary Rd - R27) IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.1, 31 January 2010 37 − Montague Gardens link (Racecourse Rd, Koeberg Rd, Montague Gardens, Freedom Way Omuramba Rd, Racecourse, R27) • Closed trunk & closed feeder station designs (both unique and generic types) • Feeder Routes and Feeder Stops • Stables depot design • Non Motorised Transport integration - 500m radius from trunk stations Contract variations included the following: • the design of a specialised delineator kerb that serves to separate mixed traffic from the dedicated bus lane • negotiation with international patent holders for Kassel Kerbs, Profilbeton, and the preparation of contract documentation and contract management for the supply of Kassel kerbs. • Investigation into the performance of High Friction Coloured Surfacing (HFCS) as an alternative colouration of BRT lanes in Cape Town. This investigation included research into locally available alternatives to internationally used resin epoxies used in combination with calcined bauxite aggregate. Inner City (Arcus Gibb) The geographical extent of the ‘Inner City’ area incorporates the City Bowl, Woodstock, Salt River, Waterfront, Camps Bay and Hout Bay. To date Arcus Gibb has been appointed to design & prepare tender documentation for the following: • Trunk Bus Ways and Bus Lanes − Civic to Stadium Station trunk bus route (Heerengracht - Hans Strijdom Ave Western Blvd) − Stadium to Queens Beach Station trunk bus route (Western Blvd - Beach Rd Queens Rd Circle) − Waterfront service to Victoria Wharf & Clock Tower trunk and feeder bus routes (Roggebaai Canal Precinct & V&A Waterfront) • Inner City feeder routes • Closed trunk & feeder station designs (both unique and generic types) • Generic Open Feeder Station (Sub-structure and Super-structure) • Non Motorised Transport integration - 500m radius from trunk stations • Inner City bus depot IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 38 6.2. Design progress The progress of various infrastructure components of the IRT system is discussed in more detail here. 6.2.1. Trunk bus ways and bus lanes The majority of the detailed designs and drawings for the Phase 1A trunk route bus lanes between Granger Bay Blvd and Bayside IRT Station, intersection details and parallel NMT facilities have been issued to the various contractors to enable work to proceed. Some amendments and outstanding detailed drawings have been issued to the contractors during the week beginning on 4 Jan 2010. Ongoing design work is progressing on the following items: • Trunk route between Melkbosstrand and Atlantis (reducing infrastructure costs where feasible). • New trunk route through Montague Gardens Industria via Racecourse Rd • Review of designs for Blaauwberg Rd and Potsdam Rd IRT facilities (reducing infrastructure costs where feasible) • Century City bus lanes and stations (conceptual design only at this stage). Table 7. Bus way and bus lane design progress Description Design Stage – Concept/ Prelim/ Detail Consultant Appointment Date (design start date) Hertzog Boulevard Heerengracht, Fountain Circle and Hans Strijdom Avenue up to Bree Street Detail Arcus Gibb Feb 2009 Stadium to Queens Beach Conceptual Arcus Gibb Waterfront service to Victoria Wharf & Clock Tower (Roggebaai Canal Precinct ) Route Feasibility Report Blaauwberg/ Raats Rd R27 - Milner St - Paarden Eiland (disused rail siding) - New N1 busway - Old Marine Dr - Civic Ave Hertzog Blvd Blaauwberg Rd: – Pentz Anticipated completion date Comments 100 Sept 2009 Tender validity for Trunk route along Heerengracht & Hans Strijdom Avenue 86Q extended to 31.03.2010 Feb 2009 100 Dependent on decision by DEA&DP EIA applications for all stations within a 100m of the coastline submitted to DEA&DP – awaiting ROD. Alternatives designs that exclude passing lanes at stations have also been included in the submission to DEA&DP. Conceptual design complete, awaiting ROD before progressing to next design phase. Arcus Gibb Feb 2009 70 Dependent on negotiations with V&A and Ports Authority V&A Waterfront decided not to contribute towards the development of the CoCT’s IRT system at this stage because of their current financial commitments and the global economic turndown coupled with its knock-on effect on tourism. Route feasibility & decision on whether to progress to the next design phase depends on negotiations with the Ports Authority and the V&A Waterfront. Detail HHO Sept 2009 100 Dec 2008 Design complete, currently under constructed Detail HHO Jan 2009 90 March 2010 Preservation of gum trees in the median may impact IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 % complete V2.0, 31 January 2010 39 Drive to Koeberg Rd and the R27: - Blaauwberg to Sandown Rd the sizing of the Diep River station. Currently confirming the location of the Chevron brine pipeline – relocation of this pipeline could potentially influence the programme and possibly station locations. Consultant currently producing construction issue drawings. Potsdam Road: - between Blaauwberg Road and Doornbach Detail HHO Jan 2009 75 March 2010 Atlantis and Melkbosstrand areas (localised road widening) Preliminary HHO Mar 2009 100 Sept 2010 Detail HHO Dec 2009 25 Montague Gardens Industria via Racecourse Rd Conceptual HHO Oct 2009 Century City bus lanes and stations Conceptual HHO Feb 2009 6.2.2. Consultant currently amending design following a recent review of bus passing lane requirements and station configuration. Double sided stations are proposed with the potential of providing additional stations if required. The accommodation of gum trees along the west side of Potsdam Road in combination with narrow verge along the boundary fence and the need to provide a pedestrian footway may ultimately impact the design cross section & could potentially result in significant redesign work. 90 Trunk stations The detailed designs for the essential 2010 IRT Trunk Stations being the Airport, Civic and Stadium, as well as the prototype at Granger Bay station, have been signed off and have been issued to the Contractors. The detailed design of trunk stations between the Civic Centre and Bayside Shopping Mall are also complete and have been issued to the contractor. Detail design of Thibault Square Station has commenced. Outstanding detail design aspects and statutory approvals sought include the following: • Wind protection at the Civic Station • Closed feeder station design – particularly the structural resistance of the station super structure to lateral impact • Building Plan approval for Phase 1A stations within the Table Bay Area • Acoustic wall at Civic station – currently awaiting approval by CoCT • Trunk Station Artwork – procurement stage • Acoustic Ceiling at Civic Station – to alternatives are currently being investigated; a composite perforated aluminium panels recessed into the coffer slab apposed to tubular steel fixed to coffer slab 6.2.3. Feeder services and stops The concept design was approved in July 2009 and a preliminary design report (including cost estimates) for both the sub-structure and the superstructure was submitted to the CoCT in December 2009. The preliminary design report for the Inner City feeder services included the IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 40 design and costing of various open feeder station sub-structures and super-structures for typical site conditions. Verification of feeder stop locations is 90% complete and detail design has started on the Circle Route (F07). Ongoing design work is progressing on the following items: • Improvements to feeder routes in Inner City and Blaauwberg areas • Bus stops/stations on feeder routes • Generic Feeder Station (Sub-structure and Super-structure): Conceptual and preliminary design is complete and detail design is progressing steady; includes the fabrication of a 1:5 scale model 6.2.4. Bus depots Ongoing design work is progressing on the following items: • Stables Depot (Potsdam) - The final tender drawings and documentation were completed in December 2009, the implementation of which is currently on hold until further funding becomes available and confirmation of the IRT roll out becomes clear. • Inner City Depot: - Due to time constraints relating to the delivery of buses and the 2010 WC soccer event, coupled with the complication of securing a lease with an option to purchase the depot site, while still accommodating the existing tenants, Autopax, it was decided to initially focus on the development of a temporary depot facility between the Foreshore Freeways. The scope of Gibbs appointment has been extended to include the design and development of a temporary depot facility on the foreshore with a 10-year life. 6.2.5. Non Motorised Transport (NMT) Integration The detail design and tender documentation of the NMT integration links to trunk stations, between Paarden Eiland and Sunset Beach is complete, however due to budget constraints the implementation of this work is on hold. Design work and tender documentation is 90% complete on the NMT integration along Blaauwberg Road, Potsdam Road and Woodstock Trunk Bus Station. 6.3. Land acquisitions and lease agreements Table 8 lists properties acquired to date. Total acquisition costs amount to R 130,46 million, excluding VAT. This amount excludes the property required for the Inner City depot where an amount of R 89.1 million will be required to cover occupational interest/lease and acquisition costs. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 41 Table 8. List of land acquisitions Amount Property (millions) A. PROPERTIES ACQUIRED TO DATE Purchase of Immovable Property and Rights in Immovable Property from Transnet : Culemborg & Railway Spur R 49,31 Purchase of Immovable Property and Rights in Immovable Property from Transnet : Culemborg & Railway Spur (Additional land) R 1,61 Purchase of Immovable Property and Rights in Immovable Property - Paarl Media / Rennies R 2,04 Acquisition of unregistred Erven 35565 (or its Components) & 35556 Milnerton from Gorrie & Findlay CC and F4UR Play Properties CC for a Bus Depot in Milnerton: Stables R 77,50 TOTAL (Excluding VAT) R 130,46 B: PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIRED / LEASED Inner City Depot acquisition / lease Acquisition / lease details still to be finalised. Negotiations with all affected parties in hand. Airport IRT Station- ACSA lease agreement The development agreement concluded. Details of the lease still to be finalised. Negotiations with all affected parties in hand. 6.4. Construction progress review Progress relating to the IRT infrastructure construction contacts is presented, below grouped into the following categories: • Bus Ways and Bus Lanes (awarded contacts and pending contacts) • Station Superstructures • Bus Depots • NMT Facilities Table 9 and Table 10 provide the status of the major bus way infrastructure contracts underway or pending award, while Table 11 reports the construction status of major IRT stations. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 42 6.4.1. Bus ways and bus lanes Table 9. Bus ways & bus lanes under construction Contract Contract No. Scope of Works Contractor Total Provision (incl. provision for contingency, VAT & escalation) Heerengracht to Old Marine Drive 319Q • • • 2.3km of CRC bus lane 5 No. Station substructures 1.3km of shared ped./cycleway Civils 2000 R 41,300,000.00 Culemborg: Old Marine Drive to Church St 144Q • • • 3.6km of CRC bus lane 1 No. Station substructure 1.8km of shared ped./cycleway Civils 2000 Culemborg: Church Street to N1 27Q • • 2.9km of CRC bus lane 1.4km of shared ped./cycleway 221m viaduct over railway lines • Start date % Complete Anticipated Completion Date 2009-04-07 70% 2010-05-03 R 54,200,000.00 2009-01-23 80% 2010-04-12 Vusela R 97,200,000.00 2008-10-14 65% 2010-06-02 Martin & East R 95,400,000.00 2009-12-12 70% 2010-06-01 Civils 2000 R 18,000,000.00 2009-01-19 90% 2010-02-26 Paarden Eiland: N1 to Milner Rd 77Q • • • 5.1km of CRC bus lane 8 No. Station substructures 2.6km of shared ped./cycleway Paarden Eiland: Salt River Canal bridge 80Q • 65.2m Bridge over Salt River Canal R27: Milner Rd to Racecourse Rd 163Q • • 8.0km of CRC bus lane 1.9km of heavy asphalt pavement 3 No. Station substructures 2.6km of shared ped./cycleway Martin & East R 147,400,000.00 2009-01-19 70% 2010-04-15 11.2km of CRC bus lane 4 No. Station substructures 4.6km of shared ped./cycleway Baseline R 96,000,000.00 2009-01-23 70% 2010-06-11 Cape Concrete/ Bekezela R 6,000,000.00 • • R27: Racecourse Rd to Blaauwberg Rd 139 Q Kassel Kerb Supply 485G • • • IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 Proceeding according to schedule V2.0, 31 January 2010 43 Table 10. Bus way & bus lane contracts tendered but not yet awarded Contract Description Potsdam Road between Blaauwberg Road and Doornbach Tender No. 476Q/2008/09 Blaauwberg Rd: – Pentz Drive to Koeberg Rd and the R27: Blaauwberg to Sandown Rd 486Q/2008/09 Atlantis bus lanes and bus station 87Q/2009/10 Heerengracht & Hans Strijdom Avenue 86Q/2009/10 6.4.2. Scope of Works Tender value (R millions) Anticipated award date Anticipated Completion Date 136.9 Yet to be confirmed Yet to be confirmed • • 5.6km of CRC bus lane Dualing of existing single carriageway 5.0 No. Station substructures 2.8km of shared ped./cycleway • • • 9.1km of CRC bus lane 10 No. Station substructures 5.7km of shared ped./cycleway 216.7 Yet to be confirmed Yet to be confirmed • Localized widening & CRC @ stations 5 No. Station substructures 36.5 Yet to be confirmed Yet to be confirmed 25.3 Yet to be confirmed Yet to be confirmed • • • • • 1.3km of CRC bus lane 2 No. Station substructures (Thibault) Station superstructures This project is dependant on the completion of the substructures by the bus way contractors. Late handover of substructures have affected completion dates. Anticipated final completion dates indicated in the following table are as per the Group 5 Progress Report No. 6 dated 28 Jan 2009. Table 11. Trunk stations currently under construction (Contact - 390Q/2008/09) STATION TYPE SITE ACCESS PRACTICAL COMPLETION Sub-structure % Complete (not part of 390Q) Super-structure % Complete Granger Bay E 16 Sept 09 30 Mar 10 100 54 Civic Centre H 23 Oct 09 7 May 100 28 0 0 Civic Centre Feeders ON HOLD Airport O 11 Nov 09 31 Mar 10 100 45 Stadium K 4 Nov 09 3 May 10 100 31 Woodstock G 19 Oct 09 16 Mar 10 100 37 Paarden Eiland A 27 Jan 10 28 May 10 86 0 Neptune A 02 Dec 09 13 Apr 10 100 18 Section A 11 Dec 09 16 Apr 10 100 9 Salt River Canal A 17 Feb 09 15 Jun 10 84 0 Zoar Vlei B1 18 Jan 09 30 Apr 10 86 5 Lagoon B1 30 Nov 09 12 Apr 10 100 9 Woodbridge Island B1 09 Dec 09 16 Apr 10 100 9 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 44 Links View B1 26 Jan 10 03 May 10 100 0.2 Racecourse B1 09 Dec 09 13 Apr 10 100 18 Sunset Beach B1 24 Nov 09 6 April 10 100 27 Bayside C1 03 Mar 10 23 Jun 10 0 0 Atlantis 1 Atlantis 2 ON HOLD Atlantis 3 Atlantis Town Centre Contract commencement date: 2009-07-16 Overall state of completion (super-structures only) 18% The Contractor Group 5 is taking measures to mitigate the delays caused by late supply of information and late handover of substructures and is working on 13 stations at present, with the work progressing well. When taking into consideration the overall progress including that of substructures constructed under the bus way contracts, the stations are approximately 45% complete. 6.4.3. Bus depots The tender for the construction of the Inner City Depot and Staging on Foreshore has been evaluated. However due to the recent decision to develop a temporary depot facility on the foreshore between Oswald Pirow Street and DF Malan Street, and negotiations are underway to agree the revised scope of works, additional contract rates and revised programme together with the contractor. The major risk to the delivery of this project is currently the lead time required for the procurement of materials. 6.4.4. Anticipated contract award date: 2010-02-19 Estimated final completion date: contractor) (Still to be determined, dependent on feedback from Non-motorised transport facilities NMT routes parallel to the trunk routes are currently being constructed as part of the bus way contracts, progress of these contracts are reported above. A significant proportion of the design and contract documentation for the construction of NMT integration at stations is complete, however due to budget constraints the implementation of this work is on hold. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 45 6.5. Performance, quality, variations, claims Unfortunately specific details pertaining to approved variations, delay and other claims, unresolved claims and disputes etc were not available for inclusion in this progress report. This will be rectified and more details will be provided in future progress reports. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 46 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 47 7. Procurement: Major Contracts There is overlap between the information in this chapter and other chapters. This matter will be resolved in the next progress report. 7.1. Major contracts awarded and acquisitions to date • A contact valued at R101.5 million has been awarded to Volvo SA (PTY) Ltd for the supply of 43 IRT trunk vehicles. • Infrastructure contacts amounting to some R668 million have been awarded to date. These contacts relate primarily to the construction of bus ways and stations between the City and Table View. Tenders for approximately a further R1000 million worth of infrastructure have been advertised for which contacts have not yet awarded while tenders for a further R 790 million are still to be advertised. • Property acquisition costs to date amounts to some R130 million. 7.2. Bus contract awarded to Volvo Two tenders were advertised in June 2009 for the provision of vehicles for the IRT system i.e. Tender 556N/2008/09 for the Supply of Public Transport Vehicles for 2010 Trunk Services and Tender 557N/2008/09 for the Supply of Public Transport Vehicles for 2010 Feeder Services. Primarily for financial reasons, only one tender was awarded, that being tender 556N2008/09 for the supply of IRT trunk vehicles. This award was made to Volvo SA (Pty) Ltd for the supply of 43 busses (18 m articulated units and 12 m basic and special airport service units) as per Table 12. (Note: All tenders received for the feeder vehicles were determined to be non-compliant.) Table 12. Delivery schedule of initial bus order Week No Total Date in 2010 (Week ending Fri) 12m 35 18m 8 Vehicles delivered per week Cumulative IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 13 15 17 18 19 20 2 18 02- 09- 16- 23- Apr Apr May May May May 1 5 8 8 8 5 5 2 1 21 30-May 1 1 5 8 8 13 7 1 2 7 15 23 36 43 V2.0, 31 January 2010 48 Although authority was obtained in mid October 2009, to negotiate a revised quantity and delivery schedule with Volvo, approved as the preferred bidder for tender 556N/2008/09, the award of the contact to could only be made after the Council meeting of 26 November 2009 where Council favourably considered a report addressing the necessary financial provisions for the acquisition of these vehicles. The value of the award is R101 million (ex VAT.) 3.2 Infrastructure contracts and land aquisition Table 13 presents is a summary of the value of infrastructure contracts awarded to date, together with the value of contracts that have been tendered but not awarded, and value of contracts still to be tendered. These contracts exclude the contracts for planning of the IRT system and for other components of implementation. Table 13. Infrastructure contracts: Summary Contract Awarded Construction Contracts Contracts out to tender but not yet awarded Contracts to be tendered Total Total Provision (millions) R668.000 R1 000.000 R789.254 R2 457.254 Infrastructure contracts as well as land acquisition processes are reported upon in more detail in Chapter 6. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 49 Figure: Construction contract information IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 50 3.3 Planning and design contracts The professional service contacts, regarding system implementation, awarded to date totals to about R260m, excluding VAT. These contracts include the IRT systems’ operational and business planning, supporting services and infrastructure planning and detailed design as well as contact administration and construction supervision. 3.4 Business plan contacts Progress with respect to the following operational / business contacts is provided in Chapter 4. • Vehicle operator contract • Fare system contract • Control centre contract • Station services contract. The current budget of the Business Plan Joint Venture, providing overall professional services the business plan team and some other components of the IRT, is as set out in Table 14 below. Table 14. Business plan joint venture - financial summary Jan 2010 TOTAL Budget Total spent Jan ‘10 Total spent to date Balance of Budget % of Budget R38 429 409.00 285 527.50 23 595 516.28 R14 833 892.72 61.40 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 51 8. Establishing the project team: staffing, organogram, office 8.1. Project office organisational structure and advertising of the post of IRT Implementation Director As mentioned in the previous progress report, the Council resolved on 26 August 2009 to reallocate the IRT Project to the Service Delivery Integration (SDI) Directorate. This decision required the establishment of an organisational structure for the IRT Project. A new organisational framework for the IRT Project was approved by the Council on 26 November 2009. A more detailed operational organisational structure for reporting levels two to four is in the process of being finalised for approval by the City Manager in terms of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000. This structure now reflect two main work streams to be headed by two directors respectively. The work streams will be IRT Implementation and IRT Operations. Each director will have managers reporting to them regarding their respective functional areas. Heads in turn will report directly to the respective managers. The Council in the meantime approved the amalgamation of the Service Delivery Integration Directorate and the Transport, Roads and Stormwater Directorate to form the Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate (TR&MP). The former Executive Director: Service Delivery Integration has been appointed as the Executive Director for the new Transport, Roads and Major Projects Directorate with effect from 1 February 2010. The only area requiring the realignment of staff to be accommodated in the new directorate will be Support Services. The rest of the staff were realigned to the new directorate as a “going concern”. All staff affected by the amalgamation of the two directorates would however, be accommodated in the new directorate. A legal advisor will assist with the required consultation processes to ensure that all the requirements set out in labour legislation are met. 8.2. IRT Operations Director The creation of the post of Director: IRT Operations was approved by Council with the approval of the establishment of the TR&MP Directorate. A job description for the post is in the process of being finalised for advertisement. 8.3. Placement and capacity The main work streams are at present still being managed by operational managers seconded from the departments TR&S. They are supported by consultants and certain TR&S staff. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 52 The Unions were informed of the establishment of the IRT Project and the amalgamation of the SDI Directorate and the T,R&S Directorate to form the new TR&MP Directorate. An item was also placed on the agenda of the Bargaining Committee for further consultation with the Unions. 8.4. Office accommodation A project team has been appointed not only to investigate the issue of office accommodation for the IRT Project but to include in the terms of reference office accommodation for the whole of the newly established TR&MP Directorate taking into account the impact of the development of the IRT Project Office on the availability of office accommodation for staff. This project is due to be finalised as a matter of urgency. 8.5. Advertisement of staff The post of Director: IRT Implementation has been benchmarked and advertised externally. The applications received will now be assessed and an appointment made soon. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 53 9. Communication, marketing and branding 9.1. Introduction The communication and marketing stream of the IRT project has focused on the following in January 2010: • the development of the IRT’s branding particularly slogan, image and vehicle livery; • integrating the development of the IRT brand with advertising opportunities in the system; • development of an IRT exhibition for display in the West Coast area of the City; • communicating to the public about traffic disruptions related to IRT construction; • launching of an IRT e-newsletter & weekly IRT website articles. 9.2. Media 9.2.1. Press Releases Releases issued January 2010: • Relocation of mini-bus taxis stacking at Bayside Centre re - issued 5/01/10 • Hertzog Boulevard median closures 14/01/10 • Contra-flow press release between Loxton & Broad Roads, Milnerton, 26/01/10 9.2.2. Reactive press statements: • Primarily responded to media enquiries about relocation of mini-bus taxis stacking at Bayside, road closures on the R27, Hertzog Boulevard and the IRT component of the City’s 2010 transport plan. 9.2.3. Newspaper Adverts • Hertzog Boulevard temporary median closures 14/10/10 • Advertisement of 2010 Transport Tariffs 28/01/10 9.2.4. Work in progress • Temporary Intersection closures – R27/Blaauwberg & DF Malan Street & Oswald Pirow IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 54 9.3. Overall Communication 9.3.1. Distribution of pamphlets This is another means of getting information about the IRT out to the public. Whenever presentations are made to public forums or meetings, pamphlets about the IRT are also distributed. • At the end of January, the IRT e-newsletter was launched. This was initially distributed to the existing IRT database that the City has access to but will widen as the newsletter’s distribution network grows. • A West Coast specific pamphlet has been developed for distribution with the IRT exhibition. • A map of the proposed IRT routes on the West Coast has also been developed for distribution with the IRT exhibition and separately. 9.3.2. Website The website is the public face of the IRT and therefore needs to be regularly updated with the latest press releases, presentations, photographs, diagrams and information. It also provides the public with a forum to ask questions about the system. The site was regularly updated during January which includes. • Website Weekly update of IRT articles, picture gallery, and articles on: o Intersections o Bayside Infrastructure Construction • Placing of IRT monthly report on the website 9.3.3. Internal Presentations Presentations to internal stakeholders provide the project with an opportunity to update them on the project’s progress and the important role of other City departments in the project. • Meeting with Bill Cameron of National Department of Transport and Cape Town Partnership 27/01/10 • IRT Presentation and tour of IRT infrastructure to National Treasury 29/01/10 9.3.4. Bayside relocation A specific communication strategy was developed for the relocation of mini-bus taxis stacking next to Bayside centre on Blaauwberg road, much of this communication strategy was initiated in IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 55 December but continued in January with the successful relocation happening on January 2010. Thursday, 7 WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED • Notices issued to residents and businesses in the area on 17/12/09 • Taxi associations received letters by 18/12/09 • A4 Posters put up to inform commuters on 18/12/09 • Adverts appeared in Cape Times, Die Burger, Argus on 22/12/09 • Press release and relocation information sent to Blaauwberg Subcouncil councillors on 17/12/09 • Press release issued 22/12/2009 • Relocation of mini-bus taxis stacking at Bayside Centre re - issued 5/01/10 9.3.5. Civic Avenue/Hertzog Boulevard Median Closure Due to the impact that the temporary closure of the median on Civic Avenue/Hertzog Boulevard would have on traffic in the area a specific communication strategy was implemented. This included: • Distribution of a detailed media release through the City’s media office to: • internal staff, • councillors • chairs of subcouncils, non-media and media groups. This release included detailed information about alternative routes, reasons for the closure and an apology for the inconvenience caused. • This media release was adapted and sent to staff via E-inform newsletter which goes out to the City staff. It was also placed on the City’s website. • Placed an advert in the three daily newspapers two days before the closures. • The Arscape, CCID and Intersite were also informed via a personal email. 9.3.6. Complaints • The City needs to deal with complaints, by liaising with the complainant, and sourcing the correct official for a response. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED • The permanent median closures on R27 resulted in complaints from residents. The City responded to residents’ concerns, collated information and arranged a response and a public meeting with residents on 20/01/10. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 56 • This meeting resulted in the City writing to residents formally and proposing the re-opening of Kei Road to allow residents from the Milnerton Esplanade to cross the R27. 9.4. Communication Strategy The IRT Communication Strategy’s overall effectiveness is dependent on clear project deliverables. • Significant work on the strategy has been done through the work done on the marketing strategy which will provide overall guidance to the communication strategy. A draft strategy is being completed and will be finalised and agreed upon with IRT communication colleagues and submitted for input by colleagues. 9.4.1. Development of a communication protocol Due to increasing requests for site visits of IRT infrastructure and professional information the City is required to develop a communication protocol to manage requests for IRT information from external stakeholders. The following principles have been proposed for the Communication Protocol: • The City of Cape Town is very willing to assist with requests for information sharing, particularly from other IRT cities, but time and cost factors must be considered, particularly with deadlines for the World Cup and the launch of our system later this year being extremely tight. • The City therefore proposes that any requests for information sharing should be done through a formal request for information, which is addressed to the City outlining the information sought and an idea of the expectations attached to such a site visit. • If a party is acting on behalf of a municipality it is preferable if it is addressed to the City of Cape Town from the contracting organisation so that the City is clear on the contractual relationship. • Consultants have been contracted to the City of Cape Town and it is appropriate that the City has oversight particularly of proprietarial information shared by City consultants to third parties. • Request for site visit should include a consideration by the external party of the cost and time implications that such a request will have not only on City staff but on our consultants as well. 9.5. Progress with marketing and branding strategy The process followed to develop the marketing and branding thus far is as follows: • The brand strategy with two proposed brand names, slogan and colour palette were accepted for testing through a market research company. TNS Research Surveys were contracted by String Communication to do the research on behalf of the City; IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 57 • The research was conducted on 15, 16 January 2010 and provided the City with clear guidance on a proposed system name, slogan, primary colour palette and system identity • Trademark search has shown that there are no potential conflicts with the proposed names and these will be registered with the trademarks’ office once the final branding package has been finalised; • The market research and proposed branding direction was presented to members of the Mayoral Committee on Wednesday, 10 February 2010. • As a result of the discussions with members of the Mayoral Committee further market research will be conducted which will provide guidance on the final decisions to be made on the branding. These will be presented to the Mayoral Committee & Transport, Roads & Stormwater Portfolio Committee for final approval. 9.5.1. Incorporating branding & advertising opportunities Significant opportunities for advertising by the private sector exist within the IRT system. However, any advertising proposals must be done in such a manner as to ensure that the IRT’s brand is not diminished, that the City receives maximum value from advertising opportunities, and that the advertising is within the City’s existing outdoor signage and planning by-laws and policies. Therefore the IRT branding and marketing team have been working with the appointed consultants to identify advertising opportunities and how these can be incorporated. This is reported in more detail in paragraph 4.7. In addition to incorporating advertising opportunities with branding opportunities the IRT project is also identifying artwork opportunities at certain key stations. Therefore it is important that the overall station layout considers branding, advertising and artwork opportunities, in order to ensure that the overall station is well designed. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED • Site meeting at Granger Bay proto-type station on 4/02/10 to identify advertising opportunities & consider station branding options. • Meeting with MDA, SWITCH DESIGN & Arg Architects on 8/02/10, to incorporate existing station design work with system branding and advertising opportunities. 9.6. Stakeholder engagement 9.6.1. Public participation Presentations to a wide variety of external stakeholders provide the City with an opportunity to directly update them on the project’s progress and also the overall project objectives. It also provides the public with an opportunity to make input and raise questions. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 58 • IRT Exhibition in Blaauwberg Subcouncil area was launched at Tableview Ratepayers Residents meeting on Monday 8/02/10 with map of proposed routes and pamphlet CURRENT SCHEDULE OF IRT EXHIBITION LOCATION • 9th – (Tuesday) 16th February: Table View Library • 16th – (Monday) 22nd February : Blaauwberg Subcouncil Offices nd • 22 th th – (Monday) 8 March: nd • 8 March – 22 March: Table View Library Milnerton Library WORK IN PROGRESS • The City is liaising with external organisations in order to do further presentations to Cape Town businesses and organisations. Presentations are scheduled for Artscape management and Woolworths. 9.6.2. Establishment of a stakeholder forum • Meeting with Cape Town Partnership on 26/01, 2/2 & 5/2 to: o identify and create stakeholder groups and networks o plan and organise stakeholder forums o update CTP on project progress. o identify the upcoming "moments" of significance in this project in order to tie them into forum programming. o gain consensus on the initial target constituencies. Potential groups include the business community (several sub-groups), mobility community, affected neighbourhood stakeholders, creative industries, educational institutes, media, and CTP walking tour participants. o develop a specific benefits lists for each group. o discuss costs and budgets for the forum meetings and other CTP aspects of the project • finalising Memorandum of Understanding between CTP and City of Cape Town 9.6.3. Schools engagement Learners will be early adopters of the new public transport system, as many learners rely on public transport to go to school every day. Learners are also important multipliers of information as they share knowledge gained with parents and family. In addition, effective school management is often hampered by poor public transport. Schools are therefore an important constituency for the IRT’s public engagement campaign with specific communication targeted at schools and teachers. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 59 Due to the schools being on holiday and starting the new curriculum work during this period has primarily focused on developing a new A5 schools pamphlet which can be circulated to schools in the Phase 1A area. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 60 10. Related project: 2010 Transport Services 10.1. Nature of IRT based 2010 transport service The 2010 transport services will operate for a 49 day period from Saturday 29 May 2010 to Friday 16 July 2010. Certain transport services will operate everyday throughout the 49 day period (World Cup Peak Period Services) and certain services will only operate on Cape Town match days (World Cup Match Day only Services). Table 15 summarises the World Cup Peak Period and Match Day Transport Services that will operate during the 2010 World Cup. Table 15. Transport service summary for 2010 World Cup 10.2. IRT buses for the World Cup service Since the last report Volvo has indicated that delivery of the first bus is scheduled in March. There is no indication yet that the overall delivery of the complete order is in jeopardy but if the deliverable is compromised it will require considerable adjustments to 2010 World Cup transport plan. 10.3. Inner city depot Negotiations are underway to secure a conveniently located inner city depot for the event services. The company appointed to operate the World Cup transport services will be required to manage and staff up the depot to support the World Cup transport operations. There has been a change from the original location of the Translux depot to the area under the foreshore freeway IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 61 for World Cup Services. Post 2010 The Translux depot is still a possibility. Further detail regarding the depot is given in the chapter on IRT infrastructure. 10.4. 2010 World Cup vehicle operator Discussions have been taking place over the month of January with the one company, referred to as Company A to enter into a contract with the City to provide the World Cup Services. At the early stages of the negotiations, Company A comprised GABS, and three taxi associations – Peninsula Taxi Association (PTA), Central Unity Taxi Association (CUTA), Devils Peak/Vredehoek Taxi Association (VDPTA). Subsequently GABS and DPVTA have has withdrawn from the company for the purposes of the contract for the World Cup Services, but remain interested to participate in the company when the IRT contracts are negotiated. The company has been established, and is called TransPeninsula Investments (Pty) Ltd (previously called Clidet No1017 (Pty) Ltd). The contract requires the operator to provide the following services: • Transport services as follows: Stadium Shuttle, Airport- CBD service, Inner City Loop, UCT Park and Ride, Hout Bay top-up services, and Queens Beach (Sea Point) top-up services. • Management and staffing of the Inner City Depot • Management and security of the IRT stations Complementary services at each of the service stops • Management of the Park and Ride facility at UCT and the staging area • Fare management (potentially) • Transport services for the second, third and fourth test events • Continuation services, being airport service and event services post mid-July until end October 2010 or when the IRT starter service commence, whichever is the earlier. The negotiations with TransPeninsula are far advanced. The BAC has approved on the appointment and it is expected that this can be concluded by end February 2010. There have been amendments and adjustments that have been made from both the City and TransPeninsula during January. From the operational side, post the second test event there were some necessary changes that have been suggested. In addition the City needed to adjust some wording in the contract to satisfy legal requirements. 10.5. Stadium test events The public transport shuttle for the Second test event at the Cape Town Stadium for 20,000 Spectators was operated by Transpeninsula. This event identified a strong need to capacity build with Transpeninsula. The principles of transport mass movement were evident but not those of Event transport. The agreed upon operational plan was adjusted and not completed in a preferred manner. Subsequently post event debriefs have informed Transpeninsula of the opinion of the City IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 62 and Suggestions for improvements and processes have been agreed upon for future interactions. With that said the shuttle service transported approximately 10,000 passengers in a 75 minutes after the match. There were a few miscues but overall the passengers had an enjoyable experience. Transpeninsula is scheduled to operate the shuttle service for the third and fourth test events as well. There is work to be done to get the operator up to a world class standard but hopefully with the two remaining test events this can be done. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 63 11. Related project: Bayside taxi relocation 11.1. Background Over a number of years a taxi loading / unloading area in Blaauwberg Road, between the R27 and Raats Drive, (Table View) had grown to an extent where some 80 taxis (including a number of illegal operators) were using the road verge as an informal rank and holding area. Informal traders had also established themselves in this area. No facilities other than embayment’s had been provided in support of these activities. In addition to the general concerns relating to the all day ranking activities the informal facility was also poorly located in terms of safe and efficient traffic movement along Blaauwberg Road. With the planned extension of Phase 1A of the City’s IRT project along Blaauwberg Road it was imperative that the informal ranks and associated loading and unloading facility be relocated. The City’s Transport Directorate investigated various options to relocate these activities and after due consideration the following intervention was proposed and adopted: • To locate a loading and unloading facility in the Bayside Mall parking area, catering for some 18 vehicles. The owners of the Bayside Mall agreed to lease a portion of their parking area for public transport use. • To construct a holding area at the Potsdam Public transport Interchange to cater for the stacking / holding of taxis during the off peak area. • The institution of a rank management plan inclusive of on site rank management staff, security, cleaning services and a communications system between the Bayside facility and the Potsdam Holding area. Although the planned relocation was discussed with representatives’ of the taxi industry and while there was some acceptance of the proposal universal agreement could not be achieved. Notwithstanding this it was agreed that the relocation would need to proceed in order to effect the implementation of roadworks required for the IRT system. 11.2. Outcome Notwithstanding some initial on-site operating concerns the relocation was accomplished on the morning of 7 January 2010 without incident and operations at the loading /unloading area are proceeding better than initially anticipated. The deployment of rank management staff and law enforcement personal has assisted in this regard. There has been a delay in the issuing of Rank Tokens due to delays in preparing bar-coded Tokens but this has not significantly affected operations. This matter is currently being rectified. An area of concern is however the operations related to the stacking / holding of vehicles at the Potsdam Interchange which is does not appear to be functioning as well as planned. This is IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 64 attributed to the distance between Bayside Mall and Potsdam and the relatively long associated peak-period travel times between these facilities. The IRT project office is planning to review this aspect together with the City’s Transport Department with a view to finding a more efficient longer term solution. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 65 12. Risk assessment: IRT and 2010 The City’s Integrated Risk Management (Enterprise Risk Management) methodology has been applied to the Integrated Rapid Transport (IRT) Project. An initial assessment was performed in the first quarter of 2009 and finalised by the then Executive Director in May 2009. The IRT project has since been reassessed and a reprioritisation of outcomes and milestones has been established. Three distinct risk registers have been identified for this project: 1 2 3 IRT: 2010 event focus IRT: Phase 1A The IRT: Long Term Project The first two risk registers are a result of risk workshops that took place during the latter part of December 2009. They are still in draft format and will be signed-off by the Executive Director. These risk registers are facilitated by KPMG but represent management’s perception of the risk in terms of the inherent probability and impact of the non-achievement of IRT objectives. Management then consider what processes are currently in place to reduce the inherent risk. The risk is then assessed in terms of a residual “value”. Further action plans are then defined to further address the level of risk exposure. It is anticipated that progress on these risks identified will be reported to the IRT project meetings and the Mayco Sub-Committee in terms of the risk management process. Management will therefore be able to track the progress of the risk mitigation actions of management. It should also act as a alert for the IRT team to request further assistance from EMT, Mayco or Council. A workshop on risks regarding the IRT project over the long term took place on January 2010. Updated tabulations of the projects inherent risks and residual risks ( i.e. post planned intervention measures) for the 2010 IRT Risk assessment and the IRT Phase 1A risk assessment will be provided in future progress reports. IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 66 Annexures IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 67 Annexure A Formal reports to Council and Mayco Item Number Subject Date C 46/03/08 Development of an Integrated Rapid Transit system for the City of Cape Town 27-03-2008 C 75/08/08 Implementation of the Integrated Rapid Transit system for the City of Cape Town 27-08-2008 C 47/08/09 Implementation of the Integrated Rapid Transit system for the City of Cape Town: Phase 1A: funding allocation and progress report 26-08-2009 C 71/10/09 Integrated Rapid Transit project (IRT): project status and a financial & strategic assessment. 28-10-2009 C 80/11/09 Transfer of Integrated Rapid Transport project from Transport Roads and Stormwater (TRS) to Service Delivery Integration (SDI) and the transferring of certain functions of Service Delivery Integration (SDI) to other directorates 26-11-2009 C 100/11/09 Funding and budgetary provisions for basic transport requirements for the 2010 World Cup in accordance with Council recommendation c71/10/09 of 28 October 2009 26-11-2009 Integrated Rapid Transit project status and progress report No 1, December 2009 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010 68 Annexure B Contact details of authors Name Department Phone No e-mail Mike Marsden Service Delivery Integration 021 400 5010 John Martheze IRT Project Office 021 400 4918 Abdul Bassier IRT Business Plan 021 400 5465 Andrew Swanepoel IRT Consultant 021 400-3135 Charles Fuller Consultant: Axios 021 419-2115 Cobus Hugo Roads & Stormwater 021 400 2961 Dave Beurger Roads & Stormwater 021 400 4406 Dawie Bosch IRT Consultant 0825578597 Gershwin Fortune IRT System planning and modeling (Ops Plan) 021 400-3886 Glen Ho Consultant: KPMG 021 408 7332 Hennie Viviers Strategic HR 021 400 2596 Jedd Grimbreek Consultant: MDA & Associates 021 419 7733 Kylie Hatton Communication 021 400 4684 Louise Muller Shareholding Management 021 400 3940 Peter Sole Transport 021 400 4735 Richard Bosman Strategic & Operational Support 021 400 3355 Ron Haiden IRT Infrastructure 021 400 3086 Ronald Kingma 2010: Technical 021 400 9352 Roy Rogers 2010: Consultant 0720597775 Walied Taliep Corporate Services 021 400 9880 IRT Status and Progress Report No 2 V2.0, 31 January 2010